
ahoneybunhello people!04:04
=== yofel is now known as Guest73835
ochosiknome: about converting our icon-theme to png...10:24
ochosii did another test with the script and saw that the svgs don't get cleaned up after the conversion10:25
ochosiso i removed them now and that gave me a more realistic impression of how much the icon theme would become larger... :)10:25
ochosi25mb => 30mb10:25
knomei'm not sure if we can afford even that but..10:30
adnandid you use any compression with them pngs10:31
adnanthoughts about shipping with the script10:32
knomeoptipng and advpng ?10:32
adnanso the pngs are generated directly on userpc?10:32
adnanspace/speed tradeoff10:32
ochosiadnan: that's not very failsafe i guess10:32
adnanindeed it is not10:32
ochosiknome: i haven't looked into nick's script yet, but he mentioned that optipng -v9 didn't make any diff10:33
knomeochosi, it's possible10:33
ochosiand i dunno about advpng10:34
ochosi't ever seen that10:34
ochosibut i can send you the script10:34
adnanochosi, what sizes are you generating?10:36
knomeochosi, gnome-sudoku lacks "track" icon10:36
ochosiadnan: what do you mean?10:36
adnanicon sizes, 24x24, 32x32 and so on?10:36
ochosiwith generating you mean "convert to png"?10:37
ochosiall sizes10:37
ochosiknome: where in the UI would i find that icon?10:37
adnanis it possible to save space by using svg for sizes from 64x onwards10:37
adnanor we have to use pngs for all sizes for consistency10:37
knomeochosi, icon or place where it should be?10:38
knomeochosi, the button is in the toolbar, right to all the other buttons10:38
knomeochosi, when you press it, a sidebar opens with tracks10:38
ochosiany idea what that icon looks like in gnome?10:39
knomei believe that's a missing icon and not a bug in gnome-sudoku10:39
knomebut what do i know10:39
knomenope. i'd imagine something close to the footstep marks10:39
ochosiyeah, i guess it's a missing icon10:39
ochosithat's what i'd _imagine_ as well, but it might be good to know what it really looks like =)10:40
adnanI wonder if the bug is implicitly fixed in the latest trunk version10:40
knomemaybe you should look in gnome then ;)10:40
ochosiok, now that i've seen what the tracking thingy does, i guess the shoes would be fine10:44
ochosiknome: advpng doesn't work for me at all11:19
ochosimaybe if it works for you, could you try it?11:19
ochosiwhatever i do, i always end up getting: No command specified [at void process(int, char**):repng.cc:476]11:19
ochosie.g. after advpng -4 *11:19
ochosianyway, g2g11:19
maddernickwhats the * supoosed to do?11:23
maddernick-4 is shrink-insane11:23
maddernicknot sure "*" is "all files"11:25
knomeochosi, i'd try advpng -z -4 *.png11:37
mr_pouituse optipng -o4 -preserve and advpng -z4, at least they are safe11:56
knome"safe" :>11:57
mr_pouit(it's run on all pngs when a package is built for ubuntu)11:57
knomedoes that make them safe? ;>12:00
ochosiok, i'll try it later, when i'm home again12:39
=== Guest73835 is now known as yofel

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