
mhall119malin: why are you calling dpkg?03:44
cwayneis there a generally accepted place for dropping config files for apps going into software center?03:58
malinmhall119: because the script I make used it. I can get those packages by adding them to dependencies instead. except for getlibs-all.deb, wich I need to take down from a site with wget. Maybe I can just download that file to the ppa and adding it to dependencies?08:29
mhall119malin: yeah, make it a dependency, you can get them both into Universe if you need to16:12
malinmhall119: oki :) thanx :)17:36
malinmy deb-package depends on getlibs-all.deb and some other packages, but getlibs.deb is the one I get via wget. great if I can get that one in to universe too17:38
PaoloRotoloHi all!19:15

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