
=== euphoria is now known as Guest31612
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SharingConlol, didnt think someone would register the name NeedHelp. -- haha.. Anyone have experience sharing internet connection from Linux to a windows pc?01:39
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xixoruptime 4 days, 5 hours!!! almost a 2012 record!03:11
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Pamparimpimhello i have some problems with partition when im installing kubuntu 12.10 i just forget how to do few things and i need a little recall , problem is very basic so i dont want to spam here if someone could help me on priv i'd be very thankful08:43
BluesKajHiyas all11:23
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simplewyofel_: could you package an updated skanlite, version 0.9 is already out14:10
yofel_simplew: added to team todo list, that's all I can do for now14:11
simplewyofel_: thanks :)14:12
cjaewhat does dolphin use for zeroconfig14:18
cjaeit need to know what it uses to authenticate to my smb share14:18
BluesKajcjae, don't think zeroconf is usewd by smb afaik14:22
cjaeso it just uses smb.conf14:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
cjaesomehow dolphin magically accesses my NAS server but I cant seem to login via cli14:23
BluesKajsmb prortocol yes , fooling smb.conf can be dangerous , but there are tutorials , if you must14:24
cjaeBluesKaj: yes I ve been up and down it14:25
BluesKajwhat's your issue , cjae ?14:27
cjaesudo mount -t cifs //xxx.xxx.xxx/mydamnshare /mnt/mynas -o username=user14:28
cjaecant get my smb share to mount but I cant clearly see access and write to it through dolphin14:29
cjaeBluesKaj: do you have experience with this ?14:30
BluesKajcjae, have you tried setting the NAS to mount in fstab by using the UUID from blkid ?14:30
cjaehow would I get block id14:31
cjaeI havent tried setting it in fstab yet either, figured I should be able to mount it first then get the info from mtab BluesKaj14:32
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cjaeno sure if the NAS has uuids (its freebsd), probably does so easily keep track of drives and such BluesKaj14:33
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BluesKajcjae, is this a pc NAS setup or a purchased NAS ?14:34
cjaeBluesKaj: pc NAS14:34
cjaeBluesKaj: yep well nas4free without zfs14:35
cjaeI have NFS setup14:36
BluesKajmy other linux desktop mobo died right after I setup freenas on it ...was strange ..hope it was coincidence and not something I did :)14:37
cjaeI can see the damn share smb(sorry ive been on this awhile) via dolphin but cant mount it14:37
cjaeBluesKaj: was hpoing to look in zeroconf to see what it uses14:38
cjaethats suck about the mobo14:38
BluesKaj< never used zeroconf14:39
cjaeyou just click networks and samba share and poof there it is14:39
BluesKajyeah , but how do you set it up14:40
cjaeI want transfer via cli though since writes though dolphin are rough14:40
BluesKajI'v e glowing reports about using zeroconf , but haven't found a guide to set it up14:40
cjaeahh I see what   you mean14:41
Fr3ndlyfir3hi every one14:43
thelionroarsany grub2 experts around? I just updated to 12.10 but my install is still using the 3.2 kernel. I installed a grub2 theme and it seems to be preventing grub from updating properly15:18
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vbgunzdoes anyone know how to get Kate to reclaim all text files it should handle without doing it one by one?15:49
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Rosbuntui need a coder who can help me my wimax dongle work in kubuntu16:46
anoneemousehow do i find files outside of the indexes in dolphin?16:58
Tygartanoneemouse: when you open your dolphin on the left there are folders click the one that says "root" it should be colored Red17:14
anoneemouse@tygart I found it. I just think its a little counter-intuitive when everywhere does not literally mean everywhere17:15
anoneemousethat was throwing me off17:15
Tygartanoneemouse: everywere?17:15
TygartI logged in late I only see one of your messages17:16
anoneemouseyeah. it says [From here] [Everywhere] in the search bar17:16
anoneemouseeverywhere seems to mean everything that is indexed17:16
Tygartso you must  have nepomuk right?17:17
vbgunzthe kate bug that caused it to no longer handle text files, is there a workaround to get it to automatically reclaim opening all the text files its supposed to open?17:22
SnowhogI am one of five administrators for www.kubuntuforums.net. Earlier this month we began protecting KFN with ZB Block. While incredibly effective at stopping spammers 'in their tracks', it is also impacting some of our older members from even reaching our site. If you are affected, my apologies. It is easily fixable. Just contact me directly at snowhog@kubuntuforums.net or the adminsitrators group at administrators@kubuntuforums.net. Protecting17:40
Snowhog a forum against spam and spammers is a never ending chore, and ZB Block is the best defensive tool added to our arsenal so far.17:40
FloodBotK1Snowhog: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:40
IdleOneSnowhog: there was a user here yesterday asking about being unbanned from the forums forum name: molostoff17:46
Rosbuntumy kubuntu doing a problem17:47
Rosbuntuit doesnt take passowd in password boxes after logging on in kubuntu.. only terminal takes password17:48
SnowhogIdleOne: Thank you. Yes, molostoff is a registered member of KFN. I'll contact him.17:57
IdleOneSnowhog: Welcome.17:57
SnowhogIdleOne: The 'joys' of administering a forum are never ending! :)17:58
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Brustofski-FanFor ati is there anything newer then 12.9 beta in the repo?20:14
Snowhogtsimpson_: Common question, but when does ones cloak get applied?20:20
tsimpson_Snowhog: if you're an ubuntu member you just ask the IRC Council for a cloak in #ubuntu-irc and post your LP profile page20:21
PiciIf not, ask in #freenode for an unaffiliated cloak.20:21
Snowhogtsimpson_: I purchased this morning - Active/Annual. I received the acknowledged payment confirmation.20:22
Brustofski-Fanis there an ATI catalyst driver newer then 9.12 beta in the repo20:22
tsimpson_Snowhog: you mean the PDPC thing, then you'll have to ask in #freenode about that20:22
SnowhogAh. Thank you.20:23
TheLordOfTimeSnowhog, if you got a PDPC cloak, wait up to two weeks, since they arent instantly applied, since they have to be processed via the PDPC first, before freenode staffers can see whether you actually donated (not many have access to the donation data)20:25
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SnowhogTheLordOfTime: Yes, got that. Just asked the question on #freenode. :)20:29
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LinkmasterI want to connect my 11.10 kubu laptop and my 12.04 kubu desktop. I have an ethernet cable that is not needed for my network, and I'm wanting to connect them with a wired connection, preferably not over my home network. is it possible to connect them to each other simply, and view/access the files on the other? I'm wanting to transfer all my data from the 11.10 -> 12.0421:32
yofelLinkmaster: if you're directly wiring them up you'll need a crossover cable and possibly a manual network configuration. Other than that it should work21:35
LinkmasterI'm not exactly sure what a cross over cable is..21:36
Linkmasterthe cable I have has eth. on one side, and eth/USB on the other side21:36
yofelLinkmaster: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet_crossover_cable - without that you'll need 2 cables and a switch at least21:40
yofelLinkmaster: you could still try it though, it would still work if one of the network cards has auto-MDIX21:43
DaskreechLinkmaster: Gigabit cards?21:44
keithzgIs there any equivalent of xkill that, instead of killing a window's creator, tells me the PID? Or alternatively, does anyone know the actuall process/executable for System Activity?21:47
yofelkeithzg: usually xprop21:53
yofelbut trusting it, the window seems to be a krunner plugin21:54
keithzgyofel: thanks; yeah, seems to be, that makes it slightly tricker for my edge-case scenario but still doable :)22:01
yofelksysguard uses that view as a tab too, but defaults to system statistics. Has it's own executable though22:03
keithzgAha! There's the ticket. Once again, thanks yofel!22:04
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Deathvalley122hello does anyone know what the release date is for ubuntu mobile? for mobile phones22:31
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DaskreechDeathvalley122: #ubuntu might be better22:59
DaskreechI doubt anyone c an say it publically though22:59
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CatbuntuHey skreech_.23:38
skreech_What's up?23:38
CatbuntuStill in love with Kubuntu.23:39
CatbuntuIt's my distro hopper rehab!23:40
Linkmasteryofel: I doubt its the proper crossover kind, though, knetworkmanager on both computers recognized and "connected" to each other23:45
skreech_Catbuntu: When you overdose on hopping?23:45
skreech_Linkmaster: how did they get get IP addresse?23:45
Catbuntui always used to hop23:45
Linkmasterskreech_: I manually assigned them23:46
skreech_OK cool23:46
skreech_Catbuntu: Yeah Me too :)23:47

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