
MoleManis there a way to change a symlink from a command line? I have a samba share, that consists of lots of symlinks to consolitdate files, with tidier names etc, and I've moved the root folder they are in, and would like to be able to bulk update the symlinks without having to manually recreate... any ideas?01:40
sarnoldMoleMan: There's nothing terribly easy available; the readlink(1) program makes reading a symlink's pointed-to path easy enough, you can pipe those through sed or awk as you need, and use the result in a new ln -sf blah blah command...01:43
MoleManhmmm, second attempt at google returned this http://superuser.com/a/15783201:44
MoleManhopefull will do the job01:44
sarnoldMoleMan: it'll be a bit ugly, but starting with something like: for f in * ; do ln -sf $(readlink $f | sed -e ...) $f ; done01:45
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lvmerI'd like to stick with Ubuntu-Server or a linux variation. But what is a good way to RAID 6 - 8x 3TB HDD's for LAN storage. I was planning on software raid & samba & shorewall, etc. But now that I think about it, idk if I've ever seen a RAID 6 option for ubuntu-server.03:23
* patdk-lap would like to know, when raid6 wasn't an option03:32
RiXtErHey guys, just installed 12.04.1 Server and my syslog and dmesg are getting flooded with nouveau messages... I don't have any X installed, can anyone tell me why or where to start looking for the answer?03:43
patdk-laprixter, kernel03:49
patdk-lapnouveau driver :)03:49
RiXtErpatdk-lap, I didn't install anything that should be using nouveau and I am using nomodeset03:51
RiXtErpatdk-lap, shouldn't that turn it off?03:51
RiXtEr(cause it to not load that module)03:51
patdk-lapheh? nomodeset means, don't set a mode, use whatever it was using03:51
patdk-lapdid you blacklist nv?03:51
RiXtErpatdk-lap, so is there a grub switch I can use to 'turn it off' ?03:51
RiXtErpatdk-lap, no...03:52
RiXtErpatdk-lap, blacklist where?03:52
lvmerpatdk-lap: raid 6 was always an option... I'm an idiot and I missed it. Do you know about Raid 10? I'm pretty sure I saw it. Also I could RAID 1 2x 30gb OS drives & then partition & raid 6 the other hdds right? 2 independent?03:53
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goddardanyone know how I can get a live view of connections on my server and maybe even apache error logs?06:43
sarnoldgoddard: netstat -anp06:44
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sarnoldgoddard: tail -F /var/log/apache*/error.log06:44
goddardsarnold: nice foo must use that alot06:45
sarnoldgoddard: I've got a tail -F running right now, funny enough. :)06:46
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adauthenticatehi team07:28
adauthenticatei like to ad authenticate with ubuntu server .. kindly help any one !!!07:28
adauthenticateno one is in the chat ???07:30
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* RoyK somewhat doesn't like people joining irc, asking a question, waiting two minutes, complaining, and parting...08:33
balboahit's better like me who idles for an hour before replying :)08:38
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SysTomHaving some issues booting to grub under hyper-v, I simply get grub loading, and sometimes it'll show the menu for a split second11:16
SysTomAny ideas?11:16
Davieyjamespage: seen https://docs.google.com/document/d/14502bjf6Y8htQSOi3Eo9WdnNfjEWhtMtw37JYIWCwkU/edit?hl=en-GB&forcehl=1 ?11:19
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jamespageDaviey, I had not but its good11:53
sarthorHI, here is my wlan0  Unknown  iwlwifi - [phy0].. when i started #airmon start wlan0,  my machine says " mon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 11 " when i apply this command, " sudo aireplay-ng -1 6000 -a C8:D5:FE:0C:6a:74 -h b8:03:05:ca:7c:f0 mon0 " What exactly I need to do, Guide me to the direction, then I will search on the Internet please. Thanks in Advance.12:11
radiskehere's the situation, i have a ubuntu server, running firewall and it does all the router to my network... there's one address my network can't resolv... but if i ping this address directly from the server, it resolvs...12:20
radiskesomeone can help?12:23
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asacsorry if a bit out of touch:). wonder, what gets installed when selecting "basic server install" during install of ubuntu server (http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-ubuntu-server) ... which seed/task/meta-package is it?12:33
FauxFauxI'm guessing it's from tasksel, which is, as I understand it, maintained outside of apt (but I have never looked).12:35
sarthorHI, here is my wlan0  Unknown  iwlwifi - [phy0].. when i started #airmon start wlan0,  my machine says " mon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 11 " when i apply this command, " sudo aireplay-ng -1 6000 -a C8:D5:FE:0C:6a:74 -h b8:03:05:ca:7c:f0 mon0 " What exactly I need to do, Guide me to the direction, then I will search on the Internet please. Thanks in Advance.12:36
asacogra_: hi! do you know ? see a bit further above :)12:43
radiskewhy my ubuntuserver can resolv an address but my network can't? someone can help?12:44
ogra_asac, whatever is in the server seed i would guess :)12:45
ogra_asac, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.raring/view/head:/server i think12:47
asacogra_: thats not much :)12:49
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ibirisfolks what subset of packages defines the "basic server install" mentioned in http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-ubuntu-server?13:55
ogra_ibiris, see above13:57
ibirisogra_: checking from irclogs - thanks14:04
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stgraberhallyn: can I let you review Dwight's [lxc-devel] [PATCH] Make config api items const ?15:08
halvorsHi! I have no experience setting up a mail server, i want to use postfix and dovecot and as simple authentication as possible, is this guide somthing to choose then? https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/postfix.html and use Mail Stack Delivery15:16
halvorsAnyone willing to help me out?15:19
halvorsShould i skip the sections "SMTP Authentication" and "Configuring SASL" when using the Mail-Stack Delivery package?15:21
ivokshalvors: yes15:49
ivokshalvors: mail-stack-delivery package configures everything for you; you might want to put your own certificate in place15:50
ivokshalvors: yes15:54
ivokshalvors: mail-stack-delivery package configures everything for you; you might want to put your own certificate in place15:54
hggdhrbasak: there? A few Qs...15:58
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rbasakhggdh: pong16:04
halvorsivoks: But what about postfix?16:07
ivokshalvors: what about it?16:07
ivokshalvors: mail-stack-delivery package will pull in postfix and dovecot, configure the link between them and that's it16:10
ivokshalvors: all you have to do is answer couple of questions16:10
halvorsivoks: How is mail delivered to dovecot? On what port?16:21
ivokshalvors: mail from postfix to dovecot is delivered by dovecot's LDA16:22
ivoks(local delivery agent)16:22
jamespageDaviey, did you manage to ascertain what exactly is the plan for the kernel on the 12.04.2 iso for server?16:23
jamespageDaviey, ignore me16:23
Daviey /ignore jamespage16:23
halvorsivoke: I mean remote...16:36
ivokshalvors: smtp, imap, pop316:36
ivoksand one can enable submission and smtps very easy16:36
ivoksiirc, imaps and pop3s are enabled by default16:37
ivoksincluding TLS on imap and pop3 ports16:37
iohnizerHello, is there anyone willing to help me regarding an issue with the 12.04 installer? I keep getting stuck.17:29
radiskewhy my ubuntuserver can resolv an address but my network can't? someone can help?17:36
zookoDear people of #ubuntu-server. We're investigating a failure on a production server...17:38
zooko(We = https://LeastAuthority.com )17:38
zookoand it *looks* like a "sudo apt-get upgrade" led to the removal of postfix and installation of sendmail, which led to the resulting failure.17:38
zookoNow, I thought that "apt-get upgrade" would never add or remove packages, only upgrade to new versions of currently installed packages.17:38
zookoAm I wrong?17:38
sarnoldzooko: your understanding matches mine, upgrade shouldn't make decisions that drastic; only dist-upgrade should, but even that should be relatively rare17:42
zookosarnold: yeah, weird. This is a 10.04 server.17:43
zookoThe auth log and the apt log and everything put together make it look like I ran "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && shutdown -r now".17:43
zookoWhich is a thing I normally do on an Ubuntu LTS server without much hesitation.17:43
sarnoldindeed, I'd think nothing of that17:44
zookoBut then the apt log says "Okay, so you want to uninstall postfix and install sendmail? Fine!", and goes and does that.17:44
zookoI have one non-Ubuntu package installed -- nginx as packaged by the nginx maintainers -- but I looked at its deps and it didn't look like it would interact wil mail to me.17:44
* zooko looks again.17:44
sarnold(tohugh in my case it's usually apt-get update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade && pm-suspend  or similar :)17:44
zookoYeah, even dist-upgrade I generally consider "safe" on Ubuntu LTSes. :-{17:45
sarnoldzooko: walking way out on a limb here, what are the chances someone used dpkg's --set-selections or dselect or similar to change the intended package disposition?17:48
sarnoldzooko: .. or aptitude or software center?17:48
zookoaptitude, yes. Someone had been running aptitude in the past.17:48
* zooko looks at aptitude log17:48
zookoBut I don't see any mention of sendmail, postfix, sensible-mda, or "mail" anything in the aptitude logs.17:50
zookoOkay, I give up on explaining it for now.17:50
zookoThanks for the chat, sarnold!17:50
sarnoldzooko: good luck!17:50
smoserjamespage, so the errors we're seeing on raring are bug Merge-Method: { "dicts": "overwrite", "lists": "append" }17:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1078926 in ubuntu "raring instance failed to find EC2 datasource" [High,Confirmed]17:53
ikoniawindow 1417:54
smoserstgraber, around ?17:59
stgrabersmoser: yep18:00
smoserstgraber, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/107892618:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1078926 in ubuntu "raring instance failed to find EC2 datasource" [High,Confirmed]18:04
smosersee the final comment, i'm wondering if you have help with my 'c' there.18:04
smoserand if you might have hints on 'b' although i think that might be more of a slangasek thing.18:04
iohnizerDuring the install from USB I get the message: main-menu[334]: DEBUG: resolver (libc6-udeb): package doesn't exist (ignored). The same thing goes for libnewt0.52. I have been trying to google my way around this issue, but can't seem to find any helpful answer. Any ideas?18:05
stgrabersmoser: yeah, b) would be for slangasek. For c), it's a bit weird. Usually what should happen is that the kernel or 'udevadm trigger' will emit a net-device-added event on the netlink bus, which will then be forwarded to upstart triggering the network-interface job and ultimately calling ifup18:07
stgrabersmoser: as eth0 is brought up by the fallback job, this most likely means that upstart never received the net-device-added event from udev18:08
stgrabersmoser: which can be explained by either a kernel bug causing the uevent to simply never be emitted or because somehow your instance doesn't call udevadm trigger so never "fakes" the event if it was emitted before the udev bridge started18:08
stgraberthat's what I'm seeing after a quick read, there may be some weirder things happening18:09
smoserstgraber, right. it could cause that.18:09
smoserbut the kerel driver on kvm should be solid18:09
smoserwhy would the image never call udevadm trigger ?18:10
smoser(where woudl / should that occur)18:10
smoserbut it doesn't fail all the time18:10
smoserso that would seem to not be valid.18:10
stgraberno idea why it wouldn't trigger but I'm never too sure of what weird changes you have in your environment with your cloud init jobs :)18:11
stgraberit should be triggered from udevtrigger.conf18:11
stgraberso requires udev to have been started by upstart which itself depends on virtual-filesystems18:11
smoserwhich should occur now in parallel with mounted /18:12
smoserso we shouldn't hit a race there on that.18:12
stgraberyou may want to add a generic job to confirm that net-device-added is emitted18:13
stgrabersomething along the line of:18:13
stgraberstart on net-device-added18:13
stgraberecho $INTERFACE >> /run/debug-network18:13
stgraberend script18:13
stgraberthis will then be called by upstart whenever a network interface appears and it gets the event from udev. If you don't see eth0 in /run/debug-network, then you have a kernel/udev problem18:14
smoserstgraber, well static-networking-up does run18:21
smoserhm.. i have to look mroe.18:21
smoserwell, i'll poke more later.18:21
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stgrabersmoser: sure, because the networking.conf job will eventually trigger and call ifup -a which will bring eth0 up and emit the required events, eventually triggering static-network-up, but I'm assuming that by the time it does that, it's way too late for you18:23
stgraberand networking.conf is really meant as a last fallback for when the event based bring up doesn't work, so depending on it would be wrong. (Except for virtual devices without any physical children where it's the only way they'll ever be brought up)18:24
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yolandahi zul, is there any issue where i can help18:40
zulyolanda: umm...not right now...18:40
zulyolanda: you might want to go through http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova and see if there is anything you can fix or getting stale18:41
yolandaok, i'll take a look18:41
zulyolanda: also you can check jenkins and look for broken builds and fix them up if you want18:42
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yolandazul, although this change is assigned to other person?18:59
zulwhich one?18:59
yolandai was talking generally, looking at changes that were marked as failed19:02
hallynstgraber: yup.  boy there's a huge set of patches.  what happened no lxc-devel? :)19:02
stgraberhallyn: well, looks like having a reactive upstream attracts developers, who'd have guessed ;)19:04
hallynexcept this is sort of like a financial bubble19:05
hallynwe're gonna build up more and more patches ingithub, 0.9 won't get released, and people will be furious19:06
halvorsI have a mail server, i realize that everybody can send email thru it, but how test it?19:08
hallynstgraber: have you by chance done a build with that patch applied?19:09
stgraberhallyn: nope19:10
halvorsI've used Mail-Stack Delivery, it's ok for me that other domain's use it, as long as they login using valid username and password :)19:11
halvorsWhat is the most compatible webmail for the Mail-Stack Delivery service?19:12
halvorsI would prefer a package that does all the needed apache2 configuration :)19:12
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sarnoldhalvors: google around a bit, someone used to offer a service to check your mail server; you'd telnet to their machine from your mail server and they'd run 20-odd tests and show you the results in the telnet session....19:14
halvorsDoes this look ok?19:17
yolandajdstrand, you there? i wanted to do some work on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/+bug/94517719:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 945177 in nova "not lintian clean" [Medium,Confirmed]19:17
halvorssarnold: Looks ok?19:19
sarnoldhalvors: it's a pity their tests are as short as they are, but it's definitely a good start19:19
halvorsI also have this problem that i think my ISP is blocking port 25, at least i cannot connect to my mail server from outside, is there a simple way to confirm that?19:20
sarnoldhalvors: 220 halvors.org ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)19:21
sarnoldhalvors: my isp lets me through just fine19:21
halvorsSure that's not on port 587?19:21
halvorsCause thru VPN i cannot connect using a SMTP client.19:22
sarnoldhalvors: "telnet mail.test.halvors.org smtp" -- yeah :)19:22
halvorsDoes not work on windows right?19:22
sarnoldhalvors: no windows here to test with, but I'd hope it would work fine there, too19:23
halvorsI doesn't it only take 1 parameter (The hostname)19:27
halvorsI get this in log when trying to use SMTPS (Port 465) via VPN. What does it mean?19:30
halvorsNov 27 20:28:57 halvors-server postfix/smtpd[5540]: warning: hostname ip-130.privitize.com does not resolve to address Nov 2719:30
halvors20:28:57 halvors-server postfix/smtpd[5540]: connect from unknown[]19:30
halvorssarnold: :)19:30
sarnoldhalvors: dns provides both forward and reverse lookups19:31
sarnoldhalvors: to get an ip from www.google.com, and to turn that ip address back into www.google.com19:31
sarnoldhalvors: getting forward dns is extremely easy; every dynamic dns provider does that19:32
halvorsYeah. But what do you mean?19:32
sarnoldhalvors: getting reverse is different; that's tied to the ip address closely. whoever actually _owns_ that IP address provides the reverse dns.19:32
halvorsI know.19:32
halvorsBut what does that have with the postfix server to do?19:33
sarnoldhalvors: dropping email from servers that do not have matching forward <-> reverse data is a very common anti-spam step19:33
halvorssarnold: May you try telneting my server again, just to be sure that it's not my isp that is responding. Now you should not get answer on port 25...19:34
halvorsAh ok.19:34
halvorsSo that means SMTPS (Port 465) actually works19:34
halvorsBut i can send mail from that ip using STARTTLS (587)19:35
sarnoldhalvors: 25 is dead (network unreachable! rather than "connection refused"), 465 works fine19:35
halvorsWhat about 587?19:36
sarnold587 works too19:36
halvorshmm, so wounder why i can't use port 25...19:36
halvorsBTW: it should be back up now :)19:36
halvorssarnold: You've got comcast as ISP?19:38
halvorssarnold: If so i see your connection in /var/log/mail.log :)19:38
sarnoldhalvors: yes :) woot.19:41
halvorsAnd you get thru on port 25, 465, and 587?19:42
sarnoldhalvors: yes19:43
guckihi guys19:44
guckianybody knows what's the maximum length of a network interface name?19:44
jdstrandyolanda: I am here19:58
yolandahi jdstrand, i wanted to do some clean on that package, but i wonder if that bug is too old? changelog numbers don't match19:59
halvorssarnold: Shouldn't i be able to send mail not using STARTTLS or SSL/TLS, on port 587?19:59
halvorsOr do postfix only allow Plain on Port 25, STARTTLS on Port 587 and SSL/TLS on Port 465?20:00
sarnoldhalvors: no idea :)20:01
escotthalvors, i wouldn't be surprised if it refused. many don't run anything on 25 so they would be unhappy is something unsecured just got shoveled through 587/46520:03
halvorsAh ok, but is there a way to accept STARTTLS and SSL/TLS on port 25?20:04
raubhalvors: I believe you can control that in master.cf20:05
escotthalvors, whether or not it is possible depends on the SSL/TLS handshake. if it can begin with a simple HELO maybe20:05
jdstrandyolanda: just download the current binaries and run lintian on them. if it is clean, close the bug, if not, then add a comment to the bug on what is still not clean20:09
yolandajdstrand, essex stable ones?20:10
jdstrandyolanda: well, it would need to be against raring (ie, grizzly) at this point20:10
yolandaoh, ok20:10
jdstrandyolanda: the bug is targeted at 'nova' not a particular release of ubuntu20:10
jdstrandand we don't usually fix linitan errors in stable releases20:11
yolandaok, so when it's that "nova" target it intends to be to the latest version?20:11
halvorsescott: Mostly thinking about my customers, since they think everything that is outgoing email is port 25.20:12
halvors1sarnold: Seems like SSL/TLS works, just that client need to have a reverse dns record. But that's not common when using IPv6...20:18
halvors1So i got this problem...20:18
sarnoldhalvors1: there may be a way to disable that check20:18
halvors1sarnold: Everyone got reverse for IPv4, but that's not common on IPv6...20:24
hallynzul: did you have any changes heading to raring libvirt soon, or sh ould i just push my debdiff for not setting up default autostart when exists right now?20:25
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halvors1sarnold: May this be it? smtpd_senicder_restrtions = reject_unknown_sender_domain20:33
sarnoldhalvors1: seems like it should be better named, if that's the one. I'd say keep looking...20:33
halvors1sarnold: You mean like this: smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unknown_sender_domain20:34
sarnoldhalvors1: oh, hah, thta does look like the point of that setting: http://serverfault.com/questions/319842/postfix-client-ip-reverse-dns20:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #1063177 in mysql-5.5 (main) "update MySQL 5.5.28" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106317721:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #1079897 in walinuxagent (main) "walinuxagent mangles server identity and access on upgrade" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107989721:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #1083598 in vsftpd (main) "package vsftpd 2.3.2-3ubuntu4.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting configuration." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108359821:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #1083719 in open-vm-tools (multiverse) "open-vm-dkms 2011.12.20-562307-0ubuntu1: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108371921:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #1083407 in samba (main) "subtle upstart race condition with rc-sysinit scripts " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108340721:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #1083513 in php5 (main) "installation IDN on PECL at PHP > 5.3 fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108351321:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #1083542 in maas (main) "sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas-cluster-controller breaks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108354221:06
zulhallyn: i have nothing21:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #1083155 in python-webob "Unable to set Content-MD5 header when using chunked transfer encoding" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108315521:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #1083158 in zookeeper (universe) "package does not put startup script in /etc/init.d/ and also lacks an rc script" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108315821:08
hallynzul: ok, pushing.  hopefully i haven't missed some upgrade corner case...21:22
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timrcHello, I've created a lucid container on a precise host, and I notice when I ssh into the container I get some locale problems that I don't get when I use the "console".  As an example, when I run bzr I get this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1392843/21:37
timrcHere is what I get when I ask Python what it thinks, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1392853/21:38
timrcsudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 seems to "fix" the problem21:40
hallynwhat *is* that thing?21:40
hallynANSI_X3.4-1968  that is21:41
timrcno clue, to be honest21:41
hallyni'm building a lucid container right now...21:41
hallynstgraber: ^ look familiar at all?21:41
stgrabertimrc: apt-get install language-pack-en21:42
stgraberhallyn: we don't have any langpack installed by default, that's the cause of this21:43
stgraberhallyn: ssh passes your locale along, if the target server doesn't have it, then you get that kind of problem21:43
stgraberhallyn: when logging in on the console, you just get the good old C locale, so nothing should attempt to do UTF-8 and you're "fine" (until you try to print anything that actually requires unicode)21:44
hallynaha :)  yeah i just got as far as reproducing it.  interesting21:44
stgraberanyway, the fix is to have the template creation script to always install language-pack-en and any other locale you have outside the container21:44
hallynstgraber: thanks21:44
stgraberI have a workitem to fix that for this cycle21:44
timrcstgraber, I can confirm that does indeed work :)21:44
hallynreally?  i don't remember that int he blueprint - excellent :)21:45
timrcstgraber, thanks for the assistance21:45
stgrabertimrc: np21:45
stgraberhallyn: I dumped a bump of LXC related workitems I had around after the session, that's one of them :)21:45
timrcWhile I'm here, I'm trying to run livebuild inside of my lucid container and I keep failing at: W: Failure trying to run: chroot /path/to/chroot mount -t proc proc /proc -- When I try running the command manually I get a little more information, specifically that the the block device is write-protected, mounting read-only and that I can't mount block device proc read-only21:51
timrchallyn, stgraber: have either of you run into this?21:51
stgrabertimrc: that'd be apparmor preventing you from mounting proc or sys in the container for security reason21:52
stgrabertimrc: the easiest way to bypass this is to edit your container's configuration and uncomment the lxc.aa_profile line, setting it to unconfined21:52
stgrabertimrc: then restart the container and you won't have the problem again21:53
timrcstgraber, is this a recent change? I don't recall having this issue a few weeks ago21:53
hallynnot that recent21:53
timrchrm ok21:53
stgrabertimrc: however, after doing that, your container will be allowed to mount unprotected copies of proc and sys which can damage your host, so don't give access to that container to someone you don't trust with the host21:53
hallynactually, i was getting failures in debootstrappin ga debian unstable - on my HOST - at the mount proc part21:53
hallynbut i didn't have time to delve deeper21:53
stgrabertimrc: that security has been introduced as of Ubuntu 12.0421:54
timrcstgraber, That'd be my wife, thanks :)21:54
hallyn"she's crafty"  ?21:54
* hallyn looks for the beastie boys cd...21:54
timrchallyn, she has a talent for breaking things.. she should be a product QA consultant21:55
timrcSo this is a first... "disable app armour"... it's usually "disable selinux"21:56
stgrabertimrc: if this was some kind of public service, I'd have recommended creating a profile specific for this container under /etc/apparmor.d/lxc/ then set that profile as lxc.aa_profile. But if it's just for local hacking, it's probably not worth the time :)22:00
timrclocal hacking only, so yeah22:01
timrcI honestly didn't give app armour any consideration, sadly, until you mentioned it though22:01
timrcI need to be more cognizant of it in the future22:01
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sarthorHI, Before 12.04, where ever I used to configure the dns farwarders for my network in the ubuntu-server, I used to edit /etc/bind/named.conf.options and used to write there my dns, and in the resolve.conf was somthing like, "nameserver" Now the /etc/resolv.conf says, Do not edit by hand, Where to put that forwarders now?? please help.23:20
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sarnoldsarthor: you could either have your dhcp server advertise the dns you want clients to use or you could stuff the directives in /etc/resolvconf/<something>23:21
=== Guest29428 is now known as DaveR
=== Gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia
uvirtbotNew bug: #1083824 in php5 "php5 UTF-8 bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108382423:56

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