
snap-lhttp://raghavt.blogspot.com/2012/11/psql-client-can-be-chess-board-now.html <- I <3 PostgreSQL00:45
derekvI can define functions with parameter binding.01:10
brouschsnap-l: How's the kittay?15:32
snap-lSHe's sleeping15:51
snap-lSeems to be a marked improvement over last time.15:51
snap-lShe got out last night from the kitchen (where we can make sure she doesn't jump on anything)15:52
snap-lJoDee put her on our bed, and she tried like crazy to get comfortable15:52
snap-lbut the dippy cone keeps getting in the way.15:52
snap-ljcastro_: That GNOME article is pure click-bait22:29
snap-lwas re: https://plus.google.com/113169713749496726739/posts/3Gz32Tvynkp22:29

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