=== mcpherri1 is now known as mcpherrin | ||
dscassel | Hey, guys, we're doing this re-approval thing. If you have anything you'd like to add, be my guest, or let us know. | 09:23 |
dscassel | BobJonkman: How'd you like to be co-contact? :) | 09:23 |
dscassel | 'cuz you're doing a better job of this than I am... | 09:23 |
dscassel | Oh, right, Re-approval page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2012 | 09:24 |
dscassel | mcpherrin: Has the CSC done anything Ubuntu-related (even tangentially) you'd like to give us credit for? :) | 09:24 |
mcpherrin | Uh, we give out CDs and help people ubuntu-ify their laptops? A good number of CS students find it easier to work in than Windows, so you could probably take some credit there? | 09:26 |
dscassel | I kinda mean events. But CD distribution is good too. I'll try to work it in somewhere. | 09:27 |
dscassel | Like when was your last install fest? | 09:28 |
mcpherrin | We find that "fests" tend to work poorly, and end up just helping people install one at a time | 09:28 |
mcpherrin | The last one would have been two years ago, probably | 09:29 |
mcpherrin | I can't find evidence of one later than 2009 :P | 09:30 |
dscassel | Okay. Fair enough. | 09:30 |
mcpherrin | We've had "events" wherein people at bars get drunk and complain about how ubuntu is going to shit? | 09:31 |
mcpherrin | probably doesn't count :P | 09:31 |
dscassel | mcpherrin: I don't know, we can probably work with that... | 09:57 |
BobJonkman | dscassel: I'm good with being a contact... | 11:04 |
JemSoft | hi there, | 15:53 |
JemSoft | how are you guys? | 15:53 |
dscassel | JemSoft: Busy! | 15:53 |
dscassel | JemSoft: how're you? | 15:54 |
JemSoft | I am OK , what's keeping you busy? | 15:54 |
dscassel | Ubuntu Canada re-approvals, a board meeting for my hackerspace tomorrow and painting my living room... | 15:55 |
dscassel | Fun! | 15:55 |
JemSoft | hehe that's fun. I am in Toronto. I want to network with Ubuntu users. | 15:55 |
JemSoft | also I want to meet techie people.. | 15:55 |
JemSoft | any suggestions? | 15:55 |
dscassel | 1) Talk to genii_around when he's around. He doesn't appear to be currently. | 15:56 |
dscassel | 2) Hacklab.to! http://hacklab.to/ Check out one of their open nights. | 15:56 |
dscassel | 3) The folks at FreeGeek Toronto seem pretty awesome. I believe they're always looking for volunteers... http://freegeektoronto.org/ | 15:58 |
dscassel | 4) Host an Ubuntu Hour! http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour | 15:58 |
dscassel | If you choose 4 (and I highly recommend it), let us know here and on the mailing list and we can help spread the word. | 15:59 |
dscassel | That should get you started. :D | 16:00 |
JemSoft | thanks a lot. | 16:01 |
dscassel | No problem! :D | 16:01 |
JemSoft | how long have you been using Ubuntu? | 16:02 |
dscassel | Since 2005. Full time since 2008. | 16:04 |
dscassel | (well, if you include work in "full time", then since 2011...) | 16:04 |
JemSoft | interesting. | 16:04 |
JemSoft | I work as a IT operations support in a MS Windows environment. | 16:05 |
dscassel | That would make it hard to use Ubuntu at work... :) | 16:05 |
JemSoft | But I have ubuntu in my personal desktop at home. | 16:05 |
JemSoft | yes, I can't use it. Can you? | 16:05 |
JemSoft | What I have noticed here in Canada, most companies are MS based.. | 16:05 |
dscassel | Yeah. I'm a software developer at Open Text. I'm developing an eclipse plugin, so nothing's Windows-specific. | 16:06 |
dscassel | True... | 16:06 |
JemSoft | great | 16:06 |
JemSoft | that's why It is handy to you. | 16:06 |
JemSoft | what I have now is ubuntu 12.04, I tried 12.10 but It didn't give me good results. | 16:06 |
JemSoft | too slow and errors when using virtual box. | 16:07 |
JemSoft | I have some VMs win server2008 and also ubuntu server with LAMP | 16:07 |
dscassel | I'm finding the unity webapp stuff to be a bit crashy, but haven't had any problems otherwise. | 16:07 |
JemSoft | good for you, I will keep the 12.04 till they correct some bugs. | 16:08 |
dscassel | Yeah, I'm still on 12.04 at work. I figure sticking to LTSes is safer there. | 16:09 |
JemSoft | great. | 16:13 |
JemSoft | in your company do they use ubuntu server? | 16:13 |
JemSoft | I am leaving to have breakfast now. IT was a pleasure dscassel. | 16:16 |
JemSoft | a quick questions, what is the best way to program in c++ on ubuntu? | 16:21 |
JemSoft | any suggestions? | 16:21 |
bregma | if JemSoft comes back, tell him to ping me, I can probably answer his technical questions | 16:36 |
dscassel | Okay. | 16:40 |
dscassel | I had to go afk for a minute. :/ | 16:40 |
dscassel | (or 20...) | 16:40 |
BobJonkman | bregma, dscassel: Also, if JemSoft comes back tell him about TLUG: http://gtalug.org/wiki/Main_Page | 17:56 |
JemSoft | Hola | 19:19 |
JemSoft | Hi | 19:19 |
IdleOne | bregma: ping | 19:20 |
IdleOne | JemSoft: http://gtalug.org/wiki/Main_Page BobJonkman thought you would be interested | 19:21 |
JemSoft | thanks a lot idleOne | 19:24 |
JemSoft | I went out for a while. Were you the guy I was talking this morning? | 19:25 |
IdleOne | I wasn't here earlier. | 19:27 |
JemSoft | What's your favorite distro?> | 19:31 |
JemSoft | hehe funny question | 19:32 |
=== J2 is now known as Jaguar | ||
JemSoft | Hi Jaguar | 19:34 |
Jaguar | hi JemSoft | 19:37 |
JemSoft | how's it going? | 19:37 |
Jaguar | its going ok here heh | 19:37 |
Jaguar | i have that effect on everyone | 19:38 |
jesusemelendezm | Hi | 19:42 |
IdleOne | lol Jaguar :) | 19:55 |
genii-around | Grey Cup kickoff in ~40 minutes :-) | 22:39 |
* genii-around hollers out "Lets Go Argos!" | 22:39 | |
IdleOne | Is not on network tv? | 22:45 |
IdleOne | only TSN seems to have it here. | 22:45 |
IdleOne | I don't have TSN | 22:45 |
genii-around | Ah, that sucks. I thought for sure it would be on CBC though | 22:46 |
IdleOne | doesn't appear to be | 22:47 |
IdleOne | Go Calgary, because I'm from Montreal and genetically unable to cheer for a Toronto team. | 22:48 |
genii-around | Hehehe | 22:48 |
genii-around | I understand and forgive you. | 22:48 |
IdleOne | Kindness will not get me to change. | 22:49 |
genii-around | :-D | 22:49 |
genii-around | My brother-in-law is from LaSalle and an avid Habs fan. When I visit over holidays and there is a Toronto-Montreal game on, my sister takes the kids and goes down the street so we can heckle each other | 22:51 |
IdleOne | haha | 22:51 |
genii-around | One year I got the kids NHL pajamas, one Habs, one Leafs set. Somehow the Leafs set got "accidentally mangled in the washing machine" | 22:53 |
IdleOne | So silly, I can listen to the game live stream from TSN radio but I can't watch it :/ | 22:53 |
genii-around | Yeah that is pretty weird | 22:56 |
jesusemelendezm | hey people, it is very cold. | 23:02 |
jesusemelendezm | hi there | 23:35 |
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