
coolbhavihey dpm_13:32
coolbhavihey highvoltage jvrbanac mhall119 :)13:33
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
dpmhey coolbhavi13:38
coolbhavidpm, I updated the agenda yesterday night. Please have a look in case of any additions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Agenda13:41
dpmcoolbhavi, looks good to me, thanks for putting it together13:42
coolbhavi:-) just thought need to get these items kicked soon13:43
coolbhaviajmitch, hey13:49
cwaynecoolbhavi: hey15:03
coolbhavihey cwayne :)15:03
coolbhavihow is it going?15:03
cwaynehey coolbhavi, so i've got something weird going on in the software center for my github lens15:04
coolbhaviwhat happened?15:04
* coolbhavi even tested and posted a screenshot15:04
cwayne coolbhavi it says it's looking for unity-lens-github:i38615:09
coolbhavicwayne, wait15:10
cwaynei dont know why it's looking for x86 though15:11
* coolbhavi checks15:11
coolbhaviI published it for multiarch15:13
coolbhavisounds weird15:13
coolbhavicould you please mail me a sample output when you try to install?15:15
coolbhavibrb dinner btw15:15
cwaynecoolbhavi: http://chrismwayne.com/github.ogv15:23
coolbhavicwayne, did you update the extras repositories?16:04
cwaynecoolbhavi: yep16:10
coolbhavill look around it tomorrow and revert16:11
PaoloRotoloHi all!17:28

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