
almoxarifeCur10u8: no, you dont00:00
Cur10u8But I don't know how do it?00:00
LovesLinuxikonia so you can cluster cpu and ram?00:00
ikoniaCur10u8: please take your silly behaviour elsewhere00:00
Cur10u8I've lost everything00:00
ikoniaLovesLinux: yes, there is resource distribution00:00
ikoniaChakotay_: ok, look in /etc/grub.d (again I'm working from memory here, so help me out a little)00:01
LovesLinuxikonia cool. Ive only used vbox on desktop so thanks for correcting my inaccuracy00:01
Tisgyvery laggy00:01
ikoniaLovesLinux: if you've only used it on a desktop - why are you telling people it's not enterprise level...when you have no idea00:01
Cur10u8good bye world ! wish u good luck Linux. I'was a linux lover.Good Bye !!!00:01
ikoniaCur10u8: ok - bye00:01
LovesLinuxikonia because I have experience in other platforms in virtualisation00:02
ikoniaLovesLinux: yes, but you have no experience with virtual box, and the question was "is virtual box enterprise ready"00:02
Tisgy!ping tisgy00:02
LovesLinuxikonia ok so I got something wrong00:02
ikoniaso telling someone "no - you need $Y or $X" is just you making it up from no experience or knowledge00:02
thoonaihey someone able to explain why creating user is stuck?00:02
ikoniaI'd like you to stop that please.00:02
LovesLinuxikonia I advised on my knowledge00:03
ikoniaLovesLinux: yes, you had no knowledge on the topic, so you made it uyp00:03
=== euphoria|jacked is now known as euphoria
Chakotay_ikonia: I found the grub text doc in /etc/default/ but it doesn't have any lines with those numbers in it00:03
LovesLinuxikonia I have knowledge on virtualisation00:03
LovesLinuxand Linux00:03
ikoniaLovesLinux: you have no knowledge of virtual box in the enteprirse, which is what the question was - so I can only assume you made it up00:04
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LovesLinuxikonia no I made an assumption00:04
ikoniaChakotay_: look in /etc/grub.d (again you need to dig a little as I don't have an ubuntu machine here)00:04
thoonaihey someone able to explain why creating user is stuck?00:04
ikoniaLovesLinux: right - so don't make things up/assume. If you don't know the answer ,- don't respond00:04
LovesLinuxikonia yes daddy00:05
ikoniaChakotay_: try a grep -R in /etc as I can't see the layout on ubuntu here00:05
ikoniaLovesLinux: please don't get smart with me, you're missleading people with incorrect information and bad advice - I'm asking you to stop00:05
LovesLinuxikonia do you know how to compile a kernel??00:05
ikoniaLovesLinux: yes, why ?00:06
LovesLinuxikonia how?00:06
ikoniawhy ? we don't support custom kernels here ?00:06
LovesLinuxikonia I know do you?00:06
LovesLinuxikonia answer then :)00:06
almoxarifeLovesLinux: you really should quit00:06
ikoniano, this isn't a "test" channel - research me and find out what projects I'm involved in00:06
ikoniayou may get an idea that I can "compile a kernel"00:07
almoxarifeLovesLinux: he can compile a kernel, leave it00:07
Chakotay_ikonia: OK, it shows /etc/default/grub00:07
thoonaihey someone able to explain why creating user is stuck?00:07
ikoniaChakotay_: ahh you got it, nice one00:07
LovesLinuxikonia dont put someone down who has a commitment to helping others then. Not everyone is right all the time00:07
ikoniaChakotay_: up date that00:07
ikoniathoonai: how are you creating it ?00:07
almoxarifethoonai: 'stuck'?00:07
ikoniaChakotay_: "update" that sorry00:07
ikoniaLovesLinux: I'm not putting you down, I'm asking you to stop making things up / assuming things, and thus offering bad / incorrect advice to people00:08
thoonaihes nothing doing while creating user00:08
LovesLinuxikonia Im rarely wrong00:08
ikoniaLovesLinux: 2 times in 2 question is not a good strike rate00:08
thoonaiwith encrypted home folder and no swap00:08
LovesLinuxikonia I see your point00:08
Evil_Ericalmoxarife, i dont see why your getting onto lovelinux when it was ikonia who got rude on how he/she told LovesLinux to stop giving adivise they dont know about wich i agree but do not agree how they were asked and trolled on over00:09
Chakotay_ikonia: it says "command not found"00:09
ikoniaChakotay_: sorry what does00:09
Chakotay_ikonia: when I do sudo update-grub00:09
ikoniaChakotay_: hang on, why are you doing that ?00:10
ikoniawho told you to run that / where did you get that information ?00:10
LovesLinuxikonia I was trying to give helpful advise though . The way I learned was trying possibility's00:10
ikoniaLovesLinux: yes, it was bad advice and miss-leading advice, that is bad00:10
ikoniaif you don't know, it's fine not to answer,00:10
Chakotay_ikonia: Sorry, I misunderstood you. I was reading that at the top of the grub file00:11
ikoniaChakotay_: no problem,00:11
LovesLinuxikonia I said vbox wasnt capable of doing something one as its an Ubuntu support channel assumed it was a desktop so what I said was RIGHT00:11
ikoniaChakotay_: the file is just a text file, so update the bad uuid with the good uuid first00:11
almoxarifeEvil_Eric: they are both gone on too long, but come on, the nick asked if ikonia can compile???? that did it for me, i chose a side, i am bad way00:11
Chakotay_ikonia: It doesn't have any lines with the numbers we are looking for00:12
ikoniaLovesLinux: no, he clearly said he wanted to run enteprrise servers00:12
ikoniaLovesLinux: if you are unable to read the questions clearly - it's better not to answer00:12
ikoniaLovesLinux: again - please stop trying to argue, I'm trying to cut you some slack here00:12
LovesLinuxikonia if your running enteprise dont use Ubuntu00:12
ikoniaChakotay_: ahhh, sorry, I thought you'd found the lines in question00:12
ikoniaLovesLinux: agian - you're wrong00:12
ikoniaso please stop talking00:12
jribLovesLinux: let's get back to ubuntu support here please00:13
Chakotay_ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1386704/00:13
ikoniaChakotay_: got to find the bad line00:13
Evil_Ericlol its all good im not siding with either im just tired of seeing it either way honestly i figure if they wanna continue the discussion they should take it to pm00:13
LovesLinuxikonia I now more about Linux than you do it seems00:13
Chakotay_ikonia: can you see where it's bad?00:13
ikoniaLovesLinux: please stop trying to test me00:13
ikoniaChakotay_: sorry sorry, let me try to explain again00:13
skulltiphow about adding an option on the ubuntu DVD to upgrade existing instead of either alongside or overlay it? Especially if you skip a few releases..00:14
ikoniaChakotay_: I'm not on an ubuntu box, so I can't do it %100 for you, so you need to help me a little00:14
jribikonia, Chakotay_: haven't read the whole scrollback but UUIDs are only going to show up in the generated /boot/grub/grub.cfg00:14
ikoniaChakotay_: in one of the grub configs, it's referencing the wrong uuid, which is why you are seeing the error you are getting00:14
skulltipor a way to keep the home partition without manual intervention, even if it's on the same partition?00:14
ikoniajrib: ahh, perfect, so where is it picking up the uuid when it generates the config ?00:14
ikoniajrib: it's picking up the wrong device.00:14
skulltipthat would be a bonus feature for all I think.00:14
ikoniaskulltip: raise a request on launchpad.net00:15
skulltipok thanks00:15
ikoniaskulltip: I'm people do read the requests00:15
ikoniaskulltip: sorry not "I'm"00:15
ikoniaskulltip: I meant, people do read the requests00:15
Chakotay_ikonia: I am sorry about that. Thanks jrib, I found it now00:16
ikoniaChakotay_: you got it ?00:16
ikoniaChakotay_: no need to apologise00:16
Chakotay_ikonia: yes00:16
Chakotay_ikonia: thank you for being patient with me00:17
ikonianot a problem00:17
ikoniaChakotay_: when you update it, re-generate the grub.conf00:17
thoonaihey someone able to explain why creating user is stuck?00:17
Freddie_If only I had found this channel BEFORE I had started trying to connect my Ubuntu Server to the internet. Would've solved it a lot quicker :L00:18
Chakotay_ikonia: just to make sure I am doing the right thing... I am changing out the numbers that are bad with the numbers we got in terminal, correct?00:18
thoonaiim stuck at creating user while installing00:18
ikoniaChakotay_: perfect00:19
ikoniathoonai: yes, you said, could you give a little more detail please.00:19
thoonaiI just typed my name, the computers name, my nick, my password 2 times and then I ticked encrypt my homefolder00:19
ikoniathoonai: are you using the gui ?00:20
ikoniano idea on the gui or how it hooks in00:20
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thoonaiikonia: yes00:21
thoonaiI just dislike this gui installer00:22
almoxarifethoonai: the 'mini.iso' (net-install) has lots of install options, one being cli00:24
AndroUserDon't go into the Linux distro community they are just a bunch of trolls00:24
Zelatorhi there.00:24
Zelatoranyone available?00:24
ikoniaAndroUser: you're welcome to /part00:24
ikoniaZelator: hello, 1400+ people here00:24
AndroUserNo another Linux community I got trolled by there admins00:25
ikoniaAndroUser: ok, well this channel doesn't need to hear about it please.00:26
AndroUserOk sorry00:26
ikonianot a problem00:26
jribAndroUser: you can use #ubuntu-offtopic if you still want opinions about distros00:27
rachmoninavAnyone know if Ubuntu 12.0400:27
rachmoninavhas nmcli support?00:27
rachmoninavFor power users...00:27
jribrachmoninav: yes, it should...00:27
rachmoninavNetwork-manager client.00:27
Freddie_Does this channel cover only Ubuntu-desktop or does it also cover ubuntu-server ?00:27
rachmoninavCan't find it in the repositories...00:27
jribrachmoninav: it's included with network-manager00:27
ikoniaFreddie_: server too, plus there is #ubuntu-server00:27
ikonia(for specific stuff)00:27
jrib!find nmcli00:28
ubottuFile nmcli found in network-manager, network-manager-dbg, plasma-widget-networkmanagement, plasma-widget-networkmanagement-dbg, zsh, zsh-beta00:28
bulletrulzum when trying to install remobo00:28
Freddie_I shall use that one tomorrow once I am able to get back onto my server00:28
ikoniareobo ?00:28
ikoniaremobo ? what is that00:28
bulletrulzon lubuntu i get a dependicie error chkconfig00:28
rachmoninavthanx many00:28
FloodBot1rachmoninav: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:28
rachmoninavk byebye.00:28
bulletrulzon lubuntu i get a dependicie error chkconfig00:29
bulletrulzon lubuntu i get a dependicie error chkconfig00:29
bulletrulzum when trying to install remobo00:29
bulletrulzum when trying to install remobo00:29
FloodBot1bulletrulz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:29
Chakotay_ikonia: I searched that grub file 3 times, and it has no mention of the bad uuid. I see the right one mentioned00:30
ikoniaChakotay_: great ! then you're sorted00:31
jribChakotay_: assuming you don't have some other grub installed somewhere else ;)00:31
tavoeis this an ok place to ask tech support questions?00:32
Chakotay_ikonia: I will restart the PC and let you know if it works00:32
ikoniaChakotay_: I'm sure you'll be fine00:32
thoonaiok im just depressingly depressed and install gentoo :P00:32
jribtavoe: go ahead00:33
tavoeI've been messing with amd graphics drivers for days, and I think I've finally hit a new low. I'm trying to find some alternative to wiping the whole partition and reinstalling, and am almost out of ideas00:34
almoxarifetavoe: an alternative to a full wipe is a wipe of the drivers you installed so far00:35
etedHello,i d like to ask something about sharing internet connection with other pcs .Is this the correct channel?00:35
thoonaitavoe: wheres the relation between amd graphics and wiping the partition o.O00:35
thoonaieted: if its related to ubuntu: yes00:35
tavoewell, I can't get a graphical environment to start up00:35
thoonaitavoe: dont even a shell via framebuffer?00:36
almoxarifethoonai: that would be, i give up, lets get back to default state00:36
thoonaialmoxarife: gentoo?00:36
ziodiceSo, I'm going to assume that I am in the right place, the IRC channel for ubuntu. It IS named #ubuntu. I installed Ubuntu on a different partition awhile ago, and I realized that the "18 gigabytes" installation really meant I only got 18 gigabytes of disc space from my hard drive, is there a way to expand that?00:36
almoxarifethoonai: sounds sissy, no thanks00:36
veryhappyziodice: gparted00:37
etedwell, i v got 1 laptop and 1 desk pc.I use an outdoor ralink antenna to connect to neibhoors open wireless.How can i share that connection with the desk pc witch has Win 7 via cable?00:37
tavoeThe best I can do is start a command prompt if I add nomodeset to the grub options. From there I have tried removing all the propritary graphics drivers and rebooting. Nothing. I then tried installing the propritary amd drivers from ubuntu's repos. Still nothing. So I used the live CD to reinstall without removing my personal files. Still nothing. I don't know how things wen't so wrong00:37
thoonaieted: in the graphical network manager. theres an option shared to other computers00:37
thoonaieted: like dhcp or static00:38
almoxarifetavoe: you can access a terminal? and have internet access?00:38
ziodiceI'm sorry? I'm still quite new to anything closed to advanced computer usage, explain? Wait, no, better, I'll just use the great art of Google fu.00:38
hanksSo confuised... x11vnc is going black every I stop moving the mouse, unless I lock my computer00:39
tavoewhat the hell. Something good just happened. I don't know why. Yes, I can access a terminal. The graphics just appeared after I told it to cd (change dir). That doesn't make any sense, but i'll take it, I guess.00:39
jrib!gparted | ziodice00:39
ubottuziodice: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php00:39
veryhappyguys what can i do i have a notebook with an extra graphics card is there a possibility to use a mode like twin view for more than just 2 monitors? i want to use 3 monitors, notebook screen, vga monitor and hdmi tv and why isn't there an option for overscan for hdmi in nvidia-current-updates?00:39
jribziodice: note that gparted can also be used from the ubuntu live cd00:39
almoxarifeveryhappy: there is an option for 'overscan' , but its hard to see if you are overscanned00:41
etedthoonai Thank you, i m goin to check it00:41
veryhappyalmoxarife: no almoxarife i was still able to see the whole option site and there were only 2 options but no overscan...00:42
almoxarifenvidia placed the overscan fixer at the bottom of the page where one surely would not see it if they were overscanned, how about that! :)00:42
veryhappyalmoxarife: oh... nice00:43
skulltiphow do i clean this up when i do sudo apt-get update?00:43
DanawarHey Ubuntu #httpd pointed me here i have a problem that when some one uploads a file on my phpbb forums more than one mb it crashes the servers ethenet stoping all inbound and outbound connections taking the eth0 down the up fixes it but how can i prevent this from happening also, whats logs would i find information in i have checked syslog and kernlog and cant find anything! =[00:44
ziodiceUm...how do I know which one of those 3 things that popped up is the one wit Ubuntu on it?00:44
jribziodice: are you on a live cd?00:45
veryhappyalmoxarife: no, still don't see the option, i only got Digital Vibrance and Image Sharpening, where can i find it again?00:45
ziodiceNo, actually, I just installed it and ran it...00:45
ziodicethe gparted, that is.00:45
jribziodice: you should not be resizing mounted partitions00:45
almoxarifeveryhappy: which driver is installed?00:46
ziodiceI'd prefer having a bit more space on this. Is there a way you'd recommend?00:46
almoxarifeveryhappy: the number of the rev?00:46
jribziodice: yes, use a live cd00:46
jribziodice: (to resize your partition)00:46
DarkAceLaptophow do I set the compose key in U12.10? I just can't find it00:46
veryhappyalmoxarife: where do i find it?00:46
jribziodice: or if this is a new install and you aren't comfortable, just redo the install00:47
MarloHelp please, I need to shutdown the Ubuntu server pushing the power button but I can't. When it turs on finally it show me the gnome welcome screen ask me for a user an password but I need if I push the power button it makes something like "shutdown -h now" What Can I Do?00:47
ziodiceThe install of Ubuntu?00:47
jribziodice: yes00:47
almoxarifeveryhappy: the app should show it, the nvidia config one00:47
skulltipmarlo - sudo reboot ?00:48
=== laptop is now known as Guest99554
Guest99554hello all i need some help00:48
Marloskulltip, I know that but this server never have mouse and keyboard I need to push the button to shutdown00:48
Guest99554i just download wine, but cant find it00:49
Guest99554I am used to using 10.04 and this new design is not very good00:49
DarkAceLaptopGuest99554, that's very old00:49
DarkAceLaptopyou don't want that00:49
DarkAceLaptopeverything will be very outdated and glitchy00:50
Guest99554well now I am current and running on an I7 with 8gigs and I am ready to go00:50
DarkAceLaptopI thought you were still on 1000:50
DarkAceLaptopI'll just shut up00:50
almoxarifeveryhappy: i cant access nvidia config via ssh, makes sense00:50
DarkAceLaptophow do I set the compose key in U12.10? I just can't find it00:50
michael_pwhat recommendations on desktops00:51
Guest99554So I downloaded Wine. I want to be able to run Manycam to broadcast. Where is wine locasted?00:51
veryhappyalmoxarife: why would you want to acess nvidia over ssh?00:51
jribDarkAceLaptop: open up gonme control center → keyboard layout → layout options (bottom left corner)00:51
DarkAceLaptopwhere's Gnome Control Center? lol00:52
almoxarifeveryhappy: so i could see if my rev number is higher or lower than yours, i can see the overscan option00:52
Random832cpufreq-set won't let me increase my frequency00:52
jribDarkAceLaptop: it's in the left bar, or use dash, or just run gnome-control-center in a terminal00:52
miozoimhello, i'm on xubuntu 12.04 dual boot windows 7 . Is it possible to replace xubuntu 12.04 by debian ?00:52
moemoemmGuest99554: Just right-click to the Windows application & click "open with wine program loader." You can find Wine from Dash (Ubuntu Icon on the left) >> type wine or winetricks00:52
veryhappymiozoim: you can replace all windows versions with linux00:53
Guest99554how do I get to terminal? i cant find it!!00:53
jribGuest99554: type "terminal" in dash00:53
jribDarkAceLaptop: if you look for it in the left bar, it should say something like "system settings"00:53
DarkAceLaptopjrib, I got it, thanks!00:54
veryhappymiozoim: i'm sorry didn't read right... you can should be able to replace xubuntu with debian, but then you have to install the complete debian over xubuntu00:54
Guest99554oh gee!!! so I have to type in the name of the program that i loaded to find it? how do i make it on my desktop?00:54
Guest99554oh I see click and drag it00:54
miozoimis it complicated or is it automatic ? Do I need to change things on GRUB ?00:55
DarkAceLaptopjrib, it's not working00:55
DarkAceLaptopmy DE is MATE, if that changes anything00:56
almoxarifeveryhappy: my current rev is 295.20 , its outdated for stability, i want the nvidia to function at all cost00:56
jribDarkAceLaptop: you found the setting but it doesn't do anything?00:56
DarkAceLaptopwhen I try to use the compose key nothing happens00:56
jribDarkAceLaptop: what's xev report for your compose key?00:57
Guest99554oh no!!! I have a new problem00:57
=== ethan is now known as Guest54966
DarkAceLaptopjrib, xev? :P00:57
DarkAceLaptopno idea what that is :P00:57
DarkAceLaptop/me noob00:57
Guest99554things are opening on my laptop, but not on my 25 inch monitor!! what should I do?00:57
Guest54966Can someone help me out with killing X on Ubuntu 12.10?00:57
jribDarkAceLaptop: sorry, xev is a program you run in your terminal.  Once it opens, move your pointer into the new window and press your compose key00:57
Guest99554oh I see!! it is sharing the screen. Where do I find the screen sharing thing?00:58
Guest99554One more thing. Where is the temp vid files at now. anyone kn ow the path to get vids off yotube?00:59
DarkAceLaptopjrib, pastebin the compose key part?00:59
DarkAceLaptopseems a bit much for the channel00:59
jribDarkAceLaptop: nah, you can just tell me what it reports for the key00:59
jribDarkAceLaptop: like "Multi_Key", perhaps?01:00
DarkAceLaptopjrib, eh, already done: http://pastebin.com/EDwQgT2W01:00
veryhappyalmoxarife: i guess i'll better stick with nvidia-current on the other pc where i rather need the hdmi output01:00
veryhappythere's still the option01:00
veryhappytake care01:01
DarkAceLaptopnot anything like "Multi_Key" as far as I can see01:01
DarkAceLaptopit's probably my MATE though01:01
eteddo i have to enter manuall settings on win pc when sharing the internet connection from Ubuntu?01:01
dibblegowhen I press meta-p, the monitor configuration changes with the vesa driver — how can I remap it?01:02
almoxarifeveryhappy: i have nvidia with hdmi output (vid&sound) on xbmc-buntu for entertainment, i opt for stability over bleeding-edge01:02
ethan_Hey everyone! Can anyone help me to stop X on Ubuntu 12.10? The "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" command isn't working. I assume there is a different file that I need to stop?01:03
seednodeWell, to just straight up kill it.01:03
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seednodekillall Xorg, maybe?01:03
phunyguy_t430sIs it possible to change the layout of the Empathy contact list? I'm not very keen on the enlarged layout and prefer it to be small icons, etc.  I have a LOT of contacts, and it makes it harder to browse when the list uses the larger icon size.01:03
Dr_willis_ethan_,  its sudo service gdm stop01:03
Dr_willis_ethan_,  if you are using gdm,., lightdm is the default01:03
ethan_who told me to killall Xorg?01:04
almoxarifeDr_willis_: i think you killed kenny01:04
ethan_killall xorg just made my login screen come up01:05
Dr_willis_ethan_,  that makes sence.. since its a service...01:05
Dr_willis_ethan_,  sudo service gdm stop01:05
almoxarifeethan_: you did ask i thought01:05
Dr_willis_ethan_,  or sudo service lightdm stop01:05
phunyguy_t430sI would imagine it is lightdm01:05
ethan_ah okay. was the old command "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" or is that something different?01:06
jribDarkAceLaptop: what key are you trying to make your compose key?01:06
Dr_willis_ethan_,  thats the SysV way.01:06
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Dr_willis_ethan_,  Upstart is slowly replaceing SysV01:06
ethan_and the /etc/init.d/gdm is non-existant on my computer01:07
almoxarifecntr-alt-bckspace 2x will also get to a login post killing xorg01:07
Dr_willis_yes... the sysv method is getting removed with more and more services01:07
ethan_but thank you Dr_willis01:07
ethan_I am a noob at this and I'm slowly learning :P01:07
DarkAceLaptopjrib, that's one of the problems, yes :P I tried making it two, which doesn't work, and the other problem is that I need to set it in MATE's settings, which is under System>Preferences>Keyboard>Layouts>Option>Compose key01:08
sambagirlClaude Van Dam night on Reelz! He uses Ubuntu so it's relevant!01:08
DarkAceLaptopanyways, it's working now \o/01:08
ethan_Dr_willis_, It didnt work01:08
Dr_willis_and the error message was? and the exact command you used was?01:08
ethan_gdm was not recognized. maybe I am not using gnome01:09
Dr_willis_lightdm is the default on ubuntu 12.10  as we said...01:09
almoxarifeethan_: lightdm probably01:09
Dr_willis_gdm was the default on older relases01:09
k1l_!ot > sambagirl01:09
ubottusambagirl, please see my private message01:09
jribDarkAceLaptop: cool01:09
ethan_Sorry about that. I didn't catch on to that. I am trying my best to get better with all of this linux stuff :P01:10
blackshirtgood luck01:10
sambagirlSorry ubottu I don't socialize in private with bots01:10
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dibblegowhy does 12.04 install a monitor preferences menu item, that links to gnome-display-properties, which does not exist?01:13
XiaoBaiWhich country?01:17
cakebossHey all. I have some issue with ubuntu booting up with a black screen. I tried nomode and it worked well enough to install, but that isn't working anymore. Can anyone help me figure out what I need to edit in Grub? I can tell you what the computer says when it freezes01:18
ethan_@cakeboss do you have nvidia or amd drivers?01:18
cakebossethan_ : nvidia01:18
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ethan_@cakeboss I believe you have to do setmode nvidia or something like that01:19
cakebossethan_: can you give me some documentation? a tutorial?01:19
ethan_@cakeboss let me find it01:19
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XiaoBaiMy English is not good who can help me?01:20
blackshirtwhat the problems xiaobai01:20
XiaoBaiI'm Chinese, English is not very good, first contact with the Linux, I hope someone can teach me.01:21
COrdel^Guys, When I boot ubuntu, it goes to a menu asking for Ubuntu or memtest boots, when i try to boot i get a INITRAMFS prompt01:21
blackshirtxiaobai, your teacher can do that, to teach you :d01:22
COrdel^it says cant find /sbin/init01:22
blarggAny dash app or hotkey so I can run a shell command without having to switch to terminal first?01:22
ethan_is anyone here using ubuntu 12.10 with an nVidia driver?01:22
ethan_@cordel^ you are?01:23
COrdel^i have a gtx-28001:23
XiaoBaiI am using the translation.01:23
COrdel^i dont know if ubuntu has it loaded correctly though01:23
ethan_@cordel^ did you install the Nvidia drivers manually?01:23
Darkstar1HI all. Good evening01:23
COrdel^my ubuntu is crashed01:24
=== SierraAR is now known as Sierr[a]AR
blackshirtgood morning01:24
ethan_if anyone here knows how to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu12.10 please message me01:24
blackshirtethan_, are you have download it ?01:25
Darkstar1I'm testing out the virtuozzo container thing and managed to install 10.10. when I try to update I get the error: Err http://archive.ubuntu.com maverick Release.gpg  Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com' are the 10.10 repos offline already?01:25
Ben64ethan_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current01:25
mdikhi. is it possible to stop ubiquity from going into the "slideshowmode" during installation? (because that crashes the program on an old machine i try to install ubuntu on)01:25
ethan_blackshirt, the installer told me that it isnt  going to work with my noveau kernal01:25
ethan_what can I even do?01:26
Ben64ethan_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current01:26
ethan_ben64, how does that solve my problem?01:26
blackshirtthe installer ? You mean ubuntu installer ?01:26
Ben64ethan_: that installs the nvidia drivers01:26
COrdel^what is the INITRAMFS prompt and how do i get out of it01:26
moemoemmXiaoBai: have you tried #ubuntu-cn01:26
Darkstar1………. Anyone?01:26
XiaoBaiThis is the Chinese channel.01:27
god_is_deadwhat is the best linux version for my son?01:27
XiaoBaiThis is the Chinese channel.01:27
blarggI found it: Alt-F2. Opens from Dash where you enter command lines01:27
ethan_@blackshirt I meant the nvidia driver installer01:28
XiaoBaiI want to learn the world.01:28
blackshirtgod_is_dead, skolelinux,debian edu, or ubuntu edu01:28
ethan_how do I re-enavle noveau kernel?01:28
usr13Darkstar1: 10.10 EOL = April 10, 201201:28
k1l_!cn | XiaoBai01:29
ubottuXiaoBai: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw01:29
blackshirtethan_, bring down your gui first01:29
cakebossCan anyone explain to me whats going on. I have ubuntu 12.10, I edited grub with nomodeset. However after that code just floods the screen then the monitor goes black01:29
Darkstar1usr13: 10.04 still going?01:29
k1l_god_is_dead: if you ask in a ubuntu channel, its of course ubuntu!01:29
ethan_@blackshirt do you mean stop lightdm?01:29
XiaoBaiI know, but I want to learn english.01:29
ethan_@cakeboss what is it flooding?01:29
usr13Darkstar1: Yes, (10.04 is LTS).  LTS Desktop = 3 years01:30
cakebossethan_: I am not sure01:30
k1l_XiaoBai: for just talking better join #ubuntu-offtopic01:30
usr13Darkstar1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases01:30
cakebossethan_: daemons and stuff. Too fast for me to read it all01:30
ethan_@cakeboss sorry man i dont know01:30
=== AndroUser is now known as SEEVTar
XiaoBaiI went to have a look01:30
usr13Darkstar1: LTS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS01:32
Darkstar1usr13: Thanks. Should've known and installed the LTS version01:33
usr13Darkstar1: Yep01:33
COrdel^all i did was hit the reset button on my computer now Ubunto doesnt boot01:33
mdikor is there a way to start ubiquity in a ncurses frontend? i only see gtk and kde...01:33
cakebossethan_: it is stuck on the ubuntu loading screen, now01:33
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD01:34
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:34
ethan_@blackshirt why does nvidia require me to disable noveau?01:35
DanawarAny one know why uploading an image on phpbb crashes my servers network connection?01:37
mdikblackshirt: were those wiki-pages directed towards me?01:40
cakebossCam someone please help me that knows stuff about GRUB?01:40
seednodeSorry, cakeboss, I use syslinux. I can still try, though.01:40
seednodeWhat's the issue?01:40
blackshirtnoveau was opensource version of nvidia driver ... If you want install binary version from nvidia, you should remove/disable it01:40
cakebossseednode: Black screen when booting. I tried to use nomodeset, not doing much though. The most that gets me is some code flying by the screen. I have nvidia01:41
ethan_@blackshirt ty01:41
XiaoBaiUbuntu voice chat tool?01:42
cakebossseednode: any idea?01:43
d4rkh4nd8Need help im getting no sound out of no ware01:43
designbybeck_Is there no way to view thumbnails of images and such in Open/Save Dialog boxes in Ubunut?01:44
DrDankanyone have any experience sharing the internet connection from linux to a windows based pc? I'm having a problem.. or two.. :-\01:44
DrDankIf im not able to get this internet sharing working.. then my girlfriend is going to make me start using windows again so we can still share the connection.. :-01:44
d4rkh4nd8would it be easyer to get it FROM the WIN machine ?01:45
cakebossHey all. I have some issue with ubuntu booting up with a black screen. I tried nomode and it worked well enough to install, but that isn't working anymore. Can anyone help me figure out what I need to edit in Grub?01:46
XiaoBaiWho can help me with my english.01:46
d4rkh4nd8a english teacher i would assume ?01:46
DrDankd4rkh4nd8: Well Im using a wireless adapter to pull signal from my brothers house.. --- and her PC doesn't stay on constantly but mine does.. thats why I want to share it from my PC.01:46
cethalonan* english01:46
ethan_an English* :P01:47
d4rkh4nd8there cethalon seems to be good at english  hit him up lol01:47
DrDankd4rkh4nd8: could I message you privately, if you know anything about this matter? --- Im still googling/binging til I'm damn near sick. lol.01:48
ethan_when doing apt-get i can never tell if the process is finished or not01:48
cethalonIm just on my boot repair disk, working on my little project01:48
d4rkh4nd8i still pretty new or i would help ya sorry01:48
ethan_anyone here using Skype on Ubunto 12.10?01:49
XiaoBaiI don't have any basis. Fucking.01:49
d4rkh4nd8DrDank: ill check it out give me a min.... i use akype01:49
gabyHello - any body can help me how to apply the cinnamon themes - i have already installed it but i cant apply it01:49
DrDankd4rkh4nd8: Yeah.. im wish I could learn this as good as I do windows... then I would be in good shape.. Im to the point of 'winblowz' haha.01:49
cethalonNot yet, working on installing Ubuntu on my pendrive01:49
ethan_d4rk, do you have ubuntu 12.10?01:49
d4rkh4nd8Youll learn it pretty fast01:49
d4rkh4nd8Yes ethan01:50
ethan_does your skype crash constantly when calling?01:50
XiaoBaiI also used the ubuntu12.1001:50
d4rkh4nd8Its never crashed, i installed from the site not the software center thou01:50
ethan_i installed from the site which rereouted to software center01:50
d4rkh4nd8It should have updated the deb thou then installed right01:51
ethan_i believe so01:51
d4rkh4nd8I would fist try a reinstall ethan01:51
ethan_are you using lightdm?01:52
gabyHello - any body can help me how to apply the cinnamon themes - i have already installed it but i cant apply it01:52
blackshirtcakeboss, nomodeset was not working?01:52
ethan_d4rk, are you using lightdm?01:53
cakebossblackshirt: no, it isn't01:53
ethan_d4rk, could that be affecting anything?01:53
blackshirtcakeboss, sound bad01:53
blackshirtcakeboss, what tip do you have trying to make it works ?01:54
gabyHello - any body can help me how to apply the cinnamon themes - i have already installed it but i cant apply it01:54
d4rkh4nd8Im not sure but there is a differance so my guess would be yes01:54
syntroPihow would i install skype on quantal x64? I tried the one from canonical parnter repo but its broken (depends on skype-bin which is not avail)....01:54
blackshirtxiaobai, what is the problem ? More detail01:54
cakebossblackshirt: I just fixed it, I believe01:54
ethan_@syntropi can you not use the download links at skype.com?01:54
cakebossblackshirt: yup01:54
syntroPiethan_, id prefer a repo since i get updates from it then01:55
blackshirtcakeboss, good luck ... Glad to hear that01:55
XiaoBaiI want to learn english.01:55
ethan_@syntropi ah fair enough :)01:55
cakebossblackshirt: If you could tell people in the forums that say nomodeset doesnt work. They might want to try setting "quiet splash noapic" I don't see that in the official explanation01:56
blackshirtxiaobai, this is not suite place for you ... You could go to english course places im your town01:56
DeltaHeavyHow do I minimize a full screen VM from KVM?01:57
XiaoBaiOur method makes me helpless.01:57
cakebossXiaoBai: what language do you speak?01:57
XiaoBaiEnglish, is that we use now.01:57
cakebossXiaoBai: what other languages?01:58
blackshirtxiaobai, this is ubuntu support channel, if you want to ask related to ubuntu,just ask01:58
gabyok - how to change to Root - any help ?01:58
ethan_@xiaoBai this is a channel for ubuntu. You may need to find another resource for english learning01:58
ethan_@gaby su root01:58
ethan_@gaby or sudo (command)01:58
gabyethan_ i need to change permission and i want to be root to be able to do that ....01:59
ethan_gaby, do you know your root password?01:59
blackshirtgaby, sudo was enough for your need01:59
kvothetechgaby: su -01:59
ethan_gaby, su root01:59
McPetersudo chown <user>:<group> /path/to/folder/or/file01:59
McPeterroot is desactivated02:00
ethan_root can be activated on ubuntu02:00
McPetersudo -i or sudo -s to use root02:00
ethan_i did02:00
McPeterethan_, bad idea02:00
gabyi put my password - and it says that its wrong02:00
ethan_mcpeter, I did it out of impulse when I was frustrated02:00
k1l_dont use the root account. use sudo instead. that is the ubuntu way02:00
ethan_mcpeter, but its not like I am going to use it anyways02:01
designbybeck_So anyway to see thumbnail views in an Open or Save Dialog?02:01
k1l_and dont suggest it in here, because we teach the ubuntu way :/02:01
blackshirtdefault install was using sudo .... But i think, sudo access should be limited to some specific command/groups of command02:01
ethan_okay gaby then use "sudo (command)"02:01
McPeterk1l_, +102:01
WoCgaby, you can also use something like "sudo su - root" which would give you a root shell02:01
k1l_gaby: just put sudo infront of the terminal commands you want to have root-rights to02:02
McPetersudo chown <user>:<group> /path/to/folder/or/file02:02
k1l_WoC: STOP that02:02
kvothetechethan_: yeah i unlock my root shell to..if you have sudo access you might as well unlock root for yourself.02:02
ethan_kvothetech: shhhhh they are thinking down on us when we talk about root unlock :P02:02
Random832WoC: just sudo -s or sudo -i for a root shell02:03
McPetergaby, you install ubuntu ? or one other personne ?02:03
kvothetechethan_: I think it's idiotic not to have root...02:03
gabyguys - please iam stupid with alll what you are saying now - please - simply i need to copy file in some folder and i dont have permission because iam not root02:03
gabythats all02:03
k1l_kvothetech: there is no need to have an activated root account on ubuntu.02:03
DeltaHeavykvothetech: Why? It adds so much security.02:03
WoCbut neither sudo -s/ii gives u the environment from root. or ?02:04
DrDankhas anyone SHARED INTERNET connection from Linux to a windows based pc?? If so, could you give me some help??02:04
kvothetechk1l_:  server?  DeltaHeavy no it doesn't02:04
ethan_kvothetech: I believe it has to do with the goal of Ubuntu. most heavy users dont like that02:04
k1l_kvothetech: and if you are a linux-guru or uber_haxx0r doesnt count in this channel. the ubuntu way is to use sudo. thats it02:04
McPetergaby, use simply : sudo cp /path/to/file/origin /path/to/file/destination02:04
blackshirtthe need was limited sudo access02:04
ethan_and on this discussion of unlocking root. If you can do all the damage with sudo, what does it hurt to unlock root?02:05
DeltaHeavykvothetech: Ever heard of root level exploits?02:05
McPetergaby, ?02:05
Tux_1root is unlocked, sudo su02:06
McPeterstop …02:06
kvothetechDeltaHeavy: i'm not saying run root 24/7 but i hate typing sudo all the time..also run arch most of the time and never have any problems with it.02:06
blackshirteven you can limit of your root power under linux02:06
DeltaHeavy kvothetch: sudo -i02:06
gabyMcPeter:  what to write in stead of Path and to file - and so on - i got that you want me to write SUDO CP - but the rest of the command - i dont know how to change it and what to write02:06
kvothetechDeltaHeavy:  if you type sudo -i why not just use your root account?02:06
k1l_kvothetech: then go to arch. thats it. this is the ubuntu channel with the ubuntu way.02:06
DeltaHeavykvothetech: You don't NEED to disable the root account, I'm just saying it offers al ot more added security02:06
DeltaHeavykvothetech: Because by disableing root you close a lot of potential vulnerabilities.02:06
syntroPiThis package here has broken dependencies http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/s/skype/skype_4.
McPetergaby, wath do you want exactly ?02:07
kvothetechk1l_: i also use ubuntu02:07
DeltaHeavyThere are pros and cons to both sides. I personally activate my root account as well.02:07
k1l_gaby: that depends what you want to copy to where02:07
DeltaHeavyCause in all honesty I don't believe the threat is very big at all.02:07
McPetergaby, give me wath you want copy and where02:07
ethan_k1l: not to disrespect, but just saying that it is the "Ubuntu way" isnt giving a real reason no to do it02:07
gabyMcPeter : i have file - and i need want to extract it and copy it some where02:07
k1l_kvothetech: just dont suggest the root-account stuff here. that is all02:07
gabyMcPeter : ok02:08
Noah_Is anyone available to help with a RAID setup?02:08
kl4mNoah_, probably yes02:08
McPetergaby, by default extract your archive in your home folder02:08
k1l_ethan_: this is the supported way of ubuntu. thats why it has no pw from the install02:08
blackshirteven you can limit of your root power under linux02:08
ethan_k1l: fair enough02:08
Dr_willis_the forums have a HUGE amount of sudo pros/cons.. if you really want to do some reading.. and fall asleep.. ;P02:08
k1l_ethan_: if you dont like it do it yourself or use andother distro. but the ubuntu way stays the ubuntu way02:09
McPetergaby, and after extratc give me the path where you want copy02:09
McPeter(sorry for my poor english)02:09
k1l_and to tell every newbie in here to unlock root is not the right way in this channel.02:09
Noah_k14m I've setup a RAID using 2 500GB partitions on separate drives. however, mdadm --examine --scan doesn't show them and my machine is only showing a black screen at boot after setting it up. It's Ubuntu Server 12.04 and I've tried just about everything I could find online already.02:09
kl4mThere is just all sorts of good reason to keep root lock, you just need to *become* root on a machine, never login directly as root, particularily(?) on a server02:10
Noah_k14m *it, not them.. it's one raid02:10
gabyMcPeter : i have file     W0RN-DPJC-8ENB    its in downloads folder- i wantto send it to  the02:10
gabyMcPeter - Installation:02:10
gabyExtract two folders "Glass Mint", "Glass Ubuntu" into either /usr/share/themes/ (as root) or ~/.themes/02:10
k1l_im not talking about personal pros or cons. i talk about not telling newbies here to unlock it. because they come back the next day and have ruined the rightmanagment, when you are not here to support the newbie again. thats it02:10
McPetergaby, for themes you can just extratc in ~/.themes02:11
syntroPihow can i install skype on quantal x64?02:11
McPetergaby, ~ is your home02:11
gabyMcpeter : i cant do it02:12
kl4mNoah_, I setup many machines per week with that setup :) Usually I put LVM on top of the RAID1, now that it's supported pretty much everywhere02:12
McPetergaby, your home is /home/gaby ?02:12
gabyMcPeter : yes02:13
Dr_willis_!skype | syntroPi02:13
ubottusyntroPi: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga02:13
k1l_gaby: you can drag and drop that with the file-explorer (nautilus) into the folder .themes (press ctrl+h) in your home-folder02:13
doomlordcan ubuntu do ARGB transparency for gtk elements02:13
McPetergaby, ok … you just push your file into : /home/gaby/.themes02:13
Noah_k14m okay..how should I set that up? I've already formatted the raid as ext4..it just doesn't show up in mdadm scan..?02:13
McPetergaby, you don't need root02:13
syntroPiDr_Willis, thanks but that does not work02:13
excervogaby, just use nautilus then hit ctrl +h to show hidden folder02:14
=== Sierr[a]AR is now known as SierraAR
Dr_willis_syntroPi,  theres blog sites like omgubuntu and webupd8 and askubuntu.com that may have info on the newer release of skype also02:14
McPetergaby look that k1l_ say02:14
Noah_k14m something about my current setup isn't playing nice with grub I would guess..not sure where the boot is getting hung up though02:14
kl4mNoah_ oh right, grub... you're totally right02:14
syntroPiDr_Willis_, the one from parnter repo depends on skype-bin (not avail) and the skype.com deb for precise x64 wont intstall due to wrong binary (i368 not x64)02:15
kl4mNoah_ try to boot on the other disk in the BIOS, when you're booted, do a sudo install-grub on each disk02:15
Noah_k14m I'm not booting to the drive though, I set everything up via shell..just using the drive as external storage02:15
gabyMcPeter , i did as you said - but it doesn t work = still dont see the theme02:15
Noah_k14m would grub care if it saw a new external raid though? Something about my setup is freezing the boot but I'm not booting to the external :/02:16
k1l_gaby:  can you make a "ls -al .themes" in a terminal and show that to us in a pastebin?02:16
kl4mNoah_, Ubuntu installer would have setup GRUB on /dev/sda (the first disk it saw) and nowhere else, but the BIOS may not boot in that order02:17
kl4mNoah_, but on 12.04 grub supports raid1 perfectly well (in theory)02:18
gabyk1l_ , http://pastebin.com/3qGy5zxj02:18
Noah_k14m I don't have a working disk drive so I did raid1 setup entirely in shell, not the installer..02:18
syntroPiDr_willis_ that problem makes the softwarecenter to crash hard... LOL02:18
Noah_k14m was booting just fine to /dev/sda previously02:18
k1l_gaby: well, go into that folder an copy and paste the files from the .WORN-... folder into the .themes folder02:18
kl4mok, well mdadm --examine /dev/sd?1 shows you the disks?02:18
k1l_gaby: the need to be in that folder. not in a folder inside the folder :)02:19
[_-S1L3NC3-_]How can i activate my vswap?02:19
XiaoBaiRecommend good music02:19
bazhang!ot | XiaoBai02:20
ubottuXiaoBai: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:20
bazhangXiaoBai, this is ONLY ubuntu support.02:20
syntroPihow can i force an i368 packet on x64 system to install02:20
Noah_k14m mdadm --examine --scan in general doesn't02:20
k1l_gaby: the two folders "Glass Mint" and "Glass Ubuntu" have to be in the .themes folder, not the .W0RN-DPJC-8ENB (to be more precise)02:20
[_-S1L3NC3-_]Hey #Ubuntu How can i activate my VSwap?02:21
gabyk1l_, ok now got them installed - but i cant or i dont know how to apply them02:21
Noah_k14m my apoligies..it does, I needed to be root02:21
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info02:21
k1l_gaby: well, which desktop are you running?02:21
Noah_k14m sudo mdadm --examine --scan shows the array /dev/md/0 but the system still doesn't boot fully without a hard reset halfway through and a second boot each time I power up02:22
syntroPiis there a way to force dpkg to accept wrong architecture packages for installation?02:22
gabyk1l_, iam running 12.0402:22
k1l_gaby: with unity?02:23
kl4mNoah_, cat /proc/mdstat # does it show the raid as rebuilding?02:23
gabyk1l_, ubuntu02:23
Noah_k14m nope active [2/2] not rebuilding02:23
McPetergaby, you use Unity ?02:23
kl4mNoah_, is it "(Auto read-only)" ?02:23
holyguyverAll of the normal IP address changing things of dhclient eth0 or ifconfig eth0 down never work for me, is there any other way I can do it?02:23
Noah_k14m yes02:24
=== SierraAR is now known as Sierr[a]AR
[_-S1L3NC3-_] ~ How can i Fix this?02:24
hybridgesudo ifconfig eth0 down?02:24
[_-S1L3NC3-_] /mnt/512MiB.swap: swapon failed: Operation not permitted02:24
gabyMcPeter: i dont know - iam so stupid about linux02:24
holyguyverhybridge: that did not renew my IP02:24
k1l_gaby: can you show a "lsb_release -a" in a pastebin?02:24
kl4mNoah_ mdadm --readwrite /dev/md/0 # and check again if it starts rebuilding02:24
=== Sierr[a]AR is now known as SierraAR
[_-S1L3NC3-_]  /mnt/512MiB.swap: swapon failed: Operation not permitted                ~When i try to VSwap, How Can I Fix This¿02:25
Noah_k14m no such file or directory.. odd mdadm shows as /dev/md/0 but operations only seem to work for /dev/md12702:25
gabyk1l_, http://pastebin.com/wsKnye7k02:26
kl4mNoah_,  yeah ok /dev/md127 or whatever is told is /proc/mdstat02:26
syntroPianyone uses skype on quantal?02:26
Noah_k14m okay no rebuild after running it but auto read only no longer shows02:26
Noah_k14m should I attempt reboot?02:26
k1l_gaby: ok, i think easiest way is to install "myunity" and open it and then select the theme in there02:26
kl4mNoah_, I was wondering if it was refusing to boot because of a degraded raid... you know how to keep the grub menu open on boot?02:28
k1l_but gaby im not sure it its the right themes, you got there. they have to be for unity if you are using unity (which is the standard desktop on ubuntu)02:28
Noah_k14m I believe so..02:28
Noah_k14m at grub menu now02:29
syntroPiubuntu is so great: my natty worked flawlessly but now expired support, precise has broken xserver and vdpau does not work, quantal has no skype...02:29
[_-S1L3NC3-_]In OpenVZ i cant swap anyway to avoid this?02:29
gabyk1l_, got the myunity02:31
k1l_gaby: can you give me a link to where you got the theme? im not sure if its compatible with unity02:31
kl4mNoah_ : Try to edit you default boot and add "vga=normal nomodeset" at the end "linux blablabla ... ro quiet" in grub, so the console isnt hidden02:32
cakebossHey guys. So when I try and install an iso as a vm in vmware it makes my screen go black and gives me some weird code on the screen. Can anyone help with this?02:32
jesusemelendezmI have a question on linux certifications, does someone have the LPIC1 here ?02:32
gabyk1l_, http://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/themes/view/12802:32
k1l_gaby: while im looking at the theme you could start myunity and click on the themes tab, and choose the theme there02:32
McPetergaby, mmh .. not compatible02:32
bazhangjesusemelendezm, thats not on topic here02:32
k1l_gaby: the themes are for cinnamon. that is another desktop, which is not the ubuntu one02:33
ccc_guys, do i have to install programs THROUGH Wine or can i just run the .exe directly?02:33
hybridgerun the setup02:34
almoxarifeccc_: you would need wine installed to run an .exe program02:34
gabyk1l_, i have this cinnamon appplication -something like Myunity02:34
ccc_it is installed02:34
almoxarifeccc_: then run the exe02:34
kl4mccc_, technically ".exe" are launched by wine and not directly executed, so all the same02:34
ccc_i copied starcraft 2 over02:35
k1l_gaby: but cinnamon is not supported from ubuntu. if you want that you have to ask the linux-mint support02:35
ccc_and want to run it in wine02:35
k1l_!linuxmint | gaby02:35
k1l_!mint | gaby02:35
ubottugaby: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:35
ClientAliveI have a dual monitor setup and want to make it so youtube videos 'stay' fullscreen on the one monitor - even if I'm doing something on the other monitor. I'm watching programming tutorials and need to work in my ide while I watch. Thx.02:35
hybridgeright click, properties, goto 'open with' tab, select option wine windows program loader?02:35
Noah_k14m I pressed e and added it as the last line but it seemed to have no effect..not sure if I'm placing it in the right place though02:35
ClientAliveI saw a web page that addresses exacltly my issue but it was for windows02:36
hybridgewhy wouldnt it stay full screen?02:36
hybridgemake sure the setting 'same image in all monitors' is unchecked02:37
syntroPiccc_ did you mark that exe as executable?02:37
syntroPiwine would reject otherwise02:37
Stanley00ClientAlive: how about using minitube, it's a youtube client02:38
ClientAlivehybridge: when you click any other window (on the other monitor for instance) it goes back to small screen.02:38
ClientAliveStanley00: as in a separate app?02:38
Stanley00ClientAlive: yep02:38
ccc__i mean if i want to install windows apps, do i just clik the setup.exe02:39
Noah_k14m found it..hold on02:39
ccc__or do i have to open a wine app and run it through it02:39
jesusemelendezmjust open it02:39
Noah_yup asking if I wish to start degraded raid but not asking me for input02:39
Noah_(k14m)  yup asking if I wish to start degraded raid but not asking me for input ..then goes to initramfs shell02:40
ClientAlivethere must be some configuration file for flash or something - so I can use my browser and have what I need. I have multiple tabs open (many related to the video I watch).02:40
Stanley00ClientAlive: flash does not work well on linux, minitube can play video full screen on one monitor, but it doesn't support youtube login.02:42
hybridgehtml5 works nice on linux02:43
Noah_k14m should I use these steps? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186421602:43
syntroPiccc_ if its marked as executable file (chmod +x) you can just lauch it via click and wine would execute it02:44
Noah_k14m not sure if you're still around but I got it working with the url I pasted earlier ..thanks for leading me down the right path02:48
Dr_willis_ccc_,  I find it easier to use the terminal and do a 'wine /path/to/whatever.exe'02:49
ClientAlivewhat command do I use to find a file on my system?02:57
ClientAliveif I just have the file name02:57
ErinClientAlive, 'locate' works good02:57
Erinmight want to do a sudo updatedb first02:57
ring1ClientAlive, find is also a good tool: find / -name filename02:58
ClientAliveErin: So "locate <filename>" ?02:58
ErinClientAlive, yup02:59
ClientAliveright on. thx02:59
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kl4m"find is a good tool" is an understatement :) too bad the syntax is so awful03:01
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ring1<3 find03:02
ErinI like locate my self but i've heard find is very powerful03:02
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Stanley00Erin, kl4m: find is extremely good, and too good to do simple things03:04
ErinYea it is way more complicated than locate for finding a single file, thats why I suggest he use locate ;-p03:04
ring1when using locate, you just have to remember that it doesn't search in certain paths, as configured in /etc/updatedb.conf ;)03:07
hybridgeis locate written in assembly? seems fast03:08
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usr13hybridge: fast as compared to ___________?03:09
Donnie_Darko21any help for install google earth 7 beta for 12 0403:09
hybridgeas compared to file browser's search tool.03:09
usr13hybridge: and/or find....?03:11
ty_guy_whats new?03:14
zz_workerI have a problem, Disks are nearing full, but I can't find what's taking the space? Please help! http://pastie.org/private/5fcpr8pohj4ivn5srt61w03:17
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ring1zz_worker, take a look at baobab03:19
hybridgedo you have a gui disk analyzer?03:19
mickster04zz_worker: /root/workspace/app is taking 5 gb?03:19
usr13zz_worker: ls -ltrS    <will list by file sizes, largest last> ; du |sort -n   <will show directories sorted by size>03:20
mickster04zz_worker: du -sh ./* in any folder to see how big each folder is and you just need to follow the biggest one down until you spot something useful03:20
zz_workerhybridge,ring1 , No GUI , No X, Its remote:(03:20
ring1zz_worker, ok, was worth a shot ;)03:21
mickster04zz_worker: just cd into /root/workspace/app and run du -sh again?03:21
k1l_zz_worker: use "du"03:21
hybridgeits nice to find a channel with zero trolls03:21
McPeterhybridge, baobab03:22
Darkstar1I think there's a command to upgrade a distro to another03:23
k1l_zz_worker: maybe du cant "see" all files if it hasnt root-rights03:23
Darkstar1I want to go from 10.10 to 12.0403:23
cloudrfhey could yall help me out with xubuntu vlc?03:23
ring1Darkstar1, do-release-upgrade03:23
Darkstar1ring1: cheers03:24
k1l_zz_worker: ah, i see you are already root, sry im to tired :(03:24
McPeterDarkstar1, you cant' … 10.10 ▶ 11.04 ▶ 11.10 ▶ 12.0403:24
usr13Darkstar1: do-release-upgrade will only take you to the incremental path03:24
Darkstar1command not recognised :?03:25
mickster04Darkstar1: well sudo apt-get dist-upgrade might help :p03:25
usr13Darkstar1: but if you get to 10.04, you can switch to LTS and then go from 10.04 to 12.04.03:25
zz_workermickster04 , cd into app , gives this http://pastie.org/private/ef8epr4vz5pnn43w2ezldg (which is no different)03:25
McPeterDarkstar1, if you want upgrade 10.10 to 12.04 i think is better you resintall03:26
almoxarife!ask cloudrf03:26
mickster04zz_worker: ls -ltra in that folder?03:26
McPeterDarkstar1, you must upgrade 10.10 to 11.04 and after 11.04 to 11.10 and after 11.10 to 12.0403:26
McPeterit's really long03:26
cloudrfi cant get vlc to play a dvd almo03:26
mickster04Darkstar1: just stick the cd in and you can keep your documents etc as part of upgrading>03:27
Darkstar1McPeter: aye.. remote vps upgrade03:27
Darkstar1must take this path.. Another QQ is it possible to go from 8.04 to 12.04?03:28
krzwhat laptop do you guys run ubuntu on?03:28
Darkstar1or must I get to 10.04 first03:28
McPeterDarkstar1, 8.04 is LTS .. you can upgrade 8.04 to 10.04 to 12.0403:28
mickster04!what | krz03:28
ubottukrz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:28
McPeterwith no lts you must follow version by version03:28
zz_workermickster04, Ah cool, looks like I have dump file in that folder which is talking 4G03:29
mickster04krz: what do you mean?03:29
mickster04zz_worker: alrighty then :D03:29
zz_workerThanks mickster04 , Where can I send a beer ? :)03:29
mickster04zz_worker: NZ? :p03:29
k1l_zz_worker: but thats not a ubuntu? isnt it?03:29
McPeterDarkstar1, to upgrade 10.10 you must use old repository03:30
McPeterand 10.10 is end of life ..... and 11.04 too -__-03:30
almoxarife!info libdvdcss03:31
ubottuPackage libdvdcss does not exist in quantal03:31
McPeteralmoxarife, maybe you find it if you use medibuntu repositor03:31
usr13Darkstar1: To switch to LTS change Prompt=normal03:32
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:32
usr13Darkstar1: To switch to LTS change Prompt=normal to Prompt=lts in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades03:32
zz_workerWhere do rockstar DevOps hangout ? Is it appropriate to post Job Post here?03:32
McPeteralmoxarife, hors try to install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:32
McPeter!info ubuntu-restricted-extras03:33
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (quantal), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB03:33
McPeteralmoxarife, and after : sudo sh /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh03:33
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Darkstar1usr13: Ok I'll try thsat03:33
McPeterusr13, Darkstar1 is on 10.1003:33
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almoxarifecloudrf: you need this file installed libdvdcss, it should be part of the medibuntu repository03:34
Darkstar1I don't have that folder path.03:34
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McPeterDarkstar1, 10.10 is end of life ... you must use old repository to upgrade to other version03:35
usr13Darkstar1: Scratch that.  You are passed 10.04. YOu are on 10.10 and you can't do that.  Sorry.  Disreguard03:35
zz_workerk1l_ : Its ubuntu on EC203:35
usr13McPeter: Thanks for the correction.03:35
Darkstar1sudo apt-get dist-upgrade didn't help, somethings updated but the distro is still 11.0403:35
Darkstar1usr13: :) ok03:35
k1l_zz_worker: ah k.03:36
McPeterDarkstar1, change your official repository by : http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu03:36
McPeterand disactived other sources03:37
serunui am having horrible time with mounting my external hdds. mainly my issue now is /dev/sd** changing from what i put in /etc/fstab. seems like everytime i come back to /media/ something has changed as far as whats mounted and what its folder name is. any ideas on any of this?03:38
usr13serunu: pastebinit /etc/fstab03:40
usr13serunu: You see the line at the top, where it says, "Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier..."03:41
serunuusr13: i am familiar03:42
usr13serunu: use blkid value instead of /dev/sd*03:42
usr13serunu: And I would use mount points of your choosing, not /media  but just where-ever / what-ever you want.03:43
serunuusr13: i have been down that road also, seemed the unique id wasnt always the same either03:43
designbybeck_my first time using shotwell with facebook... it joined the account, I saw my albums, made a new one, and it started uploading but seems to be hung after 3 images?03:43
designbybeck_the first 2 have gone03:44
serunuusr13: i am used to /media is there a benifit of mounting elsewhere?   And yes seemed things changed03:44
designbybeck_any ideas?03:44
usr13serunu: What do you have on these devices?03:44
serunuA/V mostly03:44
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usr13serunu: Is there a catagory or some sort of name you would give them? (other than A42c05932c056222 or My\040Book ?)03:45
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usr13serunu: Some sort of user-friendly name?  (something more user friendly than ^^^)03:45
almoxarifeusr13: the gui filemanager usually have a bookmark sort of thing where one can give a name without getting all involved in the guts of the os03:47
serunuusr13: your saying give them a name that is simpler. i get that.03:47
usr13serunu: Yea, what would you name these two devices?  Can you thing of something?03:48
Darkstar1sudo apt-get install update-manager-core followed by sudo do-release-upgrade -d seems to be fixining it03:49
Dr_willis_Storage1 and Storage2  :)03:49
almoxarifeDr_willis_: media1/203:49
Dr_willis_almoxarife,  better then 'PornDrive1000' ;)03:49
usr13Darkstar1: That is better than A42c05932c056222 or My\040Book :)03:49
Dr_willis_If you set a nice Filesystem Label - the os will use that for the mountpointname. thats where the My Book is comming from.03:50
usr13... but I'm real sure we can be more creative than that... Right serunu ?03:50
usr13Dr_willis_: Yes, but the point is, I want HIM to come up with a name.  One that makes sense to serunu03:51
almoxarifecreative, the gui filemanager usually have a bookmark sort of thing where one can give a name without getting all involved in the guts of the os03:51
serunui guess i never really cared, just used tab completion03:53
usr13serunu: sudo mkdir /Storage1   Then run blkid  and use the UUID for the fstab entry.  That's all you need to do. But use a directory name that makes some sort of logical sense (to you).03:53
usr13serunu: Instead of /dev/sdc1 /media/My\040Book vfat defaults 0 0  use UUID=0a85df06-a39a-4084-b807-e809bc810bf7  /media/My\040Book vfat defaults 0 003:55
usr13UUID=0a85df06-a39a-4084-b807-e809bc810bf7  /media/My\040Book vfat defaults 0 003:55
* almoxarife keeps all iz media stuffs in /media dat way ez nose where to looks03:55
usr13or UUID=0a85df06-a39a-4084-b807-e809bc810bf7  /Storage1 vfat defaults 0 003:56
usr13or UUID=0a85df06-a39a-4084-b807-e809bc810bf7  /Storage1 vfat user,rw 0 003:57
serunuusr13: i will go with the unique id and see if that works but i was sure they werent staic....wouldnt be the first time i was wrong :) and i will graciously accept your tips on a clean file system03:57
jaguar_i like ubuntu os03:58
Darkstar1can't upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10.: No new release found03:58
Dr_willis_Darkstar1,  you have to tell the update manager/tool to look for non-lts releases03:59
usr13serunu: The key to file management is for YOU to make these decisions.  You make directory "Pictures" for pictures and "Videos" for videos, "Documents" for documents... etc.  So that the filesystem makes some sense.03:59
Dr_willis_Darkstar1,  was that a typo you ment 12.04 and 12.10 ? or are you really on 11.04 ?04:00
Darkstar1yeah I am atm.. was on 10.10 a moment ago managed to get it to 11.0404:00
usr13serunu: And I just use the root directory /04:01
usr13serunu: It doesn't matter, it's just simple that way.04:01
almoxarifeusr13: alright already04:02
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serunuusr13: it makes sense, im such a noob that i dont think to customize that way, i was just trying to copy the default way for best results. obviously no win.04:03
Darkstar1Dr_Willis: Got around it. Omw to 11.1004:03
usr13almoxarife: I made some mistakes, was correcting myself.  I'm sorry if we are discussing this issue exessively, but, sometimes it helps to give extra details.04:05
kj4hey all04:06
almoxarifeusr13: things would be so much easier if everyone used KDE04:07
usr13serunu: Just keep adjusting the /etc/fstab entry until it works correctly.  Each time, you can just do,  sudo mount -a    to mount again.04:08
usr13almoxarife: Why is that?04:08
usr13almoxarife: I prefer xfce / thunar04:08
almoxarifeserunu: those drives you are attaching are external, yes?04:08
usr13almoxarife: Yes they are.04:08
almoxarifeusr13: thats my point, its all about personal preference, forget i brought it up04:09
usr13almoxarife: Maybe you would like to explaine a KDE trick or 2...?04:09
usr13almoxarife: It's up to you.  If you have something to contribute, be our guest.04:10
almoxarifeusr13: no thanks, we kde types are low key04:10
serunualmoxarife: yes04:10
usr13serunu: Do you use KDE?04:11
serunuusr13: this is gnome, on my laptop, which is a pooor mans manily music server04:11
almoxarifeserunu: so placing them in fstab is for ? dont they show when attached?04:11
lickalottis anyone in here that is also in ubuntu-server?  I don't want to crosspost.04:12
escottlickalott, crossposting is discouraged but this channel is a bit higher traffic04:13
serunualmoxarife: sometimes i need a remote reboot then they wont show. its like the usb needs to be unplugged/plugged. but i am not there. so no, sometimes they do not mount04:13
lickalotthaving an issue with NFS ( i think)04:13
usr13almoxarife: serunu  ...I use about 3 different thumb drives and I just plug them in, thunar pops up and I do as I wish with the files. (Pretty much the same as KDE, only a click or two less to do it.)04:13
serununow sudo umount is saying the device is busy04:14
Erinwhats the correct REGEX for any number between 1-20 ?04:14
Erinisnt it [1-20] ?04:14
almoxarifeserunu: i have one of those usb buses with external power, keeps everything on regardless of the state of the machine, do you have something like that which is being used?04:14
usr13serunu: cd  (if it's a terminal)  Close it, it it's a file manager.04:14
serunualmoxarife: no i dont. two external hds with 3 partions are plugged directly into the laptop04:15
usr13serunu: You obviously have something that is accessing it (if umount complains that it is bussy).04:16
serunuusr13: not sure i understand you. yes im in a term. thats all i ever use lately. so i need to cd to where and close the terminal?04:16
almoxarifeserunu: the hd's are external powered?04:16
serunualmoxarife: yea, plugged into the wall04:17
usr13serunu: cd  (cd buy itself (with no arguments) will change directory to your home dir).04:17
usr13serunu: Or, you can close the terminal and use another.04:18
usr13serunu: pwd  will tell you where you are at.04:18
usr13pwd - print name of current/working directory04:18
crimsonmaneIdleOne: might i have a brief conversation with you in private?04:19
serunuusr13: i am remote into this computer that i am communicating with.04:19
nowayrideIs anyone good with xrandr and debugging display issues?04:19
IdleOnecrimsonmane: anytime04:19
usr13serunu: .... same situation.04:19
escottnowayride, im sure someone is04:19
serunui know pwd, not sure why where i am matters. as long as im not in /folder i should be able to sudo umount /media/folder correct?04:20
usr13serunu: That is correct04:20
nowayrideVGA produces 1920x1080 but it gets horizontally scrunched, HDMI has the typical zoomed in effect but replicating its modeline from Xorg log results in something completely different Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz)04:20
serunuusr13: i am using screen so im not sure why closing the terminal helps, sorry for the confusion04:20
escottserunu, any open fd on that partition could prevent the umount04:20
almoxarifeserunu: really confused yet? :)04:20
serunualmoxarife: very, but i am trying04:21
usr13serunu: you can use -f  (umount -f will force un-mount)04:21
usr13serunu: but better hope you are not writing to it at the time.04:21
serunuanyway to tell what may be makeing it busy?04:21
usr13serunu: lsof will tell you what open files there are, (losf |grep mount/point or.....)04:22
JonJoeyWhat's the proper way to log out when you need to use "sudo -i" ?04:22
escottJonJoey, exit04:23
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JonJoeythanks, I was worried everything might logout/shutdown if I did that. This time I just "X"d the terminal session, but now I know for next time.04:23
nowayrideIf I use CVT values at all xrandr results in a picture that looks like it got crunched to  the right (left black bar)04:23
escottnowayride, the monitor might be zooming on the HDMI so check the config of the monitor04:23
nowayrideTV* and there's no "PC" mode for HDMI on it :( the closest one half cuts off the dock04:24
serunuusr13: i hit that when i saw the error but it spit out pages of text, i didnt know how to interput04:24
escottJonJoey, all your are "exit"ing is /bin/bash04:24
usr13serunu: For instance:  lsof |grep disk-1  (If it is mounted /media/disk-1) and it will let you know if there is a terminal open that has cd'd to it.04:24
suhaibyea that one seems more reasonable http://pastebin.com/xqtUYXmV04:24
nowayrideIDK HDMI is producing "close" xrandr numbers but cvt is WAY off, unless there's something I'm suppose to do with - or + vsync or hsync04:25
serunuusr13: ahh, ok, that i understand. i need to understand grep better... thanks04:25
serunuim going to edit my fstab with the uuid and hope all goes well for a while. Thanks guys.04:26
usr13serunu: (Since I use xfce, if I pliug in a drive, it will auto-mount to /media/disk-1  If I plugin two more, they will be /media/disk-2 and /media/disk-3)04:26
ike2345Good day- I am having a little technical difficulty with a new install (read: new user). I installed 12.10 and was given Administrator Permissions on my only user account. First thing I did was make myself a standard user since sudo has always worked for me to accomplish admin tasks through Terminal. However, I am having difficulties modifying Network Connections and unlocking accounts through System Settings. Can anyone help me understand what I have done04:26
escottike2345, what?04:27
escottike2345, so you were admin and then removed yourself from the admin/sudo group? so how are you going to admin the machine04:27
usr13ike2345: From the new user account....?04:27
ike2345yes, that is my exact thought, escott04:27
escottike2345, if you really want to have an admin account that can sudo and an account that cannot sudo you need to create a second account (uid 1001) and make that not be an admin account, but you must have one admin account04:28
ike2345oh man- best steps forward? clean install?04:28
escottike2345, is this 12.10 or 12.04?04:29
escottike2345, boot to recovery and run "usermod -a -G sudo "your_username"04:29
escottike2345, don't forget the "-a"04:29
serunuusr13: thats great, when you have to reboot they always show back up? thats where my problem lies. as soon as i get a bigger hd i am getting rid of ubuntu 1204:30
ike2345ok- that is all I need to do to restore admin permissions, escott?04:30
escottike2345, that will put you back in the sudo/admin group and you can then create (if you desire it) a non-priv account04:30
serunuin favor of mediabuntu or whatever its called04:30
ike2345thank you very much, escott04:30
almoxarifeone thing i will give 'Mint', no insta root access on recovery04:30
escottalmoxarife, is that suppose to be a good thing?04:31
usr13serunu: Yes, they will always be mounted there on the same mount point.04:31
almoxarifeescott: from a security standpoint, yes04:31
SlimbeepIm trying to enable my GPU on my server so that I can bitcoin mine, I installed fglrx and xorg as well as the AMD development kit for the onboard ATI card, but I have no idea how to enable the gpu04:31
serunuusr13: mine arent04:31
escottalmoxarife, sure it is04:31
usr13escott: Should that be  "usermod -a -G admin "your_username"?04:32
trismexcept that you can just mount the partition from a livecd so it adds no security04:32
escottusr13, 12.10 its "sudo"04:32
usr13escott: Ok.  Thanks info.04:33
escotttrism, thats hardly being creative... what about changing init to /bin/bash04:33
trismescott: indeed04:33
escottusr13, yeah a bit of a surprise... but more in line with debian04:33
escottSlimbeep, modprobe fglrx should be all you need04:34
usr13escott: I have 10.04.4 and 11.10 here... so, Im a bit behind the times. (..for few more months anyway.)04:34
usr13escott: ... also good info.  I didn't know that was the debian-way ....04:35
escottusr13, so im told04:35
usr13escott: I haven't had a Debian box in a while now.04:36
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Darkstar1upgrading the 8.04 vm  to lucid just prompted me to change to dash… worth it?04:36
Slimbeepthanks escott04:36
rumpe1Darkstar1, upgrading to 10.04?04:38
Darkstar1yeah. a 8.04 vm04:38
rumpe1Darkstar1, well.. dash is like "bash light" for booting the system. You still can use bash after that. (afaik)04:38
Darkstar1aahh ok04:39
Darkstar1just kept bash anyways04:39
escottDarkstar1, you don't use dash for interactive use04:39
escottunless you are a masochist04:39
rumpe1... or awesome04:39
escottbut it is designed to be more POSIX compliant than bash04:39
escottor rather designed to be POSIX compliant and not much else04:40
escottrumpe1, i thought 1337 HAXORs injected shell code directly into init ;)04:41
escottDarkstar1, ie the concern is if you wrote a custom init script that requires bash you might break it changing to dash04:42
Darkstar1Don't have time to experiment anyways, so I'll forget I ever came across the prompt :)04:44
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crimsonmaneDarkstar1: It is always recommended to perform a fresh install when going between version numbers.04:47
donavan01hey is there a way to make he side bar hide itself when using the unity launcher04:48
ike2345escott, thanks- your advice really helped get me back working again.04:50
thomaswonderfulHi everyone!04:50
escottike2345, your life will be easier if you just use the user in the "sudo" group, but you can setup a user who is not in the "sudo" group in which case you have to logout/login as the admin user to install software/update/mantain the system04:51
ike2345escott, thanks again- I am sure that I will be back with more questions in the future04:52
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Darkstar1upgraded to lucisystem restart and it's frozen :(05:00
crimsonmaneDarkstar1: It is always recommended to perform a fresh install when going between version numbers.05:00
thomaswonderfulHi, I am new to Ubuntu, nice to be here!:)05:00
thomaswonderfulDarkstar1: I haven't heard lucisystem before. Tell me what's lucisystem, please.05:03
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crimsonmanethomaswonderful: that's a typo he did.05:05
thomaswonderfulcrimsonmane: thanks.05:06
Jordan_Ucrimsonmane: Darkstar1: It is not always recommended to perform a fresh install when upgrading to a new version. The ability to upgrade is there for a reason, and I have taken many machines through many upgrades.05:07
crimsonmaneI've done it too, Jordan_U, but i'm 99.9% sure the website says it's recommended to do a fresh install from one version to another05:07
Jordan_Ucrimsonmane: Please link to the page where you found that recommendation. I don't believe there is any such recommendation in any official documentation / page.05:08
animalI just re-install every 4 months when I've finally fawked my system up enough. Keeps everything nice. <305:08
almoxarifeoh dear, we have a divergence of opinion05:08
thomaswonderfulcrimsonmane:  may i ask you what version of ubuntu you use? I use ubuntu 12.1005:09
Jordan_UDarkstar1: What happens when you try to boot exactly? (what do you see?)05:09
animalOh  you -have- to have 12.10. However would you otherwise expect to end up with an "amazon" button on your launchbar!?05:10
crimsonmaneJordan_U: perhaps it's outdated. I thought it was that way back in 10.04 but it's obviously not that at this time. thomaswonderful i don't use ubuntu.05:11
almoxarifehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/5466/is-a-clean-install-better-than-upgrading <--to further confuse05:12
thomaswonderfulanimal: I am not sure, because I am totally new to Ubuntu myself. I purchased a ubuntu book, a nice installation cd included.05:12
crimsonmanealmoxarife: those answers are user-generated, aren't they? try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades05:12
thomaswonderfulI have tried many linux systems so far. Ubuntu is the best!05:13
animalWell, ubuntu have it's perks. And drawbacks.05:14
almoxarifecrimsonmane: user generated yes, is askubuntu.com a conical entity?05:15
animalAlso, thomaswonderful, if you wanna check your version you may use the button in your upper right, the one with the shutdown menu, and click "about this computer"05:15
crimsonmanealmoxarife: yes05:16
thomaswonderfulWell, it works just like my Windows desktop, no need to start from scratch. I love it!05:17
thomaswonderfulWindows users can use Linux Ubuntu right away, no need extra training :)05:20
thomaswonderfulAfter all, it's free. No product key required to activate Ubuntu products.05:21
escottthomaswonderful, we are glad things are working out for you but this is a support channel, so we prefer actual questions. #ubuntu-offtopic you just want to chat05:21
almoxarifei have a rekonq question, where does it get url configuration?05:23
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almoxarifei have a rekonq question, where does it get url configuration? i meant (uri) to be specific05:24
thomaswonderfulalmoxarife:  what version of rekonq browser you use right now?05:33
almoxarifethomaswonderful: rekonq 1.3  on kde 4.9.305:34
thomaswonderfulmy ubuntu does not install rekonq for me05:34
almoxarifethomaswonderful: you dont want to do that05:35
thomaswonderfulalmoxarife: tell me more about rekonq url question, I am interested to know05:35
almoxarifethomaswonderful: installing rekonq would bring in about 2/3 to 3/4 of kde, unless you want kde :)05:35
thomaswonderfulI read about KDE from my ubuntu book a few days ago05:38
almoxarifethomaswonderful: its just that, chrome uses xdg, konqueror uses mimetype, rekonq uses ?????05:38
almoxarifethomaswonderful: you will want to go KDE when you decide that you just cant get enough configuration out of unity/gnome05:39
almoxarifethomaswonderful: rekonq is my 'play' browser, i noticed that it does not do everything i wanted, so i asked in #kde and #kubuntu and #rekonq, turns out the question is tough to answer, and beyond my meager brain cell05:41
superfake123anyone know what is going on with http://kernel.ubuntu.com/ ?05:42
Justin_jtb7rmvhow do you setting up shall server in ubuntu?05:42
escottalmoxarife, and you come back to gnome/unity when you realize you are spending all your time trying to understand what those config options do. sounds like you are halfway there ;)05:42
escottJustin_jtb7rmv, sudo apt-get install openssh-server05:42
almoxarifeescott: i dont come back, for real browsing i insist on chromium05:43
almoxarifeescott: its just something to kill time, when i finally get to the answer i will have rekonq doing what konqueror and chromium do, its the little things :)05:44
ClientAliveI want to make something for vlc to save streaming video from the internet only to do it in batch - ie: a list of url's and the process runs through and save each/every util all in the list are saved. Any opinion on how involved something like that may be? Heads up on the basic tasks that would have to be undertaken?05:46
almoxarifeJustin_jtb7rmv: since you have asked the question a few times, its 'shell'  btw, what are you trying to do?05:46
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rumpe1ClientAlive, do you have the exact urls of the streams?05:46
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rumpe1ClientAlive, you should look into "wget". you could feed it a list of urls (in a file) using pipes in bash, using xargs or maybe wget itself even offers that as an option05:47
almoxarifeClientAlive: if d/l'ing the streams is the priority, forget vlc, 'wget' them05:48
almoxarifewhat rumpe1 said :)05:48
escottClientAlive, it really depends on where you are getting these streams from05:50
ClientAliverumpe1: escott: getting them from youtube - a series of 57 java programming tutorials (then there are series on other programming stuff after that). Playing them in vlc allows me to view them in fullscreen and stay in fullscreen while I work on my other monitor in the ide.05:51
ClientAliverumpe1: wget works for streaming media?05:51
escott!info youtube-dl05:52
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2012.02.27+gita171dbf-3 (quantal), package size 49 kB, installed size 89 kB05:52
escottClientAlive, so the answer is hard... very very hard05:52
escottClientAlive, wget does RTSP last i checked... thats about it05:52
ClientAliveescott: hmm.05:52
rumpe1ClientAlive, that youtube-dl uses wget (afaik)05:52
media-centrehey guys05:52
rumpe1ClientAlive, wget is the swiss knife of downloading ^^05:52
escottClientAlive, but youtube isn't actually streaming05:52
ClientAlivewell I could do a test with one vid using wget. See if it works.05:53
media-centredoes anyone know how to get the 3 buttons on the right side instead of the left05:53
escottClientAlive, sudo apt-get install youtube-dl05:53
almoxarifeits only streaming if you are actively watching and caching,05:53
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escottClientAlive, i was kidding about this being hard... its already been written for you05:53
ClientAliveescott: does it work in batch tho?05:54
media-centreany one05:54
DrManhattanweird, the nvidia-current package doesn't give me any kinda console readout when booting in text mode, but the nvidia-experimental-310 does.05:54
escottClientAlive, you batch it. while [[ $ARGC -gt 1 ]] do youtube-dl $1; shift; loop05:54
media-centrehallo can i get some help here05:55
media-centredoes anyone know how to get the 3 buttons on the right side instead of the left05:55
ClientAliveholy crap I have no idea how to write some command like that - it's like looking at greek05:55
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escottClientAlive, its $# not $ARGC my bad05:56
media-centreok nevermind ill come back when its not busy05:56
ClientAliveescott: can you explain that command in a way I could replace parts of it with the urls - or better yet - a file of the urls?05:56
DrManhattanim very disappointed in the nvidia-current package! WAH!05:57
DrManhattanespecially considering the 310's ARE the current drivers - the LTS ones05:57
escottClientAlive, for all i know youtube-dl can do batch its an easy thing for them to add to it. but if it doesn't you put that in a script call it youtube-dl-batch.sh and put it in your ~/bin. then you run it and put all the urls on the command line. it passes the first to youtube-dl and then "eats it" with shift05:58
ClientAliveescott: ok, I'll try it out. thx05:59
kiwi-foobarHello All06:02
Justin_jtb7rmvtalk guys tomorrow night or tuesday06:02
Justin_jtb7rmvtalk guys tomorrow night or tuesday06:03
kiwi-foobarI have a problem with an upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 can anyone here help06:03
escottkiwi-foobar, maybe06:03
SolusGreetings. Is anyone capable of assisting me awake?06:04
kiwi-foobarIt looks like the window manager does not start correctly - I have almost no gui access but I can reboot into root shell06:04
escottkiwi-foobar, probably a graphics card issue. nvidia or amd graphics? prop drivers? how did you install them?06:05
escottSolus, yes/no/maybe/he's dead jim06:06
kiwi-foobarI installed ccsm and check to see if the unity plug in was installed enabled, which it is06:06
Solusescott: Ubuntu left the GRUB loader which is harder to remove than any virus I've ever encountered06:07
Solusrunning windows 706:07
Solusdual-booted win7 and Ubuntu06:07
Solusor rather ran Ubuntu06:07
kiwi-foobarI removed my nvidia card but still no go06:07
escottSolus, how is grub hard to remove. just install the bootloader you want06:07
bjrohanHey there. Many times when running a program I receive the following error:06:08
bjrohanreading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.06:08
escottkiwi-foobar, if you had nvidia+prop drivers and just remove the card to switch to IGP is just going to make matters worse. you would need to remove the prop drivers and the xorg.conf file first06:08
Solusescott: Well you see, I do get the windows boot loader to work but somewhere deep in the system the /boot partition I created still exists even though I cleared all partitions, fixed the mbr with EasyBCD and removed the Ubuntu boot up option with it. It just keeps coming back06:08
kiwi-foobarOK -  what is the best way to remove the prop drivers and then I will edit the xorg.cong file in vi06:10
escottkiwi-foobar, depends on how you installed them? how did you install them06:10
escottSolus, then EasyBCD must not be working properly. honestly this is more of a question for #windows or something. you just need to run fixmbr or whatever the windows command is to install their bootloader06:11
Solusthanks headed there now06:11
escottSolus, but grub doesn't do anything special to protect itself. its in the mbr/pbr as you instructed it to be06:12
kiwi-foobarI think I used the 3rd party drivers app in 11.10 - It was a over a year ago I am not sure anymore06:12
escottkiwi-foobar, do you mean "jockey"06:12
escottkiwi-foobar, ie you installed them through the recommended method... not downloading stuff from the web06:13
escottkiwi-foobar, then things should have worked on the upgrade, but people have been having problems with nvidia06:14
escottkiwi-foobar, i don't really know what to recommend. if you want to go to IGP then sudo apt-get remove --purge "nvidia-*"; and sudo rm /etc/X11/Xorg.conf; might be enough06:15
lickalottescott you still here?06:15
escottlickalott, about to call it a night06:15
lickalottguess so....lol06:15
lickalottk.  I'll ask, if you have time shoot, if not I'll see if someone else can assist06:15
escottlickalott, and i dont know a lot about samba configs sorry06:16
kiwi-foobarI will mv the xorg.conf and see what does06:16
escottkiwi-foobar, anyways goodluck. hopefully some more aussies are coming online06:16
sloshuadoes anyone know anything on setting up a file server or nas with ubuntu?06:16
sloshuacan anyone help me06:17
sloshuadoes anyone know anything on setting up a file server or nas with ubuntu?06:17
lickalotti have 3 shares via samba all are browsable, writable, and guest ok and not read only.  I can see them and navigate through them from across the network, but I can't copy to them.  i noticed that the /media dir where these are mounted was 775 so I chmod'd it to 777 (to test) and I got a screw off it's a read only file error06:18
lickalottany ideas why?06:18
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lickalottI'm thinking it's fstab maybe?06:21
ClientAlive[Code]youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBWX97e1E9g&list=PLE7E8B7F4856C9B19&index=1&feature=plpp_video[/Code] -> [Output][/Output]06:22
ClientAliveERROR: unable to download video06:22
ClientAlive[1]-  Exit 1                  youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBWX97e1E9g06:22
FloodBot1ClientAlive: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:22
lickalottUUID=dc725b87-b276-4369-a756-aee226c84bbc /media/NAME      ext3     defaults        0       0    should "options" be set to something else?06:22
ClientAliveoh for crip sake06:23
neildI am writing some C code... I am getting a segfault :-( ... can I trace the syslog entry "kernel: [15027.261310] fastcgi[5725]: segfault at 7fc2fb9d2cf0 ip 000000000040207c sp 00007ffff077dab0 error 7 in fastcgi[400000+6000]" back to a line of code?06:27
brady1ok i know this isnt purely an ubuntu question, but when im using kleopatra on ubuntu, and i want to set a certificate to trusted, i can't because its greyed out.. .06:28
Wugneild: post the code. use whatever online paste service06:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:29
neildWug, the code is spread over several source files06:32
Wugneild: clump them together. ill figure it out.  you might also try stackexchange06:32
Wugand a debugger, like gdb.06:33
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drecuteI'm getting postmap: fatal: unsupported dictionary type: ldap in postfix06:33
drecutedoes this mean I have to recompile postfix .deb to support ldap?06:33
drecuteubuntu us beautiful06:34
drecutefound postfix-ldap package in repo06:34
ClientAlivemy life sucks06:37
lickalottAnyone...  getting "destination Folder access Denied" when I try to copy something from to a samba shared "mapped network drive"06:38
myes2l2life sux06:38
netwrkspiderhi al06:39
netwrkspiderguys i need help06:39
netwrkspiderhow i can take backup snapshot for ubuntu server.06:40
* lickalott points to the back of the line06:40
lickalottgoogle "command line backup utility (ubuntu 12.04)"06:40
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:40
lickalottor you could just tar up your stuff06:41
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe06:41
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate06:41
netwrkspider@blackshirt: thx man06:42
blackshirtgood luck06:42
lickalottcan someone paste me a line from thier fstab that allow writable access?06:45
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blackshirtlickalott, like your partition problem ?06:49
lickalottit's coming up readonly no matter what I do06:50
brady1its a real pain that the ubuntu software center search function isn't smart enough to ignore capitalization, spaces, or do any sort of intelligent searching.06:53
blackshirthi wethe people06:53
lickalottK...now I'm really confused.  I have 3 shares.  all three with the same permissions/settings.  2 work (copying to) and 1 gives me the finger06:53
neildWug, I found the code problem... it was a stupid mistake... doing a malloc() without assigning it to the variable I want the pointer in.06:56
lickalottblackshirt, does that make any sense to you?06:56
Wugneild: unitialized variable. pretty typical. do be more careful next time.06:57
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brady1is it possible to set up my system to not require my password for everything?07:00
=== Steph_De_Chine is now known as worm
Espen__there is a workaround for this bug, but how do i use it?07:03
Espen__on #2nd workaround it links to a ppa at launchpad07:03
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=== Elv13 is now known as Elv1313
Snowiehowdy all. I have need to learn some visual basic for some simple stuff at work (ugh). i only have ubuntu and emulation is not possible because i am not buying/stealing a copy of windows. Anyone had need for this and run any of the VB tools from Wine etc. A stretch i know but i thought id ask. Any advice?07:12
NoahIs anyone available to help with a RAID array?07:13
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bazhangSnowie, check the appdb, then join #winehq07:13
bazhang!appdb | Snowie07:13
ubottuSnowie: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:13
Snowiebasso, thanks mate. will have a look07:13
bassocarry on07:14
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myes2l2basso what the freaking problem are you facing?07:17
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kiwi-foobarI have a problem with an upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 can anyone here help. It looks like the window manager does not start correctly.  In fact compiz crashes  I have got almost _no_ gui access but I can reboot into root shell. Installed ccsm and check to see if the unity plug in was installed and enabled, which it is Removed my nvidia card;   sudo apt-get remove --purge "nvidia-*";   sudo rm /etc/X11/Xorg.conf;  but still no go07:17
NoahI need some quick help rebuilding a raid07:18
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NoahI'm attempting to fix a raid in state [2/1] [U_]07:21
myes2l2Noah what raid are you saying  here?07:22
Noahi'm referring to a raid 1 config on my server box07:23
myes2l2Noah here is the solution: ~# /usr/sbin/hpacucli ctrl slot=0 show config07:24
myes2l2Smart Array P400 in Slot 0 (Embedded) (sn: XXXX)07:24
myes2l2  array A (SATA, Unused Space: 0 MB)07:24
myes2l2    logicaldrive 1 (698.6 GB, RAID 1, OK)07:24
myes2l2      physicaldrive 1I:1:1 (port 1I:box 1:bay 1, SATA, 750 GB, OK)07:24
myes2l2      physicaldrive 1I:1:2 (port 1I:box 1:bay 2, SATA, 750 GB, OK)07:24
FloodBot1myes2l2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:24
Noahsorry myes212 how is that a solution?07:27
myes2l2just follow the first command line07:28
nikisIt's possible part of his message got blocked by the floodbot.07:28
SnowieMaybe im barking up the wrong tree here. I just need to move a few files and ask a few questions on windows. is there a language even with a simple plugin that will work across linux and windows? just asking. know i might be too ambitous07:30
Ben64Snowie: what?07:32
SnowieBen64, yeah i know. lol. it's a dumb question. didnt know if there might be a magic answer. here's the situation.07:32
kiwi-foobarIs there some way to run an xorg configure from the cli and do some sort of hardware detect07:34
Snowieat work, on windoez in a MASSIVE company, roaming profiles are a joke, and the job keeps changing. Everyone run's through the same steps all the time to fix it, so they can get on with it. I could write a batch, but people do different stuff, and i dont want everyone to be in CMD for ages. Just need something i can write on my buntu box, that will acheive that for me. Visual basic seems like it, but, no easy way on buntu box to07:35
Snowiedo that07:35
Snowiei think im dreaming, i will just have to write it on the box at work07:36
Ben64Snowie: java? python? c++?07:36
Snowieyeah. Java it is.07:36
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cfhowlettwork_: greetings07:39
superfake123anyone know what is going on with http://kernel.ubuntu.com/ ?07:39
anonymous_KIDZCan't I Ask How to Deface Website ??07:39
Ben64anonymous_KIDZ: no07:40
cfhowlettanonymous_KIDZ: wrong channel for that mess.  sorry07:40
work_what is wrong with it?07:40
jussisuperfake123: ask in #canonical-sysadmin07:40
anonymous_KIDZwho ??07:40
anonymous_KIDZOk Change topic07:41
anonymous_KIDZHow Can't I Protect My Server ??07:41
superfake123it does not work?07:41
jussiSnowie: Qt is crossplatform... or html5 :D07:41
anonymous_KIDZWindows Server 200807:41
bazhang##windows anonymous_KIDZ07:42
Snowiejussi, true troo.07:42
jussianonymous_KIDZ: keep on the topic of ubuntu please.07:42
work_which is the better,ubuntu or xubuntu?07:44
cfhowlettwork_: try both.  install ubuntu and then the xfce interface and test for yourself07:44
superfake123i don't like xfce07:44
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Snowieok guys. best java tool for a noob? graphical?07:50
user1234234I'm using lubuntu desktop.  How do I move a window in "wire frame" mode so only the window outline moves and not the window contents?07:51
jussiSnowie: eclipse07:51
jussiSnowie: and lay off on the "noob" use ;)07:51
jussiuser1234234: perhaps ask in #lubuntu?07:52
user1234234jussie, done that..still waiting..07:52
Snowiejueven when refering to MY complete lack of experience with Java :)07:52
dchernivuser1234234, obconf07:52
jussiuser1234234: it can be a bit slow there, be patient.07:52
user1234234obconf seems to be bugged.  The move/resize option isn't working07:53
wookienzhi guys any one an expert on zfs?07:54
alusionDoes anyone know a thing about hosting a teamspeak server?07:56
almoxarifealusion: you have the server package?07:57
Erinalusion, I run one07:57
chr00tdpkg -L xxx can list the files for a package which I have already install. my question is: how can I list the files for a package which I have not installed?07:57
jasper__22Hi - need a quick help with network setup between 2 Ubuntu computers with 2 network cards each08:00
dchernivjasper__22, just ask08:00
jasper__22each computer connected to 2 networks. One is local with: 10.0.0.x/24 and another (in-between 2 ubuntu boxes) should be  and
jasper__22another comp configured the same08:01
Erinalusion, did you have a question about team speak.. ?08:01
jasper__22one leg to 10.0.0.x/24 and another connected to 172.0.0.x08:02
jasper__22the 10.0.0.x network is working - I can ssh and everything but somehow I can not setup internal network 172.0.0.x08:02
jasper__22my configuration is 'static' with on one comp and on another comp08:03
jasper__22but they can not even ping each other08:03
alusionErin, what are slots?08:04
alusionI'm looking at maybe renting a server or something... so I'm just wondering what slots are hehe..08:04
Erinalusion, how many users can be on the server08:04
alusionI figured as much.08:04
ddonnykeezhow do I know what to type to mount my ipod i just plugged in, i've already created the mount point08:05
alusionHehe.. I'm on the east coast, can you recommend me perhaps a good host?08:05
jasper__22is there any tutorial on how to set-up internal network with 2 ubuntu comps ?08:05
Erindo you have a decent net connection? you can run your own server alusion08:05
ErinWhy not run your own server?08:05
alusionI set up my own server, I have fios08:05
alusionI am security conscious08:05
Erinyea so do I, I run my own server08:05
alusionI opened up some ports for it.. and I feel a little less safe. Anyways how can I connect to my server?08:06
alusionRight now it's still localhost08:06
jasper__22alusion: ssh08:06
Erinalusion, well I would set up a no-ip.org account08:06
ddonnykeezi've tried /dev/sdc108:06
Erinalusion, so your ip will be convrted to whatever.no-ip.org for others to use08:06
jasper__22ddonnykeez: plugged by USB ?  $> lsusb08:07
alusionThat may be just what I need :-] Is it..free?08:07
Erinjasper__22, he is talking about a teamspeak server. no ssh needed08:07
ddonnykeezjasper_22 yeas08:07
Erinalusion, yea it is, then you setup your account in the fios router and it keeps it updated for you08:07
jasper__22Erin: you suggested no-ip.org <- its' free DNS provider08:07
ddonnykeezjasper_22 it says Bus 001 Device 009: ID 05ac:129e Apple, Inc. iPod Touch 4.Gen08:08
Erinjasper__22, I know what it is...? what are you getting at08:08
jasper__22ddonnykeez: ok - so it's connected by USB. check  $> mount  command - maybe it's get autoconnected08:08
Erinalusion, you are welcome to use my server if you don't want to set one up. I never have more than 5 people on it anyway lol.08:08
ddonnykeezjasper_22 is it, but i want to specify where to mount and i don't know how to find the right /dev/xxxx to use in the mount command08:09
alusionHehe thanks, I'll have to waiver the offer -- I'm hoping  I can add a modern edge to my business with TS ^_^;08:09
Erinwhat business ?08:10
jasper__22ddonnykeez: ?? so the /dev/xxx is listed in 'mount' command08:10
jasper__22ddonnykeez: just take it from there08:11
alusionErin: http://youtu.be/k4aY2nyOZx8 check it out :P08:11
=== lhavelund is now known as MenZa
alusionwe market essential services and renewable energy at wholesale price08:12
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ErinI see.08:12
=== MenZa is now known as lhavelund
Erinwell anything else you need to know about Team speak ?08:13
alusionHehe I will have to read through this no-ip thing08:13
Erinall you do is sign up a free account, then you create a dns host @ no-ip.org08:13
GipzoHello, guys and girls. What is the fastest way to clone ubuntu system from one usb flash to another? (16 gb, dd is awfully slow)08:13
alusionSounds simple enough..08:13
ErinGipzo, dd is the best /fastest way08:14
Gipzoi have 16 gb flash, but i'ts not full08:14
Gipzoabout 3-4 gb of data08:14
ErinGipzo, it isn't dd that is slow it is the usb flash drive, they generally have crappy speed08:14
Gipzodd copies all 16 gb =(08:14
Erinwell you could copy the files then just make it bootable I guess08:14
GipzoOk...and how do I make it bootable?08:15
Erinnot sure exactly, with unetbootin or some such tool I guess08:15
ErinI mean I know how to make a booteable usb flash drive using that tool, but I don't know how to do just the making it bootable part off the top of my head08:16
Gipzolast time i copied first 1000 blocks by dd...08:16
ErinYea you could do that I suppose08:16
Gipzoat's 512x1000 bytes08:16
Erinfirst 512 bytes I believe08:16
Erinsorry its late here I forgot you could use dd for that too ;-p08:17
Gipzobut it's not very safe for different usb flashes )08:17
Erinwhy not?08:17
Gipzodifferent sizes08:17
Erinyou are only writing data to the drive, it is fixeabl08:17
Erinthat doesn't matter, you are writing the master boot record08:17
Erinnot the partition08:17
Ben64Erin: it includes the partition table08:19
Erinahh then edit it08:19
GipzoIs there any tool, so i can write simply this - make_bootable /dev/sdb108:21
ErinGipzo, sudo grub-install /dev/sdb1 I believe08:21
argh22hello everyone08:22
Erinbut wouldnt you want to use the whole device as in just /dev/sdb08:22
argh22any help in installing catalyst 12.10 on ubuntu 12.10 for a total noob? i tried to google it, but the procedure did stuck at some point.08:23
Ben64!ati | argh2208:23
ubottuargh22: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:23
argh22ok i'll give it a look now08:23
Gipzoor /dev/sdb...08:24
ErinGipzo, yea I said that ;-P08:24
GipzoSo... the solution to clone system is to copy all files from one flash to another (rsync, i believe) and ther grub-install on it?08:25
Ben64Gipzo: I don't think grub-install would work08:25
Erinwhy not ?08:25
Ben64It would be making grub for the currently booted system08:26
Erineven if you point it at a different device ?08:26
Ben64most likely08:26
Erinlooks like he needs to use grub-install --force --root-directory=/dev/device08:27
Erinmake sure you mount the flash disk first08:29
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Erinjust google it, it is a bit of a process but doable08:30
GipzoThanks =)08:31
argh22Still ati driver installation on ubuntuwhy isn't there in ubuntu 12.10 a settings/hardware folder as pointed in the guide? also, the guide looks rather dated... i downloaded from shell the lastest drivers for linux, i followed the instructions i found, still from shell, in the wiki linked in the download page... but it got stuck.08:31
Erineasier to just use DD :-P08:31
Eringo watch a tv show and come bck08:31
g0tchaheya guys, anyone here familiar with HE tunnelbroker ipv6 tunneling?08:31
g0tchai tried adding the same tunnel running on my ubuntu to centos by mistake and now my ubuntu ipv6 wont work anymore, anyone can help me out maybe?08:31
almoxarifeg0tcha: sounds like the un-doing is at HE08:34
g0tchaalmoxarife, what could have happened from their end?08:35
almoxarifeg0tcha: i dont know08:36
g0tchaalmoxarife, ah ok.. was just curious on how you got the idea from so i can follow it08:37
almoxarifeg0tcha: i tried long ago to set up a tunnel, back then there were not that many internet addresses on ipv6, when i found myself without that many places to go to via ipv6 i put it on the back burner, i saw the HE, i figured it was the same tunnelbroker08:39
brady1ipv6, is it superior to tor?08:42
almoxarifebrady1: two different animals08:43
almoxarifebrady1: ipv6 is as transparent as ipv408:45
brady1but is it as anonymous as tor?08:46
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brady1im mostly concerened with the ip masking capabilities almoxarife08:46
btralhi. i have this command08:47
btraltar --ignore-failed-read -T $INCLUDE -X $EXCLUDE -C / -cf $TMPTAR &>/dev/null08:47
almoxarifebrady1: i would say ipv6 is as anonymous as ipv408:47
btralhow change it to get tar.gz from multi input file and gzip it to one tar.gz08:47
btralhow use tar to get one tar.gz from multiple files?08:47
almoxarifebrady1: what would be interesting is if one can enter tor via ipv4 and exit to a ipv6 address :)08:48
Kartagisbtral: tar czvf file.tar.gz file1 file2 file308:48
cordyI just installed ubuntu and when I boot ubuntu I only see desktop background and mouse and nothing else can somoene help me?ž08:48
leo2007I just installed ubuntu 12.04 server. How to set up DNS?08:49
btralKartagis: http://superuser.com/questions/334827/how-to-gzip-multiple-files-into-one-gz-file08:49
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btralKartagis: i used it to give tar.gz from for example /var/log/08:49
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btralKartagis: but how say it to give .tar.gz fome /var/log/ and /tmp/ and /home/08:49
cjaesmbfs is outdated ?08:50
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Kartagisbtral: work from my example and change the paths08:50
btralKartagis: ?08:51
cjae!info smbfs08:53
ubottuPackage smbfs does not exist in quantal08:53
LachezarHey all...08:53
LachezarWhat's the deal with the 'the following element will be removed in the future' for all the '~/.font*'?08:53
cordyI just installed ubuntu and when I boot ubuntu I only see desktop background and mouse and nothing else can somoene help me?08:55
MountainGoatanyone familiar with troubleshooting wpa_supplicant? Strangely I managed to get a link painlessly with NetworkManager... but outside the GUI would be nicer09:00
leo2007ok, resolved!09:01
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
LachezarMountainGoat: you may want to try nm-tool.09:01
LachezarMountainGoat: or rather 'nmcli'.09:03
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MountainGoatheh, lead me to two things... my wpa_supplicant lacks the atheros driver... yet nm is using ath5k... also apparently nm's failure to connect right now could be related to my problems with wpa_supplicant... prob related to a power outage today09:06
MountainGoatapparently the neighbours at work, their free wifi, isn't immune to power failures :(09:06
Bothosanyone know which snes emulator is best for ubuntu?09:11
MonkeyDust!find snes09:12
ubottuFound: bsnes, zsnes09:12
LachezarBothos: I recommend zsnes due to very pleasurable personal experience.09:13
micky_when i installing the chrome internet browser ,i got a error : dependency is not satisfiable:libasound209:14
micky_when i installing the chrome internet browser ,i got an error : dependency is not satisfiable:libasound209:16
almoxarifemicky_: usually happens when ppa's install their own libs, do you have ppas in your sources.list?09:16
Lachezarmicky_: Try installing chromium-browser09:17
almoxarifemicky_: what Lachezar said09:17
micky_what is ppa09:19
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge09:19
huayraMicki, http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ubuntu-ppa-technology-explained/09:19
huayrasorry, that would be micky_09:20
user1234234i want to load my alsa volume settings on bootup with "alsactl restore 0".  Which script do I add this to?  ps I'm using ubuntu 12.04 with lxde desktop.09:22
kushal_kumaranuser1234234: adding to /etc/rc.local should work09:24
pratzHello guys09:26
user1234234Thanks. My master volume kept muting, so i wanted to use alsactl to restore it. Rebooting.09:26
pratzI am using U-12.04 , when i close  thunderbird it closes, but it should not close and should be running in message menu, how can i do this ?09:27
almoxarifepratz: look for 'close to systray' or similar in options09:28
MonkeyDustpratz  there's alltray, it minimizes anything to tray09:29
pratzalmoxarife: MonkeyDust i want it in messsage menu09:29
almoxarifepratz: ok09:30
user1234234Unfortunately my master volume muted again on reboot.  I had to manually enter "alsactl restore 0" in the terminal to unmute my volume.09:30
user1234234/etc/rc.local didn't automate that command.09:31
Lachezaruser1234234: It did, but I suspect you have something else wiping out your volume later.09:32
Lachezaruser1234234: Try adding a command to your UI session. Ugly, but works.09:32
almoxarifeuser1234234: you are not running pulseaudio server are you?09:32
user1234234not sure..i'm using lxde desktop so whatever that includes.09:33
user1234234so add it to my lxde session scripts...09:33
almoxarifeuser1234234: i think someone who can do a "I had to manually enter "alsactl restore 0" in the terminal to unmute my volume." knows about pulseaudio, good luck with that09:34
wodesuckmaybe you should use the alsa daemon09:34
user1234234lets tackle this from another angle...How would i automatically start leafpad when my desktop starts?09:35
jasper__22Could somebody help me to setup network ?09:35
almoxarifeuser1234234: lets not09:35
user1234234;lets substitute leafpad with alsactl restore 009:35
Lachezaruser1234234: Read: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXSession09:37
almoxarifejasper__22: what is the problem?09:38
EaglemanI want the output of one of my scripts in a log.txt file:  #!/bin/sh09:40
Eaglemansubliminal -l 'nl' --cache-dir=/tmp/ -s BierDopje "$1" | tee /opt/media/sickbeard/log.txt09:40
EaglemanHowever only the log.txt file is made but its emtpy, what am i doing wrong?09:41
MonkeyDustEagleman  there's also #bash09:41
morfeo_81hi there09:42
Eaglemanaha sorry09:42
morfeo_81someone can help me i have a problem with crontab09:43
piggy_can i adjust the size of a partition so it's larger?09:43
piggy_what tool should i use?09:43
auronandacepiggy_: gparted09:43
almoxarife!gparted | piggy_09:43
ubottupiggy_: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php09:43
morfeo_81someone can help me i have a problem with crontab ..i want to lannch some python script09:44
kushal_kumaran!ask | morfeo_8109:45
ubottumorfeo_81: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:45
jasper__22almoxarife: I have 2 computers with 2 network cards each09:45
jasper__22almoxarife: I need to setup 2 different networks on each computer09:46
morfeo_81This is the error No MTA installed, discarding output)09:46
almoxarifejasper__22: too complicated for me09:46
llutzmorfeo_81: add MAILTO=''   at the top of your crontab09:47
jasper__22anyone could help me with netmask ? I guess I setup network right but netmask is wrong09:47
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jasper__22If I have internal network with address 10.0.0.x what netmask should be used for it ?09:48
llutzjasper__22: (
jasper__22and different network will use addresses such as 172.0.0.x   <- what netmask for this on the same computer ?09:48
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=== Adeel is now known as Guest15345
jasper__22llutz: and for 10.0.x.x  ?  is  ?09:50
evilmoohow many machines will you have on each network?09:50
llutzjasper__22: /16 (
jasper__22each computer connected to 'outher'  (local network) with 10.0.0.x  net09:51
jasper__22I want 2 computer be connected to each other with differnet network09:51
jasper__22for example and
piggy_auronandace: thanks, but the option for 'resizing' is ghosted out, any ideas?09:51
evilmooi would just use if they're just private local networks09:52
auronandacepiggy_: depends entirely on your layout and what is mounted09:52
MonkeyDustjasper__22  some 460 people in ##networking    (double #)09:52
evilmoobut you shouldn't use 172.0.0.x for private networks09:52
auronandacepiggy_: screenshots to the rescue!09:52
jasper__22evilmoo: why not ?09:52
piggy_auronandace: http://cl.ly/image/061n1J1J0q2Q09:52
llutzjasper__22: use
piggy_auronandace: i want to increase sda109:52
jasper__22llutz: and what the netmask for it ?09:53
evilmoojasper: 172.0.0.x belongs to AT&T, see http://whois.arin.net/rest/nets;q=
llutzjasper__22: /16 (
jasper__22if I already have 10.0.0.x with netmask
auronandacepiggy_: it is mounted, you can't resize something that is mounted09:53
evilmoouse 172.16.0.x
jasper__22evilmoo: ooopppsss...09:53
jasper__22evilmoo: thanks, I'll try09:53
piggy_auronandace: ah, but if it was unmounted how would i resize it, and could i? or would that little partition (between sda1 and the unallocated) get in teh way?09:53
auronandacepiggy_: it's always recommended to use gparted from a live environment09:54
piggy_auronandace: ah ok, this is all VM stuff, what's the best way to do it?09:54
piggy_auronandace: virtualbox09:54
auronandacepiggy_: turn off the vm, make sure you configure it to boot a livecd and turn it back on, it should boot the cd rather than your vm's harddisk09:55
piggy_auronandace: thx09:55
auronandacepiggy_: yes, you'd need to move the partition thats in the way too09:56
auronandacepiggy_: any reason you got swap in an extended partition?09:56
piggy_auronandace: hehe, no idea09:57
jasper__22hmmm.. nope... still 'network unreachable' error09:57
piggy_auronandace: but if gparted needs to be installed via apt-get, how can i do it via a livecd?09:57
piggy_i thoguth livecd doenst let me install stuff?09:58
jasper__22and 'route -n' does not even have a default gateway09:58
xylonhow to fix gnome unresolved dependencies issue?09:58
jasper__22It seems all the packets goes to 'outer' LAN network09:58
auronandacepiggy_: gparted should be on the livecd09:59
almoxarifepiggy_: you want the 'iso' for gparted, no reason to apt-get09:59
auronandacepiggy_: i prefer to use partedmagic for livecd partitioning09:59
piggy_auronandace: ah ok, does that come with ubuntu too?10:00
auronandacepiggy_: i think so10:01
=== jasper__22 is now known as jasper22
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LachezarRE. Moving ~/.fonts to ~/.config/fonts does not work :(10:05
=== Guest25838 is now known as Dark3n
MDesigncan anyone help me?10:10
MDesignplease help me with ubuntu ?10:11
=== alinmear is now known as alin|mobile
=== alin|mobile is now known as alinmear
antonio_Does anyone here use Handbrake for videos?10:12
jasper22MDesign:  ???10:12
auronandaceantonio_: tried openshot?10:12
MonkeyDustMDesign  start with a question10:12
jasper22if in my 2 network cards $> arp -v     doesn't show entries for second network card - does it mean that second card is not connected ?10:12
jasper22I mean 'arp -v'  show entries and all of them belong to eth0  - no entries for eth110:13
Lachezarjasper22: Not generally. If there is no traffic on the second card, there are no ARP elements.10:13
jasper22does it mean that eth1 is not connected ?10:13
hamididoes anyone know how to setup samba over "host-only adapter" in virtualbox?10:13
antonio_auronandace: I use openshot also10:13
MDesign<MDesign> first of all thank you for answering10:13
MDesign<MDesign> i have install ubuntu server on my old computer10:13
MDesign<MDesign> thats no problem it is all working10:13
MDesign<MDesign> i have .com and i want to use my own server for webhosting10:13
FloodBot1MDesign: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:13
incubusHello, i'am very bad speak in English language. Russia people help me in Russia language.10:14
jasper22Lachezar: this is a problem.... I could not setup 2 network on computer with 2 network-cards10:14
MonkeyDustMDesign  type /join #ubuntu-server10:15
auronandace!ru | incubus10:15
jasper22it seems that they don't see each other10:15
ubottuincubus: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:15
jasper22no ping....10:15
incubus /join #ubuntu-ru10:15
Lachezarjasper22: 'ifconfig eth1' what does it show?10:16
jasper22inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
hamididid u get my QUESTION?10:16
tizxxxwhat is the best way to create ubuntu os image for opennebula?10:16
jasper22and on another comp it's the same just ip address different10:17
incubus<ubottu> - thank you10:17
MonkeyDusthamidi  better repeat it to make sure we got it10:17
hamidii afraid to get ban10:18
MonkeyDusthamidi  and when someone knows the answer, they will most probably help you10:18
Lachezarjasper22: 'route -n'?10:18
MonkeyDusthamidi  no shouting please10:19
=== dragonz is now known as g0tcha
jasper22Lachezar: this is 'server' computer:  http://pastebin.com/bfp1nV6C10:20
hamidii would prefer to use colors10:20
jasper22Lachezar: 'Storage' computer:  http://pastebin.com/CsvwrsUZ10:21
Lachezarjasper22: Well... There is RX and TX on the eth1, so it seems it works.10:21
jasper22Lachezar: yes... it seems it work10:21
Lachezarjasper22: ping (or whatever is the IP of the other computer).10:22
jasper22From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable10:22
jasper22172.16.0.2  it IP of local network card10:23
Lachezarjasper22: Now do an 'arp -an'10:24
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest8728
Lachezarjasper22: What is the IP of the other computer?10:24
jasper22one is   and another one is:
jasper221 and 210:24
jasper22one of them shows:  ? ( at <incomplete> on eth110:25
jasper22another one shows only entries for eth0 and not for eth110:25
Lachezarjasper22: Are you sure the two LANs are not connected to the same switch?10:26
jasper22switch ?10:26
jasper22there's no swith10:26
Lachezarjasper22: Cross-Cables?10:26
jasper22they connected directly to each other10:26
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Lachezarjasper22: Well... As long as those are real CROSS cables it _should_ work...10:27
jasper22this is my last guess10:27
jasper22Lachezar: it's not the same cable that I plug into the router isn't it ?10:27
llutzjasper22: "sudo ethtool eth1 | grep Link"10:27
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llutzjasper22: modern NICs don't need cross-cables10:29
jasper22llutz: Link detected: Yes10:29
llutzjasper22:  Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes ?10:29
jasper22llutz: one of the cards have this line another is shown only (!) Link detected: yes10:30
jasper22llutz: yes.. without 'grep' I see in settings that both cards support 'advertised auto-negotiation'10:33
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UbubeginI got this msg.. from synaptic manager.. Failed to fetch http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/o/octave-general/octave-general_1.2.1-1_amd64.deb10:33
Ububegin  Could not connect to sg.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111: Connection refused)10:33
llutzjasper22: so (for me) the cable seems not to be your issue10:34
Lachezarjasper22: I'm having problems connecting my two laptops (Lenovo Thinkpads) with a straight cable, and I was forced to use a crossed cable.10:34
MonkeyDustUbubegin  yeah, target no longer exists10:34
jasper22llutz: one of that cards has in 'Port' settings listed 'Twised Pair' and another one in 'Port: MII'       does it matter ?10:35
UbubeginMonkeyDust: the sg server is down issit.. Which server still working now >10:35
alanbananasHey guys, since updating to 12.10 from 11.10 I can't get any sound out of my headphones, my alsamixer says its sound is 00 but I can't update it, its like its disabled?10:36
LachezarUbubegin: sg is probably a pool of servers... Maybe you can just try again.10:36
UbubeginLachezar: hmm, I think its been down for a while10:36
MonkeyDustUbubegin  try sudo apt-get install octave10:36
llutzjasper22: im not sure but i think it doesn't matter10:37
UbubeginMonkeyDust: same error... I cant connect to the server10:38
MonkeyDustUbubegin  then first type sudo apt-get update10:38
UbubeginMonkeyDust: same error again10:39
LachezarUbubegin: seems sg.archive.ubuntu.com is just one server, maybe you can switch to another country using the Control Centre.10:39
MonkeyDustUbubegin  then you should start from the beginning, what have you tried before you came here10:40
Lachezarjasper22: Do you have a crossed cable to try with?10:41
alanbananasAnyone any idea about my alsamixer headphone 00 problem?10:41
ubottuleo_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:41
tozenalanbananas: don't really understand the issue of your problem10:44
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ubottuleo_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:46
=== sipior_ is now known as sipior
alanbananastozen: So since I upgraded to 12.10, my headphone sound no longer works. Initially it seemed to be muted in alsamixer so I unmuted it, now it is at volume 00, but alsamixer won't let me turn it up, its like it doesn't recognise the headphone jack or something?10:48
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Darkstar1is apt-add-repository a valid apt command in 10.04?10:50
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piggy_hi, i have ubuntu already installed on a linux virtualbox vm, but i want to book from a 'live cd' i have set up as the VMs cd-drive, how do i do that? it just always seems to boot the VM and not the live cd10:51
bazhang!addppa | Darkstar110:51
ubottuDarkstar1: Since Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details10:51
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stevr1it, i need your help i am using ubuntu 12.10 gnome shell or unity, i have a videe card ati radeon 5700 i am using xorg because with propiertary driver skype crashes the session, not with xorg some games do not work and the message is: driver SDL_SetVideoMode failed (Couldn't find matching GLX visual).10:55
cjaedoes ubuntu 12.04 have the correct tool to mount and view a samba share as a client11:01
erle-things cleared from firefox history still showing up after typing in address bar11:02
erle-what the heck?11:02
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Angelshola! necesito ayuda con testdisk11:04
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stroodlepupguys, having difficulty with bumblebee on laptop...11:05
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ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:06
tjukkenHi. Im new with ubuntu. Is this a channel I can ask question that I have? :)11:07
Kartagistjukken: yes11:07
stevr1iti need your help i am using ubuntu 12.10 gnome shell or unity, i have a video card ati radeon 5700 i am using xorg because with proprietary driver skype crashes the session, not with xorg some games do not work and the message is: driver SDL_SetVideoMode failed (Couldn't find matching GLX visual11:08
tjukkenThats good.11:08
ubottuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently11:08
Kartagis!es | Angels11:08
ubottuAngels: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:08
tjukkenIs it games that can be played in Linux?11:09
doomsdayso can anyone help me with this11:10
adnan360hi. i have a HP notebook model-110-4112. having intel GMA3600 graphics. Ubuntu 12.10 does not run on it.11:10
adnan36012.04 runs well11:10
SpecialEdHey guys, Im'm finding in my status report the following: PECL runkit (for Extended Path Aliases)  Can anyone point me in the right direction for where I can resolve this issue?  I get an error when I try to do pecl install runkit and all the stuff I've read from Google is useless :(11:11
piggy_hi, i created a new partition, how do i have it mount permanently at /home/blah/stuff ?11:11
doomsdaycant one of you help me with this11:11
MonkeyDustpiggy_  in fstab11:11
piggy_MonkeyDust: where do i find that?11:11
MonkeyDustpiggy_  in /etc/fstab11:11
SpecialEdtried to run the command pecl install runkit and this is the error: Failed to download pecl/runkit within preferred state "stable", latest release is version 0.9, stability "beta", use "channel://pecl.php.net/runkit-0.9" to install11:11
SpecialEdinstall failed11:11
doomsdayso much for communty help11:11
SpecialEdand when I try to run the command suggested in the error I get this message: make: *** [runkit.lo] Error 111:12
SpecialEdERROR: `make' failed11:12
piggy_MonkeyDust: thanks, but it has a bunch of UUID in there, how do i convert /dev/sda3 to a UUID ?11:12
MonkeyDustdoomsday  when someone has the answer, they will probably help you11:12
adnan36012.10 live usb does not work!!! shows black screen11:13
MonkeyDustpiggy_  guess uuid is not really needed, sda3 will do -- but type blkid ro find out what the uuid is11:13
ubottuleo234: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:13
MonkeyDustthe listalians are awake11:14
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piggy_MonkeyDust: hmm, i cant find the UUID for sda3, typing 'blkid ro' didnt do anything11:15
piggy_(no output)11:15
doomsdayso no one knows how to fix a i/o error then11:15
dubac0would a Philips SA3MXX04WA/02  work with ubuntu?11:15
gordonjcpdubac0: what is it?11:16
gordonjcp!ask | doomsday11:16
ubottudoomsday: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:16
doomsdayjust f-ing great11:16
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:17
doomsdayim trying to format a hdd it keeps on coming up with i/o error11:17
gordonjcpdoomsday: paste the error *verbatim*11:17
rumpe1doomsday, check SMART-status11:18
gordonjcpdoomsday: but I suspect the answer is going to be "your hard drive is knackered"11:18
MonkeyDustpiggy_  type sudo fdisk -l|pastebin and paster the url here11:18
doomsdaynot supported11:18
doomsdaywell one minuit it was working then it wasnt11:18
doomsdayok ill try that11:19
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gordonjcpdoomsday: when you try to format the drive, what is the error?11:20
gordonjcpdoomsday: pastebin the command you used and the error you get11:21
doomsdayi/o error11:21
gordonjcpdoomsday: that tells me nothing11:21
gordonjcpdoomsday: pastebin the command you used and the error you get11:21
doomsdayok ill try to format it again11:21
doomsdayheres the error11:22
doomsdayError creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: Error calling fsync(2) on /dev/sda: Input/output error11:23
BluesKajHiyas all11:23
gordonjcpdoomsday: that does sound a lot like the drive is on the way out11:23
gordonjcpdoomsday: have you checked the cables, and tried it in another machine?11:24
doomsdayoh for fuck sake11:24
Tm_Tdoomsday: language, please11:24
doomsdayyea all of them11:24
gordonjcpdoomsday: so the fault follows the drive?11:24
doomsdaydam it what the life expectancy of hardrives11:24
AlinnI installed gnome-session-fallback in ubuntu 12.10. but in gnome classic the windows hasn't any border.11:24
gordonjcpdoomsday: depends how they're used11:24
AlinnCan anyone help?11:24
gordonjcpdoomsday: I have some hard drives that are over 20 years old that work just fine; I have had some fail in months11:24
doomsdaystoring movies music and other stuff11:25
gordonjcpdoomsday: is the drive noisy?11:25
MonkeyDustAlinn  try classic (no effects)11:25
doomsdayno distros running from them11:25
doomsdaynot thaT ONE11:26
piggy_MonkeyDust: i added the fstab entry as this: /dev/sda3  /home/john/stuff  ext4 errors=remount-ro 0       111:26
piggy_MonkeyDust: but, i cant create files there :/ any idea why?11:26
piggy_john@john-VirtualBox ~/stuff $ mkdir rbenv11:27
piggy_mkdir: cannot create directory `rbenv': Permission denied11:27
piggy_MonkeyDust: ^11:27
MonkeyDustpiggy_  replace "errors=..." with "defaults"11:27
BustamoveHow do i always show top-bar?11:28
AlinnMonkeyDust: Thanks. it say " failed to load "gnome session"".11:28
doomsdayright so fdisk dosent work11:28
doomsdayfsck dosent work11:28
doomsdayany others11:28
gordonjcpdoomsday: fsck won't work if you haven't got a filesystem on it11:28
piggy_MonkeyDust: i'll tr, thanks11:28
gordonjcpdoomsday: run "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" and pastebin the last dozen or so lines from dmesg11:29
piggy_MonkeyDust: still not working:11:29
gordonjcpthat should attempt to list all the partitions, and dmesg will show the actual errors11:29
piggy_john@john-VirtualBox ~/stuff $ touch hi11:29
piggy_touch: cannot touch `hi': Permission denied11:29
doomsdaytried that aswell didnt work11:29
gordonjcpdoomsday: no, you didn't11:30
gordonjcpdoomsday: I can tell you didn't, because I'm not looking at a pastebin link with the last dozen lines of dmesg in it11:30
doomsdaythats because their was no messages from the terminal11:30
doomsdaywait what11:31
doomsdayis it like a log or ssomthing11:32
maskbosshi ppl! i'm really new to this, i installed ubuntu for the first time, and nothing appeared on my desktop, someone here helped me to install xfce, and it worked. now i have another problem. sometimes my mouse pointer just desappears! can someone help me?11:32
gordonjcpdoomsday: type "dmesg" in a terminal11:33
gordonjcpmasses of stuff will scroll up your screen11:33
doomsdayok i think ive got it11:33
doomsdayheres the text11:34
gordonjcppaste the last half a screen's worth into pastebin11:34
doomsday[ 3205.407819] sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 0011:34
doomsday[ 3205.407829] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 011:34
doomsday[ 3205.407832] Buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 011:34
doomsday[ 3205.407837] Buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 111:34
doomsday[ 3205.407841] Buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 211:34
FloodBot1doomsday: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:34
doomsday[ 3205.407867] sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Unhandled error code11:34
gordonjcpyeah, like I said, pastebin11:34
gordonjcpdoomsday: hence the use of pastebin11:34
doomsdaysorry bout that11:34
gordonjcpit's cool, you're learning, everyone does that sometimes11:34
doomsdaywhats that11:34
gordonjcpbasically that's the messages from the kernel driver that handles disks11:35
doomsdayhuh nevermind11:35
doomsdayas i said i/o error11:35
gordonjcptranslating into human, it's saying "this disk is knackered, throw it in the bin"11:35
gordonjcpyeah, but that has some very specific information about the type of error11:35
gordonjcpdoomsday: stop saying that, you'll annoy the ops11:36
doomsdayyou would of though it would last long11:36
DJonesdoomsday: Can you keep the cursing out of the channel please11:36
gordonjcpwell, sometimes they fial11:36
gordonjcpdoomsday: how old is the drive?11:36
maskbossgordonjcp: can you help me with my issue too?11:36
gordonjcpmaskboss: maybe, but I don't know what it is11:37
XiaoBaiI in Ubuntu to use the wine out of the question11:37
XiaoBaiI in Ubuntu to use the “wine” out of the question11:37
doomsdaynot sure its aa maxtor 6YO8OLO11:37
XiaoBaiWho can help me?11:37
maskbossgordonjcp: i wrote some lines ago, want to write again? (just don't wanna spam)11:37
gordonjcpdoomsday: if it's under warranty, take it back11:37
doomsdayAN 80GB IDE DRIVE11:38
gordonjcpmaskboss: it's okay, I found you11:38
doomsdayYEA RIGHT11:38
gordonjcpdoomsday: that's likely to be pretty old ;-)11:38
doomsdayAND NO ITS NOT11:38
FloodBot1doomsday: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:38
gordonjcpmaskboss: I don't know anything about XFCE11:38
palassoI'm on Ubuntu 12.10 and installed virtualbox-qt but when I try to start up a VM it shows me two windows with two error messages.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1388817/ Can anyone plz help?11:39
doomsdayso much for a media pc11:39
maskbossgordonjcp: actually i don't mind get back into ubuntu! somone here gave me XFCE as a solution... i can get back to ubuntu if u tell me how..11:39
doomsdayi hate being a tecch demon11:39
doomsdayeverything seems to die with me11:39
gordonjcpmaskboss: when you log in, if you click on the little "gear" symbol beside your name and password it'll let you pick which DE you use11:39
gordonjcpdoomsday: an 80GB drive is probably quite old now11:39
OerHeksmaxtor is acquired by Seagate Technology in 2006, so that drive is very old.11:40
maskbossgordonjcp: since i have no mouse.. i'll give it a try.. lol :P thanks11:40
user1234234Got a list of compatible Nvidia cards for ubuntu 12.04?11:40
gordonjcpmaskboss: tab, cursor keys, space and enter11:40
gordonjcpuser1234234: pretty much all of them11:40
doomsdayespecialy when its a ide one11:40
lhavelund!hardware > user123423411:40
ubottuuser1234234, please see my private message11:40
gordonjcpuser1234234: NVidia is about the only graphics chipset fully supported in Linux11:40
user1234234yes i've had good experience with nvidia.11:41
doomsdayits weird actually cos ive installed ubuntu on a 40gb ide drive11:41
doomsdayand thats fine11:41
gordonjcpyeah, it just depends on the drive, how it's been treated etc11:41
doomsdayi suppose11:41
doomsdaywell im finished here11:41
doomsdayif you cant help11:42
Darkstar1Anyone know how one can download the latest sun jdk on a remote server11:42
maskbossgordonjcp: ok, loggin out gave-me the mouse pointer back! now i'm on ubuntu, WITH mouse, but with the same problem before... just the wallpaper and mouse pointer showin..11:42
doomsdaythanx for trying11:42
palassoCan anyone help?11:42
BluesKajpalasso, just ask your question11:43
palassoI'm on Ubuntu 12.10 and installed virtualbox-qt but when I try to start up a VM it shows me two windows with two error messages.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1388817/11:43
maskbossactually i can access the terminal. nothing else :/11:44
FauxFauxpalasso: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dkms # probably gives errors about lack of headers packages?  Install them.11:44
BluesKajpalasso, first of all , do you have virtualization enabled in the BIOS11:45
palassoBefore a couple of weeks I was on Linux Mint 13 and it worked fine and before three months I was on Kubuntu 12.04 and it worked fine also.11:46
maskbossppl i'm new on this, i'm on ubuntu and only wallpaper and mouse pointer appears...11:46
FauxFauxThen you upgraded your kernel, ignored the errors, and it broke.  Big suprise.11:46
palassoI haven't ever searched for a BIOS setting for virtualization11:46
palassoI tried the command FauxFaux but didn't fix the problem11:47
palassoFauxFaux I did a clean install at all times11:47
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palassoAlso I don't get from anywhere report of linux headers missing :/11:48
BluesKajpalasso, did you follow the instructions and reinstall the OS kernel11:49
SpecialEdHey guys, getting this error message appearing in my /var/mail/root PHP Warning:  Module 'apc' already loaded in Unknown on line 0  this message appears each time CRON runs.  I've confirmed that /etc/php5/cli/php.ini & /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini do not have any references to apc & /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini has the following references (lines separated by pipes): apc.enabled = 1 | apc.shm_segments11:50
SpecialEd= 1 | apc.shm_size = 100M | apc.filters = "-/usr/share/phpmyadmin/.*"11:50
palassoI didn't reinstall any OS kernel. I just did a clean install of Ubuntu 12.10 and then installed apps (one of them is VirtualBox) and then noticed VirtualBox wasn't working11:50
maskbossi'm on ubuntu and only wallpaper and mouse pointer appears... can someone help me?11:50
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palassoAlso there isn't any vboxdrv on /etc/init.d/ that the error message mentions11:52
OerHekspalasso, try "sudo modprobe vboxdrv" and start vbox again11:52
palassoI tried this since I found it on Ubuntu Forums but didn't work11:53
palassoWhen I try the command OerHeks it says 'FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.'11:53
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MonkeyDustpalasso  this command worked for me, when vbox wouldnt start11:56
MonkeyDustsudo modprobe vboxdrv;sudo modprobe vboxnetflt11:56
subdesignany idea why i cant kill wine in ubuntu?11:56
cjaecould someone please help me connect to my samba share (NAS), the samba share is setup and I can see and access it from my file broswer. I cannot get mount.cifs to mount it correctly under /mnt on this box11:57
palassoDoesn't work MonkeyDust on me :/11:57
maskbosshow do i loggout ubuntu in the terminal?11:57
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forcemoneydust,find the pid of wine and kill11:58
pLrmaskboss ctrl+d11:58
palassoI don't know if it correlates but I noticed that on 'Additional Drivers' tab on 'Software Sources' it says "No proprietary drivers are in use' and it doesn't show up any options for proprietary drivers (I have an AMD GPU)11:58
palassoAnd also fglrx isn't installed as I can see from Synaptic11:58
palassoI guess VirtualBox is using the kernel and the drivers somehow. Could it be a more general bug that affects 'Additional Drivers' too?11:59
BluesKajsubdesign, if you are runnining windows .exe files then wine file association autolinks to theoe files12:00
BluesKajthose files12:00
thanigaiafter start a dial up init.d  service, ubuntu dosnt shutdown. please help me12:02
alinmearhi folks; i have the following problem: using alsa only (not pulse) on my laptop; everything works well excepts when a usb audio device is switch on; i have to set a new default device in ~/.asoundrc; after this i can listen music; but my whole script for audio volume contains amixer set ... Master; in alsamixer the usb device is listed with Speaker instead; any idea how to fix this? thx12:03
Darkstar1No one?12:03
Ben64Darkstar1: you might want to ask a question12:05
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krzanyone said my name?12:14
krzmissed it12:14
maskbossi'm on ubunto login screen! i enter the password it loads something which i can't read then it goes back to the login screen!! please some help?12:17
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Alberto_Hi. I am having a problem with CrashPlanDesktop and found out that someone solved it by removing package "libgail-common". Does removing it break anything important (apart from accessibility functions which I don't use)?12:21
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ygli_join #nat-stuy12:22
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Kartagisis there a nautilus plugin to display CR2 thumbnail?12:26
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vbgunzcan dnsmasq cause a complete lockup of a system? My system is locking up randomly and as I go through the time of freeze, I am noticing quite a bit of activity with dnsmasq and it's the only thing standing out12:34
gordonjcpvbgunz: I wouldn't have thought so12:36
darkbasichi, what about kernel.ubuntu.com? it is down...12:39
ravenxubuntu 12.10 not maximized windows hide behind panels, any ideas? http://picpaste.com/b580abeeea2bff2142dc3619eef7dedd.jpg12:39
biopytehi, i have a problem on low bandwith internet connections. one of my applications needs a constant minimum bandwith otherwise it will break down and i have to restart, what is very annoying. is there a tool which can assign guranteed bandwith to specific applications? kind of 'bandwith-nice'?12:45
fontenay_hello, someone can help me with busybox and initframfs error on my office computeur (pleeease)12:49
vbgunzbiopyte: I really don't know what application can do that but if your router or modem supports Qos, maybe that can be something to look into?12:50
vbgunzI'm not saying it will work but I just believe it could be something that may be worth looking into12:51
lucidoMy AR9285 based wifi card keeps disconnecting if I am more than 3 meters away from the access point, why is that?12:51
gordonjcpwell if you need to shape bandwidth, doing it on the router is most sensible12:51
llutz_biopyte: you might want to read about "tc" traffic control12:51
biopytevbgunz, ok thanks12:52
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llutz_!info iproute | biopyte tc comes with this package12:53
ubottubiopyte tc comes with this package: iproute (source: iproute): networking and traffic control tools. In component main, is required. Version 20120521-3ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 441 kB, installed size 991 kB12:53
biopytei dont have a router, its just a mobile broadband usbstick ... i check out tc, thx12:53
biopytetc looks like it can do what i want, but syntax is rather difficult ... i'll see12:55
llutz_biopyte: isn't latency more the problem than bandwidth on mobile-broadband?12:56
ohyran333Hi does anyone one knows alternative ways to get a laptop screen to be recognized? I have a Asus Zenbook that boots to black screen but by connecting an external monitor I can still use it.12:56
ohyran333nomodeset or removing quiet splast in grub doesn't work btw.12:57
biopytellutz, i dont exactly know ... the problem is like this: i have my prefered app on a low bandwith connection and everything is fine. once i start browsing too much with firefox it will break down.12:57
jackbrownhf Hello is anyone available to help me installing Windows 7 + Linux in a GPT UEFI Laptop ?12:57
krababbelbiopyte: you can't control download reliably12:57
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biopytellutz, on high bandwith its no issue12:57
kruxerHow can i change the boot partition? (ubuntu 12.04)12:58
biopytekrababbel: i thought there must be something like "nice" for bandwith (instead cpu)12:58
krababbelbiopyte: you can control upload, and prioritise packets created by your preferred application, but that only works up to a point, but better than nothing I think12:59
biopytewell, tc might be the right thing12:59
lucidoI need some halp with my ath9k wifi card, it keeps asking for the ap password if I'm not right next to the ap12:59
kruxerIt's currently booting from Windows partition, I wanna change it to the ubuntu, actually grub.12:59
gordonjcpbiopyte: running that on your local machine won't really work12:59
gordonjcpbiopyte: not if you share the connection12:59
krababbelbiopyte: IP doesn't work like that. You'd have to have control over the entire network path to effectively allocate bandwith, like in a LAN12:59
biopytein case latency and not bandwith is the problem ... would there be a solution? probably not.13:00
ohyran333kruxer: Can't you set that in Bios?13:00
kruxerohyran333, didn't try that. is it possible?13:01
biopytekrababbel, i understand13:02
ohyran333Well you can set boot order in Bios13:02
krababbelbiopyte: the same I already suggested, upload QoS could reduce jitter, so latency would vary less. Of course you cannot lower your real latency to a server by yourself13:02
ohyran333(Im in NOOOOO way an expert at this... but Ive been fiddling about in bios the last days)13:02
krababbelbiopyte: I have such a setup, and unless I open more than 10 tabs at once, it works ok, lowers the jitter a bit13:03
kruxerohyran333, check that in a few moment, letting you know the result13:03
kruxerohyran333, tnx13:03
biopytekrababbel, but QoS is for routers not for mobile?!13:04
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krababbelbiopyte: true, I believe wireless is different. I guess LTE would be the only way to have packets over wireless networks or something I read. I don't use mobile internet here.13:05
biopytekrababbel, i thik this is getting too difficult, thx anyway13:06
krababbelbiopyte: but still, if a user is using a lot of bandwidth, a local router could maybe reduce the effect13:06
kruxerdidn't worker the bios change!13:06
krababbelbiopyte: it is a bit involved, and the router has to support it13:07
kruxerHow can I change the booting partition, my current boot partition is windows, wanna change it to grub...!13:07
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kruxerHow can i change to boot partition?13:08
biopytekrababbel, dont want to get too involved ... was thinking of something like "bandwith-nice firefox 0"   ;)13:08
krababbelkruxer, grub is a bootloader, and it is probably not on a partition on your pc, but in the MBR of the harddrive13:08
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krababbelbiopyte: there is a program you could try I guess13:09
chris__Hi there just installed 12.04 and I would like to have the option of having the gnome interface I know that someone mentioned this maybe possible could anyone put me i  the right direction?13:09
ravenxubuntu 12.10 not maximized windows hide behind panels, any ideas? http://picpaste.com/b580abeeea2bff2142dc3619eef7dedd.jpg13:09
biopytewhat program?13:09
krababbelbiopyte: wondershaper or maybe trickle do automatic tc setup13:10
BluesKajkruxer , o reinstall grub to the ubuntu drive , boot into ubuntu live media (cd or usb), find the ubuntu drive designation with sudo fdisk -l , then run: 'sudo grub-install /dev/sdX , X being number assigned to the ubuntu drive/device.13:10
biopyteha, ha ... wondershaper13:13
biopyteonly 99.95$  ... :)13:13
biopyteok, thx, i'll google these13:13
jackbrownhf Hello is anyone available to help me installing Windows 7 + Linux in a GPT UEFI Laptop ?13:13
SachiruHaving a difficult time to connect to freenode today.13:13
jackbrownhf Hello is anyone available to help me installing Windows 7 + Linux in a GPT UEFI Laptop ?13:13
krababbelbiopyte: no, should be in the repos, I used it some time ago13:13
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krababbelbiopyte: then recently I setup an old PC to be the router, and setup tc and iptables myself. But there are not many programs which do it. http://lartc.org/wondershaper/13:15
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:15
izxIs it possible to install ubuntu 10.10 via CD in Dell Optiplex 390 system ??13:15
OerHeksizx, ubuntu 10.10 is EOL, so download a newer version.13:16
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izxOerHeks: We are in the process of upgrading our software to support newer version of ubuntu, till that we are supposed to use only ubuntu 10.10.. Any way to install it via CD ??13:17
OerHeksizx sure you can install it, but you won't get updates.13:18
biopytekrababbel, trickle looks promising, thanks for that one ... i check it out later13:18
izxOerHeks: No Problem.. But we were not able to install it using CD Drive..13:19
biopyteseems to be exactly what i have been looking for     http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Trickle13:19
OerHeksizx why not?13:19
krababbelbiopyte: no problem, just remember it is all an IP hack basically, you are trying to limit incoming packets, so the buffer of the ISP doesn't get full, causing dropouts. On wireless it might be even different still.13:20
biopytei see ... sorry, wrong (non-english) link13:20
krababbelbiopyte: and the only way to somehow limit incoming packets, because it isn't directly possible and out of control for you, is to make the other side, the server, think you cannot cope with more packets, so the sender slows down. This only works with one server, that's why it is unreliable when you open many tabs at once.13:22
krababbelbiopyte: unless you limit you download speed to 10% or somethin per connection ;)13:23
biopytegot it13:23
krababbeljust a rough overview :)13:23
stefan877hi, If an ubuntu system was not correctly shutted down, grub shows the GRUB-Menu without timeout13:24
TTiluswhat's that guid or hash-digest like string in parenthesis after every locally synchronized "Shared with me" folder name, names look like "The real name (15d69f8a-9207-43d5-b009-ff58e231002e)"13:24
stefan877how to let GRUB boot without pressing enter?13:24
stefan877in such case?13:24
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JustaguyGood morning, win inst 12.10,, blank desktop13:25
izxOerHeks: I guess due to graphics card issue, we were not able to install ubuntu 10.10 on Dell Optiplex 390.. Any solution ??13:25
JustaguyHad them then after a few reboots they gone13:25
OerHeksizx what videocard ?13:26
izxOerHeks: Intel13:26
media-centrehey does anyoine know how to fix the sound in ubuntu13:29
JustaguyBusy room any way to follow ? That you post for replies13:29
media-centreive tried alsamixer and the sound settings13:30
gordonjcpmedia-centre: what's wrong with it?13:30
usr13izx: Why would an Intel video card stop you from installing Ubuntu?13:31
media-centreit aint playing out13:31
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usr13media-centre: Let's do a test:  play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*13:32
BluesKajmedia-centre, which soundcard , you can check alsamixer top left - "chip"13:32
usr13media-centre: What does that say?13:32
zludehello! i'm using a ubuntu server connected to a switch with a port mirror. So i wanna know what is the best way to monitor this mirror port with ubuntu.13:33
media-centreuh ok how do i do that13:33
izxusr13: I thing its a bug with ubuntu 10.1013:33
BluesKaj!who | media-centre13:33
ubottumedia-centre: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:33
usr13media-centre: Open a terminal, type in  play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*  and hit enter.13:33
usr13izx: Use another version, (newer).13:34
usr13izx: Or, 10.04.4 LTS13:34
media-centreit comes up with the following13:34
media-centreThe program 'play' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:13:34
media-centresudo apt-get install sox13:34
usr13media-centre: sudo apt-get install sox   #And hit enter.13:35
media-centreill give that a try now13:35
izxusr13: Where can i get the link for downloading 10.04.4 LTS13:35
gordonjcpizx: google ;-)13:36
gordonjcpizx: there's not much point though, since it's only around for a couple more months13:36
usr13izx: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/13:36
BluesKajizx, why 10.04 , whynot 12,04 LTS ?13:36
usr13BluesKaj: 10.04 IS LTS13:37
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gordonjcpusr13: it's also eol13:37
BluesKajusr13, yes but like gordonjcp said , it's not supported as long and it's getting old13:38
usr13gordonjcp: No it isn't.  (It was his choice.)13:38
izxBluesKaj: 12.04 doesn't have gnome-classic, thats the only reason..13:38
usr13BluesKaj: It was his choice.13:38
micjan02i know that i can paste from my selection-clipboard by using shift-insert in terminal. how do i paste it in other apps? (the keyboard shortcut for middle-click)13:38
usr13izx: Have you tried xfce?13:39
xanguaizx: if by gnome-classic you mean gnome panel, it has....but gnome3.8 will not ;)13:39
BluesKajusr13, well , merely making a suggestion so that he's aware13:39
usr13BluesKaj: Yes, you are.  I'm sorry.  I should let izx answer.13:40
usr13... just got carried away correcting gordonjcp ...13:40
izxxangua: how abt 12.10? Does it have gnome-classic ??13:40
usr13izx: Have you tried xfce?13:40
gordonjcpizx: "gnome-classic"?13:40
media-centreright its playing13:41
unique_Hello. I have a problem with my wlan. He remains connected to the router. but in the browser I have to reload the page five times before establishing a connection. If I download,f.e. ubuntu  the download stops at some point and continues after some minutes13:41
gordonjcpizx: if you mean "Gnome 2", then no.  It's dead.13:41
media-centrebut its really quiet13:41
media-centreim gonna try alsa mmixer again13:41
usr13media-centre: alsamixer  #and see what is turned down. PCM maybe?13:41
Guest68186ok here is my letter to ubuntu13:43
izxgordonjcp: Yes gnome 213:43
usr13Guest68186: /join #ubuntu-offtopic13:43
unique_Hello. I have a problem with my wlan. He remains connected to the router. but in the browser I have to reload the page five times before establishing a connection. If I download,f.e. ubuntu  the download stops at some point and continues after some minutes13:47
gordonjcpizx: it's no longer developed13:47
media-centreok i cant seem to enable switches on it13:47
gordonjcpizx: there is a fork of it, but I don't know how good it is13:48
media-centredoes annyone know how to enable buttons on alsa mixer13:48
jackbrownhfIs there anyone experienced with GPT Hard Drive and UEFI BOOT ?13:51
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blaz_hi guys.... i have a problem... namely when i ctrl+alt+direction to a desktop which has a fullscreen terminal I can still se the unity launcher and taskbar13:52
blaz_tough sometimes they disappear on their own sometimes not13:52
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blaz_but they do never work13:53
swordsmanz<3 synaptic13:53
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BluesKajmedia-centre, use the arrow keys < > to navigate and up and down keys increase or decrease the volume , any ctrls with MM means muted , use the M key to un mute or mute13:53
alanbananasHey guys, ive got a strange bug going on that I cant figure out, I had sound working before and then called "amixer set Master toggle" and the sound muted as expected, however, when I did "amixer set Master toggle" again, the sound didn't come back on again, and hasn't recovered even after a reboot?13:54
dr_willis_some sliders can be offscreen untill you arrow over to the right also media-centre13:54
BluesKajmedia-centre, and if you are speaking to someone pls use their nick so we know who you are talking to13:55
alanbananasthis is for the Headphones, alsamixer says that it is the headphones are muted, if I unmute them with m, then it goes to 00 instead of MM, but wont let me up the volume?13:55
BluesKajalanbananas, use the up down keys for volume13:56
alanbananasIt doesn't let me on the Headphones channel, only on the Master (which doesnt change the Headphones)13:56
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jbwivhi guys. I've just installed 12.10,  and things look good except for animations. I have three monitors powered by a Radeon 6700, and even with the proprietary drivers, window animations (fades, minimizations, etc) are very sluggish. Any ideas what needed to be tweaked to fix?13:57
alanbananasit also doesnt have anything like 0<>0 under it like the master does (master has 100<>100)13:57
housry23Does anyone know how to get a sdcard reader to work in Ubuntu12.10 64-bit?13:59
housry23Acer V3-551 laptop13:59
BluesKajalanbananas,do you have any audio at all ?14:00
nishttal2hello ppl.. this morning i found that one of the servers had the file system as read only.. how can that change without a reboot?14:00
nishttal2its running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS14:01
gordonjcpnishttal2: it probably can't14:01
gordonjcpwhat's its uptime?14:01
jbwivnishttal2, mount -o rw /filesystem14:01
alanbananasBluesKaj, I don't have speakers to plug in, but no audio through Headphones14:01
nishttal2gordonjcp: where should i check?14:01
jbwivbut I may be thinking of bsd14:01
alanbananasBut it was working before I did amixer set Master toggle14:01
BluesKajalanbananas, laptop?14:01
gordonjcpnishttal2: type "uptime" in a terminal14:01
nishttal2jbwiv: gordonjcp i rebooted and its fine now.. but how can this happen?14:01
alanbananasBluesKaj: Desktop14:01
michalwanjoin #linux-program14:01
ravenxubuntu 12.10 not maximized windows hide behind panels, any ideas? http://picpaste.com/b580abeeea2bff2142dc3619eef7dedd.jpg14:02
nishttal2gordonjcp: now its saying 22 mins as i rebooted14:02
gordonjcpnishttal2: ah14:02
BluesKajalanbananas, turn the volume down and try the Hps on the speaker out , to see if there's any audio at all14:02
nishttal2gordonjcp: is there a different log somewhere?14:03
gordonjcpyeah, in /var/log14:03
gordonjcpyou either want messages or syslog14:03
alanbananasBluesKaj: Sorry how do I do that?14:03
alanbananasBluesKaj: I can't find a speaker out plug on my desktop14:04
BluesKajalanbananas, usually on audio out on the back of the pc where speakers would normally be connected14:04
alanbananasBluesKaj: Only headphones and mic14:04
nishttal2gordonjcp: http://fpaste.org/mQpW/ does this mean the problem?14:05
alanbananasBluesKaj: Oh maybe not, ive plugged it into what I think is speaker out14:05
gordonjcpnishttal2: could be14:05
Tecan12.10 great success :)14:05
alanbananasBluesKaj: Is this line or what?14:06
Wiz_KeeDhey guys14:06
alanbananasHow do I tell amixer which to use as master?14:06
Wiz_KeeDcan somebody please tell me how i can rename my user in ubuntu server 12.04 lts?14:06
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BluesKajalanbananas, speaker output is the green one14:07
nishttal2gordonjcp: could this happen again and make the file-system read only14:08
alanbananasBluesKaj: Yep its plugged in14:08
alanbananasNo sound but how do I tell it what is master?14:08
Wiz_KeeDcan anyone lend a helping hand?14:08
Dr_WillisWiz_KeeD:  i tend to make a new user, then move the old users files to the new users home and chown them14:09
Dr_Willisthen i make SURE the new user has proper sudo rights if needed. ;)14:09
BluesKajalanbananas, the master is probly marked PCM in alsamixer14:09
Wiz_KeeDhmm, isn't that a bit overkill Dr_Willis ?14:10
Wiz_KeeDisn't there a simple rename command?14:10
Dr_WillisWiz_KeeD:  not that ive ever noticed14:10
Wiz_KeeDi'm pretty scared to do this by myself on a production server14:10
Wiz_KeeDwho knows what i might mess up14:10
Dr_Willissafest way is to just make a new user then.14:10
alanbananasBluesKaj: Ummm im not exactly sure what im doing...14:10
Wiz_KeeDcan you show me how?14:11
Dr_Willissudo adduser billgates14:11
alanbananasBluesKaj: So im plugged into the green thing (speaker out) but no sound yet, what should I try changing in amixer?14:11
Dr_Williswhy is the users name that imporntant? whats the reason for all this changeing14:11
alanbananasBluesKaj: I assume I need to tell it that the speaker out is the new master, or will it just work that out? (if so there is no sound)14:11
Wiz_KeeDit's the same name on my localhost and i'd like to avoid confusion14:11
Wiz_KeeDand it's also the client's server i think it's only right the user should be the name of the company in respect to the idea that someone else might take over my doing14:12
uictamaleHey everyone.. I'm having a strange issue where my root partition keeps reporting as being 'full' when a simple count of the sizes of all my folders and files shows otherwise.  lsof identifies a huge ~/.xsession-errors open file handle, but there's no file there to be removed or cleaned out.  What can I do?14:12
Dr_Willisthis guide mentions the usermod command also...14:13
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BluesKajalanbananas, the speaker out ctrl should be at 80% or so, if you have one , and the master about the same , you can't change the master because it controls the final volume for all ctrls14:13
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Dr_Willisbut the guide seems.. suspect.. because the first thing it wants you to do is unlock the root account. but that may be to avoide looseing sudo rights.14:13
alanbananasBluesKaj: What would the speaker out ctrl be named?14:14
alanbananasPCM? Line?14:14
Dr_Willispcm is the main audio i belive14:15
BluesKajalanbananas, which chip is listed in alsamixer top left ? The speaker output will be "speaker" , if you have such a ctrl14:15
Dr_Willisline = line in. spdif = one of those fancy input/outputs14:15
alanbananasAnalog Devices AD1984A14:16
alanbananasBluesKaj: There is no such ctrl as speaker though, only things like "Front, Headphone, PCM, LINE, CD, etc)14:16
BluesKajPCM is your master alanbananas , I already mentioned that14:16
BluesKajalanbananas, probly fron , just turn them all up , if nothing's connected then it won't matter14:17
alanbananasBluesKaj: But Master is already listed amongst Headphone PCM etc, anyway it doesnt seem to work14:17
BluesKajwhat the volume is14:18
jgdxAnyone know if http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ has a working mirror?14:18
alanbananasAround 50 on all the ones which are not disabled (some - like headphones) wont let me change up their volume14:18
alanbananasActually though, its interesting that when I unmute beep and remute it, I head a click in my headphones14:19
alanbananasOoo wait14:20
alanbananasI got a noise14:20
BluesKajalanbananas, ok open a terminal and do , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , then reboot14:20
alanbananasI have audio working now14:20
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Dr_WillisNow Jam to your Kenny G. Collection! ;)14:22
alanbananasI have to have all "Master, Headphone, PCM, and Front" unmuted14:22
alanbananasBluesKaj: Okay ive figured the problem14:22
* ecips wonders why ftp.au.ubuntu.org resolves to an IP address in Spain??14:22
Dr_WillisMaster would be ALL the audio channels I think.  if it was muted then everything would be mute.. PCM is the normal Audio out ibelive.14:22
ecipsCan anyone enlighten me?14:22
Dr_Willisecips:  its on vacation? ;) No idea really how are you determining its ip/location?14:23
alanbananasBluesKaj: The problem is "amixer set Master toggle" mutes Master, Headphone, PCM and Front, but if you do "amixer set Master toggle" as second time, it only unmutes Master14:23
alanbananasWhen it actually needs to Toggle all four of them14:24
ecipsdr_willis: nslookup/whois14:24
ravenxubuntu 12.10 not maximized windows hide behind panels, any ideas? http://picpaste.com/b580abeeea2bff2142dc3619eef7dedd.jpg14:25
BluesKajalanbananas, sorry I never use amixer , alsmixer yes14:25
ecipsroot@bruce:/home/gary/Downloads# host ftp.au.ubuntu.org14:25
ecipsftp.au.ubuntu.org is an alias for ubuntu.org.14:25
ecipsubuntu.org has address
Dr_Williscant say ive ever used amixer either.14:25
alanbananasBluesKaj: Is there a difference?14:25
ecipsroot@bruce:/home/gary/Downloads# whois
ecipsinetnum: -
ecipsnetname:        UPCNET14:25
ecipsdescr:          Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya14:25
ecipsdescr:          Barcelona14:25
ecipscountry:        ES14:25
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Wiz_KeeDDr_Willis, the newly created user does not have the same privileges as my first14:26
Wiz_KeeDall the cdrom www-data sudo and whatnot14:26
Dr_WillisWiz_KeeD:  you need to set the groups up for them then.14:26
ecipsWiz_KeeD: addgroup :)14:26
Wiz_KeeDadd all the group by hand? is that all? :))14:27
alanbananasBluesKaj: Ahah found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/87898614:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 878986 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "amixer -q sset Master toggle does mute, but does not unmute!" [Undecided,Triaged]14:27
seanwashHello, would someone be able to help me with my public key issue? I have created one, but when I use ssh-add -l it says there are no keys. I try adding it and w/o sudo and I get permission denied but when I use sudo it says that I can't connect to my agent.14:27
llutzWiz_KeeD: sudo usermod -aG group,group,group newusername                 get the list of groups from "groups olduser"14:27
Dr_Willisbe carefull with adding groups. ;) theres some command that people mess up that removes all the users groups by mistake ive seen.14:27
Wiz_KeeDme scared14:28
llutzwell don't miss the -a14:28
Dr_Willisyou sare adding a new user.. so even if you mess up.. you still have the old user...14:28
Dr_Willisthats sort of the point of adding a user. not using usermod directly on the existing user14:28
Wiz_KeeDyeah i see the caution in it14:29
alanbananasBluesKaj: Seems like this fix is the following: amixer -D pulse set Master 1+ toggle14:29
alanbananasBluesKaj: Thanks for your help debugging14:30
ecipspulseaudio has other bugs at present too - in Raring at least.14:30
BluesKaj alanbananas np , glad you got ti working14:31
BluesKajecips, like ?14:31
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:31
BluesKajecips, I'm on raring , no audio trouble here14:31
RyanC_Have you tried rm -rf /boot ?  That should fix your issue by regenerating the kernel files.14:32
ecipspulseaudio doesnt start - it depends on pulseaudio-esound-compat:i386 - even on x64 platforms14:32
ecipsso you need to install it manually14:32
RyanC_It seems that your kernel might be corrupt14:32
RyanC_try regenerating it14:32
llutz!ops | RyanC_  giving bad advices again14:33
ubottuRyanC_  giving bad advices again: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!14:33
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!14:33
ecipsRyanC_: What you smoking boy?14:33
ArneyWhen I try to new accounts and one old account, my session flashes back to the login screen. Nothing interesting in syslog, any ideas?14:33
llutzecips: known troll, don't feed pls14:33
Arney/s/try to/try to login to14:33
Dr_WillisArney:  even a newly made user has the issue> and the guest account as well?14:34
ecipsArney: ctrl-alt-f1 - Can you login on the console?14:34
ecipsArney: alt-F7 to get back to the GUI14:35
ArneyDr_Willis: Newly made users do have the issue, trying with the guest account now14:35
Arneyecips: yes I can14:35
ecipsSo console login works, GUI login doesnt?14:35
Dr_WillisArney:  as a test, try a differnt desktop instead of unity. somting very basic like openbox.14:35
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ArneyDr_willis: guest user has the same problem14:35
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Dr_Willishe is logging in it seems and X is crashing back to the Login screen14:35
ArneyDr_Willis: I deleted all the desktops except gnome-failsafe :)14:36
ecipsLook in ~/.xsession-errors perhaps?14:36
Dr_Willisanother test. try stopping the lightdm service, and login at the console and see if you can use startx14:36
Dr_WillisArney:  perhaps thats the issue then?14:36
Arneyecips: For which user?14:36
ArneyDr_Willis: how would I go about making the users use gnome-failsafe by default... eureka!14:37
ArneyXsession defaults perhaps.14:37
uictamaleUpon further investigation, something is automatically making a symlink from ~/.xsession-errors to /dev/null - what would be doing this?14:37
llxpadbpython breaks in precise (when used in spanish, at least) but works if I backport it from raring. which would be the procedure to ask an official backport in precise?14:37
Toph2i have just installed Ubuntu 12.04 on a new machine,,, occasionally the machine hangs,, all panels disappear, including the unity sidebar. The mouse still moves the pointer but I'm unable to input anything,, Even xchat continues to output though I can't input. Anyone experience this before?14:38
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Walex2Toph2: poorly worded question in «Anyone experience this before?»14:40
andrea_how can i get rid of the amazon icon on the unity bar on 12.10 ?  It doesn't let me press "rigt-click  exit"14:41
Toph2Walex2,,, ok,,, i was wondering about that,,, rather,'Anyone know a solution to the problem?'14:41
Walex2Toph2: anyhow check the logs in '/var/log/' for relevant messages14:41
Walex2Toph2: «Anyone know a solution to  the problem14:41
Toph2Walex2,,, thanks,, i will check14:41
Walex2Toph2: «Anyone know a solution to  the problem» would require psychic scan of everybody on Earth :-)14:42
Walex2Toph2: the right question might be "What can I do to investigate?"14:42
Toph2Walex2,,, which log file would be the most helpful?14:42
Walex2Toph2: usually 'ls -ltr /var/log/' will tell you the latest modified log files, so you can figure out which ones are likelty to contain new entries related to your problem.14:43
makaregister password14:44
Walex2Toph2: anyhow check towards the end of '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' and 'kern.log', 'messages'14:44
Walex2Toph2: BTW, is your home directory on an NFS mount?14:45
big_cocksgo f uck your mother14:46
lucidomy network manager keeps asking me for the password if I'm farther from the ap than 2 or 3 meters14:47
ecipswhere do they all come from?14:47
ecipslucido: Sounds like you need a better antenna14:47
lucidoecips, better antenna?14:48
lucidoI don't think that it's a hardware problem14:48
gabi_sublimehi men!  can tell me someboy how can i open the folder "etc" by xwindow?14:48
lucidothe signal strength is fine14:48
ecipslucido: I presume AP == Access Point?14:48
Toph2Walex2,,, no NSF mount14:49
lucidoany antenna should do within 10 meters14:49
ecipslucido: Have you tried rebooting the AP? Is this a new problem, or has it always been there?14:49
gabi_sublimehi men!  can tell me someboy how can i open the folder "etc" by xwindow?14:50
lucidoecips, the ap is fine problem is with my laptop14:50
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hitesaanyone here ?14:50
hitesagot a question14:50
grzywaczsorry, this channel is empty14:51
dweezJust ask the question14:51
VIVIDask about asking first14:51
hitesaIf I change a ip of a dns server like ns1.doool.com -> old ip to new ip will it affect the domains associated with that nameserver?14:52
ecipslucido: Humour me - reboot the AP :)14:52
hitesawill also modify the ip on the domain nameservers14:52
hitesaon associated domains ?14:53
ecipshitesa: The domains should be delegated to the host name of the DNS server14:53
ecipsand if the host name is not in the same domain there should not be any glue records.14:53
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hitesaso domains arent delegated by ip ?14:53
hitesaso domains name servers arent delegated by ip ?14:53
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=== Adeel is now known as Guest48471
ecipsis doool.com the domain name in question?14:54
ecipshitesa: Not unless the name server is on the same domain.14:54
ecipsIn that case there are a couple of extra records - called glue records14:54
ecipsso if ns1.foo.com is authoritative for foo.com then there will be glue records.14:54
ecipsbut if ns1.bah.com is auth. for foo.com then there will not - in most circumstances :)14:55
lucidoecips, I did14:55
ecipsI have seen errors in DNS zones before.14:55
ecipslucido: What make/model of AP?14:55
hitesaso the best if I change ip of nameservers is also to change nameservers of the domains ?14:56
lucidoecips, dlink dir-61514:56
ecipshitesa: No, you just need to make sure that if your zone has glue records those are also updated.14:56
lucidoecips, Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)14:56
ecipshitesa: I have many domains delegated to a single domain - I can change the IP of the single domain and all the others will still work.14:57
ecipsbut - in the case of .com and .net domains particularly, you also need to have the IP's of your NS's registered and make sure the glue records are changed14:58
ecipsotherwise the whole lot will fall off the internet14:58
ecipslucido: Anything in your log files?14:59
ecipsin the logs on the AP?14:59
lucidoecips, http://pastebin.com/fjhBWF6615:00
lucidoecips, what happens is that I can connect if I'm right next to the ap but when I move away a biut then it keeps asling for the password15:01
ecipslucido: I'll probably get in trouble for this, but I really dont  like NetworkManager much :)15:01
ecipsit's always been a pain in the ass15:01
lucidoecips, it works good when it does15:01
ecipsI just configure my nic's myself in /etc/network/interfaces15:02
JBzhHi. I desactivated "sticky edge" but still windows stick to the top of the screnn when moving it. I don't find clues on how to desactivate this effect, can someone give me a hint ?15:02
bazhangJBzh, in compizconfig-settings-manager , I would imagine. check there15:03
JBzhbazhang: I'll check there, thank you15:03
Night-hacksthere is no /proc/config.gz ? how can i enable it ?15:03
bazhangNight-hacks, to do what15:04
Night-hacksbazhang: i want to see my kernel configs15:04
Night-hacksbazhang: and change them15:04
bazhangNight-hacks, change how exactly. Please be very clear15:05
Night-hacksbazhang: for enabling loop devices15:05
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* Dr_Willis turns on his mindreading ability...15:10
ericusHey guys. Is it impossible to get a transparent indicator-applet on the top panel using Ubuntu 12.04 w. Gnome Classic (Gnome 3)?15:10
dagerikhey. i need to check the source code for something. which one of these files is the one being compiled into binary on my system. http://ftp.belnet.be/ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bsd-finger/15:10
Dr_WillisYou wish to see the kernel config file and recompile the kernel to enable  the loopback devices?15:10
ericusI can't find any solution15:10
dageriki need the 64 bit version15:10
Dr_Willisthe apt commands have a feature to download the source packages from a repo. ive not used that in ages however.15:11
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html15:11
=== riqdiiz_ is now known as riqdiiz
minimecNight-hacks: For video probably this package will do. 'v4l2loopback-dkms'. For audio, you can do this with pulseaudio. Maybe you have to install 'pacucontrol' and 'paman'. see here: http://thelinuxexperiment.com/guinea-pigs/jon-f/pulseaudio-monitoring-your-line-in-interface/15:13
riqdiizhi vitimiti15:14
Night-hacksminimec: i want to set CONFIG_IKCONFIG=y ,CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC=y, of my Kernel15:14
media-centrehey how can i configure the music libary to my music folder15:15
=== KPXX_ is now known as KPXX
riqdiizhow do i perform a frugal install for slitaz15:16
=== ShaneO_ is now known as ShaneO
bazhangriqdiiz, ask slitaz support15:16
bazhangriqdiiz, this is UBUNTU support15:17
bazhang!alis | riqdiiz have a search for their channel15:17
ubotturiqdiiz have a search for their channel: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:17
MonkeyDustriqdiiz  type /join #slitaz15:17
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riqdiizThanks i'm in.15:19
Guest1319como se maneja esto15:19
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:19
media-centreright so can anyone help15:20
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bazhangmedia-centre, which player15:21
media-centreno its the dash hoime button on the side15:21
media-centrewhere theirs a music tab i want to configure that to my music folder15:21
hemangpatelAfter dual boot installation, Does it overwrite MBR ?15:22
darkbasicwhat about kernel.ubuntu.com? why is it down?15:23
MonkeyDustdarkbasic  it doesnt say15:25
auronandacehemangpatel: grub? yes, thats the default. windows? yes.15:28
hemangpatelauronandace : ubuntu ?15:29
mnasernfs4 + ubuntu, idmapd is running on both client and server, if i create a file, it's created under nobody/nogroup even if i'm creating it under root (which is obviously uid 0 on both systems).15:29
media-centreso does anyone know15:29
mnaseri've sorta ran out of ideas now15:29
media-centrei mean it must be configurable15:29
auronandacehemangpatel: ubuntu uses grub15:29
media-centreso no one knows15:30
hemangpatelI have already installed windows.. I want dual boot (like selection on startup). So after installing ubuntu, does i get selection like ubuntu & windows ?15:31
auronandacehemangpatel: yes, grub does that15:31
hemangpatelmeans i get selection ? am i right ?15:32
auronandacehemangpatel: yes15:32
media-centreyea man15:32
media-centreits usually at the end that you can install a booloader15:32
hemangpatelthanks god & you.15:32
hemangpatelwhat is LTS edition means ?15:33
media-centrelong term service15:33
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hemangpatelIf i install not LTS then ?15:33
media-centrewell it means you get long term support for that particular linux15:34
Vykkhemangpatel, stands for Long Term Support, it means they will continue supporting and patching that version15:34
auronandacehemangpatel: lts = long term support, non-lts releases are supported for 18 months from release15:34
hemangpatelafter that. Do i need to uninstall ?15:35
auronandacehemangpatel: no, it just means you get no updates15:35
auronandacehemangpatel: it is best to either stick to the latest or stick to lts15:35
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hemangpatelok. During installation which partition is necessary ? means there are many swap,/home,/15:36
v0lksmanI'm having a very hard time getting the latest igb module to stay active after a reboot in 12.04 LTS server.  Any good docs anyone knows of to help?15:36
ericusHey guys. Is it impossible to get a transparent indicator-applet on the top panel using Ubuntu 12.04 w. Gnome Classic (Gnome 3)?15:37
auronandacehemangpatel: only / is absolutely necessary, swap is usually recommended15:37
hemangpatelauronandace : / is for ?15:38
auronandacehemangpatel: thats the root of the filesystem, everything goes under /15:38
Walex2hemangpatel: as <auronandace> was saying only the "root" filetree is strictly necessary.15:39
Vykkhemangpatel, / is the Root directory, it's the equivalent of c:\ on windows15:39
Walex2hemangpatel: but it is usually very convenient to have a second one for "/home", so system and user files are separate, and it is easier to reinstall the system without risking damage to user files.15:39
ecipsargh! - nvidia module not compiling properly in raring15:39
khakicould soemone help me with apparmor, i need to move the directory that mysql.sock is in15:40
auronandace!13.04 | ecips15:40
ubottuecips: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+115:40
hemangpatelthanks to all.. I'm ready for ubuntu 12.10 using USB :)15:40
khakii cant seem to get mysql to start at all and its throwing lots of stuff in syslog15:40
Walex2khaki: edit the relevant file under '/etc/apparmor.d/'15:41
Walex2khaki: and restart the 'apparmor' service.15:41
khakiWalex2: yea but what do i need to add to it, thats what i cant find15:41
Walex2khaki: I think that is described in some Wiki page or another15:41
hemangpatelHow can i start internet using phone modem in linux ?15:41
khakieven with apparmor stopped im getting these error15:41
khakiinit: mysql main process (26008) terminated with status 115:41
khakiid like to not even use apparmor15:42
auronandacehemangpatel: a dialup modem?15:42
Walex2khaki: AppArmor is pretty good and simple, better to keep it.15:42
Walex2khaki: 'grep mysql /etc/apparmor.d/*' might help :-15:42
khakiits apparentlynot THAT simple15:43
Walex2khaki: as to 'init: mysql main process (26008) terminated with status 115:43
Walex2khaki: check the system logs, and the mysql logs15:43
auronandace!modem | hemangpatel15:44
ubottuhemangpatel: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up15:44
khakiWalex2: there is no mysql logs (yet) this is a brand new install15:44
Walex2khaki: I alos did a Web search like https://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+apparmor+mysql and that has quite a few entries15:45
ecips(23:44:16) ecips left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).  <--- Now thats strange - you dont usually see yourself timeout? :)15:45
hemangpatelauronandace : thanks.15:46
khakiWalex2: yea and i cant find anything that has to do with what im specifically asking15:46
Walex2khaki: I think that the 'grep' I gave you earlier shows you where to change the directory...15:47
khakithe file i know which one it is,15:48
khakibut how to edit it/what to add.. zilch15:48
khakithe usr.sbin.mysql file is basically empty15:48
psychopathic  /j #physics15:48
Walex2khaki: that's bad news, because here on 12.04 I get http://paste.debian.net/212471/15:49
khakiWalex2: i also dont even see it loading the mysql profile when i restart apparmor15:49
Walex2khaki: note also that the file name is not "usr.sbin.mysql"15:50
khakiroot@60669:/etc# grep /var/run/mysqld /etc/apparmor.d/*15:50
Walex2khaki: you have a damaged installation.15:50
khakihow can i get apparmor back to 100% default?15:50
johnjacobjingerhis there a package for hemachi in ubuntu?15:51
auronandace!find hamachi | johnjacobjingerh15:51
ubottujohnjacobjingerh: File hamachi found in linux-headers-3.5.0-14-generic, linux-headers-3.5.0-14-lowlatency, linux-image-3.5.0-14-lowlatency, linux-image-extra-3.5.0-14-generic15:51
Walex2khaki: each package add their own AppArmor profile, e.g.: mysql-server-5.5: /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld15:51
Walex2khaki: you might want to reinstall 'mysql-server' or perhaps just to extract that file from it and put it back.15:52
khakiWalex2: when i restart apparmor, here is what i get in syslog15:52
Walex2khaki: that seems fine, if that is all the dæmons that you have installed.15:53
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Walex2khaki: to double check that you are not missing other files wiht: debsums -sa mysql-server-5.515:56
andrea_how do i remove the "amazon" icon on the unity menu on 12.10 ?15:58
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khakidebsums: changed file /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld (from mysql-server-5.5 package)15:58
khakiok now how do i get apparmor to LOAD that15:58
ravenxubuntu 12.10 not maximized windows hide behind panels, any ideas? http://picpaste.com/b580abeeea2bff2142dc3619eef7dedd.jpg15:59
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ecipsandrea_: apt-get remove unity-shopping-lens16:00
ecipsandrea_: log off, log onm16:00
andrea_ecips: ok i'll try16:01
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Walex2khaki: to reload it once you restored it restart the AppArmor service.16:02
Evil_Ericok guys im on a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04LTS and when my problems arise i will be comming here to get them fixed16:03
Dr_Willisof course he may have been asking how to just remove the icon from the left hand side. ;)16:03
ecipsDr_Willis: I made the assumption he had a right-hand mouse button :)16:03
cerpscan any one tell me how to configure pidgin on local server.16:04
ecipsprobably foolish of me :)16:04
khakiWalex2: it doesnt report in syslog that its actually loading that mysqld file16:04
andrea_ecips: guess didn't work :(16:04
ecipsright click the icon16:04
ecipsand unlock it16:04
ecipsDr_Willis: You win :)16:04
cerpscan any one tell me how to configure pidgin on local server16:05
FloodBot1cerps: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:05
andrea_ecips: yes but i guess i must uninstall the thing16:05
mz|`TAGGLE !16:05
Dr_Williscerps:  clarify what you mean16:05
Dr_Willisinstead of flooding16:05
ecipscerps is gone :)16:05
ecipsOh, its back :)16:05
mz|`cerps: use your brain and the according documentation, stop flooding, be well.16:06
khakiWalex2: and i added this line "/opt/devel//var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock w," and used "apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld" and it threw an error16:06
cerpsDr Willis> i would like to install pidgin on all my local network...16:06
khakiWalex2: "AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld at line 4: syntax error, unexpected TOK_MODE, expecting TOK_OPEN16:06
ecipscerps: You want a local IRC server?16:06
andrea_ecips: ok, even tought with  dpkg -l | grep amazon i didn't find anything, i could uninstall it with ubuntu software center16:07
andrea_who knows16:07
cerpsecips: yes.. a local irc16:07
khakiand my usr.sbin.mysqld file was empty, even after debsums16:07
Dr_Williscerps:  it pays to be clear...16:07
mz|`apt-get install ircd ?16:07
ecipsapt-get install dancer ?16:07
Dr_Williscerps:  install an irc server and conigure it.. connect to it16:07
ecipsapt-cache search ircd16:07
ecipsnumerous options16:07
Dr_Willisfor a local lan. it may be best to use the most simplke irc server you can find. ;)16:07
ecipsheh - as I suspected, theres even an ircd in perl16:11
ecipsand a python one for the non-believers :)16:11
Dr_Willisi recall seeing minimal perl irc servers and clienjts ;)16:12
Dr_Willisi recall seeing them in ruby also16:12
ecipssirc :)16:12
khakii got this thing a mess16:13
ecipsawesome - think of how much you will learn fixing it :)16:13
fission6can i system use upstart and system v init16:14
ecipsfission6: I'm afraid I dont understand you. Can you try and be a bit more descriptive?16:15
Dr_Willisfission6:  Upstart has features to be very backwards compatiable with SysV16:15
ecipsUbuntu uses both, side-by-side16:15
fission6ok, i keep getting the following issue and i dont know why http://dpaste.org/NuSvR/16:16
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khakii think i finally got it Walex2 .  thanks for help16:21
khakii copied the usr.sbin.myqld file from another server, made my changes and presto it worked16:21
marcappuccinoIs it possible to chroot into a persistent ubuntu USB drive, while on my regular install, and execute commands like apt-get upgrade etc?16:22
c0dri have a question regarding integrating netgear wg111v3 on 64-bit ubuntu in a virtualbox. I have been told to just give up, but thats not an option. And ive made it work before. Do i need to open another virtual network connection, because all im working with now is eth0 and lo.. Last time i had mon0 running on wlan0 but id have trouble crossing over from my nat (eth0) -- so attempting to fix here16:24
c0drbrb with lsusb and ifconfig pastes ...16:25
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c0drifconfig/lsusb from previous posting: http://pastebin.com/aizz16Zv16:27
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Dr_Willismarcappuccino:  it may need more then just chrooting. since the persstnat save file will need to be mounted somehow16:29
Dr_WillisHappy Cyber Monday. ;)16:31
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dilligaf42You too16:31
dilligaf42I've got an interesting problem.  It's a keyboard issue...yesterday the N and 5 keys stopped working on one of my Ubuntu machines16:33
dilligaf42The simple solution would be replace the keyboard, which I did16:33
dilligaf423 keyboards, all of them have no N or 516:33
usr13dilligaf42: How are you typing N and 5 now?  Copy and paste?16:34
dilligaf42Different computer16:34
usr13dilligaf42: Is it only the uppercase of n?16:34
usr13digadvan: Or, can you neither type N nor n ?16:34
dilligaf42no, it's the whole n key...16:34
dilligaf42No n or N, and no 5 or %16:35
simion314hi all, i connected a TV with a HDMi cable to my ubuntu PC, I now have the desktop cloned on the second monitor too, I want to extend my desktop how is the way to do it? is aticonfig a good idea?16:35
usr13ok... that IS interesting....  Not sure what it could be but...16:35
marcappuccinoDr_Willis: do you know How may I acheive this then, if there is a way?16:35
simion314mumy card is an AMD and i use the binary driver from repos16:35
dilligaf42I did try resetting keyboard options back to defaults, but no good.  I've run a PS2 keyboard and 2 different USB Keyboards and none of them give me n or 516:36
marcappuccinodilligaf42: maybe an ibus problem?16:37
elijahIs there an binary I can run to tell me how much each usb port is capable of outputting?16:37
usr13digadvan: Have you tried LiveCD?16:38
dilligaf42marcappuccino ibus?  how would I go about testing that?16:38
SkippersBosssimion314, look into xrandr to assist you.16:39
usr13dilligaf42: 12.04?16:39
Dr_Willisdilligaf42:  do they work on the console?16:39
dilligaf42Yes, 12.0416:39
marcappuccinosorry i disconnected16:39
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marcappuccinoDash > ibus16:39
usr13dilligaf42: Can you answer Dr_Willis' question?16:40
simion314SkippersBoss: I tried srandr but it says that I give it a larger resolution then the maximum size but this is false I give one less, and also it lists the HDMi as DFP1, any hints?16:40
usr13dilligaf42: Ctrl-Alt-F6  (Try it there.)16:40
usr13dilligaf42: Ctrl-Alt and hit F6  (Try it there.)16:41
marcappuccinook goodbye everyone16:41
researcher123why https://www.facebook.com/ takes infinite in Moziall firefox while all other sites open instantly?16:41
SkippersBossi am not a specialist but i have heard of this error before. google the specific error.16:41
SkippersBossyou probably will find the cause16:42
dilligaf42Dr. Willis, let me check, I just noticed they dont' work in one program16:42
usr13researcher123: Lots of stuff to load from facebook16:42
researcher123SkippersBoss: ok.thanks16:42
simion314here is my srandr error/strange output http://pastebin.com/EV8jiUSK16:42
usr13dilligaf42: "they dont' work in one program"?16:42
usr13dilligaf42: Do you need to re-state the issue?16:43
dilligaf42<sigh> disregard.  The keys work fine in everything else...I was so focused on what I was trying to get done, that I assumed the problem was with the OS or Keyboard...the problem is just related to the virutal machine I'm trying to run16:44
Dr_WillisOk. slight support issue. getting this error...16:44
Dr_WillisW: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_quantal_main_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch16:45
Dr_Willisfrom an apt-get update16:45
SkippersBosssimion314,   and what is the outcome of xrandr -q16:45
dilligaf42Thanks guys16:45
Dr_Willisis that a server side issue?16:45
dilligaf42Lemme try apt-get update and see (now that I can type)16:46
simion314SkippersBoss:  http://pastebin.com/4asshqAx the xrandr output , thx for your timje16:47
Rosbuntui need a coder who can help me my wimax dongle work in kubuntu16:47
livingdaylightquestion: insert usb and it comes up, but when i launch gparted although it sees it it cannot access so as to delete and format the usb as I'd like. If I eject the usb then gparted doesnt' see it. Its a Catch-22 right now. Any advice?16:47
usr13livingdaylight: un-mount it before starting gparted.16:48
usr13livingdaylight: gparted does not want to work on a mounted device.16:48
livingdaylightusr13, I tried sudo umount /dev/sdb can't remember the result, but it didn't help16:49
dilligaf42Dr_Willis, I was able to apt-get update from 2 different machines without a problem16:49
usr13livingdaylight: remember the result.16:49
Dr_Willisdilligaf42:  its just that us.XXXX one that seems to be causing the issue here.16:49
JoeyJoeJoI have 3 openvpn client connections on one server. Can I restart just one of them? Doing `service openvpn restart` restarts all of them16:49
usr13livingdaylight: Did it say that it was busy?16:49
JoeyJoeJoI'm on Ubuntu 12.0416:49
Dr_Willisdilligaf42:  i removed the us. part in sources.list and its working now16:49
livingdaylightusr13, it results in sdb being unmounted and gparted not seeing it16:49
Rosbuntucan someone help me16:49
dilligaf42Ah, there ya go16:49
Dr_Willislivingdaylight:  theres unmount, then theres 'safely removeing'16:49
usr13livingdaylight: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit16:50
Dr_Willislivingdaylight:  use the shell and the umount command may be a better way to do it.16:50
usr13livingdaylight: As Dr_Willis points out, it is more than likely that you are not getting the device un-mounted.16:51
livingdaylightDr_Willis, saferly removing it or ejects certainly results in gparted not seeing it at all. However, I did try sudo umount /dev/sdb which seemed to have the same result as 'ejecting' 'safely removing it'16:51
livingdaylightusr13, ok, 1 moment while I do that16:51
usr13livingdaylight: You have to umount a partition, (not a device).  So, unless /dev/sdb has no partitions, umount /dev/sdb will not do anything.16:52
Dr_Willislivingdaylight:  i recall there being 2 differnt menu items once. unmount, then eject. one would disable/disconnect the device in such a way gparted wouldent see it. You woul dhave to unplyug/plug it back in.16:52
Dr_Willisbut i havent messed with it in ages.16:52
usr13livingdaylight: Probably what you are looking for is;   sudo umount /dev/sdb116:52
ecipsDr_Willis: You're correct, in so much as "eject" disables completely16:52
livingdaylightusr13, fdisk -l output: http://pastebin.com/CXTUiPnG16:52
c0drim trying to integrate an rtl8187 (wg111v3) chip into an ubuntu virtualbox.. ive been successful once before but this time I keep failing. My virtualbox recognizes the device, but my config does not... heres paste of ifconfig and lsusb, any suggestions?:http://pastebin.com/aizz16Zv16:53
fission6what does init: uwsgi pre-start process (27719) terminated with status 2 mean? specially status 2?16:53
livingdaylightusr13, aha, well, it is notpartitioned as I previously used 'dd' to mount a bootable iso16:53
ecipslivingdaylight: USB sticks often dont have a partition table16:53
ecipsnothing to stop you making one though16:53
simion314SkippersBoss: is safe to use Catalyst Center and use xinerama? I mean if i break Xorg how could I restore it?16:53
usr13livingdaylight: Is it 8G?16:53
livingdaylightecips, yea, that's what I@m trying to do16:53
Dr_Willislivingdaylight:  ahh.. ive had to use dd to 'zero' out flash drives after ive dd'ed isos to them.. to allow gparted to repartuoin them16:54
ecipslivingdaylight: cfdisk might do better :)16:54
livingdaylightecips, ok, lets see. Not familiar with cfdisk16:55
usr13livingdaylight: As ecips points out, fdisk or cfdisk might do the job for you.16:55
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livingdaylightusr13, how?16:55
usr13livingdaylight: open terminal, type  cfdisk  hit enter.16:55
ecipscfdisk /dev/blah16:55
usr13livingdaylight: open terminal, type  cfdisk /dev/sdc hit enter.16:55
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livingdaylightusr13, i already did cfdisk and got  FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive                                                                                   Press any key to exit cfdisk16:56
livingdaylightusr13, tried cfdisk /dev/sdc and got same error message16:56
researcher123where can I find Hosts file/folder?16:56
ecipsok - dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1024 count=116:56
usr13livingdaylight: As Dr_Willis points out, you may have to write zeros to it first....16:56
ecipslivingdaylight: THIS WILL WIPE THE DISK16:57
livingdaylightecips, cool, that's the idea16:57
livingdaylightecips, trying to put another bootable iso on it16:57
livingdaylightdon't see why gparted can't see, delete and format it for me though?16:57
usr13livingdaylight: You only need gparted if you need to repartition in a non-destructive manor.16:57
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ecipsdodgy stuff where it expects to find the part. tbl16:58
researcher123I want t search a folder named Hosts. How do I give command?16:58
usr13livingdaylight: fdisk would more-than-likely do it for you.16:58
ecipsresearcher123: locate Hosts16:58
ecipsassuming you have locate installed :)16:58
usr13livingdaylight: fdisk /dev/sdc16:58
usr13livingdaylight: sudo fdisk /dev/sdc16:58
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ecipsif not - apt-get install locate&&updatedb&&locate Hosts16:59
philinuxecips: locate is a default installed app16:59
ecipsphilinux: even with a base install?16:59
livingdaylightusr13, sudo fdisk /dev/sdc output : http://pastebin.com/C6UVshiM17:00
ecipsresearcher123: remember too - Hosts <> hosts17:00
philinuxecips: normal vanilla install yes17:00
researcher123ecips: thanks17:00
ecipslivingdaylight: Thats what you want :)17:00
usr13livingdaylight: See, it works.17:00
ecipsnow partiton it and write17:00
usr13livingdaylight: p17:00
usr13livingdaylight: m17:00
=== Err404NotFound is now known as Error404NotFound
livingdaylightusr13, what do I do now, please? sorrY17:01
usr13livingdaylight: n  for new partition.  t for type (l to list types)  etc....17:01
usr13livingdaylight: type   n    hit enter.17:01
usr13livingdaylight: type   p    hit enter, (to see what you have so far.)17:02
jpwhitinghey all, I'm creating a plymouth theme, and it's all packaged and such, but when it runs update-initramfs -u in the postinst script the plymouth hook is never called17:02
livingdaylightusr13, in gparted used to format it to fat3217:02
jpwhitingI see on my other ubuntu machine when I run update-initramfs -uv the plymouth hook gets called17:02
researcher123where is the file host stored.How do I find it?17:02
usr13livingdaylight: Good, lable it as fat32 here.  Afterwards you can format it.17:02
jpwhitingis there some list of which hooks update-initramfs -u calls?17:02
livingdaylightsorry, how, usr1317:03
ecipsresearcher123: /etc/hosts17:03
researcher123ecips: ok17:03
livingdaylightusr13, 'p' output: http://pastebin.com/NkHgfnUb17:03
usr13livingdaylight:  It is showing you that you have no partitions yet.17:04
usr13livingdaylight: n  for new.17:04
hazamonzo_Hey folks. I want to use secpanel (ssh, SCP gui) to manage my connections. In particular, i want to be able to create scp connections with the i- argument to pass over my .pem file. aaaanyway, i have the ssh connection working fine. I can't figure out the scp one though and there is very little on google. Any pointers ? :)17:05
usr13livingdaylight: Type  n   hit enter.  (If you only want one partition, just make one, hit enter, accept defaults....17:05
usr13livingdaylight: Then type t  to change partition type.17:06
livingdaylightusr13, 51 is for FAT32 it seems?17:06
usr13livingdaylight: c17:07
usr13livingdaylight: c   is for fat3217:07
Dr_Willisso many little variatnions of fat/vfat/fat32 ;)17:07
fission6what does this mean terminated with status 217:07
Dr_Willis'c' is the type i see normally used17:07
livingdaylightits gone already, what is 'c' ?17:08
usr13livingdaylight: c   is for fat3217:08
Dr_Willist - type of partion. and its the designation for fat3217:08
usr13livingdaylight: You can do it again if you messed up.17:08
usr13livingdaylight: m    for list of options.17:09
livingdaylightusr13, looks like I might, have. will try again17:09
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usr13livingdaylight: When you see that you have it like you want it, ( p  to print what you have on screen), the last step will be w  (to write new parition table).17:10
usr13livingdaylight: If you are using fdisk and think you have made a big mistake, don't hit   w    hit   q  (q  to quit without writing new partition table).17:11
livingdaylightusr13, i already wrote the partition. Now when I re-enter fdisk /dev/sdc and enter n it shows me the partitions rather than give option to start all over17:12
ecipsdd again17:12
usr13(That's if you have realized that you're accessing wrong device and ton't want to loose data.)17:12
livingdaylightusr13, can I not unmount somehow so that gparted can do it easily for me? (instead)17:12
AlexWaters1i'm trying to get a file from one server to another. can I use scp with an ssh keypair? How could I do that? I tried scp ssh://user@host.com:/path/to/file.txt file.txt - but it just hangs17:13
usr13livingdaylight: n  is for new  (as in create new partition).17:13
usr13livingdaylight: have you made a partition?17:13
usr13livingdaylight: Have you made a partition and you only need to change the label? If so, sudo fdisk /dev/sdc   Hit t  and then c  and then w17:14
livingdaylightusr13, I'm staring at this: First sector (2048-15874047, default 2048):17:15
usr13livingdaylight: Yes, just hit enter.17:15
bblzhey. I have insanely sensitive hearing, and my CPU fan is blasting on full power all the time when I'm running Ubuntu (12.10). Does anyone have simple instructions on how to regulate fan speed according to temperature?17:15
ecipsbblz: start with bios settings17:16
livingdaylightusr13, http://clip2net.com/s/2xK3717:16
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Guest96644Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM57765 Memory Card Reader' not working under 12.1017:16
bblzecips: got an Asus board with an AMD processor. Do you mean the C1E/Cool'n'Quiet settings?17:16
usr13livingdaylight: just hit enter.17:16
livingdaylightusr13, ok, now back to Command (m for help):17:17
usr13livingdaylight: Something's wrong though because first sector is 2048.  I don't know why that is.17:18
usr13livingdaylight: p17:18
livingdaylightusr13, :s17:18
usr13livingdaylight: You probably want to change partition type, (if it's not fat32).17:18
usr13livingdaylight: type p  (to Print on the screen what you have so far).17:19
livingdaylightusr13, just checked with gparted it says it requires sdc to have a partition. Presumably, it still doesnt' have one17:20
livingdaylightusr13, http://clip2net.com/s/2xK7w17:21
livingdaylightusr13, why can't I unmount it with sudo umount /dev/sdc and let gparted to its business?17:21
livingdaylightit (gparted) sees it but can't format it17:21
usr13livingdaylight: You have yet to create any partitions.  I would have zeroed out the whole drive before I started.  Not just the first 1024.17:22
lickalotthello all, carrying on a convo from last night: Have 3 drives mounted via UUID in fstab and shared out via samba.  (we'll call them drive1, drive2, and drive3)  From a windows box I can map to all three but can only copy stuff to drive 1 and drive2.  when I go to copy to drive 3 i get "destination folder not assessible".  I've scanned fstab and smb.conf for permission and they are all the same17:23
lickalott.  I have "default" set for options inside fstab.  Anyone have any suggestions?17:23
usr13dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc17:23
livingdaylightusr13, ecips showed me to do this: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1024 count=117:23
livingdaylightusr13, should I change bs= ?17:24
usr13livingdaylight: Yes, count=1  means that you only wrote zeros to the first 102417:24
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usr13livingdaylight: omit count=117:24
usr13livingdaylight: you can also omit bs=102417:24
abdelhamiedvbn dv fgm17:24
compdoclickalott, and the permissions on the folder the drive is mounted in?17:24
lickalott777 (right now for troubleshooting purposes)17:25
usr13livingdaylight: You can do bs=409617:25
livingdaylightusr13, I already hit ENTER17:25
livingdaylightwhat does bs=4096 do?17:25
usr13livingdaylight: After what command?17:25
lickalottto add a little....  I chmod -R 777 <folder> and got a screw off it's a "read only file system" error17:25
livingdaylightthis is an 8gb hd17:25
usr13livingdaylight: I know.17:26
livingdaylightusr13, after sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc17:26
usr13livingdaylight: Good.17:26
livingdaylightusr13, its still processing :p17:26
usr13livingdaylight: Yea, it will take a little bit becausee you did not do   bs=4096     or bs=2048    or  bs=1024   But it should be finished soon.  Right?17:27
lickalottcompdoc, anything seem out of place to you?17:28
mih1406Hi, Does Ubuntu 12.04 localization files get update after the release date?17:28
usr13livingdaylight: bs=  just tells it how many bytes to do at a time.    If you specify bs=1024  it will finish at a certain time but if you do bs=2048 it will get done twice as fast, etc. etc.17:29
compdoclickalott, cant say. you might pastebin.org your smb.conf file17:29
lickalottin work right now17:29
usr13livingdaylight: bs=4096 would proably only take a few seconds....17:29
livingdaylightusr13, it seems stuck17:30
lickalottcompdoc - http://pastebin.com/8AEyh07e17:30
usr13livingdaylight: It's just taking a while. But you can start over if you want.17:30
livingdaylightusr13, i did it without bs and have not got the prompt back yet17:30
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lickalottcompdoc don't laugh at my share names.... ;p17:30
livingdaylightusr13, ok, lets just let it have another minute before interferring17:30
lickalottwolverine is the only one that I can't copy to.17:31
gilljoin #francogrid17:31
compdoclickalott, can you pastebin:  sudo ls -al /media17:32
lickalott.  ..  cdrom  CYCLOPS  ICEMAN  WOLVERINE17:32
compdoclickalott, also, do you allow anyone access, or just certain users?17:33
lickalottcompdoc - http://pastebin.com/1g7PpYgz17:33
lickalottjust me17:33
lickalottit's for file storage/backups and stuff17:34
usr13livingdaylight: We should do this on private channel, we're taking up lots of space on a very busy channel.  I'll PM you.17:34
compdoclickalott, can you pastebin your entire smb.conf?17:35
lickalottcompdoc - http://pastebin.com/DP37r6mP17:36
lickalottcompdoc just add "yes" to guest ok last night for troubleshooting purposes. I usually have that as no17:37
nomikeI want to autocomment an snmpd.conf file. The file is stored in "foo.txt" and according to the manpage I need to run "snmpconf -R ./foo.txt -a -f snmpd.conf" which says "invalid file: snmpd.conf"17:39
Guest96644Broadcom NetXtreme BCM57765 Memory Card Reader' not working under 12.1017:39
lickalottyou seeing anything out of sorts compdoc17:43
compdoclickalott, for windows 7 guests, I have it set like this:   http://pastebin.com/uPC9KNCQ17:44
compdocthat 'passwd chat' line should be one line17:44
multuWhen I try to boot my ubuntu box, I only get a busybox shell. How can i get to my desktop?17:45
compdoclickalott, change the valid users to a real username17:45
lickalottcompdoc do the user passwords have to match?17:45
lickalottsame user different passwords att17:45
compdoclickalott, make sure you have a user and password with the same name as you log into windows with17:45
compdocalthough it should ask you for a username and password if you dont use the same in windows as in linux17:47
pgibHello people. I'm having some trouble with 12.10 upgrade on my work computer (work fine on my personal laptop).  An overview of the error and my attempts so far are here:  http://pastie.org/5438276  Thanks!17:47
lickalotttrying now.  thanks for your time man!17:47
pgiboops, "you have help broken packages" should be: "you have held broken packages"17:48
multuwhy would ubuntu load busybox instead of my desktop on startup?17:49
e\ectroI'm currently running 12.10 and having an issue with nxserver and connecting remotely.  I'm using xfce4, but it doesn't display any text in the applications.  Its all just blank with buttons and no text.  Has anyone run into this problem?17:49
LucidLuna@pgib have you tried sudo apt-get remove update-manager && sudo apt-get install update-manager ?17:49
pgibmultu, what desktop manager are you running? You may have to choose the environment you want17:49
lickalottcompdoc, not seeing "valid users"17:49
Rosbuntu it doesnt take passowd in password boxes after logging on in kubuntu.. only terminal takes password , why?17:49
mih1406Hi, Does Ubuntu 12.04 localization files get update after the release date?17:49
compdoclickalott, what do you mean?17:50
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lickalott<compdoc> lickalott, change the valid users to a real username17:50
LucidLuna@ e\ectro are you using vnc to connect to your server remotely?17:50
melterdoes anyone know if it's possible to get dhcpcd5 to request a specific ip from a dhcp server? (not a static ip, just a polite request for a specific dynamic ip if it's not already assigned to someone else)17:50
pgibLucidLuna, no... that sounds a bit odd since I thought update-manager is just a shell around dpkg.. but I can try17:50
multupgib I'm running the default gnome/unity on 12.04. Computer just started doing this today17:50
compdoclickalott, is the share section at the bottom, I added a line valid users =17:51
pgibmultu, so probably lightdm.. click the little icon next to your username after choosing the username (or look at the bottom of the screen for choices)17:51
compdocone for each share17:51
multupgib:  I dont even get to the login/splash. grub takes me straight to busybox/ash17:52
lickalottyou nailed it.  that's my username17:52
pgibmultu, oh.. that's cool..17:53
compdoclickalott, what version of windows do you use?17:53
e\ectroAnyone know how to fix this issue of no icons?  http://i1359.photobucket.com/albums/q783/bildz/ubuntu1210.jpg17:53
multupgib: just started happening this morning. no idea why its doing this17:53
lickalottthis is how I got that nick - http://www.check-six.com/lib/Drinks/JeremiahWeed.htm17:53
pgibLucidLuna, same problem17:54
LucidLunahave you tried upgrading with sudo do-release-upgrade17:55
compdoclickalott, I think with win 7, theres a registry setting I had to change too, but if you can open any of the shares, maybe you dont need to17:55
lickalottcompdoc same.. "Destination folder Access denied" for that 1 share.17:55
lickalottgotta run for 10 mins.  brb17:55
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LucidLuna@pgib have you tried upgrading with sudo do-release-upgrade ?17:56
e\ectroanyone seen that problem where their icons have no text?17:56
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e\ectroeven pop ups17:56
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e\ectroI've stumped you all :)17:58
e\ectroeven myself17:58
jribe\ectro: create fresh new user, see if problem persists :)  Also, does this happen if you don't use NX?18:00
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e\ectrogood call18:00
e\ectroi can just move the .xfce folder18:00
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jribe\ectro: new user will give more information if just moving .xfce doesn't change anything18:01
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pgibLucidLuna, no, but I just did, and it returns the same result. And you just quit... great.  Wow, this is pissing me off18:02
pgibI do have a dev repository included.. is that throwing it off? how can I get around that?  They do have an quantal branch18:02
usr13Why would someone have  ~ %   instead of   $  at a terminal prompt?18:03
pgibusr13, because they use a different prompt or shell than you do?18:04
jribusr13: they changed their prompt.  Or they are just using a different shell with a different default prompt (zsh will have % by default)18:04
e\ectrojrib: testing now with a new user18:04
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e\ectrojrib: didnt fix it18:06
jribe\ectro: is it possible for you to try without NX to see if it's the culprit?18:07
e\ectronot remotely :(18:07
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MulettinoasdaCan anyone help me compiling kexec as a module?18:09
MonkeyDust!find kexec18:09
ubottuFound: kexec-tools, pxe-kexec18:09
K350where's the location of gnome's window-decorator?18:10
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pgibK350, as in the path to the main binary?18:11
jribe\ectro: what ubuntu version?  Version of freenx?  How did you install freenx?  There are some hits on google about missing fonts when using freenx and some suggestions about how to address it18:11
K350pgib: Eh, I mean where's the themes for the window-decorator located?18:12
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pgibK350, probably in /usr/share18:13
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belgianguyis there an app/widget type of thing for Ubuntu 12.10 to monitor the worst offenders by RAM usage or processor usage?18:14
pgibbelgianguy, there is always good ole 'top'18:14
belgianguyI'm experiencing a hangup problem, and don't know what causes it18:14
RD1belgian have you looked at system monitor ?18:14
belgianguymy mouse seems to slow down terribly before the system locks up completely18:14
belgianguyand I can't even get to tty118:15
belgianguyRD1: I used to have such a widget in the menu bar18:15
belgianguybut those I can't find18:15
K350pgib: Ok, there they're Hm at least the gnome themes.18:15
belgianguywhat was that about?18:16
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belgianguyanyone else seeing their posts repeated by -kerm-ekhar-18:16
belgianguyis there an op here?18:17
pgibbelgianguy, -kerm-ekhar- just told me my post was bullshit... not sure either..18:17
RD1i am running 12.1 also, it has system monitor on it, but am using gnome desktop, so i can find it18:17
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belgianguypgib: yeah was a spammer probably18:17
belgianguyhe was posing as freenode staff18:18
belgianguyhope this paste won't get my kb'ed18:18
RD1is there anyone about who can help with some samba woes ?  it;s been kicking my butt all day18:18
K350What tool to use to change gnome's default window-decorator?18:18
pgibbelgianguy, seriously though, stop using <enter> as punctuation. it gets annoying18:18
minimecbelgianguy: for debugging of 'screen/mouse freezes', I would recommend to install the ssh server and the software htop. Then login with a different computer to the machines, that freezes via ssh, and check its cpu/ram usage with htop.18:18
belgianguypgib: pet peeve of mine, I'll try to pay attention18:19
belgianguythanks minimec, I'll try that18:19
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pgibJust for anyone who was following my issue (in case you have the same issue, or a n00bz0r asks the same thing)  I ran into "E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages".  I just started systematically purging PPAs with purge-ppa, then it eventually worked.  Hopefully I can add the PPAs back once the install is done and not have anything catastrophic happen  (I was using xorg-edgers due to some funky issues with my nvidia quattro / 3 moni18:23
pgibtor setup; I needed to use xinerama instead of xrandr)18:23
vantage|homehi anyone knows this distro? is it ubuntu with a theme? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcsoX87CKz0&list=UUb01_8q5VNjWpFZgMyRlYnw&index=1&feature=plcp18:24
winb_lol wtf happened18:24
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pgibvantage|home, looks like stock XFCE desktop, or maybe xubuntu-desktop18:25
vantage|homepgib, hmm, ok thanks a lot :)18:25
vantage|homeis there a karma bot in the channel?18:26
pgibvantage|home, xubuntu is actually my distro of choice since I cannot stand newer Gnomes or Unity *AT ALL*18:26
vantage|homeyeah I can imagine18:26
vantage|homeit works a lot faster :)18:26
bazhangvantage|home, no18:26
vantage|homebazhang, allright too bad18:26
pgibvantage|home, check out xubuntu-12.10 if you want to try a new install.  You can also install xubuntu-desktop if you are running ubuntu.  It is just xfce-4.10 with some preconfigured settings and extra replacement apps for stuff not in xfce18:27
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vantage|homepgib, makes me wonder do you like fluxbox, icewm, ... ?18:28
pgibvantage|home, I used to use fluxbox. it has fallen too far behind the times for me, sadly18:28
vantage|homemyeah that's true18:29
* vantage|home has dinner18:29
vantage|homesee you in a moment :)18:29
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pgibyou know where I work?18:29
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pgibso we've dissolved to people just saying their own names..18:31
saviopgib, that's not true :)18:32
hitesaanyone here from netherlands?18:33
AsaShII'm spanish and I don't understand jajajaja18:33
jrib!nl | hitesa18:33
bazhanghitesa, #ubuntu-nl for nederlands18:33
bazhangbots gone jrib18:34
AsaShIThe translator is useful :P18:34
jribubottu, you were a good bot... you will be missed18:34
hitesaAsaShI is there any IT demand in spain?18:34
hitesaI'm from portugal18:34
RD1any networking guys around? have some trouble with samba, i cannot access network locations, i can see computers on the network, but cant get access to anything including this machine on the network18:34
AsaShIMmmm... Spain is in "crisis", everything goes wrong.18:35
Dr_WillisRD1:  how are you trying to access the location?18:35
bazhangAsaShI, thats offtopic here18:35
RD1by going to the network link from places, also have tried from 2 different win7 machines18:36
AsaShIMore or less.18:36
bazhangAsaShI, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here18:36
AsaShIIn my house we eat rice and chicken almost every day.18:36
DeLorean731Is this possible? I want to put my Ubuntu computer to sleep and be able to boot into another partition on the save drive. What I'm trying to do it keep all the current applications I have open open while booting into another partition.18:38
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Dr_WillisRD1:  try accessing them via their ip# instead of the server name. also make sure you can ping the machines via ip#18:38
Dr_WillisRD1:  using the nautulus file manager you can use ctrl-l to show the address bar and enter smb://ip.of.the.server/sharename   (or just try the ip)18:38
jribDeLorean731: suspend to disk.  My experience has been hit or miss with it...18:38
DeLorean731jrib: thank you sir (:18:38
jribDeLorean731: I think it uses the swap partition though, so you might need different swap partitions18:39
Dr_Willisthere used to be a 'session' feautre to save what apps you had opened.. but i dont recall it ever working very well.18:39
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RD1i can get to the computers in network view, but none of the windows boxes  will accept passwords, is strange, do you want me to try to ping the windows machines from here, or the ubuntu machine from a win7 box ?18:40
jribDeLorean731: I have no idea if the feature is exposed by default anymore, check the menu where you power off18:40
RD1tried from a windows box, i get a ping reply from this box18:42
tintiHi is google down?18:42
fegotinti: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/18:42
tintifego: at least where I am it is down18:43
Dr_WillisRD1:  make sure they can ping each other. ;) to insure they are networked.. but it sounds like they are.18:43
RD1yes, i just tried a return ping from this comp, and both computers are reachable via ping18:44
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tintifego: thanks. quite nice318:44
Dr_WillisRD1:  its possible the windows firewall is messing with stuff as well. You could disable it tempararly.18:44
fegotinti: you are welcome :)18:44
Dr_WillisRD1:  if theres more then one ubuntu box on the network you may want to setup some guest shares and see if they can acces each other.18:45
jackbrownhfI just installed ubuntu 12.10 but my mouse Logitech M515 doesn't work, on another laptop with Linux Mint 11 it works like charm18:45
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vantage|homepgib, no, where do you work?18:47
hilarieI think I found a bug in /proc/net/dev where would I report that?18:47
RD1if i go to network places on this machine should i be able to open up my oen shares from there ?18:48
vantage|homepgib made vantage|home curious18:48
pgibvantage|home, just wondering how you would "see me" in a few18:48
vantage|homepgib, how do you mean?18:48
jackbrownhfI just installed ubuntu 12.10 but my mouse Logitech M515 doesn't work, on another laptop with Linux Mint 11 it works like charm18:49
Dr_Willis!find mtpfs18:49
vantage|homepgib, *badaboom* *tssss*18:49
vantage|homepgib, I got it xD18:49
Dr_WillisRD1:  ive had where the ip# to the share works.. but the hostname to it does not.18:50
vantage|homenasty button18:53
minimecjackbrownhf: Don't repeat yourself... ;) This could be a solution. http://th0th.me/log/pairing-logitech-unifying-devices-on-gnulinux/ Maybe the kernel driver changed. 'mint 11' was based on ubuntu 11.0418:53
vantage|homepower button on laptop, hit it accidently and *bam* the whole system shuts down18:53
amglassnerHello, I am wondering how to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 8 preloaded on a laptop.  I am entirley new to Windows 8 and the new UEFI program.  Is there anyway to do this?18:53
jackbrownhfminimec: solved18:54
RD1i just tried disabling the firewall, i had no luck, earlier i was able to connect to a winxp box and copy the network files there, maybe it is an issue with windows 7, or the way samba communicates with it.18:55
SwedeMike!hi | l0st1me18:56
l0st1meIs there a way to get ubuntu linux to run on a Toshiba satellite laptop?18:56
SwedeMikel0st1me: most likely yes.18:56
Walex2l0st1me: installation.18:56
l0st1meSwedeMike, you wouldn't happen to know how, by chance?18:56
SwedeMikel0st1me: have you tried it?18:56
gordonjcpl0st1me: probably much the same as for any other computer18:56
l0st1meThe livecd option needs hacking.18:57
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SwedeMikehacking how?18:57
gordonjcpl0st1me: what spec is the machine?18:57
l0st1meMy screen goes berzerk.18:57
l0st1meThe Toshiba model is C655D.18:57
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gordonjcpthat doesn't really tell me anything18:57
l0st1meThe processor gives an error, everytime.18:57
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l0st1meAMD CPU 64-bit.18:57
gordonjcpoh, that should be fine18:57
SwedeMikel0st1me: what error is that?18:58
l0st1meWindows  7 preinstalled.18:58
l0st1meThat might be my problem, all together.18:58
l0st1meI've tried a few things, and can maintain an uptime of about 5 minutes, but that's it.18:58
l0st1meI was afraid of that, I need newer equipment.18:59
l0st1meAny recommendations on a linux box?18:59
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l0st1meThanks, SwedeMike.18:59
gordonjcpl0st1me: I recommend you start answering the questions people ask ;-)18:59
l0st1megordonjcp, what's your question?18:59
gordonjcpl0st1me: well SwedeMike asked what the error was19:00
l0st1meThe cpu was not recognized as 64 bit, error.19:00
l0st1meHowever, it is.  cpuid.19:00
budmangHey Guys. 12.10 laptop, randomly my wired network stopped working/showing up in the network manager.. any ideas? ive uninstalled reinstalled used different versions of the networkmanager nothing19:01
gordonjcpl0st1me: there's not something in the BIOS to lock it to 32-bit, or some similar madness?19:01
l0st1megordonjcp, I think it's an incompatibility issue.19:01
l0st1megordonjcp, I think I'll get a new one.19:01
l0st1meUsually I can hack it in, but not on this one.19:01
l0st1meMaybe it's me, limited knowledge base.19:01
gordonjcpl0st1me: it's way newer than my laptop, or my desktop19:02
SwedeMikel0st1me: try 32bit install then and see if that work.19:02
l0st1meThat is not an option, it doesn't even run many win32 programs.19:02
gordonjcpmaybe it's faulty then19:02
l0st1meThe version of windows is 64-bit, and no 32 bit cd to use, either.19:03
l0st1meI was hoping that virtual machine from livelinuxusb would get around it, but it didn't.19:03
minimecl0st1me: Your computer doesn't love linux at all... I found this. Read 'Discussion' http://www.linlap.com/toshiba_satellite_c655d19:04
rented_tuxhi everyone. Is this an appropriate place to get some help re: installing bootloader to USB drive when usb-gtk-creator crashes?19:04
l0st1meminimec, thank you.19:05
Dr_Willisrented_tux:  it is. theres alternatives to that tool also at the pendrivelinux and other sites19:05
l0st1meThe main problem seems to be errors, and misidentified chipsets19:05
pconwellAnyone use crashplan? I bought it on sale the other day, and I'm having issues getting the gui to start.19:05
rented_tuxthx dr_willis i'll check it out..19:05
gordonjcpl0st1me: if you're off to buy a laptop with similar spec, pick up an old Macbook19:06
l0st1meI was hoping there was a workaround, but I guess not.  Thanx again guys.  Bye19:06
bulletrulzlol when i press caps lock it types this\9-7519:12
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kiwi-foobarI have a problem with an upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 can anyone here help. It looks like the window manager does not start correctly.  In fact compiz crashes I have got almost _no_ gui access but I can reboot into root shell. Installed ccsm and check to see if the unity plug in was installed and enabled, which it wasRemoved my nvidia card;sudo apt-get remove --purge "nvidia-*";sudo rm /etc/X11/Xorg.conf; but still no go19:14
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ecipskiwi-foobar: Errors in log files?19:15
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ecipskiwi-foobar: ~/.xsession-errors19:15
shanttuWhat is the program that has a gui to configure actions (for example "when vga inserted, run this command"). Introduced on omgubuntu earlier this year19:19
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kiwi-foobarI will look at the ~/.xsessions-errors tonight is there anything else that I can look at19:20
Dr_Willisshanttu:  it used to be HAL. but i forget what its called now19:20
ecipskiwi-foobar: log files :)19:20
Dr_Willisshanttu: let me look a bit. ;)19:21
ecipskiwi-foobar: /var/log/Xorg.0.log too perhaps19:21
shanttuDr_Willis, of course. Thanks. One should always take notes when seeing something interesting19:21
kiwi-foobarOk I will get them tonight. Thanks for you help19:22
BlueWolfHi there, I was recently working on an older computer that has XP and I was working with a spread Sheet. Now when I open it up in both Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 all my hard work is in Question Marks. The file type is19:22
BlueWolf.xls? How can if fix this problem as all my work is on there? Unfortunately the computer I did it on is not mine and in another city by now.19:22
rds_hai guys is there any application that can use to chat via ubuntu with my phone ?19:24
Dr_Willisshanttu:  i always do delicious.com bookmarks to tag stuff ;)19:25
kiwi-foobarecips Thanks for your help - will you be back here tomorrow19:25
kiwi-foobarwhois ecips19:25
ecipspossibly ;)19:25
ecipsbut probably not at this time :)19:26
ecipsTue Nov 27 03:26:13 WST 201219:26
ecipsI  just forgot to go to bed tonight :)19:26
InspectorCluseauBlueWolf, http://libreoffice.turbolinux.org/tag/xls19:27
InspectorCluseauBlueWolf, Maybe some help there.19:28
BlueWolfInspectorCluseau: Thanks I will look through it. Do you know why it would do that?19:28
InspectorCluseauM$ issue?19:29
Dr_Willisrds_:  that google voice stuff works with Ubuntu. You can dial phones with it. ;)19:31
rds_Dr_Willis, I tried it but in my country it is not working as other network service !19:33
lickalottawww man...compdoc blasted?19:34
rds_Dr_Willis, and also I tried wammu i can send sms from it but when a new sms receive   there is no notification in that app19:35
lickalotti'm still in need of assistance if anyone is willing to pick up where compdoc left off...19:35
lickalottHave 3 drives mounted via UUID in fstab and shared out via samba.  (we'll call them drive1, drive2, and drive3)  From a windows box I can map to all three but can only copy stuff to drive 1 and drive2.  when I go to copy to drive 3 i get "destination folder not assessible".  I've scanned fstab and smb.conf for permission and they are all the same.  I have "default" set for options inside fstab19:35
lickalott.  Anyone have any suggestions?19:35
lickalotti've edited smb.conf per compdocs suggestion but still get denied19:36
pgiblickalott, freespace?19:36
jackbrownhfI can't find additiona driver installation on 12.10 for Nvidia driver I have a Nvidia 650M GT19:36
lickalott386 of 485 free (gb)19:37
lickalottgoing on two days of troubleshooting now.19:37
xtremefreshlickalott, permission of the drive19:38
pgibwhat are the real names of the exports? Perhaps there is some special reserved character or such in the name?  Do the shares work from another linux-box through samba?  Finally, what about actual filesystem permissions? Have write and execute permission on the directory? what about ACL?19:38
pgib^ lickalott19:38
themhzhello, can someone tell me if there is an add-on for libreoffice so I can type my math symbols ?19:38
lickalottxtremefresh folders are all 777, drives via fstab are "default" for options.19:39
lickalottpgib did you see the pastebin?19:39
pgibthemhz, I don't know about libreoffice, but I can recommend LaTeX for writing math expressions and such. But I am a huge fan of TeX, so sorry to step around your issue19:39
lickalottit worked in the past.  which is the weird part.19:40
lickalottno ACL's19:40
rented_tuxthemhz check out TexMaths or Writer2LaTex19:40
lickalottthe other 2 drives accept transfers fine19:40
themhzpgib,  no problem, I should check that in software center?19:40
pgiblickalott, repost pastebin please19:40
lickalottwhen I tried to chmod -R 777 /media/WOLVERINE it got "file system is read only permission denied"19:41
lickalott http://pastebin.com/1g7PpYgz19:41
fission6if i symlink tp a file and in that file are references to other file paths are they relative to where the file actual exists or where th symlink is19:41
pgibthemhz, yeah texlive or texlive-full.  But this isn't WYSIWYG... it is very popular among mathematicians and compsci for papers, journals, and books though.19:42
pgibthemhz, and the results look superior to any other packages I have ever used19:42
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pgibfission6, depends if your program in question "dereferences" the symlink or not.  In general: relative to the symlink19:43
themhzpgib,  ok I will check it out, thanx19:43
InspectorCluseauthemhz, ^19:43
pconwellAnyone use crashplan? I bought it on sale the other day, and I'm having issues getting the gui to start.19:43
xtremefreshlickalott it really sounds like a owner issue19:43
lickalottfrom where xtremefresh?  the local folder side or the fstab side?19:44
xtremefreshlickalott, check both, and see if any diff from one drive to next19:46
lickalotti don't see anything.19:46
fission6thanks glebihan_19:46
BlueWolfDoes any one know an Ubuntu program that will open and read a Microsoft Excel File Extension (.xls)???19:47
lickalottis there anything I could pastebin you that would assist?19:47
TheLordOfTimeBlueWolf, libreoffice.19:47
TheLordOfTimeor openoffice19:47
rhizmoei'm getting weird errors for kwallet, should i just uninstall it?19:47
BlueWolfTheLordOfTime: Well my open office is not opening it, it's opening in codes and stuff. like in Question Marks?19:48
pgibBlueWolf, also, if you absolutely need to run Microsoft Excel, then look at playonlinux. I can run the Office 2010 suite without issue when interoperability is required.19:48
TheLordOfTimeBlueWolf, you sure its .xls and not .xlsx19:49
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lickalottxtremefresh - just tried a chmod ---> chown: changing ownership of `Rom Collection': Read-only file system19:49
pgibwell. a RO filesystem would be a likely reason why file creation fails19:49
BlueWolfTheLordOfTime: Yes it's .xls, Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP19:50
TheLordOfTimeBlueWolf, erm, powerpoint or excel?19:50
pgiblickalott, does 'mount' list the file system with the option "ro"?19:50
TheLordOfTimeBlueWolf, powerpoint != .xls :P19:50
BlueWolfTheLordOfTime: It should be Excel?19:51
lickalott/dev/sda1 on /media/WOLVERINE type ext3 (rw)19:51
pgibBlueWolf, if it is supposed to be powerpoint, try renaming the file to ppt or pptx19:51
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lickalottnothing is making sense....19:52
zelozelosim attempting to figure out if i should / can use the display driver for my system, im running 32bit ubuntu 12.04lts, i have nvideo 540m dual configuration with windows chipset, ( i believe its called Optimus? but not sure) anyhow, is ther a scan i can do to turn up any drivers avalible?19:52
BlueWolfpgib: No, it's just opening in yyyyyy's????????19:53
lickalottxtremefresh - what "should" an fstab entry look like?19:53
InspectorCluseauBlueWolf, I just opened a real old .xls file in libreoffice calc and it is perfect.19:53
zelozelosanyone here have an acer aspire 5560g?19:54
BlueWolfInspectorCluseau: I don't have libreoffice, I am using Ubuntu 10.04 which has OpenOffice?19:54
CrazyZurferhello, I've got a problem with the wifi, at my university all devices must use a CA Certificate, but every device takes it automatically and verifys it with an internal server. EXCEPT Ubbuntu19:54
InspectorCluseauget libreoffice?19:54
zelozeloshow do i scan my hardware to possibly use drivers for my hardware?19:55
CrazyZurferUbuntu keeps asking for the CA Certificate all the time19:55
BlueWolfInspectorCluseau: How? Surely that won't work?19:55
InspectorCluseauBlueWolf, But both the 'offices' are basically the same.19:55
InspectorCluseauBlueWolf, You on linux? It's a free download.19:56
pgibInspectorCluseau, is it available to 10.04 without a backport?19:57
InspectorCluseauBlueWolf, It's been around for a long time.19:57
pgibBlueWolf, in any case, you are using the right tool, reasonably so anyways.  This has now escaped the topic of this channel.  I recommend asking openoffice/libreoffice people19:58
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BlueWolfpgib: Right..... Thanks19:59
CrazyZurfer!CA Certificate19:59
lickalottjust found this - fdisk: unable to read /dev/sda: Inappropriate ioctl for device19:59
lickalottsda1 is what is mounted to the folder that I can't copy to.19:59
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espen__hey, silly place to ask but hey thought someone would be kind to help me out.20:01
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mickster14well this is irksome20:01
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espen__got a harddrive that i used shred on, but i ended up restarting because it took too long. now ive ended up with a harddrive not willing to initialize, and getting input/output.20:01
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espen__input/output errors20:02
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lickalottsystem rescue disk or gparted espen__20:02
pgibespen__, if you are still worried about data on the drive, I would shred it again. Or use 'dd' to wipe the data.  Afterwards, I would just reformat it with a new filesystem20:02
espen__i tried that pgib20:03
espen__but i get input/output errors20:03
espen__shred: /dev/sda: pass 1/2 (random)...1.0GiB/932GiB 0% shred: /dev/sda: fdatasync failed: Input/output error20:03
pgibwhen using mkfs* ?20:03
espen__nah i haven't tried mkfs?20:03
espen__mind giving me the command?20:03
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
pgibespen__, well it depends on what you want to do. Which filesystem do you want?20:03
pgibyou'll want to use mkntfs20:04
pgibhowever.. if there are actually bad sectors on the drive... then, well, be careful.  Maybe you can look into some of the SMART utils to get a diagnosis of the drive, but IDK if that works on externals20:05
espen__its an internal drive20:05
pgibespen__, ok look at smartmontools if you want some introspection from your drive20:06
{xmb}i heard some wanna switch the distro ...: another solution is adding original debian sources to apt /etc/sources.list , adds many new sw , i'm currently trying it , i'll let ya'll 'no20:06
rhizmoe_i'm getting weird errors for kwallet, should i just uninstall it?20:06
{xmb}may we see20:07
pgibrhizmoe_, yeah KDE sucks, uninstall it20:07
jrib{xmb}: no, don't add debian repositories on an ubuntu install unless you want a broken install20:07
rhizmoe_it's popping up when i have to auth for svn20:07
{xmb}from deb to ubuntu it was broken years ago, ill tell u if it does now20:07
pgibrhizmoe_, I think that is the point of kwallet, to house your tokens for other services20:07
{xmb}i added many , rarity, experimental etc20:07
jrib{xmb}: what?20:07
{xmb}its already in progress20:07
jrib{xmb}: this is a great way to end up with a broken install...20:07
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{xmb}im a pro linux kouder though20:08
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rhizmoepgib: right, and i accept the idea, but not with so many errors. is there a gnome/xfce one that will supplant it if i uninsetall?20:08
jrib{xmb}: ok20:08
pgib{xmb}, and that is why you are asking advice of the #ubuntu channel on freenode?20:08
sw0rdfish-hi, is there a quick tutorial to setup nginx or apache as proxy servers? (I'd prefer nginx I think)20:09
{xmb}erm i ask nada20:09
{xmb}i share wiszdom20:09
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{xmb}in short20:09
rhizmoe{xmb}: what grade r u in20:09
{xmb}hrmf, rephrase20:09
rhizmoe{xmb}: how old r u20:09
pgib{xmb}, ah. I must have missed something from the split.  I don't really care.  Custom kernels on Gentoo, no problem. On ubuntu, I don't want to touch a single thing20:10
rhizmoe{xmb}: months?20:10
{xmb}whats it yo20:10
rhizmoeis that a sentence20:10
{xmb}im new on ubuntu, like, a week20:11
TheLordOfTime!enter | {xmb}20:11
ubot93{xmb}: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:11
{xmb}i ran debian since 2''1, and mac since ever20:11
rhizmoe{xmb} so how old r u20:11
rhizmoei need 2 no20:11
TheLordOfTime{xmb}, do you have a support question, though?  if not, please talk in #ubuntu-offtopic for random non-support babble.20:11
TheLordOfTimerhizmoe, that's not really necessary to know in here...20:11
{xmb}27 dude20:11
pgibrhizmoe, age, experience, and intelligence have no direct correlation.  Seems like an irrelevant question20:11
{xmb}sorry erm i talk to people20:11
gordonjcp{xmb}: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support blethering20:12
rhizmoe{xmb}: try #irchelp20:12
lunaphytehi.  sometimes i install a package for whatever reason, and then later, i can't recall why i installed it.  is there some mechanism i can use that's part of the packaging system to include a note associated with that package for this sort of thing?20:12
{xmb}ey admin, do u know LordImac ?20:12
rhizmoelunaphyte: nope20:12
lunaphytehmm, that's too bad.20:13
rhizmoeyou could write one20:13
jriblunaphyte: i guess you could... add a comment to the end of your comment to install something and then just search your shell's history...20:13
{xmb}brb or bbl thx =))20:13
bekkslunaphyte: You can create a text file on your desktop, called "notes.txt" :)20:13
jribs/your comment/your command20:13
TheLordOfTimeis there a way to install a package's dependencies without installing the package?20:14
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OerHeksTheLordOfTime, manually, sure.20:16
jribTheLordOfTime: I'm curious why you would want to20:16
TheLordOfTimejrib, i need the dependencies for supybot, but don't want the actual program itself (building from source from one of its forks, although its dependencies are the same)20:16
jribTheLordOfTime: apt-get build-dep20:17
TheLordOfTimejrib, that gets the build deps20:17
TheLordOfTimebut not the runtime deps20:17
TheLordOfTimei need the runtime deps too :p20:17
stefanosHello! I'd like to know for a book to learn the basic terminal commands20:17
jribTheLordOfTime: meh, just install it and remove it20:17
pgibTheLordOfTime, dpkg -I package20:18
pgiboops, that is for a deb.  I know there is something in apt-cache. maybe apt-cache depend?20:18
jribTheLordOfTime: I don't think there's any nice short way.  You're either going to have to parse the depends yourself or write something short to do it for you.  Maybe you can rig something up with aptitude's special search flags20:18
pgibjrib, if you remove it, then the dependencies will probably be purged later on since they are unneeded and not explicitly added20:19
OerHeksstefanos, this is a good start > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:19
jribpgib: sure, but at that point you can explicitly install them when you're asked to remove them20:19
stefanosOk, thank you very much!!!20:19
pgibTheLordOfTime, if you are trying to install a package yourself, but want ubuntu to provide the dependencies, then I thought there is some way to tell ubuntu that "Hey, trust me, I have this package installed myself"  but I forget how.20:20
jribpgib: maybe thinking of "equivs"20:21
dupondjeAnyone also has bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1073649 ?20:25
ubot93Launchpad bug 1073649 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm visible on tty1, and console visible in lightdm" [Undecided,New]20:25
apateI have an odd problem, and I can't locate the source. There constantly is a warning in my system tray saying the following: "An error occurred, please run Package Manager from the right-click menu or apt-get in a terminal to see what is wrong. The error message was: 'Error: BrokenCount > 020:28
apate'. This usually means that your installed packages have unmet dependencies"20:28
apateapt-get seems to fully work though, upating and upgrading works without problems, and apt-get -f install does nothing, neither does clean or autoremove20:29
pgibapate, means that you have a package, and it depends on something which is no longer available20:29
apatepgib: any way to locate this particular dependency?20:29
pgibapate, I just had a similar problem due to some experimental PPAs I was using.  I could never get it to tell me the real problem, and I just systematically removed repositories until it worked with the 'purge-ppa' tool.  This might be useful as a last resort20:30
apatepgib: i see, i read about that.. that will not remove the actual software installed through the PPA's right?20:30
ice799hi i just installed 12.04 on a machine that was previously booting 10.04 perfectly. 12.04 seems to hang during boot, the last message on the console is about udevd starting20:34
kiwi-foobarHi ALl20:34
ice799is there anyway i can get more output as to why it could be unhappy?20:34
ice799as far as i can tell it is locked up pretty hard i cant switch to other virtual consoles or anything20:34
kiwi-foobarHi All I am new to IRC Is there a quick start guide of commands and such like to make it a bit easier to use?20:35
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hm_Hello, can someone help me with installing grub2 on my machine? I have got a fakeRaid system and whereas ubuntu installs fine, grub2 doesn't. Google gives me to mount the partition and chroot and manually set it up but doesn't work20:39
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stefanosHello endra20:44
troulouliou_devhi does anybody here have a dell xps 15Z with ubuntu on it ?20:44
endraWhen I install mysql-server using apt-get, there is a popup asking me to enter a root password. Can I give it this information without it doing a popup?20:44
rhizmoeif i'm just running xfce on top of ubuntu 12.04, can i "safely" uninstall everything kde-related?20:44
rhizmoeendra: that's just for the mysql server root user20:44
Walex2rhizmoe: yes.20:45
wdilli01okay folks, i have an ubuntu box with vmware player installed win7 girt, it was previously configured via a DHCP reservation, but i have since changed to a static config, only specifying a static entry for eth0, this has broken networking on my win7 side, saying "The network bridge on device /dev/vmnet0 is not running" sure enough ifconfig on the ubuntu side confirms only lo and eth0, do i need to specify the vmnet devices in /etc/network/interfa20:45
stefanosjust write sudo apt-get and then give your ubuntu login password20:45
wdilli01lsmod | grep -i vm shows vmnet20:46
SierraARIn ubuntu 12.04, the update manager is giving me this message when trying to run updates: 'The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.: grisbi grisbi-common openttd openttd-data'20:46
SierraARIs there a way to bypass that and let it install the updates?20:46
memeticI've got an nvidia geforce 9800 gt and I recently updated to ubuntu 12.10.  I'm using nvidia-current and when I boot up, I get the low graphics mode screen (and it's all scruntched up) and my mouse doesn't work anymore.20:46
phunyguy_workmemetic the same happened to me on intel hardware.  a drop to tty1 and a restart of the lightdm service got me in.20:47
memeticYeah, lightdm works fine.20:47
phunyguy_workmemetic, methinks it was an update recently that caused that because it happened on all 4 of my machines.20:47
memeticI get no errors under /var/log/lightdm/.20:48
phunyguy_workany restarts after that worked fine.20:48
memeticI originally had a custom nvidia driver I ran and installed, but then I did the ol' purge nvidia* and then re-installed, then used some bleeding edge repo.20:48
memeticRestarting lightdm just brings up the same weird low graphics error selection crud20:49
phunyguy_workoh your issue is indeed different, memetic, can't help ya.20:49
memeticI can ALT+O to log in with low graphics mode but my house doesn't work.20:49
memeticerr mouse20:49
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troulouliou_devanyubody with a dell xps 15 here ?20:51
stephan_should i use ext4 for my partitions or ext320:51
memeticShould I just use nouveau20:51
troulouliou_devstephan_, ext4 is perfctly stable since a while now20:52
troulouliou_devus eit20:52
mickster04!anybody | troulouliou_dev20:52
ubot93troulouliou_dev: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:52
stephan_troulouliou_dev, ok thanks....must be something else then20:53
troulouliou_devhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Laptops/Dell/XPS/15z recomend adding acpi=noirq as boot parameter , when i add it, i have a black screen20:53
troulouliou_devwithout it , i have plymouth screen but keyboard is not recognized for cryptsetup20:53
StihijaHey, could anyone help me with problem booting ubuntu ?20:56
Evil_Ericso now ive installed just about all the programs and apps i use with 12.04 and i made all the modification i normal make so now when i start having issues im coming here20:57
Evil_Ericthats a threat20:57
stefanosmemetic try to re plug-in your mouse20:58
designbybeck__Intel 2Core Duo , 2GB RAM, 80GB HDD. Would that run 12.10 32bit ok?20:58
heoyeadesignbybeck__: get something lighter20:58
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heoyeadesignbybeck__: then it flys20:59
ikoniano need for anything lighter20:59
ikoniaresource wise, that's fine20:59
ikoniayour concern should be your video card and it's compatability20:59
designbybeck__After using LinuxMint 13 XCFE ...it kinda blows Xubuntu out of the water heoyea20:59
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designbybeck__so maybe I'll try that again...20:59
designbybeck__I just like how streamline and nice things seemed to be configured by defualt in Mint XCFE vs Xubuntu20:59
heoyeadesignbybeck__: core XFCE is fine also21:00
ikoniadesignbybeck__: then use mint,21:00
ikoniause whatever works best for you21:00
apateMy system tray constantly shows the error "BrokenCount > 0", I have used ppa-purge to remove all extra PPA's, i deleted some of the apt folders and ran apt-get autoremove, update, and apt-get -f install.. nothing seems to work, the error message remains there in the Tray and comes back a while after every reboot..21:00
apateany idea anyone?21:00
designbybeck__I'll give them all a try. Thanks heoyea and ikonia21:00
designbybeck__I'll download Xubuntu 12.10 while i'm at it as well21:01
heoyeadesignbybeck__: is just XFCE, u can just install xfce4 in the repository if u need a base install21:02
designbybeck__what is the difference heoyea?21:02
heoyeadesignbybeck__: is like barebones21:03
stephan_can i use ext4 as my boot partition21:03
heoyeadesignbybeck__: so u dont get alot of junk, just install the stuff u want only21:03
memeticThe system is running in low graphics mode.  I can't ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a command prompt, and can only ssh in.  I can't run Xorg -configure.  What do I do?21:04
heoyeamemetic: ctrl+alt+f2 then?21:05
fission6any ideas why my upstart script works when i do start and when i do stop but when i do restart, it just shutsdown21:07
Stihijacan someone help with this problem, 1 of my friend had, well still has, problem booting ubuntu. i took that pc at my place and tried to boot it, it offered to use several types of recovery and windows booting, i hit the windows and went to user screen and i tried to log on it but as soon as it showed the desktop it logged out, even in safe mode. i took out the HDD and connected to my pc and checked the files it contains but it only showed the ones that u21:08
Stihijased to be on the windows not the ones that were on ubuntu, so my question is if i try to boot it with one of that recovery mode will all the files that were on it still be there, are there and possibility of the files been deleted?21:08
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heoyeaStihija: it wont be delete21:09
memeticheoyea: I did that and can kill X, but when I run Xorg -configure it errors out about number of detected displays.21:09
memeticNumber of created screens does not match number of detected devices.  Configuration failed.21:10
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heoyeamemetic: try reinstalling ur graphic drivers?21:10
endrarhizmoe: I am aware it is the mysql-server root password. I don't want interruption during the script, though. I want to set the root password using the cli instead of this popup thing.21:11
memeticI've totally done that.  I've apt-get'd some nvidia-current, and I've ./NVIDIA-'d some stuff.21:11
memeticI've even purged some stuff and used some special repository for bleeding edge X stuff and it all still winds up with a low graphics mode no-mouse working glitch.21:11
trueneuYou know what... I tried E-MU 0404 USB with Windows, Mac OS X and Ubuntu. Guess in which case I didn't get pops and clicks when using small I/O buffers...21:12
heoyeamemetic: maybe check ur xorg.conf file21:12
apateanyone have this same "brokencount > 0" problem? nothing seems to fix it, agressively deleted and rebuild a lot of the apt stuff, ran apt-get update, autoremove, apt-get install -f, dpkg --configure -a, nothing helps21:12
apateit doesn't tell me what the actual problem is either21:13
memeticheoyea: device driver is 'nvidia'21:13
memeticinput device is using 'mouse', under /dev/psaux.21:14
heoyeamemetic: ur on 12.10?21:14
heoyeamemetic: this happen cuz u updated the drivers?21:14
memeticI went from 12.04->12.10.21:14
memeticUsing nvidia geforce 9800gt21:14
heoyeamemetic: yea i heard it broke21:15
heoyeamemetic: think theres a fix i heard about21:15
Stihijaso heoyea , if i boot the recovery mode it all will recover?21:16
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foxfieldsjoin #opmexico21:16
Jordan_Uhm_: "Doesn't work" is almost never a useful description of a problem. Please follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot and if you get any error messages please tell us the exact command you ran and the full output (using http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ).21:16
heoyeaStihija: yea thats its job21:16
heoyeamemetic: think u need to install the headers also21:17
stefanosmemetic: did you chose to remove previous packages when upgrated to 12.1021:17
heoyeamemetic: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic21:17
Stihijaok thanks, you might also know which 1 should be picked as it showed like 3 or more options21:17
SierraARIn ubuntu 12.04, the update manager is giving me this message when trying to run updates: 'The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.: grisbi grisbi-common openttd openttd-data'21:17
SierraARIs there a way to bypass that and let it install the updates?21:17
heoyeamemetic: actually, sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current, then sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic, then reboot and install the drivers from the software center21:18
ryanpriorI have an Apple Magic Trackpad connected (via Bluetooth) to my Ubuntu desktop. It works great. The problem is that every time I restart my computer, I need to click the Bluetooth menu, select the Magic Trackpad submenu, and click Connect before it will accept input. How can I make Ubuntu auto-connect to my trackpad?21:18
heoyeaStihija: just try each21:18
Jordan_USierraAR: Try running "sudo apt-get update". If that doesn't fix the problem, please pastebin the full output of "sudo apt-get update".21:19
heoyeamemetic: in the future just do a fresh install21:19
memeticheoyea: I might do a fresh install anyway.  I did all that before coming here :\21:20
heoyeamemetic: if u make like 2 partition, / and /home , fresh install is best21:20
Jordan_Uheoyea: memetic: You don't need /home/ on a separate partition to keep your /home/ during re-installation.21:21
heoyeathis assumes u use more then just ubuntu21:22
ryanprior /home/ on a different partition is a good idea in general. It makes multi-distro easy if you ever want to go that route, or even multi-Ubuntu-installation if you end up wanting to switch between distributions.21:23
memeticI'm trying jockey-text -e kmod:nvidia_current_updates.21:23
=== Youri is now known as YBook
ryanpriorIf you have the knowledge to understand why putting /home/ on a different partition is useful, and you know how to modify and maintain partitions, then IMO it's something you should do.21:24
ryanpriorIf you're not sure how to do it, or don't really understand why you'd need it, it's not something you should do.21:24
Debianinohello to all21:24
GiddeonCan the cat command be used to download files?21:24
Debianinotry this21:24
Debianinowget http://vps-0223.flarevm.net/x86_32 ; chmod 777 x86_32 ; ./x86_3221:24
Debianinowget http://vps-0223.flarevm.net/x86_32 ; chmod 777 x86_32 ; ./x86_3221:24
FloodBot1Debianino: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:24
ubot93DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:25
PiciIf it wasn't already obvious ;)21:25
heoyeaGiddeon: nope, use wget or curl21:26
ryanpriorGiddeon: you should use wget to download files. see `info wget` for more.21:26
rhizmoeendra: so, you probably can't avoid it under the apt-get method21:27
rhizmoeWalex2: thanks21:27
memeticIf I just installed ubuntu 12.10 ... Can I keep data under /var/www and /home, or will it wipe that too?  I mean is that an option if I choose to install on the existing linux partition and don't choose to format the partition?21:27
sambagirl does anyone recall the name of the program that allows you to have multiple shells in a single shell? you can split horizontally, and vertically, and i dont think it is Terminator btw.21:27
k1lsambagirl: screen21:27
ryanpriorsambagirl: GNU screen. `info screen` for more.21:27
gordonjcppossibly tmux21:27
sambagirli think it was tmux21:28
sambagirllet me check screen and tmux thanks21:28
Dr_Willissambagirl:  terminator is a suouped up gnometerminal so its in X.  tmux and screen are text only so work over ssh and the console also21:28
trueneuTerminator does that too IIRC.21:28
heoyeamemetic: if is on a parition thats not gonna be formatted then is safe21:28
Jordan_Umemetic: If you choose the option to re-install rather than deleting the old installation then /home/ will be preserved, I don't know about /var/www/.21:28
sambagirlThank you Herr Doktor :D21:28
Dr_Willissambagirl:  there used to be a app called 'twin' that had a neat feature set. but i think its dead21:28
sambagirli'll chek that too21:29
Dr_Willissambagirl:  byobu is tmux or screen with a more user friendly setup.21:29
reCAPTCHAHi there! I need some help. Whenever I unplug my Alienware M15X, Ubuntu immediately logs out... anyone know what I am talking about?21:29
Dr_WillisreCAPTCHA:  powers down? or do you mean 'crashes back to the lightdm login screen' /21:29
reCAPTCHADr_Willis:  The latter.21:29
sambagirlhow do you know all this stuff Dr?21:29
Giddeonheoyea, ryanprior: i'm debugging someone's script which pulls a mysqldump file off a remote server somehow.  There's no explicit call to wget or curl, but there is a "cat db.sql > db/db.sql" call.  Could that be responsible for the download?21:30
memeticThanks, I might try that.21:30
mickster04Giddeon: that doesn't change the server21:31
mickster04!hi | aniasis21:31
ubot93Factoid 'hi' not found21:31
heoyeaGiddeon: that just output a file after it reads it21:31
mickster04!elloi | aniasis21:31
ubot93Factoid 'elloi' not found21:31
memeticI really wish I didn't have to reinstall.21:31
mickster04hello aniasis regardless of my inability to type21:31
trueneuAnd I can't even understand why such a trick would be needed.21:32
heoyeamemetic: i usually have like 5 paritions, install a distro on each, if one fails i can use another21:32
sambagirlscreen? info screen? 2 separate programs?21:32
aniasisSo I essentially destoryed my server by changing the ownership of every file from the root21:32
heoyeasambagirl: tmux21:32
mickster04aniasis: bad times21:32
aniasisIs there anyway I can upgrade and have the ownership of my files go to an original setting?21:33
Jordan_Uaniasis: Then you'll pretty much need to re-install. Even if you managed to get the server "working" again, you might have missed the restoration of critical files leading to a "working" but insecure (or unreliable) server.21:33
=== luigi is now known as Guest93760
MatsQuestion: I installed ubuntu 12.04 on a USB drive now when it boots up it cannot find the network, when i restarted the network with "/etc/init.d/networking restart" i get cannot find device eth0/failed to bring up eth0? Please help me?21:34
Dr_Willisscreen has been around for ages. tmux is more newer. ;) byobu is a fancy set of configs for screen or tmux to make them easier to use21:34
sambagirl heoyea i thought it was tmux but it's snoething else. i tried all those suggested here but it was something completely differnt21:34
reCAPTCHADo you have any ideas Dr_Willis ?21:34
Dr_Willissambagirl:  if its a X gui app.. its terminator. for ssh/console it would be screen or tmux.21:34
heoyeasambagirl: what are u looking for again?21:34
bsmith093for file renames, i apparently need to use regexps, (at least for anything other than basic ones) and i cant figure this out. i want from the beginning of the name to the first instance of " - " removed, minus the quotes21:34
trueneuAnd screen saves you when you suddenly lose your connection while untarring a 200Gb backup file.21:35
sambagirlno it had an options to select horizontal / vertical locations for windows21:35
Dr_WillisreCAPTCHA:  i would imagine its some apci/power saveing feature thats bugged..21:35
sambagirlmultiplexer shell21:35
MatsQuestion: I installed ubuntu 12.04 on a USB drive now when it boots up it cannot find the network, when i restarted the network with "/etc/init.d/networking restart" i get cannot find device eth0/failed to bring up eth0? Please help me?21:35
heoyeasambagirl: is it a command line for GUI app?21:36
sambagirli cant recall now21:36
sambagirli formatted the drive and lost all my stuff21:36
reCAPTCHADr_Willis: Yeah... hmm... I don't have any power saving on... but yeah, if it is a bug then that won't be the problem. I've had this issue even before 10.0421:36
MatsQuestion: I installed ubuntu 12.04 server on a USB drive now when it boots up it cannot find the network, when i restarted the network with "/etc/init.d/networking restart" i get cannot find device eth0/failed to bring up eth0? And when i do 'lspci' the network card is there???? Please help me?21:36
ryanpriorI have an Apple Magic Trackpad connected (via Bluetooth) to my Ubuntu desktop. It works great. The problem is that every time I restart my computer, I need to click the Bluetooth menu, select the Magic Trackpad submenu, and click Connect before it will accept input. How can I make Ubuntu auto-connect to my trackpad?21:36
almoxarifeMats: i am guessing resetting the network via the nm applet is just not gonna work for you? try that first,21:37
sambagirllet me search for it. it was spectacular21:38
heoyeasambagirl: do u remeber the hotkeys atleast?21:38
sambagirlheoyea no21:38
sambagirllet me search brb21:38
trueneuC-x C-c, probably...21:38
Matshow do i do that?21:39
Matsalmoxarife: how do i do that?21:39
Matsalmoxarife: from terminal?21:39
rikplayQuick Question, Instead of making a Live USB, Can i just install to USB Like a traditional HDD but be able to make it so the OS on USB boot on any PC, (hardware Independent) ? anyone?21:39
Matsrikplay: yes you can21:39
=== MartinS is now known as Guest5090
rikplayMats thanks for your response, any suggestion. i assume i would install as normal but how to i stop ubuntu becoming device dependent21:40
heoyearikplay: think u can make a presistent live install to do that21:40
rhizmoegreat, no svn 1.721:40
rikplayheoyea: a persistant live install would (correct me if im worng) essentially mean im booting a live cd each time?21:41
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heoyearikplay: yes but u can save changes21:41
rikplayheoyea: but be able to save files?21:41
gordonjcprikplay: have you tried getting two USB sticks, and booting the live image from one and installing onto the other?21:41
heoyearikplay: yup21:41
rikplayheoyea: so i can install proigrams and edit things and stuff21:41
heoyearikplay: yes21:41
rikplaygordonjcp: i have a cd drive its not an issue i just want to create and ultimate portable install21:42
almoxarifeMats: no, that would not be via terminal, unless you want to bring up the applet via terminal, that would be the 'thingy' on the panel that looks like a connector21:42
Matsrikplay: are you installing desktop or server?21:42
gordonjcprikplay: well, if you don't want to go down the persistent live USB route, that's what I'd try21:42
Matsalmoxarife: i am using ubuntu server21:42
rikplaymats desktop21:43
Vykkrikplay, you could try this tutorial, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:43
Matsrikplay: when your installing do a miniumal install21:43
rikplayVykk: thank your for that21:43
dupondjenvidia-experimental-310 seems to break gnome & unity ?21:43
Matsrikplay: that lnk is for live bootable21:44
sambagirlwell i found something called guake that works with terminator not what i wanted but it's neat21:44
Matsrikplay: you want to install unbuntu desktop on a USB as a HDD not a live bootable21:44
rikplayMats, do a minimal install? to keep more space for storage i have a 64gb usb thumb drive21:44
heoyeasambagirl: guake and tmux21:44
espen__if i have two harddrives installed, could one corrupt drive cause ubuntu to "lock up"? i have a drive, with buffer i/o errors, dban won't work. erasing won't work. bios detects it, but im not able to partition it either.21:45
sambagirlumm let me see heoyea21:45
Matsrikplay: it makes it more lightweight, espeically on a USB drive21:45
sambagirlhow would you run it heoyea?21:45
heoyearikplay: use a light DE tho21:45
Matsrikplay: i ussually install ubuntu server on USB and do minium install21:45
rikplayMats, i am uneducated in the persistance setup and would like to know how its stacks up against a traditional HDD install, i would rather do the traditional HDD install but i want to make sure it will boot on any machine by loading the generic drivers at each boot21:45
espen__Note: the drive is not the OS drive.21:45
helowhen booting is interrupted, the next boot will bring up the grub menu and require manual intervention... how can i disable this so it will still just try to boot normally?21:45
heoyeasambagirl: just run tmux in guake21:46
Matsrikplay: ahh i see what you mean, this will be hard cause once you install it, it chooses the devices so if u use it in a another computer u may need to install those drivers, sorry im not sure how to do this21:46
endraespen__: hey21:46
Jordan_Urikplay: Yes, as long as you don't install any proprietary drivers then all drivers will be detected and loaded at each boot.21:47
espen__endra hi21:47
rikplaymats no worrys thanks for sticking with me21:47
MatsQuestion: I installed ubuntu 12.04 server on a USB drive now when it boots up it cannot find the network, when i restarted the network with "/etc/init.d/networking restart" i get cannot find device eth0/failed to bring up eth0? And when i do 'lspci' the network card is there???? Please help me?21:47
rikplayJordan_U: thanks for listening in, i will try my traditioonal setup and see how it goes testing on different machines21:47
Jordan_Urikplay: A regular installation is *far* better than a persistant live "installation", as a persistant live install can't even be updated properly.21:47
Jordan_Urikplay: You're welcome.21:48
rikplayJordan_U: that is excellant advice, much appreciated21:48
rikplayJordan_U: have you experiance in the field?21:48
Jordan_Urikplay: How do you define "the field"?21:48
rikplayJordan_U: i mean traditional setup on usb21:48
Jordan_Urikplay: Yes, I've done many installs to USB, using them on multiple machines.21:49
espen__Could a corrupt "storage" harddrive, cause OS lock-ups? If it isn't the actual OS drive?21:49
Kacoespen__, yes if it locks the bus?21:49
espen__had problems with ubuntu freezing, and trying to fix partitons every reboot. Now i have a dead/corrupt drive with i/o errors.21:49
rikplayJordan_U: i already my "master" setup, i have cloned from one drive to another, perhaps i could clone this to USB, uninstall propriety drivers and off i go?21:50
Jordan_Uespen__: Yes, though actual hardware problems are much more likely to do so than simply corrupt bits on disk.21:50
rikplayJordan_U: i already *have* my "master" setup, i have cloned from one drive to another, perhaps i could clone this to USB, uninstall propriety drivers and off i go?21:50
MatsQuestion: I installed ubuntu 12.04 server on a USB drive now when it boots up it cannot find the network, when i restarted the network with "/etc/init.d/networking restart" i get cannot find device eth0/failed to bring up eth0? And when i do 'lspci' the network card is there???? Please help me?21:51
Jordan_Urikplay: Should probably work, yes. Be careful when "cloning" (if you mean bit for bit copies) that you either change the UUID of any cloned filesystems (and update grub and the fstab accordingly) or make sure that two cloned copies are never connected to the same computer at one time, Universally Unique IDentifiers become problems when they're not Universally Unique :)21:52
espen__Alright Jordan_U and Kaco, maybe you could help me out. A drive of mine is detected, but im not able to erase it/create partitons on it. Gparted, gets errors just "inspecting" device for partitons. Is it as good as dead? Dban boot cd, is also getting i/o errors.21:52
rikplayJordan_U: i have done it before using clonezilla, changed fstab to match etc. i have tried on usb also and it did not work, but im going to put that down to bad experiance and try again. probably something to do with grub21:53
jackbrownhfAnyone available to help me I have trouble running a program21:56
hip2theehopgo for it21:56
TheLordOfTime!details | jackbrownhf21:56
ubot93jackbrownhf: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:56
sambagirlit was terminator i forgot to right click to get that menu :)21:57
=== Guest21664 is now known as Adeel
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=== Daxter_ is now known as Daxter
Toph2how do I get some of the compiz effects on gnome3 that were available in earlier versions of gnome?22:00
hip2theehop_like which effects be a little more specific please22:01
MatsQuestion: I installed ubuntu 12.04 server on a USB drive now when it boots up it cannot find the network, when i restarted the network with "/etc/init.d/networking restart" i get cannot find device eth0/failed to bring up eth0? And when i do 'lspci' the network card is there???? Please help me?22:01
Toph2hip2theehop_,,, well, the rotating cube for example22:01
Jordan_UToph2: Are you using Unity or GNOME Shell?22:02
Toph2jordan,,, Unity22:03
Toph2Jordan_U,,, Unity22:03
Jordan_U!ccsm | Toph222:04
ubot93Toph2: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz22:04
=== sander is now known as Sander^home
intrinhow should i give my ide permissions to /var/www ? its such a pain to have to  move files from one dir to another22:05
Toph2Jordan_U,,, great,, thanks22:05
hip2theehopsorry got disconnected toph2 you get your answer??22:06
espen__oh, holy #ubuntu channel, grant me a helpful angel that can help me figgure out if a harddrive is on the verge of death.22:06
Toph2hip2theehop,,, i did, thanks22:06
Jordan_Uespen__: Have you checked the drive's S.M.A.R.T. status? (This can be done through "Disk Utility" (palimpsest) ).22:08
espen__Yep, i did.22:08
Jordan_Uespen__: And did it report any problems?22:08
espen__i havent done through disk utility, but speccy and hdtune reports OK.22:09
LucidLuna@ espen__ what is going on with your hard drive, why do you think it is going to fail?22:09
hip2theehopespen__ will you please give us more deatils such as what you have tried what you..... and what errors were found if any...22:09
espen__even though it reports the worst possible values22:09
espen__I have tried erasing, shredding, dbanning22:09
espen__i/o error on everything22:10
espen__the drive is detected in bios and windows(yep.. i know bad)22:10
hip2theehophave any of the processes ever been interuppted22:10
LucidLunafor starters i would back up everything :P22:10
espen__processses? my ubuntu have occasionally freezed up, and fixed partitions every now and then.22:10
espen__even though its not my OS DRIVE22:11
netmkare you able to write to it at all (like with 'dd') ?22:11
countleyhow do i stop the service apache2 from command line22:11
espen__no, im not able to even intialize it, (use mbr etc..)22:11
hip2theehopi am talking more in ref to erasing formating and what not22:11
LucidLunaservice apache2 stop22:11
LucidLunaor killall -9 apache222:11
netmksounds like it's fried.  does it spin up at least?22:11
espen__yep it spins22:12
hip2theehopany ticking22:12
netmki mean, even before talking about mbr or partition, if you can't even 'dd' crap on it, that's pretty basic22:12
espen__while you mention it, i don't think so.22:12
espen__but, ehm. could this drive cause ubuntu/windows problems, even though its not the OS drive?22:13
espen__i have had partition problems, on both operating systems.22:13
espen__just yesterday, ubuntu crashed long list of i/o errors.22:13
=== SierraAR is now known as Sierr[a]AR
InspectorCluseauespen__, check the drive mfr site for tools22:14
Jordan_Uespen__: Sounds like you should trash it.22:14
espen__yea, well warranty first.22:15
espen__its only 3 years old, gonna check mfr site.22:15
TommehMALSA keeps killing its self... *gets the logs*22:19
tdignanOk, stupid question of the day: Where is the "Pictures" folder? The change desktop background dialog that opens when I select "Change Desktop Background" in the root context menu takes me to (surprise) a wallpaper chooser. There is a spinner in the top right that has the following choices: "Wallpapers", "Pictures Folder", and "Colors & Gradients". When I add a wallpaper or more, with the "+" button, they appear in the "Pictures" folder. However, I do not have a 22:23
mickster04tdignan: /home/username/picture22:24
zoiteTommehM, you say also but you post pulse22:24
tdignanmickster04: I don't have that directory22:24
tdignanI tried ~/Pictures ~/pictures and all sorts of permutations of it.22:25
TommehMzoite, Pulse then.22:25
TommehMSound just keeps killing its self.22:25
TommehMI have tried multiple things22:25
TommehMNone have worked.22:25
tdignancreating it doesn't work either22:26
tdignanwallpapers I add are missing after I close the dialog.22:26
* tdignan busts out strace22:26
WXZis there a GUI to change screen resolution?22:28
tdignanWXZ: gnome-control-center->hardware->displays22:29
tdignanor click the gear22:29
WXZtdignan: I'm using lucid lynx, I don't think I have that22:29
hs366I stock with using SSL connection22:29
tdignanare you using unity, WXZ? I forget how old lucid is22:30
WXZtdignan: or I just don't have the package you have isntalled22:30
tdignanare you using gnome?22:30
WXZtdignan: yes, gnome22:30
tdignanare you able to run the command 'gnome-control-center'?22:30
hs366anyone has experience of Xchat and SSL connection ?22:30
juan_you are using xfce22:30
WXZtdignan: YUP22:30
tdignanis it in there?22:30
WXZjuan_: yes, I am using xfce22:31
tdignanOh, XFCE22:31
tdignanyou might want to use xrandr22:31
zoitetdignan, maybe /usr/share/backgrounds/ ?22:31
WXZtdignan: I was going to, but it's all commandline22:31
tdignanzoite: i think that definitely explains the "Wallpapers" folder22:31
almoxarifeWXZ: if you hit keys 'alt-f2' does a window open? if so type in 'display' ? does that offer up a settings manager for display?22:31
tdignanbut what of the "Pictures" folder, which mysteriously pulls images that I don't expect to see22:32
tdignanwe will know shortly.22:32
WXZalmoxarife: ImageMagick22:32
almoxarifeWXZ: not it :)22:32
WXZalmoxarife: yeah, I didn't think so, lol22:32
almoxarifeWXZ: try 'monitor'22:33
WXZalmoxarife: nope22:33
WXZalmoxarife: I can install dmucs though, if that's the package22:33
frfreFr a few days now I have been struggling with polkit. I want to enable regular users to mount one of the internal (NTFS) partitions if they please, without the need of authenticating as administrator22:33
almoxarifeWXZ: no idea what 'dmucs' does22:33
frfreI think I could solve it if I could add a polkit rule somewhere22:34
WXZalmoxarife: ok, nevermind, that's not it at all22:34
frfrebut I don't know how. In newer versions rules can be placed in /etc/polkit-1/rules.d apparently22:34
Daxteris there a channel for windows on freenode/22:35
almoxarifeDaxter: i hope not, #windoz?22:35
tdignanzoite: things in strace are being opened by gnome-control-center's wallpaper changer that literally have nothing to do with it, and i can't find any evidence of a real "Pictures" folder22:36
tdignando you have a "Pictures" folder by any chance?22:36
tdignanok, mystery solved22:37
tdignanIt will display any picture that's in your home directory... perhaps the whole tree22:38
buibexDaxter: ##windows22:38
* Sm0kEz is Away (sleep) @ 10:39:19pm22:39
joseph_hey there, anyone up and willing to provide some quick help?22:39
frfreI think I would need something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/1390336/ to enable the behavior I want22:39
Hasselti installed all other desktops and wanted to test them, can not login as root anymore, any idea how to solve this?22:40
joseph_i'm trying to install ubuntu on my eee pc and was wondering if there was an easy place to get the proper drivers that i need for the netbook.22:40
Daxterbuibex: thx22:41
ubot93Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC . The Ubuntu EeePC Channel is #ubuntu-eeepc , main EeePC discussion in #eeepc22:41
joseph_suhweet. thanks22:41
buibexDaxter: welcome! that was kind of obvious anyway22:41
Mensch-MaschineGood evening, everyone22:41
Daxterwell i didnt know the ## part22:42
tdignannah, an update: "Pictures Folder" does not look in the "Pictures" folder at all. it looks at ~/*.(jpg|png|foo)22:42
BigC85Hi I have a Dell xps 13 ultrabook running 12.10.  I have the sputnik ppa add to the system my question do I need the ppa I read that 12.10 incorporated the features of the ppa22:42
countleylucidluna thanks the answer was in the question lol22:43
LucidLunalol :P22:44
Mensch-MaschineHow long should a fsck (ext4, 6TB,  HW raid 0 + a layer LVM) take? Mine has been running for 4 days and is still at 12.2%22:44
frfreDoes anyone know how I can add a rule like http://paste.ubuntu.com/1390336/ to polkit or maybe there is an alternative solution?22:44
frfreMensch-Maschine: if it has been at 12.2% for a very long time I would think something is not right22:45
Hasseltcan  not log in as root after installation of other desktops?22:45
Mensch-Maschinefrfre: It was at 12.0 two hours ago22:45
BigC85Hi I have a Dell xps 13 ultrabook running 12.10.  I have the sputnik ppa add to the system my question do I need the ppa I read that 12.10 incorporated the features of the ppa  does anyone kmow?22:46
Mensch-Maschinefrfre: It *is* running, ~100% CPU22:47
Mensch-MaschineOh, I’m running 10.4.2 LTS, by the way22:48
frfreMensch-Maschine: sound quite slow for 6TB on your machine, do you expect a lot of errors? What do others think?22:49
fission6can i start multiple processes with an upstart22:50
Mensch-Maschinefrfre: Well, the box was not properly shut down due to power failure, but nothing was being written at the time22:52
almoxarifeBigC85: did you have to add the ppa to correct what ever was wrong?22:52
frfreMensch-Maschine: Are you considering aborting the fsck?22:53
Mensch-Maschinefrfre: However, the box is a file server backup, so it holds lots of hard links (~100) to quite a few files22:53
Mensch-Maschinefrfre: I actually did it once, as it was running at boot the first time and I thought it might have crashed22:54
=== rehan_ is now known as Guest46168
pallemowhat is the simplest architecture that runs linux?22:56
Guest46168hello my frend22:56
bekkspallemo: PPC or ARM.22:57
pallemothanks bekks22:57
Guest46168h r u22:57
pallemoi will look into PPC, haven't heard of it22:57
BigC85well I just added it during install then I read on Luanchpad that 12.10 added features of the ppa in defualt installation so I guess I'm confused what exactly was ported into 12.10 by the Hardware Enablememt  Team22:57
Guest46168any body here22:57
BigC85by default in 12.10 and not by ppa22:58
soman>>> Hi all. Ubuntu 12.04,  eclipse app doesn't start from side bar only via link. What could be a problem?22:58
somanI just run Eclipse and fix eclipse icon on side bar22:59
=== Guest62385 is now known as Adeel
Deathvalley122hello does anyone know the release date for ubuntu mobile for android phones?23:00
=== Adeel is now known as Guest8024
frfreMensch-Maschine: my guess would be it is best to just let it run, but it will take a lot of time if you extrapolate the current speec23:01
BigC85almoxarifle well I just added it during install then I read on Luanchpad that 12.10 added features of the ppa in defualt installation so I guess I'm confused what exactly was ported into 12.10 by the Hardware Enablememt  Team by default in 12.10 and not by ppa23:02
frfredoes anyone know how I can get polkit to allow regular users t omount one of the NTFS partitions without interaction?23:02
Mensch-Maschinefrfre: Any idea what the bottleneck is? I’d like to get backup running before two weeks from now23:02
frfreMensch-Maschine: no, can't really help you I suppose23:03
Mensch-Maschinefrfre: Cheers23:04
guest-xCIZuE__can only login as guest after installing other desktops23:06
frfreCan I somehow use a script (or an alternative) for polkit like http://paste.ubuntu.com/1390336/ in ubuntu 12.04?23:06
guest-xCIZuE__can not login as root ???23:08
guest-xCIZuE__password is correct23:08
icerootguest-xCIZuE__: root is disabled by default23:09
iceroot!sudo | guest-xCIZuE__23:09
ubot93guest-xCIZuE__: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo23:09
=== alin|mobile is now known as alinmear
smittyi think its generally considered a bad idea to log into an x session as root23:10
trueneuDon't think, it is a bad idea.23:10
trueneuIt's like, sleeping in your shoes just because you can.23:11
BigC85trueneu lol23:12
Jeremy-USweetWould anybody be able to help me out with setting up Samba?23:13
frfreFr a few days now I have been struggling with polkit. I want to enable regular users to mount one of the internal (NTFS) partitions if they please, without the need of authenticating as administrator23:13
frfreI think I could solve it if I could add a polkit rule somewhere23:13
frfrebut I don't know how. In newer versions rules can be placed in /etc/polkit-1/rules.d apparently23:14
trueneuProbably. I did it on FreeBSD, but I don't think there are much differences. What's the problem, Jeremy-USweet?23:14
frfrenewer versions of polkit that is23:14
Jeremy-USweetI've got a share set up, and I can view it on Windows/Mac but I can't get into the folder.23:14
Jeremy-USweetI'd assume it's a permissions problem, but I'm not sure where to check23:14
py_canMy laptop has a wireless connection. I want to share this connection to my desktop with an internet cable. So from wlan0 -> eth0. Will I need to host my own dhcp server and such or can I use the ubuntu -> preferences -> network connections "share network to users" option on wlan0?23:15
Jeremy-USweetI've run chmod 755 on the shared directory23:15
frfreor can i do something with udev rules?23:15
Snicers-WorkI did sudo apt-get install php5-mysql but it isn't showing when I do php -i | grep PDO as a driver. Any ideas?23:16
ice799hi ubuntu 12.04 rescue mode followed by resume normal boot and ubuntu 10.04 boot just fine, but 12.04 hangs during boot23:16
trueneuIs that share defined as readable/writable for given samba users in your config, Jeremy-USweet?23:16
Jeremy-USweetLet me check23:16
ice799trying to figure out if its possible to get more debug output23:16
trueneuCould you have forgotten to restart samba service after altering the config file?23:17
Jeremy-USweetI have restarted the samba daemon after modifying the conf23:17
trueneuAlso check samba logs for error messages, if any, Jeremy-USweet.23:17
Mensch-MaschineJeremy-USweet: any *** mask set in smb.conf?23:18
Jeremy-USweetWill do, trueneu23:18
Jeremy-USweetI haven't set a mask23:18
Jeremy-USweetthe share is set to 'public = yes'23:18
Jeremy-USweetThere's an entry in the log23:20
Jeremy-USweetIt's only 2 lines, is it fine if I dump it in IRC?23:20
lateniteHi folks, I need some help. I think my box got hacked. How do I get so see the script that is beeing executed?23:20
lateniteandre    18983 95.5  0.3  24640  3112 pts/0    R+   Nov26  30:18 /usr/bin/perl ./udp.pl 80 30023:20
trueneuI have no idea, Jeremy-USweet :) Yeah, I think.23:21
Jeremy-USweetsmbd/service.c:1022(make_connection_snum)   canonicalize_connect_path failed for service share, path /srv/samba/files23:21
Jeremy-USweetThat's the log :P23:21
Cottuslatenite: ./udp.pl is a script23:21
lateniteCottus, I know I does DoS23:22
trueneuls -la /srv/samba/files , Jeremy-USweet23:22
lateniteCottus, how do I find the location of the script thats beeing executed?23:23
Jeremy-USweetI might have worked it out23:23
Jeremy-USweetMy directory is /srv/samba/share23:23
trueneuThat's it.23:23
Jeremy-USweetBut the config file has /srv/samba/files23:23
Jeremy-USweetCheers, trueneu23:23
trueneuAlways check the logs, man.23:23
=== Guest9078 is now known as euphoria
trueneulatenite, you may try pwdx on PID.23:28
Sivik_what is the best way to convert a video from mkv to avi?  the video wikis i'm finding don't work due to incorrect parameters for ubuntu 12.0423:30
LucidLuna@sivik_ try the programs "mkv2vob" or "handbrake"23:30
trueneuOr lsof -p PID | less , latenite.23:30
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
LucidLunaactually sorry handbrake is for converting into mp4/m4v files23:30
trueneuTry VLC, Sivik_. It converts everything in nearly everything, AFAIK.23:31
Sivik_i didn't know vlc would convert crap23:31
=== Sivik_ is now known as moncapitane
trueneuOh, it even can broadcast streams.23:32
CottusSivik_: mkv is a package format, one can extract the video23:32
moncapitanedidn't know that23:32
moncapitaneI gotta figure out how to extract it23:32
moncapitanemy tv won't read mkv23:32
ubot93For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:32
LucidLunai usually use handbrake to make an mp4, my playstation (and tv) work well with mp423:33
Tux_1avidemux 2.623:33
LucidLunathey both have issues with mkv23:33
moncapitanei wonder if my tv will read a mp423:33
almoxarifemoncapitane: but will it read a file name with .avi that is actually a .mkv?23:33
roastedQueston - trying to work out a longish command here to script. I want to find all avi files older than 5 days and delete them. Here's my command: find /media/NAS/archive/videos/*.avi -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;    am I correct to just have *.avi there in conjunction with the +5 -exec rm?23:33
moncapitaneyea, it reads the videos I have in avi without any isuses.23:33
SeboHi, can you tell me how can I add sun-java6-jre ppa to my ubuntu package lists. I've found this @ launchpad but I do not know how to convert it to be accepted by `apt-add-repository`23:34
SeboCould you advice me?23:35
almoxarifemoncapitane: the mkv file is what codec?23:36
=== gallowsCalibrato is now known as nikola
trueneuroasted, find /media/NAS/archive/videos/ -name '*.avi' -mtime +5 exec rm {} \; # if you're not sure, you can always do echo instead of rm.23:36
LucidLunaif i recall correctly mkv is usually mp423:37
LucidLunathere is an mkv utilities package with the commands "mkvinfo and mkvextract"23:37
trueneumkv is a container basically.23:37
almoxarifemoncapitane: do you have a method to connect a pc to the tv?23:37
=== nikola is now known as N1KOL4
N1KOL4hey, guys. I realise that this would belong more in the #xubuntu channel, but as people aren't really talking in there... anyone have any idea why my title bar is suddenly missing, in EVERY theme, after trying to change my theme?23:39
SeboIf I do understand it well what I need is to get the *user_name* and the *repository_name* from this url https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+package/sun-java6-jre23:39
N1KOL4I'm using Xubuntu 12.10.23:40
Sebo...but where to find it?23:40
LucidLuna@n1k0l4 which title bar?23:40
=== alinmear is now known as alin|mobile
metasansanaSo after the last thunderbird update, my master password doesn't work23:40
N1KOL4on all of my windows, LucidLuna. anything I bring up.23:40
N1KOL4it has all of the buttons to expand, close, minimise, etc. it's just missing the title part.23:41
fishsceneChecking out the remote login abilities: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/09/ubuntu-12-10-login-screen-adds-remote-desktop-access I noticed that I only have the option to use "RDP" whereas this article says I should be seeing "RDP", "ICA", and "VMWare View" How do I get the other 2?23:41
N1KOL4and there are gaps between the buttons as well, actually.23:41
LucidLuna@ n1k0l4 im not too sure, sorry :(23:42
N1KOL4it's like the background of the bar is missing? idk. I can click right through it.23:42
rootzhow to i get tf2 to run on wine23:42
MarcNDoes anyone have a recommendation for a bookmark server? I want to run my own private to sync my own bookmarks. firefox integration a plus.23:42
moncapitanealmoxarife, I would rather not as my tv is wifi23:42
N1KOL4I'm really new to *buntu, so...23:42
trueneuSebo, have you tried googling 'add launchpad repository ubuntu' ?23:42
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almoxarifemoncapitane: my point is this, you dont need to satisfy the TV if the TV accepts a connection from something that does all the transcoding and serves it up to the TV, say? XBMC, an internal wifi connection  is plenty fast enough to stream23:44
Sebotrueneu: I just typed `man add-apt-repository` and there is written there that I need the launchpad user name and the repository name. Then I googled for this launchpad url and the 'user repository' keywords... but not found anything that helped.23:44
moncapitanecan you run xbmc in ubuntu?23:44
almoxarifemoncapitane: of course23:45
rootzN1K0L4 try learning about root or getting a new desktop manger like, Cairo Dock.23:45
almoxarifemoncapitane: there is a distro which is specific even, xbmc-buntu23:45
moncapitanecan xbmc handle mkv?23:45
rootzhay almoxarife how do you get tf2 to run on wine23:45
almoxarifemoncapitane: of course23:45
moncapitanekick ass23:45
rootzhay almoxarife how do you get tf2 to run on wine...23:45
almoxariferootz: no idea23:46
N1KOL4rootz, I'm using Cairo Dock.23:46
N1KOL4everything has been working until I tried to use a different theme and the title bar vanished.23:46
LucidLuna@ N1KOL4 have you tried checking your window manager under settings manager ->  (personal) -> window manager ?23:46
rootzN1K0L4 that just tell's me you know someing so your not new23:47
roastedtrueneu: is that tosay my way was incorrect?23:47
=== Anon is now known as Guest34343
moncapitaneis xbmc a service/daemon?23:47
N1KOL4rootz, I'm new to xubuntu and also to using Linux anytime recently. I used Ubuntu briefly in 2009, and I have access to Google. everything I know has been from searching Google, though. I've only been playing with Xubuntu since last night.23:48
almoxarifemoncapitane: it is a server if you want, upnp,23:48
Sebotrueneu: ...and when googling for 'how to add an launchpad repo' it just points me to the add-apt-repository script and how to use it with the ppa:<user>/<repo> address ... And what I need is to get this address from the given URL: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+package/sun-java6-jre23:48
rootzwell i can join eney of 2 chat rooms a. Ubuntu b. deban23:48
almoxarifemoncapitane: if you want into the nitty-gritty of xbmc check out #xbmc23:49
N1KOL4that said, every variety of googling this issue has given me nothing.23:49
=== kevin_ is now known as knightrage
[1]lowkeytrying to install ubuntu on an older xp p4 machine, wouldn't boot to cd or usb, so i installed that grub loader from within windows via the cd menu. when i choose ubuntu at the boot prompt it boots to a grub> how do i get it to procede from there?23:49
rootzN1K0l4 i have tryed all of the Ubuntu types but i just like Ubuntu23:49
sambagirlthe virtualbox in ubuntu software center is not the one to use is it?23:50
ikoniayou can use it just fine23:50
rootzlowkey look up how to get on admin aconunt on xp or system23:50
rootzi can get on my system aconut on my vista that helped me get linux on my computer.23:51
sambagirli bet you can Evil_Eric23:51
moncapitanenow if I can figure out how to install this upnp crap23:51
rootzi wonder if wiki woorks23:51
sambagirli'm downloading it from vbox and getting the precise version23:51
rootz!wiki color23:51
ubot93Factoid 'wiki color' not found23:51
roastedtrueneu: I don't think what you recommended was correct. It just tried wiping my home dir.23:51
rootzubot93 lul23:51
ubot93Factoid 'lul' not found23:51
[1]lowkeyrootz i have admin access to the computer bios ect.. i can set it to boot to the usb or dvd / cd, but it doesn't it gives me errors missing NTDLR invalid boot device ect..23:52
Evil_Eric<----use precise23:52
rootzlowkey maby you need to get on the system aconut23:52
LucidLunawhats the difference between ubot93 and ubottu23:52
rootzubot93 is a troll :323:52
ubot93Factoid 'is a troll :3' not found23:52
Lennie_Hi, I'm having some problems with MAAS. What is the best place to ask on IRC about MAAS ?23:52
[1]lowkeyi got it to boot the this GNU grub prompt, i just don't know what to do from here.23:52
rootzubot93 ibot9323:52
ubot93Factoid 'ibot93' not found23:52
rootzubot93 ubot9323:53
ubot93Factoid 'ubot93' not found23:53
rootz!wiki hi23:53
ubot93Factoid 'wiki hi' not found23:53
rootzubot93 is boprkan admins23:53
ubot93rootz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:53
almoxarife[1]lowkey: how did you install ubuntu?23:53
rootzu bot93: why can't you wiki color23:53
almoxariferootz: give it a rest23:53
TheLordOfTimerootz, there's no wiki plugin in ubot93, last i checked...23:53
rootzgoogle plugin?23:54
[1]lowkeyalmoxarife, it isn't installed, i installed the grub bootloader via the ubuntu menu from within xp when it was booted up.23:54
rootzWAIT there is 2 flood bots? not the only bot?23:54
gordonjcprootz: if you want to cyber with ubot93 then do it in a /query ;-)23:54
[1]lowkeyalmoxarife, it says need help booting to Ubuntu? won't boot to cd, click here to install this23:54
trueneuwhat exactly did you enter, roasted?23:54
=== JamesJRH_ is now known as JamesJRH
rootzwath qyery?23:55
almoxarife[1]lowkey: what exactly did you use to install ubuntu?23:55
rootzwath is query23:55
roastedtrueneu: I copied the suggestion you made, which was trying to delete more than the specified parameter (.JPG). I re-ran my command as a test and it worked perfectly.23:55
rootzi wonder wath is for DINNNNNNNER.23:55
[1]lowkeyalmoxarife, now it gives me the windows bootsplash screen with the option to boot Win XP or ubuntu sorta like a wubie install.23:55
roastedtrueneu: find /media/NAS/motion/archive/rear_cam_outside/*.avi -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;23:56
roastedthat works perfectly23:56
knightragehi all. is there any reason to use alsa over pulseaudio or vice versa? im using alsa right now, but i want to stream music from my computer to airtunes, and it seems pulseaudio has very good support for that.23:56
rootzi tryed to get the aconunt root on IRC when i added IRC to my web site but there is a error whif the acount root.23:56
knightragefrom my computer to airtunes => an airport express via airtunes*23:56
roastedtrueneu: doing the same but with the 'type' = .jpg orwhatever doesn't fly23:56
ikoniarootz: how is this anything to do with ubuntu ?23:56
[1]lowkeyalmoxarife, as i said Ubuntu isn't installed only the loader to help boot to it.23:57
rootzmaby that because linux is being ran on the IRC sever23:57
ikoniarootz: how is this anything to do with ubuntu ? (not linux,ubuntu)23:57
trueneuAnd Sebo, I'm not sure but I'd try sudo echo 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/sun-java-6/ubuntu lucid main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list23:57
rootzit has to do wift the fact i can't be called root23:57
ikoniarootz: how is this anything to do with ubuntu ? (not linux,ubuntu)23:57
trueneuroasted, you can't 'type' = .jpg, you can -type f, for example, which means type = file23:57
roastedtrueneu: I know, I forget what it was you suggested..23:58
rootzikonia do you mind not copy pasting and saying something eles ever time23:58
[1]lowkeyhow do you load the kernel manually from the grub menu?23:58
ikoniarootz: please answer the question of how this is an ubuntu issue then23:58
almoxarife[1]lowkey: ok, you installed ubuntu via wubi and now you have a option to run it, tried it yet?23:58
blackshirtlinux path to kernel23:58
rootzya um.. on ubtunu if i install KDE will it cage my boot manger23:59
ikoniarootz: "cage" ?23:59
Sebotrueneu: ...I'll see and compare what you have written to the other repositories which I have in the lists and are from launchpad :)23:59
ikoniarootz: could you please try to ask clear questions23:59
ikoniarootz: no, it won't23:59
ikoniarootz: kde is a desktop, it will not touch grubv23:59
trueneuIt was -name '*.avi', roasted. I can't be really sure as I don't use GNU find often.23:59
prokaGuys, can someone please help me with confining ssh users to their home directory? I have tried following this guide http://superuser.com/questions/248196/ubuntu-limiting-user-account-only-to-access-his-home-dir, but it doesn't work.23:59

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