
ScottKSo apparently patching KDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF works, but tossing it into configure does not.00:30
QuintasanScottK: Sounds like featu...fun00:30
QuintasanScottK, apachelogger, Riddell,shadeslayer: http://quintasan.blogspot.com/2012/11/post-uds-r-my-thoughts.html <--- thought before I add planet tags?00:37
ScottKLooks good to me.00:39
Quintasanshadeslayer: Did you get TF running on Linux?00:51
afiestasIs there a +Kubuntu repository/ppa that contains #KDE  4.10 Beta 1? Seems the plans are to not ship it in Quantal before RC 1 …00:54
afiestasseen in G+00:54
afiestaswhat should I answer?00:54
Darkwingoh yeah, I am now an owner of a nexus 7. would love to work on / test plasma on the N7.01:04
Darkwingquintasan, pingie01:06
ScottKafiestas: It depends on how quickly we can get stuff done.  We have all of 4.10 Beta 1 except for kdegames in raring and getting that is the priority at the moment.01:09
ScottKafiestas: Getting kamoso fixed to work with the new kdegraphics libs would help.  ;-)01:09
ScottKUploaded kde4libs with KDE4_BUILD_TESTS set OFF via patch.01:19
xnoxScottK: calligra needs a rebuild against the new okular abi, but it fails to build from source.02:18
ScottKxnox: Once the current kde4libs builds are published it should build.02:18
xnoxScottK: awesome, thanks.02:18
ScottKWe also need a new digikam and fixes for kphotoalbum and kamoso.02:18
* xnox thought it's instability in the archive, rather an upstream bug.02:18
ScottKIt's kde4libs was released for the beta by upstream with KDE4_BUILD_TESTS set to on and the test files for Calligra don't build.02:19
ScottKWe don't actually want it enabled, so I fixed that.02:20
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apacheloggerQuintasan_: :O04:48
apacheloggertldr :P04:48
apacheloggeroh right05:13
apacheloggerdigikam was the awful piece of code copy work05:13
apacheloggerbug 49784105:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497841 in mplayerthumbs (Ubuntu) "[archive removal request] Please remove the old source for mplayerthumbs" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49784105:16
apacheloggerwhy was that not reintroduced when kdemm was split? :(05:16
apacheloggershadeslayer: btw, debcommit -R -r is your friend05:19
apachelogger(digikam branch had no tags since oneiric)05:20
apacheloggertestdrive is not working for me \o/05:27
apacheloggerwell, install works, booting does not05:27
apacheloggerScottK, yofel_: http://community.kde.org/KDE_SC/Binary_Packages#KDE_4.10_Beta_1_. should we mention the raring?06:04
apacheloggerScottK: please check again06:06
ScottKapachelogger: On the srus?06:07
apacheloggerhttp://community.kde.org/KDE_SC/Binary_Packages#KDE_4.10_Beta_1_. 06:07
ScottKI don't see us there.  Someone should add it.06:08
apacheloggerI just did06:08
apacheloggerso now you should check the line and tell me that I did a good job at editing that wiki :P06:08
* apachelogger also managed to login in less than 5 minutes \\o/06:08
ScottKThere it is.  Cool.06:09
apacheloggerdh_install: showfoto missing files (usr/share/icons/hicolor/apps/*/showfoto.*), aborting06:09
apacheloggerno goody06:09
ScottKWho was working on Digikam for raring?06:10
ScottKWas it yofel?06:10
apacheloggerbug says shadeslayer06:10
apacheloggerScottK: if you can look at the precise-proposed debian dir of digikam ... does the showfoto.install also contain that bogus wildcard?06:11
apacheloggerScottK: please recject06:13
apacheloggerthat should be */apps/ not /apps/*06:13
* apachelogger wonders how he missed that06:13
apacheloggerhttps://launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/ppa/+files/digikam_2.5.0-1ubuntu2.1%2B2.debian.tar.gz is correct06:15
apacheloggerreally weird06:15
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1083060] packages kde-workspace-bin 4.9.80-0ubuntu5 and kde-window-manager-common 4.9.80-0ubuntu5 c... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1083060 (by zigi)06:45
jussimorning all07:34
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1083060] packages kde-workspace-bin 4.9.80-0ubuntu5 and kde-window-manager-common 4.9.80-0ubuntu5 c... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1083060 (by zigi)07:46
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=== Guest32368 is now known as Mamarok
shadeslayerjussi: File kgamepropertytest.shell found in Cannot, read, cache, directory, /home/ubottu/ubottu/aptdir/apt-file/raring:, No, such, file, or, directory08:06
shadeslayerfrom ubottu08:06
shadeslayer!find kgamepropertytest.shell raring08:06
ubottuFile kgamepropertytest.shell found in Cannot, read, cache, directory, /home/ubottu/ubottu/aptdir/apt-file/raring:, No, such, file, or, directory08:06
jussitsimpson: ^^08:07
jussiall I have to say is...  "I didn't do it"08:08
Tm_Tjussi: awww08:10
shadeslayerwasn't there a copyright generator somewhere08:28
shadeslayerI don't want to manually write this copyright file08:29
shadeslayerthis one I think http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=users/modax/copyright-helper.git;a=summary08:30
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1082394] krunner freezes @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1082394 (by Manuel López-Ibáñez)09:54
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1083060] packages kde-workspace-bin 4.9.80-0ubuntu5 and kde-window-manager-common 4.9.80-0ubuntu5 c... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1083060 (by zigi)09:54
claydohQuintasan_: sorry it looks like our antispam software  on the forum has gone beserk :(10:25
claydohim gonna have it disabled or something10:26
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1082394] krunner freezes @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1082394 (by Manuel López-Ibáñez)10:56
BluesKajHiyas all11:23
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1045839] plasma init script not run @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1045839 (by Jonathan Riddell)12:03
Darkwingmorning all12:15
Riddellhi Darkwing 12:15
Darkwinginstalling plasma-active on my N7 right now.12:19
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yofel_kubotu: newversion skanlite 0.9 http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=10980314:11
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shadeslayerohai Quintasan_14:23
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerQuintasan: y u call me shadeslayer-y-u-break-everything in your blog :(14:24
Quintasanbecause :P14:24
Quintasanshadeslayer: any progress on bsns cards?14:24
DarkwingQuintasan: you have a Nexus 7?14:24
QuintasanDarkwing: I do not.14:25
jjessei have the 8 gb one14:25
DarkwingI get Ubuntu running with the installer but, active breaks it14:25
QuintasanI'm a  poor student, mind you Darkwing :P14:25
Darkwingme too, rich father gifted me14:26
QuintasanDarkwing: the seed and task is broken atm14:26
Darkwingunity is close to unusable14:26
ScottKshadeslayer: Digikam?14:27
jjessei haven't tried ubuntu on my nexus7 still enjoy Android :)14:28
yofel_I got active installed on my n7, but I didn't manage to figure out how to make it start it instead of unity14:29
yofel_instead somehow got plasma-desktop running... more or less14:30
shadeslayerScottK: will have a look at it after I'm done with libkdegames14:31
shadeslayerwhich is ~done14:31
ScottKOK.  The digikam is needed for raring-proposed -> raring migrations.14:32
shadeslayerthe one apachelogger is broken :P14:32
* shadeslayer rages at his connection14:32
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
shadeslayerScottK: copyright-helper says highscore/kscoredialog.cpp is GPL-2+14:39
Darkwingyofel_: we'll prolly have to modify the installer to DL a custom image with rootfs+plasma 14:41
shadeslayerDarkwing: ogra has offered to build Active images as well14:41
shadeslayerjust need to ping him once we want them14:42
Darkwingmy ZaTab crashed out... the N7 should be good...14:42
yofel_I'll wait for that until we get plasma3 packaged. For now I put android back on it14:43
DarkwingI just reflashed Android lol14:43
* yofel_ needs to make a pacman style background using a kubuntu logo and an android14:44
Riddellshadeslayer: he knows but he's still working on the ubuntu images for now14:47
shadeslayerI see14:47
Riddellwhere do I find info on -proposed to -release movements again?14:48
Darkwingyofel_: Im working on a two logos... I would love to help14:49
Darkwingdo we have a ringtail logo yet?14:50
shadeslayerit was plastered all over @ UDS14:51
Darkwingfor kubu14:51
shadeslayernope :P14:51
shadeslayerhttp://img.ubunlog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ubuntu-raring-ringtail-logo.png < make the background blue?14:51
davmor2Darkwing: Yeah it's a blue version of the orange one :P14:51
Darkwingmuch like the quatzel kubu logo ay the site14:51
ScottKRiddell: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt14:51
kubotuDarkwing meant: "much like the quatzel kubu logo at the site"14:52
RiddellScottK: ah yes thanks14:53
ScottKRiddell: Also, I've kept the pad updated with what needs doing to get things to migrate.14:53
ScottKCalligra just finished it's rebuild, so that's one down.14:53
ScottKBad shadeslayer.15:26
ScottKshadeslayer: Digikam 2.8 won't build with the KDE 4.9.80 graphics libs.  You need the version from Debian experimental, but fixed to use external libs instead of the internal code copies.15:26
shadeslayerBad shadeslayer? Why? I didn't upload before test building15:27
shadeslayerit was apachelogger15:27
shadeslayerI get blamed because my name is in the changelog? :(15:27
ScottKPlease be fixing in any case.15:28
shadeslayeryeah, but like I said, I want to get libkdegames done today15:28
shadeslayerjust need to add licenses at the end now15:28
shadeslayerhmm ... tests have no copyright15:28
ScottKOK, but digikam is actually blocking stuff.15:29
shadeslayerI understand, but I suck at multitasking, I'll probably have a look at it tonight before sleeping15:31
shadeslayerlibkdegames packaging in lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/libkdegames15:48
shadeslayerplease review15:48
shadeslayerI'll be back after dinner :)15:49
Riddellmeh, the internet in this city is so unreliable15:56
Riddellshadeslayer: I'll take a keek15:56
Riddellshadeslayer: libkdegamesprivate1.install has usr/lib/libkdegamesprivate.so ?15:59
Riddellno -dev package?15:59
shadeslayernope, no dev package16:02
shadeslayer( didn't have one before the split as well )16:03
ScottKIt's private after all.16:04
shadeslayerindeed :)16:04
yofel_why install the .so then though?16:06
shadeslayerah yes, good point, removed16:07
Riddellshadeslayer: not so, kdegames 4.9.2 had usr/lib/libkdegamesprivate.so in libkdegames-dev16:07
shadeslayeroh ...16:07
Riddellsame for libkdegames616:07
shadeslayerfixing :)16:08
Riddellit's not private any more really, it's used by many other kdegames apps which are now separate16:08
shadeslayerwell .. that sounds wrong :P16:09
Quintasanshadeslayer: Where be me bsns cards16:10
shadeslayerin /dev/null16:10
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
Riddellshadeslayer: dpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but there is no XSBC-Original-Maintainer field16:18
shadeslayerWhat do you suggest we do about  XSBC-Original-Maintainer ? because there is no original maintainer for the package yet16:20
macois it a 0ubuntu1?16:20
macothen you ignore it, i think16:20
macoit's a warning not an error16:20
Riddellfair enough16:21
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
shadeslayerbtw the old libkdegames-dev depended on libkmahjongglib4 as well, since we don't have that package yet .... I've left it out16:24
shadeslayerpresumably, we will need a libkmahjongglib-dev16:24
RiddellI think that'll be sensible16:25
yofel_kmahjongg and khisen need that one16:25
ScottKDoes libkmahongglib build-dep on libkdegames?16:26
Riddellshadeslayer: W: kdegames-card-data-extra: extra-license-file usr/share/kde4/apps/carddecks/svg-nicu-ornamental/COPYING16:27
Riddelland lots of data.tar.xz-member-without-dpkg-pre-depends but I don't think we care about them16:27
shadeslayerdamn, I should have done a lintian check :P16:27
RiddellW: libkdegames source: syntax-error-in-dep5-copyright line 92: Cannot parse line "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without"16:27
ScottKRiddell: We don't care about the pre-depends.16:28
ScottKCircular build-dep doesn't seem good.16:29
shadeslayeroh oh, forgot that weird license it seems16:29
Riddellshadeslayer: Files: highscore/kscoredialog.cpp in debian/copyright needs a licence listed16:29
shadeslayerthose have a weird license16:29
Riddellshadeslayer: under License: LGPL-2 in debian/copyright your text is actually LGPL2+16:30
shadeslayerblame basefiles16:32
* shadeslayer fixes16:32
ScottKRiddell: Any word from the kdesdk people on the ABI break?16:34
shadeslayerRiddell: fixed16:35
shadeslayeranything else?16:35
Quintasanclaydoh: Thanks!16:37
RiddellScottK: he says he'll fix it16:38
ScottKOK.  I guess patience then ...16:38
ScottKNot one of my strengths.16:39
RiddellScottK: but I've had to discuss ABI issues he thought were not ABI issues, I've said an SO bump would be fine if that's easiest but I think we just need to wait for him to make a decision16:39
QuintasanI get 503's right now :P16:40
ScottKOK.  Thanks.16:40
ScottKI saw your update on analitza.  Great news.16:40
RiddellScottK: for analitza apol has said he can get it building without GL so that'll be another one to delay to beta 216:40
Riddellapol: need a bug for that?16:40
ScottKIt's already in the archive less armhf.16:41
Riddellgood point16:41
ScottKI just removed by armhf binaries for analitza, kalgebra, and cantor so the rest would migrate.16:41
kubotuScottK meant: "I just removed the armhf binaries for analitza, kalgebra, and cantor so the rest would migrate."16:41
apolRiddell: well, I wrote it down in a sheet of paper :P if it's in bugs.kde.org I won't forget for sure... :P16:43
shadeslayerRiddell: fixed all the issues I think16:49
shadeslayeratleast lintian doesn't complain when I use with --pedantic16:50
Riddellshadeslayer: License: LGPL-2 still says "any later version"16:50
shadeslayerRiddell: done16:53
* shadeslayer dropped "or (at your option) any later version"16:53
shadeslayerI copied the license from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.0.html16:54
shadeslayerand even there it has "any later version"16:54
Riddellgnu will always prefer 'or later version', some coders don't and while I banned that from kde older bits still have it16:55
Riddellshadeslayer: best to copy things out of the actual source code licence text I recon, developers might change bits compared to what gnu recommends16:56
shadeslayertbh I find debian/copyright to be a bit useless16:57
shadeslayerthe entire source is available online with complete copyright headers16:57
shadeslayerwhy does the packaging have *another* copy of the exact same thing16:58
Riddellit's still needed for distributing with the binaries16:58
Riddellthe licence says "provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies" so that's what we have to do16:59
Riddellcompared to what you have to do to copy, say, MS Windows, it's a low barrier16:59
shadeslayerI thought a 'copy' would mean a copy of the source16:59
shadeslayerin the text format, not the binary format16:59
Riddellany sort of copy16:59
shadeslayerI see17:00
ScottKSo other than it's illegal distribute the binaries with debian/copyright, I agree it's not very useful.17:00
Riddellsame for the source ISOs17:01
ScottKThe source ISO still have the source licenses.17:01
RiddellI mean it's also a case of needed to stay legal but not actually useful17:02
ScottKI guess I don't see why it's needed to be legal for source?  It's got the original upstream license statement in it?17:02
shadeslayerI just never realized that the term 'copy' also meant binary copies .... I always thought it applied to source copies17:03
Riddellif you distribute the binaries you also have to distribute the source, the only reliable way to do that is to have the source ISOs17:03
shadeslayerLegalese is fun17:04
Riddellshadeslayer: binary copies are a derived work and have the same licence17:04
agateaulet's replace binaries in /usr/bin with shell scripts which build the binaries on the fly so we can ship sources!17:05
shadeslayerI don't understand how they're 'derived work' btw17:05
Riddellagateau: off to gentoo for you!17:05
agateauRiddell: nah, gentoo builds at install time, it's not agile enough, I want to build at run time!17:06
shadeslayerI remember reading about a distribution that used git to provide updates17:07
agateauactually the shell script should run git pull so that it's always up to date17:07
shadeslayerand when you want to upgrade, you just checkout a new branch or sth17:07
shadeslayerso the entire rootfs is managed by git17:07
agateauthere is no way this can go wrong17:07
Riddellshadeslayer: because a binary /usr/lib/libfoo is entirely made up of my source file foo.c run through some algorithms so my copyright applies to libfoo as much as it does to the foo.c I wrote in my editor17:08
ScottKagateau: -> #gentoo.17:08
agateauScottK: :)17:08
agateauon a more serious note, does this mean a debian/copyright file would not be necessary for a package containing interpreted code?17:09
shadeslayerAhh ... hmm17:09
agateausince in that case we ship the source with the copyright headers17:09
Riddellagateau: if the .deb had only interpreted code with copyright headers there's no paticular legal need, it would still be needed by debian and ubuntu policy to stay consistent17:10
agateauRiddell: makes sense17:10
ScottKIf we also shipped the upstream license files, which we don't.17:10
ScottKWe could for such packages, but once again, consistency and all.17:11
Riddellmm yes it would need to point to a full copy of the GPL if that's what it used17:11
agateauI see17:12
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1083060] packages kde-workspace-bin 4.9.80-0ubuntu5 and kde-window-manager-common 4.9.80-0ubuntu5 c... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1083060 (by zigi)17:13
shadeslayerok, onto digikam17:14
shadeslayerScottK: so we want 3.0 in ubuntu, fixed to use external libs instead of internal copies, right?17:17
ScottKshadeslayer: Yes.  Merge from experimental.17:17
shadeslayer( just to make sure I understand this correctly, because digikam is a PITA )17:17
shadeslayerIt's going to be a sleepless night \o/17:17
ScottKI took a quick look at the packaging diff and it didn't seem too awful.17:17
shadeslayerNext akademy, someone do a talk about how NOT to release software17:18
* shadeslayer pushes fixing plasma and ktp to end of the week17:19
Riddelldid kwin ever get updated for the fix needed for mesa 9?17:20
ScottKRiddell: Yes.17:20
shadeslayerpeople said it's better with 4.9.317:20
shadeslayeroh look at that, the last merge of digikam was done by ... me17:23
shadeslayerI suppose I can drop the breaks/replaces since we're post LTS now17:26
ScottKshadeslayer: If they aren't from Debian, then yes.17:27
ScottKRiddell: There was some issue that was keeping us from pushing 4.9.3 to -proposed though.17:28
ScottKBTW, I think I'm all set up to do britney hints to push the kdegraphics stack through to raring once digikam is done.17:28
yofel_The krunner bug is fixed in the packages, not sure if there was anything else17:29
ScottKAh.  That was it.17:29
ScottKyofel_: Someone should upload to -proposed then for me to review/accept.17:30
RiddellScottK: what do britney hints comprise of?17:38
ScottKRiddell: Here's the condensed version: http://paste.debian.net/212504/17:40
shadeslayermore importantly, does anyone have documents about whats the purpose of briney? I heard alot about this at UDS, but could only understand part of it17:40
JontheEchidnait ensures that nothing becomes uninstallable due to a new version of a binary package before copying the new binary package from -proposed to the main archive17:41
ScottKshadeslayer: It's to help keep raring usable.  Nothing moves from -proposed to -release until it's fully built/doesn't increase uninstallability of packages.17:41
JontheEchidnae.g. stops archive skew17:41
shadeslayerI see17:42
ScottKIt also treats all NBS binaries as non-existant, so stuff won't automatically migrate until a library transition is finished.17:42
JontheEchidna^it seems like it waited for the NBS binaries to actually be removed before it would migrate for the case of Qapt217:43
ScottKRather than wait on kamoso and kphotoalbum, I'm going to force kdegraphics once shadeslayer's done with digikam.17:43
RiddellScottK: out of impatience or is there a better reason?17:43
ScottKAnyone on the release team can force stuff, so if something seems stuck, ping me or Riddell and we'll see about fixing it.17:43
ScottKThe goal is to keep stuff only in -proposed for a short time.17:44
ScottKboth those need upstream porting.17:44
ScottKSince the old library binaries still exist (but are NBS in proposed) it won't break them to do the force.17:44
ScottKWhat we don't want are large, long Debian style Unstable -> Testing migrations.17:45
RiddellScottK: so that is impatience but phrased as a better reason :)17:45
ScottKI don't think so.17:46
ScottKI think don't leave lots of stuff stuck in proposed is a real reason.17:46
Riddellyes perfectly sensible17:47
Riddellbug 1078772  confirmed17:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1078772 in amarok (Ubuntu Quantal) "SRU : Fix typo in amarok Recommmends" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107877217:49
RiddellScottK: just incase you're looking for more archive admin things to do ^^17:49
ScottKRiddell: Yes.  Releasing SRUs is on my TODO.17:50
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
ScottKRiddell: Done.18:20
shadeslayermerge done, now to test build stuff \o/18:21
genii-aroundScottK: Since I know you're on Quassel... with Raring are you getting plasma crash when Quassel tray icon gets an incoming message? Right now I am, just wondering if it's affecting others.18:46
ScottKI'm on Quantal, so don't know.18:47
genii-aroundAaah, OK thanks. I'll ask around in +118:47
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* shadeslayer scratches head19:06
shadeslayerah, nvm19:08
shadeslayerokay so, translations, do we ship mo files or do we just leave them and magic happens?19:09
shadeslayerbecause I have this : http://paste.kde.org/615032/19:09
JontheEchidna.mo's get shipped19:11
shadeslayerI'll have to create kipi-plugins-data or sth19:11
JontheEchidnaif it's just .mo's, convention is -i18n19:12
shadeslayerI see ..19:13
yofel_do we have a convention on whether l10n or i18n should be used here?19:13
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* shadeslayer was under the assumption that it should be l10n from looking at other packages19:14
shadeslayerbtw : debian/libkgeomap-data.install:usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/libkgeomap.mo19:15
shadeslayersooo ....19:15
yofelyeah, but you'll find both in the archive19:15
shadeslayertbh I can't find alot on i18n19:16
shadeslayermostly everything kde seems to be l10n19:16
yofelit usually is l10n though19:16
shadeslayer% apt-cache search l10n | wc -l                                                                                    shadeslayer@solembum19:17
shadeslayer ~19:17
shadeslayer% apt-cache search i18n | wc -l                                                                                    shadeslayer@solembum19:17
shadeslayerthough by that convention libkgeomap is broken19:17
JontheEchidnaI was basing my assertion off a sample size of 1 (k3b-i18n), so feel free to disregard it :P19:17
shadeslayerhaha :D19:17
shadeslayerRiddell: should I go ahead and upload libkdegames ?19:18
yofelit'll get stuck in proposed if I understand britney right, so what's the point?19:21
ScottKyofel: Why?19:21
shadeslayerif libkdegames is up, you could start packaging kdegames ;)19:21
yofelwouldn't it be stuck until everything is rebuilt?19:21
ScottKActually it would be.19:23
ScottKBut that's fine.19:23
ScottKWe can force it in once we're convinced it's ready.19:23
* shadeslayer is still waiting for a definitive answer on what to do with libkgeomap and libkipi translations19:24
ScottKshadeslayer: Include them.19:24
ScottKUsing whatever naming scheme upstream used.19:25
ScottKWe can sort details later if needed.19:25
shadeslayerupstream naming scheme? this is digikam we're talking about :P19:25
shadeslayerthere is no naming scheme for the translations from what I can tell19:25
shadeslayerso I'll create libkgeomap-i18n and libkipi-i18n19:26
ScottKWhy i18n then?19:26
shadeslayeroh derp, I meant l10n19:26
shadeslayernot i18n19:26
ScottKWhy separate binaries?19:28
shadeslayerhmm ... yeah, can be combined, kipi-plugins has a depends on libkgeomap19:29
yofelwhy not put the translations into libkipi-data?19:31
shadeslayerbecause libkipi-data is provided by libkipi?19:32
shadeslayerhmm ... maybe digikam is being an idiot and installing translations from it's own embedded lib19:33
yofelhow would it do it otherwise?19:33
yofeland you were talking about libkipi and libkgeomap. both have -data packages, so why not put the translations there?19:34
shadeslayerthe list missing output I pasted above was from digikam19:36
yofellibkgeomap is part of digikam19:36
yofelstill has it's own lib and data package19:37
shadeslayerright, that's fine, the libkgeomap translations are already in the data file19:37
shadeslayerbut what do we do about libkipi translations19:37
shadeslayerwhen there's a libkipi-data from libkipi which is another source19:37
yofelnow I know what you meant19:38
shadeslayerand since we were saying that translations should go into -l10n packages, the kgeomap translations are in the wrong package19:38
yofelis libkipi from digikam even built? sounds like it shouldn't be - and neither the translations installed19:38
ScottKshadeslayer: I bet that means that the libkipi translations are in the KDE l10n pakcages19:38
ScottKSo if that's the case, ignore those translations.19:39
yofelshadeslayer: we were talking about l10n-only, if there already is a -data package I don't really see the point in having 2 arch:all packages19:40
shadeslayerah ok19:40
yofelunless the translations are really large19:40
ScottKAlso since l10n is covered in KDE by the language specific lang packs, we don't want (I don't thik) translations from Digikam's embedded copy of the lib.19:41
shadeslayer-- Could NOT find QtKOAuth (missing:  QTKOAUTH_LIBRARIES QTKOAUTH_INCLUDE_DIR)19:47
shadeslayersomething for packaging I guess19:47
ScottKshadeslayer: Please make a note of it in the packaging spec.19:48
shadeslayerwhere would that be?19:48
shadeslayeroh you mean blueprint19:48
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
shadeslayerwell that's odd20:07
shadeslayer--  libimagemagick library found............. NO  (optional)20:07
shadeslayerI did install libmagick++-dev20:07
ScottKshadeslayer: How about libmagickcore-dev?20:09
shadeslayerlibmagick++-dev depends on that, so it should be pulled in automagically20:09
shadeslayerMACRO_OPTIONAL_FIND_PACKAGE(ImageMagick COMPONENTS MagickCore display)   # For VideoSlideshow.20:12
Riddellneed to look in the FindImageMagick.cmake file I'd say20:13
shadeslayeractually, sounds like it has the MagickCore thing20:13
shadeslayerlibmagickcore4-extra might have the MagickCore thing20:14
shadeslayer"This package adds support for SVG, WMF, OpenEXR, DjVu and Graphviz to MagickCore."20:14
shadeslayerthough I see no -dev package20:14
shadeslayerI'm off to sleep, will complete this tomorrow :)20:28
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna

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