
=== JoseAntonioR is now known as JoseeAntonioR
=== n0rman_ is now known as n0rman
xnoxwe seem to be missing a bot in #ubuntu-devel to change topic & announce bug url's09:30
Tm_Thmm, ubot2 doesn't follow me09:35
dontknowi banned from ubuntu and ubuntu offtopic. can you reverse it13:02
guntbertdontknow: visit #ubuntu-ops to resolve that13:03
dontknowguntbert: i am there but channel looks like empty13:04
guntbertdontknow: you need to state what you want and prepare for some patience13:04
TheLordOfTimeubottu still down?15:36
Picianyone spoke to jussi?15:36
Tm_The's on it (:15:37
Unit193Tm_T / xnox: Did you want ubot93 for now?18:20
Tm_TUnit193: #ubuntu-devel might benefit from having some bot18:51
Tm_TUnit193: thanks18:59
Daxterqucik question: is there a cloak for just being a ubuntu user?22:28
Fuchsno, but I can give you an unaffiliated one if you'd like22:28
k1l!membership > Daxter22:28
ubot93Daxter, please see my private message22:28
Fuchs(you'd need an account for that though, if you have one, identify to it, else see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup or /msg nickserv help register  for the short version)22:29
k1lfor the ubuntu cloak you need the membershipstatus like explained in the bots message22:29
k1lother cloaks are freenode area.22:29
Daxterok just wondering if there were any ubuntu cloaks other than member ones22:31
Daxterlet me get registered and ill do a unaffiliated one22:31
Fuchsnot as far as memory serves, no22:31
FuchsDaxter: sure, poke me when ready22:31
k1lDaxter: no, there are only membership cloaks22:32
Fuchsso far so good, now you only need to follow the steps in the e-mail received :)22:32
Daxterok verified22:33
Fuchsthere you go. Usually you should ask that in #freenode, but it would be silly for me to repeat what I wrote here there. Enjoy :)22:33
Daxteryeah i asked here for ubuntu one..toherwise i would have gone to #freenode22:34
Daxterer if you had ubuntu one22:34
Fuchsindeed :)22:34
Daxterwell ill be back to idling in #ubuntu, thanks!22:37
xnoxUnit193: any will do.22:41
xnoxUnit193: oh, it's done already, thanks =)22:41
n0rmanAlanBell: I requested a few days ago to have meetingology in #ubuntu-ni, you did it :) but looks like the bot has a ping timeout and he never go back to the channel, we are planning to have a meeting this weekend and we'd appreciate to have the bot in order to record the meeting :)23:21
AlanBellyeah, so would I n0rman23:21
AlanBellit is on the same server as ubottu and various other bots which are missing in action at the moment23:21
n0rmanAlanBell: oh, sorry, I forgot to check it beforse ask you :/ I supposed that it was just a lost connection and maybe it hadn't autojoin to #ubuntu-ni23:22
AlanBellit should rejoin when the server comes back23:23
n0rmanAlanBell: oh ok, and sorry for the noise, thank you :)23:23
AlanBellno problem :)23:23

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