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dholbachgood morning08:03
ESphynxoh it's that time again =) Good morning Dan :)08:05
obounaimGood morning dholbach.08:05
Rcartgood morning o/08:06
dholbachhi ESphynx, Rcart :)08:29
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obounaimHello everybody15:18
dholbachIs anyone interested in the ubuntu development hangout (on air) at 16 UTC (in 20m) and talk a bit about what you're working on?15:39
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vibhavdholbach: I can be there15:57
dholbachvibhav, cool15:57
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=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
Laneydholbach: I'll join you for the next one if you like17:03
dholbachLaney, I'll add you to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Hangouts - you mean the one next week or the one early on thursday?17:05
Laneywell I'll be away next week17:05
Laney9UTC might be a bit early ...17:05
Laneyput me down for the 11th :P17:05
dholbachLaney, any specific topic you'd like to talk about or shall we just wing it?17:07
Laneydesktop stuff I've been doing (gstreamer 1.0 porting which has scope for people interested in coding to help with)17:07
Laneymotu stuff17:07
Laneyrelease team17:07
Laneyall that jazz17:07
dholbachthanks a bunch Laney17:08
jtaylordoes ony main stuff get added to the jenkins autopkgtest suite or can universe go in there too?18:36
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alo21hi all18:42
alo21how can create a debdiff with two dsc which are linked to the same .orig.tar.gz?18:43
jtaylordebdiff *dsc18:43
jtaylormh markdown is in adt and its universe, are the things added automatically?18:45
alo21jtaylor: I receive as error that debdiff expects a .orig.tar.gz 1547 MiB instead od 941 MiB18:45
jtaylorwhat has such a large orig.tar18:45
alo21jtaylor: let me explane...18:45
alo21I have two versions of a progarm18:46
alo21one for example is v 1.0 and the other is 1.118:46
alo211.0's dsc is linked to a 1_orig.tar.gz which is for example 75 MiB...18:47
alo211.1's dsc is linked to another 1_orig.tar.gz which  is 80 MiB18:48
alo21so the name of the orig.tar.gz are the same, but che contents are different18:48
jtaylorhow can they have the same name but different content18:49
jtaylorthe orig tar name must include the version18:50
alo21jtaylor: I am talking especially about blueman in MoM18:50
jtaylorso the orig tar in debian and ubuntu diverge?18:50
alo21jtaylor: someone suggests me to merge it by my hand, but this does not resolve the conflict between .dsc files18:55
jtaylorI would merge the debian changes into ubuntu and create a debdiff to the old ubuntu package18:55
jtaylorit can be properly merged next upstream release18:55
jtaylorwhat is the difference in the orig tar? just compression or is the content differnt?18:56
alo21between the debian and ubuntu packages there are 53 conflicts... so I think the content is different18:57
jtaylorcheck why its different please18:57
jtaylorthat should not happen18:57
jtaylorconflicts should only happen because someone compressed it differently but the content should stay the same18:58
jtaylorchecksum conflicts that is18:58
jtaylorvcs conflicts can arise due to other reasons and are annoying but not necessarily a problem18:59
alo21jtaylor, strange.. I can't run merge-buildpackage because it says me 'Unmet build dependencies'. This is the first time I occurred this problem19:35
gotwigHello, Masters20:41
gotwigI have problems with packaging my app for Ubuntu 12.04. It seems to work with packaging for 12.10 and 13.04. : https://launchpadlibrarian.net/124231249/buildlog.txt.gz  | https://code.launchpad.net/~gotwig/+archive/foto-fixedpackages/+recipebuild/353068/+files/buildlog.txt.gz https://code.launchpad.net/~gotwig/+archive/foto-fixedpackages/+recipebuild/353067/+files/buildlog.txt.gz20:42
gotwigcan someone help pls?20:43
gotwigquadrispro, hey20:49
alo21jtaylor, I run merge-buildpackage, and I received 'dpkg-source: info: you can integrate the local changes with dpkg-source --commit'... and it created a file (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1392794/)21:08
micahgalo21: Debian has the wrong orig tarball for blueman, so, IMHO, not worth merging21:10
alo21micahg, do you think is a good idea to open a bug in debian?21:11
micahgdebian 69165521:11
micahgare the bots still missing?21:11
micahgit would be a fake merge anyways (need to use the Ubuntu orig tarball)21:13
alo21what 'bots' mean?21:13
micahgso, I'd just suggest making the one change that Debian made for the added dependency if it makes sense and wait for a new upload there21:13
micahgalo21: ubottu and friends21:13
alo21micahg, If I will make that change on the ubuntu package, I will not able to create the debdiff21:14
alo21between the old and the new ubuntu21:15
micahgalo21: you'd need to start with the old ubuntu package and just make that change21:15
micahg(not merge, just make the fix)21:15
micahgmaking a debdiff in this case isn't trivial anyways21:16
alo21micahg, mm... I think no worth it21:17
micahgright :)21:18
alo21thank you so much for your support and spending time on helping me21:18
micahgI think the reason I didn't make the dependency change manually is that it's seeded everywhere already21:19
micahgwell, except for kubuntu...but I doubt that people are running a gtk bluetooth manager in KDE21:20
jtaylormeh I'm really wasting buildd cycles...21:25
jtaylorstupid arch/-indep splitting and my inability to test properly21:25
alo21micahg, do you think doc-debian can be dropped (LP: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/doc-debian) (PTS: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/d/doc-debian/current/changelog) ?21:29
micahgalo21: why drop?21:30
alo21because I think all the ubuntu's changes are in debian now21:30
micahgoh, that, maybe try in a PPA21:31
micahgbackportpackage can help with that21:31
alo21micahg, what? I would first import that in raring21:32
micahgalo21: no, use backportpackage to test build the Debian package in your PPA21:32
micahgin raring21:33
alo21micahg, usaully I use my pc to test the packages.... but my doubt is about merge or sync21:34
micahgalo21: right, you won't know with this one most likely unless it's a PPA, it seems to be a soyuz specific failure from the changelog21:34
micahgalo21: so you can test build locally to watch for obvious failures, then if that works, throw it in a PPA21:35
micahgif that works, you can probably request a sync, but did you ask Bhavani if he's working on it since he touched it last?21:36
alo21micahg, thanks for your advice... I'm going to contact him (do not worry)21:36
alo21you are welcome.... but do you think (reading the changelog) that all bugs are fixed in debian too now21:39
micahgalo21: maybe, it's not explicit, but hinted at21:41
jtaylorbuilds in the queue are not executed if they have been obsoleted right?22:00
micahgjtaylor: I'm sure you're aware of how to do an arch only build locally, right :)22:12
micahgjtaylor: and yes, obsoleted builds should be skipped22:12
jtaylorI just screwed up the testing22:12
jtaylorhad the fix in the chroot but not in the tree I did the  -S22:13
xnoxjtaylor: all packages are added to the jenkins autopkgtest, universe included.22:42
jtaylorxnox: thx22:42
jtaylorwhen are they built?22:43
xnoxjtaylor: currently on every upload, the plan is to execute on every package upload as well as re-executing all autopkgtest of the reverse dependencies.22:45
xnoxsuch that we can catch if new packageA breaks packageC & packageD which depend on packageA.22:45
jtaylorneat, though that requires quite some resources :O22:45
xnoxnot really, as the tests are very simple and quick. We don't have nearly enough tests to start causing a load problem.22:46
jtaylorif its so I can add some tests that take days ;)22:47
jtaylorwhat does adt actually stand for?22:57
jtaylorwhat kind of machine is hosting that jenkins instance, its faster than my localhost jenkins at my work pc ._.23:06

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