
JustakillHello, have a little question. Is the're any risk with having dropbox installed on the computer compared to accessing it only through an internet browser?00:14
Justakillis my question stupid? or just not relevant to this channel?00:27
David-AJustakill: it's relevant, but maybe no one here right now have an authorative answer00:28
JustakillDavid-A: Okay, just wanted to make sure.00:29
David-AJustakill: my thought is, you must trust the program you run on your own computer. do you trust the dropbox-client as much as your web-browser, your word-processor, note-taking program, calendar-applet, etc?00:35
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JustakillDavid-A: that seems to be the best way to look at these things. I somehow don't trust dropbox as much as most programs on xubuntu00:38
JustakillDavid-A: I guess thats why i'm asking...00:39
David-AJustakill: is it in the repositories? or you must download a .deb? is it open source?00:39
JustakillDavid-A: it's in the repositories. The client is not however open-source from what I understand00:40
JustakillDavid-A: I think thats what bothers me the most, I have come to not trusting any closed source software00:42
David-AJustakill: then it sounds like a sound caution on your part. still I cannot answer authoratively, just theorising00:42
David-AJustakill: I use e.g. the flash plugin thou it is not open source. I don't think it is malicious, but I do think it is buggy... Still I use it.00:44
JustakillDavid-A: Yea me too, I also have proprietary drivers for my video card. But these I concede to because not using it would cut me of from alot of possibilitys.00:46
JustakillDavid-A: In these situations i go by reputation, sadly dropbox have had a few security problems.00:47
Unit193Most places have had one or so, and if not, it's coming anyway.00:49
JustakillUnit193: security problems?00:50
JustakillI should probably get into encryption and security. I'm paranoid enough for it.00:52
knomeJustakill, #security should exist00:53
Justakillknome: it does00:53
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nyRednekhey, having an issue with adobe digital editions...i install it, but it won't start08:19
well_laid_lawnhow did you install it?08:20
nyRednekwell_laid_lawn: downloaded the exe from adobe's site, run it with wine08:24
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well_laid_lawnnyRednek: so you can't run it in wine?08:30
nyRednekwell_laid_lawn: it isn't launching08:31
well_laid_lawnnyRednek: maybe someone in #wine will know08:31
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:31
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:32
nyRednekwell_laid_lawn: here's the thing, that appdb states that the program works with no problems08:32
knomenyRednek, that's a question for wine support, not xubuntu08:32
LachezarHey all...08:52
LachezarWhat's the deal with the 'the following element will be removed in the future' for all the '~/.font*'?08:53
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well_laid_lawnLachezar: where are you seeing that?09:05
Lachezarwell_laid_lawn: at numerous places when running programs from a terminal. Like ssh-askpass :(09:07
Lachezarwell_laid_lawn: Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.09:08
Lachezarwell_laid_lawn: Reason: in /etc/fonts all the '~/.font*' elements are marked as deprecated. Which is 'ughley'.09:09
Lachezarwell_laid_lawn: For clarity: I use the ~/.fonts and ~/.fonts.conf extensively to install fonts for my account, and to alias fonts for my account (since the default monospace font is *not* monospaced).09:12
well_laid_lawnLachezar: do you have a ~/.conf/fontconfig dir?09:15
Lachezarwell_laid_lawn: No, there is no ~/.conf directory.09:15
Lachezarwell_laid_lawn: I am content with moving these, to a new ~/.??? directory, if that will solve the issue and retain the functionality.09:16
well_laid_lawnLachezar: my bad I meant ~/.config/fontconfig09:21
Lachezarwell_laid_lawn: No, I have ~/.config, but no font* there.09:22
well_laid_lawnLachezar: if you look at /etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf it ells you the dir's that are ok to use09:26
Lachezarwell_laid_lawn: What does prefix="xdg" mean?09:28
well_laid_lawnLachezar: for the home dir it's .config09:30
Lachezarwell_laid_lawn: i'll have to relogin to check if that worked. Is it OK for me to assume ~/.fonts is not deprecated?09:38
Lachezarwell_laid_lawn: Hmmm... I just saw, that ~/.fonts is marked as 'will be removed', but is not deprecated. I will try to move the fonts into ~/.config/fonts09:41
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LachezarMoving ~/.fonts to ~/.config/fonts does not work :(10:06
kalkisomeone know how install scrapy on last version of xubu?10:56
JustakillI think th'ere might be an issue with my graphics driver14:12
Justakillhmm nevermind what I said i should try and figure this out by myself14:13
baizonis there a ppa for libreoffice (3.6.3)?14:19
cloudrfhey xubuntu14:28
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cloudrfsup torax14:31
cloudrfi am looking for conversation14:32
knomecloudrf, #xubuntu-offtopic14:32
cloudrfwill anybody be there from here?14:33
knomeif you have a support question though, this is the right channel14:33
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Justakillshouldn't the md5sum of a cd be the same as its iso?15:35
holsteini would check the downloaded iso15:36
holsteinnot sure about the actual cd...15:36
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JustakillI was getting blue screens  on windows 7 and i've been told my kind of bluescreens appear when you have RAM issues,  i decided to load up xubuntu to see what happens because my memory tested with memtest. I had this issue where my mouse froze and I was put back to the login screen16:24
Justakillcould this be related?16:25
holsteinJustakill: i would test from the memtest..16:25
holsteinJustakill: hold or tap shift while booting the live CD.. you'll see options.. memtest is one16:25
holsteinif that doesnt work for you... http://www.memtest86.com/ or http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html16:26
Justakillholstein: yea i did a memtest with a memtest86 i burned myself from www.memtest86.com16:27
Justakillholstein: had no issues with 7 passes16:27
holsteinJustakill: do you have bad memory?16:27
Justakillholstein: i don't know, because i tried the memtest that comes up with the grub loader and it showed errors. The thing is it acted weird because it would stop exacly at the same percentage of the pass for whatever RAM or slot i used16:29
Justakillholstein: when trying with the CD i burned it dosn't find any errors16:29
Justakillholstein: quite an annoying situation..... Because i'm not sure what to accept or not16:30
holsteinwhen its my rig. if i have access to the hard drive, i take it out, or disconnect it so i dont harm it testing... i test each stick and slot.. determining that i have a known good stick and slot16:30
holsteinJustakill: when i see an error, and i have issues,, i usually assume an error... but i have other sticks of ram laying around to test with16:31
holsteinJustakill: if you have more than one stick, just go to one stick and test16:31
Justakillholstein: yea well i did that and with my CD it finds nothing16:32
holsteinJustakill: i would put the ram in.. and get a live CD booting16:33
holsteinJustakill: if you are sure the ram is not bad16:33
Justakillholstein: with the grub version it does and blocks always at 46% of the pass and starts recording errors in the millions. I assumed that the program has a problem..16:34
holsteinJustakill: i typically assume nothing. i test intil i know for sure16:34
Justakillholstein: yea well my problem is i have one memtest telling me something and another telling me something else.16:35
Justakillholstein: Not sure where to go anymore if I can't even trust these testing apps.16:36
Justakillsorry didn't mean to write you're name again16:37
JustakillBut you are right i think I will test the memtest that comes with the live cd16:38
Justakillsee what that gives me.16:38
holsteini would test.. or buy a stick and swap it out16:38
holsteinor put in another hard drive and install to it16:38
xubuntu692hi how install xubuntu16:47
bazhang!install | xubuntu692 have a read16:47
ubottuxubuntu692 have a read: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:47
xubuntu692I download iso and burn to DVD but I restart PC and dont booting16:48
baizonxubuntu692: open the boot menu ?16:51
baizonthen choose dvd?16:51
holsteinxubuntu692: might need to manually choose the cd/dvd drive to boot from your bios... this will be different from machine to machine16:52
xubuntu692I know I set booting to CD16:53
baizonxubuntu692: UEFI?16:53
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nantousomebody told me aout a way to split ape-acu files with linux without MAC, (monkey audio), but I forgot18:13
nantoucould anyone suggest a way before I try it with windows?18:13
nantouand, what apps can I use to VOIP with people that use skype without using skype?18:14
holsteini would ask skype what they allow... ape-acu is an audio file?18:15
nantouape-acu-log is a set of files used to compress audio, if I have understood it correctly18:17
nantoui need to split the ape and acu files to get audio files18:17
holsteinyou mean, seperate audio from video? or split an audio track into smaller audio tracks?18:18
nantounoits all audio, but you cannot play the ape-acu files until it is split18:22
holsteini deal with audio a lot... if you elaborate as to what you have and what you need.. or you can try #opensourcemusicians18:23
nantouim sorry, as I stilln dont fully understand ape and acu, ill look for a link18:24
nantouI have a cd of brahms, I have an ape, an acu and a log file for it18:25
nantouthe ape files is the actual sound18:25
holsteinOH.. and a table of contents.. i might just burn a CD18:25
nantouthe acu marks the seconds in which the big ape file is split, so you get actual tracks of music18:25
nantouthe log, apparently, is just a log18:25
holsteini might install k3b (even though it pulls in a bunch of kde libs) and just make a CD18:26
nantouI prefer to store my music in a HDD18:26
holsteinsure.. then you can grab it18:26
nantouand where I am I dont have cds18:26
holsteinand store it where you like.. rip it18:26
nantouok, looking for k3b18:26
holsteinnantou: i would ask the content creator for a copy18:26
holsteinnantou: you should be able to burn a virtual CD and grab the contents back18:27
holsteinits brahms.. so i might just seek another source18:27
acidolatticoheilĂ ...18:51
tarayiciis there any way to change thumbnail size of files in thunar? permanently!18:55
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xubuntu000Hello all, i was wondering if someone could help me with something regarding Xubuntu20:53
xubuntu000is anyone there? @all20:53
well_laid_lawnxubuntu000: what's the problem?20:54
ubot93Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:55
well_laid_lawnxubuntu000: keep it in the channel please20:56
well_laid_lawnI don't know everything20:56
xubuntu000As i'm rather new to all of this, i wasn't sure what to expect.20:56
xubuntu000However, I was wondering about installing Xubuntu 12.04.1 on a linux machine20:56
xubuntu000I have a project to do and I'm attempting to run 0 ad on a linux computer in a lab.20:57
well_laid_lawnwhat's 0 ad20:57
xubuntu000a game, but the primary problem at hand involves getting xubuntu on the system20:57
xubuntu000should i used a CD or a flash drive, I don't know if USB will work and i heard I was supposed to format a USB with fat32 ( i have no idea what that is)20:58
well_laid_lawnjust go with the cd then20:58
xubuntu000Ok, could you help me figure out what this text means?20:58
xubuntu000It's some instructions to help me figure it out, and I don't know the terms and such20:59
xubuntu000also no context, as i'm new.20:59
well_laid_lawnyep sure20:59
dbbhi all - we build a Live distribution based on XUbuntu, now 12.04.1, its going great .. thx very much for your efforts.. but I have a question about locales20:59
xubuntu000This is all he told me:20:59
xubuntu000 Download the version for your OS and run it. Go ahead and format a USB drive with fat32. Select "xubuntu" and version 12.04.1 from the drop down boxes. Make sure you select the correct USB drive drive letter then click OK, it will download the ISO image for you and install it on the USB drive. Once that's done, eject the USB and next time your in the Linux lab, try to boot off the USB drive. The install process is fairly straigh20:59
xubuntu000that is the jist of it21:00
well_laid_lawnif your lab comp can boot from usb that should work21:00
well_laid_lawnyou might have to change the boot order in the bios21:00
dbbwe load some data that is windows encoded, windows-1252, and the linux locale is en_US.iso88591 I think.. what is the preferred way to add a locale to a new XUbuntu ?21:00
xubuntu000I understand how bios works, but i don't know what it means 'download the version for your os and run it' means21:01
well_laid_lawnOS = operating system21:01
xubuntu000I go tthat21:01
well_laid_lawnso windows or linux or mac21:01
xubuntu000there was only 1 option when i downloaded it21:01
xubuntu000well, 32 bit or 6421:01
xubuntu000I extracted the files from 12.04.1 to a folder and put it on my flash.21:02
xubuntu000Will taht be enough or do i have to actually 'format it' with fat3221:02
well_laid_lawnI guess he thinks you use windows and when you click on the file the right app will open up to set up the usb21:03
well_laid_lawnmight be handy to check these links21:03
ubot93Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:03
xubuntu000Thanks for your help @well_laid_lawn21:04
well_laid_lawnluck :)21:04
ShilaI was needing some specific help with changing my software sources in my xubuntu. I really don't want to have to reinstall yet again.22:13
Shilahello? is any one there? :)22:15
knome!ask | Shila22:15
ubot93Shila: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:15
Shilai am sorry, its hard to tell what is going on in here.22:16
Shilahow do i change my sofeware sources for xubuntu?22:17
Shilaright now it is set to only dl from disk... i need to be able to dl from the internet22:17
well_laid_lawn!repos | Shila22:18
ubot93Shila: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:18
well_laid_lawntry the last link22:18
gallowsCalibratooh sweet mother of jegus23:35
gallowsCalibratoanyone actually around?23:36
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N1KOL4anyone know why my title bar vanished when I just tried to change my theme? :/23:49

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