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jussimorning all07:33
dholbachgood morning07:51
dpmgood morning everyone, morning dholbach07:53
dholbachhey dpm07:53
dholbachdpm, how's the water situation?07:53
dholbachdpm, do you have time for a call in a bit?07:53
dpmdholbach, sure07:53
dholbachdo you need some more time or should I set up a hangout?07:54
dpmgo for it07:54
dholbachdpm, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a256da4028cb50ee47107a8ebd8ce5ac2eaeb775?authuser=0&hl=de#07:56
dholbachdpm, fantastic music :)08:41
dpmdholbach, glad you like it :)08:41
dholbachI just realised that I know many of those songs already, but in different versions :)08:41
dpmin a higher BPM, probably? ;)08:47
dholbachno, not necessarily :)08:48
dholbachdpm, although one of them was had a higher BPM number: https://soundcloud.com/slamboree/slamboree-i-hate-myself-glitch :)08:56
dpmah, nice, I didn't know the electroswing version08:57
dpmmorning czajkowski09:02
dholbachhi czajkowski09:02
czajkowskiGood weekend folks?09:03
dholbachyep :)09:08
dholbachhow 'bout you?09:08
czajkowskinot bad party saturday night and hung out with my sister yesterday in london09:13
dholbachzdravo danilos09:16
czajkowskihmm my inbox is a bit um.... full09:21
jussiseiously, how do people get full inboxes on weekends?09:55
philipballewcurrently have 6,441 unread09:56
czajkowskijussi: bug mail LP queries09:59
czajkowskimailing lists09:59
czajkowski118 new mails since friday10:00
mhall119how do I get a meeting on the fridge calendar?14:09
czajkowskimhall119: email the fridge?14:10
czajkowskimhall119: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge/Calendar14:11
czajkowskiseems to have all the instructions14:11
mhall119thanks czajkowski14:11
mhall119czajkowski: does http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/ display the calendar for you?14:20
mhall119I'm getting an error14:20
czajkowskiI can see it fine14:23
jcastro_mhall119: well, moving to raring certainly fixed my dash speed problem14:29
* mhall119 is tempted to upgrade now14:32
optimusprimemtiagoscd, Oi tiago como vai14:36
tiagoscdoptimusprimem: olá optimusprimem15:10
tiagoscdvou bem e você?15:10
optimusprimemtiagoscd, também :)15:13
paultagHowdy yinsers. Anyone know where the login.ubuntu.com maintainers live?16:35
paultagit would be mighty nice to get ahold of them.16:35
dholbachhey paultag, if all else fails, try #canonical-sysadmin16:36
paultagdholbach: howdy! How's life?16:36
dholbachgreat - how's yours? :)16:36
paultagnot bad, not bad! :)16:36
paultagthanks for the tip, I'm considering forking it for work16:37
paultagdholbach: caught a bit of you when I watched a few debian-related sessions at UDS :)16:38
paultagis anyone from #canonical-isd on EST time?16:50
paultag(or similar)16:51
czajkowskipaultag: nobody in here would really know that tbh16:52
paultagMmm. Alright.16:52
paultagI figured since it was .*ubuntu.* it was likely community.16:52
paultagalright, I'll bug folks elsewhere.16:52
dholbachpaultag, there should be folks there all the time - it just might take a while16:53
paultagyeah, I figured. I was just wondering if anyone was on my time :)16:53
dholbachyes, there should be16:53
dholbachalright my friends - I've got to run - see you all tomorrow!16:57
paultaglater dholbach, thanks for the help!16:57
dholbachno worries :)16:57
dholbachsee you16:57
BrokenThumbDid anyone try to install Ubuntu on the Windows RT tablet yet? (Just a random thought that popped up in my head) or should I ask in a different channel?17:23
pleia2BrokenThumb: you're welcome here, but perhaps #ubuntu-discuss? :)17:25
BrokenThumbThanks pleia2 =)17:25
BrokenThumbBtw, how's it going pleia2 ? Long time no "see"17:26
mhall119BrokenThumb: maybe #ubuntu-arm would be better17:26
pleia2BrokenThumb: great :) hope all is well with you!17:27
BrokenThumbYeah, pretty much.17:27
BrokenThumbAh, I might have you on my Facebook, but all the "important" posts are in Dutch probably =)17:27
jcastro_balloons: what do I run to run the unity autopilot?17:29
balloonsquantal or raring17:29
balloons sudo apt-get install python-autopilot unity-autopilot17:30
balloons autopilot list unity17:30
balloonspick one or more to run :-)17:30
BrokenThumbpleia2: I'll get back to you after I'm done preparing dinner, alright?17:30
pleia2BrokenThumb: I'm at work anyway :) enjoy!17:31
jcastro_balloons: where's the wiki page for this? I'd like to Know More(tm)17:32
balloonsjcastro_, :-)17:32
balloonswhat more do you want to know persay?17:32
jcastro_options and so on17:32
BrokenThumbThanks, it's gonna be sauerkraut with potatoes =)17:32
jcastro_like, would I run this every day in the morning and report stuff, etc.17:32
jcastro_balloons: I don't understand if you don't have docs on it, I'm a big boy17:38
jcastro_you won't hurt my feelings17:38
balloonsjcastro_, ohh certainly17:38
balloonsso this week I'm is our first cadence week for QA17:38
balloonsatm, you can report results here: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/246/builds/28425/testcases/1466/results17:39
balloonsnow, as we get more autopilot tests, etc.. we'll work out any kinks and tweak things to make reporting a bit better (or find it's not necessary)17:39
jcastro_is there a key to the console output?17:41
jcastro_...Sss.. and whatnot?17:41
jcastro_balloons: man dude, this is pretty awesome17:42
balloonsjcastro_, some of the tests may fail..17:42
balloonsin fact I'd be surprised if they didn't.. but they are working on getting them better up to snuff.. and you may find something quirky with your hardware17:42
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dakerunfortunately he didn't mention ubuntu http://net.tutsplus.com/articles/interviews/chatting-with-obama-for-americas-director-of-frontend-development-daniel-ryan/18:37
jcastro_balloons: hah, those tests are still running!18:52
balloonsjcastro_, ohh yes18:52
balloonsseveral hours it should take18:52
jcastro_does it autosubmit stuff at the end?18:52
balloonsyou can run a subset of the tests18:52
balloonsjcastro_, right now, not, there's no autoreporting results18:53
jcastro_because if it did, that would awesome, "going to bed, click." and then do no actual work on my end.18:53
balloonsI want to push us there18:53
balloonsyes, allow your pc to run tests overnight, etc18:53
bkerensadaker: I actually e-mailed Daniel Ryan to see about a interview discussing his teams work with Ubuntu for Obama for America19:15
dakerbkerensa: nice :)20:08
philipballewGood afternoon20:34
paultagphilipballew: Hi there. You emailed me, did you ever get around to following up?20:34
paultagphilipballew: is there something I can do to help you along?20:34
philipballewpaultag, yeah, I am reading those guides now actually20:37
philipballewwel not now literately, but this month. Sorry for not getting back to you yet. Was gonna email you after I read the guides and did a little on my own.20:37
paultagLet me know if you hit bumps. I'm only here by chance, I can't spend time getting after people :)20:38
paultagI'm happy to help, but you've got to email me back :)20:38
philipballewpaultag, for sure. Whats the best way to ask you, or contact you?20:38
philipballewemail, irc, twitter?20:38
paultagphilipballew: if you swap IRC and email, in that order, yep!20:39
paultagif it's something that needs an email (like a pointer to the .dsc) I'd say to email me anyway.20:39
philipballewalright. sounds perfect paultag20:39
jonojcastro_, free for a quick chat in about 10mins?21:01
jonojcastro_, cool :-)21:02
jonoupgraded to 13.04, so just need to set up the G+ stuff21:02
jcastro_yeah, I did today too21:03
jcastro_didn't have much luck with it on the laptop21:03
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jonojcastro_, sorry, nearly there21:10
jonohad to dist-upgrade first21:10
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jcastro_no worries21:10
jonoman, I wonder what takes so long to verify when it installs the plugin21:12
jonoit must be checking my social security number or something :-)21:12
jcastro_I am finding the launch time in general on hangouts is getting longer21:12
jcastro_like when you click on a link21:12
jcastro_it's like, what's it doing, stringing along the cable to his house from mine?21:12
philipballewmore people are realizing it is much better the Skype.21:13
jbichajcastro_: http://google.com/tisp/ :)21:13
jonoyeah, this they are getting way slower21:14
jcastro_hah, that's awesome21:14
jonojbicha, lol21:15
jonoman, for a second I was believing it21:15
jonoand then I saw the toilet bit21:15
jcastro_the box on the toilet with the cable going into it21:16
jcastro_is <321:16
jonojcastro_, this is taking ages, can we do Skype?21:17
jbichaawesome, I just April Fooled jono21:17
jonojbicha, :-)21:17
jonojcastro_, G+ invite sent21:24
jcastro_awww yeah!21:25

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