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dholbachgood morning07:51
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fmoreauhi. On the N7 using my rootfs (based on debian), I can't use the inversion Axis for the touchscreen:10:11
fmoreau# xinput set-prop 6 "Evdev Axis Inversion" 1 110:11
fmoreau# xinput list-props 6 | grep Inversion10:11
fmoreau        Evdev Axis Inversion (245):     0, 010:11
fmoreaudoes anybody have an idea ?10:12
kulveUbuntu is using almost same version of the xorg evdev driver and the xorg conf for that manages to invert the axis properly..10:21
fmoreaukulve: right, but the thing is that setting the option manually with xinput has no effect, not sure if this is handled by X itself or by evdev.10:25
kulvefmoreau: no idea about setting it with xinput..10:25
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ogra-cbyay, bug 1079729 is fixed12:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 1079729 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Ubuntu uninstallable on 32GB 3G Nexus 7" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107972912:10
fmoreau does anybody if it's possible for the N7 to be accessed as a usb mass storage device ?12:31
hrwfmoreau: load g_storage kernel module with proper arguments? (under ubuntu)12:33
xnoxfmoreau: with android installed it can be accessed over MPT protocol, not as a usb mass storage.12:36
xnoxfmoreau: with ubuntu installed, I don't think so.12:36
xnoxnfs, ssh, samba are all available with ubuntu12:36
fmoreauyes I mean with ubuntu installed12:36
fmoreauxnox: the point to use USB is that it's used when not network is available12:37
hrwfmoreau: but you know that this would be exclusive access?12:37
fmoreauhrw: can't find this module. Only g_android is12:37
xnoxhrw: oh, what's this g_storage you are talking about?12:37
hrwxnox: usb gadget mass storage12:37
fmoreauhrw: what do you mean ?12:37
suihkulokkiuse g_ether to make the usb a network cable12:37
fmoreauonly g_android is available12:38
suihkulokkior even better, get a access point and forget about wires12:38
hrwfmoreau: which partition you want to share over usb?12:38
fmoreauhrw: /etc but / would be better12:38
hrwfmoreau: you can not share dirs12:39
suihkulokkifmoreau: you can't share a partition mounted already using usb mass storage12:39
hrwfmoreau: and once you share parition your system loses access to it12:39
fmoreauah, I wan's aware about that.12:39
hrwfmoreau: imagine that you have mmcblk0p3 as / and p5 as /home one. You can umount /home and give it as usb mass storage12:39
hrwfmoreau: then umount usb storage, remove module, mount /home12:40
fmoreaudidn't know that the device needs to umount the shared partition12:40
hrwfmoreau: can you mount /dev/mmcblk0p5 twice?12:41
hrwwithout bind mount12:41
fmoreauhrw: sure12:41
hrwok, other question. imagine x86 box. and /dev/sda5 is /storage. at same time you run other linux in VM and give it /dev/sda5 - will not work good ;D12:42
hrwanyway you got it12:42
fmoreauhrw: hrw then I guess I could use g_serial module instead (goal: trying to access to the N7 without network connection) ?12:48
fmoreaufrom /proc/config.gz12:48
fmoreau# CONFIG_USB_G_SERIAL is not set12:48
ogra-cbyou will need to create an upstart job for it12:48
fmoreauogra-cb: what do you mean ?12:49
ogra-cbelse there wont be a tty on the created serial port12:49
ogra-cbsee the serial howto on the ubuntu wiki12:49
fmoreauok but the kernel lack of the module12:50
fmoreauogra-cb: the think is that the tty dev node should be created by udev I think12:53
ogra-cbwell, theer were plans to enable g_composite12:53
ogra-cbbut i dont think we did that yet12:53
ogra-cbfmoreau, no, it shouldnt12:53
fmoreauI'm not sure why upstart should be needed12:53
fmoreauogra-cb: that would be usefull I think, specially when the network is not available12:53
ogra-cbupstart handles the gettys, so indeed you need it if you want to log in12:53
fmoreauah ok12:54
fmoreauso... need to rebuild the kernel to enable this module12:55
fmoreauogra-cb: should I follow the steps described here ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Kernel?action=show&redirect=Nexus7%2FKernelBuild#Build_zImage_only12:59
ogra-cbvictorp, if you like you can give the raring images a first shot ;)13:00
lilstevieg_android does include several functions13:00
lilsteviesuch as RNDIS though13:00
ogra-cbstill very buggy all over but you can get through (until the nux bug kicks in indeed)13:00
victorpogra-cb, !! :)13:00
ogra-cbthere are various new bugs too :)13:00
victorpogra-cb,  is the nux bug still haunting us?13:01
fmoreaulilstevie: where can I get the details about g_android ?13:02
lilsteviefmoreau, have a look in init.grouper.usb.rc13:02
lilsteviein the android boot.img13:02
fmoreaulilstevie: ok, thanks13:02
ogra-cbwe'll very likely drop g_android when switching to g_composite13:03
ogra-cbso dont rely on it with your code13:03
fmoreau$ LC_ALL=C git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/hwe/ubuntu-nexus7.git13:05
fmoreaukernel.ubuntu.com[0:]: errno=Connection refused13:05
ogra-cbas in #ubuntu-kernel13:05
ogra-cbyou can just use apt-get source btw13:06
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ogra-cbvictorp, for manual installation: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1079729/comments/3713:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 1079729 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Ubuntu uninstallable on 32GB 3G Nexus 7" [High,Confirmed]13:12
victorpogra-cb, thanks - I need to work with the team about this unity bug13:26
ogra-cbyeah, nux and the touchscreen issue are the most pressing ones still13:27
ogra-cb(and a few new ones with the new way of installing, but i'll take care of these)13:27
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wookey_how do I find out if a package is in main or universe? Seems like a dumb question, but http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/debconf doesn;t obvsiouly say15:28
highvoltagewookey_: apt-cache policy packagename usually does it for me15:28
wookey_so it does. Doh15:29
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BrokenThumbDid anyone try to install Ubuntu on the Windows RT tablet yet? (Just a random thought that popped up in my head)17:27
highvoltageMaybe if someone would actually buy them. I hear that they've been doing pretty dismally.17:28
prpplagueBrokenThumb: most window RT tablets use HS parts with extra security to prevent that17:28
prpplagueBrokenThumb: doable, but not exactly something done in one afternoon17:29
ogra-cbsend me one, i can try :P17:29
ogra-cbunlikely to be easy or so17:29
BrokenThumbprpplague: it's been out for a few weeks already? ;-)17:29
ogra-cbwell, "out" seems to be relative17:29
ogra-cbas highvoltage mentioned ... might be "out" but still all in boxes17:30
* highvoltage might buy one when they go hp-touchpad and cost <$10017:31
BrokenThumbOh, that'll be nice! =D17:33
highvoltageheh, we're like vultures :)17:33
sfeole*caw* *caw*17:36
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xnoxwookey_: you can look at http://pad.lv/u/$source_package at the lines "published in raring release (main)"18:02
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fmoreauogra_: Kernel 3.1.10+ on a 4-processor armv7l / ttyGS020:05
fmoreaulocalhost login:20:05
fmoreaucan log through USB now :)20:05
fmoreauogra_: would be wonderfull if g_serial is built for the next kernel image20:07
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sfeoleWhy do we see 'Error reading Mac Address from EEPROM' ?23:22
sfeolewhen booting up the Nexus723:23

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