
=== Rcart_ is now known as Rcart
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dholbachgood morning07:51
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obounaimHunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 1. what does it mean?16:42
Logan_It means that a part of a patch applied correctly, but it was one line off of what is specified in the patch.16:44
ScottKLogan_: Isn't that offset 1?16:45
ScottKFuzz is the number of lines of context that had to be ignored to make the patch apply.16:47
LaneyIt's if the context is a bit different16:47
Laneypatch(1) explains it16:47
Logan_Oh, right, my bad.16:47
ScottKobounaim: It merits manual investigation to make sure the patch applied where you wanted and still does what you want.16:47
obounaimOk, thanks all of you.16:49
micahgjtaylor: sorry I didn't get to look at your backport this weekend, I'll try to squeeze it in at some point16:50
ScottKLogan_: Are you Logen Rosen?16:50
Logan_That's me.16:50
ScottKLogan_: Forwarding new version should be packaged bugs to Debian while they are in pre-release freeze isn't particularly likely to be of benefit.16:51
ScottK(I noticed the skanlite one because I'm subscribed to the relevant Debian mailing list)16:52
Logan_True, but it encourages the maintainer to fix it after the freeze. And we can always submit a patch if the change is applied in Ubuntu first.16:52
ScottKIt also causes maintainer annoyance at Ubuntu.16:55
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Logan_jtaylor: poke22:30
jtaylorLogan_: ?22:30
Logan_jtaylor: I'm doing a merge of pyg from Debian, and I noticed that you "include required string.h in wlp/C/commands.{l,y}" - this was done in Debian, but only for the .y file - should the .l delta remain?22:31
jtaylorhm is the l file autogenerated?22:32
Logan_i.e. include 'string.h' was only done in commands.y in Debian, and not in .l, as it was in Ubuntu22:32
jtaylorI'm not very familiar with this lexing stuff22:32
Logan_actually, it probably is22:32
jtaylorI just patched both and the warning disappeared, possibly the l patch was not needed22:33
jtaylorif the implicit declaration warning is gone you can drop it22:33
Logan_alright, cool, thanks22:33
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna

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