
Lennie_I'm using the maas.img.bz2 for that node, because I did not want to mess with the DHCP00:00
Lennie_the status of the node in MAAS (I added it by hand with the right MAC and name) is: Commissioning00:01
Lennie_what I tried first is to boot from the 12.10 server CD and choose MAAS, use MAAS-server X (so the Avahi/multicast works)00:02
Lennie_but all it does it reboot00:02
Lennie_after you choose that option00:02
Lennie_any tips ?00:03
bigjoolsLennie_: it's not really tested without dhcp, why don't you want to change that?00:03
Lennie_Ahh, ok. I see00:04
Lennie_Well, I didn't want to change it, because I'm running this in a virtual environment but I thought it would still need Internet access ?00:04
Lennie_but I guess it doesn't.00:05
bigjoolsthe nodes need internet access to complete installation00:05
bigjoolsthis is probably what is going wrong for you00:05
Lennie_the master did install and download all the needed stuff00:05
Lennie_it does have internet00:05
bigjoolswhat do you mean by master here?00:06
Lennie_ok, I at least now know that without DHCP-changes it won't work. I'll switch stuff around00:06
Lennie_master=MAAS server00:06
bigjoolsare you using the maas packages from 12.10?00:06
Lennie_yes I am00:06
bigjoolsso the nodes need internet access to00:08
Lennie_ahh, would that be different with 10.04 ?00:08
Lennie_I can just do a reinstall00:08
bigjoolsno, it has always been the case00:09
Lennie_hmm.. ok, I see00:09
bigjoolswhen they commission/enlist, they download some extra packages from the archive00:09
Lennie_I just remembered I don't need to mess with DHCP, because it is virtual I can just tell iPXE to use next-server and pxelinux.000:11
Lennie_I have some doubts about it working, but I'll try anyway :-00:12
bigjoolsok :)00:13
bigjoolsFWIW there's quite a few bugs we're fixing in 12.10, you can see the list here.  It should be released to the archive soon. https://launchpad.net/maas/+milestone/12.10-stabilization00:14
Lennie_see I did try that before, what I get in that case is: Trying to load: pxelinux.cfg/some-long-number00:14
Lennie_and to be clear after that, nothing happends00:15
bigjoolsright, it's trying to TFTP00:15
bigjoolsthe number is the MAC address00:16
bigjoolsmaas runs its own tftp server00:16
bigjoolsthe dhcp server tells the pxe boot where to tftp from00:16
Lennie_Yes I know and it is the same MAC address as before00:16
bigjoolsbut I expect you know all this :)00:16
Lennie_pxelinux.0 does get downloaded00:17
Lennie_why does it not download more ?00:17
Lennie_ahh, I found the bug...? it does not try to download the pexlinux.cfg/adsfsdf from the next-server, but the DHCP server00:20
Lennie_and that was after downloading the pxelinux.0 from the next-server :-)00:21
Lennie_ok, maybe it is because I'm faking it00:22
bigjoolsif next-server is not present, it defaults to the same address as the dhcp server00:23
Lennie_yep, that was the problem00:26
bigjoolswe have a PPA with fixes for a lot of those problems if you want to test with it00:32
Lennie_euh... no ? I spend already 2 or 3 hours before I found out that the libvirt/NAT on my desktop where the virtual machines are running translates the multicast traffic to 224.something from Avahi to (the address on the lxcbr0)00:34
Lennie_and I can't figure out why by the way00:34
Lennie_if you have an idea why I'd love to know :-)00:34
Lennie_it isn't a rule in iptables or iptables -t nat00:35
Lennie_or -t mangle ;-)00:35
Lennie_ok, the node failed to install: unmet dependencies: kernel package: linux-server00:36
bigjoolsyou need to use bridged networking00:37
Lennie_The NAT is a bridge ;-) anyway, I disabled network manager, created a bridge and attached eth0 and put my IP on the bridge and told libvirt to connect it to the bridge00:38
bigjoolsNAT is not bridged :)00:38
bigjoolsare you intending to use MAAS with real machines at some point?00:39
Lennie_well, maybe, probably. If I like it and I can convince my boss and coworkers at work :-)00:40
Lennie_what I wanted to do is play with OpenStack and Ceph, but the Ceph charm needed block devices, so I needed a way to automate deployment. So I'm doing a virtual bare-metal for deploying charms00:43
bigjoolsI was going to say that if you really wanted VMs for deployment, you don't really want to use MAAS00:45
bigjoolsfeel free to ping me directly if you want more help00:45
Lennie_have to admint it is all a bit confusing, I only started playing with OpenStack a couple of days ago and I know Ceph already for a couple of months, been following it's progress for more than a year. Now I'm adding juju, charms and MAAS.00:47
Lennie_maybe it is just to much in one go ;-)00:47
bigjoolsthere is a lot to learn, yes!00:48
bigjoolsbut if you take it one step at a time, it's not a problem00:48
bigjoolsyou won't get to learn it quickly though00:48
Lennie_and I wanted the OpenStack with Quantum and Ceph thin provisioning, I can tell you you need there are some corner cases there that don't work ;-)00:49
Lennie_and trying to get them all right in one go was a bad idea :-)00:49
bigjoolsyes :)00:49
bigjoolshey roaksoax, did you get the dhcpd apparmor fix SRUed?00:51
Lennie_bigjools: is the install of 12.04 of MAAS less buggy or more buggy than 12.10 ?00:51
bigjoolsLennie_: vastly more00:51
bigjoolswe're replacing 12.04 with what's in 12.10 soon00:52
Lennie_Ok, because I'm still stuck with installing the first node00:52
bigjoolsso the bugs will be equal :)00:52
bigjoolsyeah, it's not really tested on VMs so I am not surprised00:52
Lennie_is this VM related ?: "ok, the node failed to install: unmet dependencies: kernel package: linux-server"00:53
Lennie_it says in the title: "Congiruing linux-image-3.5.0-18-generic"00:53
bigjoolshonest, not sure.  is that in the console log on the node?00:53
Lennie_in the console yes00:54
Lennie_in the log, well console 4: unmet depend: linux-header-3.5.0-18-generic depends linux-headers-3.5.0-18 but it is not going to installed00:55
Lennie_and: unmet depend: linux-image-generic depends linux-image-extra-3.5.0-18 but it is not going to installed00:56
Lennie_I tried to chroot in /target and run apt-get -f install and it says: no space left on device00:58
Lennie_it seems it created a partition of 557MB00:59
Lennie_with over 500MB used00:59
Lennie_hmm, you can't force a MAAS installation to do something else than what it is programmed to do, when you are at the console, can you ?01:04
Lennie_not even by going to the menu when you have an error and choosing something01:05
Lennie_let's see what happends with I change it from virtio disk to ide01:06
Lennie_now it uses most of the disk01:08
bigjoolssorry, on the phone01:13
Lennie_bigjools: no worries, it's starting to work now :-001:14
bigjoolsgood to hear01:27
Lennie_bigjools: is this still true for juju ?: You'll want to make sure default-series is set to the Ubuntu Server release you want. (Only precise is supported for now.)01:33
bigjoolsLennie_: no, it can deploy quantal01:34
Lennie_because at this point I get: INFO Bootstrapping environment 'maas' (origin: distro type: maas)..."01:36
Lennie_"ERROR No matching node is available."01:36
bigjoolsyou have one of the bugs that's not fixed in the archive yet :(01:37
bigjoolsit's a juju bug01:37
bigjoolsthere's a workaround, hang on01:37
Lennie_I already used juju 0.6 from ppa to be save, but I guess that wasn't enough ;-)01:39
bigjoolsoh, hmm01:39
bigjoolstry: juju bootstrap --constraints arch=i386 (or amd64 if that's what you have)01:40
bigjoolsotherwise, check your maas console, you do have at least one node that's marked "ready" right?01:41
Lennie_yes, that is what I did wrong, I allocated them :-)01:41
Lennie_it's all about learning the lingo :-)01:41
bigjoolsyou should not do that in the UI, juju does it for you01:41
bigjoolsyou have to use the maas-cli tool to unallocate them01:42
Lennie_yeah, that is what I understand now too01:42
Lennie_ok, that works, they are now ready, let's see if I can bootstrap them01:45
Lennie_bootstrap juju I mean01:46
bigjoolsit installs the nodes using d-i, so takes a while01:46
Lennie_I should probably first attacht the extra disk01:47
bigjoolsquicker if your squid-deb-proxy is populated01:47
Lennie_hmm... I don't understand it, why do I get this error: 'ERROR Error processing 'cs:quantal/ceph': entry not found' at this url http://jujucharms.com/charms/quantal/ceph there is one, but not here ?: https://store.juju.ubuntu.com/charm-info?charms=cs:quantal/ceph02:19
bigjools→ #juju02:23
Lennie_good idea :-)02:23
Lennie_while no1 mentioned it in #juju: I can probably use a branch instead: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/internals/charm-store.html#namespaces02:47
Lennie_bigjools: could the webinterface also automatically refresh every x amount of time ? (as in my case I have to manually start the vm's)03:20
bigjoolsLennie_: the dashboard page does that03:20
Lennie_that is the first page, not the nodes-page I assume. OK, that would be fine03:22
AskUbuntuMaas doesn't install node | http://askubuntu.com/q/22253112:01
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sheldonlAnyone here?18:44
sheldonlI'm having a problem with commissioning nodes.18:47
sheldonlwhen I go into the MAAS web gui and click accept and commission, then I boot the node from the network it    starts but at the login prompt it throws erros to the console 'http 401'      and posts a lot of additional errors (which I cannot see b/c they go by too fast) and then shuts down.18:58

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