
speakmanHi folks. Are there any active development regarding multitouch in Ubuntu currently? I'm thinking of buying an Apple Magic Mouse, but I remember having a tough time with the mouse pad on my MacBook Air in 12.04.12:51
dandraderspeakman,  no, not really. at least in terms of new gestures in Unity  and such12:52
dandraderbut there are new gestures in 12.10 compared to 12.0412:53
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dandraderI was thinking about adding the equivalent of frame_x11_accept_touch and frame_x11_reject_touch in frame.h. Afterall frame.h already has XInput2 specific concepts such as touch ownership and pending end.20:07
dandraderthat would enable grail to get rid of its use of the frame_x11 header20:08
dandraderso that frame_x11.h could be really a backend side only affair20:08
dandraderand frame clients (grail) wouldn't have to bother about what backend was used to creaete the frame events it has been receiving20:09
dandraderbregma, cnd  thoughts?20:09
cndlet me take a quick look at the code20:11
cnddandrader: the only XI2 specific bits are properties on touches, right?20:13
cndUFTouchPropertyOwned, for example20:13
dandradercnd, right20:13
cndwhat do you propose will happen if you try to call frame_accept_touch() when the backend doesn't support it?20:14
dandradernothing :)20:14
cndreturn an error code?20:14
cndI guess I don't see anything wrong with doing nothing20:15
cndin either case20:15
cndyeah, I think it's ok20:16
cndyou'll have to deal with the API dance20:16
cndensuring that the updated grail depends on the updated frame20:16
cndand that the relation continues into the packaging as well20:16
cndwe wouldn't want someone to get a new grail and an old frame and die20:16
cnddandrader: I guess there's a slight complication20:17
* dandrader listens20:17
cndreject semantics also means: I shouldn't get any more events for this touch20:17
cndso you would need to add a filter for non-ownership backends20:17
cndif the client rejects touch 8, and then new events come in for that touch, you would need to filter them out20:18
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