
=== eu is now known as Guest15231
PhoenixSTFCan someone tell me if Ubuntu One is all made out of Python?21:17
dobeyall of it isn't. most of it is.21:41
PhoenixSTFincluding file indexing?21:48
dobeythe file sync client is mostly python yes.21:53
PhoenixSTFI don't want to sound bad, but wouldn't it be faster developed under C/C++?21:56
dobeyprobably not, no21:57
PhoenixSTFwell it drains a lot of battery life while just doing the indexing part21:58
PhoenixSTFnot the sync it self21:58
dobeyyou mean doing local rescan?21:58
dobeyhow many files do you have synchronized to ubuntu one?21:59
dobeyfolders, and files, that is21:59
PhoenixSTF2156 items, totalling 789.2 MB21:59
PhoenixSTFwait thats not true21:59
dobeythey will have to be rescanned at start up, no matter what language the client is written in22:00
PhoenixSTF36730 items, totalling 4.3 GB22:02
PhoenixSTFwell I have a lot of files yes, but it sometimes gets stuck and sometimes it goes on forever and drains a lot of battery22:03
PhoenixSTFjust wondering why it happens :)22:04
dobeyno idea. file a bug :)22:04
PhoenixSTFAnyway if the rescan part is done in python or perl is much slower than C correct?22:05
dobeydisk i/o is going to be just as slow in any language you do it in. there is no bottleneck in the interpreter for what that code is doing22:08
PhoenixSTFright, problem is, disk is not working and One it off the charts with CPU.22:09
dobeyfile a bug. :)22:11
dobeyand anywya, i need to go back to my weekend22:12
PhoenixSTFty :)22:13

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