
aarcaneI'm trying to do a modified install for an ubuntu based distro that uses ubiquity and doesn't provide an "alternate" disk.05:06
aarcaneI've got a custom, alternate root filesystem not supported by the installer and not backed by a traiditional block device, so I have to set up my / partition and just get ubiquity to install to that.  it should do everything except configure grub and fstab..05:07
aarcanebut I don't know how to tell ubiquity where / is mounted, or where to mount /, and I don't know how to tell it to skip disk management steps.05:07
cjwatsonxnox: You changed usb-creator's binaries back to Architecture: all - are you sure that was the right thing to do?  I deliberately changed them all to "Architecture: amd64 i386" a while back to avoid unsatisfied-dependency noise because they depend on syslinux.10:52
xnoxcjwatson: hmm... pre-mature on having a dd backend & nexus7 backend neither of which will require syslinux.10:54
xnoxcjwatson: where do you see this "unsatisfied-dependency noise" ?10:54
cjwatson(All the other problems there are being addressed)10:55
xnoxcjwatson: ack. Ok, I will fix my mess.10:56
xnoxthanks for the link.10:56
cjwatsonIt'll need manual cleanup after your upload, since the partial-NBS binaries won't go away by themselves10:56
cjwatsonBut I'll be able to take care of that10:56
infinityxnox: It should never be arch:all, if the deps will be different per arch.10:59
infinityxnox: Since syntax like "Depends: syslinux [amd64], foo-arm-thing [amrhf]" only works on arch:any (or Arch: armhf amd64 etc) binaries.11:00
xnoxinfinity: How about Suggests: syslinux ?11:01
infinityThat would be incorrect, if it depends on it. :P11:01
xnox(assuming it gains a dd backend)11:01
infinityIf the syslinux backend ends up being a less-frequently-used option, it might be alright as a recommends.  But it's always annoying when a menu option just fails to function, too.11:02
=== ogra-cb__ is now known as ogra-cb
ogra-cbi'd love to know why orca comes up by default on nexus7 installs12:58
xnoxogra-cb: ubiquity.13:01
ogra-cbwell, i didnt enable anything13:01
ogra-cbtheer is a default enabling of a11y and oboard for the final install though13:02
ogra-cbso the first one likely makes a11y being on in oem-config, but i dont get why ii get orca instead of onboard13:02
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
xnoxit appears that we disable background at the accessibility setting v1 (lesser visual impairment support) but not at v2/3 (moderate & blind).13:27
* xnox will fix to disable background at all visual impairment settings, if that is ok.13:27
cjwatsonYes, I think that's a simple oversight.13:29
xnoxcjwatson: also, compiz has a background picture command line arg, so I'll experiment using compiz for background picture drawing instead of our own "desktop background picture frame" app13:30
ogra-cboh, we dont use gnome-settings-daemon for the wallpaper drawing ?13:32
xnoxnope =)13:32
* ogra-cb sees it being started in ubiquity-dm13:32
ogra-cbwe could just use it in cases where g-s-d is running anyway13:32
xnoxogra-cb: is g-s-d actually drawing the background picture, or does it just store the setting for nautilus/gnome-shell/compiz to draw the background picture?13:33
ogra-cbhmm, i wonder if its time to finally switch preinstalled images to use the oem user instaed of root13:33
xnoxogra-cb: well, I am working on supporting compiz, such that we can experiment with unseeding metacity from nexus7 images.13:34
ogra-cbthe install leaves quite some hidden dir cruft in /root13:34
cjwatsonxnox: Sure, as long as it's only when compiz can be used13:34
xnoxcjwatson: ack.13:34
xnoxcjwatson: i'm adding as the last elseif, so existing priorities of WM are not changed.13:35
ogra-cbxnox, i think its g-s-d itself through one of its plugins, ask seb128 for more details :)13:35
xnoxogra-cb: interesting.13:35
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
xnoxcompiz support is in - need to fix bugs now =)14:59
* xnox \0/14:59
* ogra-cb hugs xnox 15:00
aarcaneis it possible to bypass the disk configuration step in the ubiquity installer yet ?15:16
xnoxaarcane: sure, just move partman.py plugin out of the way. but then you are expected to get /target setup and ready as the  target install's "root"15:17
xnoxaarcane: or see reuse/replace recepies on reusing pre-partitioned disks.15:18
xnoxaarcane: Can you explain what are you trying to do to skip disk configuration step?15:18
xnoxaarcane: there is oem-config which does user setup only & can be run from pre-partitioned/live-build devices like ac100 & nexus7 for example.15:19
xnoxwe call those images "pre-installed" e.g. we ship the tarball + instructions on how to put that on target machine & on first boot oem-config asks to setup the user only.15:19
xnox(all of this has been available since a long time now)15:19
aarcaneI'm installing on zfs from a ubuntu derivative.15:20
xnoxaarcane: we have zfs support in ubuntu livecd already.15:20
xnoxaarcane: in the installer15:20
xnoxin ubiquity.15:21
aarcanexnox, this is based on 12.04, I believe.15:21
xnoxaarcane: yes in 12.04.15:21
xnoxaarcane: just preseed default filesystem as zfs instead of ext415:22
aarcanethe zfsonlinux people don't know this...  they're still relying on the debootstrap method15:22
xnoxaarcane: share the news?!15:22
cjwatsonUh - partman-zfs is only supported on kFreeBSD15:22
cjwatsonIf preseeding the default filesystem to zfs works, it's by accident15:23
aarcaneon a related note, I'm not finding partman.py.  where is it located?15:23
xnoxaarcane: right, so you need to make sure you have working partman-zfs package in the live environment & related zfs tools are available.15:23
xnoxthen it should all work, or maybe changes will be required to ubi-partman.py15:24
cjwatsonpartman-zfs isn't even in raring any more15:24
cjwatson(Because it wasn't built on any Ubuntu architecture)15:24
aarcanecjwatson, I'm going to say maybe you should build in the zfs support, since the only missing step is running a few commands from the console, namely apt-add-repository ppa:zfs-native/stable and aptitude install ubuntu-zfs, then zfs support is present.15:25
cjwatsonThen somebody needs to fix partman-zfs in Debian to support non-BSD systems15:26
cjwatsonIt's not something I'm personally going to do ...15:26
cjwatson(And really, if those tools are good enough they should be in Debian/Ubuntu directly, not require a PPA)15:26
aarcanecjwatson, it's a licensing issue.15:26
aarcanebesides, zfs support SHOULD be all based on standardized CLI commands, and should just work regardless of architecture.15:27
aarcaneif the zfs and zpool commands are present, it should work.15:27
cjwatsonWell, even so, we can't build it in unless the underlying partman-zfs package is something other than "Architecture: kfreebsd-any"15:27
aarcaneanyway, I'm going to miss my bus if I don't go get ready now.15:27
xnoxaarcane: sure, make sure you have the partman-zfs, that's the package that verifies that "zfs" is avalable and "gives green" light to the installer to uze zfs.15:28
pmatulisis kickseed support any more advanced than what i can infer from this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KickstartCompatibility20:10
pmatuliscjwatson? ⤴20:11
cjwatsonpmatulis: There've been a few improvements - the installation guide on help.ubuntu.com is canonical on this.  It's mostly in maintenance mode though.21:01

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