
TooMuchCaffeineHello. noob question about lxpanel. I'm running dual monitor (currently in virtualbox). i used 'xrandr --output VBOX1 --right-of VBOX0' and now panel stretched out across both screens, which is fine.  what bothers me is that i can't have one taskbar per screen which only shows windows of current monitor.00:22
TooMuchCaffeinei tried to search the web and sure i'm not the 1st one who  tries to achieve that. but apparently my search skills suck balls00:23
TooMuchCaffeinei also tried setting panel width to 50%, add another one 50% width and have them stick to left and right edges but i can't have two panels at the bottom and taskbar does not split windows by screen anyways00:26
mdikhi. is the lubuntu ubiquity identical to the plainbuntu one?01:19
mdikbecause it crashes repeatedly :/(01:19
mdik(when it comes to the "slideshow")01:19
xnoxmdik: yes it is identical.01:35
xnox(the pictures in the slideshow are different)01:35
xnoxplease file a bug using `ubuntu-bug ubiquity` from the terminal or tty101:35
mdikyeah :/ the box has no internet connection :(. is there a ncurses frontend, xnox? (because all i see is gtk_ui and kde_ui...)01:36
xnoxmdik: yes, via the alternate cd.01:46
mdikok, ok. thought, that maybe, the alternate installer would be around the desktop cd aswell, just not in plain sight... but i'll download the alternate then.01:47
user1234234I want the outline of the window to move when I drag it without moving the contents. How to do this?07:46
user1234234ie To move a window in 'wire frame' mode07:50
user1234234I want to load my alsaconf settings at bootup: "alsaconf restore 0". Which script should I add this to ?09:17
user1234234alsactl restore 0   (i meant)09:18
user1234234I want to set my alsa volume levels at full automatically when I login.09:21
user1234234so I need to add "alsactl restore 0" to some startup script.09:21
adnan360I am having trouble with Lubuntu 12.10 Live usb11:15
adnan360it boots to a black screen11:16
adnan360but 12.04 or earlier ersions run well11:16
adnan360what seems to be problem?11:16
adnan360it shows the lubuntu progress screen (the one with dots) then it is completely black!11:18
bioterrorsomething regarding display drivers11:19
adnan360in my desktop it runs fine. but the problem is on the notebook11:19
bioterrorproblems with notebook, I'm suprised ;)11:19
adnan360what cani do to solveit?11:19
adnan360yeah,weird! :)11:19
adnan360what seems to be the problem with my graphics drivers?! it is intel GMA360011:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1069031 in X.Org X server "intel gma3600: X unable to start" [Undecided,New]11:23
adnan360so isn't there any way to fix it?11:24
bioterrordid you read that at all?11:24
adnan360oh! i thought it was just a bug report. i am pretty to the bug reports!! sorry.11:26
adnan360i am checking11:26
bioterrorThis bug was fixed in the package xorg-server - 2:1.13.0-0ubuntu711:27
bioterroruse mini.iso and install lubuntu-desktop11:28
bioterrorproblem solved11:28
adnan360but i have a terrible net connection11:29
adnan360the solution seems to be in the comment #1811:30
adnan360but i don't understand the first few steps... especially boot to tty111:31
adnan360wht is that suppoed tomean?11:31
bioterrorto boot to tty111:31
bioterrorinit 311:31
bioterrornot to init 5 :D11:31
adnan360can i do it from my desktop to avoid all this stuff?11:32
adnan360i could edit xorg config from mydesktop , right?11:32
adnan360in the gui?11:32
adnan360will it work?11:32
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didiwI didn't find the  the md5sums for 12.10 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com, any suggestions?16:01
holsteindidiw: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/12.10/release/16:03
didiwholstein: Thanks!16:07
didiwon https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Alternate_ISO there is a link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/CheckISO_CD but therte 12.10 is missing...;-(16:08
holsteindidiw: would you like to update it?16:09
didiwholstein: I will go for it this.16:21
didiwholstein: I tried, but: " You are not allowed to edit this page. "17:05
holsteinhttps://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/NewAccount didiw17:13
brianbhi need some help with getting flash player working in both firefox and google chrome on ubuntu 12.0417:22
holsteinbrianb: chrome in 32bit should be using its own17:23
brianbwell it will not work17:23
holsteinbrianb: i would think about the machine specs.. make sure its reasonable to expect it to support flash17:23
brianbsays in chrome that it cannot load17:24
holsteinbrianb: i would try different graphics drivers if all flash versions are not working17:24
brianbits a old laptop17:24
holsteinbrianb: yup.. might not be realistic to expect flash with current technologies and driver support for linux17:25
brianbwhy should the graphic drives effect it working after all its just a browser plug in17:26
brianband it works on windown on the same machine17:26
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holsteinbrianb: correct17:28
holsteinbrianb: the windows driver is not a fair analog17:28
holsteinbrianb: windows XP?17:28
holsteinyou can always just use windows XP17:29
holsteinbrianb: i find that the graphics driver effects grahpics performance in flash17:29
brianbso if i were to instal another linux disto and see if it worked with that disto what would that say17:29
holsteinbrianb: the driver suppport is different17:30
holsteinbrianb: i would note the kernel and graphics driver being used17:30
brianbbut surly the audo side should work if you were trying to stream audio content like bbc radio?17:30
brianbwell the kernel ver would be that of ubuntu 12.0417:31
brianbeven flash player on ubuntu 10.10 will not work17:33
holsteinbrianb: i thought you had a version that was working?17:34
holsteinbrianb: 10.10 is EOL.. i would try 10.04.. might be more the "vintage" of that machine17:34
brianbaccording to joska  blogja ver will not work on ubuntu 12.0417:34
holsteinbrianb: i would expect the flash to fail.. and audio not work work... that has been my findings17:34
brianbthere is a problem with this version of flash17:35
holsteinbrianb: i am not familar with joska or blogja17:35
holsteinbrianb: we do not create this version of flash17:35
holsteinbrianb: i usually use and suggest trying the actual chrome browser for troubleshooting purposes at least17:35
holsteinbrianb: you refered to chrome, not chromiun, correct?17:36
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holsteinbrianb: chrome has its own flash version in 32bit linux17:36
brianbso why does it not load17:36
holsteinbrianb: so, to recap.. you are using 32bit lubuntu 12.10 with chrome?17:36
brianbim using ubuntu 12.0417:36
holsteinbrianb: lubuntu?17:37
holsteinlubuntu 12.04 32 bit with the chrome browser?17:37
brianbno ubuntu 12.0417:37
brianblooks if im on the wrong irc17:37
holsteincool.. you can also ask in the #ubuntu channel.. and get more advice from someone running the same operating system you are using17:37
holsteinbut, i typically go to the graphics driver support17:38
brianbok thanks for you help17:38
holsteinyou can check for restricted drivers17:38
holstein!ati | brianb17:38
ubottubrianb: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:38
brianbhow can i access that17:38
holsteinbrianb: i would just read that link and see if one is available17:39
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
K350what's the name of lubuntu's window-decorator and where is it located?18:11
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aaasanyone using power management (on idle) with 12.10...my xfce4-power-manager does not give the option "set computer inactivity sleep mode" -- it's greyed out... pm-suspend and pm-hibernate both work fine, I just cant get the settings through xfce21:35
bioterroris that related to consolekit?21:54
AmgineIs there screen capture utility?22:40
AmgineI need to capture a window.22:40
Unit193Try taking a look at scrot --help22:41
Unit193(They never finished lxscreenshot, right?)22:41
AmgineThanks Unit193; worked perfectly.22:45
Ahmuckhi.  i need help with my pad mouse on my laptop23:41

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