
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
shaunoI love when you're trying to google for something, and the results are all people asking "are you too lazy to google?".01:25
penguin42hehe yes01:25
shaunoit's almost as bad as forum threads that ask exactly what you're looking for, and then the sole reply is "nm found it"01:26
shaunoxbmc's documentation is almost comically bad.01:31
=== mgdm_ is now known as Guest15287
danfishgood moaning all08:29
danfishprojects for today 1) link up raspberry pi XMBC media centre to main tv08:33
danfish2) Setup a 'community' drupal 7 server to store dermoscopy images for comparison08:33
danfish3) go mental on a tree withh a chainsaw and08:34
danfish4) get arm/leg reattached at A&E as a result of 3 :D08:34
brobostigongood morning everyone10:24
dwatkinshiya brobostigon et al10:26
brobostigonhi dwatkins10:26
dwatkinsI found a webpage, and then I lost it :-/10:26
dwatkinsages ago I found a page which described minimal power usage circults with a solar panel, capacitor and some kind of load (probably an LED) and the details about how to keep power usage to a minimum, now I can't find that page.10:27
dwatkinsit mentioned shutting down the circuit when not in use, and I'm really curious how it did that, but have looked for ages and can't find the same page.10:27
brobostigoninteresting, yes.10:28
* dwatkins consoles himself by reading about a solar-powered phone charger on Adafruit's website10:30
dwatkinshttp://learn.adafruit.com/usb-dc-and-solar-lipoly-charger/design-notes for the curious/lazy ;)10:32
brobostigonmorning danfish10:39
danfishmorning brobostigon10:40
danfishdwatkins: www.reuk.co.uk is a good site for info re power/solar etc10:40
dwatkinsthanks danfish :) will have a look10:40
=== Guest15287 is now known as mgdm
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
DJonesWhat software would people recommend for setting up a blog system on a home ubuntu server? I was thinking about using wordpress, but wondered if there was a better system to use14:14
popeyI'd use wordpress14:14
DJonesCheers, that was what I thought would be suggested14:15
AlanBellDJones: wordpress, and update it every single time it offers you an update14:18
b1ackcr0wello all!15:56
b1ackcr0wthis should be fun15:56
* AlanBell downloads a raring iso16:55
daubersAlanBell: Raring to go already?16:56
AlanBellI upgraded a VM already from Quantal, but I feel like testing the installer16:56
* daubers adds "Made tje16:57
* daubers adds "Made the tumble drier work" to his list of stuff done today16:57
daubersShould probably find a better keyboard out of the roof at some point16:57
daubersThe one from the old Revo is a bit poo16:57
AlanBellraring in a VM looks pretty much exactly the same as quantal so far16:57
penguin42which reminds me, I need to seem if my favorite X crash still happens in Raring17:15
penguin42yep, still seems broken in raring17:57
AlanBellbug #?17:58
penguin42bug 104351318:01
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1043513 in xserver-xorg-video-cirrus (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in memcpy() via cirRefreshArea() under KVM virtual machine" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104351318:01
penguin42hmm time to make food18:02
andrewsHello - can anyone advise how to check the permissions of an external hard drive?  Ive had it connected to my Ubuntu system (its normally a windows backup drive) though it wont now let me connect it to my mac as my mac says that the drive is "restricted" which I assume means locked out18:03
DJonesCan somebody give me a bit of help with changing where my home website goes to, at the moment if I type www.mydomain.com it loads the index.htm page in /var/www/ I'd like it to load the default page in /var/www/wordpress/ , I just can't rok out how to get that done18:11
DJonesNever mind, its not where I want it to be anyway18:19
dwatkinsYou can setup aliases with Apache, DJones - perhaps that helps.18:47
dwatkinsI tend to have my wordpress installation at example.com/blog, the gallery at example.com/gallery etc.18:47
dwatkinsI just use the top level for a simple homepage, and I don't link the blog from there, to avoid too many unwanted visitors finding it.18:48
AlanBellDJones: you can set up stuff in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ to point to different directories and serve them up in assorted ways19:18
AlanBellsome people move the whole lot out of /var/www and put in in /srv/domain.name/19:18
andylockranDJones: easiest way is to set the default page that your server lands at via a sites-enabled/ file called 000-default20:12
andylockranit reads the vhosts alphabetically, so will load the first one if a GET request is issues for a domain name not mentioned in a vhosts file.20:13
* MartijnVdS returns20:36
* daubers waits for the feeling to return to his fingertips20:42
MartijnVdSdaubers: what did you do to lose it?20:43
daubersMartijnVdS: Spray painting models in the cold20:47
MartijnVdSthat would do it :)20:48
* MartijnVdS just came back from Birmingham20:48
MartijnVdSthat Christmas market thing was BUSY20:48
daubersAnd you managed to get out in one piece???20:48
MartijnVdSdaubers: I only stayed for 24h, so I think the damage is minimal ;020:48
dwatkins24 hour christmas market? think of the gluhwein...20:49
MartijnVdSdwatkins: I don't think the market was 24h, we went to the Tattoo for my dad's birthday (he loves those things).. and then we found out there was a German-style Christmas market20:50
dwatkinsoh cool, MartijnVdS20:50
Azelphurhttp://i.imgur.com/evRLf.jpg :p21:13
dwatkinshaha, looks like it didn't detect the USB stick after starting the initial boot phase21:13
Azelphureither that or someone pulled it out and ran away from incoming security personnel xD21:14
dwatkinsyeah, although it's possible something else is attached to the TV21:14
* dwatkins wonders idly if he can boot his TV using the USB socket in the side21:14
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
dwatkinsI can power my Arduino from it, which is neat.21:15
dwatkinsI can even power a Raspberry Pi from it, which was quite impressive.21:15
dwatkinsTrouble is, when the TV goes into low power mode, the Pi gets turned off.21:15
shaunoit's a shame most those little usb powerpacks I find don't charge & power at the same time, else you could make a pi-sized ups21:26
=== viperhoot_ is now known as viperhoot
dwatkinsshauno: you can get charging circuits for Lithium Polymer batteries so you can do that.22:58
shaunoI had something like that, but the battery puffed up like a pillow23:00
dwatkinsI imagine if you cable it carefully, you could also add a USB-B socket to apply power when it's too dark to charge with the sun.23:00
dwatkinsoh dear, that's not good23:00
dwatkinsI've seen a few people suggesting just connecting the panel directly to the battery, which is fine for a few seconds, but if the voltage goes too high you risk the battery being damaged. I assume you had a circuit to monitor the charging voltage, though.23:01
dwatkinsI think you could power a Raspberry Pi for just over an hour with a 1300 mAh battery.23:02
shaunoI'm curious about this CEC stuff that lets devices communicate over hdmi.  if the pi knows the TV's gone to standby, it could shutdown23:03
shaunoyou still need some battery to last the period between the signal and the poweroff, but it could be very smooth23:04
brobostigonis it possible, for people, without an account on an xmpp server, to join a MUC room on said server ?23:11
dwatkinsI don't believe so, brobostigon - in my experience, you need an account to do anything with an xmpp server, but there may be a configuration option to say "let people register and join rooms as a guest"23:21
brobostigondwatkins: i have not enabled such an option, i just wanted to be sure.23:22
dwatkinsbrobostigon: ah I see, I'm no security expert, but that's how I believe it works23:23
brobostigondwatkins: ok, thank you.23:24

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