rick_h_ | snap-l: https://plus.google.com/u/0/114546378907380458640/posts/ZA7Lk96dian | 00:43 |
rick_h_ | krondor: hey, ssshhhhh on G+ :P | 00:43 |
jrwren_ | lolz, cute | 00:54 |
snap-l | rick_h_: cute | 02:21 |
snap-l | man, cat just had thr runs, and managed to step in it | 02:21 |
snap-l | not cool | 02:21 |
rick_h_ | doh | 02:31 |
snap-l | Yeah, that's not a trick I hope she masters. | 02:44 |
snap-l | Good morning | 13:04 |
brousch | yes | 13:11 |
rick_h_ | morn | 13:32 |
snap-l | I have a cat with a cone trying in vain to clean herself in front of me | 13:40 |
brousch | Be a good mommy and clean her yourself | 13:41 |
rick_h_ | http://jessenoller.com/2012/11/28/the-great-python-org-redesign/ whoa, pretty python site? | 13:41 |
brousch | Seems to be rick-dotted | 13:44 |
rick_h_ | doh | 13:45 |
rick_h_ | bah, this is why bookie_parser needs caching/storage | 14:00 |
rick_h_ | wow, $70 python.org site redesign | 14:11 |
rick_h_ | $70k that is | 14:11 |
brousch | geezum pete | 14:12 |
rick_h_ | well, don't ever let it be said there isn't $$ backing python | 14:13 |
rick_h_ | between all the sprints they sponsor, py3 porting, actual bid and company design work for the site whoa | 14:13 |
brousch | Kivy porting stuff to py3 is cool | 14:19 |
snap-l | http://michael.otacoo.com/postgresql-2/postgres-fdw-highlight-redis_fdw/ | 14:43 |
rick_h_ | yea, the fdw stuff is pretty sweet | 14:47 |
rick_h_ | ooh http://pragprog.com/book/tbajs/async-javascript | 14:53 |
rick_h_ | crap not another book...I'm so far behind! | 14:53 |
snap-l | You're behind? :) | 15:09 |
snap-l | New CHC launching tomorrow in Detroit 12-4pm | 15:10 |
snap-l | https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups=#!topic/coffeehousecoders/RHEBahM2vEQ | 15:11 |
rick_h_ | new CHC? cool Middle of the work day though? | 15:11 |
rick_h_ | cool | 15:11 |
snap-l | rick_h_: Yeah, that's a little odd, but might be cool to make the trek sometime | 15:13 |
_stink_ | look corporatey. | 15:17 |
rick_h_ | yea | 15:18 |
widox | hah. that's funny. | 15:52 |
widox | I was talking to a guy about CHC downtown, I hinted that after-hours was the fun about it | 15:53 |
widox | maybe I'll walk over just to get a free drink :) | 15:53 |
rick_h_ | hmmm, aws keynote is either running late or the stream hates me | 16:43 |
rick_h_ | there we go | 16:46 |
rick_h_ | http://aws.amazon.com/live/ | 16:48 |
rick_h_ | 410TB of data man | 16:48 |
krondor | ooh CHC Detroit, I'm probably going to be working downtown soon.. might be good to get out during work occasionally | 16:51 |
rick_h_ | krondor: hey, you never replied to my PM. | 16:52 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: suggested you might be interested in a steam beta for linux? | 16:52 |
krondor | hell yes? hmm not sure how I missed that | 16:53 |
krondor | hmm that wasn't a question. My brain is shot today. | 16:53 |
rick_h_ | krondor: see pm | 16:54 |
greg-g | pi-shaw, 410 tb? that's nothing, HathiTrust has 474tb http://www.hathitrust.org/ | 16:56 |
rick_h_ | heh, well same ball park | 16:56 |
greg-g | but, it isn't unheard of/not special :) | 16:57 |
rick_h_ | well it makes me double take | 16:57 |
snap-l | Wonder how many TB archive.org has | 16:58 |
* greg-g look | 16:58 | |
greg-g | s | 16:58 |
snap-l | and how much of it is utter shit | 16:58 |
greg-g | oh, they have went over 10 PB recently | 16:58 |
snap-l | http://blog.archive.org/2012/10/26/10000000000000000-bytes-archived/ | 16:58 |
greg-g | there was a big party where Donald Knuth played the organ | 16:58 |
greg-g | also, I would say that a crap ton of AWS is utter shit as well (see what I did there?) it is mostly stupid fucking startups that don't last a week. | 16:59 |
rick_h_ | anyone find it funny that NASA/JPL talking at AWS when they work/worked so much on openstack? | 16:59 |
rick_h_ | greg-g: yea, this was instagram I think? or flipboard | 16:59 |
rick_h_ | a big one | 16:59 |
greg-g | oh, what was the 410 tb referencing, exactly? /me isn't watching | 17:00 |
rick_h_ | just the keynote intro where either instagram or pinboard was talking about having 8B objects in S3 and over 410TB of stored data | 17:00 |
rick_h_ | so I got thinking what bookie would look like with 400TB of data and went 'whoa!' | 17:00 |
rick_h_ | love tech conferences, where a guy can put a jacket over a t-shirt and call it a day to present | 17:02 |
greg-g | rick_h_: oh! that was just one user of AWS? not all of AWS? wow | 17:03 |
rick_h_ | greg-g: yea, one start up usage of AWS | 17:03 |
* greg-g was vastly confused | 17:03 | |
rick_h_ | sorry, I assume you're all in my office with me watching this :P | 17:04 |
greg-g | :) | 17:04 |
snap-l | greg-g: Yeah, I was being a bit harsh | 17:04 |
rick_h_ | 100GB/s of web site traffic during the rover landing?! | 17:05 |
snap-l | Just seems whenever someone mentions CC music, they mention archive.org (which is almost impossible to search) or freemusicarchive (which has a lot of music that doesn't fit my taste) | 17:05 |
snap-l | (putting it mildly) | 17:05 |
greg-g | there's really not a perfect place for "cc music" as it lives in many places where music lives | 17:06 |
greg-g | I'd say archive.org wrt music is great for live recordings. | 17:06 |
greg-g | I have an IA baseball hat because I uploaded a couple concerts there | 17:06 |
snap-l | Oh, nice | 17:07 |
greg-g | they aren't there anymore, the artist's management changed and they changed their opinion on concert recordings and enacted it retroavtively. I was pissed. | 17:07 |
snap-l | Yeah, they're awesome for live recordings | 17:07 |
snap-l | Which band? Phish? | 17:07 |
snap-l | Or Umphrey's McGee | 17:07 |
greg-g | Xavier Rudd | 17:07 |
snap-l | unfamiliar | 17:07 |
greg-g | awesome Aussie | 17:07 |
greg-g | he's a one man band type, plays guitar, harmonica, didjeradoo(s), stomp box, etc | 17:08 |
rick_h_ | yay lower s3 pricing | 17:11 |
widox | our prod db is 25TB at work... | 17:22 |
rick_h_ | I love how the staples easy button is the official icon of 'easy' in this stream | 17:41 |
rick_h_ | smoser: ftw http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/11/we-interview-daniel-ryan-director-of-front-end-development-for-obama-for-america | 18:16 |
rick_h_ | "The cloud-init stuff Moser worked on was very helpful early on as well." | 18:16 |
snap-l | rick_h_: If only they knew... ;) | 18:17 |
snap-l | was re: Easy | 18:17 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: oh heh | 18:17 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: I wonder if this new redshift thing can replace a chunk of stuff at morpace | 18:18 |
snap-l | Nah, we're going to use terabyte notepads | 18:20 |
rick_h_ | lol | 18:20 |
snap-l | http://techcrunch.com/2012/11/28/stuffmicrosoftsays-dont-get-scroogled-launches-holiday-bing-campaign/?icid=trending3&grcc2=1e04f7a6bf3d881ac088be4cb97b8e9d~1354126753063~fca4fa8af1286d8a77f26033fdeed202~cbf1029a7d4b297e49ce839f73adf943~1354126753061~98~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~9~6~10~14~-1~-5767874609602884243~~http%3A%2F%2Ftechcrunch.com%2F2012%2F11%2F28%2Famazon-web-services-announces-redshift-new-data-warehous | 18:21 |
snap-l | e-service%2F~ | 18:21 |
snap-l | OK, #1: Fuck Tech Crunch URLs | 18:21 |
snap-l | and #3: Can they PLEASE get rid uf Uncle Steve Balmer, the used car salesman? | 18:22 |
shakes808 | Hello everyone. | 18:38 |
shakes808 | Anyone know any windows scripting to check the memory usage from a process and be able to shut that process down, restart it, log it, send out emails? | 18:39 |
snap-l | shakes808: If it wasn't Windows... ;) | 18:42 |
shakes808 | ... | 18:43 |
shakes808 | you know | 18:43 |
shakes808 | tell my job that lol | 18:43 |
shakes808 | I found this code | 18:43 |
shakes808 | http://pastebin.com/4H2pQTuG | 18:43 |
shakes808 | If this is what will do it | 18:44 |
shakes808 | I can attempt to modify this code | 18:44 |
shakes808 | Never worked with processes and what not like this before | 18:45 |
shakes808 | treading with caution lol | 18:45 |
brousch | Windows scripting to do it? | 18:46 |
shakes808 | It is for a windows server | 18:46 |
shakes808 | Glanced through that code that I found and it seems like it could be my answer. But again, never worked with this level programming / scripting before | 18:47 |
jrwren_ | i could totally do it, but i've not time to check out what you posted. | 18:47 |
shakes808 | lol | 18:48 |
shakes808 | gotcha | 18:48 |
jrwren_ | ok, i looked. | 18:48 |
jrwren_ | that is vb6. don't use it. | 18:48 |
shakes808 | lol | 18:48 |
jrwren_ | i'm not joking. | 18:48 |
jrwren_ | jesus christ, it is vb6 with on error resume next. go murder the person who gave it to you | 18:49 |
jrwren_ | shakes808: powershell is probably a good option. | 18:50 |
jrwren_ | but I hate powershell irrationally (as apposed to the rational avoidance of vb6) | 18:50 |
jrwren_ | so I'd write a little C# programm to do it. | 18:50 |
snap-l | jrwren_: QUick question: Is there seriously a SQL-callable process list under WIndows? | 18:50 |
jrwren_ | snap-l: i don't understand teh question. sql callable? | 18:50 |
jrwren_ | do you mean the select * from win32_processes or whatever? | 18:51 |
snap-l | That code had a select statement in it, suggesting to me there's a SQL engine for querying such process data | 18:51 |
jrwren_ | been there since windowws 2000, yes. There is a name for it. it is not SQL, it just starts with SELECT and returns rows. | 18:51 |
jrwren_ | its called WMI | 18:52 |
snap-l | As /proc is to the UNIX way, so is WMI indicitive of the Windows Way. ;) | 18:52 |
jrwren_ | not really. | 18:52 |
jrwren_ | WMI is /a/ windows way | 18:52 |
jrwren_ | shakes808: do you do C# or even vb.net? should be as easy as calling system.diagnostics.process.getprocesses | 18:54 |
jrwren_ | rick_h_: that postgresql fdw is awesome. That was always a cool feature of sql server. | 19:00 |
rick_h_ | jrwren_: yea, though I'm not sold that it wouldn't be better to just cron/queue loading data into a local store | 19:03 |
jrwren_ | depends on if you want to sync and have teh extra storage. | 19:07 |
rick_h_ | yea | 19:07 |
jrwren_ | i wouldn't design things around this feature. It is a nice tool to have in the toolbox. | 19:07 |
jrwren_ | not something I would look to actively apply. | 19:07 |
rick_h_ | right, I've not had a production use for it but it seems cool | 19:07 |
jrwren_ | i really don't think i'd use it in production. I think I'd more use it as a dev tool. | 19:12 |
jrwren_ | I guess MAYBE a tiny bit in production, but I'd hate it :) | 19:13 |
shakes808 | Sorry, back. Was talking to a co-worker about this and he is working on something already for this issue. jrwren: I got that from a forum, post is on the top and he is using C# for this program. It is an unofficial on his own time project, so that would be why I didn't know about it lol. Thank you for the input. | 19:32 |
snap-l | shakes808: Be very learly of forums for solving problems. | 19:46 |
rick_h_ | cargo culted copy/paste ftw!!!!!! | 19:47 |
shakes808 | snap-l: I know that is why I said that I was treading lightly | 19:49 |
shakes808 | lol | 19:49 |
jrwren_ | unless it is stack overflow :) | 19:56 |
rick_h_ | and highly voted and recent enough to apply, etc | 19:56 |
snap-l | and blessed by jcastro_ | 20:11 |
greg-g | I don't always use SE for help, but when I do, I use answers edited by jcastro_ | 20:12 |
snap-l | greg-g: + | 20:13 |
greg-g | only one plus? | 20:13 |
snap-l | You'll get the other plus later. | 20:13 |
* greg-g pouts | 20:15 | |
jjesse | does jcastro_ only post on askubuntu or does he live on every other stack exchange as well? | 20:15 |
jrwren | no offense to jcastro_ but i'm pretty sure he wouldn't know how to answer questions on stackoverflow proper. | 22:06 |
greg-g | jrwren: that's why i changed it to SE ;) | 22:08 |
Blazeix | i might be a bit late to CHC tonight. just fyi a new person with the nick 'Scala' is going to be checking us out | 22:12 |
widox | I'll wear something nice then, Blazeix | 22:26 |
jrwren | then again, i know jorge has wicked bash-fu, so he might have SO karam of 100k for all I know | 22:29 |
rick_h_ | Blazeix: coolio | 23:31 |
rick_h_ | jrwren: he's on the handyman site (jjesse) | 23:31 |
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