
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterHi everyone13:13
gary_posterbcsaller, when you are available (hopefully this morning) we should try to have the call we were supposed to have Wednesday afternoon.  I've read the reviews of your branch, and will also look at the code13:14
gary_posterEverybody, I just did some kanban surgery.  (1) I moved the cards for the environment view refactoring to the "secondary story," which has a WIP limit of 3.13:37
gary_posterThis includes bcsaller's active card13:38
gary_poster(2) I reduced the WIP limit for the primary story to 5.13:38
gary_posterWe should all be able to work on primary or secondary story at any time, which have a total WIP of 8.13:38
gary_poster(3) I moved almost all of the pending tasks to the backlog.13:39
gary_posterThe only ones that stayed were ones that I thought had some reasonable connection to our new story.13:39
gary_poster(4) I moved all of the "Easy charm-based Juju GUI deployment" cards from the backlog to the active tasks for the primary project13:40
gary_posterThat's it.13:41
gary_posterKeep on working on your in-progress cards; this only affects upcoming cards.13:41
gary_posterI'll send an email to this effect as well, for people who are not online right now.13:41
gary_poster(I'd like it if we had a public mailing list...)13:42
frankbangary_poster: cool, and re bug 1074412, It could be interesting to have a charm that switches from real env to improv based on a config flag (e.g. staging = true). Anyway, maybe that card should be considered blocked until bug 1074410 is reviewed and lands14:00
_mup_Bug #1074412: Need GUI charm that connects to its environment <deploy-story> <juju-gui:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1074412 >14:00
_mup_Bug #1074410: Need juju GUI charm that connects to improv <deploy-story> <juju-gui:In Progress by frankban> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1074410 >14:00
gary_posterfrankban, big +1 that we should allow both14:00
gary_posterand yes, frankban , we should get that landed. I'm getting an email finished then will switch to reviews (though we have a meeting in one hour).  If you can find someone else to do that charm review other than me, that's completely fine by me.14:02
gary_posterI don't think that card is necessarily blocked--you could work from your branch--but I agree that ideally it would land first.14:02
gary_postereh, too many unclear prepositions14:03
gary_postereh, incorrect use of grammatical term14:03
gary_posterI think I should admit that I slept horribly last night and move on ;-)14:04
frankbangary_poster: re horrible night: :-(  and I agree to leave that card unblocked. Indeed I think I will even start that card ;-)14:10
gary_posterfrankban, that will be difficult with the current WIP.  Are one of those three review cards super fast to review so we can clear it out and make room for you?  I can switch to that really quickly if so14:11
gary_posterMaybe teknico's is small...14:12
teknicoit indeed is :-) and benji got wind of a few problems with it already14:13
gary_posterok looking14:13
teknicogary_poster, btw, you'll recognize that card as connected to one of my goals for next year :-)14:18
gary_posterteknico, I did :-)14:18
teknicospeaking of which, I have a nice little quiz: counting yuidoc and sphinx and README, do we have more or less than 1000 lines of docs? :-)14:20
gary_posterI'll guess less, teknico 14:20
teknicogary_poster, you'd guess wrong, they are slightly more than that :-)14:21
gary_posterlol, trick question!14:21
teknicoyep :-)14:21
gary_posterteknico, approved.  I agreed with benji in two places and disagreed in one or two.14:25
hazmatgary_poster, i guess an lp group mailing list doesnt qualify as a public mailing list.14:26
hazmatstill tied to group membership it seems14:26
gary_posterhazmat, if it is publicly viewable and anyone can join it does14:26
gary_posterI thought it was not14:26
gary_posterI also thought you wanted to get rid of the "peeps" name :-)14:26
hazmatgary_poster, there are two groups.. an old private one, and a new public one, the public one (~juju-gui) owns the current repo14:27
gary_posteroh cool, you just made a new list, I see14:27
gary_posterthank you14:27
gary_posterthat's good for me14:27
gary_posterwe just need to get everybody to join it and then we are good to go14:27
* gary_poster joins it14:28
hazmatgary_poster, i'm not sure that's the right solution yet14:28
hazmatgary_poster, i'd like a mailing list which doesn't require commit access to join14:28
gary_posterhazmat, ah, excellent point14:28
hazmati guess i need to talk to IS about setting up a mailing list for us on the non lp mailman infrastrucutre14:29
* hazmat deactivates the new list14:29
gary_posteror we make a group in LP that is only for discussion14:29
gary_posterand we make ~juju-gui a member14:29
gary_posterand we're done14:29
gary_posterwell, after setting up the mailing list :-P14:30
hazmatthat's reasonable at the cost of requiring lp membership ;-) ... so something like ~juju-gui-users  would do it14:30
teknicogary_poster, I pushed a new revision of my branch, but I reckon you still saw the original one when reviewing it14:31
gary_posterteknico, yes14:31
teknicogary_poster, how do I let Rietveld know that there's a new revision available?14:31
gary_posterthat's what appspot had when I started teknico .  you use lbox propose -cr again14:32
teknicogary_poster, oh, just like that, ok14:32
gary_posterwhoa!  goodspud!14:32
bachi everybody.14:32
gary_posterhi bac :-)14:32
hazmatgoodspud, you survived vegas or bust i take it14:43
goodspudhazmat, hey dude14:43
goodspudOne night in Vegas was enough for me14:43
goodspudI'm now poor14:43
goodspudHence having to work14:44
goodspudAnd hello everybody14:44
hazmatusability review hangout -> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/1e075106a1c967e3fe6c18d4e67718622cc38d1115:01
Makyohazmat, thanks15:01
gary_posterjovan2 we are in the calendar hangout https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/1e075106a1c967e3fe6c18d4e67718622cc38d1115:01
jovan2gary_poster: hi there is some confusion here, will be with you shortly15:03
hazmatbcsaller, frankban ^15:03
bcsallerone sec15:04
gary_posterfrankban, is your net connection jumping up and down like a rabbit? :-)15:15
frankbangary_poster: restarted the router, hope it will stop jumping :-)15:15
gary_poster:-) cool good luck15:15
teknicois anyone else having problems pulling trunk? I get "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"15:32
frankbanteknico: same error here15:33
teknicolaunchpad working again now15:37
=== mattuk1972_ is now known as mattuk1972
Makyobac, going to make coffee, but here's a paste of what's happening when I save (or `touch`) the less stylesheet: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1389240/ If I run it through lessc, though, I don't get any of those errors.16:21
bacMakyo: ok, can we chat later?  still on call and then lunch.16:21
Makyobac, Of course.  Thanks for volunteering/being volunteered :)16:22
benjiWhy did I recieve a notice about a juju-gui mailing list that is (now) disactivated?16:36
gary_posterbecause the world is a mysterious place, filled with decisions that are sometimes undone :-)16:37
teknicobenji, I got your latest reply about my branch via email, and I see it on the merge proposal on launchpad, but it does not show up on rietveld?!17:58
teknicobenji, anyway, the reason you did not see my comments inline is that I just replied on the main page :-)17:58
benjiteknico: I figured.17:58
teknicobenji, and I always thought about the shim script as written in python, it didn't even occur to me to write in bash :-)17:59
teknicoto write *it17:59
benjiPython may well be the better way.17:59
teknicoit always was and always will be ;-)17:59
teknico(at least when compared with shell scripts)18:00
gary_posterbac and benji did you see BjornT's proposal to make lp2kanban automatically make cards from bugs?18:03
benjigary_poster: I did.  I figured I would review it today.18:03
gary_postercool benji18:03
gary_posterbac https://code.launchpad.net/~bjornt/lp2kanban/bugs-to-cards/+merge/13590918:04
bachi Makyo, sorry for the delay19:22
Makyobac, No worries.19:26
bacMakyo: yes, i've seen these LESS errors too.  mainly upon saving the stylesheet when editing with emacs19:27
bacand bin/generateTemplates does not have the error19:27
Makyobac, Ah!  Hmm.. wonder if it's catching vim's swap file or something19:27
bacMakyo: with emacs a file called #stylesheet.less# is created while editing and is deleted on save.  i thought it might be part of the problem19:28
bacMakyo: i find it highly annoying but since it didn't actualy impact the stylesheet generation i wasn't too upset about it19:29
Makyobac, makes sense.  I'll play around with it.  It was doing that with touch, too, but I did still have the file open in vim in another terminal19:29
bacok, i haven't experimented with touch19:30
* bac finds the competing CharmCollectionViews highly confusing19:52
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
gary_posterbac, fwiw, my opinion about the CharmCollectionViews situation is at the top of app/views/charm.js20:12
bacgary_poster: i saw that later.20:12
gary_posterbenji, are you going to be able to review frankban's charm branch before your EoD?  If not, it would be fair to him to try and find someone else so he does not have to wait longer.  (I'm about to focus on my review)20:56
gary_posterbenji___, I should say20:56
=== benji___ is now known as benji
benjigary_poster: sure, I'll look at it now21:01
gary_postercool thanks21:01
gary_posterHey bcsaller, in your branch environment.js loses a whole bunch of code that doesn't show up anywhere else yet as far as far as I can tell.  Am I wrong?  If not, I expect that the missing code is supposed to go into the other topology modules eventually; but can we land this gradually before then?  I ran out of time today.  Could you ping me tomorrow as soon as you are ready to talk so we can talk through the branch22:11
gary_poster tomorrow morning?22:11
gary_posternight all22:11
bcsallergary_poster: you're correct, it belongs in the modules, and yes, we can chat tomorrow22:12

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