
ActionParsniphey guys, has anyone seen the new wallpaper setting app?00:54
trismActionParsnip: is it different than the usual Appearance panel? I installed gnome-control-center-unity yesterday but never logged in to look at it00:59
ActionParsniptrism: yeah, seems to override the one in appearence too01:00
gnomefreakanyone else trying to report bug using "ubuntu-bug unity" and apport crashes?05:08
gnomefreaks/"ubuntu-bug unity" and apport crashes?/"ubuntu-bug unity" and apport crashes?"05:09
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simplewIn kde now when the screen locks and i move the mouse to appear the dialog to enter the password, that dialog has copletly changed, is that configurable?06:31
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zoraelAre there any plans to use deltadebs in raring?09:19
BluesKajhowdy all12:56
jtaylorzorael: to my knowledge no13:04
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BluesKajlooks like 35-40 kwin package upgrades are being kept back in the repos ...good thing too , I mistakenly dist-upgraded and broke the desktop and panel so badly I had to reinstall to /17:00
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FernandoMiguelfunky to find that I don't know the #2 http://royal.pingdom.com/2012/11/05/the-state-of-linux-infographic/19:16
IdleOneit is a fork of mandrake I believe19:17
FernandoMiguelseems to be19:18
FernandoMiguelbut how did it surpass us ?19:18
DaekdroomI think that is the distrowatch list.19:18
DaekdroomAnd why they didn't tell that (because it is biased) puzzles me.19:19
IdleOnedistrowatch is hardly a good metric for popularity19:19
DaekdroomLol Lesotho and Madagascar19:20
penguin42FernandoMiguel: Lots of people switched to Mint19:29
FernandoMigueltheir loss19:29
FernandoMiguelI actually find Unity very usable19:29
FernandoMiguelother than minimizing windows and be unable to restore them19:29
* penguin42 is more surprised Mageia is higher than Fedora19:29
bjsniderthat distrowatch list is a terrible metric19:44
IdleOneWhen governments of countries around the world start announcing that they are switching to using Mint or mageia or whatever other distro, then I'll start to believe that they have surpassed Ubuntu.19:51
bjsnidermint is ubuntu20:00
bjsniderbut you can look at the usage numbers canonical releases, which last time was 20+ million users and then check them against the other distros, in which i would guess no more than 15 or 20 users total is the case20:01
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BluesKaj FYI , the 3.7 kernel is not able to boot into a DM , it's terribly broken here , had to bypass then remove it from my system in order to boot into Kubuntu 13.0420:13
BluesKajactually couldn't even get to a tty20:14
penguin42BluesKaj: Interesting; my dad's Quantal machine is running a 3.7rc5 daily from a week or two to work around a bug20:14
BluesKajpenguin42, well it could be hw related , but it froze after detecting the wireless KB and mouse ...had power off and restart20:16
BluesKaj13.04 works fine on the 3.5 kernel here20:16
penguin42BluesKaj: My raring kvm guest boots 3.7.0-3 fine20:18
penguin42right, time to go20:18
Konstigthey boys & girls. best way to install 3.7 in 12.10? i noticed that the latest RR kernels are not complete for 12.10 (missing kernel-headers-*_all.deb)20:29
Konstigtalso kernel.ubuntu.com is down but that is probably temporary..20:29
simplewhow can i do to report a kde bug, but its not specified to any component, an overall kde bug, any help?20:31
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