
YoBoYhi godbyk, do you have some minutes to talk about the french punctuation for the ubuntu manual ? (but this can wait another day :) )18:59
godbykYoBoY: Sure!19:01
YoBoYgreat :)19:02
godbykHow can I help?19:03
YoBoYI'm trying to understand how polyglossia work, and I don't really understand. It seems the spaces inserted are only normal spaces, but I don't know if i'm testing this right ^^".19:04
godbykIt should insert thin or thick spaces depending on the punctuation.19:05
godbykThin spaces are used before ! ? !! ?? ?! !? and ;19:06
YoBoYyes for the ; it's \nobreak\thinspace and for : it's \nobreakspace19:06
godbykThick spaces are used before :19:06
YoBoY(reading it there : https://github.com/fc7/polyglossia/blob/master/tex/gloss-french.ldf )19:07
godbykAnd for quotation marks (guillemots), thick spaces are used.19:07
godbykYep, that's the file.19:07
YoBoYbut it seems the space sizes are the same on my pdf :]19:08
godbykHmm.. Can you point me to some examples? I'll take a look.19:08
godbykActually, give me a moment and I'll create a test document.19:08
YoBoYmy test file : http://pastebin.com/WBVt8y9519:10
YoBoYgodbyk, ^19:10
YoBoY(I'm a complete beginer in TeX things ^^")19:11
YoBoYok sorry it's my eyes, I need to change them ^^" the ; have the correct space size19:13
YoBoYbut the : don't have the correct one, it's a bug in polyglossia19:14
godbykGive this one a shot: http://pastebin.com/ia4zV26b19:17
godbykjust compile it with xelatex.19:17
godbykThe difference between \thinspace and \nobreakspace is rather small. It's easy to miss it.19:18
YoBoYwhen we use a \, it's smaller than the thinspace19:21
godbyk\thinspace and \, are exactly the same.19:23
godbykYoBoY: My understanding is that there should be a thin space before semicolons, question marks, and exclamation marks, but a normal word space before the colon and inside guillemets.19:28
godbykYoBoY: See this thread <http://typophile.com/node/94726#comment-516066> and the language note <http://www.microsoft.com/typography/developers/fdsspec/punc.aspx#period>.19:28
YoBoYsecond question for tonight, how can I test this sample file with the ubuntu-manual class ? (something to add on the xelatex commande ?)19:30
godbykYoBoY: Here's a translation test file that I created for French: http://pastebin.com/vzXi5h7s19:32
godbykYoBoY: You can add or remove text from it as you test things.19:32
godbykYoBoY: You may also need to play with code in the um-french.clo file.19:32
godbykThat's where we put all of the French-specific LaTeX customizations.19:32
YoBoYyes I have removed the hack to deactivate the punctuation :p19:33
YoBoYthank you for the test file19:35
godbykIf you have any questions or run into any problems, let me know. I'm happy to help.19:35
godbykOh, you'll need to run that translation test file from the ubuntu manual directory (the one that contains the ubuntu-manual.cls file).19:35
godbykOtherwise it won't be able to find that file.19:36
YoBoYI can enter it when xelatex ask it19:36
YoBoYbut this is throwing an error ^^"19:36
godbykProbably best to just run it from the ubuntu manual directory since it'll need the um-french.clo file from there, too.19:37
YoBoYyes, no more error like that19:37
YoBoYI'll add a sentence to see what appen when we already have spacings (like exemple1~; exemple2\,! )19:40
godbykIt may double the spacing in some cases.19:40
YoBoYfor a first test, (with an empty um-french.clo file) I can't see extra spaces19:51
YoBoYand the forced with or without a ~ polyglossia do the spacing work19:51
godbykIn some instances, Polyglossia tries to remove any existing space before adding the proper spacing.19:53
YoBoYwhat I can see so far is, if we keep using [nbsp] in launchpad, polyglossia can do its job and replace the ~ by the right space, if we put \, polyglossia don't touch it.20:01
godbykYoBoY: That sounds about right.20:04
godbykYoBoY: The \, is actually a kern and not a space.20:04
YoBoYwe will try to have a clean um-french.clo for the raring release :)20:07
godbykNo problem.20:07
godbykI just figured it'd be easier to let LaTeX handle the spacing instead of having the translators insert the spaces everywhere.20:07
YoBoYthe thinspace width can be changed if needed by our great translators ?20:08
godbykI can modify the spacing parameters used by Polyglossia for the French punctuation spacing.20:09
godbykInstead of using \thinspace, for instance, we can create our own space value to use.20:09
YoBoYgreat :)20:10
YoBoYgodbyk, thanks for everything. I'll continue my tests another day :)20:19
godbykYoBoY: No problem. Have a nice evening!20:19

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