
=== Experium is now known as FailDrain
=== TheOpenSourcerer is now known as theopensourcerer
czajkowskimorning folks!09:23
* daubers makes the backup mailserver flush it's queues09:25
JamesTaitHappy Monday!09:45
=== cking_ is now known as cking
SuperMatthmmm, we need a good anacronym for Linux, Nginx, Postgres and Django10:07
SuperMattit doesn't have the same ring to is as LAMP10:07
SuperMattor I could go with PUND: postgres, ubuntu, nginx and djago10:07
SuperMattor should django be replaced with python, which means I could use NUPP as an anacronym10:08
SuperMattoh oh oh10:09
BigRedSdjango counts as python, surely?10:13
BigRedSOtherwise lots of lamp would be something like damz, with Debian and Zend10:13
SuperMattI think polipyng sounds better, now I think about it10:19
* BigRedS reboots into Roaring10:24
BigRedSor raring10:24
BigRedSwhatever it is10:24
czajkowskimrevell: ello ello10:24
BigRedSProtip: If there's a [y/n] prompt, read what it's asking *before* hitting 'y'. I was not expecting that reboot10:25
mrevellHi czajkowski10:26
czajkowskimrevell: get sorted with the t-shirts10:27
diploheh BigRedS :P10:30
popeygetting cheap, these SSDs!10:34
diplopopey: yeah starting to get to the point I may buy one10:38
SuperMattI bought a 125gigger about a year ago10:39
diploTempted by that one in the email this morning10:39
SuperMattfreaking love it10:39
diploI'd like 2 really, but that may be pushing things to far10:39
SuperMattI turn on my pc, sit down and it's at the log in prompt10:39
* diplo would like that :)10:45
Laneybest single upgrade10:46
SuperMattI wish it was quite that good, but actually it takes an age to get through the bios10:46
SuperMattbut after that, it's pretty snappy10:46
dwatkinsI lift the lid on my laptop and it's at the password prompt ;)10:47
SuperMattoh yeah, I do that too on my laptop10:48
SuperMattwhen the next price drop comes around, I might take the ssd out of my desktop, put it in my laptop, and put a larger ssd in the desktop10:48
SuperMatt512G should be enough for the OS plus a few games10:49
dwatkinsyeah, I'm very tempted to go with an SSD on my next machine (a desktop, so I can play games on it without getting burned fingers)10:50
BigRedSI love the fact that bioses appear to have not been developed at all in about 20 years10:51
dwatkinsBigRedS: I thought EFI was effectively a replacement for that10:51
BigRedSMine still takes about 8 seconds, and the one on my 90s thinkpad took about 1010:51
BigRedSdwatkins: yeah10:51
dwatkinsthen again, stuff not changing is often good, as PCs get faster the old stuff loads more quickly10:51
BigRedSbut between about 1991 and whenever EFI started (this year?) the boot time in a Bios was horrendous10:51
BigRedSthat tinycore thing took almost exactly zero time to boot10:52
dwatkinsmy netbook boots in 20 seconds, it spends 12 of those seconds in POST10:52
BigRedSthough, that said, I still keep missing the 'hit <F12> for setup' message. Not sure I need faster bioses10:52
dwatkinsI imagine I can probably improve that by turning off disk detection or something10:52
directhexBigRedS, bioses *can't* have changed significantly, or they cease to be BIOS10:52
BigRedSyeah, should be an "assume nothing has changed" switch10:53
BigRedSdirecthex: now you sound like mjg10:53
directhexBigRedS, the spec includes, e.g. wait times for drive detection10:53
BigRedSyeah, I think that's why the few faster alternatives don't claim to be bioses10:53
BigRedSbut bios replacements10:53
* dwatkins bops along to Pendulum10:54
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:55
gordpopey, may be releavant to your interests http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-11-26-mojang-makes-bespoke-minecraft-for-the-scrumptious-raspberry-pi10:56
popeyyeah :)10:56
dwatkinsI'm interested to see if they're going to optimise Minecraft for the Pi, as that can only help users with not-so-fast PCs who currently have to put up with it having a very high CPU load.10:58
gordits pocket edition, not minecraft proper11:00
dwatkinsah ok, same as on mobile11:01
davmor2Morning all11:03
davmor23 weeks of emails kinda hurts11:03
BigRedSMinecraft for the raspberry pi? But it's in Java!11:05
BigRedSoh. pocket version11:05
xnoxalso java does run on armel11:11
dubac0hi does is there advice on MP4 and MP3 players compatibility with ubuntu?11:13
AlanBellBigRedS: that CPU even has hardware java accelleration11:13
AlanBelltry cat /proc/cpuinfo on a pi11:13
BigRedSxnox: yeah, but it runs away with all your resources on a modern machine...11:13
popeyI suspect it's a cut down version11:14
AlanBellit isn't used for anything, but it does have jazelle support11:14
dubac0would a Philips SA3MXX04WA/02  work with ubuntu?11:15
AlanBelldubac0: probably11:16
popeydubac0, hard to tell without someone trying it11:16
popeyit _might_ be a mass storage device, or some odd MTP/PTP thing11:16
popeyI'd ask the manufacturer :)11:16
AlanBellit is likely to be a mass storage device, it isn't new enough to be weird11:17
davmor2dubac0: Sansa Fuse11:17
davmor2dubac0: oh sorry I thought you were after a player11:18
dubac0popey, its and mp3 player11:18
AlanBelldubac0: yup, but from the point of view of the computer when you plug it in, it is probably just like a USB thumb drive11:19
popeydubac0, i know :)11:19
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MooDoohello all12:51
brobostigonhello MooDoo12:51
davmor2MooDoo: morning me owld mukka12:51
MooDoodavmor2: alright geeza, long time nah speak, how's it 'angin?12:52
davmor2MooDoo: still recovering from the email explosion that hit me email inbox after a week off, a week in London and then another week off machine is still currently sorting them :(  Flat is still partially upside down but I have a rad in office now woohoo!12:53
MooDooflat?  you moved?12:54
davmor2MooDoo: no heating got updated by the council so we had to box everything up, then the week the work was done I was in London on a sprint and then a week off to unpack12:55
MooDoodavmor2: good luck then geeza lol12:56
davmor2MooDoo: we are in the upacking and sorting phase at the moment12:57
MooDoodavmor2: well glad to see you got your priorities right :D12:57
davmor2MooDoo: oh yes get the machines to do all the work ;)12:58
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=== lan3y is now known as Laney
mungojerryanyone like the cool name of that tory MP?13:12
mungojerrymichael fabricant13:12
mungojerrysounds like something from terminator or blade runner13:12
mungojerrycaption anyone? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/news-in-pictures-8026326.html?action=gallery&ino=1313:14
dwatkins"I can't see anything in this costume, can you?"13:16
dwatkins(helps to know that 'Aussichtsterrassen' means 'observation terrace')13:16
davmor2_mungojerry: and there was me thinking it was something you stuck in your washing machine to soften your washing :D13:20
mungojerryi can't see anything but that nice guy from apple said just keep walking straight ahead and we'll find it13:21
dwatkins'move along'?13:28
BigRedS_I'm after a case for my kindle that means I can chuck it in an overfull bag with reckless abandon and it probably wont break. Any suggestions?13:39
mungojerrymy wife has a nice cheap padded one13:39
BigRedS_yeah, I'm pondering those. Or making some crazy wooden box for it13:40
mungojerrymissis got hers from tesco13:40
BigRedS_Everything that claims to protect it seems to assume my worry is a scratched screen, not a cracked one13:40
BigRedS_But my current 'solution' of a tupperware contaier works really well, excpet for being about 12 times thicker than the kindle13:41
* popey stabs his acer revo13:52
einonmBigRedS_:  I used an old heavy  leather diary cover for mine. Worked a treat, until it conked out13:54
mungojerryi saw popey on a bbc news article t'other day14:08
mungojerrytrying to find it again14:09
SuperMattwhy would you subject yourself to such torture *again*?14:10
* davmor2_ watches popey get catapulted across the room from the electric shock from stabbing said revo14:10
mungojerrypopey, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-2045219214:12
mungojerryis that you?14:12
daubersmungojerry: That really does look suspiciously like popey......14:14
mungojerrymore popey than elvis14:15
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
popeycan't be me, it's public transport14:20
davmor2popey: looks like a London double decker and I know you don't drive to London ;)14:23
popeyI love driving in London14:24
mungojerrythere are popey replicas among us14:25
shaunoI think he's just spreading disinformation14:25
daubersIn just 5 years time, 90% of the earths surface will be covered with them!14:26
* daubers goes to find a tinfoil hat and a shotgun14:26
mungojerryyes, it's a weak argument14:26
popey\o/ fixed revo14:26
* popey unstabs it14:26
davmor2popey: reheheally I think you LIE! nobody enjoys driving in London fullstop :P14:32
popeyi do :)14:32
popeyalways have14:32
davmor2popey: also if you look really carefully you'll notice that the guy in the picture has a horrendous Hawaiian Shirt on under that Coat :D14:33
* daubers has to go to London tomorrow :(14:34
daubersClient is somewhere near Kensington, so I think I might accidentally end up in the Science Museum while trying to find Paddington on the way home14:34
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
davmor2daubers: but paddington is really easy to find he is the only bear I know in a duffel coat and trilby hat14:40
daubersdavmor2: Just follow the marmalade paw prints?14:40
davmor2daubers: or set up a sandwich trap14:41
=== BigRedS_ is now known as BigRedS
AlanBellmrevell: have you met the entry requirements for https://launchpad.net/~not-canonical ?15:09
mrevellAlanBell, I suppose i have :)15:09
AlanBellgosh, well congratulations on the new role :)15:11
dauberswhat is mrevell doing now?15:12
mrevellThanks AlanBell :)15:13
davmor2mrevell: is breaking databases now ermmmm promoting I always get them confused ;)15:13
mrevelldaubers, I'm Community Manager for EMEA at Basho, the people behind the open source schema-less database Riak.15:13
mrevelldavmor2, Helping other people break them :)15:14
AlanBellwhich is like couchdb, except in erlang, like couchdb is15:14
AlanBellas far as I can make out15:14
czajkowskidaubers: you're in london tomorrow, mrevell has an event on in london tomrorow15:14
daubersczajkowski: I hope to only be in London for precisley 120 minutes, 30 minutes of tubes, 30 minutes of dealing with a customer and 60 minutes of the science museum :)15:15
daubers(60 minutes too many IMHO)15:15
mrevellAlanBell, Riak is a key value store and has an emphasis on scalability and availability, which is really quite unlike CouchDB ;)15:15
mrevellAlanBell, But yeah, same sort of thing … a NoSQL db15:15
daubersmrevell: So "Big Data" stuffs really then?15:16
AlanBellI was doing NoSQL for many years, until it became fashionable15:16
mrevellI'm sure I still have my Lotus Notes client licence somewhere...15:16
AlanBellyeah, that was me :)15:16
AlanBellI knew Damien Katz a bit15:17
mrevellErlang seems pretty cool, actually. One of my personal goals for next year is to get Riak into Universe.15:18
davmor2daubers: 60 minutes too many you want to drop the tube and customer bit then?15:18
daubersdavmor2: Exactley15:18
daubersdavmor2: I'm pretty sure remote desktop was invented to help me avoid ever having to go to London15:19
popeymrevell, pimped to greater london linux user group?15:19
davmor2daubers: just get yourself a job as night security at the science museum and set up a bunk in the cellar done right?15:19
mrevellpopey, Yeah, I sent a mail along earlier at czajkowski's suggestion.15:19
daubersdavmor2: Too much time in London then15:20
popeyah, ok15:20
BigRedSI've a 'proper' ubuntu 12.10 'server edition' CD from a goodie bag at UDS. IS it probably a LiveCD?15:21
AlanBellBigRedS: nope, server isn't15:21
* BigRedS has a new coaster15:22
popeyooh, i dont have one of them15:22
popeyneed to update my collection15:22
BigRedSdo you want this one? I guess you can get hold of them pretty easily15:23
popeynah, its okay15:25
davmor2BigRedS: the clue is in the title the desktop ones tend to say desktop ;)15:25
kvarleyWhen launching TF2 via Steam I get the following message in the terminal window - "You appear to have OpenGL 1.4.0, but we need at least 2.0.0!" How can I upgrade my opengl version?15:25
kvarleyI'm using fglrx-updates on Ubuntu 12.10. 64bit installation.15:26
BigRedSdavmor2: yeah, I just wondered if the ones given out were more, er, friendly?15:26
davmor2kvarley: that might be the Opengl supported by your gfx driver rather than the version installed maybe, I could be wrong though15:31
kvarley davmor2: Ah ok. I have no idea how to fix it. Only thing I can think of is trying the beta driver from AMD. But I know if I upgrade to that I can no longer control screen brightness so I don't want to do that if possible.15:32
gordkvarley, pastebin the output of glxinfo15:33
gordwill need to install mesa-utils to get that binary15:33
kvarleygord: mesa-utils wasn't installed, is that bad?15:34
gordits normal15:34
kvarleygord: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1389202/15:35
kvarleygord: "server glx version string: 1.4" means opengl 1.4 ?15:35
gordkvarley, your gpu/driver supports gl 4.0. it looks like a bug in valves code in how they look up opengl, tell them to stop being crap15:37
gordor send a bug if you can, they probably appreciate that more15:38
kvarleygord: hehe :) thanks for the help15:38
BigRedSI keep seeing 'devops' job ads that don't mention any particular language for the 'dev' half. Have I misunderstood what devops is?16:15
diploBigRedS: Anything/everything ?16:20
diploPretty much my job is like that16:20
AlanBellor just, um, ask Mark anything by emailing him or pinging him on IRC16:30
AlanBellI guess this is "ask Mark anything with an audience looking at what you are asking"16:30
SuperMattslashdot is the most vocally anti-ubuntu website out there. I can't see this going over to well16:32
BigRedSdoes he normally answer questions emailed at him? If I had a question for him, I'm not sure I'd expect to be able to just email him about it16:36
popeyAlanBell, it's going where the users are16:38
popeyif there were any users left looking at /. of course :)16:38
* AlanBell looks at slashdot still16:39
AlanBellBigRedS: sure he does, he is very responsive16:39
davmor2AlanBell: yeah but you got way too much time on your hands ;)16:40
AlanBellor just ask him stuff on IRC if you see sabdfl online16:40
AlanBellhelps if you have something worth asking of course16:40
AlanBelldavmor2: I just haven't got the hang of reddit16:40
davmor2AlanBell: red....what ;)16:41
BigRedSAlanBell: yeah, I don't, but I still wouldn't expect that to be a thing he does. I can see why people don't just email him questions and instead use an 'Ask Mark' session16:41
BigRedSHaha, reddit's currently my biggest time sink, I think16:42
popeyits /. not reddit, the AMA on reddit hasn't happened yet AIUI16:42
AlanBelldavmor2: indeed, it is a very old fashioned looking web forum thing, with no particular features that make it suitable for real time interaction, but it is surprisingly popular16:43
BigRedSYeah, I just thought the conversation had shifted to reddit16:43
AlanBellwhich is critisism that could also apply to slashdot16:43
BigRedS"old fashioned" isn't criticism!16:45
popeycf: mailing lists :)16:45
AlanBellmailing lists are more suited to real time discussions than web forums16:46
BigRedSreal time?16:46
popeydepends on the user16:46
popeyI've seen people send mails to lists and then reply immediately with "bump" to speed up responses16:47
popeybecause they were seen as slow compared to forums16:47
AlanBellI have unread marks and don't have to refresh the page to see new stuff inserted into threads16:47
BigRedSmailing lists are more threaded than most forums, but other than that the real-timeliness seems about the same16:47
popeyI am not going to argue with you about lists vs forums16:47
popeyi hate forums16:47
popeybut other people like them16:47
SuperMattI hate forums *and* mailing lists16:48
AlanBellyup, forums would be fine if they had unread marks and AJAX insertion of new content16:48
SuperMatttbh, I hate email16:48
BigRedSOn unthreaded forums you can usually go to the first unread message16:49
BigRedSbut threaded ones tend to not know which bits of the page you've read yet16:50
SuperMattone that did it well was b3ta.com. It'd put a little mark next to anything which wasn't there the last time you looked at the page16:50
AlanBellexactly, and to get new stuff you have to refresh the page, and it doesn't distinguish between stuff you just read, and the new bits16:50
popeyi recall this argument some 8 years ago :)16:50
BigRedSyeah, I think the use cases are normally different enough that people who like forums don't want them to be like mailing lists16:51
BigRedSAlanBell: to get the new stuff from a mailing list you have to switch to the next message...16:51
AlanBellyeah, this is an old argument, I was just hoping that someone would tell me I am an idiot and missed the "turn on unread marks and ajax" button somewhere16:53
popeyhas nobody seriously made a forum which does ajax?16:53
mgdmI'm sure there are a few16:54
popeyi wrote a screenscraper once which ripped posts from ubuntu forums and put them in a db, so you could then do what you want with them, put them into a news group or mail16:54
davmor2popey: surely you want a forum that uses vim not ajax ;)16:57
X3NHas planet ubuntu uk been killed off?16:58
BigRedSan ajaxy forum would irritate the crap out of me. I already dislike it when Twitter breaks my scroll bar16:58
popeyi try to force myself to use vim16:58
popeyyes X3N16:58
popeylike those apple keynotes where the news sites do ajaxy autorefreshy page things16:59
popeywe should do that ;)16:59
mgdm'Ajax' doesn't have to mean 'breaks scroll bars'17:00
AlanBellyup, like that, but threaded and with context17:00
mgdmthat's only when people do it wrong17:00
mgdmit doesn't automatically require infinite scrolling or whatever17:00
AlanBellnope, just event based DOM manipulation17:00
* AlanBell wonders if mrevell knows if riak has callbacks like the couchdb streaming stuff17:01
AlanBellsomething like this would be handy http://guide.couchdb.org/draft/notifications.html17:01
davmor2AlanBell: go to the event and ask the people who would know ;)17:03
AlanBellyeah, might do17:03
BigRedSmgdm: no, but I assumed that automatically inserting posts in threads would break my scrollbar17:05
BigRedSPerhaps it wont - there are many very good reasons I don't do websites, and this may well be one of them :)17:05
AlanBellBigRedS: doubt it, much less than inserting a chunk of content at the bottom of the page17:06
BigRedSAh, fair enough. I'll maintain my enforced distance from anything to do with UI design :)17:08
AlanBelljust installed couchdb, might prototype something later17:08
BigRedSActually, that's a lie. I intend to spend this evening interfering with somebody else's JS...17:08
* AlanBell hugs apt-get17:08
daubersHooray! Something small to cheer me up, off to look at a kitten this evening17:30
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm
brianbhi need some help with getting flash player working in both firefox and google chrome on ubuntu 12.0417:42
AlanBellhi brianb17:43
lubotu3To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:43
brianbi have flash installed well according to google chrome but it will not load17:44
AlanBellchrome is a bit different as flash is built in to that17:46
brianbif i type chrome://plugins and expand the details i can see Adobe Flash player with the corresponding version and its enabled17:48
brianbbut when i try and stream say bbc live news all i get is flash player is not loaded17:49
AlanBellFlash - Version: 11.2 r20217:49
AlanBellthat version?17:49
AlanBelldunno if it will help, but you could try closing all chrome windows, then running it from a terminal and seeing if there is any informative output when you view flash sites17:50
brianbits the same version as used in firefox17:51
brianbi think therev is a compatibility problem with ubuntu17:51
AlanBellworks for me17:51
AlanBellin chromium and chrome and firefox17:52
brianbboth 10.10 and 12.04 will not play a flash stream17:52
AlanBellI am using 12.10 but I get the same version of flash17:52
brianbwell flah works on the same machine when booted to windows xp17:53
AlanBellhow did you install flash?17:53
AlanBellvia ubuntu-restricted-extras, or the tickbox on the installer or something else?17:53
brianbvia the ubuntu site17:54
brianbtick box on the software instaler17:54
AlanBellok, it should just work then :)17:55
AlanBellin a terminal can you type ls -l /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins17:55
brianbok so if i go into a terminal can i completely uninstall flash and then reinstall17:55
AlanBelland tell me if you see as the first line lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     37 Nov  9 08:23 flashplugin-alternative.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin17:55
brianbyes but the date is 2012-11-2617:57
AlanBellok, that doesn't matter17:57
brianbalso have some entries for totem17:58
AlanBellyou can do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer17:58
AlanBellor sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-installer17:59
MartijnVdSnot purge?17:59
AlanBellthat too17:59
AlanBellsudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer17:59
AlanBellbut I am not really expecting that to make a heap of difference17:59
brianbhave removed the flash as you suggested18:00
brianblooking at the first line it still has the flash plugin18:01
MartijnVdSyou need to restart the browser after installing or removing a plugin18:01
MartijnVdSChrome comes with its own copy of flash built in18:01
brianbso having used the remove cmd what should i do next18:02
MartijnVdSRestart your web browser.18:02
MartijnVdSChrome has its own flash built in, if that doesn't work, that's very strange18:03
AlanBellchrome should use /opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so18:04
brianbwell firefox will not display any flash player say on the BBC site18:04
brianband looking at the plugin tab flash is still there18:05
MartijnVdSbrianb: After restarting? You must have some other Flash plugin installed.18:05
MartijnVdSbrianb: one of the "alternative" Flash replacements18:05
brianbshockwave flash18:06
MartijnVdSbrianb: it should list the name of the plugin as "something.so"18:06
MartijnVdSbrianb: can you copy that name here?18:06
brianbwhere in the terminal or looking at the plugin tab on firefox18:06
MartijnVdSin the Plugins tab18:06
MartijnVdSit has "Shockwave Flash" -> "File: something.so", "Version: etc."18:07
brianbshockwave flash 11.2r20218:07
MartijnVdSHow did you install Flash initially?18:07
MartijnVdSDid you restart the browser?18:07
brianbyes started browser18:07
MartijnVdSyou closed all Firefox windows?18:08
brianbi guess initally it was installed when ubuntu was installed18:08
brianbcan i get rid of flash in chrome and in firfox and then restart again18:10
MartijnVdSyou can't get rid of Flash in Chrome18:14
MartijnVdSbecause Chrome comes with its own copy of Flash18:14
MartijnVdSwhich is not in the same location as the copy Firefox uses18:14
MartijnVdSthey're completely separate18:14
brianbok so if chrome was uninstalled leaving just firefox then if i can get flash to work in firfox by installing a version that does work then it would suggest that the version built into chrome was at fault18:16
MartijnVdSbrianb: No18:16
MartijnVdSbrianb: The flash that is built into Chrome is completely separate from the one in Firefox18:17
MartijnVdSFirefox can't use the Chrome Flash plugin18:17
MartijnVdSChrome won't use the other (Firefox) one18:17
brianbso why are both browsers showning the same version plugin18:17
MartijnVdSBecause that's the latest version18:18
MartijnVdSwith all security fixes, etc.18:18
brianbwell can i drop back to a early version18:18
AlanBelltwo copies of the same thing in different places and with different plugin systems18:18
AlanBellthis is really odd18:18
MartijnVdSAlanBell: That's how Chrome's plugin stuff works18:18
MartijnVdSwell the Pepper ones18:18
MartijnVdSMy Chrome has:18:18
MartijnVdSShockwave Flash 11.5 r3118:18
MartijnVdSmy Firefox has:18:19
AlanBellflash always just works now18:19
MartijnVdS     Shockwave Flash 11.2 r20218:19
MartijnVdSso my Chrome plugin version is newer18:19
MartijnVdSare you use you're using Chrome, not Chromium?18:19
MartijnVdS(Chromium doesn't come with Flash)18:19
brianbok how do i check in the terminal what version chrome18:19
MartijnVdSbrianb: in Chrome, go to chrome://plugins/18:20
MartijnVdSbrianb: version of Chrome: chrome://chrome18:20
brianbthe installed version is googtle chrome 23.0.1271.6418:21
brianbFlash is: 11.2 r20218:22
MartijnVdSbrianb: I'm running the beta, so that might be why I have a newer Flash as well18:22
brianbok so if thee are two different plugins required one for flash and one for mozilla why does mozilla have the same version of flash18:23
MartijnVdSIt's not like that18:24
MartijnVdSMozilla requires one copy of the Flash plugin, Chrome comes with another (its own) and the systems are not compatible18:24
brianbwell what version flash will work with mozilla18:24
MartijnVdSThe one in the package should18:25
* MartijnVdS hasn't had Flash problems since.. 9.10 or something?18:25
MartijnVdSthat's Ubuntu 9.1018:26
brianbok i have to disappear for a few hours do you have any suggestions?18:32
=== slvr_ is now known as slvr
kvarleyHow is screen brightness controlled? Is it handled by the graphics driver?19:26
jacobwkvarley: usually by the backlight19:31
kvarleyjacobw: Yes but what software manages it when you use the function keys?19:32
kvarleyI'm afraid that if I upgrade to the latest beta driver I will loose the ability to adjust screen brightness as currently I'm using samsung-tools (a workaround package_19:32
jacobwkvarley: try it, roll back if it doesn't work :)19:40
jacobwkvarley: i'm fairly confident that there won't be a problem19:40
kvarleyjacobw: Hehe, ok. I will try it when I have some free time. Need my laptop tomorrow so will do it after thats done :) thanks for the help19:41
davmor2night all20:10
jacobwevening popey20:50
bokjhvHas anyone else's Firefox mucked up with Firefox 17 ?21:01
shauno17?  I'm still on 3.621:02
bokjhvoh Ok21:02
bokjhvNone of the bookmarks work at all......21:03
jacobwwhat does work?21:03
bokjhvnothing just seems to have totally screwed up  .. cannot connect anywhere .. and yes I am connected.21:04
* bokjhv has friends in low places :)21:05
jacobwlayer 2?21:05
AlanBellbokjhv: anything daft like proxy settings set?21:08
AlanBellor not set, as the case may be21:08
bootinfdsdsWoow  .. just disconnected for no reason ... ??21:09
bootinfdsdsHi Alan .. I did reset the router password .. BTW chrome works fine.21:09
AlanBellyeah, but firefox can have different proxy settings21:09
bootinfdsdsI could reinstall firefox ?21:09
bootinfdsdsright, dunno.. how to proceed ..21:09
* AlanBell decides to proceed with a large glass of wine21:12
bootinfdsdsAlanBell, Are you sure it's todo with proxy settings . It's never been an issue before...21:13
bootinfdsdsjacobw, OK hang-on.21:13
AlanBellI have no idea what it relates to bootinfdsds, I was kind of expecting you to say "oh, yes oops I had a proxy at work earlier" or "nope, I never go anywhere near a network with a proxy"21:13
popey\o/ wine21:13
bootinfdsdsYeah, I cannot load any webpage at all .. A glass of Merlot sounds nice though. Anyway I guess I'm re-installing firefox, then.21:14
jacobwbootinfdsds: what error do you see?21:15
bootinfdsdsjacobw, Just the basic "Firefox can't find the server at uk.finance.yahoo.com." error for my homepage .21:15
bootinfdsdsjust means nothing is loading.21:16
jacobwbootinfdsds: did you see the same error for my link?21:16
AlanBellfile-work offline is not ticked is it?21:16
AlanBellthough that would give a different error message21:17
AlanBell"Firefox is currently in offline mode and can't browse the Web."21:17
bootinfdsdsI'm going to bite the hedgehog and re-install.21:17
MartijnVdSpoor hedgehog21:18
bootinfdsdsalways thought it would have been a bettr linux symbol,    see.21:19
jacobwbootinfdsds: start firefox with alt+f2 → `firefox -P --no-remote`, make a new profile, and see if you can browse then21:20
bootinfdsdsgreat, I'm getting PM's now from Warisistan .. great.21:21
bootinfdsdsOK .. got it back .. checked if all works with this little gem :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GR4Qz3-PNo21:26
bootinfdsdsworx good.21:26
bootinfdsdsAlanBell, I noticed your lovely clip on Ubuntu TV mailing list .. are you going to the Meeting on the 30th at 6pm UTC ??21:28
AlanBelloh possibly21:28
AlanBellhave the TV team found an OEM or reference platform yet?21:29
bootinfdsds.. I remembered because you were at the Ubuntu TV youtube vid.21:29
bootinfdsdserr .. not that I know.21:29
bootinfdsdsI thnk everyon's eyes are on the Nexus 7 input atmo.21:30
AlanBellTV isn't the most exciting area for me to participate with tbh21:30
AlanBellI rarely watch TV and I am perfectly happy with sky+ for the stuff I do watch21:30
bootinfdsdsYeah, me too.. but I thnk it is a brill. concept.21:31
bootinfdsdsI chucked out my tv in spring .. it bounced.21:31
bootinfdsdsStill pay the feckin' license thou ...21:32
AlanBellI know there are lots of people who are keen on TV and games and stuff, which is fine, I am just not that into it, and don't see what it has to do with computing really :)21:32
* bootinfdsds has grinted teeth towards BBC-brother21:32
bootinfdsdsIt's just a bigger monitor to most people don't you agree ( in concept anyway) ??21:33
bootinfdsdsWe have a local TV shop going out of business here. I just thought with the right training that the guy who calls round (cable guy) could be able to fix Ubuntu TV too. ??21:35
AlanBellwell arguably yes it is a 1920x1080 monitor, but I think for most people it is Eastenders and Corrie in a box21:36
bootinfdsdsalthough I imagine that could be done remotely in most cases.21:36
bootinfdsdsTrue, but I'm thinking more Khan Academy .. I think Ubuntu is more of a different UX than Mr Sugar intended the sky-box to be.21:37
AlanBellwell if smart TVs get people watching kahn Academy and TED talks then I am all for it!21:39
bootinfdsdsIf you look at the Xtreamer box , which is basically a load of pre-recorded channels set up on a small atom linux box, you'll see the potential. Just needs less of a $300 price tag.21:39
bootinfdsdsTED talks .. seen any good one's recently ?21:39
bootinfdsdsOh, BTW for everyone else out there , I got a full pack of Frosted shredded wheat from Tesco's for 70p today .. Lasting 5 days or so , I'm getting 20 boxes tomorrow to stock up for the winterisation. Just a thought.21:41
bootinfdsdsusu. cost £221:41
AlanBellthat was quite a good one, watched it earlier21:42
AlanBellbut they are all awesome21:42
bootinfdsdsquite true, alan.21:43
shaunobootinfdsds: we'll heard 'round yours when the zombies come then ;)21:43
AlanBellI need to do more preparation for the zombie apocalypse21:43
shaunojust keep track of who else is stocking up.  you never know when a frosties cache could come in handy21:44
shaunoway I see it, you stockpile, and you're tied down.  you know who else is stocked up, and you're mobile with options21:46
bootinfdsdsshauno, I'm just waiting for the Zombie Apocolypse I guess .. AlanBell , here my fav. http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html21:48
bootinfdsdsnice guy from place where Shakespere came from .. where was it again ?21:50
=== hugh is now known as Guest80673
AlanBellalso like the strandbeast one21:54
bootinfdsdsAlanBell, i had a long hard swmoke about the Ü-TV thingy .. I think Mark's revelation was that more people have TV's than PC-boxes  ..and TV's do have CPU's of sorts ..  the pacman is going after the chips21:55
bootinfdsdsmaybe a square peg in a round hole though, I quite agree .21:56
shaunothe problem with trying to fix TV for me, is that most my issues with it are too deeply entrenched21:58
bootinfdsdshow so ?21:59
shaunomost my frustrations boil down to geographic content licensing.  so I can't watch a show from 'there' because they only have the rights to show it 'there'22:00
bootinfdsdsI can't wait to se the day when we get a USB stick stuck on the front of the Radio Times :)22:00
popeyhah, i like that idea22:00
bootinfdsdspopey, Yeah what /did/ happen the that Mini-disc (DVD) idea ?22:01
shaunoI like the idea of all channels being provided as 'apps' of sorts.  and leave free/subscription/in-app purchases down to what suits the provider's model best.22:02
bootinfdsdspopey sorry meant to say Mini-DVD ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Comparison_disk_storage.svg22:03
shaunoabstract out ad-delivery to a third-party, google-ads style, so if I want to watch an american ad-supported network in the UK, the advert provider feeds me british adverts so the american network still gets their pennies per eyeballs22:03
popeyI'm happy to work around this crap with VPNs personally22:03
popeyI just finally got xbmc working perfectly at home22:03
bootinfdsdsshauno, It's just an extra VPN subscription to do all that. usu. £5 a month.22:03
shaunoright.  so I pay ntl to be able to watch bbc on my tv, and then another provider so I can vpn to watch it on my laptop22:04
popeyalso usenet22:05
bootinfdsdsif it is americae, yes.22:05
shaunopay for netflix, and then pay for a up-based vpn so that it actually has some content22:05
bootinfdsdstrue, quite true.22:05
popeyits all very wrong22:06
shaunoI end up paying for everything twice.  pay once for the content, and then again to unbreak it22:06
bootinfdsdsWord is, in the local pub , some guy is making a fortune making people use 'special codes' to get Netflix USA , when in fact it is only VPN he sets up for them. :)22:07
shaunoand good luck trying to find a vpn/vps provider in slovakia so my gf can watch tv from home22:07
bootinfdsdsWell spotify went web-based after all.22:08
bootinfdsdsshauno, You can just steam it with the laptop in front of the tele. can't you ?22:08
shaunoif I can come up with a slovak IP so it lets me, yeah :)22:09
bootinfdsdsjust use her's.22:09
bootinfdsdsor the bamboo telegraph :)22:09
bootinfdsdsApparently this works ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOuhinyGhrY22:13
shaunoit doesn't help that I'm in ireland, so I'm paying in both directions.  I don't get iplayer for free with some minor hoops for american content22:14
bootinfdsdsOh OK, your with the right provider thou. NTL is good.22:14
shaunothey're less evil than eircom.  but phone companies don't tend to set the bar too high for evil.22:15
directhexi dunno, i'm with BT22:15
directhexthey're pretty evil22:15
directhexthat said, my BT line has worked far better than any previous ISP i've had22:15
bootinfdsdsBrilliant BT helpline intro ... http://open.spotify.com/track/14QIAOdHU2moF53egeO6RS22:17
directhexoh, i haven't had to *call* them, thank $deity22:18
bootinfdsdsgood 4 you .22:18
AlanBellI kind of like plusnet. The line is from BT, and PlusNet are my agent for shouting at BT on my behalf.22:18
bootinfdsdsOh Ok .. sounds good in theory, anyway.22:20
bootinfdsdsSo is anyone getting a Nexus 7 for christmas this year ?22:21
* bootinfdsds has been too naughty :(22:21
bootinfdsdsit was on the linux action show recently.22:22
bootinfdsdsCan't wait for birthday in february though ><22:23
bootinfdsdsI re-discovered some Ubuntu books on TPB today   .. typical naughty stuff as per usual.22:25
bootinfdsdsI think oreilly media has a 50 % off sale for pdf's until 6am on Tuesday (Tomorrow).22:28
bootinfdsdsprobably take debit card, me thinks.22:31
bootinfdsdspopey, have you seen any other games other than 'space-suit zero' that are linux-bound on kickstarter recently ??22:32
bootinfdsdsI am slightly dissappointed that there isn't a Raspberry Pi channel on freenode .. or not AFAIK22:36
AlanBellthere is722:36
bootinfdsdsgo on .. called.22:36
AlanBell373 people in #raspberrypi22:36
bootinfdsdsnothing is coming up .. hang-on.22:38
AlanBellodd, maybe you have to be registered or something22:39
AlanBellbootinfdsds: you typed /join #raspberrypi or similar?22:39
bootinfdsdsyeah, that's it.22:39
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
bootinfdsdsjust not registered22:40
AlanBellgah, the bots are offline22:40
bootinfdsdsregistering ...22:40
bootinfdsdsWow .. just checked my email and I have a message from Stallman ..22:44
popeydoes it mention parrots?22:46
bootinfdsdsno but there's a giraffe in it :)22:47
bootinfdsdspopey, did you see my question 15 minutes ago  ??22:48
Azelphurso, I just got the keys to my new flat, anyone good at home automation on a budget? I need to pimp all the things. :D22:49
popeywhich question bootinfdsds ?22:50
bootinfdsdsoooow .. home improvements  .. try hue lighting first.22:50
bootinfdsdskickstarter @22:32pm22:50
popeyoh, yes, a few22:51
bootinfdsdsIt'd be nice if you could Google Plus afew for everyone, and you are more of a bettr judge as to whether it'll work on Ubuntu, or not22:53
* bootinfdsds 's frosted shredded wheat addiction is cooling off for today, at last22:54
bootinfdsdsOK .. off to beddsie's .. sorry to bore you all.23:00
popeyoooh golly23:00
popeyshredded wheat23:00
popeynot had that for a while23:00
* popey sends an email to wifey to enact "shredded wheat" in the next shop23:01
bootinfdsdspopey .. see 21:41pm entry.23:01
bootinfdsdspopey, no the one about shredded wheat before that ... ok defo off 2 bed now. bye23:14
popeybootinfdsds, yeah, that's what I was laughing at :)23:25
czajkowskipopey: it;s gonna end up on your shopping list for saturday!23:40
popeyOh yes, it is!23:59
popeyI want some now23:59
* popey gets weetabix instead23:59

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