
TheLordOfTimebut there is no PPA address for that00:02
TheLordOfTimeyou're referencing the Lucid repositories directly00:02
TheLordOfTimeand sun-java6-jre won't be in ANY PPA last i checked due to the change in licensing for it00:02
TheLordOfTime(by Oracle)00:03
SeboSo how can I add this repository to my ubuntu sources.list00:03
TheLordOfTimewhat version of Ubuntu are you on?00:03
Sebo10.04.4 LTS00:03
TheLordOfTimeSebo, you already have that repository then.00:04
SeboI might have not cause I've got corporation customised ubuntu...00:05
TheLordOfTimepastebin your sources.list then00:05
SeboMy /etc/apt/sources.list is empty (except some comment lines)00:06
SeboAnd I can pastebin the cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*00:07
TheLordOfTimeyou may want to do that00:13
TheLordOfTimebecause if you have nothing in your sources.list, well...00:13
TheLordOfTimesomething's not right there :p00:13
bigjoolswell don't publicly paste it00:17
bigjoolsit might have passwords in it00:17
SeboThere is no passwords there and I've cutted off our internal domain names00:18
ajmitchfwiw, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2012-January/001554.html00:21
TheLordOfTimeah i see what's happening there...00:22
ajmitchthat was the reason for deletion from lucid00:22
TheLordOfTimeyep that.00:22
TheLordOfTimedoes webupd8 team still maintain java 6/7 for lucid?  i know they had a script that downloaded the data from oracle itself, and didnt contain any actual java code/programs.00:23
TheLordOfTimeanswered my own question!00:23
TheLordOfTimeSebo, use this PPA if you need Sun / Oracle Java:  https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/java/00:24
TheLordOfTimeit installs the JDK, but that's about the closest you'll get to just the JRE in an easy-to-install setup.00:24
SeboThix I think that's it... :)00:25
SeboI need jre from oracle cause the open one is not compatible with frost :p00:26
TheLordOfTimethe JDK has a JRE00:26
TheLordOfTimeit should work :p00:26
ScottKSebo: You need to talk to Oracle then.00:27
SeboTo complayn them abut the pess which was caused by their non acceptance of the licence... cause I do not think I need to touch them just to use theirs jre... at least for @ windows I did not had to so why should I for @ Linux.00:29
ScottKNothing we can do about the license.  They're now distributing it under terms that make it not suitable for inclusion in Linux distros.01:59
bigjoolsScottK: I consider that a good thing :)02:12
lifelesslicense of ?02:14
ScottKbigjools: No argument from me.02:26
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YoBoYa tricky question : I'm trying to understand where is the best place to fix a translation problem. The source file is in Latex, the tool to translate is Launchpad, the destination langage is french, and the problem is with the [nbsp]. In Launchpad, we use [nbsp] for non breaking spaces, but it translates them into real " " in the .po and not the LaTeX code "~". Latex have wondefull paquages to help with langages and this causes in some parts a double13:15
YoBoYno break space. I don't know where to fix this problem, in Launchpad ? in po4a ? in Latex package ? in our french translators recomandations ? Any Idea ?13:15
czajkowskiYoBoY: unsure and jtv isn't here to ask13:15
czajkowskiYoBoY: mind mailing lp users and see if we can get a reply there ?13:16
YoBoYsure :)13:16
YoBoYit's launchpad-users@lists… ?13:17
czajkowski<-- lunch13:18
YoBoYbon appétit :)13:18
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
pfefferzhello everyone15:05
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pfefferzderyck, danilos suggested I ask you about how to remove someone from a BPs subscriber list16:02
deryckpfefferz: if you have the appropriate permission, you should be able to click the red minus sign icon and remove them.16:04
pfefferzokay, what permission do I need for that?16:05
pfefferzderyck, I'm already an admin16:05
deryckpfefferz: by permission, I just meant being able to see proprietary or embargoed blueprints. in other words, if you can add someone to a blueprint, you should be able to unsubscribe them.16:07
pfefferzderyck, :)16:07
pfefferzderyck, okay cool. Not sure if I missed the minus last time or if it wasn't there. Anyhow, it looks good now16:10
deryckpfefferz: excellent.16:11
pfefferzderyck, thanks for the help16:11
deryckpfefferz: np.16:12
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therveI have a problem with subscribing a team to bugs, I wonder if someone had an idea16:27
ricotzhello :), i am curious what are prerequisites to have armhf build support for a ppa?16:44
ricotzczajkowski, hello :) ^16:46
czajkowski<--- on a cal16:47
mgzricotz: well, employment by canonical or linaro for starts16:48
mgzwe don't have good answers for other people who want to to arm builds16:48
ricotzmgz, hi, i see, having arm build for elementaryOS wouldn't fit that then16:49
ricotzmgz, jfyi, the concerning ppa would be https://launchpad.net/~elementary-os/+archive/daily containing daily recipe builds16:50
czajkowskiricotz: hi as mgz points out, we only have those build for canonical and linaro at present16:54
ricotzczajkowski, thanks, i feared that answer ;)16:59
flacostemgz, ricotz: that's not true since we virtualized ARM builders17:03
mgzah, so how do we go about giving out arm perms these days flacoste?17:03
flacosteto date, we only enabled it for people with commercial subscription17:04
ricotzflacoste, oh, so there is a chance17:04
flacostethat's the first request from an open-source project17:04
czajkowskiflacoste: ah the other categroy also.17:04
flacostei'll have to investigate the impact though17:04
czajkowskiflacoste: we get regular requests for it also not just this17:05
flacosteczajkowski, ricotz: i'll research this and come back with an official policy :-)17:06
ricotzflacoste, thank you!17:06
czajkowskiflacoste: thanks,  for reference we get about 2-3 a week17:06
flacosteczajkowski: people who want armhf builds on their PPA?17:06
ricotzflacoste, it would also be possible to use a more restricted ppa do avoid flooding the arm builders with daily builds17:07
flacostericotz: these are 386 boxes really17:07
czajkowskiflacoste: yes. we get asked a lot about this.17:07
ricotzflacoste, ok, just saying it is reasonable to reduce the builds to avoid flooding the builders17:08
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sorenI need to take control of a launchpad project registered by a former employee. Can anyone help me with that?19:09
sorenFiled a question: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/21541519:20
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SpamapSwhen using login.launchpad.net for OpenID ..is there a restriction on querying peoples' membership in a private team?23:15
lifelessyou need a bit set, as the openid extra-data query is itself not authenticated23:27
lifelessso only trusted rp's can be allowed to query private teams23:27
SpamapSmakes sense23:27
SpamapSI figured as much.23:27
lifelessthis is one of the reasons ISD and LP both want to stop offering team data via openid23:27
lifelessinstead, use openid for authentication and LP directly for authorisation23:27
SpamapSbut its so useful!23:27
lifelessthe functionality is23:28
lifelessthe conflation of AA->A isn't23:28

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