
* xnox likes Voyager 12.10 - we should totally start calling ubuntu release after the battleships from star trek00:37
mlankhorstDefiant 13.04!00:50
slangasekjelmer: hmmmm, do you have plymouth running?00:51
jelmerslangasek: I had it installed, but I don't think it was running yet00:52
slangasekjelmer: hmmmm, better questions; do you expect any cryptsetup prompts for non-root filesystems, and if so did you see them?00:53
jelmerslangasek: yep, I do expect a cryptsetup prompt and I did get one; that was all in 80x25 text mode though. Nothing fancy-looking like I had in Ubuntu.00:55
jelmerShouldn't that be the case with plymouth?00:55
slangasekyou got a cryptsetup prompt for a filesystem *other* than the root filesystem?00:56
xnoxjelmer: plymouth in debian default to the "text" plugin, instead of fancy graphics, solar patters and promt boxes.00:56
slangasek(two different prompting methods, initramfs vs. not)00:56
jelmerslangasek: Sorry, I have a cryptsetup prompt for lvm00:56
slangasekjelmer: is your root fs on the vg in question?00:56
jelmerThat LVM contains all my partitions, including the one with /00:56
jelmerSorry for being unclear.00:56
slangasekjelmer: workaround: mv /etc/init/cryptdisks-early.conf{,.bak}00:57
jelmerslangasek: thanks, I'll give that a try and followup00:57
slangasekI think I reported this bug to dupondje once before00:57
slangasekpossibly only on IRC00:57
slangasekthe problem is that /etc/init.d/cryptdisks-early and /etc/init/cryptdisks-early.conf have the same name but are not the same thing00:58
smoserhallyn, i have not used hugeadm01:11
achiangjtaylor: hi, are you on valgrind-devel?01:56
hallynsmoser: ok, thanks.  i may blog to get opinions on the best way to do waht we want...02:19
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infinitySweetshark: You around?02:56
infinitySweetshark: Can I get you to incorporate the patch from the other libreoffice SRU in the precise queue and reupload (well, once you test that it applies...)02:57
infinitytjaalton: Your xorg-server SRU to quantal leaves something to be desired. :P03:13
infinitytjaalton: Could I get you to just re-do -0ubuntu6.1 without the offending patch, instead of the 6.2 that reverts it?03:14
infinitytjaalton: I'm going to reject all three(!) uploads for now, you can find them in the rejected queue, if you need the source.03:14
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pittiGood morning04:42
tjaaltoninfinity: ah, i thought it had to be called 6.205:31
pitticjwatson, ev: thanks for ubiquity's excellent tests/run! I like that it installs all missing build deps, downloads all the embedded source packages etc. by itself05:32
pitti(it failed its autopkgtests with new pygobject, I'll propose a branch)05:32
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pitticjwatson, xnox: ubiquity fix sent to https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ubiquity/pygobject-fixes/+merge/13632706:07
pittiI get two test failures (independent from pygobject and the branch), I mentioned those in the MP06:07
infinitytjaalton: That would be true if the previous one had ever been accepted.06:10
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pittiinfinity: darn, eglibc autopkgtest failed again, with a test failure06:12
tjaaltoninfinity: right.. I've uploaded 6.1 now, with a fixed changelog06:14
pittiapparently tst-eintr1 and tst-mqueue5 failed and are not exfail06:15
pittimigth be VM related?06:15
infinitypitti: May well be, since they work on the buildds.06:16
infinitypitti: A lot of those tests are pretty touchy about kernel/hardware/etc.06:16
pittiat least that's how I interpret https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/job/raring-adt-eglibc/4/ARCH=amd64,label=albali/console06:17
pitti(NB that's only the tail of the log; the full log is 57 MB)06:17
infinitypitti: No, the progressions don't cause a failure.06:18
infinityThe regressions, however, are:06:18
infinitytst-cancel4.out, Error 106:18
infinitytst-cancel5.out, Error 106:18
infinitytst-cancelx4.out, Error 106:18
infinitytst-cancelx5.out, Error 106:18
infinitytst-cpuclock2.out, Error 106:19
infinitytst-cputimer1.out, Error 106:19
infinitytst-key1.out, Error 106:19
infinitytst-key4.out, Error 106:19
infinityAnd almost certainly due to the VM. :/06:19
infinityOr maybe the raring kernel sucks.06:19
infinityI just rebooted into it today, I'll have to test.06:19
pitti*** timer thr2 invoked too soon: 2.903523202 instead of expected 2.90354956606:20
pittithat's darn close, though06:20
infinitycpuclock and cputimer are ones I could xfail without feeling too bad about it.  The others, though, I'd like to test on bare metal here and see what's up.06:21
infinityIf I can't reproduce on a raring kernel, I'm at a bit of a loss, mind you.06:22
pittiinfinity: yeah, these might be due to testing in a VM then?06:22
pittisome jitter in timing tests is rather unavoidable there06:23
infinityMight be.  We'll have to see.06:23
pittiI thought that PPA builds would work pretty much the same way?06:23
infinityNote that even a Panda can grind those tests out fine, though. :P06:23
pittido we have eglibc PPA builds?06:23
infinityThe only PPA builds I do are devirt.06:23
pittiah, ok06:24
infinitypitti: Well, let me try that local build now/overnight and see how it ends.06:31
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infinitypitti: Hrm.  So, on a raring kernel on bare metal, I see the cputimer1 regression, but none of the other ones.07:50
infinitypitti: And adjusting expected failures to suit a VM builder seems wrong.07:50
pittiinfinity: I guess we cannot conditionally exfail them?07:52
pittiinfinity: how much less useful would the rebuild test be if we skip the tests?07:52
pittii. e. is it mostly the "it builds" part that you are interested in, or also the tests?07:52
infinityIt would still be useful to know that it builds.07:52
infinityKnowing if a new toolchain causes a mess of regressions in the testsuite would be nice, but that's also fairly rare and indicative of a pretty large screw up that we'll notice all over.07:53
pittiit seems it's pretty much the only time when we test the tool chain tests on the actual kernel that it'll be run on07:53
infinityWe could conditionally fail them by shipping a different set of expected results with the test, and having the test copy them in before rebuilding, I guess.07:54
infinityBut maintaining the two sets would be annoying.07:54
pittiI rather thought about exfailing those 5 if DEB_BUILD_PROFILE==autopkgtest or so07:54
pittibut if it's a text file as opposed to something programmatic, that wouldn't work07:55
infinitypitti: I can not fail the build on testsuite regressions on that BUILD_PROFILE, at least, so we can complete the build and then look at logs.07:59
infinitypitti: And perhaps have the test itself re-parse the testsuite output at the end and still exit non-0 on regressions?  It would pretty much always fail, but we'd at least get to complete the package build.08:00
infinitypitti: Always failed, though, sounds like the sort of red that would just be ignored after a while. :/08:00
pittiyeah, that wouldn't be very useful08:01
infinitypitti: Can you waste some cycles and retrigger the test a few times to at least see if the regressions are consistent?08:01
infinitypitti: If they are, we can do something like the above, and mangle the testsuite checker to ignore those particular failures or something.08:02
pittiinfinity: we have two runs now (one for -proposed, one for release)08:02
* pitti restarts the -proposed one08:02
pittiand two arches each08:03
dupondjexnox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/107364908:03
dupondjehaving this every 2 boots :(08:03
dupondjereally *** :P08:03
dholbachgood morning08:03
infinityDoes autopkgtest have any facility for parsing a standard ouput format for pass/fail sets, or does it just assume each test is a single unit?08:03
infinitypitti: ^08:05
pittiinfinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1391100/08:05
pittiinfinity: autopkgtest doesn't do parsing of individual tests results, no08:06
infinityOkay, that's a reasonably consistent set of regressions.08:06
pittijust "exit code 0 and stderr == ''", and otherwise attaches the logs08:06
infinityBasically just the cancel* and key* tests, and sometimes cpuclock/timer.08:06
infinityMight need to do some digging to see why/how those first two sets are failing.08:07
infinityThe clock/timer stuff, I'm not really concerned about.08:07
pittibacktrace5 might be i386 only08:07
pittithe clock/timer ones sound like jitter/race condition08:08
infinitybacktrace5 is already XFAIl anyway.08:08
pittiinfinity: oh, it doesn't say (ignored)?08:08
infinityIf you look at the logs, right under the list you copy/pasted is the list of regressions.08:08
pittiinfinity: anyway, the server that runs autopkgtest sometimes runs 8 VMs in parallel; that will often cause some jitter08:08
infinity(ignored) is the upstream testsuite ignoring, the next bit is us comparing against our own XFAIL list.08:08
pittiah, and then the logs for each failed test08:09
* infinity nods.08:09
infinityAnd, actually, I already have cpuclock2 ignored in a few profiles anyway, just not amd64.08:12
infinitySo, I'd be comfy just adding that to every profile.08:12
infinityBut, yeah.  The cancel and key ones are disconcerting.08:13
pittiinfinity: would it be practical to grep -v these tests out of the log in that BUILD_PROFILE before you throw it to the log parser?08:13
infinityAnd not reproducible on bare metal.08:13
infinitypitti: Yeah, something like that could work.  Knowing why those tests fail first would be a requirement, though.08:13
pittiinfinity: so if I were to throw current eglibc into a PPA, we should see the same errors/08:13
infinitypitti: Maybe?  Except that the PPAs are hardy dom0 and domU, what's the autopkgtest rig?08:14
infinityObviously a raring domU, at any rate.08:14
pittiinfinity: pretty standard kvm with standard client kernel, i. e. raring for the raring tests08:15
pittino xen08:15
infinityOh, it's KVM?08:15
infinityThen no, I bet you won't see this in a PPA. :P08:15
infinityI can test on my Xen host, but I'm guessing it won't fail the same way at all.08:15
pittiinfinity: so if these are KVM related, and as we primarily want to do a rebuild test, filtering those out seems appropriate to me at least for now08:17
pittiof course, if they represent an actual problem, our cloud instances would be affected by that08:17
infinityThey're probably KVM-related, yeah.  I'll need to dig a little bit to see for sure.08:17
pittibut so far these don't seem to be an actual problem08:17
pittiwe are using raring VMs all over the place08:17
infinityTo be fair, most glibc test regressions don't show up as actual real-world problems for any but the most demanding users who like to DoS themselves.08:17
pittis/actual problem/obvious problem/08:17
infinity(Except when something is hideously broken, but the tests that fail when something's hideously broken tend to always pass otherwise)08:18
infinityBut, yeah, to be sure, I want to hunt down WTF those tests are testing.08:18
infinityThey may well be exposing a KVM bug we want to fix.08:18
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xnox@pilot in09:28
* dholbach hugs xnox :)09:28
xnoxdholbach: I am suspecting you have a script running..... ;-) did the topic change?!09:29
dholbachand no09:29
xnoxdholbach: ack and ?!09:29
xnoxbug 109:30
dholbachtm_T: do you have an idea why the bot did not pick up "@pilot in"?09:30
Tm_Tdholbach: ubottu is gone atm09:31
Tm_Tdholbach: the situation is under investigation09:32
dholbachthanks a bunch tm_T09:32
dholbachxnox, ^ ubottu is taking some well-deserved holidays :)09:32
xnoxdholbach: we should invest in a marvin model.09:33
dholbachxnox, reading "here I am, brain the size of a planet..." in my mornings might depress me too much :)09:34
hrwhttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=676533 - can we merge that in ubuntu while waiting for debian to do that as well?09:35
xnoxhrw: sure, if it applies cleanly.09:38
xnoxtyhicks: see ^ hrw09:39
hrwit does09:42
xnoxhrw: I am patch piloting right now, and will upload this sometime today. Will that do?09:44
=== Tm_T changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: pilot
Tm_Tgrah, sorry09:46
=== Tm_T changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: xnox
Tm_Tthere ya go09:47
nigelbHeh, careful there ;-)09:47
Tm_Tnigelb: I'm old and slow, now I need to be careful too?! (;09:49
hrwxnox: would be lovely09:50
xnoxhrw: run import-bug-from-debian against it, assigned to myself and subscribed you for notifications =)09:52
nigelbTm_T: ;)09:52
hrwxnox: thanks09:58
OdyXtkamppeter_, pitti: I've pushed two commits to address CVE-2012-5519 in cups to the git repository master branch. It'd be great if you could take a look and eventually upload to raring. I'm very much afraid that this wouldn't qualify to anything near testing/stable/quantal as it implies a configuration files change, etc.10:02
pittiOdyX: no, indeed; migrating an user-customized conffile over to that new one is going to be hard enough (does that work even?); doing it as a security update is going to be next to impossible10:03
pittiOdyX: I think for a security update we just want a small patch that temporarily drops privileges to lp or lpadmin when reading files10:04
OdyXpitti: yes. But that will end up in upstream's 1.6.2 and trunk eventually, so a configuration prompt (over files previously modified through a web interface) doesn't look near to anything easy.10:04
OdyXpitti: I'm beginning to think some of these could not be turned to be not configurable at all…10:05
pittiTBH I don't quite see the point of this chane10:05
OdyXpitti: as I understand upstream: some stuff stays web-configurable, the rest is only config-file configurable.10:06
pittiyes, but upstream pretty much established the situation that every user will have a modified config file10:06
pittiso you can't just split it and call that a security fix, because it will not help at all with actually applying that update :(10:07
Sweetsha1kinfinity: you mean I should merge in the patch for bug 585910?10:07
pittiI guess cupsd will fail if it sees settings which should now be in cups-files.conf, or ignore those10:07
pittieither breaks existing systems10:07
OdyXwell, it's an upstream massive change that, by magic, happens to fix that.10:07
pittifor new installs, yes10:08
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OdyXpitti: what do you propose ?10:09
pittithe apparmor profile should actually take care of the worst stuff10:09
pittiOdyX: as I said; I think cupsd should temporarily drop privileges when accessing log files10:09
OdyXpitti: I'm afraid I don't have the skills to implement that.10:10
OdyXpitti: I'll comment on the Debian bug with pointers to the patch and its implication, if you can chime in that'd be great.10:11
xnoxslangasek: do we have a user tag for upstart jobs support in debian?10:11
* xnox just came across http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=68701610:11
Sweetsharkinfinity: for precise that makes sense, but not for quantal. The fix is claimed to be in 3.6.4 and that one will be tagged as a micro release this week: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan/3.6#3.6.4_release -- given the time things hangs in the queue, the last thing I want to do is make upload a pre-3.6.4 version for quantal now in addition, just for one fix ...10:12
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* xnox did dput instead of sbuild *sigh*11:27
* xnox needs to wrap dput such that it aborts if there is no matching binary .build file.11:28
Laneyuse UNRELEASED?11:28
xnoxLaney: I don't like that. I should be building the package that will be uploaded.11:29
xnox& testing.11:29
xnoxalso I once saw a package that was parsing the release line in the changelog instead of using dpkg-vendor....11:30
xnoxmeh, the package builds fine and works fine, so no damage done.11:30
Laneyby not using it you risk uploading a package you haven't built or tested at all ...11:31
xnoxpitti: I guess you want ubiquity to be uploaded such that pygobject can be unblocked?11:32
pittixnox: it's not super-urgent, but would be nice in the next days11:32
pittixnox: but I guess these two test failures need addressing first, or do they not happen for you?11:32
xnoxpitti: already fixed =) together with pep8/pyflakes warnings from your changes11:33
xnoxpitti: how do I setup jenkins to run tests on every commit for lp:ubiquity?11:33
pittiubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py:471: redefinition of unused 'GLib' from line 5211:34
pittiah, sorry about that11:34
pittixnox: thanks for pointing out, will run these next time11:34
xnoxpitti: and are there other packages left to fix with new pygobject?11:34
pittixnox: I fixed dbusmock, the rest succeeded11:34
xnoxpitti: also pep8 in raring complains about "over-identation"11:34
xnoxpitti: I'll upload then.11:34
pittixnox: indeed, the s/GObject/GLib/ of course didn't adjust the continuation lines11:35
pittixnox: as for jenkins, I'm not sure; I think you should talk to didrocks or jibel, who set up the equivalent of that for unity11:36
xnoxpitti: thanks a lot for your fixes. As you can see we don't follow gtk developments that close ;-) we are just started to transition things here and there for width-for-height widgets.11:36
xnoxpitti: ack.11:36
pittixnox: no worries; I broke it, I fix it :)11:37
pittixnox: oh, aptdaemon was another victim, but I fixed that yesterday11:37
pittiit's great to be able to hold this back in -proposed and run all the autopkgtest stuff against that without breaking the distro11:37
xnoxpitti: rock star ;-)11:42
OdyXpitti: there, sent more info to the bug.11:43
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hrwsomeone know how to tell modem-manager to not touch serial ports at all?12:33
seb128slangasek, bdmurray, infinity, ScottK, SpamapS: is there any way somebody could SRU review http://launchpadlibrarian.net/123208124/gnome-settings-daemon_3.4.2-0ubuntu0.6_source.changes this week? it's a annoying issue in the LTS and it would be good to get the fix in and some other g-s-d fixes are lining up for after this one so it would be good to get that one in to create room for the next one12:44
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mlankhorstmvo: poke, I posted a question on #debian-apt a few days ago, enver got an answer :P12:54
xnoxpitti: in raring, in sbuild/schroot "from gi.repository import Gtk" fails12:57
pittixnox: any error message?12:58
pittixnox: needs xvfb-run?12:58
pittithis is nothing new, Gtk and the old pygtk have always needed a $DISPLAY12:59
xnoxpitti: well something changed in ubiquity dependencies then. Previously I just ran sbuild on ubiquity and the test-suite would run and succeed, now it didn't for me.13:00
xnoxor something change in the minimal install / chroot.13:00
pitti./tests/run:    os.execvp('xvfb-run', argv)13:01
pittiit seems to try at least13:01
xnoxok, running python3 under xvfb-run does import Gtk just fine.13:02
* xnox goes looking into ubiquity test-suite13:02
pittixvfb-run python3 -c 'from gi.repository import Gtk'13:02
pittidoes that work?13:02
pitti(in schroot)13:02
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mdeslaurpitti: FYI, I plan on simply disabling being able to modify cupsd.conf via the web interface...there a _way_ too many options in there that are dangerous13:31
pittimdeslaur: but doesn't use it the same auth mechanism as "lpadmin"?13:31
pittimdeslaur: you can hardly disallow lpadmin and the command line tools13:31
pittimdeslaur: I had actually assumed that the AA profile would prevent the worst of it, like reading /etc/shadow13:32
pittihm, but I guess cupsd needs that13:32
mdeslaurpitti: well, /etc/shadow is allowed by the apparmor profile, unfortunately :)13:32
mdeslaurpitti: what do you mean disallow lpadmin?13:32
pittimdeslaur: I thought the point was that lpadmin group users could change the conffile, and by that read files as root13:32
pittimdeslaur: i. e. everyone who can read the auth cookie in /var/run/cups/certs/13:33
mdeslaurpitti: yes, but only via the web interface, as by default cupsd.conf is owned by root13:33
mdeslaurpitti: they can change a whole bunch of configuration options in that file, including the default directories, etc.13:33
pittiah, you can't set arbitrary options through lpadmin13:33
pittiok, seems fine13:34
mdeslaurno, it's only a web interface issue...and I can't think of a really good reason why editing cupsd.conf is absolutely necessary there13:35
mdeslaurthe upstream change is _way_ too intrusive as a security update, as you said earlier13:35
didrockscjwatson: hey, not sure if that's a problem in more regular time where we don't have multiple uploads of libreoffice/webkit/gcc at the same time and more powerpc builders, but the ppa https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build has the "release" priority score (so 1500) and all the rest landing in distro has the "-proposed" one (3000). The net result is that13:35
dokoinfinity, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/124204285/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-armhf.gcc-4.7_4.7.2-12ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:35
didrockshttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/4014568 is waiting for 11h and counting (a lot more as gcc will be built next…)13:35
pittimdeslaur: yeah; we don't even have a way of migrating the config files13:35
mdeslaurpitti: yeah, that's going to be a pain for new versions :(13:36
cjwatsondidrocks: It probably isn't a problem normally; I've scored it up for now13:36
didrockscjwatson: thanks13:37
OdyXmdeslaur: disabling web-edit is probably the safest course of action for security upgrades indeed.13:37
OdyXjonas had a patch for that on the debian bug.13:37
mdeslaurOdyX: yeah, that's what I plan on doing...ie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1391676/13:38
OdyXbtw, if the next cups ubuntu upload could be based on the git repository, it'd be great to get changes in there tested.13:38
mdeslaurOdyX: ah, I am going to hide the option completely13:38
OdyXmdeslaur: looks intrusive but I don't have a better option. Could you comment with that patch on the bug, cc'ing debian security team ?13:39
mdeslaurOdyX: sure, let me test it properly first though13:39
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OdyXmdeslaur: cool, thanks.13:40
SpamapShrm, did something change in Debian experimental where there's a new way to build non-native packages without a .orig tarball? PHP5 has just a .tar.gz with the whole source in it.13:48
SpamapSwhich really confuses the package importer13:49
OdyXSpamapS: php5/experimental looks like it's a broken upload13:49
OdyXSpamapS: it's native where it shouldn't (at all)13:50
LaneyFormat: 1.013:50
OdyXeven then: see the .changes file: php5_5.4.8-1.tar.gz13:50
* OdyX reports a bug.13:51
SpamapSOdyX: thanks13:52
SpamapSthought for a second I was losing my mind13:52
SpamapSIts worth noting that 5.4.9 is out, so perhaps the right thing is just to build 5.4.9's upload properly13:53
OdyXSpamapS: making the maintainer aware can help that :)13:55
seb128doko, infinity: hey, could one of you look at the patch on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gettext/+bug/1079768 (from the sponsoring queue)?14:00
seb128no bot?14:01
seb128bug title is " FTBFS with glibc-2.16 (due to outdated gnulib) "14:01
seb128pitti, can you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~kampka/ubuntu/quantal/fwknop/upstart-support/+merge/124683 merged (it got uploaded to raring but was targetting the wrong serie)14:04
pittiseb128: done14:04
seb128pitti, danke, same for https://code.launchpad.net/~wb-munzinger/ubuntu/precise/havp/fix-init-script/+merge/125949 ?14:04
seb128pitti, danke ;-)14:05
pittide rien14:05
seb128pitti, reject https://code.launchpad.net/~bkerensa/ubuntu/quantal/kubuntu-docs/fix-for-1049278/+merge/125965 ?14:05
seb128pitti, sorry to bother you with those, hate launchpad acls...14:05
* seb128 is cleaning a bit the sponsoring queue14:05
pittiseb128: pas de problem, just ask14:05
pittiseb128: it's great to clean the queue14:05
argescjwatson, hello. looking at bug 1075181 regarding uefi secureboot for 12.04.2. Are there images available already to test and verify some of these packages?14:05
seb128pitti, ;-)14:06
seb128pitti, https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolozilio/ubuntu/precise/software-center/fix-for-842706/+merge/127102 ... work in progress or rejected (cf mvo comment which says it's targetting the wrong vcs and has some "to fix")14:09
pittiseb128: you can do WIP yourself14:10
seb128pitti, not on a stable serie no14:10
seb128pitti, I don't even have edit mode for the status on that one14:10
seb128like the small yellow pen icon14:11
seb128it's not displayed next to the status...14:11
pittiseb128: lequel, WIP où rej?14:11
seb128pitti, reject I guess14:11
seb128since that's the wrong vcs14:11
tkamppeterpitti, OdyX, I have looked into the GIT repo of CUPS and I see that on Oct 30 OdyX has removed my pstops-based-workflow-only-for-printing-ps-on-a-ps-printer.patch as it breaks tests. Is there no way to modify the tests?14:29
OdyXtkamppeter: I didn't find. If you enable that patch, the tests fail and I couldn't understand why.14:30
OdyXtkamppeter: see also https://www.cups.org/str.php?L4220 and https://launchpad.net/~odyx/+archive/printing/+packages results14:31
OdyXtkamppeter: also, I'm testing the introduction of ucf to handle /etc/cups/cupsd.conf with the extensive upstream patch14:32
seb128mdeslaur, do we need to keep security-sponsors subscribed to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/request-tracker3.8/+bug/1004834 ?14:43
mdeslaurseb128: no, thanks I removed it14:43
seb128mdeslaur, it's on the sponsoring queue but it doesn't seem there is a lot to be acted on14:43
seb128mdeslaur, thanks14:43
mdeslaurseb128: no...in fact, I'll release them now14:44
mdeslaurseb128: thanks14:45
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diwicpitti, is the SRU queue still weeks long? I uploaded an SRU for PulseAudio (on 12.04) a while ago but nothing has happened since.14:53
pittiyes, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+queue?queue_state=1 is quite long14:53
pittihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1 too14:53
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diwicpulseaudio is not in that list though, so maybe something else went wrong?14:56
diwicpitti, and it can't have gone through to proposed without me noticing, because then it would have shown up in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio I believe14:57
pittidiwic: usually the SRU reviewers should leave a comment in the bug if they reject a package14:58
pittidiwic: which release did you upload it to?14:58
pittidiwic: on the +queue page you can look at the rejected queue and check if it's there14:58
diwicnope, not there either14:59
pittihm, then it seems it wasn't actually uploaded?15:03
ogra-cbor accidentially uploaded to a PPA15:04
diwicpitti, maybe I did something else wrong...I'll check in a while15:05
barrydidrocks, mvo do either of you have time for a quick review of https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/piston-mini-client/lp1077083/+merge/135449 ?15:07
barrydidrocks, mvo or should i jfdi? :)15:07
didrocksbarry: TBH, you are the most knowledgeable on that than I can ever do, wait on mvo's answer or maybe Anthony's? :)15:08
seb128pitti, https://code.launchpad.net/~felix-lawrence/ubuntu/quantal/ubuntu-mono/fix-for-748861/+merge/129859 <- can you set to "merged"?15:08
dholbachIs anyone interested in the ubuntu development hangout (on air) at 16 UTC and talk about the projects you're working on?15:09
dholbach(in 50m)15:09
ogra-cbmvo, could it be that your app-install-data-ubuntu upload from today reverts cjwatson's bugfix from yesterday ? i see strange image build failures re-occuring that were caused by it15:10
seb128ogra-cb, mvo: let me have a look15:10
barrydidrocks: cool.  if the diff doesn't look insane and achuni or mvo don't respond i may just go for it :)  (i still want to upload tox first so i can enable the tests)15:10
barrydidrocks: then i'll enable the py3 version of the library15:11
mvoogra-cb: it was spout, it should be ok15:11
didrockssweet \o/15:11
ogra-cbmvo, hmm15:11
seb128mvo, ?15:11
mvobarry: I tear my hairs out over a crash in python with glib and threading right now, once I finished that I can check the diff out15:12
mvoogra-cb: do you have a log of the error?15:12
seb128ogra-cb, mvo: the fix is not reverted according to the debdiff: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/124162411/app-install-data-ubuntu_0.12.10.7_13.04.diff.gz15:12
barrymvo: :(  ping me if i can help15:12
mvoseb128: sorry, the context is that "spout:spout.desktop" was incorrect but it should be good, just verified in my branch15:13
ogra-cbmvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1391846/15:13
seb128ogra-cb, mvo: the issue is /usr/share/app-install/desktop/gmpc:gmpc.desktop15:14
seb128"Name=Gnome Music Player Client15:14
seb128de música del GNOME15:14
ogra-cbmvo, this is teh same error all image builds had yesterday .... i did two image builds today, the first one worked fine, the log is from the second one (after app-install-data-ubuntu was promioted i guess)15:15
seb128ogra-cb, mvo: that's invalid15:15
ogra-cbnew issue, same symptoms then15:15
seb128we really need an autopkgtest on app-install-data-ubuntu15:15
seb128which checks the included .desktops validity through the pyxdg parser on build15:15
mvobarry: maybe, I think I simply need to not use threading there at all, it breaks in different way with glib and python :/ I can either have it crash with "Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread15:16
mvo" when deallocing some random pkg or it appears to be simply super slow. anyway, that is not helpful I keep digging until I either have a testcase or something useful15:16
mvoseb128: aha, fun :/15:16
seb128mvo, I can fix that .desktop and reupload if you want (there is also a trivial merge request for it on the sponsoring queue to add misc:Depends)15:16
mvoseb128: I can create a verification step during the extraction that deletes the ones that are broken15:17
mvoseb128: the depends thing is merged, thanks :)15:17
seb128mvo, oh, great, danke15:17
seb128mvo, verification step sounds like manual work, we should just have an autopkgtest for it ;-)15:17
seb128mvo, want to do the upload if you have a checkout ready?15:18
mvoseb128: as part of the automatic update :) not manal, no15:18
mvoseb128: sure, I can do that15:18
seb128mvo, thanks15:18
mvoseb128: a good excuse to stop looking at this thread bug that makes me really unhappy15:18
seb128mvo, gmpc.desktop Name's being on 2 lines is the only issue15:18
seb128mvo, ogra-cb: I checked, once that fixed xapian is happy again15:19
* ogra-cb hugs seb128 15:19
ogra-cbthanks !!15:19
* seb128 hugs ogra-cb back15:19
sconklin@pilot in15:23
didrockssconklin: issue to enter the cockpit? :)15:24
seb128sconklin, I think the bot is on holidays on something15:24
seb128dholbach, ^15:24
sconklinwhetever. I don't need a bot in order to get my work done anyway15:25
dholbachsconklin, didrocks, seb128: yes, tm_T said that ubottu is gone and it's under investigation15:25
bdrungsabdfl: https://overbenny.wordpress.com/2012/11/27/code-name-for-ubuntu-18-04-lts/15:25
vibhavdoes "debuild -S -sa" also need the build-depends to be installed?15:25
jpdsvibhav: Yes.15:25
vibhavjpds: any way to skip that?15:26
jpdsvibhav: Well, you might need things like cdbs installed.15:26
LaneyI don't think it does, but it does run the clean target15:26
seb128yeah, you don't need build-depends to build the source15:26
Laneyso whatever you need to execute that, unless you skip it (with -nc)15:26
Laneywhich risks having a dirty source package, so check the diff15:27
ogra-cbfor like 70% of the packages15:27
vibhavLaney: yes, that was the argument I was talking about15:27
ogra-cbthe other 30 do evil stuff in the clean target15:27
Laneyfor example control.in → control mangling might happen then15:28
Laneyso, beware15:28
xnoxvibhav: currently there is no way to encode which build-depends are needed for clean target only vs a full build. So if you decide to skip any of them, you may get failures to create source package or force missgenerated source package.15:28
vibhavWell, lets hope that none of that happens15:29
ogra-cbi would consider it a bug if the build doesnt fail then though15:30
xnoxpitti: it may have been transient, as now they all pass. Weird.15:30
xnox(ubiquity test-suite failing in sbuild)15:30
mvoseb128: test as part of the extraction added15:31
seb128mvo, you rock ;-)15:31
* ogra-cb bows in front of mvo15:32
seb128ogra-cb, mvo: note that http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/apt-xapian-index.git;a=commitdiff;h=cefa7e5eed2ed0336aaf1fc183cc10faf119b5eb as well15:34
seb128ogra-cb, mvo: that's a fix in the debian git for apt-xapian-index to continue rather than bailing out on parsing errors15:34
Laneymmm meat15:35
mvo(what a lousy vegetarian I am!)15:35
seb128mvo, note also that we are one version behind debian for apt-xapian-index... if you feel like merging at some point ;-)15:35
OdyXtkamppeter, pitti : I have now pushed a move to ucf including making the upgrade smoother. The preinst probably has to be amended for the Ubuntu versions but I think the rough idea is there, wdyt ?15:36
vibhavhmm, its seems to build now15:41
vibhavLaney: How does -nc result in unclean source packages?15:42
Laneythink about what could happen if you don't clean your tree15:43
GunnarHjcjwatson: Are you there?15:45
cjwatsonarges: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise/daily-live/ - but I don't think it has a signed kernel in place yet15:51
argescjwatson, ok I'll ask apw when those will land15:52
cjwatsonarges: The signed kernel is in precise-proposed but it needs a couple of packaging fixes which apw knows about15:53
cjwatsonGunnarHj: slightly15:53
mvopitti: is there a knonw segfaul threading fix in python-gi from 3.4.0 to 3.4.2? I get a segfault here for the reviews helper in quanal but it works fine in raring. If you don't know right away, no worries, I can start digging15:53
mvopitti: I would like to backport that fix (if there is one :)15:53
GunnarHjcjwatson: Wanted to mentioned that I failed to install from the desktop ISO (i386) this morning. It hanged at the point when it asks you to select a picture, and didn't complete the installation. Tried twice.15:54
GunnarHjcjwatson: daily build15:55
apwcjwatson, i believe you needed the meta packages made (should be out in -proposed) and Provides: linux-image which i want to slip in once this -propsoed kernel makes it out15:56
apwcjwatson, was there anything else i've forgotten15:56
cjwatsonxnox,stgraber: ^- could you look at GunnarHj's problem?  I'm about to be on a call15:57
cjwatsonapw: Right, those two15:57
cjwatsonapw: The metapackage should've been sufficient to make this work - when did that lalnd?15:57
cjwatsonhmm, Friday15:58
apwcjwatson, i thought they hit -proposed like friday15:58
cjwatsonsomething else wrong then15:58
* apw checks15:58
stgraberGunnarHj: can you try removing /usr/lib/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-webcam.py, see if that helps?15:58
xnoxGunnarHj: stgraber: there is also a command line option to disable webcam. I believe Laney was working on porting ubiquity to the new gst api?!15:59
GunnarHjstgraber: Sure, can do that. But not right now; will try your suggestion later.15:59
xnoxGunnarHj: --no-webcam as commandline flag (launch ubiquity from terminal from live session)16:00
cjwatsonapw: Ah, wrong seeds, my bad16:00
stgraberxnox: yeah, Laney was doing some work on that, I don't think any of it landed yet, so my guess is that whatever commit I pulled out of gstreamer in precise to fix the hang was re-introduced16:00
Laneyyes but that's not relevant to this problem16:00
apwcjwatson, yay (sort of :)16:00
xnoxGunnarHj: or UBIQUITY_NO_WEBCAM=1 as bootarg.16:00
apwcjwatson, the Provides: just makes the CD too big right?16:00
xnoxGunnarHj: did you select the picture & managed to click next and then it hang? or before?16:01
* xnox wonders if it's the webcam hagging or something after that step.16:01
cjwatsonapw: Yeah16:01
GunnarHjxnox, stgraber: Do you (xnox) with the latter mean an env. var? It hanged before.16:01
cjwatsonapw: Or at least was the most immediate cause of that - I tend to find out about such problems in series16:01
cjwatsonarges: OK, think I've fixed that, tomorrow's build *should* have the signed kernel16:02
argescjwatson, great!16:02
apwcjwatson, ok hopefully i can get that change in fairly soon, we are nearly ready to release whats there16:02
mvobarry: just reviewed the branch if you don't mind I will merge and upload?16:07
barrymvo: that would be fantastic.  once that lands i will work on enabling the py3 version of the package16:07
slangasekxnox: user tag> no16:09
xnoxGunnarHj: environment variable, command line flag or moving ubi-webcam.py out of the way should skip the webcam page. Then we will at least know if the installer is borked in the webcam page or somewhere else.16:11
GunnarHjxnox: Ok, I'll try it later and let you know.16:11
pittimvo: we have a lot of fixes in 3.4.x, but not a specifically threading one (http://git.gnome.org/browse/pygobject/log/?h=pygobject-3-4)16:11
pittimvo: can you reproduce this easily? then bisecting might be easiest16:12
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pittimvo: sure that it's in pygi, and not in glib?16:12
xnoxslangasek: do we need one, or shall we it more gradually?16:12
xnoxslangasek: maybe we can use dholbach's army of contributors here =) to find and forward upstart jobs to debian.16:12
mvopitti: could be glib too, but its crashin in "#0  subtype_dealloc.25740 (self=16:13
mvo" ... #13 pygi_callable_info_invoke (info=0x16e3850, py_args=<optimized out>, kwargs=16:13
pittimvo: need to leave for today; if you can reproduce it, please open a LP bug and subscribe me, then I'll have a look tomorrow morning16:14
mvopitti: thanks16:14
mvopitti: will do16:14
slangasekxnox: at this point, it should be part of standard Debian merge & upstreaming responsibilitie16:16
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xnoxslangasek: but the boot process is the same as in ubuntu or different? e.g. does mountall & udev handle it, or do we have a divergence there for now.16:17
slangasekxnox: it's mountall+udev+ifupdown the same as in Ubuntu16:17
slangasekDebian *also* has startpar, which is an interesting wrinkle16:17
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slangasekit has consequences for how you name your upstart jobs vs. init scripts, to make sure startpar doesn't try to do double duty16:18
xnox*shrug* ok.16:19
slangasekand to make sure you don't deadlock your boot because startpar is waiting for an upstart event that won't happen16:19
slangasekfor instance, we're close to being able to sync cryptsetup in Debian+Ubuntu now; but I probably need to get startpar working in raring first before we can be completely synced16:20
xnoxslangasek: intersting. but currently cryptsetup in ubuntu uses both upstart and initscripts (boot and shutdown respectively)16:22
xnoxand I don't quite see how that can be currently resolved. Unless it already has been in Debian.16:23
xnox@pilot out16:24
seb128xnox, sorry you don't get to bail out of piloting today, not bot to allow that ;-)16:25
* xnox please somebody remove me from the topic, as the bot is currently away from keyboard.16:25
mvobarry: lp:~software-store-developers/piston-mini-client/packaging has my updated version with py2 and py3 if you could do a quick double check that would be cool. I think its good but I am a bit worried about the amount of boilerplate I had to add to debian/rules :/16:25
seb128xnox, that's dholbach's secret plan to deal with the sponsoring queue backlog16:25
xnoxseb128: well it's not like it's the first time somebody was left "piloting" for days =)))))16:25
Laneyxnox:  you can do it yourself16:25
=== ogra-cb changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
xnoxogra-cb: thanks.16:26
xnoxLaney: as far as I know, I am a mere mortal w.r.t. channel access rights. Note the bot is absent.16:26
barrymvo: cool, i'll take a look after lunch16:26
mvobarry: great, thanks16:26
Laneythe topic isn't locked16:26
xnoxLaney: cool. Thanks for letting me troll^W know16:27
Laney(see how the channel mode doesn't have +t)16:27
* xnox is confused with my irc client16:28
barryxnox: C-c C-t :)16:29
xnoxbarry: i used to use erc, but not anymore. It used to become sluggish for me after a few days of idling & no messaging menu integration, unless that has changed.16:30
mitya57hey arges, I want to ask you about https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sphinx/1.1.3+dfsg-4ubuntu216:33
mitya57(1) is that still actual or can it be dropped? (2) why doesn't that ftbfs happen in debian?16:34
argesmitya57, hi16:35
argesmitya57, i'm not sure why it doesn't happen in debian. i just saw the ftbfs in ubuntu and fixed it. it was a really weird issue where the xvfb-run will not work the first time it is run, and works fine the next time it is run16:38
xnoxarges: !!!! thank you.16:38
* xnox had all sorts of weird stuff going on with xvfb-run & ubiquity test suite16:39
tkamppeterOdyX, according to the log the CUPS tests fail due to job control files not being purged (FAIL: 8 job control files were not purged.). I am wondering why changes in the filter chain prevent CUPS from purging job control files. Seems to be a bug in CUPS.16:42
mitya57arges, so it's a heisenbug, will keep the change :)16:43
OdyXtkamppeter: that's another problem, see the upstream bugreport.16:43
argesmitya57, yea I think that's the best way to describe it. np16:43
OdyXtkamppeter: for both I suspect a problem with libcupsfilters16:44
mvopitti: hm, hm, 3.4.2 does not build on quantal, oh well (needs newer gobject-introspection-1.0)16:55
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seb128stgraber, hey, can you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~sonia/ubuntu/quantal/vim-scripts/fix-for-31204/+merge/126966 as merged?17:16
seb128xnox uploaded to raring but the merge request is against quantal17:16
mvopitti: found the crash, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=688067 - will prepare a SRU tomorrow17:17
xnoxseb128: darn, thought I included all the correct links with "actions todo" in the report.17:17
xnoxseb128: thanks for spotting.17:17
seb128xnox, yw ;-)17:17
argeshallyn, hello. looking at libvirt bug 1055658, i noticed the fix is in -proposed and it is verified, when will it land in -updates? thanks17:22
seb128who is the right person to talk to about qemu-linaro and getting qemu-kvm-spice built on i386?17:24
seb128hallyn, slangasek, ...:  ^ ? ;-)17:24
stgraberseb128: done17:35
seb128stgraber, thanks17:38
seb128stgraber, can you set https://code.launchpad.net/~sometimesfood/ubuntu/precise/libvdpau/libvdpau.fix-967091/+merge/130999 as merged?17:40
stgrabersure, done17:41
vibhavArges:yes, once the fix is verified, your package will land in - updates17:42
seb128stgraber, thanks17:43
cjwatsonarges: It's waiting for bug 1027987 also to be verified17:44
seb128doko, did you ever forward http://launchpadlibrarian.net/78456781/gcc-h8300-hms_1%3A3.4.6-6_1%3A3.4.6-6ubuntu1.diff.gz to debian? I don't find it in the BTS17:44
micahgvibhav: there's a 7 day bake time as well for most packages still17:49
vibhavmichag: bake time for verified packages, right?17:50
micahgvibhav: no, total17:50
vibhavarges: ^^^^17:51
argesvibhav, cjohnston thanks17:52
argescjwatson i mean17:52
slangasekseb128: hallyn :)17:54
seb128slangasek, thanks ;-)17:54
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seb128ScottK, barry: is https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/ubuntu/raring/python-defaults/resync/+merge/131193 still on your review list? it's in the sponsoring queue for a while...18:00
seb128stgraber, can you set https://code.launchpad.net/~bjaanes/ubuntu/quantal/lybniz/invalid-function-fix/+merge/131254 to "work in progress" (or "rejected"), it needs fixes and it's targetting the wrong seie18:03
stgraberseb128: done18:04
seb128stgraber, thanks18:04
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jtaylorare packages with adt tests automatically added to jenkins.qa?18:57
Tm_Tbug #118:59
ubot93Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118:59
Tm_Ttemporary solution ^18:59
hallynseb128: AIUI spice server can't build on 32-bit, right?19:01
hallynarges: if you can verify that other bug, that'd be awesome.  I couldn't reproduce the origianl bug in a VM, haven't had a chance to try on real hardwrae19:03
hallyn(the other bug being 1027987)19:03
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argeshallyn, ok i'll give it a shot if i have some time19:33
barryseb128: sorry, i will look at that again19:34
barryxnox: erc in emacs24 seems pretty responsive so far19:34
seb128barry, hey, no worry, thanks19:48
seb128hallyn, the gnome-boxes maintainer (who works for redhat) told me before quantal that recent spice is supposed to work on i38619:49
seb128hallyn, other distros (including debian) seem to manage that fine, not sure what is special about our linaro version19:49
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seb128hallyn, http://git.qemu.org/?p=qemu.git;a=commit;h=a13ccc991a852cf12f2c05f537c40ce239ae464f19:56
seb128"This fixes running "-vga qxl -spice" with 32 bit compiled qemu-system-i386."19:56
seb128hallyn, that's pointed from http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=640139 which states "0.10 version of spice-server actually fixed 32bit issues too."19:56
ubot93Debian bug 640139 in qemu-kvm "Won't start when using spice on 32bit host" [Normal,Open]19:56
hallynseb128: excellent.19:59
seb128hallyn, confirmed on http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2012-03/msg04953.html it seems20:00
seb128hallyn, so, how do we move forward on enabling spice on 32bits in raring? ;-)20:01
seb128hallyn, I can help testing if needed (in fact I would like to be able to try gnome-boxes which depends on it which is why I'm asking about it)20:01
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hallynseb128: not sure, i'll take a look at the packaging after i finish lunch and testing this  libvirt bit.20:08
hallynassume its one change in debian/control20:08
seb128hallyn, thanks, let me know how it goes or if I can help on something20:10
GunnarHjxnox, stgraber, cjwatson: I made a couple of attempts to enter a live session in order to start ubiquity from there without the webcam, but I never made it into the live session. One time the desktop just froze, and two times I ended up on the greeter (without knowing any username/password combination). So the current ISOs seem not to be very healthy. Gave up. :(20:16
darkxstSarvatt, are you able to merge this? https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/ppa-purge/multiarch-lp89288620:22
stokachuxnonx, apw: would either of you have time to sru bug 93286020:50
ubot93Launchpad bug 932860 in appmenu-gtk (Ubuntu Quantal) "Broken (or missing) multiarch support" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93286020:50
stokachualso need to have bug 1077095 sru'd20:55
ubot93Launchpad bug 1077095 in appmenu-gtk (Ubuntu Quantal) "Please blacklist "IBM Notes"" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107709520:55
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hallynseb128: fwiw i've pushed a test pkg to ppa:serge-hallyn/virt (qemu-linaro), but it may be sitting waiting to build for awhile...  but it *should* build 32-bit.  hopefully the upstream fix really was a fix :)21:47
israeldahl_Hi, I need some assistance in uploading  a new version of a program that is already in USC.  How can I do this without Debian having a new upstream package (there maintainer is non-existant)21:48
seb128hallyn, thanks21:49
israeldahl_Does anyone know if this is even possible?21:52
israeldahl_Really?  Doesn't someone know?21:57
seb128israeldahl_, you can do the update, add it to launchpad for review and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors21:59
israeldahl_Sorry... how do I do it?   I have the source, I made a personal bzr branch.  Is there a specific webpage with this info?22:01
israeldahl_Ok, a different question then, how do I make the software-center recognize a program in a certain category?  Is it the menu file or the desktop file?22:06
israeldahl_Is anyone out there?22:08
seb128israeldahl_, http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/udd-sponsorship.html22:09
seb128israeldahl_, the desktop categories are used for classification22:10
israeldahl_is that for the software center as well seb128?22:10
israeldahl_Ok, I have branched the program and the desktop file is in the source.... why then does the software-center not see it?  Does it not install correctly?22:13
seb128israeldahl_, not sure how s-c deal with that22:14
seb128try asking on #software-center22:14
israeldahl_nobody seems to know this.  is there a forum somewhere that someone might know something like this?22:14
israeldahl_I tried the ubuntu-app-devel earlier22:15
israeldahl_Anyone know how software center  decides how to categorize programs?22:23
israeldahl_Is there a key word to get attention?  Anybody have any idea how Software Center knows how to place a program into the correct catergory i.e. ardour --> sound & video22:27
hallynhm, ppa build fails with "Python not found. Use --python=/path/to/python"22:28
hallynthat's probably not good22:28
SpamapSisraeldahl_: this is not a support channel. #ubuntu would be better. That said, the packager chooses a "Section" for each package. That particular one is in the 'sound' section.22:30
infinitybdrung: I'd question the sponsorship of all those libreoffice uploads for #58591022:31
bdrunginfinity: why?22:31
infinitybdrung: Given the ridiculous size of libreoffice updates, it might have been better to work with Sweetshark to get those incorporated in larger updates.22:32
israeldahl_Ok, fair enough.  I am working to get the latest version of lmms 0.4.13 into the repos, and need to make sure the bugs are all out.  this seemed to be the place to ask questions22:32
bdrunginfinity: the SRUs are still unapproved.22:32
bdrungSweetshark: ^22:33
infinitybdrung: A bit late now for raring, but I think I'll reject the SRU ones and ask you nicely (this is me asking nicely) to work with him on getting the fix in a larger SRU.22:33
bdrunginfinity: can you state that in the bug report, please?22:33
bdrunginfinity: the big size of libreoffice is not an issue for raring.22:34
argeshallyn, tried to reproduce bug 1027987 on bare metal. I defined a volume group for libvirt, then restarted libvirt-bin and did no noticed any delay with the older package. am I missing some steps?22:34
ubot93Launchpad bug 1027987 in libvirt (Ubuntu Precise) "Starting libvirtd takes too long because of "udevadm settle" timeout" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102798722:34
infinitybdrung: No, for raring, it's just buildd time.22:34
hallynarges: no, i have a feeling an underlying bug in kernel or udev got fixed in the meantime22:34
hallynso then the question is, do we drop that part of the debdiff, or do we simply say it isn't regressing anything and keep it in?22:35
argeshallyn, in the debian bug they used virt-manager.. not sure if that makes a difference22:37
infinitybdrung: Bug updated, SRUs rejected.22:38
hallynarges: yes!  that rings a bell!22:38
infinitybdrung: As you were happy enough to sponsor it in the first place, can I count on you to chase up Bjoern to make sure it doesn't get missed?22:38
bdrunginfinity: i'll try22:39
infinityarges: Thanks for verifying those eglibc fixes, BTW.  You rock.22:39
argesinfinity, np thanks for getting that patch done22:40
xnoxbug 122:41
ubot93Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122:41
bdrungSweetshark: what are your SRU plans for precise and quantal? will you make sure that the fix for bug #585910 (in upstream release 3.6.4) will be in the next SRUs?22:47
ubot93Launchpad bug 585910 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Quantal) "[Upstream] Impress Font fuzzy in presentation mode when Use hardware acceleration enabled" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58591022:47
bdrunginfinity: vlc 2.0.4 is stuck in the SRU queue for precise. can you have a look at it?22:48
stgrabermicahg: regarding the lxc backport, someone told me that it should be fine as long as the package I depend on from backport didn't exist in the release pocket, which is the case here22:50
infinitybdrung: I can in a bit.  I'm arguing with glibc right now.22:50
ScottKxnox: It depends on how you define the market. That one may actually be fixed now.22:51
bdrunginfinity: maybe this upload needs to go -security too (see Debian bug 692130)22:51
ubot93Debian bug 692130 in vlc "vlc: CVE-2012-5470" [Grave,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/69213022:51
infinitymdeslaur: ^22:52
infinitybdrung: As a general rule, if you want it in security, you should talk to the security team and have it done through their PPA.22:53
infinitybdrung: Assuming the upload only has the security fix.22:53
bdrunginfinity: it's a new upstream release with bug fixes including a security fix.22:54
infinitybdrung: Oh, yeah.  That's more problematic.22:54
mdeslaurdoes it have a microrelease exception?22:54
xnoxScottK: our regular bot was away from keyboard on vacation, I was checking if the replacement showed up for work or not ;-)22:54
mdeslaurbdrung: is there a bug open for that upload?22:55
bdrungvlc has a preliminary microrelease exception22:55
bdrungmdeslaur: yes, but no open security bug22:56
bdrunglp 970447 for example22:56
ubot93Launchpad bug 970447 in vlc (Ubuntu Precise) "vlc-plugin-notify freezes when asked to play something" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97044722:56
mdeslaurbdrung: since it contains a security fix, we need to do it through the security pocket.22:58
mdeslaurbdrung: is there a tracking bug for the SRU?22:58
bdrungmdeslaur: lp 970447 (the bug with the highest priority)22:59
ubot93Launchpad bug 970447 in vlc (Ubuntu Precise) "vlc-plugin-notify freezes when asked to play something" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97044722:59
infinitybdrung / mdeslaur: If I reject this from precise-proposed, will you two sort out what needs to be done to get it in security instead?22:59
infinity(Which will, at least, require amending the changelog to include the security bug) :P22:59
mdeslaurinfinity: yes23:00
mdeslaurbdrung: could you put it somewhere I can grab? is it in a ppa or somewhere?23:01
bdrungmdeslaur: i attached the debdiff to the bug. the changelog entry needs an adjustment.23:02
bdrungmdeslaur: do you prefer a debdiff for the debian/ part or a .debian.tar.gz file or a full source package?23:02
infinitybdrung: Just so you don't think we're screwing you around with unnecesary faff here, rest assured there's rhyme and reason in this. :)23:02
infinitybdrung: Notably that we builds in -proposed build against -updates, while -security is meant to be self-contained, so I can't copy the SRU to security without a massive rdep audit.23:03
bdrunginfinity: no problem. when i uploaded vlc to -proposed, i wasn't aware a security issue23:03
infinitybdrung: Much simpler to just work with the security team, since their PPA has -updates turned off.23:03
mdeslaurbdrung: I'm not quite sure what that debdiff is against23:03
infinitymdeslaur: I can just give you his package from the queue.23:03
mdeslaurbdrung: is it based on the quantal package?23:03
mdeslaurinfinity: please23:04
mdeslaurgotta run...23:04
infinitymdeslaur: It'll be in chinstrap:~adconrad/vlc/ shortly.23:04
bdrungmdeslaur: grab the precise-security package, grab the 2.0.4 source, copy the debian/ directory and apply the patch23:04
mdeslaurbdrung: I'll create a tracking bug, and I'll upload it tomorrow morning to build in the security PPA23:05
mdeslaurbdrung: thanks23:05
mdeslaurinfinity: thanks23:05
bdrungmdeslaur: or easier: grab it from the vlc debian git repo (precise branch)23:05
cjwatsonsigh - well, I guess I predicted ending up as TIL for half the archive when I did that armel rebuild23:06
infinitybdrung: I've just given him your source package from -proposed, that should suffice.23:06
* cjwatson works his way through a ton of merges23:06
infinitymdeslaur: It's there now.23:06
bdrungmdeslaur: the faster way to receive the source: git clone git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-multimedia/vlc.git -b precise23:11
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