bigjools | roaksoax: around? | 01:45 |
shang | bigjools: question, for the 12.04-nocobbler, I seen these critical bugs: Are these bugs also affect the 12.10 maas version? or only exist in the backported one? | 03:12 |
bigjools | shang: ignore that milestone | 03:12 |
bigjools | we're backporting the one to precise | 03:13 |
shang | ok | 03:14 |
shang | so the issues will be fixed in 12.10 first then backport it to 12.04? | 03:15 |
bigjools | shang: yup | 03:15 |
shang | bigjools: if I read this correctly, the backport hasn't begin yet? | 03:16 |
bigjools | shang: we had some dependencies to backport first, they are in -proposed | 03:16 |
bigjools | when they are in -updates, we'll put maas in -proposed | 03:17 |
shang | bigjools: ETA will be January? | 03:17 |
bigjools | before the end of this year | 03:17 |
shang | do you think these critical issues will be an issue if the customer deploy it in their production environment? | 03:18 |
bigjools | yes | 03:20 |
bigjools | it's why we're backporting all the way back to precise | 03:21 |
shang | bigjools: I mean the current version of maas in 12.10 for production, since it is not ready in 12.04 yet. | 03:26 |
bigjools | yes, it has problems | 03:27 |
shang | also, is there a place where I can track the progress for the backporting? | 03:27 |
roaksoax | bigjools: here! | 03:49 |
bigjools | roaksoax: hey! | 03:49 |
roaksoax | bigjools: howdy! | 03:50 |
roaksoax | how's everything | 03:50 |
bigjools | roaksoax: just wondering, did you do the apparmor backport to precise? | 03:50 |
bigjools | shang: yes, see | 03:50 |
roaksoax | bigjools: apparmor didn;'t need the backport, what needed was isc-dhcp | 03:50 |
bigjools | shang: or the milestone will get marked released when I do it | 03:50 |
roaksoax | bigjools: and it was there long time | 03:50 |
roaksoax | bigjools: nobody processed it though | 03:50 |
bigjools | roaksoax: oh so already done? | 03:51 |
roaksoax | bigjools: yeah it is not released yet | 03:51 |
bigjools | oh, stuck in the queue or in proposed or what? | 03:51 |
roaksoax | bigjools: yeah, i can't remember wether its been more than 7 days but i'll make sure it gets done tomorrow | 03:51 |
roaksoax | the only thing left is python-tx-tftp for precise, the rest has been uploaded | 03:51 |
roaksoax | now it is time to do some politics to get things accepted | 03:52 |
bigjools | roaksoax: ok I'll add work items on the blueprint | 03:52 |
bigjools | roaksoax: good luck :) | 03:52 |
shang | bigjools: thanks | 03:52 |
roaksoax | bigjools: | 03:52 |
roaksoax | bigjools: all the INPROGRESS ones should be the ones in the queue | 03:52 |
bigjools | ah ok you have another blueprint | 03:53 |
bigjools | roaksoax: tip top, thanks | 03:54 |
roaksoax | bigjools: that blueprint is the public one | 03:54 |
roaksoax | bigjools: we usually track things that way | 03:54 |
bigjools | ack | 03:55 |
roaksoax | bigjools: ok so two major things | 03:56 |
roaksoax | bigjools: 1. change how conffiles are being handled | 03:56 |
roaksoax | 2. can't remember :) | 03:56 |
bigjools | yes, conf files are a PITA | 03:56 |
bigjools | a RPITA | 03:56 |
roaksoax | bigjools: yeah i'll get that done this week or early next week | 03:57 |
bigjools | roaksoax: the major thing is that 1) we amend them on a reconfigure, 2) we amend them when installing, 3) they always conflict when installing | 03:58 |
roaksoax | bigjools: the other thing, is we need to start testing upgrades from 1. older precise -> newer precise 2. older precise -> newer quantal 3. newer precise -> newer quantal 4. older quantal -> raring 5. newer quantal -> raring | 03:58 |
bigjools | I am doing #1 | 03:58 |
roaksoax | bigjools: the approach i'll take is simple. Install them in /usr/share/maas/conf, cp them into /etc/maas in postinst, and do configuration | 03:59 |
roaksoax | bigjools: in preinst, it will backup the previous config | 03:59 |
bigjools | the problem is when changes really do need to be made :/ | 03:59 |
roaksoax | bigjools: yes, user changes, that's indeed the problem | 03:59 |
roaksoax | but i can't see any other easy way around it, unles we get .d support | 04:00 |
roaksoax | for *all* the configs | 04:00 |
roaksoax | cause that should actually be the correct approach of doing things. .d for package modifications | 04:01 |
roaksoax | bigjools: .d/ should be simple enough for maas_local_settings and the celery configs, not for the .yaml configs | 04:04 |
bigjools | roaksoax: yeah, the yaml is the main source of pain | 04:05 |
roaksoax | if we add .d/ for the other stuff, we can simply treat the yaml configs as the process specified above | 04:05 |
bigjools | it would be worth enumerating the pros and cons for that | 04:06 |
roaksoax | alright | 04:08 |
bigjools | roaksoax: because we've made some critical changes to the yaml file in the past and if we had a separate copy installed that didn't get updated, the service would silently fail | 04:10 |
roaksoax | bigjools: right, but that's why you have to make sure that the packaging does update | 04:11 |
bigjools | roaksoax: pick your poison :) | 04:12 |
roaksoax | bigjools: another thing is that we could use debconf more extensively to store values for re-use on upgrades | 04:12 |
bigjools | might be easier, dunno | 04:13 |
roaksoax | yeah anyways, i don't want to/won't stress anbout it | 04:13 |
bigjools | yeah | 04:16 |
roaksoax | anyways i'm off | 04:18 |
roaksoax | have a good day | 04:18 |
bigjools | cheerio | 04:55 |
AskUbuntu | How to debug maasserver with django runserver | | 07:15 |
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AskUbuntu | Creating block devices for openstack deployment using MAAS and juju (nova-volume deployment) | | 17:29 |
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adam_g | is it possible to set kernel parameters for nodes? | 23:39 |
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