
bcurtiswxrobert_ancell out today?00:22
bcurtiswxor is he not Australia and/or is australia not awake yet?00:22
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mfischrobert_ancell: afternoon02:19
robert_ancellmfisch, hello02:19
mfischrobert_ancell: I was looking into a bug, #1069218, which should be a simple fix, but as far as I see the code that reads that config file is never loaded02:20
mfischload_passwd_file() is the function that I dont see getting called02:20
robert_ancellmfisch, correct, this file is only used if AccountsService is not available02:21
mfischso that config file isn't useful when a-s is running02:22
robert_ancellmfisch, yes02:22
mfischdoesn't look like a-s gives us shell or UID02:25
mfischBackground, Icon, Real Name, Home Dir, Username02:25
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didrocksgood morning06:15
smspillazduflu: yo, don't merge the branches directly unless you feel like dealing with merge headaches06:55
smspillaz(as noted in the description ;-) )06:55
duflusmspillaz: I didn't...06:55
smspillazduflu: you changed the branch status to "approved" :)06:55
duflusmspillaz: Oh yes OK06:56
smspillaznp, just changed it back06:56
duflusmspillaz: So how to land it all (and backport)?06:56
smspillazduflu: once we get these through we can drop the proposals and merge the one with the conflicts resolved etc06:56
dufluYep fine06:56
smspillazduflu: I wouldn't backport this fix06:56
duflusmspillaz: Has to be. It's critical to 0.9.806:56
smspillazduflu: well, you can if you want to ... but I'll warn upfront that it will be invasive06:57
dufluAt least in the bug traffic I see :/06:57
duflusmspillaz: Yeah that's fine. I'd give it some time in raring first06:57
smspillazduflu: I'm trying to keep test coverage at 100% as I go along though, so hopefully it won't be too bad06:58
duflusmspillaz: So.. holidays huh?06:58
smspillazduflu: My TV is broken and all my friends went back home06:58
duflusmspillaz: Fair enough. When is Uni back? late Feb?06:59
smspillazyep :(06:59
dufluHah. Any normal person would be happy.06:59
smspillazhurrah for boredom!06:59
smspillazI will get myself a new TV soonish, although #clickfail made that slightly more difficult07:00
duflusmspillaz: I recommend graysonline for a bargain07:01
dufluHmm, sometimes. Not so much right now.07:02
smspillazmaybe. I have some friends at JB who can get me some good discounts07:03
duflusmspillaz: Or Sony PlayTV --> USB --> Ubuntu07:04
smspillazwell, when I say TV, I mean "display"07:05
duflusmspillaz: But a regular TV won't give you HD TV in wobbly/cube ;)07:06
smspillazit will let me play zelda though07:07
smspillazor something07:07
smspillazI should get myself one of those though, I've been looking for a TV tuner that "just works"07:07
duflusmspillaz: Last week I had problems with CCSM changes not being sent to compiz till I restarted. Can't reproduce it now but possibly related to what you're doing?07:37
duflu(using a gsettings profile)07:37
dufluSuspected as much07:39
smspillazduflu: there are so many points of failure that I don't really know what the relevant problem would be07:39
duflusmspillaz: Points of failure you found in the recent work?07:40
dufluOr that you assume are hiding?07:40
smspillazduflu: are hiding07:40
smspillazsometimes it can get into a weird state where compiz stops receiving settings updates07:41
smspillazit doesn't bother me too much though, I really just mentally downgrade the importance of all bugs to do with changing settings that aren't exposed in g-c-c07:42
smspillazalso that "sometimes my focus follows mouse doesn't work" bug really should not be critical07:42
smspillazcritical means "blocks the entire distribution"07:42
duflusmspillaz: I know the importance of many if not most bugs needs re-evaluation07:52
smspillazduflu: and in other news, I finally have the unity gesture tests working without recompiling 8 fixes every.damn.build \o/07:53
smspillaz*8 files07:53
smspillaz(even if nothing changed)07:54
duflusmspillaz: Gestures? I've had multi-touch devices of some sort for a few years but gestures has not worked on any since 11.04 (when I sold my Macbook Air)07:54
dufluI suspect they're turned off for lots of multi-touch systems when they should not be07:55
smspillazduflu: it only works on macbooks07:57
smspillazand the XT207:57
smspillazduflu: get a magic trackpad if you want to try it07:57
duflusmspillaz: Hah. Yes, forgot to mention I saw it work on an XT207:57
smspillazduflu: in any case, yay, no recompiling07:58
duflusmspillaz: Got one in the cupboard. So I could finish contributing multi-touch fixes after I sold the Macbook07:58
dufluYay. \o/07:58
smspillazspeaking of macbooks the rMBPs sure are pretty07:59
smspillazexcept the price tag07:59
duflusmspillaz: I don't want to know. Already spent too much money lately07:59
smspillazduflu: tell me about it - I put all my money in term deposits after I left canonical08:00
smspillazthat reminds me, I need to fix my super too08:00
* smspillaz is worth approximately 300$ right now, and is hoping that will last until he finds another income stream08:00
didrocksbonjour jibel :) FYI, I've now push a fix to deploy_stack so that the right bzr branch is automatically the target of lp:<foo> when using lp-propose. Will be easier than doing that everytime by hand :)08:22
didrocks(especially as the indicator branchs have some names like: ~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-messages/trunk.13.04)08:23
jibelSalut didrocks08:27
didrocksça va? :)08:27
jibeldidrocks, ça va et toi?08:29
didrocksça va bien :)08:30
seb128hey Laney, hey desktopers09:05
Laneygood weekend?09:05
didrockssalut Laney, bonjour seb128!09:05
seb128lut didrocks09:06
didrocksstill busy, but good weekend :)09:06
didrocksand you?09:06
seb128did you guys have a good w.e?09:06
seb128w.e was good here ;-)09:06
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:08
didrockshey chrisccoulson09:08
Laneygirlfriend's family were up to stay09:09
Laneyso not relaxing ;-) but was good09:09
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, how are you?09:10
didrockschrisccoulson: tired, but fine, yourself? ;)09:10
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, pretty much the same. had quite a busy weekend09:10
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xclaesseHello, is it possible to tell Dash's thunderbird icon to count only inbox emails and not all ML folders?09:15
pittibonjour seb128, comment vas-tu?09:19
seb128pitti, salut, ca va ? t'as passé un bon W.E ?09:21
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?09:21
pittiseb128: en effet! nous avons acheter un nouveau vélo pour ma femme09:21
seb128xclaesse, hey, ask chrisccoulson, I think there is an option inbox only09:21
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks09:21
seb128pitti, l'ancien était cassé ? ou un meilleur modèle ?09:21
chrisccoulsonhow are you?09:21
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thank you09:21
pittiseb128: we took advantage of the marvellous weather to do a little bike tour, and some gardening09:21
xclaessechrisccoulson, Hello, is it possible to tell Dash's thunderbird icon to count only inbox emails and not all ML folders?09:22
seb128weather was great here as well09:22
chrisccoulsonxclaesse, yeah, there's a radio button in the general pane of the preferences dialog09:22
pittiseb128: oui, every other week something else broke; it had > 16.000 km already (some 10 years), so EOL well deserved09:22
seb128waouh, that's quite some distance for a bike ;-)09:23
Laneyspeaking of weather, this is my parents' village at the weekend: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/481717_10151255237798050_606163743_n.jpg09:23
Laneythat's normally a road ...09:23
xclaessechrisccoulson, there is no "general" pane in gnome-control-center here09:24
chrisccoulsonLaney, oh, i hope their house didn't get flooded :/09:24
chrisccoulsonxclaesse, in the thunderbird preferences09:24
Laneychrisccoulson: nah, it's up the village a bit from the brook thankfully09:24
xclaessechrisccoulson, good got it. Thanks :)09:24
Laneyduring the last big ones (2000?), it did come right up our road though09:25
Laneyand i managed to get interviewed for bbc news 24 :P09:26
didrocksRAOF: hey, how are you?09:42
didrocks1grrr, system lockup09:49
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seb128didrocks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups-pk-helper/+bug/808829 ... was there anything blocking it?11:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 808829 in cups-pk-helper (Ubuntu) "[MIR] cups-pk-helper" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:22
seb128didrocks, you +1ed in comment #2 but then set to incomplete ... was that an ack or not?11:23
didrocksseb128: there is the "Bug #807261 seems quite important to fix though.11:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 807261 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu Oneiric) "cups-pk-helper makes system-config-printer asking for a password when adding a new printer" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80726111:23
seb128the bug pointed was fixed11:23
didrocksthen, discussing on IRC, pitti told it's not that important in the time11:23
seb128didrocks, that got fixed11:23
didrocksbut it was still °111:23
seb128didrocks, ok, so I can make g-c-c recommends it?11:23
didrocksso if it's important again, we can promote it11:23
didrocksseb128: sure, ping me once done, i'll promote it11:23
seb128didrocks, yeah, I enabled the upstream print dialog in g-c-c11:23
seb128didrocks, thanks11:24
didrocksyw ;)11:24
* Laney plays a song over DAAP using a gst 1.0 rhythmbox11:30
LaneyGY!BE - appropriately apocalyptic11:30
* didrocks wonders why xvfb-run is looping when there is a failure11:34
davmor2In Raring now there seems to be no way to tell if there are updates.  In Quantal you clicked on about computer and the box appear on the overview page at the bottom telling you if there were updates but that isn't there in Raring is this a bug or a feature that will appear later?12:29
cyphermoxgood morning!12:42
seb128davmor2, seems like the code in GNOME 3.6 handles pkgkit 0.8 only and we don't have that version (yet)12:49
seb128cyphermox, hey, how are you?12:49
davmor2seb128: cool thanks for the update :)12:50
cyphermoxseb128: good you?12:55
seb128good thanks12:56
pittiseb128: pk 0.8.4 is in Debian experimental; we might be able to just sync it? (didn't check new universe dependencies)13:00
seb128pitti, could be, I didn't look at it yet13:04
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didrocks1urgh, seems I timeouted13:10
didrocks1hey cyphermox, how was the week-end?13:10
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cyphermoxdidrocks1: it was ok...13:16
xnoxwhich pieces of the following software can paint the desktop background picture all on their own: gnome-settings-daemon metacity nautilus compiz gnome-shell(mutter?!) your-option-here ?13:36
seb128xnox, gnome-settings-daemon and nautilus for sure, likely compiz through some plugin, iirc upstream GNOME is talking from moving the g-s-d code to gnome-shell13:39
xnoxseb128: thanks a lot.13:39
seb128xnox, g-s-d has code to check and do nothing if nautilus is handling the desktop iirc13:40
seb128xnox, why? .. yw!13:40
xnoxseb128: me and ogra_ just pondered about moving the installer to optionally use g-s-d for wallpaper painting, instead of ubiquity-background-image "mini-app"13:40
xnoxbut if that is going away, maybe not =)13:41
seb128xnox, you already have g-s-d running right?13:41
xnoxseb128: yeap.13:41
seb128xnox, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68654913:41
* xnox wonders if we double paint the background.13:41
ubot2Gnome bug 686549 in background "background: remove code that deals with nautilus drawing the desktop" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:41
seb128xnox, we being unity or ubiquity?13:41
xnoxseb128: ubiquity-only mode (ubiquity-dm). Currently it's X + metacity + custom background-painting app13:42
xnoxseb128: I am adding support for: X + compiz (which has a --bg-image option ;-) )13:43
seb128great ;-)13:43
mspencermpt: png re. Contributor Console14:11
mptmspencer, png? An icon?14:12
mspencermpt: No, I was pinging you. I have several questions about Contributor Console14:13
mptmspencer, ah. I never respond to pings. I do respond to questions. :-)14:13
mspencermpt: I've pushed some code to the launchpad project. Should the wiki page be updated now that work is in progress on it?14:15
mspencermpt: I see that you added a link but it still says that it doesn't exist yet.14:16
mptmspencer, done :-)14:16
mspencermpt: Great, thanks!14:17
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mspencermpt: What component do you have for the panel switcher? Is it something like what Software Center uses?14:18
mptmspencer, yes. Polly is probably a simpler example.14:18
mptOr Kazam.14:18
mspencermpt: Okay, I'll take a look at those.14:19
mspencermpt: You mentioned working on as much as I could do and having others work on the rest. How do I get others to help on it?14:19
mspencermpt: I would like someone else to make an icon for it and probably to work on the Updates panel.14:20
mptmspencer, promote it. Talk about it on Twitter, on your Web site if you have one, on relevnt mailing lists.14:20
mptrelevant, even14:20
mspencermpt: Any of the Ubuntu mailing lists?14:21
xnoxubuntu-devel-discuss is a good one.14:22
mspencerxnox: thanks!14:22
mspencermpt: Since you wrote the specification, are you in charge of all changes to it?14:23
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mptmspencer, no, anyone can make changes. With things I design, what usually happens is that I maintain the design parts of the specification while engineers add descriptions of how the system is structured etc. See <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker> for example -- I didn't write any of the "How you can help" section.14:25
mspencermpt: So what about new features, for example the bugs to report idea that you suggested?14:26
xnoxhow do i check if compiz is running with llvmpipe?14:27
didrocks1xnox: open the dash, if no transparence -> llvmpipe14:27
xnoxdidrocks1: I am not running dash =) i'm running X and ubiquity.14:27
xnoxdidrocks1: any other way?14:28
didrocks1xnox: can you spawn a terminal from compiz?14:28
* xnox wants to make sure I'm starting compiz correctly by hand.14:28
xnoxdidrocks1: yes =)14:28
didrocks1xnox: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p14:29
didrocks1look at the vendor string14:29
didrocks1it will tell you if llvmpipe :)14:29
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xnoxcool, thanks.14:29
mptmspencer, usually what happens is that a bug report requesting the feature is assigned to me. I update the spec to describe how it would be presented, and I link to the update from the bug report. See bug 449337 for example.14:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 449337 in software-center (Ubuntu) "does not support --addon-cd (regression from g-a-i)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44933714:30
xnoxdidrocks: hmm... not getting any window decorators.14:31
didrocksxnox: do you have gtk-window-decorator running?14:31
xnoxdidrocks: nope =)14:31
didrocksthe decor plugin is enabled?14:31
xnoxdidrocks: where can I check how the unity session is constructed?14:32
didrocksit's a little bit vague as a question :)14:32
didrocksdo you know how the plugin system work? how do you start compiz?14:32
mptmspencer, then I unassign it to show that anyone can implement it.14:32
mspencermpt: Okay, thanks. Are there any tags to show that it is a feature request?14:33
mptmspencer, no.14:33
mptFrom "bug" to "missing feature" is a continuum. There's seldom a definite boundary.14:34
xnoxdidrocks: I start compiz like so `compiz --sm-disable --fast-filter --bg-image /path/to/background`14:34
didrocksso you have no plugin enabled14:34
xnoxdidrocks: looking at ubuntu session under gnome-session, it looks like I should start gnome-settings-daemon before starting compiz.14:34
mspencermpt: If I get stuck on how to implement something, where is the best place to ask for help?14:34
didrocksxnox: hum, why does it matter?14:35
xnoxdidrocks: ok, how do I enable plugins14:35
xnoxah I need to specify them =)14:35
didrocksxnox: you need to either create a profile, either list all of them in the right order on the command line14:36
mptmspencer, <http://developer.ubuntu.com/community/> has links to reference materials, Ask Ubuntu, and the #ubuntu-app-devel IRC channel.14:36
xnoxdidrocks: where is the default compiz profile then?14:36
* xnox wants to take that as a base and trim the fat =)14:36
xnox(well strip it to the bone to be precise)14:36
didrocksxnox: look at /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/10_compiz-gnome.gschema.override14:37
xnoxdidrocks: thanks.14:37
mspencermpt: Thanks for all your help and thanks for showing me the project!14:38
mptmspencer, thanks for getting involved. :-)14:38
desrtmorning, peeps14:43
stgraberhey there, apparently everyime I decrease brightness on my machine, gnome-settings-dameon blows up, is that a known issue? (just noticed, haven't spent too much time debugging yet)14:44
stgraber(gnome-settings-daemon:26737): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid uninstantiatable type `(null)' in cast to `GsdMediaKeysManager'14:44
stgraberSegmentation fault (core dumped)14:44
mspencermpt: One more thing - you don't have a place for the in-progress spinner. Where do you want me to put it? Should I just use my own ideas for now?14:45
mptmspencer, sure14:45
mspencermpt: okay, that's what I'll do.14:46
seb128stgraber, known issue14:46
stgraberseb128: cool, won't spend any longer debugging it, will just stick gnome-settings-daemon in a while loop for now :)14:47
seb128stgraber, or change the value from the system settings panel14:47
stgraberwell, I happen to change brightness level pretty often, so having to open the window everytime is rather annoying, I prefer having g-s-d crashing but at least the brightness level set quickly so I can read my screen :)14:48
seb128hehe, well in any case I'm looking at it next, I hope it's not going to be hard and that we will have a fix in the next hour or so14:49
pittidesrt: hey Ryan, how are you?14:53
pitti:( how's that?14:53
stgraberseb128: cool, thanks!14:53
desrtno coffe yet14:53
desrtcan't even type properly14:53
pittidesrt: so I guess it's a bad time still to ask you about dconf14:53
desrtgo ahead :p14:53
pittidesrt: context: I'm writing tests for g-settings-daemon; for that I run a private bus, and g-session and g-s-d on that14:54
desrtoh.  this sounds very interesting.14:54
pittidesrt: for the tests I temporarily need to change settings like idle-delay or sleep-inactive-ac-timeout14:54
desrtdo you want to run these tests inside of a normal user account?14:55
pittidesrt: right now I remember which ones I changed and set them back to original values in tearDown(), but that's not very elegant14:55
desrtie: in the account of someone who has their own dconf settings...14:55
pittidesrt: yes, so that they can be integrated into "make check" and don't need particular privs14:55
desrtpitti: so this problem is actually pretty boring14:55
pittidesrt: hadess suggested it might be possible to set $XDG_SOMETHING etc. to use a different dconf db?14:55
desrtyou have two ways to slay it14:55
desrtfirst is indeed to set the XDG CONFIG HOME directory14:56
desrtthat's probably the best14:56
xnoxdidrocks: with decor plugin I get window decoration but then my fake ubiquity-panel is left-alignment and "just right width" instead of full-screen width and right aligned.14:56
pittiright, as I need to fiddle with those anyway to create a temporary gnome-session session type14:56
desrtthat will make (a) the process look to a different dir for the database14:56
desrtand (b) the service activated by the private bus will write there14:57
* xnox will fiddle with it more.14:57
pittidesrt: it will also have the added benefit of not using the user's settings, but the schema ones, right?14:57
desrtpitti: at first14:57
didrocksxnox: seems you need to be nicer with decorators :)14:57
desrtpitti: of course, as you change settings, they will change14:57
pittidesrt: yes of course, that's what I want14:57
desrtpitti: there is a slightly strange complication here that perhaps you should pay attention to, though14:57
desrtpitti: although you will be using the same dconf database file, you will be sharing a different shm signalling mechanism (the file in the xdg runtime dir)14:58
xnoxdidrocks: i'll try gtk-window-decorator or see what's wrong with our minimalistic gnome-panet implementation in gtk.14:58
didrocksxnox: sounds good14:58
desrtpitti: in theory that's currently OK -- the shm mechanism currently only signals when the database needs to be reopened14:58
pittidesrt: you mean same dconf db file for all processes within the test, i.e. the scope in which I define the XDG dir?14:58
desrtso the result will be a bunch of programs have to spuriously reopen the dconf database (the real one, outside of the tests) even though nothing changed14:58
xnoxdidrocks: so far looking good.14:59
pittidesrt: ah, I see what you mean14:59
desrtpitti: i also don't like it because some day i may put another things in that file....14:59
pittidesrt: that at least sounds a lot better than me actually changing stuff in the user DB14:59
desrtpitti: so i'd recommend also changing the xdg runtime dir...14:59
desrtbut note: that dir _must_ be on a native filesystem (read: not nfs/ecryptfs)15:00
pittidesrt: that sounds like a good safety precaution anyway15:00
desrtso perhaps you want to make a subdirectory in the runtime dir and point it at your subdir15:00
pittidesrt: mkdtemp ought to be okay, I guess15:00
desrtrather than making something inside of your tests...15:00
desrtpitti: mkdtemp is for the birds15:00
desrtpitti: the purpose of the runtime dir is to avoid having to pick secure tmp names15:00
pitti/tmp certainly ought to be a local dir?15:00
desrtpitti: maybe?15:00
pittidesrt: well, processes will use $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, won't they?15:01
pittiif they hardcode /run/user/<username>/, I couldn't change it anyway15:01
desrtyes.  several o fthem.15:01
desrtnobody hardcodes that value.15:01
desrtthey use g_get_user_runtime_dir()15:01
desrti think it's worth your while to create a temporary runtime dir15:02
desrtsince various things use this15:02
desrtdconf, gvfs, keyring...15:02
pittidesrt: OOI, what does the "two zeros" file /run/user/martin/dconf/user do?15:02
desrtit's the convention to just name things there plainly (like 'dconf') since there is no concerns about security15:03
desrtbut i guess you may have a situation where two instances of tests are being run at the same time.... so maybe use a PID?15:03
desrtpitti: that's the signal file15:03
pittidesrt: what's wrong with mkdtemp()? it's convenient to use, I don't need to think about it, and it will work15:03
desrtpitti: the second zero is meaningless.  it's created by seeking to position 1 and writing a zero15:03
pittidesrt: ok, thanks for the advice!15:04
desrtwhich is only done to force the first byte to exist with a default value of zero without risking overwriting it in a race if it's already there15:04
desrtthe first byte is '1' to indicate "you need to reopen things now"15:04
desrtyou will never ever see a '1' in that file, though15:04
desrtsince by definition it means you are looking at a state copy of it15:04
desrt(ie: the service opens the file, unlinks it, then writes the '1'.... only so people who have it held open from before will see the '1')15:05
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didrockshey mterry! How was thanksgiving?15:09
mterrydidrocks, hello!  Good!  Lots of pie15:09
didrocksand chicken? :)15:09
desrtdidrocks: you're a month and a half late :)15:10
didrocksdesrt: what what? :)15:10
didrocksfor Canada I guess? ;)15:10
didrockshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanksgiving seems to confirm15:10
desrtdidrocks: one of my worst experiences in childhood was watching the pauly shore movie 'son in law'15:11
desrtfor various reasons...15:11
desrtbut one that sticks out the most is the fact that the movie features a halloween party, followed by a trip home for thanksgiving15:12
* desrt looks back and shudders15:12
didrocksdesrt's childhood, haunting him :)15:12
pittidesrt: if I want to restore all settings to the defaults in my tearDown(), do I need to track which ones I changed, or could I just wipe the 'user' file?15:13
desrtthis movie was my exposure to the fact that things south of the border just aren't right...15:13
desrtpitti: the service will write files to the xdg user config and runtime dirs15:14
desrtpitti: if you kill the service and nuke those two temp dirs, then everything is gone15:14
pittidesrt: ah, I was afraid of that (not that easy to find out the pid of the service, is it?)15:15
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pittidesrt: ah, probably easier to just call g_settings_reset on the whole power plugin schema15:15
pittithat sounds like a two-liner15:15
desrtpitti: ...15:15
desrtpitti: i'd assume that you planned to cleanup the tmpdirs you created?15:15
desrtpitti: just throw the entire test session into a cgroup and kill it when you're done15:16
pittidesrt: sure, I do; but if I do it for every test, I would be forced to kill the daemon15:16
desrti see15:16
desrtyou want to keep the fake session around for many tests15:16
pittiwhereas, if I just reset all settings, it should work15:16
desrtpitti: the fastest/easiest thing for you is 'dconf reset -f /'15:16
pittidesrt: yes, that's a lot less overhead15:16
pittidesrt: oh, nice15:17
desrtpitti: or the equivalent, via the DConfClient API15:17
mvoglatzor: I would be keen to move "add_repo_add_key_and_install_app()" into aptdaemon itself to have it available for e.g. unity - would you accept a patch? or maybe via a plugin?15:20
attenteis lp bzr down?15:25
larsuattente, haha came here to ask this...15:27
tsdgeosseems it is15:27
tsdgeoshappening for lots of people15:27
dobeyattente: #launchpad is the launchpad help channel15:29
seb128ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host15:29
seb128yeah, it's not behaving for me either15:29
mvoglatzor: i.e. I think what I want is a super-transaction so that I only need to send a single transaction-id to unity and that keeps track of the entire add/reload/install dance15:29
seb128czajkowski, hey15:29
czajkowskiseb128: what's up15:29
seb128czajkowski, is code.launchpad.net known to be having issues?15:30
seb128larsu, attente: getting "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" as well?15:30
czajkowskiseb128: first I've heard15:31
czajkowskilet me go and see15:31
attenteyep, same thing15:31
larsuseb128, yes15:31
glatzormvo, evening. sounds like a crazy name for a method :)15:31
czajkowskiseb128: what are you seeing as it's loading fine for me15:31
seb128czajkowski, I get "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" when trying to pull or push15:31
seb128czajkowski, bzr branch lp:unityThe15:31
glatzormvo, the problem is the resolving of the app name (package mapping)15:32
mvoglatzor: oh? maybe I'm missing something, but I know the expected pkgname in advance :)15:32
tsdgeosczajkowski: the web works fine, not the bzr repos15:33
glatzormvo, currently unity only uses packagekit to talk to aptdaemon15:33
tsdgeosczajkowski: actually works fine again here :D15:33
mvoglatzor: aha, well, the install progress branch that I'm working on right now is using the native aptdaemon to track progress15:33
* mvo can also not push his unity branch15:33
glatzormvo, time to push a buy method to PackageKit?15:34
seb128back working here15:34
mvoglatzor: \o/15:34
larsuseb128, attentesame for me :)15:34
didrocksconfirmed here15:34
seb128glatzor, mvo: speaking about pkgkit, should we sync 0.8 from debian experimental?15:34
mvoworks here too now15:34
glatzorseb128, evening15:34
glatzorseb128, how are you15:35
seb128glatzor, hey, I'm good thanks, how are you?15:35
attenteyep, works :)15:35
czajkowskiminor wobbly thrown, all seems ok15:35
glatzorseb128, pk08 won't work with aptdaemon yet15:35
czajkowskishout again if any issues preferably in #launchpad :) b15:35
seb128glatzor, ok15:35
seb128czajkowski, will do, thanks15:35
glatzorseb128, I got a new job and it kept me quite busy.15:35
seb128glatzor, oh, congrats I guess ;-)15:36
glatzorseb128, what are your plans regarding gnome? do you need pk 0.8 at all?15:36
seb128glatzor, GNOME -> stay on 3.6, I don't need it no, I was mostly curious since some people suggested we should update before and I've no clue what the new version brings and breaks15:37
glatzorseb128, I started on a pk08 branch for aptdaemon some time ago. I will try to work on it this week.15:37
glatzorseb128, only API breaks :)15:37
seb128glatzor, so should be easy enough to adapt to it?15:37
glatzorseb128, the parallel transactions are not supported by either yum nor by aptcc.15:38
glatzorseb128, There are some pitfalls. There have been a lot of Dbus changes: bitwise transaction flags and integer based enums (before string based ones have been used)But the gobject client of packagekit hasn't changed much. If you use PkTask all should be fine.15:39
seb128glatzor, ok, you know better than me about the topic so your call wether we update or not15:40
glatzorseb128, the systemd integration is also not a killing feature for ubuntu - I guess :)15:40
seb128glatzor, we for sure don't have a need to update at the moment15:40
seb128indeed not ;-)15:40
desrtholy fuck15:40
desrtit finally happened!15:40
desrtattente: ^^^15:41
glatzormvo, what kind of parameters should the new method support?15:41
attentedesrt: now he can follow his dream of coaching high school football :)15:41
seb128stgraber, g-s-d fix uploaded15:45
glatzorseb128, I am not sure how easy it is to port GNOME 3.6 to PackageKit 0.8. So we could be forced to keep the old one.15:45
desrtattente: srsly.15:46
seb128glatzor, well the reason I asked is because gnome-control-center 3.6 uses the pkgkit 0.8 api and I think it's the reason the "updates" button is not showing on raring15:46
mvoglatzor: it needs quite a bit of parameters :/ deb_line for the new repo, signing_key for the new repo, the application (pkgname). the software-center code has also license_key, license_key_path, oauth_token, but that should not be needed, thats fine to have that in two sepearte calls I think15:46
seb128glatzor, I'm not sure what other components are doing15:47
jbichaseb128: I don't think that updates button is very useful15:47
seb128jbicha, hey, thanks for the g-c-c bug cleaning and package work ;-)15:47
seb128jbicha, indeed not, it just made me wonder what version we should follow this cycle15:48
glatzorseb128, I will investigate this.15:49
seb128glatzor, thanks ... in any case not a high priority so please don't stress yourself over it ;-)15:49
jbichaglatzor: gpk 3.6 at least supports pk 0.8 also15:50
glatzormvo, why do you need that transaction at all? for having a better progress bar in unity?15:50
mvoglatzor: yes15:51
mvoglatzor: I could do without surely :) but it would be nice to add the icon right at the start15:52
glatzormvo, and how does unity trigger the buy process? from the dash?15:52
mvoglatzor: that is the eventual goal, yes15:52
pittidput pygobject_3.7.2-0ubuntu1_source.changes15:52
stgraberseb128: yay! thanks15:53
glatzormvo, so unity calls s-c and s-c calls unity?15:53
seb128pitti, you managed to get that working without the new glib?15:53
desrtseb128: the dependency relationship goes the other way, remember?15:53
pittiseb128: yes, I kept that in mind at the upstream side15:53
pittiseb128: I would like to get a newer g-i and glib, though15:54
seb128desrt, I though that was a locked batched update15:54
pittiI'm holding back patches15:54
desrtseb128: he has to upload the new pygobject _before_ the new glib :)15:54
desrtseb128: nah...15:54
pittidesrt: (I don't)15:54
mvoglatzor: unity calls aptdaemon, s-c will not be involved15:54
pittig-i and glib are in lockstep15:54
desrtseb128: i used the term too strongly15:54
desrtpitti: not for any reasons that i know of15:54
pittiseb128: and I keep an eye on backporting fixes to the stable g-i branch15:54
seb128pitti, ok, I mixed g-i and pygobject15:54
desrtpitti: glib and g-i just have the normal dependency relationship15:55
glatzormvo, so the buy code is moved to unity? right15:55
mvoglatzor: there will probably be a helper for now to trigger the add/reload/install dance, but it would be nice to move this helper into a more "official" place :)15:55
mvoglatzor: yeah15:55
glatzormvo, s-c is dying?15:55
mvoglatzor: all code will move into it15:55
mvoglatzor: most likely, yes15:55
* glatzor hugs mvo 15:55
* mvo hugs glatzor15:56
* desrt hugs rob ford15:56
glatzormvo, but still secret? :)15:56
mvoglatzor: *cough* no15:56
glatzormvo, do you know gdbus-codegen?15:58
mvoglatzor: no, sorry15:58
mvoglatzor: never used it15:58
glatzormvo, quite handy. I used it last year (when starting on a glib based aptdaemon client library - which stalled)16:00
glatzormvo, a problem could be the enum resolving (e.g. status and especially error codes) in unity16:02
mvoglatzor: meh, right. right now I'm using strings16:02
mvoglatzor: so thats easy16:02
glatzormvo, if unit uses the PackageKit library it would be limited to the PackageKit error types (there is some basic mapping). And if you use the aptdaemon dbus api you have to extract the strings from aptdaemon.enums16:03
glatzormvo, do you plan to move the code into a separate library?16:04
mvoglatzor: I moved it out into a seperate python helper so far16:05
mvoglatzor: but that still leaves the problem of the aggregation of the transaction progress16:05
glatzormvo, the python helper could also provide a high level progress on a very small dbus interface16:07
glatzormvo, this way you could reuse the s-c code16:08
mvoglatzor: hm, then unity would have to listen to two different dbus APIs for progress on normal installs or purchases or this small dbus interface would be used for both cases, I guess the later is ok16:09
mitya57Xubuntu users won't be able to purchase apps?16:11
glatzormvo, the 4th dbus interface to install packages :) juhu16:11
pittidesrt: I'm getting GLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend.  Your settings will not be saved or shared with other applications.16:14
mvoglatzor: exactly :(16:14
pittidesrt: I just noticed I don't have libdconf-dev installed; could it be that my jhbuild glib was not built with a dconf backend then?16:15
pittidesrt: or is that something else?16:15
pittidesrt: hm, I don't see any reference to "dconf" in glib's build system16:17
seb128pitti, it's a backend, those are not hardcoded at the glib level16:17
desrtpitti: there's another package for the backend16:17
desrtdconf-gsettings-backend - simple configuration storage system - GSettings back-end16:18
pittiright, so that has a jhbuild module?16:18
desrtthat's just 'dconf'16:18
pittiah, so I need dconf in jhbuild16:18
desrtthe reason is because glib looks for its modules at a hardcoded path relative to its own install prefix16:19
pittithere doesn't seem to be a dependency on this, so I didn't notice16:19
pittidesrt: thanks, building16:19
desrtpitti: it's tricky...16:20
pitticonfigure: error: Vala 0.17.0 not found.16:20
desrtbecause dconf has a forward dependency on glib16:20
desrtbut glib depends back again on dconf (through dependency inversion)16:21
seb128pitti, remind me that I wanted to set 0.18 as default valac16:21
desrtsame as the story for glib-networking and gvfs...16:21
pittiright, so I probably need a VALAC or so16:21
pittidesrt: how do you build dconf in jhbuild? mangling /usr/bin/valac manually?16:23
desrtpitti: jhbuild's dconf module has a dependency on vala....16:23
desrtif you just type 'jhbuild build dconf' it ought to work16:23
pittioh, it's enough to just uninstall vala 0.1616:24
desrteven that should not be required16:24
desrtthe valac installed by jhbuild should end up with the name 'valac' and it should be in the PATH before the distro one16:24
pittiright, but I'd like to avoid having to build vala itself16:25
seb128pitti, or just update-alternative --config valac16:25
desrtpitti: why?16:25
desrtpitti: embrace the chaos of jhbuild :)16:25
pittibonsoir mes amis16:41
didrocksbonne soirée pitti16:41
seb128pitti, bye16:43
mterrydidrocks, seb128: cwayne from QA has a metapackage in NEW that I sponsored: ubuntu-testing-tools.  Could I beg a NEW review from one of you?17:01
mterry(it's for nexus7 testing)17:01
didrocksmterry: sure, will do it tomorrow morning if seb128 doesn't beat me to it :)17:03
seb128didrocks, mterry: looking, if it's a dummy package it's likely trivial17:03
seb128didrocks, mterry: NEWed17:05
didrockssweet :)17:05
mterryseb128, thanks!17:06
seb128mterry, yw ;-)17:06
* didrocks counts 14 projects now deployed for daily landing into ubuntu (maybe 15 soon)17:14
kenvandine didrocks, yay!17:25
seb128hey kenvandine, had a good thanksgiving?17:30
kenvandineseb128, have a good weekend?17:31
=== attente is now known as attente_zzz
mterrytedg, do you know why some packages use run-xvfb.sh instead of xvfb-run?18:11
tedgmterry, Well, I wrote run-xfvb.sh...18:12
tedgmterry, I wasn't aware of an xvfb-run, but if I was to guess, I'd say because it doesn't fallback to the local display if there is on.18:12
mterrytedg, yeah I don't think it does.  That's a feature you wanted?18:13
tedgmterry, Yeah, so I can see the tests when running them on a local branch.18:14
tedgmterry, But, run-xvfb.sh could call the other easily enough.18:15
mterrytedg, sure18:16
mterryIt could be a simple if ! $DISPLAY; then xvfb-run18:16
tedgYup.  Really if you're going to put time in there I'd rather go to the dummy X driver.18:17
tedgThat's what xorg-gtest uses.18:17
tedgIt seems to be a better solution than xvfb overall.18:17
mterrytedg, I'm not familiar with it18:18
tedgmterry, It's cnd's magic gtest harness for doing Xorg testing.  But the way it works is sets up a normal xorg server with a special driver.18:26
seb128grrr, powerpc or how to "freeze" the archive easily19:05
seb128(having only 2 builders running for it on raring and one picked libreoffice ... say bye to anything moving to raring before tomorrow)19:05
=== attente_zzz is now known as attente
zzecoolHello is anyone here using Gnome 3 ppa ?19:20
zzecoolI just update my ubuntu 12.10 with gnome 3 ppa and lost global menu only in gnome applications ( appmenu-gtk fail to load the gtk module even thought it is installed )19:22
zzecoolany help is appreciated19:23
zzecoolanyone ?19:50
attentezzecool, maybe try checking the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to see if it points to where the gtk module is located?19:59
zzecoolattente: can you please advice me on this ?20:00
zzecoolhow do i check this20:00
attenteecho $LD_LIBRARY_PATH20:00
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
zzecoolnothing on output]20:00
zzecoolattente: the result is nothing empty space20:01
attenteso i guess try to set the environment variable to wherever the gtk module is located20:01
attentelet me see if i can find where it is on my machine20:02
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
zzecoolohh thank you20:02
attentezzecool: can you try:20:06
attenteLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/menuproxies/ gedit20:06
seb128attente, are you sure those are ld loaded?20:07
seb128attente, e.g not dlopen-ed?20:08
zzecoolyes just a sec20:08
zzecoolattente: same problem20:08
zzecoolno global menu20:08
seb128jbicha, is gnome3 ppa known to break appmenu integration?20:08
attenteseb128: nope, wasn't sure20:09
zzecoolseb128:  i spoke to the webupd8.com Guy and he said that it is working for him just fine20:09
zzecoolmaybe im an exception20:10
zzecoolindicator-appmenu  appmenu-gtk appmenu-gkt3 appmenu-qt is install20:10
zzecoolas an info20:10
seb128zzecool, echo $UBUNTU_MENUPROXY ?20:10
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
zzecoolseb128: libappmenu.so20:11
seb128zzecool, dpkg -l | grep libgtk-3-020:11
zzecoollibgtk-3-0:amd64       3.6.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10.1     amd64    GTK+ graphical user interface library20:12
zzecoolseb128:  btw thanks for the support  , i hope we will find the culprit20:13
seb128zzecool, well, it could be that gtk version, where did you get it?20:15
zzecoollet me chekc20:15
zzecoolfrom the gnome 3 ppa20:16
seb128yeah, just found it there as well20:16
zzecoolif you read my first post i said that the problem appeared after i did and upgrade using this ppa20:17
seb128zzecool, strace eog 2>&1 | grep appmenu20:17
seb128can you copy that on pastebin.ubuntu.com or similar?20:17
dupondjeany big changes in Optimus support yet since 12.10 ?20:17
jbichaseb128: we needed a newer gtk so that gnome-themes-standard wouldn't break everything20:17
seb128dupondje, what's Optimus?20:17
zzecoolseb yes just a sec20:17
dupondjeseb128: Hybrid graphic card stuff for Nvidia20:17
seb128jbicha, why would g-t-s break everything?20:17
seb128dupondje, try asking on #ubuntu-x20:18
jbichaseb128: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68902720:18
ubot2Gnome bug 689027 in general "Adwaita 3.6.2 GTK theme with GTK 3.6.0 makes everything segfault" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]20:18
seb128jbicha, don't update the theme? ;-)20:18
seb128jbicha, well anyway, it's a ppa so your call ... did that break appmenu for other users?20:19
jbichaseb128: well by the time I figured that out it was too late :(20:19
zzecoolseb128: http://pastebin.com/UyKQYVwA20:19
jbichathe first I heard of the appmenu problem was zzecool's on webupd8.org earlier today20:20
zzecooljbicha: im happy that you read it :P20:20
seb128zzecool, dpkg -L appmenu-gtk3 | grep .so20:20
zzecoolseb128: /usr/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/menuproxies/libappmenu.so20:21
seb128zzecool, dpkg -l | grep appmenu-gtk320:21
zzecoolappmenu-gtk3                                                12.10.2-0ubuntu1                          amd64        Export GTK menus over DBus20:21
zzecooloups sry20:21
seb128yeah, ok20:22
seb128jbicha broke it :p20:22
zzecoolseb128: we found the problem ?20:22
seb128zzecool, wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appmenu-gtk/12.10.2-0ubuntu3/+build/3988904/+files/appmenu-gtk3_12.10.2-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb and dpkg -i that20:22
seb128zzecool, yes, that version of appmenu is not multiarched and the raring gtk dropped fallback for non multiarch dirs20:22
seb128jbicha, ^20:22
jbichaseb128: any ideas what else could be broken by the multiarch fun?20:23
zzecoolthat why i didnt found the 32bit version in the var/cache/apt/archives when searching ?20:23
seb128jbicha, unico, adwaita, appmenu20:23
seb128zzecool, could be20:23
zzecoolahhh nice20:23
zzecoolseb128: Thank you very much20:24
jbichahmm, unico didn't seem broken...20:24
seb128jbicha, you should probably revert that fallback drop in the quantal version20:24
seb128zzecool, yw!20:24
zzecoolmake sure to update the ppa for others as well :)20:24
seb128jbicha, well, it is for pretty sure: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk3-engines-unico/1.0.2+r139-0ubuntu320:24
seb128jbicha, it was broken it in raring when gtk got uploaded so I doubt it will work in quantal20:25
zzecooli will log out log in and tell you the results20:25
zzecoolseb128: thank you very much it worked :)20:27
seb128zzecool, glad it worked, thanks for pointing the issue20:27
seb128next is to get jbicha to fix the ppa for everybody else ;-)20:27
zzecoolseb128: i wasnt able to post a bug to the ppa20:27
jbichaseb128: ah, debian/patches/061_multiarch_module_fallback.patch wasn't mentioned in the changelog20:27
zzecooland i also sent a main with all the details to the ppa admin20:27
jbichazzecool: you'll actually want to downgrade to quantal's appmenu-gtk when this is fixed20:28
seb128jbicha, yeah, it did bite us by surprise in raring as well...20:28
zzecoolappmenu-gtk is form quantal not form the gnome 3 ppa20:28
seb128jbicha, Laney did some cleanups in the patches during the UDS session without updating the changelog20:28
mterryseb128, were you going to promote gnome-control-center-unity, or shall I file a MIR?20:29
GunnarHjcharles: ping?20:29
seb128jbicha, then I went some weeks later to do a simple update and got bitten by it after upload20:29
seb128mterry, no need of MIR, that was waiting on something to recommends it and we forgot to run the command then, doing it20:31
mterryseb128, cool, thanks!20:31
zzecooljbicha: any estimate about the fix so i will not get surprised ?20:31
seb128mterry, yw!20:32
jbichazzecool: I'm pushing now, it will take about an hour to build & publish20:34
seb128jbicha, thanks for fixing ;-)20:35
jbichaor 2 hours depending on how busy the builders are20:35
zzecooljbicha: i hope i will not have any problem to downgrade :)20:35
seb128jbicha, sorry about the changelog/lack of warning issue20:35
jbichaI remembered the breakage earlier in raring but I didn't read the diff carefully20:36
zzecooljbicha: one last question , is there any easy way to downgrade - ppapurge gnome 3 ppa ? because yesterday with the gnome theme bug  i had to remove allmost my whole system and reinstall with ubuntu-desktop package20:37
jbichayes, you can install the ppapurge package and use that20:37
zzecooli got all the crazy segfaults and i though im doomed so i proceed20:37
zzecooljbicha: i have it but its doesnt working with this ppa because there is a dependency  with libgtk-3 i think20:38
zzecoollet me check now and tell you20:39
zzecooljbicha: here you are i was right it is libgtk-3 http://pastebin.com/p5v9gi4Z20:41
zzecooli know that ppa-purge use aptitude  that it doesnt support multiarch  but im not sure that this is the prob here right ?20:44
jbichaI don't know; you can file a bug against ppa-purge20:45
zzecoolok thank you20:47
zzecooljbicha: goodnight and thanks20:47

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