
rick_h_jcastro_: need a jigsaw, chop saw, or table saw? clearing out some unused tools00:17
dzhorick_h_: would you be inclined to offer them to a hackerspace?00:22
rick_h_dzho: oh hmm, hackerspace. Need a table saw, chisels, and such as well? /me is trying to sell of tools I don't use to get a new bandsaw.00:25
dzhorick_h_: I don't know if there are any in your area that are interested in buying, just thought I'd represent that possibility for a moment :-)00:26
dzhohacker/makerspace might be a good filter for targetting to find buyers, at least.00:26
rick_h_yea, I'm trying to sell to my woodworking group. But by being in the group you tend to have this stuff so the basic tools don't seem to sell well00:27
rick_h_dzho: so you thinking i3? Or another group you were thinking of?00:30
* rick_h_ should look at his list membership. Was following one of the groups a while back00:30
=== noogenesis is now known as derekv
rick_h_yea, with you there12:06
brouschtime to get coffee and head to work12:17
rick_h_http://twitpic.com/bgmtow ah monday13:05
brouschIt's Cyber Monday! So who wants to cyber?13:17
* rick_h_ wishes he could splurge on some lee valley cyber goodness13:17
brouschDid you just say you wanted to splurge on some tools?13:19
snap-lrick_h_: Love it. :)14:03
snap-lArgh, was hoping the MDI cable nonsense that VW has would be partof their Cyber MOnday sale14:04
snap-lnope, just a bunch of wearables and branded crap14:04
snap-lAh well. One can dream14:04
snap-lApress has all of their ebooks on sale for $15 each14:19
snap-lPicked up Foundations of Python Network Programming, and Pro HTML 514:20
brouschSo all caught up on your old books then?14:21
snap-lbrousch: Remember what happened to Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio? :)14:23
snap-lI can stop whenever I want.14:23
* snap-l has come to accept he will have a backlog.14:24
dzhoI just wait for new technologies to be replaced.14:25
dzhoI find it saves me a lot of time.14:25
snap-ldzho: Yeah, that doesn't nearly work as well as one might think.14:26
dzhoneither do I, I suppose ;-)14:26
rick_h_brousch: yea, but I'm pinching pennies to get  a big tool :)14:56
rick_h_heh, oreilly had a 50% thing off all books today I thought I saw14:57
rick_h_ok now this is interesting http://thenextweb.com/google/2012/11/26/google-acquires-wireless-internet-network-provider-icoa-for-400-million/14:59
snap-lbtw: if someone is looking to pick up The Art of Computer Programming, InformIT has it 50% off15:00
snap-lPhysical book, not the eBook15:00
snap-lIf you don't have it already, now's a great time to stick it to Addison Wesley for supporting SOPA. ;)15:00
snap-l(subsidiary of Pearson)15:01
snap-lfree ground shipping15:01
brouschsnap-l:  http://news.slashdot.org/story/12/11/26/1456237/oreilly-discounts-every-ebook-by-5015:41
snap-lbrousch: Yeah, I know. :)15:51
snap-lI thought you were about me not buying more books. ;)15:51
snap-lAlso, Sheldon (the comic) has one of their books on sale for $1 + shipping15:51
snap-lI've been buying the O'Reilly eBooks over the paper ones, because a) they get updated, and b) They load them into Dropbox for me. :)15:53
rick_h_bwuhahaha, charging mifi and headphones at the coffee shop...dual out batteries ftw15:54
rick_h_now hurry up and charge headphones...christmas music fml15:55
snap-lrick_h_: Yeah, it's my least favorite music15:56
brouschBut what about OMc Xmas edition?15:59
snap-lYeah, not sure I'm doing one this year. :)16:00
snap-lWill have to think about it. :)16:00
rick_h_Dec 1, then I'll pull out the trans siberian orchestra16:00
snap-lI ODed on that to the point where I can't listen to that album16:01
rick_h_album? there's a ton16:01
rick_h_well, several16:01
snap-lI have the first one16:01
snap-lalso the Savatage album that became TSO16:01
snap-lI don't mind TSO, but they're like the Manheim Steamroller of Metal16:06
snap-lGreat musicians, and horribly overplayed during December16:07
jjessewell they haven't really came out w/ a new christmas album have them16:07
jjessei took my wife to a show twice and it was the same stuff, no idea why i would want to go again16:07
rick_h_so they've got 3 christmas albums, couple non-christmas I've gotten. I tend to only break them out for the holidays16:09
rick_h_looks like a new small album came out end of oct16:10
jjessenight castle or whatever it is is pretty good, i listen to that at different times of year other than the holidays16:10
rick_h_yea, agree that come actual christmas it's put away, but at least it's better than a lot of the usual christmas stuff16:10
snap-lYeah, I have no problem with them, just overdosed to the point where I'm not interested any more16:10
rick_h_jjesse: yea, I really dug the beethoven last night one16:10
* greg-g reads scroll back and responds to one thing:16:13
rick_h_greg-g: morning :)16:13
greg-gI do actually enjoy two of the 3 SOMA.fm xmas stations (xmas in frisko, and the new alternative one)16:13
greg-gdon't know why I mixed spelling out the numbers and numerals there, (two vs 3), g'morn ;)16:14
snap-lgreg-g: I may have to check those stations out16:16
greg-gthe frisko one has some weird stuff every now and then, like, really weird16:18
greg-gjust like SF in general ;)16:18
rick_h_coming from greg-g that scares me16:18
greg-g:) I do like my weird16:19
* snap-l is listening to Infections Grooves. Better than any Xmas music. ;)16:33
jcastro_those guys are awesome16:34
snap-lTheir cover of Fame is killer16:34
snap-lBah, Infectious Grooves16:34
Blazeixrick_h_: what's that speaker you were showing off at CHC?16:51
rick_h_Blazeix: ^16:53
Blazeixyeah, a couple months ago, it was some sort of cylindrical usb speaker, or maybe wireless16:53
snap-lThe Bluetooth speaker16:53
rick_h_ah, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007OLJDZG/ref=wms_ohs_product16:53
Blazeixah, that's it, thanks16:54
snap-lWell, I went from wanting a book about Atari Inc: The Business of Fun, to really not caring so much because of their instistance on DRM on the ebook copy.16:54
devinheitmuellersnap-l: I have the "Once Upon Atari" movie.  Not bad.17:01
greg-gsnap-l: pirate!17:01
snap-ldevinheitmueller: Yeah, I picked up the VHS from HSW at a con17:02
snap-lgreg-g: Yeah, I'm a filthy pirate hippie17:03
devinheitmuellerAh, I was going to offer to loan it to you, but no need then.17:03
snap-ldevinheitmueller: NP. Thanks. :)17:03
greg-g"loan"?! you're both pirates!17:03
rick_h_ugh https://twitter.com/mxcl/status/273063716021497856 gets me going17:03
snap-lGot him to sign a Raiders of the Lost Ark cart for JoDee.17:03
devinheitmuellerSo is the library apparently then.17:03
greg-gdevinheitmueller: in the UK, it is kinda, as in, they have to buy special "library copies" to lend out because their copyright law is busted. In the US we have the first sale doctrine17:04
snap-lrick_h_: Yeah, especially since it isn't true. :)17:04
devinheitmuellerYes, I am not in the UK though.17:04
greg-grick_h_: anything that has the word zealot in it is worthless, no matter the source17:04
greg-gdevinheitmueller: sure sure, just your random (C) trivia of the day ;)17:04
devinheitmuellerWell, thank you then.17:05
=== smoser` is now known as smoser
greg-gYou're welcome.17:05
rick_h_greg-g: yea, the webkit thing is the one that bugs me the most. and the fact that it ignores the whole system lock in crap. ugh!17:05
rick_h_but that's the goal, it's troll-bait17:05
snap-lrick_h_: Never let the facts get in the way of perfectly good troll bait17:06
snap-lrick_h_: Sent a response to Popey correcting him for that tweet. ;)17:06
devinheitmuellerPeople have argued that Samsung is largely just a consumer of OSS (and they do the bare minimum required to release the source code to their modified kernel).  However I can say first hand they are a *huge* contributor at least to the LinuxTV project.17:07
snap-ldevinheitmueller: I had a Samsung Printer. The fact that it had Linux drivers was a huge plus to me17:07
rick_h_yea, in the end I don't care about their OSS contributions.17:07
rick_h_they sell devices, ones I can buy and do whatever the $%#@$# I want with17:07
snap-lUnfortunately the "I refuse to turn on after two years" was a bit of a let-down17:07
rick_h_now let's look at the other side...apple...riiiight17:07
devinheitmuellerI'm just saying there tend to be two classes of corporate OSS:  those that consume OSS and do the bare minimum to comply with the GPL requirements, and those who actively engage with the community, create new contributions, and work to get their stuff merged upstream.17:10
rick_h_devinheitmueller: I think there's a third though coming out. The ones that comsume, modify, and kind of submit upstream on slightly diff terms.17:11
rick_h_at least I think how apple/google works with kthml/webkit is different than many other devs17:12
devinheitmueller"diff terms" meaning licensing?17:12
rick_h_well, just that not active, behind closed doors, with occassional dumps of code17:12
rick_h_though I think google/webkit are a bit cleaner on that end17:12
greg-gyou mean android? ;)17:12
rick_h_I do mean android17:12
rick_h_but I think it's more broad than that17:12
* rick_h_ looks in employer mirror some17:12
devinheitmuellerI can say firsthand that getting code actually *upstream* can be a huge exercise.  You're just trying to get something done, and in many ways the approach you take isn't the one the upstream maintainers want (not generic enough, doesn't take into account other use cases you don't care about, etc)17:13
rick_h_devinheitmueller: definitely agree. I've had several patches just sit and I get tired of trying to get them in17:13
rick_h_ty github fork and move on mode17:13
rick_h_but it's more for business reasons in this 3rd group I think.17:14
devinheitmuellerI'm wrangling with the VLC team this week.  I'm on my fifth attempt to get a relatively simple patch accepted.17:14
rick_h_dev in secret/together and then dump back to OSS to take/leave17:14
rick_h_ok, so maybe my idea of more than just the 2 distinct camps is a bit naive17:14
rick_h_but it sure seems there's more than consumers and producers17:15
* greg-g nods17:19
rick_h_crap, this was interesting but now it's fake http://goo.gl/mtJqZ19:14
snap-lWow, that's quite the stock jump19:20
snap-l$.0005 from $.000119:20
brouschNice job, rick_h_, lining some pump-and-dumper's pockets19:21
snap-lThis is where I get cranky.19:23
rick_h_I bought 10,000 shares with my lunch money19:23
rick_h_woo cranky monday!19:23
rick_h_lol, at least @popey corrected the 'making webkit' crap19:24
snap-lYeah, @popey realized his error pretty early on19:25
rick_h_http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Postgres amen!19:33
snap-ldevinheitmueller: OK if I reference you in a tweet?19:44
devinheitmuellerUh, sure.19:44
snap-lhttps://twitter.com/squeekyhoho/status/273150447852863489 < devinheitmueller19:46
rick_h_hah, chased him away19:49
snap-lUh oh19:49
snap-ldevinheitmueller: I fear I chased you away. ;)19:54
devinheitmuellerNo, I'm actually doing some router testing, which is intermittently kicking me off the Internets.19:54
devinheitmuellerAs a general rule, it's bad practice to use your main PC *through* a router you are actively developing code for.19:55
devinheitmuellerOTOH, openwrt is a pretty neat little project.19:56
snap-lI use Tomato myself, but I love these little firmware projects.19:57
devinheitmuellerYeah, I was able to port to a new platform over a long weekend.19:59
snap-lThere are some days when SQL makes you feel like you have super powers20:13
snap-las opposed to the other days where SQL makes you feel like you are undeserving of even a crayon to scrawl your blatherings.20:14
jhansonxiTry SQL through M$ Office sometime.  You'll be begging to at least get a crayon.20:17
snap-lWe do not speak of MS Office and SQL in the same breath20:18
brouschIt's all drag and drop20:18
brouschYou don't even write queries20:18
snap-lI do love it when I create cartesian product that the MySQL server detects and kills, though20:19
snap-lthat was fun.20:19
jrwren_wtf is SQL through office?20:21
jrwren_you mean access as a front end? its not that bad.20:21
jrwren_its terrible in the hands of an undereducated user, but very powerful in hands of a professional20:21
jhansonxiIt may have improved in the last release or two but when I was working with it the SQL support was rather crippled.  Very few command supported.  SQL Server wasn't the problem, just Office.20:22
jhansonxi(and its broken drivers)20:23
jhansonxiOpenOffice.org was much better.20:23
jhansonxiI was responsible for inventory DB maintenance and generating bill-of-materials.  I used Excel for the reports because of a bug in OOo caused conditional formatting to be lost when a data range was updated from a DB.  I got out of that position when management decided to upgrade from SQL Server to Access (Jet or whatever).20:29
jrwren_ah, excel.20:35
jrwren_right tool for right job :)20:35
jrwren_wait, upgrade FROM SQL Server to Access ?20:36
brouschAccess is the bizomb20:37
jhansonxijrwren_: Yep.  The boss (very experienced Windows SE) replaced PeachTree accounting system with Great Plains.  GP did almost nothing he wanted but allowed to to customize it better.  He wanted to integrate the inventory DB with it and thought that accessing SQL Server from .NET was "too hard".  So the existing DB was deleted (no attempt to port the data) and a new one started using Access only.20:42
jhansonxiSeveral years of data wiped out and I knew how unstable the Access engine was in a multi-user environment.20:43
jhansonxiThe fact that the SQL Server team had deprecated the engine development didn't deter him because the Office team forked it (because of some query function they couldn't live without).20:44
jrwren_GP?!?!  what year was it?20:45
jrwren_oh, and anyone who thinkgs accessing SQL Server from .NET is too hard, is foolish at best :)20:45
brouschmmmm, Great Plains20:46
jhansonxiAbout 5 years ago (GP is Dynamics now)20:46
brouschI long for Great Plains. It was so much easier to query than this clusterfuck called Quickbooks20:47
jrwren_QB is a nightmare.20:47
jrwren_but all of them sucking so badly suggests the market is ripe for the plucking :)20:47
brouschThe problem is no one _wants_ to create accounting software20:48
jrwren_its not a fun place to be in software dev.20:48
jhansonxiToday, if I needed an inventory control system I wouldn't waste time on anything that wasn't browser-based.20:48
brouschSo the people making it are the ones who can't cut it in more fun jobs20:48
jhansonxiIt's not bad job security if you can tolerate the environment: http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/1994-06-10/20:50
jhansonxiI've found accounting people to be the most paranoid of software changes.20:50
jrwren_are there browser based inventory control systems?21:09
jhansonxijrwren_: Probably but I haven't looked in quite a while.  I'm not doing IT currently, just contract PCB design (electronics CAD).21:43
brouschI need to get all objects from a table for one thing, and a subset of them for another on the same page. Should I make two database calls or one and filter the subset myself?21:56
brouschTwo calls is much cleaner21:56
brouschHm, actually I need 3 calls sometimes21:57
Blazeixwithout knowing anything about your problem, i'd vote for grabbing them once, then filtering when you need the subset22:05
brouschI wonder if Django optimizes it automagically22:07
rick_h_make 3 calls, 3 db calls aren't that slow and keep them split.22:21
rick_h_test each seperately22:21
rick_h_if you can share a chunk then share it and have all three queries call the shared method22:21
rick_h_and if you hit a performance issue then make the first call a @cachedproperty kind of thing and then reuse it22:21
jrwren_only 1 db call per pageload allowed. :p22:23
* rick_h_ looks at launchpad (admittingly slow) doing well into double digits ALL THE TIME22:23
jrwren_i'm just anti select N+122:23
rick_h_https://launchpad.net/launchpad just did 68 queries in .62 of db time22:23
jrwren_as long as you don't have N+1, I'm happy.22:23
jrwren_i was j/k about 1 db call per pageload22:24
rick_h_yea, and if you've got three different reasons to query, you want to keep them apart and not relying on each22:24
rick_h_yea, I mean bookie is kept pretty much to 2-5 at max, but it's very simple22:24
jrwren_yes, async queries can be just as fast as the slowest query.22:24
rick_h_and everythign is ajax'd as you need it/api calls22:24

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