
PhoenixSTFN1KOL4, I have no idea00:08
PhoenixSTFwhere did you get the theme?00:08
dorkI can't seem to get autologin working with lightdm/xubuntu 12.04, anyone know if there are any known issues with this00:15
Unit193Though I haven't tried it recently, should work fine.  Did you read the FAQ?00:19
ubot93Lists of common questions and answers about Xubuntu can be found at http://xubuntu.org/news/category/faq/.  See also: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions00:19
blackgatonegroI have a weird bug in one of my ubuntu accounts the theme is all wrong00:37
dorkUnit193: seems to be impacting accounts that got migrated over when i copied from shadow/passwd/group00:38
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xubuntu723I'm a new user of Linux, and i'm trying to instal Acrobat reader, and It does't work right.09:13
xubuntu723how can i instal acrobat in xubuntu09:14
xubuntu285is anyone familiar with installing b.u.t.t. on xubuntu?09:41
xubuntu285I take it the channel is busy, no one is here, or I really have forgotten how to use IRC09:54
yhushatrying to get an app to work and it requires read write file permission in some folders tried allowing this through right lick but it doesn't get anywhere10:52
koegsyhusha: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:54
mahmoud__Hi. How to enable WebGL in Chromium??10:58
yhushakoegs it says all the directories have full permissions but still this app shows warning /home/yhusha/tmp.... appears to be mounted read only could this have something to do with in properties there are sections that say file access and there is 4 options  a line or read,   read/write, and none and these settings wont change to read and write11:03
lovrehi all15:08
baizon!hi | lovre15:08
ubot93lovre: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:08
lovreim having trouble using thunar with large SVN folder (~10K files) and rabbitcvs. It just freezes. Is there any common solution, or other software to solve this problem?15:09
baizonlovre: try the cli15:11
baizonlovre: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion15:12
lovrebaizon: its kind of time consuming checking for modifications with cli, and updating specific files, etc. Its just much quicker with some svn software15:12
lovrebaizon: found out thunar-vcs-plugin, checking it out.15:20
lovrebaizon: hmm, blazing fast compared to rabbit, but still missing some key features...15:24
Guest5173any body familiar with the cannot mount problem in UCK]15:27
c2tarunanyone using f.lux?15:59
raytrayI'm using redshift as opposed to f.lux16:01
raytrayI could not not get f.lux working c2tarun16:01
c2tarunraytray, is redshift similar to f.lux?16:02
c2tarunraytray, is there anyway to configure redshift?16:07
c2tarunI kind or executed redshift -l 18.5204303:73.8567437 and my whole screen deeply red now. is there anyway to minimize it?16:07
raytrayTry the -t flag, do man redshift, theres the neutral/default values for day/night, so you can probably set it to less extreme values16:08
c2tarunraytray, I tried 6000:4000 and its very extreme, can you please suggest me some value?16:16
c2tarunraytray, what is your value?16:16
c2tarunraytray, I am also able to see redshift in try icon but I dont think there is any GUI to control the color temperature. Am I right?16:17
ohyran333Is anyone in here good with laptops and laptop screens?16:17
c2tarunohyran333, you can directly ask your question.16:17
raytrayc2tarun, I do not believe so. I have not played around with it much. I keep the efault values, try values closer to neutral16:18
c2tarunraytray, what is neutral value?16:19
c2tarunraytray, got it :) its 650016:21
c2tarunraytray, I dont think redshift is working, I tried redshift -l 18.5204303:73.8567437 t 6500:6500    technically I shouldn't see any change in screen but I saw considerable redness16:22
raytrayDid you do -t?16:24
kidxi need help i get alot of crashes and snap to window wont disable any ideas?16:24
holsteinkidx: i might make a new user to test... test the crashing apps with this new user and the default config files it generates16:28
kidxyes sometimes upgrades crash and somtimes wont load.16:29
kidxyou know upgrade software16:29
holsteinkidx: if you stop an upgrade, i would expect issues16:29
kidxfew other apps crash16:29
kidxand no I never stopped it it has a crash report16:29
kidxalso snap to window woint disable do you have that issue16:30
holsteinkidx: when you say "upgrades crash".. that makes me think an upgrade didnt complete16:30
c2tarunraytray, ohh... :) thanks16:30
kidxno the updater crashes16:30
holsteinkidx: i wouldnt worry about the UI issue.. i would open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get update" and report errors in pastebin16:30
holsteinkidx: i would consider trying a new user temprorarily to troubleshoot the config files in your user account16:31
kidxyea but dont they gotta fix this as well for a better user experience16:31
holsteinkidx: they?.. you mean the developers?.. there really is no "they".. we are they.. you and i.. and myself or one of the other voluteers can likely help you with the issue that you are having.. which so far, doesnt seem to be xubuntu-wide16:32
holstein!pastebin | kidx for the error output of sudo apt-get update16:33
ubot93kidx for the error output of sudo apt-get update: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:33
kidxSnap to window not disabling is not an issue ? or is it?16:33
holsteinkidx: i wouldnt worry about the UI issues right now.. i would run "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal, and lets see if you have package issues16:34
holsteinkidx: im assuming the "snap to window" issue is a symptom16:34
kidxI alwasy have ti no matter what from install?16:35
kidxalso will there be better ATI support?16:35
holsteinkidx: you can always ask ATI to provide you/us with better support for the products they create, but i would expect with steam coming to linux, hardware vendors will be more likely to provide us with support16:36
kidxwell I really want to beable to game on Xubuntu smoothly now that would be nice also what about AMD fireing some workers there?16:38
holsteinkidx: you should ask amd about the employee situation16:38
kidxyea I should if they developed better drivers then they would get more sales right?16:39
holsteinkidx: nothing in ubuntu or xubuntu is preventing you or anyone else from gaming, nor creating games that run great in linux16:39
kidxthat snap to window is annoying though.16:39
holsteinW: Failed to fetch http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/dists/stable/non-free/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]16:40
holsteinkidx: i wouldnt worry about the UI issues right now.... lets fix this, ok?16:40
holsteinkidx: i would go in and remove that skype source... you can edit the sources16:40
kidxhow do I do it again16:40
kidxwhats the source list link16:41
holsteini sometimes use synaptic as a GUI for that, since its arguable easier.. but there should be an actual menu item called "sources"16:41
kidxoh sometimes apps inthe settings area wont launch.16:42
holsteinkidx: is the sources one launching?16:43
kidxyes but sometimes it don't.16:44
holsteinok.. i would run "sudo apt-get upgrade"16:46
holsteini would reboot if needed.. feel free and pastebin things you have questions about.. i would check the UI elements at reboot.. i would make a new user and test there, thus taking your user config out of the equation for troubleshooting purposes16:47
kidxthanks alot i really liek Xubuntu16:47
kidxonce these issues are fixed ill enjpy this more.16:47
holsteinkidx: well, its important to entertain that nothing is "broken".. but maybe something that got mis-configured.. such as the 404 skype source16:48
kidxok is it normal for your window to snap with snap disabled?16:50
holsteinkidx: lets not bother with "normal"... describe best what is happening and what you would like to have happen.. and test as another user as well16:52
kidxhow do i make another user again16:53
kidxwhat i would like is when i drag a window to the top or bottom on accident it wont stretch across my screen.16:53
koegsthats not snapping, that is tiling :)16:54
holsteinyup... the snap settings wont effect that.. you have that info right off your hat koegs ?16:55
koegsnope, not sure how to disable it :D16:55
holsteinkidx: i would do it in the GUI, or in the terminal *after* the upgrades go through... sudo adduser username16:56
koegs"Automatically tile windows when moving toward the screen edge"16:56
kidxbrb gona test ok16:57
koegsthis has to be disabled in Settings -> Window Manager16:58
kidxstill doing it kinda weird?17:02
kidxGuess i just gotta live with it17:03
kidxthansk for all your help Holstein.17:04
holsteinkidx: sure.. and feel free to elaborate as to what "it" and "weird" are, and im sure someone can help17:05
dbbHi all - we load some data that is windows encoded, windows-1252, and the linux locale is en_US.iso88591 I think.. what is the preferred way to add a locale to a new XUbuntu ?17:05
kidxwhat it is as I akready have said is the snap to windows stays enabled when disabled no thats weird well maybe to me.17:06
holsteindbb: i literally have no idea waht you are talking about... you need to change a keyboard layout?17:06
dbbthe list of known locales... it's returned by  localw -a17:06
holsteinkidx: that is not snap though.. i would try and take screenshots, and not use terms17:06
holsteinkidx: tiling is what you were talking about before17:07
holsteindbb: ive never had an issues opening windows data.. what is the issue when you try just using the data?17:07
kidxwell dragging a window to the top of the screen and have it stretch to fit the screen is annoying how do I disable tiling then.17:08
dbbin postgresql, a locale is passed for several database configuration parameters.. its baked into a new database, once on open17:08
dbbpostgres just passes the locale param to the system17:08
dbbso to create a new database with a particular set of encodings in certain places, the locale has to be known to the system17:09
dbbI notice that the list of known locale's in a bare install is quite minimal17:09
dbbcompared to this mac laptop I am typing on, whose locale -a returns just over 200 locales17:10
koegskidx: disable "Automatically tile windows when moving toward the screen edge" in Advanced Window Manager Settings...17:10
dbbfive variations of english for example17:10
kidxdont have that17:11
Juan_Morenojust got my xubuntu 12.04 totally working! show time!17:12
kidxfound it17:13
kidxits under Accessibility17:13
holsteindbb: im sure you can add locales.. lemme look17:14
kidxthansk alot for the help working right now17:14
Juan_Morenopeople always help here. :)17:14
holsteinkidx: the terminology is key.. its *not* snap.. that was throwing me.. in the future, just say, to the best of your abilities what is happening and what you would like to have happen to the volunteer17:15
kidxI did say it lol17:16
kidxI thought it was snap casue they both do the similar thing17:16
kidxbut all that is annoying17:16
holsteinkidx: yup.. but you can look back at the log anytime and see how long it took to get there, and also the few times it was referred to as "tiling"17:16
holsteinkidx: its not a big deal.. im just trying to save you time in the future17:17
kidxwell thansk for teh help one more reason to love Xubuntu17:17
kidxby the way I have my taskbar opened apps move to the left like a ticker maybe once lol.17:18
kidxnow that is not an option is it?17:19
holsteinkidx: the list of open/running windows?17:19
kidxyes on taskbar17:20
holsteinthey "move to the left" ?17:20
kidxwhat ever is opened scrolls to the left on its own that was messed up I had this issue before with XFCE weird?17:20
kidxI think its a XFCE dev issue IMO17:21
holsteinkidx: havent seen it.. try and get a screenshot of it after it happened.. or come here or an xfce channel while its happening17:21
holsteinkidx: could be a bug. isolated to your harware. only happening to you... or maybe misconfiguration17:22
kidxwell screen shot wont do any thing i need a video and its kinda hard when its random lol.17:22
holsteinkidx: thats why i said *after* it happens..17:23
kidxits somthing to do with maybe the code conflicting with apps?17:23
kidxa code confilict17:23
holsteinkidx: could be a bug... a gtk issue.. since everyting is changing17:23
holsteinkidx: the code is all open, have a look if you like...17:23
kidxis that gnome17:24
holsteinxfce utilizes GTK.. lxde.. its not gnome per se.. im just offering a scenario where you might see a bug17:25
kidxGnome founded i think from what i see17:27
kidxGnome is junk to be honest.17:27
holsteinkidx: you can search/read and remove all doubt17:27
kidxall doubt of what gnome be junk17:27
holsteinkidx: when you say "i think".. you can just read and know17:28
holsteinalso, some volunteers here might be responsible for maintaining or developing gnome17:28
kidxyou do know I think is my opinon or saying somthing and does not mean i am always right some times i am unsure.17:29
kidxbut from what I read its Gnome who developed it withc explains the issues.17:29
holsteinim sure no one would mind if you state your opinions aobut gnome in a proper off-topic channel such as #xubuntu-offtopic ,but saying its junk is a statement of opinion17:29
kidxwell this is leading me here to support when my taskbar apps scroll any how17:30
holsteinand if you can elaborate on what you think is causing it, im sure we can help17:31
kidxthat I don't know my guess is code conflicts or an error in code any thing can be the cause really.17:32
holsteinkidx: sure, but what code? what app? is it configured correctly? is it in the main repos?17:35
kidxwhat you mean configured correctly explain17:35
holsteini would say, next time it happens, come here or an XFCE channel and try and recall what led up to the issue17:35
kidxI had more apps opened than the taskbar can handel then it done that17:36
kidxso now to avoid that I dont open as many windows casue the task bar dont extend well17:36
holsteinyou can buttonize them, or group similar ones.. or dont use that panel, or pager17:38
holsteinkidx: everything is customizable. if you dont like the functionality of a part, you can usually easily change it, or swap the part out17:39
kidxhow i grpups similar onse17:43
holsteinkidx: i find those settings in the right-click menu of that pager in the panel17:43
holstein"group similar tasks".. something like that17:43
kidxwhat you mean in the panel17:45
holsteinkidx: the xfce panel where the pager is.. down where those icons that i think you are refering to appear17:46
kidxwhats a pager?17:50
holsteinkidx: well, im refering to the area where running applications are listed in the panel.. which is what i assume you are asking about17:50
kidxright click and go to preferences right17:51
GridCube"windows buttons" area17:51
kidxpanel preferences17:51
holsteinkidx: not the panel prefereces.. you might need to try a few time til you right click the proper setttins area17:52
holsteinkidx: that is the correct general area though17:52
kidxwhat settings do i need again17:52
kidxgot it17:53
holsteinkidx: i would check the ones about grouping.. make sure those are as you want them to me17:53
WhereIsMySpoonHi, anyone used skype with xubuntu/xfce here?20:17
WhereIsMySpoonhttp://imgur.com/A7SJC this is the ui i get :S20:17
WhereIsMySpoonhttp://imgur.com/k90QP another screeny :L20:18
holsteinWhereIsMySpoon: i use it all the time20:19
WhereIsMySpoonholstein: with xfce?20:19
knomeWhereIsMySpoon, isn't that what you asked?20:19
holsteinsure.. with all of them.. i would look at the version you are using.. reinstall20:19
WhereIsMySpoonknome: just checking20:20
WhereIsMySpoonholstein: i tried both from the repos and the deb from skype's website20:20
WhereIsMySpoonholstein: this is newly installed20:20
WhereIsMySpoonholstein: skype 4.1 for linux20:20
holsteinWhereIsMySpoon: i might try as a different user, to take my config out of the equation.... you can try with another DE if you feel it is xfce related20:21
holsteinsorry.. i gotta run20:21
WhereIsMySpoonholstein: np thanks20:21
ohyran333Hi. I've had some long winded and rather weird issues with my laptop screen aswell as booting into xubuntu (balancing deamons are involved)22:13
ohyran333To cut a long story short its basicly an issue of the Asus UX32VD, intel graphics and the internal monitor not being accepted (unless I do like nomodeset and i915.modeset=0 in which case the whole thing freezes mid-boot)22:15
ZelouilleHello. I'm trying to make a desktop for my grand mother. She has never used a computer, so, i'm trying to keep it simple, readable, and fixed.22:38
ZelouilleBecause it's for a eeePC, i'd like to put maximus on it. But it doesn't seams to work all the time with xfce. Does someone get it to work properly ?22:40
knomeZelouille, i don't think how well that's supposed to work22:41
knomeZelouille, i'd probably do an even simpler interface22:42
knomeremove pretty much all panels, only add large icons on the desktop (you can control the icon size)22:42
Zelouilleknome, in fact, that's work quite well. But not the first time you launch an application.22:44
knomei've no experience with maximus22:44
Zelouilleknome, yes, for now, i have : large icons, one-clic interface, no drag & drop. A only a top panel with a desktop shortcut, taskbar, indicators, and a close button (can close applications, and shutdown the computer when no more apps). I'm gonna look for xfce kiosk mode too.22:50
knomei'd probably lose the indicators.22:51
knomeand the close button in favor of one on the desktop22:51
knomei've done a few of this kind of installations, and non-technical people really don't need the close button on the panel22:52
knomethey will just close any application anyway22:52
knomeso better not clutter the interface22:52
Zelouilleyeah, i surely drop the indicators in the first time. Not a bad idea to put the shutdown button on the desktop too.23:04
ZelouilleBut, well, the close button replace the one from the window-decoration. But, when there is no more apps in sight, the button will open the shutdown popup.23:04
knomeZelouille, right, then that makes sense23:05
knomeZelouille, you probably want to uninstall apport too, so you gm won't get notifications of crashed applications23:05
knomeZelouille, some with updates. i assume she has internet, so just install an ssh server and update remotely23:06
Zelouilleknome, thanks, nice idea for apport. Yes i will do update myself too.23:19
Zelouilleknome, there are three images, if you want to see what it looks like with maximus : http://fabule.dyndns.org:8000/virtualbox/mamie/23:21
knomeZelouille, np, and not bad at all :)23:24
knomeZelouille, i think i'm actually going to write a blog article about this some time (hopefully before the new year), thanks for the extra boost of motivation :)23:25
knomeZelouille, if you want to read it, it'll appear in http://open.knome.fi/ sooner or later :)23:27
Zelouilleknome, haha, you're welcome. Thanks for the link, i'll read it the day it'll come. There is a lot of things to do to simplify a desktop, but not often very documented.23:35

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