
McPeterk1l_, hehe .. we have a same people :)02:10
k1l_yep. its the same story every time. "i know how to unlock root and have to show it everyone"02:11
McPetersic :'(02:12
McPeteroh sh.... my realy poor english :\02:14
McPeteri try to help and prevent when i see "use sudo su" … but i'm very bad speak02:15
k1l_well, im german and my english is not in best shape too :)02:15
ninnnuSo, "rooting" Ubuntu is a thing now, just like rooting Android and iPhone?02:19
k1l_its what the cool kids do :/02:21
xnoxninnnu: not so much "rooting" in Ubuntu, as we ship root to the user out of the box ;-)02:25
k1l_but Mark S. said he got root ;p02:26
McPeterk1l_, you sugest that ?02:27
McPetersuggest? sugest ? :\02:27
k1l_on 12.04 myunity works. it doesnt work under 12.10 because they changed the dconf/gconf stuff. on 12.10 i recommend unsettings02:29
ninnnuxnox: But it does take incredible l33t-skillz to open ancient looking terminal and type in "sudo passwd"!02:29
McPeterah ok02:30
k1l_McPeter: in 12.04 myunity is in the repos02:31
McPeter(i'm use (again) gnome-panel :p)02:31
k1l_im running unity since 11.1002:33
McPeteri can't use unity for the moment :( (quadri screen)02:34
McPeteronly on laptop02:35
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=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
TheLordOfTimei think ubottu died... (in #ubuntu)20:05
TheLordOfTimewas she caught in the netsplit?20:05
AlanBellTheLordOfTime: died separately20:05
Fuchsdied earlier and is already known20:06
TheLordOfTimeah okay, because the floodbots tried to pull !netsplit and it didnt work, so was curious.20:06

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