
ScottKWhat's the process for fixing language-pack-kde-ja?  It depends on calligra-l10n-ja, which doesn't exist in raring.00:26
RiddellScottK: oh that'll be because I ran build-l10n.sh on precise00:29
Riddellwhere calligra-l10n-ja does exist so it did the wrong thing00:29
ScottKCan you fix?00:29
Riddellprobably just a manual fix and upload is the best way, I'll do it in the morning00:29
apacheloggerScottK, shadeslayer: pfff, not my fault that upstream has a problem with its own library policy :P03:51
ScottKRight, but you knew that too ...03:52
apacheloggeryeah, wasn't aware until after I uploaded though03:53
ScottKI mean as a general rule.03:53
ScottKWhen did they even not break stuff?03:53
apacheloggerwell, generally speaking digikam has no business using libkdcraw03:54
* ScottK grumbles about people not reading what he carefully writes in the pad.03:54
apacheloggerwhat with it not being meant to be compatible I'd argue digikam should not use it03:54
apacheloggerjust like nothing should use the workspace libs03:54
ScottKWell, except it's the same people doing digikam and libkdcraw.03:54
ScottKThe alternative is it's just embedded in Digikam and then nothing in KDE SC can use it.03:55
ScottKThat or someone go beat them with a stick until they comprehend proper library management.03:55
apacheloggerdigikam has code copies of other crap, so...03:55
* ScottK is carefully not looking.03:56
apachelogger"You need the version from Debian experimental, but fixed to use external libs instead of the internal code copies."03:56
* ScottK goes and checks the laundry while Calligra 2.6 RC2 builds.03:56
apacheloggerScottK: IMHO the fixing there ought not be done03:56
apacheloggereither we accept it as it is or throw it out of ubuntu on the basis of having a shitty tarball03:57
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.  It's got an internal copy of libkexiv.03:57
ScottKThey release it that way prior to the KDE SC release because they depend on the unreleased version.03:57
apacheloggerthere is little incentive for upstream to get their act together if we keep making the crap pile shipable03:58
ScottKI think it's reasonably well established that they don't care.03:58
apacheloggerso why should we?03:58
ScottKBecause code copies are a bad idea.  Bloats everything and we want to give our users a good experience and keep the archive maintainable.03:59
apacheloggeryes, I say we simply stop distributing digikam on accounts of shitty tarball03:59
ScottKThe Digikam build system is designed to work with the external libs, so it's not like major surgery is required.04:00
apacheloggerScottK: what would the fixing entail then?04:00
ScottKJust some debian/rules changes.04:00
apacheloggershould that not be -DUSE_SYSTEM_QT=TRUE04:00
ScottKThe version in Debian experimental was packaged to use the internal copies because Debian doesn't have a new enough KDE SC packaged.  We do.04:01
* apachelogger sighs04:01
apacheloggernext phonon release actually depends on unreleased Qt api, perhaps I should ship an internal copy :S04:02
ScottKThere are other changes needed, but that's the bit about the internal libs.04:03
* ScottK goes to check laundry.04:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: where be the digikam then?04:06
ScottKHe claims it's ~done locally and will upload tomorrow.04:08
ScottKOf course it's kind of tomorrow there already, no idea.04:09
apacheloggeroh well04:09
apacheloggerwhat do I do while waiting?04:09
apacheloggerI could break the settings packages 04:09
apacheloggerseeing as I have the merge complete, so before doing restructuring ...04:10
* apachelogger needs a new music player04:11
apacheloggerhow well does xmms work?04:11
apacheloggerScottK: still here?05:05
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.05:05
ScottKCalligra at 80%05:05
apacheloggerScottK: did you review the kubuntu-settings package already?05:05
ScottKI did not.05:05
ScottKRiddell is really the one you want.  He invented the whole thing.05:06
apacheloggerbut he is snoozing :P05:06
ScottKYes, but my review wouldn't mean much.05:06
ScottKThe only thing I know at all about is the javscript confiuration script we used in netbook and I've forgotten 97% of what I knew about that.05:07
apacheloggerI need a general packaging review05:07
apacheloggerright now the package is only a merge of the other packages with renamed binaries05:07
ScottKThat I might to.05:08
ScottKapachelogger: How about non-essential/less critical in the low fat description.05:11
ScottKI could imagine upstream people getting annoyed at the current description.05:11
apacheloggerI think the description wording is the least of upstream concerns about that package ^^05:12
ScottKapachelogger: Also, each of the settings packages should have some unique words in the long descriptions.  You can't assume the that long description is always displayed with the short one next to it, it needs to stand alone.05:12
ScottKThe new binaries are going to need to break/replace the older ones with version << this one.05:14
apachelogger".\nThe settings are appliying to $PLASMA  based workspaces."?05:14
apacheloggere.g. plasma-desktop based workspaces05:14
ScottKExcept lowfat.  It's slightly different.05:14
apacheloggeryeah, that has additional info already though05:15
ScottKSpeed review: cat kubuntu-settings-*|less05:16
ScottKPackaging wise (keep in mind I'm really tired and Calligra has mushed my mind) I think it's otherwise fine (you got the conflicts/replaces, right?05:17
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^05:18
ScottKCalligra at 95%.05:18
apacheloggerScottK: yep, fixed05:18
* apachelogger breaks proposed a bit more \\o/05:20
apacheloggerScottK: we don't archvie pre-release isos?05:28
ScottKMaybe on old-releases.05:33
apacheloggerdon't see them there05:46
apacheloggerit is a good thing the internet remembers everything :S05:47
apacheloggerkubuntu-settings in new05:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: bug 106208605:57
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
apacheloggerQuintasan: yo06:01
apacheloggerQuintasan: fancy SRUing bug 1062086?06:01
* apachelogger is rather annoyed by it and shadeslayer did not sru it :(06:01
Quintasanapachelogger: Not right now, headed to programming lab, if I finish task earlier than expected I'll do preliminary work06:02
* apachelogger is certain of Quintasan finishing stuff early06:02
apacheloggerif not you can ask here, I hear apachelogger speaks all the silly languages except C# :P06:03
QuintasanDon't count on it, it's about the time I got some Java related book06:03
ScottKapachelogger: Fast enough New'ing for you?06:03
apacheloggerQuintasan: java is cool06:03
apacheloggerexcept for String == String 06:03
ScottKJava is an Oracle trap.06:03
apacheloggerand a lot of the older API06:03
apacheloggerScottK: hrrr06:04
apacheloggerScottK: thanks for the newing :D06:04
Quintasanapachelogger: Well, so far no problems, unfortunately I had to finish last task at home06:04
ScottKUnless, of course, you're Google and can afford really good lawyers.06:04
apacheloggerwell as I said ... String == String in java is a reference comparision, not a string comparision06:05
apacheloggeralso try to stay away from AWT06:05
apacheloggerother than that you should be good06:05
apacheloggerScottK: ^^06:05
Quintasanapachelogger: String == String? It compares references? Can that ever yield true?06:05
ScottKThat and don't use any APIs that Oracle believes will make your code a derivative of theirs.06:06
ScottKUnfortunately that's apparently all of them.06:06
apacheloggerQuintasan: no06:06
apacheloggerit can06:06
* Quintasan thinks comparing references is like asking for some trouble06:07
apacheloggerit does not give you anything06:07
sreichanother reason why not to use such oddly ty ped languages06:07
apacheloggerexcept when you do instance checks06:07
sreichjust give me pointers and refs and be done. stop that gc crap06:07
apacheloggerwhich are useful enough06:07
apacheloggersreich: suppose GC makes sense for the target audience of java06:08
Quintasansreich: At my first Java task I couldn't stop my cpp habit and used delete after I was done with the object and couldnt figure why IDE whines about delete06:08
sreichQuintasan: :D06:09
sreichapachelogger: yeah06:09
sreichthe problem is when people start writing actual things in it -_-06:09
apacheloggeractually I personally find it silly that you cannot delete crap 06:09
Quintasanapachelogger: Target of Java -> lazy devs who cant be assed with memory managment?06:09
sreichi love it when i see people using a gc'd language but then they call things like object.dispose()06:10
apacheloggerGC is nice and all but if I care to manage stuff myself why would the language refuse to let me do it06:10
sreichand GC.flush() or something06:10
apacheloggerthat's just silly06:10
apacheloggersreich: lol06:10
ScottKMy Java story is that when my wife was taking some programming classes, she took one that used Java first.  Then she took one that used Python.  After her first assignment in Python, she was sure she was doing something wrong because it was too easy.06:10
sreichso it's like oh it fixes some things but if you want it to be even slightly not  stupid you have to manually handle this anyways06:10
sreichScottK: :D06:10
* apachelogger finds it silly that one would learn java at uni actually06:11
sreichapachelogger: all the unis are doing it..06:11
Quintasanapachelogger: Can't help that :/06:11
apacheloggermine not06:11
apacheloggerwe learned C06:11
sreichall == many06:11
apacheloggerjava was expected to be known after having managed C :P06:11
QuintasanTruth be told, so far I am doing everything based on my C knowledge, I sleep through the lectures06:12
Quintasanapachelogger: You would like my Java prof. his voice is so monotonous you fall asleep in like, 3 minutes06:14
apacheloggerpulling an rbelem are we? :P06:14
QuintasanEvery damn time06:14
apacheloggerQuintasan: what do you learn in that lab anyway?06:14
QuintasanI dont want to look at the script because it might turn out I dont understand some stuff :P06:15
apacheloggerprogramming in java or programming through java?06:15
Quintasanapachelogger: Like, well, we produce code06:15
apacheloggeryeah, that I figured :P06:15
Quintasanapachelogger:  my last task was to implement some sort of library06:15
apacheloggerprogramming in java then :P06:16
Quintasanwith methods such as returnBook, rentBook, displayAvailableBooks06:16
apacheloggervery useful06:16
Quintasaninheritance and polymophism06:16
Quintasanso you'd get class Book and have things inherit from it06:17
Quintasanstuff like that06:17
Quintasandunno why bother with it but well06:17
* apachelogger wonders what you'd derive from a Book class06:17
JontheEchidnaobviously every time you added a new book to your library, you'd whip your java coder in to writing a new class06:17
JontheEchidnaI call it: JavaDB06:18
apacheloggermakes sense06:18
JontheEchidnaI call it: JavaBeanFactorySingletonInstanceFactoryDB06:18
apacheloggeractually that really makes sense06:18
apacheloggeryou'd put yourself out of a job by representign book propertis as... properties06:18
JontheEchidnableh, I should get to bed06:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: good night06:24
ScottKapachelogger: You'll need to re-upload your setting package.  "FAILED: kubuntu-settings (The following files are already published in Primary Archive for Ubuntu: kubuntu-netbook-default-settings_13.04ubuntu1_all.deb)"06:30
apacheloggernetbook hasn't had an upload in years and of course it gets one when I want to merge :P06:31
apacheloggerScottK: up it goes06:32
* apachelogger is getting silly brain from testing ISO images for when netbook broke -.-06:33
Quintasanseems like my uni wi-fi has port filtering06:40
Quintasanlo lwut06:49
apacheloggerit turns out the plasma-netbook page one freeze may be a Qt bug06:52
apacheloggeri.e. I can reproduce it with 12.10 a1, but not 12.04.106:52
apacheloggerformer featuring plasma-netbook 4.8.3 and latter 4.8.406:53
apacheloggeror not07:01
apacheloggerbackports is activated by default? :O07:22
ScottKapachelogger: Yes, but unless you specifically ask for a package from it, you won't get it (similar to pinning)07:23
apacheloggerwhy that is confusing07:23
ScottKIt's very nice.07:23
ScottKThis way JontheEchidna can offer people "here's the regular version of the package or here's the shiny, but not so tested one."  "Do you want the latest crack or something that might have had some testing."?07:24
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apacheloggerScottK, yofel_: are the 4.8 releases in precise backports?10:00
apacheloggeror based off the released precise versions10:00
apachelogger>>> ls ~/src/bzr/k/kde-workspace/debian/patches |wc -l10:02
Riddellapachelogger: I expect they're based off the released precise versions since 4.8 wouldn't go into quantal so nothing to backport10:15
apacheloggerRiddell: we had at leats .3 in quantal10:15
Riddellapachelogger: check the changelog then10:20
yofel__apachelogger: 4.8 in backports? Isn't 4.8 the precise release version?10:20
apacheloggerRiddell: no help10:20
apacheloggerit says *exactly* what the quantal versions says without any reflection of it coming from quantal10:21
yofel__apachelogger: if you mean 4.9 - that's based of quantal (using the wrong version though as my script had a bug)10:22
apacheloggerno, I mean 4.810:22
yofel__precise shipped with 4.810:22
yofel__and has 4.8.5 in -updates10:22
apacheloggerprecise shipped with 4.8.2, now it contains 4.8.5, somehow those additional 3 releases got in10:22
yofel__that's based of the precise packaging10:23
apacheloggerof those 3 releases at least .3 is most definitely based off quantal one way or another as .3 was what we had for quantal alpha110:23
yofel__the updates are always made with the packaging from the same release10:24
apacheloggerand somewhere between .2 and .3 something in quantal changed so that the plasma-netbook page one thing is broken10:24
yofel__if we had it in quantal too, then either the same packaging worked there as well, or we packaged it twice10:24
apacheloggerin precise however it remains working even with .510:24
apacheloggerprecise can be bricked by simply installing plasma-netbook and deps from quantal10:25
apacheloggerall indicating that a patch is to blame10:26
yofel__blame... boost or whatever.10:26
yofel__that had like a 3 version jump for quantal10:26
apacheloggeryofel__: it is not working in alpha110:26
apacheloggerthat is like 1 or 2 months past precise10:26
apacheloggerand I can break precise without updating boost10:26
yofel__I'm not saying that it isn't a patch, and I don't think we ever merged 4.8 either, but quantal has plenty of changes to precise by itself10:27
apacheloggerit would almost certainly be easier to find the cause if our bzr branches were properly tagged and did not have weirdly deformed commit messages10:27
apacheloggerlet alone the obligatory commit without patch once a month10:28
yofel__well, tagging is easy to forget...10:28
yofel__also note that precise used gcc 4.6 - and 4.7 was buggy as hell10:30
apacheloggeras I see it either a patch is causing it or something inline in Qt10:31
yofel__Qt sounds more likely... it's not like we had a different patchset for precise and quantal for 4.8.310:32
yofel__or did we?10:32
apacheloggerthat's what I am trying to find otu10:34
* yofel__ wonders if we want bzr branches for the post-release updates10:35
yofel__that would bloat our branch count a lot though10:35
yofel__git would be handy here -.-10:35
apacheloggergit ftw10:38
apacheloggeryofel__: truth be told, I think with bzr this makes a lot less sense10:38
yofel__well, kind of the reason that we have none right nwo10:39
apacheloggerit's not too appealing to cherry pick stuff out of another branch with bzr10:39
apacheloggeralso there'd be little use history-wise as it's hard to track where a commit came from to begin with10:39
apacheloggeryofel__: we should simply use git :P10:40
yofel__probably hosting it on alioth then, but we already had that discussion10:40
apacheloggeryofel__: we did we decide to stay with bzr?10:41
Riddellit's the ubuntu way10:41
yofel__we had no conclusion as it would be quite a bit of work10:41
Riddellit's easier to use than git10:41
Riddellthere's no obvious git host to use and it would limit cooperation with other teams10:42
apacheloggerit would improve cooperation with our upstream :S10:43
yofel__sure, question is what makes more sense for us. Or whether the debian folks would even appreciate having our work meshed with theirs10:43
yofel__oh, Riddell's right, forgot about the ubuntu-intra-cooperation issue10:44
yofel__anyway, lunch. BBL10:44
apacheloggeroh, already lunch time10:45
apachelogger6 hours wasted10:45
Riddelltracking down bugs is never a waste!10:45
apacheloggerI could have spent that time on implementing a clock plasmoid10:46
mikhasRiddell, if hunting down bugs is not a waste, then writing software (with bugs) must be.10:56
mikhasOtherwise, the universe would be out of balance.10:57
apacheloggerif someone wants to file removal requests for the settings sources that'd be nice, kubuntu-settings now landed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings11:27
* apachelogger is off to lunch11:27
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=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
Riddellapol: I made a fix to analitza for no gl13:58
apolRiddell: i saw, thanks13:58
apolRiddell: is it working well now?13:58
Riddelloh bah I missed a change I needed to make it compile14:02
Riddellapol: so no, my fault though :)14:02
yofel__huh, both kubotu and ubottu are MIA o.O14:03
apolRiddell: :P well tell me if you need anything else14:04
yofel__apachelogger: did the nickserv issues yesterday kill kubotu?14:05
BluesKajHi all14:05
Riddellyofel__: they've just left the matrix to have a meeting in real life14:06
yofel__hm, no, different guest ^^14:06
apacheloggerubottu server seems down seeing as ubottu is also not here14:06
yofel__Riddell: oh, guess we should hope they get bored soon14:06
apacheloggerjussi01-nom would know14:06
shadeslayeroh ... possibly jussi01-nom nom'd ubottu14:07
shadeslayerevil he is14:07
* apachelogger breaks kubuntu-meta a bit14:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: for bug 1058466 you said the old kcm can go away?14:09
RiddellBug 1058466: remove kcm-gtk from archive14:12
apacheloggerintartubes fail while editing bugs14:21
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, Riddell: I wonder whether we should add a transition package from old kcm to new kcm14:22
dantti_laptopRiddell: hi, I have just fixed a really hard to fix bug :P it would be nice if you added this patch to the colord-kde package :D http://commits.kde.org/colord-kde/a3307c670055104afdce5d2d2714db47479fb5aa14:22
apacheloggerto ensure people without kubuntu-desktop get the new thingy14:22
apacheloggeruhh, it's a dantti_laptop14:22
* apachelogger hugs dantti_laptop14:22
Riddellyay, dantti_laptop!14:23
* dantti_laptop waves back :)14:23
Riddelldantti_laptop: I'll take a look, anything for a real life international freedom fighter14:24
dantti_laptopRiddell: hehe :)  yes, freedom outside computers is extremelly important too :D14:24
apacheloggerRiddell: what do we do with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/100163014:26
apacheloggerI am not sure what the benefit is14:27
apacheloggerand we have no UI to configure it14:27
Riddellapachelogger: I think it would need a kde port of whoopsie14:30
apacheloggerdo we?14:30
Riddellbut since we don't use apport for the most part it would be of limited use14:31
apacheloggerthat's why I wonder whether it is even worthwhile to venture into a qt port14:31
Riddellactually I might be wrong, whoopsie doesn't use gtk so it's probably just a daemon14:31
shadeslayerdantti_laptop: welcome back \o/14:32
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, but it needs a configure UI from what I understand14:32
apachelogger[x] send stuffz to canonical14:32
dantti_laptopshadeslayer: thanks :)14:32
yofel__well, to some extent one might argue that apport should be recommending whoopsie if it uses it...14:32
apacheloggerRiddell: unlike apport the whoopsie thing is non-interactive it appears14:32
yofel__it is non-interactive14:32
apacheloggeri.e. it sends stuff automagically regardless of whether you choose to report it14:32
yofel__it sends the stuff to errors.ubuntu.com14:33
yofel__I think14:33
apachelogger! Could not open STRUCTURE from checkout of (any of):14:33
apachelogger!   bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu.quantal14:33
yofel__which is the new crash tracking DB14:33
apacheloggeryofel__: yes14:33
* yofel__ notes that akonadi crashes end up there14:33
* apachelogger wonders how ScottK refreshed kubuntu-meta for raring without updateing the config :O14:34
apacheloggeryofel__: would be better if they ended up with upstream ;)14:34
yofel__sure, I'm just noting that that isn't the case14:34
shadeslayerW: digikam source: ancient-standards-version 3.8.4 (current is 3.9.3)14:35
yofel__and errors.ubuntu.com is a PITA for any other flavour than ubuntu really as you can't filter by packageset14:35
shadeslayereven debian didn't update the standards version :P14:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: saw that too and when *shrug* whatever14:35
yofel__shadeslayer: the last ubuntu policy version is 3.8.2, so who cares14:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah, I'm not increasing the diff for something as stupid as the standards-version14:36
shadeslayerThis digikam merge has been fun indeed : http://paste.kde.org/615446/14:36
apacheloggersuch a big delta14:37
shadeslayeractually, it's lesser now :P14:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: please throw the xpm updates at debian14:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: needs social engineering14:37
shadeslayerzonealarm is trying to sell me a firewall14:39
shadeslayer"Last Chance - Black Friday Prices Extended 24hrs - Ends Tue 11/27"14:39
Riddellshadeslayer: a bug report isn't social engineering14:40
dantti_laptopshadeslayer: it seems back friday will only end a week before christmas :P sad enough here we just get spam, price is the same...14:44
shadeslayerfwiw digikam uploaded to https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental14:45
Riddelldantti_laptop: this patch is worth a stable release update?14:46
dantti_laptopRiddell: yup, without it colord-kde is actually pretty useless, first on startup a profile is not applied (I didn't notice this before since it's hard for me to reboot)..14:52
dantti_laptopit also makes the calibrate button disabled..14:52
apacheloggerkubuntu-meta updated14:55
jussi01-nomapachelogger: yes, ubottu.com is down, rackspace made a mistake, they are working on getting it back up asap.15:06
apacheloggeryofel__: ^15:06
* apachelogger breaks some more of kubuntu in the meantime then :P15:07
Riddelldantti_laptop: hmm doesn't apply cleanly to 0.2.015:08
dantti_laptopRiddell: oh, I even reverted lukas patch in the hope it would go fine :/15:08
dantti_laptopRiddell: what can I do to help fixing this?15:09
Riddelldantti_laptop: here's a rejected bit http://paste.kde.org/615554/15:10
Riddellcolord-kded/ColorD.h has no m_x11EventHandler or m_profilesWatcher15:11
jussi01-nomoooh, dantti_laptop is here - good to see you sir!15:12
dantti_laptopjussi01-nom: you too15:12
dantti_laptopRiddell: hmm the x11 should exist .. the watcher probably got add later, let me fetch the source of the current package to see if I can do this..15:13
* apachelogger suggests using more branches and tags btw15:13
dantti_laptopapachelogger: luckly I have tags :P15:25
apacheloggerweirdly named ones :P15:26
dantti_laptopRiddell: this one applies fine http://paste.kde.org/615566/ do you prefer by mail?15:36
Riddelldantti_laptop: that'll do15:37
RiddellScottK: bug 1083628 with dantti_laptop's update should you be in a sru mood15:49
soeei see app emnu support in 4.10, Dolhin changes etc :) can't wait ppa with packages15:57
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=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
apolhi, do you people know if we're going to get a package for ninja anytime soon? (i know it's not strictly kubuntu, but it's useful for developing KDE :D)16:51
apacheloggerapol: what when where?16:57
apolwhat: http://martine.github.com/ninja/16:58
apolwhen: asap?16:58
apolwhere: i don't know xD16:59
apolapachelogger: ^16:59
JontheEchidna(with ninjas you never know)17:00
apacheloggerseems the guy who wanted to package it failed on the might requirements of debian packaging17:03
apacheloggerwhat a shame17:03
apacheloggerapol: best drop a mail to the list or something17:05
* apachelogger will have forgotten by tomorrow17:05
apolapachelogger: what list17:06
Riddellapol: I'll take a look17:11
apolRiddell: cool, i already sent the e-mail you can answer there if you want...17:16
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellhi rbelem 19:22
rbelemheya Riddell :-)19:22
Riddellrbelem: how's life at !nokia?19:23
rbelemRiddell: really different... I'm studying telecomunication now, gsm, wcdma, lte19:24
Riddellthese acronyms are for 2G, 3G and 4G mobiles?19:26
rbelemno software development in a while, just at home19:26
rbelemRiddell: yup19:26
* rbelem misses qt development a lot at work19:27
Riddellwell I hear there's lots of plasma active packaging to be done :)19:36
rbelemyeah :-)19:41
rbelemRiddell: i will update some packages today19:42
rbelemas soon as i arrive home19:43
dantti_laptophi a friend of mine was using ubuntu+cinnamon, I suggested to install kubuntu-desktop since cinnamon was eating CPU but the kde desktop doesn't show oxygen theme20:45
dantti_laptopkde-style-oxygen is installed but it doesn't show in the options20:46
BluesKajthe 13,04 kubuntu alternate install daily build is broken ... I posted my experience with it in ubuntu+1 ,m but nobody seems concerned20:51
ScottKapachelogger: I updated the config, just after I ran the update script.22:06
ScottKarmel still exists, it's just no longer updated, so it even the old config still 'works'.22:06
ScottKshadeslayer: Where's my digikam?22:12
PaulW2Uctrl-M /input return22:13
yofelBluesKaj: it might very well be as we're messing with KDE and settings at the moment, should be in order again for alpha122:17
BluesKajyofel , I tried both the AMD 64 Bit Alternate and the regular Desktop AMD 64 images and both won't get past the "Install Kubuntu" page 22:20
BluesKajof 13,0422:20
yofelit would be useful to have an error message of some kind, either from xsession-errors, syslog, or apport (/var/crash/)22:21
BluesKajyeah , but nothing , it merely freezes22:22
yofeltry a tty, on the live disk you should already ba logged in22:22
BluesKajblack xcren , no blinking cursor , no activity from either HDD or the cdrom 22:23
* yofel fetches the iso in testdrive22:24
BluesKajok yofel , hang on ...had a phone call there for a few minutes ...gonna try 22:27
ScottKRiddell: Accepted.22:31
* ScottK takes a whack at Cantor.22:35
yofelBluesKaj: kubuntu desktop amd64 seems to work fine in KVM (live session) - or does it crash during the installation?22:40
BluesKajyofel, no tty available , have to do a hard reboot to get back22:48
BluesKajI have a some semblance of 13.04 left , but with no fullscreen using the nouveau driver , none of the nvidia drivers will install  I get an xinit error 22:51
ScottKCan you try Ubuntu 13.04 on the same machine?22:51
ScottKThat'd let us know of it's specific to our part of the installer or not.22:52
BluesKajScottK, it is on the same machine , just different partitions 22:53
yofel13.04 amd64 daily just installed fine in KVM, so nouveau sounds like a good next place to look at22:53
BluesKajI'm using the 12.10 atm , was speaking with yofel on the 13.04 install ,22:55
BluesKajBut I think I'm going to call it a day , I'll be back thurs , hope I can fix the xinit problem or DL a better 13.04 image22:57
BluesKajlater gents , thanks for your attn to this matter22:58

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