
cjaeis the kde that is distributed with kubuntu a vanilla kde with some tweaks or is it a complete work over00:09
skreech__Some tweaks00:11
skreech__basically some choosier selection of applications00:11
skreech__cjae: But as an indication any bugs that are fixed in Kubuntu are directly applied to the upstream KDE repos long as it isn't a Kubuntu specific application like Muon00:27
cjaeahh I see00:28
DoyleI'm messing with widgets today. The network mnonitor widget doesn't capture activity while the screen saver is active. Has anyone else noticed this?02:09
DoyleMonitoring wlan0 atm.02:09
skreech__Doyle: I haven't but then I never use WifI02:12
DoyleFair enough. My laptop's always on WiFi. Kept the drop for my ps02:13
skreech__What were you monitioring?02:14
DoyleJust wanted the widget on my desktop02:18
DoyleChecking out the difference in delivery from various video hosts02:18
DoyleI don't want to breakout dedicated tools, just a quick visual for reference as I progress through my task list02:21
Doylecoming back and having a blank in the mon history from the screen saver is messing with me though02:21
skreech__Doyle: file a bug perhaps?02:48
DoyleWill do.02:49
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Rosbuntudoes anyone have any idea how to rescue the files from lost+found folder?04:48
Abrahamcan anyone tell me how do i rescue files from lost+found folder05:14
DaskreechAbraham: umm depends on the file05:57
Daskreech sometimes you can just rename them if they are small enough05:57
Abrahamrename the folder?05:58
Daskreechthe file05:58
DaskreechAbraham: Are youalso Rosbuntu?06:01
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YoklJOi recently installed kubuntu on my friend's laptop, which already had fedora and windows 7 installed, and both conencted fine to the wireless at their place. However, kubuntu connects, gets an IP etc, seems to do dns properly, but just cannot do anything apart from that. (also note that it connects fine to my personal wireless, so its not completely broken)06:30
YoklJObtw. this is 12.0406:31
YoklJOand ive followed all the step-by-step "fix your wireless" instructions i could find06:33
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DaskreechYoklJO: What have you tried?07:01
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DaskreechYoklJO: For diagnosis? pinging by ip adress by name?07:02
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Abrahamhow do u write your own regional language in kubuntu ?07:47
Abrahamexample : Bangla07:47
phoenix_firebrdAbraham: have you tried in the channel #kde-in?07:52
Abrahamphoenix_firebrd:  no07:52
phoenix_firebrdAbraham: also try in  #ubuntu-in07:53
phoenix_firebrdAbraham: http://askubuntu.com/questions/171670/ubuntu-localization07:53
phoenix_firebrdAbraham: Do you want to type in your language?07:55
Abrahamphoenix_firebrd:  yep07:56
Abrahamin bangla07:56
phoenix_firebrdAbraham: is bangla different from bengali?08:00
Abrahamphoenix_firebrd:  no08:00
AbrahamBangla and Bengali r same08:00
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cjaeis there a way to make the power settings recognize that flash is playing09:19
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Ab3Lfor your information, to whom it may concern, conerning my problem of missing icon in the pannel (there is no proper icon for application "radiotray"), i had to put them in ~/.kde4/share/icons/ICONTHEME/. Now it works fine.10:54
phoenix_firebrdI have come to know that the default ubuntu firewall is disabled by default, so was my system vulnerable  in past and can a network switch firewall sufficient in place of the ubuntu firewall?11:21
Torchphoenix_firebrd: actually, you don't need something like a "firewall" if your machine does not run any services11:29
Torchphoenix_firebrd: per default, ubuntu does not do that, afaik11:29
Torchphoenix_firebrd: if you're behind some internet modem / router you're "firewalled" already indeed11:29
phoenix_firebrdTorch: thats nice, ty11:30
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BluesKajhowdy all12:56
cjaeanyone who wonders where the plasmoids/widgets are after a clean install. they can be downloaded from the repos13:11
BluesKaj12.10 , cjae ?13:14
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cjaeman did I miss my quick access13:15
cjaethere are lots that are not installed13:15
BluesKajcjae, have you updated/upgraded/dist-upgrade since the install ?13:17
BluesKajthen that's your issue , not up to date13:18
cjaegoing to stay on .04 for awhile13:18
cjaeof course ive updated13:19
cjaenot going to leave lta for awhile13:19
BluesKajthat's fine , but bring it up to date , updating just sets up the repos , unpgrading installs the new upgrades to the packages , and dist-upgrade upgrades the kde packages and desktop environment13:20
BluesKajwithin 12.0413:21
cjae whaaaa.... I thought dist-upgrade changes from 12.04 to 12.1013:23
BluesKajcjae, nope , not anymore , not for a long time , do-release-upgrade does that13:24
cjaeso the graphical update manager doesnt do all this ?13:25
cjaecause my fresh install is about a week old13:26
cjaeso I think im good13:27
cjaeI just discovered how to get the quick access back which was driving me nuts13:27
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BluesKajthe gui update manager will if your settings to release upgrade are enabled , but on LTS versions they're usually defaulted to just upgrade packages within the release13:34
cjaeso all I see if long term release in release upgrade BluesKaj13:39
cjaeand a pre-release check box13:39
Tm_Tcjae: by default, LTS is upgraded to LTS13:40
Tm_Tso 12.04 would offer upgrade to 14.04 eventually13:40
cjaeok but the only other option is to just accept normal distribution upgrades like 12.1013:41
cjaepre-release is like getting kde 4.9.9 for example on 12.04 or something, isnt it13:42
Tm_Tit's like getting 13.04 now I think13:42
cjaewhat is kde at in 12.1013:43
Tm_Tcjae: 4.9.x13:43
Tm_Tcjae: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.9.313:44
cjaeI thought pre-release on my box would mean I would be able to install 4.9.3 on my box 12.0413:44
Tm_Tthat's not what it does though (:13:44
Tm_T4.9.3 isn't "pre-release" anyway, it would be more like post-release if anything13:45
cjaeoh right13:45
cjaeso what does pre-release do anyway13:46
Tm_Tit gives you the next (unreleased) version ignoring restrictions13:47
Tm_Tso 12.04 -> 12.1013:47
Tm_Tor 12.10 -> 13.0413:47
Tm_Tif we're talking about the same configuration here13:47
BluesKaj4.9.3 is in the Kubuntu Backports PPA for 12.04  https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports13:51
BluesKajcjae, ^13:52
kbroulikhi, how can I change (increase) dpi for fonts in lightdm kde greeter? the xft-dpi thing from the unity greeter doesnt work13:58
cjaeTm_T: holy fudge did that take to long http://www.imagerocket.net/view.php?pic=1353851898_snapshot20.jpeg13:59
cjaethe long term support only .... i dont even care anymore lol14:01
cjaeafaik the system was updated as it was getting without doing anything to break it and the plasmoid was not thereee14:03
* cjae waited long time for a kde LTA 14:05
cjaedoes anyone else have vga and hdmi plugged in to a nivdia card w/o the properitary drivers install, and after grub screen closes there is a bad flicker and screen looks ...  bad nes cartridge load, but the it irons itself out and bring up kdm fine14:09
cjaeI thought it was a bad boot splash so I removed it, but it still flicks bad, must be framebuffer or whatever is used14:11
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ManDayQuick, I need help: Which query in the KDE-Menu or which application takes me to the place where I can manipulate and add Online Accounts (IRC, XMPP, SIP; etc)15:39
Tm_TManDay: "instant messaging and voip" is the item in systemsettings15:42
ManDayCan I type that into the Start-menu?15:42
BluesKajManDay, kmenu>apps>internet>IM contacts15:42
ManDayThat's also good15:43
K0J1R0how i can install a new theme in kubuntu 12.10 with lightDM ?15:44
BluesKajin lightdm ?15:45
BluesKajK0J1R0, ^15:45
K0J1R0yep , i want install a different login screen15:46
BluesKajK0J1R0, systemsettings>login screen15:47
BluesKaj!pm > K0J1R015:47
ubottuK0J1R0, please see my private message15:47
Obsidian1723ManDay: Install Pidgin15:54
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ManDayObsidian1723: Hah, why should I do that?16:01
ManDayThat's like the most absurd suggestion I could get16:01
TygartManDay: I am not sure if I understand you correctly.16:07
TygartLook in System Settings > Instent Messaging and VoIP16:07
TygartIf your looking for an instent messenger16:08
Tygartthere is also Thunderbird16:08
ManDayTygart: BluesKaj's suggestion already helped me16:09
TygartI just seen that.16:09
BluesKajwhatever happened to kopete , telepathy is buggy here16:11
BluesKajaltho i never used kopete much , atleast one could fill out the text fields without them jumping all iover the place when trying to type16:13
BluesKajtelepathy is hopeless16:13
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Obsidian1723ManDay: I must have misunderstood your question then.16:20
Obsidian1723It appears that I'm not theo nly one though.16:20
BluesKajhmm, neither telepathy nor kopete offer IRC availability anymore16:23
shadeslayerBluesKaj: it was dropped from KTP on purpose16:28
shadeslayerthere are amazing IRC clients out there, and it's best to use them instead of using something that probably didn't even offer half of those features16:29
BluesKajshadeslayer, agreed ... I was commenting, not complaining :)16:30
shadeslayerah okay16:30
BluesKajused kopete maybe 5 times in my linux life16:31
BluesKajmostly exploratory16:32
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ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.17:21
Ab3Lhi. has someone activated the backports and is running kde 4.9?17:25
amichair_Ab3L: I'm on 4.9.3 from backports17:26
amichair_Ab3L: oh wait, which kubuntu are you running?17:27
Ab3Lsince the month of may ;)17:28
amichair_Ab3L: actually I just got distracted and mixed up. I used to run it from backports on 12.04, now I'm on 12.1017:29
amichair_from the ppa17:30
amichair_so what's the question? :-)17:31
Ab3Li would like to feel the new 4.9 experience, but i'm afraid if the whole system crash. if it happens, i'll no idea on how to do to repair it.17:33
amichair_Ab3L: I don't notice much difference in the feel, except for a few more bugs in the nontifier (they seem to keep rewriting it, and keep getting it buggy - no idea why)17:35
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BluesKajAb3L, I've heard of very few problems with 4.9.3 on 12.04 . so far it's been quite stable17:40
Ab3Lok. thank you everybody.17:41
Anubiswhat chat programs do you use for yahoo ?17:43
BluesKajAnubis, look in kmenu>apps>internet for IM Contacts17:49
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thelionroarsanyone here use xchat?18:15
thelionroarsI was wondering if it's possible to be on two servers at once - I'm usually on freenode and quakenet18:16
onebitxajaxhi to all18:17
onebitxajaxis that possibile to to an alt+2clck mouse  and maximize window?18:17
suythelionroars: one of the nice things of IRC clients is that they usually have specific IRC channels ;-)  I doubt xchat is popular amongst #kubuntu users having nicer KDE alternatives18:23
suyonebitxajax: do you mean double clicking on the title bar to maximize?18:23
thelionroarswhat are the nicer alternatives :) ? quassel?18:23
BluesKajthelionroars, yes just setup the servers in the xchat server settings18:24
onebitxajaxsuy: like that, but with alt i want to click in any part of the window and maximize it18:24
suyyep, quassel and konverstaion18:24
thelionroarsthanks to both of you18:24
onebitxajaxsuy: if you take pressed alt, you can mouve the window. it's default setting18:24
suyonebitxajax: you can press and hold alt and use the _right_ button to resize, but not maximize18:24
onebitxajaxsuy: i want to extend this fature, with alt+2click = maximize18:24
BluesKajthelionroars, konversation is really easy to setup several servers18:25
onebitxajaxsuy: WOW thanks18:25
onebitxajaxsuy: but i want to maximize18:25
suyonebitxajax: I don't know if that's possible... I think that the alt+(some click) is an X thing, not specific of the window manager, etc.18:25
suyProbably is doable. KWin seems capable of almost everything with the scripting features, but I don't know how to do it.18:26
onebitxajaxsuy: under window behivor i find a window action18:34
onebitxajaxsuy: there is all and not maximize :D LOL18:34
simplewRiddell: pring18:34
BluesKajsimplew, he's not logged on today18:37
BluesKajoops there he is18:38
simplewBluesKaj: running rarin?18:44
BluesKajsimplew , yes18:45
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simplewBluesKaj: when you lock the screen and then move the mouse to appear the dialog to unlock, that now has a background image and the dialog is different, that was some done kust in kubuntu or is upstream?18:47
BluesKajsimplew, I have no background after locking the screen, it just black behind the login dialog18:49
simplewBluesKaj: so you dont have raring updated18:50
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BluesKajI haven't dist-upgraded since the last upgrades broke kwin and the panel18:51
BluesKajI'm at the point where 35-40 kwin related packages are being held back , I don't dare dist-upgrade again , simplew18:52
BluesKajthat was yesterday simplew , when kwin broke , I've since reinstalled but will not dist-upgtade until those kwin packages are ready to install18:54
simplewBluesKaj: i really have no clue about what you say, there were only 3 kinfocenter related packages in conflcit and that was fixed18:55
BluesKajok simplew , hang on I'll pastebin the packages18:56
BluesKajsimplew, http://pastebin.com/9Cqv7PM318:57
simplewBluesKaj: some is wrong with your isntall18:58
BluesKajjust reinstalled yesterday18:59
simplewBluesKaj: i also mde a clean isntall yesterday19:00
BluesKajwell, I installed to / , my /home dir is the same as the prvious19:01
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simplewBluesKaj: so?19:15
BluesKajwell, not totally clean , some conf files are left over from the previous install19:19
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QiHi everyone - I'm new to KDE and can't seem to find where to disable the bouncing icon when opening a program. Can someone point me in the right direction?21:02
genii-aroundQi:  System Settings -> Application and System Notifications -> Launch Feedback -> Busy Cursor -> No Busy Cursor.21:07
claydohQi: system settings >> System Notification Configuration >> launch feedback21:07
asobineed help installing 3tb hdd21:07
* genii-around slides claydoh a fresh coffee21:08
Qigenii-around: claydoh: thank you very much.21:08
* claydoh smiles and sips, has to leave for work shortly :(21:09
* claydoh needs caffeine to help cure the broken sleep cycles21:10
genii-aroundasobi: What sort of help? Usually the hd will just get recognised, and then you can partition and format it. Although depending what port you plug into on motherboard ( if internal) it may want to be the first hd and not the second/third/etc21:13
asobiit's second21:16
asobihttp://administratosphere.wordpress.com/2011/03/29/dos-partitions-fdisk-and-the-2tb-limit/ is helping21:16
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LordCrchi, testing 12.10 livecd here, having backlight issues, and i want to try some xorg conf options to see if it works before installing22:13
LordCrcseems theres no "proper" xorg conf file anymore, so how to do this without rebooting?22:14
designbybeckGreetings all, I thought I'd give KDE/ Kubuntu 12.10 another go. It seems trying out distros ever other week is my hobby!22:17
designbybeckI have ran into this problem last time I tried Kubuntu, about a year ago. But I don't remember the solution right off hand. I installed the proprietary NVIDIA drivers, and now all the fonts are REALLY big22:17
genii-aroundLordCrc: If you make an xorg.conf file, it will get used. But none exists by default any longer22:23
LordCrcgenii-around: ok so run X -configure or whatever it was, and then restart lightdm or should i kill X or?22:24
genii-aroundLordCrc: If you make one with the options you need, drop to a console and restart lightdm or kdm  or whichever your desktop manager is22:24
LordCrcso long between each time i upgrade i forget all the tweaks i need to do22:25
LordCrcyeah that was kinda my question, which dm is the kubuntu 12.10 livecd running? :)22:25
LordCrcguess i can figure out with some google-fu22:26
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genii-aroundLordCrc: If you do ps aux| grep dm        one of the results will usually be your desktop manager22:31
LordCrcgenii-around: thanks22:31
designbybeckand where do you change to MMB + ALT for resize window?22:32
LordCrcdesignbybeck: its not in the "shortcuts and something" system setting ?22:35
designbybeckah yes I found it22:35
designbybeckunder Windows Behaviour LordCrc22:35
LordCrcdesignbybeck: ah, well, close second :D22:35
designbybecknow Super/Meta key for opening the menu?!22:35
LordCrclike i said, each time i reinstall i spend a week fixing it up, and then dont touch it22:36
LordCrcand then forget everything till next time22:36
* LordCrc should keep a log22:36
designbybecklol Yeah I agree!22:36
designbybeckI install 1-3 distros a week to play and test22:36
designbybeckbut on my main machines 2 work and 2 play/home22:36
designbybeckI go back and forth between Ubuntu, Kubuntu, LinuxMint Cinnamon and LinuxMint XCFE22:37
designbybeckLordCrc:  do you just use ALT + F1 to lanch the Kmenu?22:38
LordCrcdesignbybeck: i did change it at some point, but ill be darned if i can remember what i did22:39
LordCrci have this vague memory of hacking conf files22:39
LordCrci did a lot of distro jumping way back22:40
LordCrcbut now i just need things to work, so windows 7 on the main machine, but had kubuntu on my laptop for ages22:41
LordCrcwhen its all set up it works very nicely indeed22:41
designbybeckLordCrc:  ^22:44
designbybeckwell dang, i forgot about Qt not using Metakey22:44
designbybeckby itself22:44
LordCrcsee this is a perfect example of why i use windows on my desktop :)22:45
LordCrcah yes, that was probably what did22:53
designbybeckno no, you can't do anything with windows22:53
designbybeckas far as tweaking it22:53
LordCrchard to test with a livecd22:53
LordCrctrue, but on windows i dont have to tweak much22:53
LordCrcjust install my apps and be productive22:54
designbybeckwhat is your day to day?22:54
LordCrcprogramming and games, with your usual media consumption (tv/movies, youtube etc)22:54
LordCrcobviously games would require windows, but disregarding games, i still prefer win as my primary environment22:55
LordCrcperhaps its just because there's less surprised22:55
LordCrcthe broken things i know about22:55
LordCrcalso a lot of awesome kde apps are available on windows so ;)22:55
LordCrclot of other oss as well22:56
LordCrcand for the rest, linux runs very smooth in a VM22:56
designbybeckI've worked in higher Ed for 12+ years now, but it has only been in the past 4 that I've focused on OSS exclusivly for education22:59
LordCrci do think kubuntu and similar have come a LONG way, and they're very close22:59
LordCrcbut the "little things", such as my backlight adjustment issue, just totally kills it22:59
designbybeckI can't justify using proprietary software anymore in education as a public servant, so I've been doing nothing but OSS for the past 4 years, eat, sleep, breath it now23:00
LordCrcyeah, i can see that23:00
designbybeckI got to hear Mark Shuttleworth at LinuxCon Europe 2 weeks ago23:00
LordCrcand once you get everything sorted you can just clone the thing and off you g23:00
designbybeckI really think with the movement of more and more big key players moving to OSS first, that we'll see more of it....those driver issues, go away more quickly23:01
designbybeckyeah, I've been working on a custom distro for our university as well23:01
LordCrcthe current trend towards tablets and such may actually help that23:01
designbybeckvery true23:03
designbybeckwell and like things like Unity 3D and Steam coming to Linux will help as well!23:03
LordCrcyeah, steam will be big, if they get it working smoothly23:05
designbybeckthey've got 5000 beta Linux users right now I think they said23:06
LordCrcwill they be running a custom distro or? (havent had time to track it that)23:06
designbybeckno, mostly stock Ubuntu from what I gather23:07
LordCrcah, so if you venture off the beaten path, you're on your own then i guess :)23:07
designbybeckwell 'buntu as NVIDIA has worked with Steam and the likes to get things running smooth23:07
LordCrcwell, if steam does make its "steam box", and nvidia has the best drivers...23:08
LordCrcperhaps i should just install arch... i seem to always find my answers there :P23:08
LordCrcanyway, will take another look at 12.10 next weekend... so much to like23:10
ChakotayI just installed 12.10 64  bit on my PC. I am dual booting with Windows 7. After I installed, I tried to startup, and I keep getting this message... error:  no such device: 6500b52d-917b-4ce7-be82-886a0d767705. grub rescue> I thought it may have been a bad install, so I reinstalled from a USB drive this time. I'm getting the same message. Can anyone help with this?23:16
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LordCrcChakotay_: out of my league, but if no-one is alive here, try ubuntu and just pretend you install that instead of kubuntu23:24
designbybeckChakotay_: have you tried a new USB and download?23:25
designbybeckmaybe the ISO burned incorrectly?23:25
Chakotay_LordCrc: Thanks23:25
Chakotay_designbybeck: I burnt it to a CD and tried from a USB23:26
designbybeckdid you do a md5 checksum?23:26
designbybecki had a bad USB that i fixed, but then the ISO was messed up... so I had to download again23:27
Chakotay_designbybeck: i did not do an md5 checksum23:27
designbybecki normally don't either, was just thinking it might could be a bad ISO23:28
Chakotay_designbybeck: I will try downloading again.. Thanks23:28
designbybecksorry that is all i can suggest23:28
designbybeckbut yes like LordCrc said, you might ask in Ubuntu23:28
Chakotay_designbybeck: I appreciate you giving me the idea. I will give it a shot23:28
designbybeckno prob, pay it forward23:28
Chakotay_designbybeck: I definitely will23:29
LordCrcah yea, i had a bad livecd download once as well23:31
LordCrcgood call23:31
designbybeckhello Catbuntu23:34
designbybeckanyone know a keystroke, or quick way to move active windows to other dkestops in Kubuntu?... Ubuntu is CTRL + ALT+SHIFT+ Arrow keyes23:37
CatbuntuI thought it was the same.23:37
designbybecknot working for me Catbuntu can you confirm?23:38
genii-aroundI usually just do right-click on titlebar ...Move to Desktop...23:38
CatbuntuI'm not on KDE now, sorry :_23:39
designbybeckthat's a lil' slow for me genii-around23:39
CatbuntuTry CTRL Shift Arrow or Ctrl Alt Arrow23:39
designbybeckI like my keyboard shortcuts23:39
CatbuntuI think it was something like that...23:39
designbybecknope those didn't work either Catbuntu23:39
CatbuntuRemember that you have to press the down arrow.23:40
CatbuntuBy default there's only a column with two rows.23:40
designbybecki found out that Meta + Alt and arrows changes window focus23:40
CatbuntuThe shortcurs are somewhere around the system preferences.23:41
CatbuntuI think...23:41
designbybeckplaying with Kubuntu again makes me want to install it on my Laptop now!.... I have Ubuntu 12.10 on it as well as my netbook23:41
designbybeckKDE is so 'purdy!23:41
designbybeckclean clear and crisp!23:41
designbybeckGuess it is Qt making it that sleek looking23:42
CatbuntuI'm doing a quad-boot with Ubuntu 12.04, Xubuntu 12.10 (XFCE is lovely), Kubuntu 12.10 and... winblobs.23:42
CatbuntuBut Kubuntu is by far the best distro for me.23:42
CatbuntuI didn't like KDE on other distros...23:43
xixordesignbybeck: You have to set your own keystroke.  Go to system settings->ShortCuts And Gestures->Global Keyboard Shorcuts, select "Kwin" from the drop down list, assign your own keystroke to "Window to Desktop N"23:43
xixordesignbybeck: i..e cntrl+shift+1 to "Window to Desktop 1", or maybe cntrl+shift+right for "Window One Desktop to the Right".  every keystroke in KDE is easily customizable, and there are hundreds that aren't assigned keystrokes by default23:44
designbybeckah! thank you xixor23:45
xixordesignbybeck: a common complaint about KDE is that it is "too configurable".  Which is rubbish.  But pretty much every aspect of window behaviour/actions/keystrokes can be configured23:46
designbybeckThat worked xixor23:47
designbybeckI agree! I've always thought that myself! I wish they had a basic mode, for basic users! It scares me to give it to newbies!... that is what I like about Ubuntu Unity23:47
xixorThe default configuration should be fine for any novice user.  There is nothing difficult about it, and it is setup nearly identical to any dozen of different desktop environments, with similar keystrokes that you would find in any of them23:48
xixorI setup a few keystrokes on any new KDE installation: Windows Key+E: launch dolphin, Windows Key+C: launch google chrome, Windows Key+T: launch konsole, Windows Key +S: Launch system settings, Windows Key+P: launch Muon 'P'ackage manager23:50
designbybeckI'll have to do that as well xixor23:52
designbybeckalthough I just installed this version of Kubuntu 12.10 on my box that had LinuxMint Cinnamon on it, and it saw that partiion on the Kubuntu install and let me split the harddrive, but on my laptop that had Ubuntu installed on it, the same Kubuntu USB install, doesn't see that Ubuntu is installed, so I can split the install??23:53
designbybeckany ideas on that one xixor ?23:53
xixorI'm not sure23:57

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