
popeyi can haz 3 weetabix00:01
* xnox .o0( multi grain cheerios *nom* *nom*)00:28
=== TheOpenSourcerer is now known as theopensourcerer
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=== daubers_ is now known as daubers
theopensourcererYay - we can haz warp drives: http://io9.com/5963263/how-nasa-will-build-its-very-first-warp-drive09:24
JamesTaitMorning all! :)09:26
Laneygot me OS maps of the lakes09:32
Laneyholiday next week \o/09:33
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
popeyi bought some old maps off ebay recently09:39
popeyre-prints of ones from the early 1900's09:39
gordgoogle maps through time would be really cool09:43
gordit could even pick up photos from the time period. though i guess the gps tags would be off ;)09:43
Laneypopey: I got some of those from Waterstones09:44
Laneythey were surprisingly cheap - like 2.5009:44
Laneyit's cool to look at them and try to work out where stuff is09:44
einonmThere's a great map shop in Hay on Wye that does nothing but old maps. I think most of them are quite pricey though, probably being originals09:47
popeyyeah, i was disappointed when mine arrived because it shows farnborough but not the bit I'm in, on the edge of town :(09:48
popeythen about a week later I flipped the map over :D09:48
Laneyi've got a now/then framed comparison thingy on the wall09:54
daubers"It's a vast featureless desert out there!" "No sir, thats the back of the map"09:57
daubersTrip to London rescheduled to Thursday \o/10:04
daubersI love the unreliability of trains10:04
AlanBelldaubers: I might be in London on Thursday10:07
daubersAlanBell: I'll be in Kensington for a few hours in the morning10:08
daubersMore importantly.... picking up the little kitten this evening \o/10:17
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brobostigongood morning everyone.11:02
bootinfdsdsmornin' terrible night's sleep.11:15
davmor2Morning all11:18
davmor2MooDoo: your still here dude11:18
bigcalmpopey: what's that random background picker you use?11:24
bigcalmIn USC?11:25
bigcalmYep, in USC :)11:26
popeyclick the link on that page, see what happens :)11:26
davmor2popey: I bet it's an arb app that is yet to be updated to Quantal :(11:28
bigcalmHumm, doesn't seem to be working with xfce :(11:31
davmor2bigcalm: are you on quantal?11:31
bigcalmdavmor2: no, I'm sticking with LTS on my workstation11:31
davmor2bigcalm: did it install and not run?11:32
bigcalmIt installs and runs. But isn't changing my desktop backgrounds11:33
davmor2bigcalm: what the delay on it or can you trigger it straight away?11:33
bigcalmdavmor2: the delay is 5 mins, but you can trigger with a click. No change11:33
davmor2bigcalm: yet another app that hates you then :P11:34
bigcalmdavmor2: I think you've been telling people to dev apps that won't work for me :P11:34
davmor2bigcalm: to be fair it might use some gnomey thing to trigger the change which is why it doesn't work it is made for ubuntu after all :D11:35
bigcalmDo you mean unity?11:36
bigcalmBecause I'm using xubuntu11:36
davmor2bigcalm: no I mean Ubuntu which is unity's desktop name rather that Xubuntu which is the xfce's desktop name :P11:37
bigcalmThat's confusing11:38
bigcalmHumm, there is a bug against variety on LP which mentions XFCE and LXDE. So maybe it does work, just not for me11:39
bootinfdsdsHas anyone seen any kickstarter.com/ games that can be used on Ubuntu lately ??11:40
davmor2bigcalm: Ubuntu cd's have the unity desktop, Xubuntu cd's have the xfce desktop it is fairly simply really11:42
popeybootinfdsds, ones that are complete or ones that are currently under development?11:43
bootinfdsdsOh hi popey, the one's that you want to see funded most.11:43
bootinfdsdsunder devel.11:43
popeydunno, directhex probably has a better knowledge of them11:44
=== Johnswing is now known as Jswing
popeyhttp://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1461411552/elite-dangerous is popular11:44
bootinfdsdsdoes he ? directhex ?11:44
popeynot even half way11:44
einonm..but elite-dangerous is PC only, with some vague promise of other platforms if it goes over the target. That was most annoying to find out.11:45
bootinfdsdsany linux definately .. games ?11:45
BigRedSeinonm: where "PC" = "Windows"?11:46
Ngpopey: I do hope that Elite's target is attainable11:47
einonmBigRedS: I assume, as it is the common parlance for the term11:47
NgI want to play that game!11:47
popeysomeone has made a list!11:47
davmor2bootinfdsds: broken sword when it is released11:47
bootinfdsdsAwesome popey ! thanx. have to say Interstellar Marines: Prologue has no chance !11:48
bigcalmInstalling from LP worked11:50
bigcalmSilly USC11:50
bigcalmWe're still waiting for Vessel :(11:51
bigcalmVariety also only changes the bg of one of my screens11:54
popeyyou have a silly x setup tho :)11:54
bigcalmHumf. I have a reasonable set-up for a developer ;)11:55
davmor2bigcalm: no you don't :P11:56
einonmsurely proper developers don't use X?11:56
bigcalmUg, here we go :)11:56
bootinfdsdsSir, You Are Being Hunted looks awesome .. from Bath no less !11:57
davmor2bigcalm: you started it11:57
bigcalmThis looked like a possibility for my need of a touch screen, annoyed that it's out of stock. http://www.chalk-elec.com/?page_id=1280#!/~/product/category=3094861&id=1464762411:59
bigcalmI now have it working for all 3 monitors :D12:16
bigcalmdavmor2: is Alex joining us on Thursday?12:16
davmor2bigcalm: no word from him and he isn't on irc currently well at least not in the rooms I'm in12:17
bigcalmOk. Might find out tomorrow evening then12:17
bootinfdsdsdavmor2, Just looking at Sword Of Justice , yeah, what was that all about ? http://goo.gl/zzxSq12:40
davmor2bootinfdsds: I have no idea I pointed you so broken sword but there kickstart is over and more than sucessful12:42
bootinfdsdsno probs.12:42
bootinfdsdsguess some people just use kickstarter toi make a quick buck, or try to.12:43
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
andylockrantrying to close too many windows13:36
davmor2bigcalm: and then there were 313:48
BigRedSandylockran: ctrl+d :)14:00
bigcalmdavmor2: aye, saw the tweet. Glad that it hasn't died a complete death14:11
bigcalmdavmor2: going by the lug ml, there will be a mob of 17 hungry curry eaters. I do hope Ron's reservation can cope14:12
BigRedSpopey: are you running raring on your thinkpad? Mine keeps shutting down claiming CPU overheating, and I'm wondering whether it's a power issue in the kernel or I need to take a hoover to its innerds...16:02
popeyBigRedS, 12.0416:03
popeyi get it on 12.04 too16:03
popeythats not overheat16:04
popeyPackage power limit notification16:04
popeyCore temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled   that is16:04
BigRedSNo, I've not checked any logs yet - I upgraded yesterday and I've only tried to use it today and it's off now.16:04
popeyalan@deep-thought:~$ dmesg | grep -c temperature\ above16:05
popeynot often16:05
popey 16:05:10 up 7 days,  7:48,  4 users,  load average: 0.93, 0.76, 0.7816:05
popeyprobably when playing minecraft :D16:05
BigRedSyeah, I suppose I'll have a fiddle this eve when I'm not trying to do work...16:06
BigRedSHm, thinking about it, I had this briefly with 12.04 too16:10
BigRedSbut then the disk failed and I replaced it and stuck 12.10 on it16:10
brianbdoes anyone know the reason why both Firefox and Google Chrome (inc Chromium) fail to load and display adobe flash content on web pages in ubuntu 12.04?16:46
brianbAlso is both Firefox and google Chrome running in protected mode via the sandbox mechanism - which could be the reason why both browsers fail to play out a flash website content?16:49
* czajkowski tickles popey 17:02
MartijnVdSbrianb: no, that's not it17:06
MartijnVdSbrianb: because it works for a lot of people17:06
directhexless than an hour on the steam sale17:10
BigRedSI keep seeing your recommendations when I'm not in a good place to act upon them17:12
BigRedSI did try to buy Serious Sam, but apparently I've already got it. Does that come with the beta?17:12
brianbwell explain why chrome will not load shockwave flashplug in then17:15
BigRedSfancy starting it in a terminal and pastebinning what it outputs?17:16
BigRedSor should we just divine the reason?17:17
popeybrianb, got a specific example of flash content? e.g. http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/17:18
popeyif you have flash installed, that page will tell you17:18
popeye.g. for me it says "You have version 11,2,202,251 installed"17:18
brianbclearly the error message displayed in the chrome browser says its not loading hence if i could load it manually then that would help with whats causing the issue17:19
brianbthe content is the any BBC media - i.e. BBC radio 2 will not play, BBC new Live no sound or video17:20
brianbif i go to chrome://plugins and expand details the version for Chrome is 11.2 r20217:21
brianbthe same version also for firefox17:22
popeybrianb, what does http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ give you?17:22
popeyin chrome I get "You have version 11,5,31,2 installed"17:22
brianbin Chrome it displays the web page with no flash content - top line after the address bar  the following message - could not load shockwave flash17:24
popeybrianb, has it ever worked on that machine?17:24
brianbnot on the latest version of ubuntu from 10.10 or 12.04 it has worked with older versions of ubuntu17:25
brianbit works on windows on the same machine17:26
brianbthe machine has multi boot17:26
brianband i have some space to instal other linux distos17:27
popeyis it a 64-bit install of ubuntu?17:27
brianb32 bit i belive17:27
brianbhow can i check in termal17:28
popeyuname -a17:28
popeydoes it mention i686 or x86_64 ?17:28
brianbno is returns i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux17:30
brianb3.2.0-33 generic pae 52-Ubuntu17:32
AlanBellit mentions i686 then :) you have a 32 bit install17:32
brianbi dont download x64 only have one machine that is 64bit17:33
popeythats fine, just checking what it was installed17:33
popeybrianb, in chrome, click the button in the top right corner, click 'about google chrome', what version does it display? mine is "Version 23.0.1271.64"17:34
brianbsee i think for whatever reason because its not loading shockwave flash thats the problem which is related to both browser17:34
popeychrome and firefox don't share the same flash, which makes this very odd17:35
brianbversion 23.0.1271.9117:36
* popey updates his chrome17:37
AzelphurI just feel like mentioning that I officially want to stab Santander in the face17:38
Azelphurtis the season to be randomly freezing my bank account every 5 minutes \o/17:38
daftykinsgood times17:38
brianbok so when you access a web site with flash content there must be a trigger that launches a file to activate the flash plug in17:38
daftykinsAzelphur: fala-lalala-lala-la-la indeed.17:38
Azelphurdaftykins: I filed a complaint, they sent me a text to say the complaint was registered, then 5 minutes later another one saying the complaint had been closed.17:39
daftykinswith no action taken? just ignored17:39
Azelphurseems so, yes.17:39
AlanBellbrianb: sure, the browser loads the plugin, and the chrome method for doing so is entirely different to the firefox method17:39
davmor2daftykins: Oi no! none of that till the first sighting of the coke advert happens17:39
AlanBellbrianb: did you try starting chrome from a terminal to see if it outputs anything interesting when it tries to load a flash object?17:40
popeyok, updated to same version of chrome as brianb and it still works here17:40
daftykinsdavmor2: sorry. it was in a sarcastic 'santander, you suck' way at least...17:40
brianbyeah but within the sandbox mechanism is this which implements flash plugin?17:40
daftykinsAzelphur: does it stop web login and your cards too?17:41
Azelphurdaftykins: it lets me login to the web, it completely freezes my card.17:41
popeybrianb, have you actively enabled anything in chrome which might disable flash?17:42
brianbsoso how do i launch chrome from the terminal17:42
Azelphureven for 100% reputable stuff, like I can't use my debit card to pay off the balance on my credit card to use that instead *bangs head against wall*17:42
popeybrianb, open a terminal and type "google-chrome"17:42
AlanBellbrianb: to launch chrome from the terminal first close every single chrome window and type google-chrome to restart it17:42
brianbi take it you mean all tabs17:43
daftykinsAzelphur: doh! i'm juggling some money around atm ahead of a house purchase, hopefully won't get any surprises :S17:44
AlanBellI mean close chrome altogether17:44
AlanBellso don't leave one chrome window on a different workspace running or something like that17:44
Azelphurdaftykins: fun, I juggle BTC, so every time they do this and freeze my account like this I lose money, this one cost me ~£30 -.-17:44
daftykinsevery tab, every window17:44
popeykillall chrome17:45
brianbok at present i have multiple tabs so if i close chrome all tabs will close then go to the terminal and launch chrome from there17:45
daftykinsoh that jazz17:45
daftykinsis there actually any point to that?17:45
AlanBellbrianb: sure, that is fine, just close chrome17:45
brianbi have done that and all tabs reopen17:45
einonmOoh, Jonathan Corbet has just reviewed ubuntu on the Nexus7, on LWN17:46
Azelphurdaftykins: instant transaction feeless anonymous decentralised currency? ...yes?17:46
AlanBellbrianb: fine, now go to a flash website, and look at the terminal, is anything interesting output there?17:46
daftykinswhat situations does that ever help in though? i've never read up about it17:46
Azelphurain't no banks freezing my bitcoin wallet xD17:46
daftykinsonly seen the name get thrown around IRC a lot17:46
brianband still get the message - could not load shockwave flash17:46
AlanBellbrianb: in the terminal window, is there any text?17:47
AlanBellALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:957:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) The dmix plugin supports only playback stream17:47
AlanBellfor example?17:47
Azelphurdaftykins: it's extremely cheap to send money abroad using it, usually you'd have to go through western union or something which would charge you like $10, with bitcoin, USA is the same as EU pretty much.17:47
AzelphurIt's also a worldwide currency, so no currency exchange fees either17:47
daftykinsAzelphur: ah ok. don't think i'd ever benefit then really17:47
Azelphurdaftykins: it's also really cool, open source money, :D17:48
brianbwell have to look at terminal17:48
Azelphurdaftykins: but yea, I buy bulk chunks from miners at a low price, then sell on to people (usually via UK bank transfer) and flip a little profit in the process :D17:48
brianbwhat sort of thing am i looking for in the terminal17:48
daftykinsAzelphur: how sneaky :o17:49
AlanBellbrianb: any text following your google-chrome command17:50
AzelphurI wouldn't say sneaky, I don't lie about what I'm doing, most of the miners/big traders arn't interested in dealing with amounts below £50017:50
* dwatkins heads home whilst it's still above freezing17:51
brianbright i have an ERROR:webplugin_delegate_proxy.cc(407)17:51
AlanBellthat is interesting17:51
brianbpluginMsg_Init returned false17:52
brianbCould't initalize plug-in17:53
brianbHTTP request sent, awaiting response ..... 200 OK17:53
directhexBigRedS, you know you can buy games from the android/ios app, right? or any web browser17:53
daftykinsas long as you wade through the tedious device authentication, so you can get to your named email account17:54
brianbso it looks like the plugin is not being Initialized17:54
AlanBellyeah, but now we have a more informative error message (slightly)17:56
daftykinsnuke it and start again? :)17:56
directhexby "any web browser" i mean "not mobile IE, since the steamguard auth popup doesn't render properly in it"17:57
AlanBellbrianb: can you close chrome then run17:57
AlanBellgoogle-chrome --disable-bundled-ppapi-flash17:57
AlanBelland see if that makes any difference at all17:58
brianbcan hold one sec - i am loging into xchat on the machine runing 12.04 with the problem so i can copy and past the term message if you want17:58
brianbwould you like me to open up a personal channel so i can past the terminal msg?18:00
jacobwuse pastebin18:00
brianbi dont know about pastbin18:00
jacobwbrianb: you can upload any peice of text and get a link back to it that you can give to people18:01
* jacobw hunts and kills to absent bot18:01
brianbok i think i have copy and pasted the error to paste bin18:03
daftykinsnow paste the page link in here18:03
brianbright now going to close chrome and relaunch in terminal using the disable command18:08
brianbhave pasted the msg which is returned after --disable-bundled-ppapi-flash18:13
brianbso in each case it would appear that the ERROR is related to not being able to initialize the plug in18:15
popeythats sending a crashdump to google18:15
brianbwhat does that mean18:16
popeywell, not really directly related to your flash issue18:16
popeybut chrome is sending crash data to google HQ for them to analyse18:16
brianbso what will be the outcome from that if any?18:17
popeynone directly18:17
brianbso really no further advance on the issue then?18:18
brianbguess if Firefox was lanuched from the terminal then it would also generate a crash report as well18:19
brianbwould any information be gleaned by launching firefox from a terminal18:20
popeyit might, yes18:20
popeyyou could try firefox with a new clean profile too18:20
brianbshall i try it18:20
popeybut one thing at a time18:20
brianbok give me directions18:21
popeyfirefox -CreateProfile "test"18:22
popeyfirefox -profile "test"18:22
popeythe second command will launch a clean firefox18:22
popeythen visit the adobe page given previously http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/18:23
brianbthiok have done that18:25
brianbso do i tye in the HTTP address in the new tab address bar or from the terminal?18:26
popeyaddress bar18:26
brianbok done that18:27
popeydoes flash load?18:27
brianbno but the web page displays information on downloading flash player it appears to be a different page to when i opened it up in chrome18:28
popeyit will be18:28
popeyokay, close firefox18:28
popeydo this in a terminal:-18:28
popeysudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer18:29
popeyand copy/paste what appears to pastebin please18:29
brianbthere is no extra information in the terminal18:29
popeyok. thanks18:29
daftykinsxbox dashboard update 0o18:31
brianbwhen the terminal has completed its script you want me to open up a browser and paste the contents into pastebin yes18:32
popeyyes please18:32
popeybrianb, now try firefox again?18:35
brianbhave done still no flash content18:36
nanasi'm installing ubuntu on toshiba laptop; got an error message and followed instructions here:18:36
nanasubuntu is still not booting so next step is to paste here the last message given by repair program:18:37
nanaswhen i try to boot message is: the disk drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present18:38
popeythats just a warning18:38
popeyif you wait it usually passes18:38
nanasbeen there for about 10 minutes18:39
popeybrianb, hmm, chrisccoulson you about? any suggestion why someone can't view flash content in either chrome or ff on a machine?18:39
daftykinspopey: since that flash installer reinstalled from cache and the plugin from /tmp is it worth knocking those two out and retrying?18:40
popeythe flashplugin itself didnt come from cache18:41
daftykinswhat's "Installing from local file /tmp/tmpa0_c6j.gz" ?18:42
popeylook at the line above18:43
popeyit downloads from the web to /tmp18:43
daftykinsah, i was expecting to see that older style line by line progress, guess that's changed18:44
daftykinsi figured that was overriding the line above, nm18:44
brianbi have three folders in usr/lib folder for firefox, folder for firefox-addons and folder flashplugin-installer18:44
brianbso i think the flashplugin-installer is maybe used for chrome18:46
popeyno, it is not18:46
popeychrome has its own built-in flash plugin18:46
popeywhich lives in /opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so for me18:46
AlanBellto be precise /opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so18:47
BigRedSdirecthex: yeah, it's card deails I keep misplacing18:49
popeyI'd love to have a poke around on your system brianb to understand how this is broken :(18:50
popeyi wonder if the magic command will fix it :)18:50
popeybrianb, in a terminal can you do this:-18:50
popeysudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^18:50
popeynote the caret on the end is important18:50
popeyrun that and tell me if it wants to install any missing packages?18:51
daftykinshmm what does the circumflex do?18:51
brianbwhat the magic co18:51
brianbwhere will i find the caret18:52
brianbfound it18:52
popeyit installs the task, which will pull in anything missing18:53
brianbok after going through a long list it ask that linix headers to be installed18:54
brianbdo i install them?18:54
daftykinshow is that different to the meta package?18:55
popeybrianb, :(18:55
popeythats probably not going to fix it, no18:55
popeydaftykins, installing the metapackage won't pull in all the dependents18:55
daftykinsoh right18:56
brianbi tell you what i need to take a break for a few hours so when you said you like to look at my machine you could do that remotely yes18:57
popeyok, maybe later :)18:57
brianbso if you want to then have to set it up18:58
brianbits mainly used to try out various distros18:58
brianbbut its a very intresting problem18:58
brianbits just bugging me why it wont work with adobe flash19:00
popeyme too19:02
brianbi guess thats why Apple dont like flash19:02
popeythere are many good reasons to not like flash19:02
daftykinsi'd create another user account for a laugh19:02
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
brianbwell i must go be back around 8pm if you want to play around on the machine19:05
popeyok see you brianb19:06
brianbcan you let me know if thats ok19:06
popeywill do19:06
popeyneed to put kids to bed and make food19:06
brianbsee you at 819:07
AlanBellmy brown Jaunty Tshirt has been cut up into rags to make a "boy villager" costume19:29
popeyi dont think i ever got a jaunty one19:33
popeyoh. yes i did19:33
popey_that_ one19:33
Davieyi got that, but i didn't buy it...19:37
Davieywhere would i have got it from?19:38
Davieyit's not a UDS one..19:38
DavieyThe jaunty UDS t-shirt was the 'sports shirt'.. that i hated. :)19:39
jacobwhomeland \o/19:42
daftykinsit's certainly no fun rocking outdated shirts19:45
daftykinsmy firefox 3 shirt looks a bit ancient now19:45
AlanBellyeah, that one, the tour dates tshirt19:49
* popey finally goes to make food20:12
brianbpopey let me know when your free20:29
popeydinner in oven20:30
popeyso anytime :)20:30
brianbwell what to do first then20:30
popeyI'll write up some notes20:30
popeyone mo20:30
brianbdo you want me to create a new account?20:31
popeysomeone want to review those instructions?20:41
dauberspopey: Looks ok20:43
popeybrianb, ^^ see that paste, those are the "how to let alan look at my machine" settings20:45
brianbok have opened up the paste bin as see the instuctions20:48
brianbso will follow the instructions and will type in here when ready ok20:48
brianbwhen i visit the launchpad do i do thid in the terminal or in firefox?20:53
daubersSeriously skype? You want 146MB of stuff to work?20:54
popeybrianb, que?20:54
popeydaubers, 146MB of 32-bit goodness on a 64-bit box?20:54
dauberspopey: Unfortunatley so20:55
popeyso that lot wont even get re-used by anything else really20:55
daubersProbably not :(20:55
brianbpoint 2 on the list the sshkeys20:55
daubersStupid 32 bit only binary things20:56
popeybrianb, you can kinda omit visiting launchpad as I copy pasted the contents immediate below.. the line starting "ssh-rsa..."20:56
popeythats the bit that you need for step 420:56
andylockran-ipadPhew. Hassle setting up irc on the ipad20:57
andylockran-ipadFancy a nexus 7 for Xmas20:57
brobostigonthe graphics is amazing, compared to what i seen before. on the nexus7.20:58
andylockran-ipadYeah a friend showed me one at the weekend20:59
brianbafter i enter alans password it asks me to enter a new value followed by full name [] ?20:59
popeymy name is "Alan Pope" if you want to, you can enter that21:00
brianbroom number?21:01
popeyjust press enter for the others21:01
popeyor make stuff up about me :)21:01
brianbright done that21:01
brianbnow i do point 321:01
brianbso i now create the directorys21:04
popeysudo mkdir /home/alan/.ssh21:05
popeyits the next line21:05
popeysorry, i should have been more clear there21:05
popeyjust type that21:05
brianbwhat about the ssh key21:05
popeysudo nano /home/alan/.ssh/authorized_keys21:06
popeya text editor will appear21:06
popeypaste the bit on line 11 into it21:06
brianbi cant see a txt e ok have pasted the ssh key in the directoy21:10
popeyin step 5, just paste the 3 lines in21:11
popeyto the terminal21:11
popeystep 6 will be the fun/tricky bit21:11
brianbhow do i save in nano21:11
brianbhaving problems with nano and lost my terninal21:14
brianbdone ctrl+x21:14
brianbthen ask full name to write21:14
popeypress enter21:15
popeyit already knows the name as /home/alan/.ssh/authorized_keys  hopefully!21:15
brianbso quite nano?21:16
popeyso you should have done "sudo nano /home/alan/.ssh/authorized_keys"21:17
popeyand then pasted the line starting ssh-rsa... into it21:17
popeythen press ctrl+x to exit and save nano21:17
brianbyes i have the key pasted into nano21:17
popeyright. ctrl+x to save21:18
brianbit then asks save modified buffer21:18
popeysay "yes"21:18
popeythen enter to save it21:18
brianbok back to terminal21:18
popeyi need to go and eat my yummy tea, back in ~3021:19
* popey returns21:31
* popey eats too quickly21:31
brianbgot to port forwarding21:31
popeywhat model of router do you have?21:32
brianbhave bt inifinty21:33
popeyhmm, i know nothing about those, I assume it has a web based admin tool21:33
popeywhich can be configured somehow21:33
brianbyes just looking it up21:34
brianbok got into the router21:40
brianbinto port forwarding21:42
brianbso what do i enter for game/application?21:45
brianbssh server =secure shell i guess?21:46
daubersbrianb: Yup21:47
brianband i select the device i.e. the computer which you want to pop around on ok21:48
brianbso how do i select port 2222?21:49
daubersbrianb: Got a screenshot?21:53
brianbof what?21:54
brianbshall i continue with the instruction on the terminal then can come back to the router21:55
popeybrianb, hey, sorry, family emergency :)22:08
daftykinsgitso no longer work? wow it hasn't been developed in ages22:16
daftykinsguess you only want CLI22:17
bigcalmUg ug22:26
popeywell this is indeed odd22:34
popeyi have http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio/ open in firefox on brianb's machine22:34
popeythe bit where the flash video should be is empty, wonder if this is due to me doing this via ssh -X22:35
* AlanBell tries an ssh -X with flash22:35
brianbthis is exactly what i get22:36
popeyhttp://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ also fails.. hmm22:37
popeythis is a super interesting problem brianb :)22:37
brianbyeah you could say that i just understand it22:38
bootinfdsdsyeah, I'm writing the memoirs as we type.22:38
brianbdont.. understand it...22:38
AlanBellssh -X with flash works fine for me popey22:38
AlanBellfirefox --no-remote brings it up on my PC with flash working fine22:38
brianbhave you tried google chrome?22:39
popeynot yet22:39
brianbwell when you do you see the message could not load shockwave flash22:40
popeyyeah, getting that now22:41
popeyok, so I agree it happens :)22:41
popeygonna have a poke and find out why22:41
popeyhmm, via video card22:48
popeywonder if the flash plugin is crashing due to that or the video driver22:48
brianbanyway you can tell?22:48
popeymore poking at it :)22:49
popeychrome driver22:49
brianbwhy does it not crash when running windows xp22:49
brianbis there anyway to start flash manually?22:50
AlanBellunichrome stuff, like an S3 chip popey?22:51
popey01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. KM400/KN400/P4M800 [S3 UniChrome] (rev 01)22:51
popeyone of them22:51
AlanBellwhat laptop is it?22:51
popey1GB RAM, just a bit less, unity 2d22:51
brianbits a badged novatech22:52
popeyfrom the past?22:52
brianbbut from one of the main laptop manufactures22:52
brianbmost linux distro will work on this laptop22:53
AlanBellit probably isn't related to the graphics drivers, but the drivers for that kind of chip are not the best22:54
AlanBellhttp://www.openchrome.org/ is the upstream source of them22:54
brianbi have a more modern one which is very picky with various linux distros22:55
AlanBellhowever, I can't see why flash should fail to start due to drivers (fail to do 3d or video, possibly, if the driver claims to do things it can't)22:55
* popey gets a couple of screenshots22:55
brianbwell i cant understand why after all its just a browser plug in so i would have thought that it would work22:56
brianbtry and run a radio player like bbc radio 222:56
AlanBellif flash isn't starting then it isn't starting22:56
brianbthats what i think its not starting due to some reason22:57
brianbthese links popey sould i look at them?22:58
popeynah, more for AlanBell :)22:58
* popey enables crash reporting and tries to make it crash23:00
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
popeyok, it _is_ crashing23:03
brianbso it trying to load but as it loads it crashes is that what you mean23:04
brianband then displays the message could not load shockwave flash23:05
andylockran-ipad Tired...23:06
andylockran-ipadWho's about?.23:06
* popey files a bug23:07
popeybrianb, keep an eye on that url23:09
brianbso what are your conclusions?23:10
popeybrianb, not much I can do until someone from the chromium project looks at that23:10
brianbis that a google issue?23:10
popeyor adobe, yes23:11
popeyI am leaning towards adobe23:11
popeyhowever it could be they will say "meh, your video card is too old/crusty/rubbish" or "the video driver is to blame" or "not enough video memory"23:11
AlanBellwhat CPU is it?23:11
popeyor something related23:11
brianbyes i would concur with you on the latter point23:11
popeymodel name: mobile AMD Athlon(tm) XP-M 2600+23:11
popeyso I'm afraid there's not much I can do right now :(23:12
brianbits an amd cpu 2.4 GHz23:12
popeyhappy to help again if/when google/chromium people come back23:12
popeyI'll keep an eye on that bug report23:12
brianbok and i keep the ssh server and your account23:13
AlanBellIt looks like the problem is the closed source software was compiled with SSE2 instructions which are not supported on the AMD Athton XP processor I have23:13
AlanBellBug #96875923:13
popeygood find23:13
brianbis that a kernel issue23:14
brianbflash issue23:14
AlanBellit is an Adobe issue23:14
AlanBellthey compiled it in a way that is incompatible with your CPU23:15
AlanBelland they compiled the windows version differently \o/23:15
brianbthats good of them23:15
AlanBellthanks adobe, love you too23:15
brianbso any cpu like the one in my machine will not run adobe flash then23:16
popeynice one AlanBell thanks23:16
brianbso can you explain how you came to that conclusion23:16
AlanBellso, if you can find the old version you *might* be able to copy over the libflashplayer.so file23:17
popeybecause others have figured it out before us :)23:17
brianbright so any way to find a old version23:17
popeywell, you might get one that works with firefox, but almost certainly not chrome23:17
brianbso this was abit like re-inventing the wheel then23:20
AlanBellwell they are requiring a feature that is in new processors23:20
brianbjust that it took some work to find the bug23:20
AlanBellheh, yes it did23:20
brianbguess its a good way to kill off old hardware23:21
popeywell, it means people with newer hardware benefit23:21
popeyfrom having code compiled in an optimal way for their newer hardware23:21
popeybut people with older kit lose out23:22
brianbi think windows 8 does the same sort of thing if the screen resolution is 8 pixels less it will not open up the apps23:23
popeynice to get to the bottom of the problem though :)23:23
brianbi found that out to my cost23:23
brianboh yes indeed23:24
AlanBellhardware support always moves on (we don't support 386,486,pentium, ARM V6 any more) but normally it fails in a less surprising way23:24
AlanBellnight all o/23:25
brianbif i do find a older version of adobe flash how do i copy over the libflashplayer.so file23:25
brianbgood night AlanBell many thanks23:25
brianbhey popey can you explain how you accessed my machine but i could not see anything23:26
popeyi was using something called ssh23:26
brianbso what did you see on your pc23:27
popeyits commonly used by developers and admins to control servers which have no graphical interface23:27
popeya terminal23:27
popeybut there's a funky feature called "x forwarding"23:27
popeywhich lets me start graphical apps on your machine23:27
popeybut the output appears on mine23:27
popeydead handy23:27
brianbbut you could open Chrome like if it was on your machine then23:28
popeybut its slow23:28
popeyvery slow :)23:28
brianbwhat in a VM23:28
popeyrunning on your machine23:28
popeybut sending the window description and updates to my machine23:28
popeyif you look at the screenshot you'll see23:29
brianbso you open up chrome and firefox on my machine23:29
popeythe blue chrome window is running on your machine but showing the output on mine23:29
brianbits very intresting how you could do that23:30
brianb\good for fault finding and looking for bugs23:30
popeyits been possible to do this for ~30+ years :)23:30
popeyunix :)23:30
brianboh ok23:30
Davieypopey: Interesting, all of my Graphics Feature Staus is Unavailable23:31
brianbso you logged in to my account using the details23:31
popeyno, logged into _my_ account23:31
popeyyou created a separate user23:31
brianbuser account and the password i set up23:31
popeyi did that because I wanted a) to have a clean user, b) one that wouldn't mess up yours, c) so I dont see your personal data23:32
brianbso the ssh key must be very imnportant23:32
brianbhow was the key generated23:32
popeythe ssh key was a cryptographic thing to ensure that it was me that was connecting23:33
brianbso could i generate my own key?23:33
popeyyou can go to launchpad.net and have some confidence that the owner of that key is me23:33
popeyyou sure can23:33
Davieyfor a nominal fee :)23:33
popeyit has two parts, a private bit you keep secret and a public bit you put on remote machines23:33
Davieywe accept paypal :)23:34
brianbso how would i create a key?23:34
brianbhey that for 13.0423:34
brianbthe paypal or paywall23:35
DavieySorry, i was kidding.. It's free. The console comamnd, ssh-keygen or the graphical tool.. seahorse23:35
brianbits very powerful i think i leant a little bit tonight from all you guys23:36
brianbso many thanks23:38
brianbpopey i will leave your account on my machine so if you do find a fix and you want to try it let me konw23:39
popeymaybe tomorrow we'll look for an old flash library23:39
popeyor another night :)23:39
brianbagain many thank for all your time spent i very much appreciate it23:39
brianbi have xchat on a MAC so initially was slow and difficult trying things out while typing on my MAC and doing things on the laptop23:41
brianbif your around about 9-30 to morrow or another night and want to try an old flash let me know23:43
brianbso guess its time to say good night guys23:44
brianband thanks for all your help and patience23:45

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