
sambagirlhi is lubuntu using gnome desktop? secondly is it still closely similar to 10.04 - 10.10 interface?00:57
Unit193The "L" in Lubuntu is for LXDE.00:57
Unit193As far as looking like 10.x: http://www.chrishaney.com/?linux&release=Lubuntu%2012.1001:01
sambagirli need a uppper and lower panel that i can manipulate primarily01:03
sambagirli've  been working for the last few days with a new os ultimate edition 3.5 based off precise but it's so out of control i cant do nothing with it and therei is zero support for it. so i have to move on01:04
Ahmucksambagirl: what type of panel02:27
Ahmucki need help with my mouse laptop pad.  i need to turn off the pad as it is getting in the way02:28
sambagirlto tell you the truth i don't even know anymore. :)02:28
Ahmucksambagirl: what r u trying 2 do02:33
sambagirli'm trying to maintain familiarity and by that i mean to have what gnome offered in 10.10/10.04 with top and bottom panels where you could add familiar applets that were functional and useful.02:45
sambagirli haev on one laptop something called ultimate edition and it offers like 15 different desktops you can choose from. it's so messy i'm sick of it. but it gives you a chance to see everything you dont want to see on a regular basis.02:46
sambagirli have tried the lxfe for lubuntu and it's complicated to manipulate when your used to gnome 202:46
Unit193Simply because if you're expecting Gnome2, it's just not it, same with Xfce and Gnome2.02:53
Unit193If you're looking for something that has top and bottom by *default*, I think Unity kind of does, and Xubu.02:55
Unit193Did you try mate on whatever makes that?02:55
sambagirlunity makes me want to vomit02:55
sambagirlthat is why i didnt use anything after 10.10 cause it had that unity02:55
sambagirlit's almost as awful as windows 802:56
Unit193Xubuntu == Xubu.02:56
Ahmucku can do this in lubuntu02:56
Ahmucku can add a bar at the top and bottom and icons02:56
Ahmuckthis is what i do02:56
sambagirloh really02:57
Unit193So that's simple, Unity is out of the question.  You may be able to do that with lxpandl, and even if not there are other panels.  Tint2 is one good non-default.02:57
sambagirlthey have lubuntu interface on this edition thingy and i had a chance to look at it.02:57
Ahmuckright click on the current bar and "create new panel"02:57
sambagirlbrb and thanks i am looking online now02:57
Unit193Check the LXDE wiki.02:57
* Ahmuck bumps sambagirl02:57
Ahmuckd@#$@#$ mouse02:58
Ahmucki can step you through it02:58
sambagirlalso i would know that compiz works.02:58
sambagirlok i have to cook at the momenet brb02:58
Ahmuckthat i can't help you with02:58
Ahmuckmmm, what r u fixin02:58
Unit193sambagirl: http://lubuntublog.blogspot.com/search/label/eyecandy02:59
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smurfsloverhi there, first time user for lubuntu can someone point me in the right direction to install ati proprietary driver?13:51
kristoffer<kristoffer> in lubuntu  i try to open Unetbootin by right click and select the "run as program" but it is not there, helP?19:51
holsteinkristoffer: in what os?19:52
bioterrorsudo apt-get install unetbootin19:52
bioterrorgksudo unetbootin19:52
bioterrorusually unetbootin also asks password when run from the menu19:52
kristofferholstein Lubuntu...19:53
holsteinkristoffer: then enjoy bioterror 's excellent response19:53
kristofferok installing ii dident know it could be installed through terminal i always downloaded the file from website xd19:54
bioterrorbut unetbootin is hardly needed nowdays, unles you really really want to make a persistent usb pendrive19:54
bioterror!apt | kristoffer19:54
ubot93kristoffer: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)19:54
bioterrorkristoffer, read, please19:54
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kristofferis there anything else i can use instead of unetbootin its freezez at  4% i also had that problem before20:00
kristoffernvm it dident freeze anyway20:01
intelgmahi, i really need some help with onboard intel gma 3100 graphics (q35 chipset): playing videos in fullscreen (mplayer/gmplayer) just does not work correctly. i can either get fullscreen with audio/video getting more and more out of sync (with -vo gl) or using the default settings and the player will hang after a few settings, leaving the system unresponsive for some time.21:22
intelgmaso far i tried updating the whole system, updating mplayer to a very recent version via repository, lubuntu 12.04/12.10 in i386 and amd64, linux mint but everywhere the same21:24
intelgmai know it does work, because i had it working some days ago but had to reinstall the whole system. now i don't know where to check. it has to be software related21:26
bioterrornothing new in launchpad21:27
intelgmais there some packet for intel onboard graphics that i am missing? xorg.log has no errors, dri is supposed to be enabled21:28
bioterrorwhat if you use VLC21:28
bioterrordoes it work?21:28
intelgmawill try that21:29
intelgmavlc plays some files with video okay, so it seems, but the audio is terribly distorted. other files that mplayer does play with a/v out of sync let's vlc hang or crash21:34
bioterroryou're 100% sure your videos are okay? :D21:35
intelgmaat first i thought it's the kernel, but after trying 2.6.xx, 3.2.xx,3.5.xx,3.6.xx i don't know where to look21:36
intelgmaand yes, the files were playing fine before :)21:36
intelgmafunny thing is: flash works fullscreen21:39
Slaybackhi this is the secound time i install Lubuntu 12.04 today, after the first install wifi worked and after another restart the wifi wouldent work anymore, when turning on wifi by pressing Fn and wifi key it said only Dissconnected, i just reinstalled and this is the first time boot, is there anything i can do if the wifi wont work again after a secound reboot??21:40
intelgma... i just downloaded some new files. they seem to be okay!21:41
intelgmaand even the old ones are fine now .... what did vlc install that mplayer requires?21:42
intelgmai can't believe that21:42
bioterrorSlayback, hard to say atm.21:42
bioterrorSlayback, ifconfig, ifconfig device up21:43
bioterrormaybe you might need to give rfkill21:43
bioterrorwho knows21:43
Slaybackthe wifi button was there the when the first install dident work after secound boot, but there was no connections showing and just said "Wired network dissconeccted"21:44
intelgmaokay, no i am totally lost. all of a sudden both mplayer and vlc play any file just fine!21:47
intelgmaand all after vlc hang/crashed on me21:47
gajbooksIs there any way to have Lubuntu (or any linux) use the pagefile for written things and temporary storage of read things until the system shuts down? Then it would write things to the disk?22:41
gajbooksI'm running Lubuntu off of a terrible slow USB 1.1 and I want things to have a cache on my faster firewire drive. (Computer doesn't boot from Firewire so I can't just do that)22:42
intelgmagajbooks: you could even use a ramdisk to do that22:45
bioterrorhe could install lubuntu on that firewire drive and use usb pendrive as a boot loader?22:46
intelgmaeven better22:47
gajbooksI also don't want to format the drive, so I'll try ramdisk.22:48
gajbooksHow would one use a ram disk for that?22:48
intelgmahttp://www.tremende.com/ramlog/ this is an easy installation, but only for /var/log, IIRC.22:51
intelgmawhat kind of data are we talking about?22:52
gajbooksAnything the OS or a program wants.22:56
intelgmamount -t tmpfs -o size=300M tmpfs /path/to/ramdisk22:56
intelgmabut you would have to point all the possible save-destinations to that path22:57
intelgmaa good start would be to symlink /tmp to that dir, possibly /var/tmp and /var/log as well, like: mkdir /mnt/ramdisk/{tmp,var/log,var/tmp} && mount --bind /tmp /mnt/ramdisk/tmp23:02
intelgmaand so on23:02
intelgmawait, that should probably be mount --move olddir newdir23:03
intelgmano, that applies to mountpoints only23:05

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