
xnoxslangasek: it does ignore stuff that is unknown / not bzr add'ed. Running in merge-upstream mode? These are the two cases I know when it ignores upstream changes.00:01
slangaseksplit = True00:01
slangasekxnox: thanks for the hint00:01
xnoxha. so it does have them, in the tarball =)00:01
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pittiGood morning05:27
SpamapShrm, mysqld is segfaulting during the php test suite05:50
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RAOFAny bzr-git maestros in here?06:12
SpamapSshoot.. thats not a segfault.. its hitting an ASSERT.. whoops.. gotta turn those back off06:14
infinityRAOF: Oh hai.06:26
infinityRAOF: I'm not a bzr-git guy at all, but I totally need to hijack you to tell you that my laptop hates you.06:26
infinityRAOF: I've been getting those GPU lockup dialogs (after long freezes) several times a day.06:26
infinityRAOF: Do those actually go anywhere that gets read? :)06:27
RAOFIf you send them up they'll end up on the X team's workqueue.06:27
* pitti is suffering from bug 1081009, that might be your's?06:27
ubot93Launchpad bug 1081009 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[arrandale] GPU lockup IPEHR: 0x02000022" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108100906:27
infinityI've sent maybe 10 or so.06:27
pittihttps://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55984 is seeing some action06:27
ubot93Freedesktop bug 55984 in DRM/Intel "[ilk regression] gpu hangs on ironlake with 3.6 + -next + -fixes code" [Normal,Needinfo]06:28
infinitypitti: The symptoms definitely sound like mine.06:28
pittialthough I'm not quite sure whether this was triaged right, Arrandale != Ironlake06:28
pittiand it's definitively unnerving; I'm running the quantal kernel06:28
infinityI'm running raring kernel and userspace.06:29
pittiI'm running raring userspace, but with this lockup the raring kernel is by and large useless for me06:29
infinityIt only started for me a few days ago, after some dist-upgradery.06:29
pittiI need to reboot every hour or so, losing the last piece of work06:29
pittifor me it precisely started with the introduction of 3.7706:29
infinitypitti: I don't need to reboot, I find VT switching out and back fixes it.06:29
pittilucky you06:29
pittinot for me06:29
pittinot even shutting down lightdm and restarting06:30
infinitySo, almost the same. :P06:30
infinityBut I'm on different hardware.06:30
pittiinfinity: yeah, so I think you'rs is the fd.o one06:30
pittibut that actually also talks about two different issues, and the "other" one seems to be mine06:30
infinityI don't speak codenames, so I don't know what an Ironlake is.06:31
infinityBut it's a Sandybridge CPU with Intel HD whatever graphics.06:31
jk-it's an iron. in a lake.06:31
infinityjk-: You're so remarkably helpful.06:31
pittiinfinity: yeah, so sandybridge is the chipset generation after mine (arrandale)06:31
RAOFinfinity: Your *Sandybridge* is seeing problems? My Sandybridge, obviously, is absolutely stable.06:31
pittiinfinity: I'm not quite sure about the ordering of ironlake06:31
pittiand I thought all those X freezes and pipeline underruns were a thing of the distant past :(06:32
* pitti still remembers the long hours of testing various watermark heuristic patches06:32
hyperairRAOF: my *sandybridge* is seeing problems too.06:32
pittiit's like every other raring user has this problem except the X.org team :)06:33
hyperairRAOF: but i suspect it's got a lot to do with a stupid bios.06:33
infinityThe funny thing is, I switched from discrete graphics to Intel on advice that the drivers were more solid. :P06:33
infinityThough, this is actually one of those silly hybrids, I could switch it in the BIOS and go nvidia for a while.06:33
RAOF http://www.bryceharrington.org/Arsenal/ubuntu-x-swat/Reports/totals-raring-workqueue is what's on the X team's easy workqueue.06:33
pittiRAOF: last time I looked this was actually be the #1 raring problem on errors.u.c.06:33
RAOFinfinity: Is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1041790 what you're seeing?06:33
ubot93Launchpad bug 1041790 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[sandybridge-m-gt2] GPU lockup IPEHR: 0x0b160001 IPEHR: 0x0b140001" [Medium,Confirmed]06:33
pittiinfinity: they had been for years really06:33
hyperairinfinity: they are more solid though. just not completely foolproof.06:34
infinityRAOF: I don't remember what error codes I was getting.  Is that saved anywhere?06:34
pittiyou should have some files in /var/crash/06:34
pittiI get proper dumps, anyway06:34
infinityOh yes, I have tons of them.06:34
infinityRAOF: Yep, that's the one.06:35
RAOFSo, you could probably be all switch-to-SNA to get around the problem.06:36
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:/var/crash$ sudo grep 0b140001 * | wc -l06:36
infinityRAOF: Speak slowly, I'm a toolchain guy.  What's an SNA?06:37
RAOFinfinity: It's the shiny new acceleration architecture for Intel.06:37
pittiis it really spelled out like that? :)06:37
infinityThough, the comments in that bug about SNA sucking differently don't instill confidence.06:37
RAOFOh, yeah.06:38
infinityI might just hit the BIOS and turn the nvidia battery-eater back on, and switch to nouveau for a while.06:38
RAOFA fine choice!06:38
* pitti sobs a little; I haven't had X problems since karmic or so06:38
* infinity hasn't had X problems since he used to live with daniels.06:39
infinityAnd back then, the X problems were forced on me. :P06:39
infinity"Here, try this" ... "ARGH!"06:39
infinityRAOF: So, I'm not one to generally jump on the "omg, revert" bandwagon, but perhaps reverting to the Q version for now might be sane?06:44
infinityRAOF: Or does that present ABI problems that mean reverting a whole stack of crap?06:44
infinityOr API problems, rather, ABI's no big deal, we'd be rebuilding.06:44
infinityOr is it actually a kernel bug, and reverting the X driver won't make a lick of difference?06:45
pittithe X drivers didn't actually change in raring that much06:49
pittiso reverting the bits in the kernel ought to work, given that raring userspace works just fine on a quantla kernel06:49
pittiand given how everyone complains about this, it might not be the worst idea06:50
infinitypitti: I suspect "reverting the kernel" is a bit more troublesome, unless someone's already isolated a small and self-contained (set of) commit(s) to revert?06:51
infinitypitti: If so, find a kernel team member in your timezone (say, smb) and, for the love of god, make it happen. :)06:51
pittiit might actually be easier/possible to DKMSify quantal's i915?06:52
pittiat least back then I built the i915 module out of an otherwise unbuilt kernel tree06:52
pittinot sure how many dependencies it grew by now06:52
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* smb tries not to look too awake yet07:46
* xnox my sandybridge locks up. TTY7 -> TTY1 -> TTY7 unfreezes it usually and then I get the popup "we detected it froze. Did you need a hard reset?"07:54
pittixnox: was discussed some two hours ago already07:54
infinityxnox: Yeah, that's exactly how it works for me.  pitti's not so lucky, VT switching doesn't fix him.07:54
pittixnox: bug 104179007:54
ubot93Launchpad bug 1041790 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[sandybridge-m-gt2] GPU lockup IPEHR: 0x0b160001 IPEHR: 0x0b140001" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104179007:54
xnoxI see =)07:55
* xnox just woke up and reading backscroll.07:55
xnoxpitti: thanks for merging adt wrapper. Is it "deployed" to jenkins as well?07:55
pittixnox: yes07:55
xnoxpitti: awesome, thanks.07:56
dholbachgood morning08:00
xnoxmorning =)08:05
tjaaltoni've now upgraded my snb laptop to raring as well, so if there are issues with the kernel they'll get sorted out ;)08:05
tjaaltonpitti: oops, did I mix arrandale and ironlake..08:07
didrocksindicator-messages | 12.10.5-0ubuntu2 |        raring | armel08:11
didrocksis that normal that armel is still listed in rmadison? ^08:11
infinitydidrocks: Yes, we'll clean it up.08:11
infinitydidrocks: ftpmaster still has the index files (but not the debs) for armel, that's all.08:11
infinitydidrocks: And rmadison works off Packages/Sources files.08:12
* xnox wonders if there are lonely armel raring boxes trying to upgrade.....08:12
didrocksinfinity: ok, thanks for confirming :)08:12
dholbachdoes anyone know anything new about bug 965371? somewhere in the bug it says this was fixed in quantal, but on my quantal server I still see the same problem with pylplib08:24
ubot93Launchpad bug 965371 in openssl (Ubuntu Precise) "HTTPS requests fail on sites which immediately close the connection if TLS 1.1 negotiation is attempted, on Ubuntu 12.04" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96537108:24
infinitydholbach: Somewhere between mdeslaur and cjwatson you may find someone who knows the state of that mess.08:32
infinitydholbach: It seems that any way we try to fix it, we just break another weird corner case in the process.08:33
dholbachI'll go through the entire comments in the bug again - maybe I find a workaround for mine :/08:34
brendanddholbach, hey! i think the patch on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip/+bug/1069324 looks good, but i don't have any rights - so how can i help out?08:40
ubot93Launchpad bug 1069324 in hplip (Ubuntu) "diagnose_queues.py crashed with NameError in su_sudo(): global name 'utils' is not defined" [Medium,Triaged]08:40
dholbachtkamppeter__, ^ do you think you could help out with this?08:41
dholbachbrendand, tkamppeter__ is our local printing expert :)08:41
didrocksinfinity: cjwatson: backlogging on yesterday's discussion08:53
didrocksinfinity: cjwatson: slangasek: so the automatic upload is checking the current version08:54
didrockslike this night, it blocked because of upload out of trunk08:55
didrocksso the archive is authorative08:55
didrockssee https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/cu2d/view/Indicators%20Head/job/cu2d-indicators-head-1.1prepare-appmenu-gtk/08:55
didrocksand particularly the artefact: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/cu2d/view/Indicators%20Head/job/cu2d-indicators-head-1.1prepare-appmenu-gtk/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/upload_out_of_trunk_appmenu-gtk_12.10.3daily12.11.28-0ubuntu2.xml08:55
didrocksthe issue there is that there was a distro patch (inline apparently?) that wasn't submitted/committed upstream08:56
didrocksand when doing the bootstrap, this patch didn't show up08:56
didrocksso it's only an issue with bootstrapping, we missed it apparently (cyphermox did the bootstrap and as there was no debian/patches…)08:57
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didrocksso, just a head's up, this was merged only in the packaging branch, not upstream. Then it seems that cyphermox bzr merge the packaging branch upstream, but then, did a bzr revert debian/ (which is fine for new files as we don't want to have configure in the upstream repo, but not for modified one)…09:16
didrocksso human error for the bootstrap, as it can happen for a manual merge and inline patch09:16
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infinitydholbach: So, I know you just sent an email shaming us all into patch piloting mor vigorously, but I was thinking I'd spend the better part of my piloting day tomorrow clearing out the SRU queues instead.  We're about 80 uploads deep and climbing, and I suspect my time would be better spent there, before piloting even more patches that will land in upload queues that are stagnating. :P09:34
dholbachinfinity, works for me09:34
dholbachI don't want to shame anyone09:34
dholbachit's just that we need to do it and it will be good for us :)09:35
diwicinfinity, +109:35
infinitymvo: Any reason you don't rev VERSION in softwarecenter/version.py when you tag/release?09:35
infinitymvo: My local copy is at (because I revved it), but bzr trunk is still sitting at 5.3.7 :P09:35
tjaaltonpitti: ok I checked, the chipset is arrandale, but the "graphics media hub" is ironlake, so the upstream bug is the correct one for this case I think09:36
pittitjaalton: ah, thanks09:36
tjaaltonpitti: so you could try i915.i915_enable_rc6=0 with it09:36
tjaaltonthe raring kernel09:36
infinitydholbach: I'll still check in with the bot and respond to people pinging on IRC for specific help, but yeah, I think my time will be better spent trying to reduce the upload queues so that puloted SRU patches aren't a month behind after they're uploaded. :)09:36
* dholbach hugs infinity09:37
pittitjaalton: $ sudo cat /sys/module/i915/parameters/i915_enable_rc609:37
pittitjaalton: does that mean "enabled"? (I thought rc6 doesn't work with my chipset)09:37
pittitjaalton: but I'll try it09:37
tjaaltonhmm don't know what that value means. with the quantal kernel it was disabled for sure09:38
tjaaltonthen turned on in 3.7(?) and later disabled again09:38
pittiah right -- that is the quantal kernel09:38
tjaaltonI'll check if it's already in the next rc09:38
xnoxpitti: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/dbus/activity.py:122: PyGIDeprecationWarning: MainLoop is deprecated; use GLib.MainLoop instead09:39
pittixnox: yep; it needs GObject.MainLoop →  GLib.MainLoop09:39
mvoinfinity: no (good) reason, no, its autogenerated on build but bzr-buildpackage builds outside of the tree, so no good reason09:40
mvoinfinity: thanks for your build fix btw :)09:40
xnoxpitti: ack. It will annoy me enough to eventually make me upload a fix =)09:40
tjaaltonpitti: looks like it's not in 3.7 yet, pinging upstream09:42
pittitjaalton: where "it's" == ?09:42
tjaaltonpitti: ah, the patch to revert rc6 for ironlake :)09:42
tjaaltondisables it again09:43
pittitjaalton: so that should fix my crashes, but not infinity's and xnox' hangs?09:43
tjaaltonbut the kernel option I gave does the same when you have a chance to test it09:43
tjaaltonpitti: yeah, probably doesn't change it for them09:43
tjaaltonerr, definitely doesn't09:43
pittiyep, I will; but I'm deep in a debugging session in a VM, so it'll be an hour or two until I can reboot09:43
tjaaltonbut probably fixes it for you :)09:43
pittithanks for the hint!09:43
tjaaltonsure thing, take your time and don't do anything critical in case it blows up on you :)09:44
tjaaltonabout the other hang, we've been discussing whether to use sna by default..09:45
tjaaltonI'll push -intel 2.20.14 to see if it fixes the issues some folks on the bug were seeing with sna09:46
infinitytjaalton: Is that my sandbridge bug?09:46
tjaaltoninfinity: yes09:46
infinitysandy, too.09:46
pittitjaalton: it seems to trigger when I'm putting the machine under high load, such as creating VMs09:46
infinitytjaalton: Awesome.  I shall upgrade and let you know if I stop seeing hangs over a day or two.09:47
pittitjaalton: so I'll exercise it that way09:47
infinitytjaalton: I've been getting them every hour or two over the last few days, so shouldn't take long to confirm.09:47
tjaaltoninfinity: ok, I'll prepare & upload in a bit09:47
tjaaltonright, I hope to see them myself on my t420s09:47
infinityThis is also a T420s, so your odds are good.09:47
tjaaltongreat! :)09:48
tjaaltonpitti: yeah that'd make sense09:48
tjaaltoninfinity: btw, which bios version do you have?09:48
infinitytjaalton: Happened with both 1.31 and 1.35 (I upgraded to see if things would improve)09:49
tjaaltoninfinity: I'm still on 1.30, all attempts to boot the update cd have failed so far.. was thinking if you happen to force pcie_aspm to save a watt09:50
tjaaltonhere it causes issues with the drive09:50
infinitytjaalton: Do you have your BIOS set to UEFI only?  The update CD will only boot in Legacy.  I found that out after an hour of head->desk.09:50
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tjaaltonI'm not sure actually..09:51
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tjaaltonseems to be using legacy only, so it's not that09:52
ckingtjaalton, do you mean ALPM for the drive issue or ASPM?09:53
tjaaltoncking: the one you suggested :)09:53
tjaaltoncan't remember which one it was09:53
ckingtjaalton, ALPM for the HDD, in which case yes, it may give issues09:54
tjaaltonso my machine seemed to work fine for a while, then I started getting i/o-errors09:54
tjaaltonthat's why I've been trying to update the bios to see if it would help09:55
ckingtjaalton, it may be more of a controller/drive combo issue09:55
infinityHrm, I have controller/drive issues on my T420s, though not leading to errors or corruption.09:56
infinityIt's just abnormally slow.09:56
infinityCompared to my older T61 with a similar (but older) drive.09:56
tjaaltonyeah, I have an ocz agility 3 ssd on it09:56
infinitycking: Do you have any clever ideas on diagnosing "my disk performance seems to be crap"?09:57
ckinginfinity, what kind of disk performance issues are you seeing?09:57
infinityI just opted to put 16G of RAM in it and do everything in tmpfses.09:57
infinitycking: Just... Slow.  Heavy reads and writes are both lousy.  So, startup of large applications, or long dpkg runs.09:58
infinitycking: Updating a chroot takes longer on my laptop than it does on my Panda with a USB disk attached.09:58
infinitycking: And it's pretty clearly disk I/O, cause it's blinding fast in tmpfses.09:58
ckinginfinity, we are in the process of looking at a bunch of I/O performance issues09:59
tjaaltoninfinity: which fs?09:59
infinitytjaalton: ext409:59
ckingbut it's taking forever to tease out09:59
pittihasn't it been crap for many years already?09:59
pittiI can't remember a time when doing an rsync or copying large files hasn't brought my system to a crawl09:59
infinitycking: To be clear, it also doesn't seem to be vfs or filesystem, since my old T61, with a very similar setup, is much, much faster.10:00
pitti(load goes to 5 or 10, and everything feels like tar)10:00
infinitycking: Both are 2.5in 7200 RPM drives, though I'd expect the newer/denser one in the new laptop to be a smidge faster, rather than a ton slower.10:00
infinity(I haven't tried swapping drives yet, I may do that at some point as a data point, but I'm assuming it's the controller, or the driver for said controller)10:01
ckinginfinity, well swapping drives is the first step to sanity checking thus10:04
infinitycking: *nod* ... Agreed.  Just haven't found the time to take a screwdriver to both machines.10:04
infinityThough, I suppose once I do, I have a spare 2.5in SATA drive floating around that I can plug into a random ARM board.10:05
infinityThat's a win, right? :P10:05
* apw idly wonders if command queueing is enabled on the controller10:06
infinityI have a plethora of rather large 2.5in PATA drives kicking around, I wonder if adaptors are cheap enough to be worth driving to the store.10:06
infinityapw: Don't we enable that by default on anything built after, like, 2002?10:06
apwoh we should indd10:06
infinity(And how can I find out?  hdparm?)10:06
apwindeed, but you never know10:06
infinityWhat's the "show me everything you know about this drive" flag?10:07
infinity queue_depth   = 3110:09
infinityI assume that also means it's enabled?10:09
cjwatsondidrocks: OK, so can you fix it so that the same sanity check is applied to bootstrapping?  I'm sure we'll be doing plenty more bootstrapping, and it would be helpful for it to be robust.10:09
didrockscjwatson: yeah, well, we always have modified files (because of autogenerated changelog), so what I'm doing now is to go over all the indicator stack and bzr branch <before inlining> && bzr merge packaging -> look at what files were modified10:11
ogra-cbinfinity, mine has "*Native Command Queueing (NCQ)" in the capabilities list10:11
cjwatsonSpecial-casing the changelog would be fine, of course10:11
didrockscjwatson: until now, I only spotted one project where the tests were commented downstream, so we definitively don't want to poick that :)10:11
didrockschangelog, news and so on10:11
didrockscjwatson: I'm documenting the bootstrapping procedure with this10:12
ogra-cberr, commands/fatures that is10:12
didrocksand will write a checker10:12
cjwatsonthank you10:12
infinityogra-cb: Ahh, in -I?  Yeah, mine too.10:12
didrocksthanks, sorry for this oversight (but at least, the daemon picked it once you uploaded the fix)10:12
ogra-cbright in -I10:13
didrocksmy fault, I should have picked it during reviewing cyphermox's bootstrap merge10:13
didrocks(but it didn't appear on the diff of course as it was reverted)10:13
cjwatsonwell, it should still be autochecked immediately before copy, to minimise the race condition10:13
didrockscjwatson: I'm checking the version, if the version lies in the vcs? what do you mean?10:14
didrocksthe issue there was that a version claimed to be that version in the vcs wasn't exactly (and can't be on a bootstrap because of all those autogenerated files we don't have anymore)10:15
cjwatsondidrocks: You must not trust the VCS for this purpose - you *must* double-check against the archive10:22
cjwatsonThe VCS is what we intend to ship to users, but the archive is what we *are* shipping10:22
cjwatsonI'm much less concerned about differences in autogenerated files than I am in you checking that the version in the changelog is what you expect it to be10:23
didrockscjwatson: I'm trying to think of a way of doing that automatically, like apt-get source the previous version, rebuilding the previous vcs version (in addition to the current one) and diffing? ignoring some autogenerated/modified file10:24
cjwatsonThis is analogous (though obviously not identical) to auto-sync checking for an "ubuntu" substring in versions and refusing to ever overwrite10:24
cjwatsonThe problem at hand isn't that the contents aren't what you expect - it's that there's a whole new upload in the archive you don't know about10:25
cjwatsonYou can spot that with a simple version check10:25
didrockswhat do you mean? I do a version check, see the files above ^10:25
cjwatsonErr - then how did last night's breakage happen?10:25
didrocksok, let me explain again :)10:25
didrocksSo, I'm doing a version check twice10:26
didrocksone at the very beginning of the process and one at the end10:26
didrocksif the vcs doesn't have in debian/changelog the latest version published into distro, the component is ignored10:26
didrocksfor instance, after you uploaded the -0ubuntu2 yesterday evening, this night run published: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/cu2d/view/Indicators%20Head/job/cu2d-indicators-head-1.1prepare-appmenu-gtk/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/upload_out_of_trunk_appmenu-gtk_12.10.3daily12.11.28-0ubuntu2.xml10:27
didrockswhich marked the appemnu-gtk job as instable https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/cu2d/view/Indicators%20Head/job/cu2d-indicators-head-1.1prepare-appmenu-gtk/10:27
didrocksthis is to avoid this overwrite10:27
* cjwatson looks at the changelogs10:27
cjwatsonOh, so this was actually a human mismerge?10:27
didrocksso what happens here is because of the bootstrap10:27
cjwatsonI understand now10:28
didrocksthe vcs claimed to be at that version10:28
didrockswhen some local modification weren't committed10:28
cjwatsonIn that case I don't see this as a failure of the autopackaging/autouploading tools10:28
cjwatsonA human committer screwed up10:28
didrocksyeah, like when we merge from debian for instance10:28
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didrocksit's a similar case of failure10:28
infinityA human committer screwed up, but a human uploader would have noticed, I'd like to think.  Maybe not.10:28
cjwatsonRight.  I thought that the problem was that the upload had been entirely disregarded10:29
infinityCause upload time is (traditionally) when you diff against the previous archive version to see if you buggered it.10:29
cjwatsoninfinity: Mismerges happen and reach the archive rather a lot10:29
infinitycjwatson: Sure, they do.  Not arguing that they don't.10:29
seb128infinity, if you mismerge you probably mis-dput as well10:29
didrockscjwatson: ah, not at all10:29
OdyXmdeslaur, pitti : sent a summary to the debian bug for the cupsd privilege escalation. I suspect mdeslaur's solution + hindering HTTP POST might be the only solution we have…10:29
infinityI'm still just very wary of the idea that sufficiently complex machinery can replace a real person giving a pass/fail on tagging/rolling a release.10:29
seb128infinity, those are not releases, they are daily snapshots10:30
didrocksand this kind of this will only happen at bootstrap, (or if a merge from distro backported isn't properly done)10:30
tkamppeterdholbach, no problem, I can apply the patch. I have to make an HPLIP upload to Raring anyway as there is a new release.10:30
didrocksbut I guess that an upload on distro will be noticed and the diff should be low enough so that the reviewer spot it10:30
cjwatsonseb128: terminology10:30
infinityseb128: They're daily snapshots being released to users.  That's a release.10:30
* pitti remembers more than one buggered mis-merge upload that was done manually :(10:31
dholbachbrendand, ^10:31
dholbachthanks tkamppeter10:31
tkamppeterpitti, I have a problem with setting permissions on a file of the cups-filters package.10:31
didrockscjwatson: so indicator stack is cleaned, I'm checking the last one, oif (but the other 25 projects enabled are cleaned, the only guilty was appmenu-gtk)10:31
pitti(i. e. reading debdiffs before upload is a great habit!)10:31
pittitkamppeter: what are you trying to do?10:32
pittiOdyX: thanks10:32
infinitypitti: Yes, one I keep trying to get people to do. :P10:32
seb128infinity, well, most uploaders probably trust the content of the packaging vcses as well and don't bother a debdiff and read it before building/pushing ... so it's not much different, the checking is just done at commit time and not upload time10:33
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tkamppeterpitti, in debian/rules, in the binary-post-install/cups-filters:: section I do "chmod 700 debian/$(cdbs_curpkg)/usr/lib/cups/backend/serial" and in the resulting package /usr/lib/cups/backend/serial has still standard 755 permissions.10:34
pittiseb128: I was thinking of the cases where a new upstream version was done in UDD with only bumping debian/changelog, but not bzr merge-import (i. e. diff.gz reverted the newer version to the older one again)10:34
infinityseb128: I'd argue that those people are wrong, and codifying that as best practise is also wrong. :P10:34
pittithe autogenerated debian/patches/<version>.patch doesn't help, of course10:34
xnoxseb128: I was once caught out by ubiquity (it embeds other source packages on upload, but not in the VCS), so these days I do `pull-lp-source $pkg` and compare the debdiff of what i am about to upload.10:34
pittitkamppeter: I bet that's done before dh_fixperms runs10:34
seb128pitti, right, I'm just saying that for normal day to day work (like doing a new version update in ubuntu), people tend to work, bzr diff, review the diff, upload, build, test, dput (without doing a debdiff)10:35
pittitkamppeter: so you need to tell dh_fixperms to -Xserial10:35
OdyXtkamppeter: move away from cdbs … :) . That and dh_fixperms indeed.10:35
infinityI do a lot of development in VCSes, but because the archive and source packages are authoritative, I always debdiff prev.dsc new.dsc before uploading.10:35
seb128xnox, you have more discipline than me then ;-)10:35
cjwatsonseb128: "people" - I *never* do that10:35
infinityseb128: Which "people" are these?10:35
* pitti always checks debdiffs10:35
tkamppeterpitti, formerly, in the cups package it worked, was dh_fixperms only a recent addition?10:35
pittiOdyX: not really cdbs specific :)10:35
infinityseb128: And can we get them (you?) to stop?10:35
cjwatsonI always always always debdiff before upload and tell people I sponsor to do the same10:35
cjwatsonIt's saved me from innumerable mistakes10:36
tkamppeterpitti, how can I suppress dh_fixperms or make an exception for the mentioned file.10:36
xnoxseb128: you do check debdiff when sponsoring? so why not do the same for your own uploads?!10:36
infinityIt saves me from a lot of large mistakes, it also saves me from introducing annoying cruft here and there.10:36
pittitkamppeter: so with cdbs it's DH_FIXPERMS_ARGS=-Xserial10:36
pittitkamppeter: with dh7 you override it as normal and supply the argument10:36
cjwatsonEven when I'm doing mass rebuild-only uploads and the like, the homemade scripts I use for that present me with a debdiff before I say yes10:36
pittitkamppeter: no, dh_fixperms has existed for ages10:36
pittitkamppeter: as I said; -X is a general debhelper option to ignore a file10:37
seb128xnox, because I read the diff before commiting to the vcs10:37
pittiinfinity: (debian/patches/debian_changes *cough*)10:37
xnoxseb128: ok. but that is racy, until we build out of VCS without uploading source packages.10:37
infinityThe number of times I've commited a sane diff to a VCS then proceeded to produce a slightly insane source package is rather large.10:37
seb128infinity, well, if you know you can't get stuff done right :p10:38
xnoxmost of the time it is fine, until it isn't. =)))))10:38
* seb128 hides10:38
infinityseb128: says the man who's repeatedly dropped patches that were in the archive? :P10:38
seb128xnox, well, it's also that double checking takes time and sometime you have ETOOMANYTHINGS todo10:38
infinityA debdiff would easily show you "hey, I remember changing this thing, but I sure didn't drop fix_arm_again_argh.patch, I wonder what that's about."10:39
seb128if we want "debdiff and ack before upload" to be standard maybe we should have dput to do the debdiff and let you say y/n...10:40
cjwatsonThe checks are hardcoded into my fingers, and I still seem to get lots of uploads done, so ;-)10:40
infinitycjwatson: Pfft, you're pretty underrepresented every release in tumbleweed's pie chart of doom.10:40
seb128well, it's just that I never felt a strong need to get the diff a second way after checking it using the vcs10:41
seb128but maybe I'm wrong10:41
seb128in practice it didn't bite me too much so far so I never felt the need to change that10:41
cjwatsonI honestly think you are, based on my experience of the two disagreeing from time to time10:41
infinityseb128: But the VCS diff != the package diff, especially if you have auto-generated files you don't check in, and also because the archive may have changes your VCS doesn't.10:41
infinityseb128: And if you think it hasn't bitten you, maybe the people who've had to unrevert things you've reverted in the past haven't yelled loudly enough. :)10:42
cjwatsonI'm not saying I read every line of the debdiff, but I do skim it and check for files I wasn't expecting and the like10:42
seb128well I do debdiff in non trivial updates10:42
seb128or in merges10:42
* xnox was bitten by not checking debdiff, don't want to be there again10:42
pittiyeah, usually the kind of errors that you make is not in the fine details, but more like "debian/control was autogenerated and I forgot to change control.in", or "debian/patches/ added/dropped an unexpected one"10:43
seb128infinity, if you didn't bother commiting your change to the vcs you have a blame for that as well10:43
cjwatsonIt's your responsibility to double-check that you aren't reverting stuff by accident.10:43
infinityseb128: No.  I really don't.  The VCS isn't authoritative, the VCS isn't authoritative and, also, the VCS isn't authoritative.10:43
cjwatsonThis goes for all uploaders.10:43
pittiinfinity: (but you do cause pain to people who actually use it)10:43
seb128infinity, that's called "let's not bother to do my change properly and let's create work for others", not being a good citizen either...10:44
infinityseb128: I do try to check in more and more these days (though, the number of packages in the archive that have a VCS-* that I can't commit to is irksome), but that doesn't change that the archive is authoritative.10:44
seb128infinity, the archive being authoritative is not a valid reason to not bother doing the change properly and get them in the vcs if there is one10:44
infinityseb128: I could turn your statement right around for you, when your failure to merge the archive changes means people need to re-fix the same things.  *shrug*10:44
cjwatsonseb128: The difference is that when infinity gets this wrong it doesn't undo your work.10:45
cjwatsonWhen you get this wrong it undoes other people's work.10:45
cjwatsonThat's clearly worse.10:45
infinityseb128: The VCS being your preferred workflow is not a valid reason to not diff against the archive to avoid reverts. QED.10:45
tjaaltoninfinity: -intel 2.20.14 uploaded. I'll give sna a go as well10:46
seb128cjwatson, well, I'm not trying to rank it, I'm just saying that ignoring the Vcs and let others deal with the work of founding the diff and getting it including is not correct either10:46
infinity(This would all be solved if we built directly from VCS tags, but we don't.  And as long as we don't, people need to stop pretending their preferred workflow is also "the only way to upload correctly")10:46
pittixnox: metacity on openjdk> I think there was some talk about MIRing something like twm instead10:46
infinitytjaalton: <310:46
cjwatsonSure.  But it is not justification for pretending such things don't exist10:46
pittixnox: I though openjdk just needed _a_ WM, not necessarily one as complex as metacity10:46
seb128cjwatson, oh, I don't, and I agree it's the responsability of the uploader to check that no archive change gets reverted10:46
infinityseb128: Hey, I tried to commit to software-center earlier today, and couldn't.  This sort of thing frustrates me. :P10:46
infinityseb128: (mvo added me to the team, right after merging my changes from the archive, though.  So, he did it right, and now I can do it his brand of right)10:47
seb128cjwatson, I just disagree on the fact that the archive being authoritative should be a right to bypass the Vcs and a way to dump the work on other10:47
cjwatsonseb128: We're not saying it should10:47
xnoxpitti: I have now finished downloading the source package. It can use metacity or twm. And it seems like it is used in the check target.10:47
seb128infinity's position sounds like "anyone should be able to just upload to the archive and not have to bother if the source is maintained in a Vcs"10:47
seb128but maybe I read him wrongly10:48
cjwatsonAlthough I would say that you don't have a lot of experience of trying to do work across the whole archive, and running into the huge number of misconfigured VCSes10:48
seb128sorry if that's the case10:48
xnoxpitti: i wonder if it is sufficient to move that bit to DEP-8 and not have either metacity nor twm in main.10:48
cjwatsoninfinity and I both do10:48
pittixnox: twm is in universe, but putting it into main if we can drop metacity from main sounds like a good trade10:48
xnoxpitti: the check won't run on non x86 platforms though =(10:48
cjwatsonAnd that surely colours our outlook10:48
infinityseb128: I don't personally just upload willy-nilly without checking for a VCS-* field.  On the other hand, your statement is more or less true.  Archive uploads are the One True Source for the packages, like it or not.10:48
seb128cjwatson, well, if the Vcs is misconfigured it's the responsability of whoever is handling the Vcs and the package indeed10:49
infinityseb128: So, my position isn't as caustic as you make it out, I still try to find the maintainer's preferred methods.10:49
xnoxseb128: which doesn't help, if the core-dev doesn't have write access to it.10:49
cjwatsonseb128: Sure.  But when you're uploading 500 packages and run into 100 of these ...10:49
cjwatson(Or whatever)10:49
infinity(And yeah, it annoys me to no end when someone bitches me out for not committing to a VCS I can't commit to)10:49
infinityAlso, I won't commit to a VCS-* for a 100-package rebuild run or something.10:50
seb128xnox, a vcs for a package in the archive should allow commit from the people who can upload10:50
infinity(Though, I also don't care if those no-change changelogs get lost)10:50
cjwatsonseb128: hahahahaha.  I would love that to be close to true10:50
pittiinfinity: if the only uploaded diff is a ubuntu1.1 no-change rebuild, I admittedly often don't bother grabbing the diff and committing it, I just overwrite it10:50
pitti(as recently seen with some py3.3 rebuilds)10:50
seb128cjwatson, I said "should" ;-)10:50
diwiccjwatson, infinity, from a diffent colored outlook; if you don't have commit access to the vcs; why don't you ask for sponsorship from the person who has?10:50
xnoxseb128: ps branches? =)10:51
infinityseb128: Actually, I don't wildly care if it's commitable IF I also know that the people who maintain the package will integrate uploads.10:51
cjwatsondiwic: When trying to complete a transition involving 500 packages?10:51
cjwatsonSure, if you don't mind it taking 5x longer10:51
infinityseb128: (For instance, not all of core-dev can commit to debian-installer, but all the people who upload debian-installer are also dediff freaks who will notice and merge)10:51
seb128I don't think we have disagreements there10:51
infinitydiwic: Yeah, that's not going to happen.10:52
cjwatsoninfinity: Actually that's not a good example, it's lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/debian-installer/ubuntu10:52
cjwatsoninfinity: But for ubiquity, yes10:52
cjwatson(Which is a bug)10:52
infinitydiwic: Except in rare cases of large packages (firefox/tbird, libreoffice, eglibc, gcc, etc) where I don't want to step on toes, asking permission to upload something I can upload is a horrible waste of effort.10:52
cjwatsondiwic: If I notice that there's a VCS involved, and the change is non-trivial, then in general I will make an effort to offer up a branch for merging or some such10:53
infinitycjwatson: Oh, did it move somewhere in the last N years and I never paid attention, just checked out the new location?10:53
* xnox off to a meeting in a glass cage =)10:53
cjwatsondiwic: But usually, by the time a committer notices, I've finished all the rest of the work and long since moved on10:53
infinitydiwic: And in all those cases, I tend to ask to be added to the team, rather than ask for sponsorship, but ymmv.10:53
cjwatsonInteractions between humans are the slowest thing in the project10:53
cjwatsoninfinity: I don't think it was ever somewhere else, but you could well be mixing it up with another package10:54
infinitycjwatson: I could well be.  I've long since forgotten and stopped caring about what ~ubuntu-installer buys me and what it doesn't. :P10:54
cjwatsonubiquity is the problem child I know about.  I need to check whether bugmail configuration is now sane enough such that I can add ubuntu-core-dev to ubuntu-installer without spamming the world.10:55
infinitycjwatson: But the point still stands, I don't mind a package's VCS having a tighter control group than "core-dev", they act as a bastion of code review and release management.  But the key is that that group needs to be okay with merging out-of-band uploads instead of being whiney. :)10:55
diwiccjwatson, infinity, so sure it buys you time, but you're putting the time on somebody else, so the time is not /saved/, it has just moved to somebody else. That might be fair; since we're short on people with your knowledge, but just want to point that out.10:56
infinitycjwatson: My complaint comes in when someone says "all releases must happen from our VCS" and "also, you can't commit to it".10:56
cjwatsondiwic: I'm not trying to justify it and say that it's OK.10:57
didrocksinfinity: did anyone told that?10:57
infinitydiwic: If building from VCSes was as unified and sane as buildin from source packages, this would be a very different conversation, to be fair.10:57
mvoinfinity: you could simply push the changes into a seperated (owned by you) branch. but +1 on that the workflow is not ideal10:58
cjwatsondiwic: I'm saying that I'm not prepared to wait for a sponsor in the case where our documented community procedures say I can upload; not that I'm not prepared to offer a branch for merging.10:58
cjwatsonBut that certainly takes substantially more time than just uploading.10:58
mvoinfinity: hm, this reads a bit harsh, not meant this way :)10:58
infinitydidrocks: It's certainly happened in the past.  Or, rather, I've uploaded a package with a VCS I can't commit to, and later been told off for not instead submitting a merge proposal or something.  Same general effect.10:58
infinitymvo: Hahaha.  You always merge my archive uploads anyway, you're my hero in this debate.10:59
didrocksinfinity: that's why we added that to all projects following daily-building (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/view/head:/debian/control#L48)10:59
didrocksinfinity: not sure to make is more visible though10:59
infinitymvo: Plus, you added me to your commit group within hours of my asking. :P10:59
mvoif the UDD branch would simply allow to merge the upload into trunk ...10:59
didrocksso it's like "the daily upload system will notice/stop and we'll get informed and clean that ourself"10:59
mvoinfinity: haha, indeed, I would have added you within minutes if I wasn't sleeping10:59
didrocks(which is what happened once the fixed appmenu-gtk was uploaded)10:59
infinitydidrocks: Yeah, that's perfectly suitable (not necessarily all the automation that I'm still having a hard time coming to terms with, but the private group but open upload policy)11:00
infinityAt least, that works for me.11:00
infinityOne less VCS I need to commit to. :P11:01
cjwatsonIt seems more work for you guys than just adding ubuntu-core-dev to unity-team, though.  At least if bugmail configuration and the like is suitable for that.11:01
didrockscjwatson: it's a long term plan/long discussion with PS. I'll spare you that :)11:01
tkamppeterpitti, I added "DEB_DH_FIXPERMS_ARGS := -Xusr/lib/cups/backend" as it was in the cups package, thank you anyway for the hints.11:01
infinitySome day, I'll commandeer a bunch of tools guys and re-do the Maemo build-from-tags workflow and we can all stop having this "which copy of the source is the authoritative one?" debate.11:02
didrocks(and yeah, a lot of spams because of all the bugs, but I think we'll sort something out in the end)11:02
didrockscjwatson: ok, FYI, finished to check all the 25 projects bootstrapped and appmenu-gtk was the only guilty one11:03
didrocksnow, let me make that clear in the bootstrap procedure that it's something to check11:03
diwiccjwatson, I don't exactly know what notification mechanisms there are when uploading things in the archive, but can we do something on that side to notify the vcs owner that a non-vcs based upload was done or something?11:04
infinitydiwic: In most cases, the "VCS owner" is "ubuntu-dev" or "ubuntu-core-dev", so, uhm, hell no.11:05
infinitydiwic: Package subscriptions, however, are a long time Soyuz wishlist bug.11:05
cjwatsonUDD was supposed to solve this - in the case where it's a UDD branch, the importer submits a merge proposal11:05
cjwatsonBut the UDD importer has enough other problems that it's tough to rely on it11:05
diwicinfinity, what is the recommended way of me finding out that an p11:06
diwicinfinity, what is the recommended way of me finding out that an upload of pulseaudio has been done?11:06
infinityHonestly, it doesn't seem like that much effort to just grab the latest source and debdiff before you upload.11:06
diwicand I need to merge back the result into the vcs11:06
cjwatsondiwic: 'pull-lp-source -d pulseaudio' and check that it's the version you expect11:07
infinityIf no one uploaded between your last and your current, apt-get source is a no-op (if you still have your old one), and you want to debdiff before upload ANYWAY, since the person introducing cruft may well be you. :P11:07
infinityI've certainly broken my own sources between my upload and my upload before.11:08
infinityI'm pretty much a jerk to myself that way.11:08
cjwatsonpull-lp-source has made lots of things massively easier for me.11:08
infinityYeah, I just recently have started trying to train my fingers to use pull-lp-source and pull-debian-source.11:08
infinityEspecially as a replacement for surfing old versions on lp.net/ubuntu/+source and snapshot.debian.ogr11:09
didrockscjwatson: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InlinePackaging?action=diff&rev2=11&rev1=10 FYI11:09
infinitycjwatson: Oh hey, instead of this scintillating conversation about various heads impacting random flat surfaces...11:11
infinitycjwatson: Did you ever look into the coreutils testsuite hang on powerpc?  (It's factor(1) hanging on certain input, I haven't gotten much deeper into it than that)11:12
infinitycjwatson: Annoyingly, due to the britney hack for sulfur's sadness, it migrated despite the FTBFS.  Which, I suppose, isn't world-ending, but irksome.11:13
cjwatsoninfinity: No, I got as far as filing RT#57703 ...11:14
cjwatsoninfinity: Don't suppose you have a box I could debug it on?11:14
infinitycjwatson: I do indeed.11:14
infinitycjwatson: You can even have root.11:14
infinity(Cause I'm too lazy to setup up schroot on it right now)11:15
dholbachcan somebody please reject https://code.launchpad.net/~scarneiro/ubuntu/raring/adns/fix-for-ignored-make-clean-errors/+merge/136558 and https://code.launchpad.net/~scarneiro/ubuntu/raring/dictclient/fix-for-ignore-make-clean-errors/+merge/136563?11:15
pittidholbach: erledigt11:18
dholbachdanke pitti :)11:20
tkamppeterpitti, can you upload cups-filters from BZR to Debian and Ubuntu Raring? I have released 1.0.15 fixing some bugs.11:21
OdyXtkamppeter: we should merge the debian-wheezy to include the copyright fixes.11:22
pittitkamppeter: i. e. re-name your 1.0.25-0ubuntu1 version in bzr to -1 and experimental?11:22
tkamppeterpitti, will do.11:22
pittitkamppeter: I am, just wanted to confirm that this is correct11:23
pittitkamppeter: ok, doing11:23
tkamppeterpitti, done.11:24
* pitti aborts build, pulls, and does again then11:24
pittitkamppeter: uploaded to experimental; we can sync it in half a day or so when it got imported11:26
pitti(and on a related note, yay for 5 times faster upload bandwidth)11:26
tkamppeterpitti, OK, thanks.11:27
pittican someone please remind me what the magic $http_proxy was on the porter boxes to get outside?11:28
pittiah, found it, but I get a "403 forbidden" with it11:29
pittiso, tarball upload it is11:29
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OdyXpitti: we should make tkampetter a DM11:34
OdyXtkamppeter: is there some useful stuff to backport to cups-filters' 1.0.18 ?11:39
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tkamppeterOdyX, there are lots of bug fixes on pdftops and texttopdf (debian/changelog entries with references to bug reports). Each of them are fixed by rather small changes in the upstream code (see upstream BZR). These a worth backporting. The libqpdf switchover of pdftopdf is a bigger change which you should not backport.12:03
OdyXtkamppeter: hrm yes will try.12:04
OdyXtkamppeter: could you find what was breaking the test-suite?12:05
tkamppeterOdyX, no, it seems that for some unknown reason CUPS does not remove the job control files when the exception path PS->pstops->PS printer is allowed. I cannot imagine why. AFAIK it should be in CUPS' responsability to remove these files.12:15
OdyXtkamppeter: printing to stderr, wrong return value, don't know,12:18
mdeslaurinfinity: per comment in bug 1084054, could you kill the vlc in -proposed, please?12:31
ubot93Launchpad bug 1084054 in vlc (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Denial of service via crafted PNG file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108405412:31
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israeldahlI have been trying to figure out just exactly how to push a new version of a package into the repos (to be reviewed) so it can be uploaded.  Anyone know / have a good resource to read?13:19
israeldahlDo I just make a separate branch?13:21
tumbleweedisraeldahl: yes. http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/udd-merging.html#merging-a-new-upstream-version13:23
israeldahlawesome, thank you!13:24
bdrungdoes someone know why gettext fails to build (unmet dependencies)? default-jdk depends on default-jre (= 1:1.7-43ubuntu3) and openjdk-7-jdk (>= 7~u3-2.1), but they are not going to be installed?13:27
bdrungdoko_: ^13:28
israeldahltumbleweed can i use git instead of http?13:28
cjwatsonbdrung: huh?  I sbuilt it locally about an hour ago and it was fine13:30
cjwatsonbdrung: (working on a merge so please leave it alone)13:30
cjwatsonoh damnit you already uploaded13:30
cjwatsonbdrung: just leave it please.  I'll sort it out13:30
bdrungcjwatson: yes (it built fine in pbuilder)13:30
bdrungcjwatson: thanks. i am happy to leave it to you.13:31
tumbleweedisraeldahl: not entirely sure what you mean there. But we need a source tarball. Ideally one the upstream provides, although sometimes one has no choice but to generate one from their git repository13:32
israeldahlOk, just wondering.  I can use a local tarball though.  thanks13:33
apw@pilot in13:33
apwbah stupid bot13:33
ogra_on vacation13:33
apwthat bot never works for me ... ever13:34
cjwatsonbdrung: Hmm, OK, it's a problem between ca-certificates and ca-certificates-java, but I'm going to need to rebootstrap ca-certificates-java somehow to fix it13:34
cjwatson(it can't build for the same reason)13:35
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seb128hallyn, hey, thanks for the qemu fixes, the current binary seems to give a working spice on i386 ;-)13:36
seb128hallyn, "dh_link -pqemu-kvm-spice usr/bin/qemu-system-i386-spice usr/bin/kvm-spice" is buggy though13:36
seb128hallyn, there is no "qemu-system-i386-spice" binary in the deb, only a "qemu-i386-spice" and "qemu-spice"13:37
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cjwatsoni386 builders on manual while I rebootstrap ca-certificates-java13:44
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hallynseb128: then perhaps one more ppa upload before going to archive :)13:50
seb128hallyn, well, just fixing the symlink should be easy enough to fix with the archive upload ;-)13:50
hallynok you've convinced me13:52
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hallynseb128: how weird though, why no qemu-system-i386-spice?  huh...13:55
hallynyeah no those are not the same13:56
seb128hallyn, I don't know, good question ... what's the difference with -system?13:56
hallynthe non-system one is qemu-user, different thing.  drat.13:56
hallynback to the build rules13:56
hallynoh duh.  i see.  my stupid bad13:58
hallynreally there is no reason for the qemu-user-spice binaries.  I think I"ll pull them from the package14:00
hallynthey're not even linked against libspice.14:01
ogra-cband what exactly would they do anyway14:01
vibhavhmm, the sponsoring queue is HUGE. Lets see if I can help14:02
vibhavDoes anybody know what to do with: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/952771 ?14:02
ubot93Launchpad bug 952771 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "Gnome Screensaver should handle expired password tokens" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:02
vibhavIt looks more like a feature request for me, should I tell the reporter that it will be fixed in raring?14:03
hallynogra-cb: right14:03
mdeslaurOdyX: hi! I've got comments about your cups git tree: 1- you should probably add PidFile to the list of warnings, 2- you should remove the VCS tag from cups-files.conf too14:07
OdyXmdeslaur: the first is committed already, but not pushed. good point for the second.14:09
mdeslaurOdyX: cool14:09
OdyXmdeslaur: you confirm that these are only warnings, right ? Are they considered as configuration stanzas or just discarded + warning ?14:10
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mdeslaurOdyX: yeah, so as I said in the bug, I'm probably going to push the config file split in Ubuntu stable releases, but without conf file changes...it's not a really elegant thing to do, but we try not to have any conf file prompts with security updates14:11
mdeslaurOdyX: they are just discarded and logged14:11
OdyXmdeslaur: ah okay, good.14:11
OdyXmdeslaur: how do you avoid cupsd.conf prompt when SystemGroup is removed ?14:11
vibhavIS there any guide on understanding diff3 conflict markers?14:11
mdeslaurOdyX: I'm not going to remove SystemGroup, and I'm going to remove the warning about it14:12
OdyXmdeslaur: you'll get a prompt as soon as an admin modified the conffile through the webadmin, no ?14:12
OdyXmdeslaur: ah, yeah, good point.14:12
mdeslaurOdyX: it will be left there, which is kind of ugly, but harmless14:12
mdeslaursince it,s the only one we shipped by default in the conf file, it's not so bad14:12
mdeslaurand once they upgrade to a newer release, then the conf file cleanup will happen14:13
OdyXmdeslaur: sure. But it gets in the way when you get the configuration prompt for another reason.14:13
FourDollarscjwatson: ping14:13
mdeslaurOdyX: well, in theory, we shouldn't be getting any configuration prompt14:14
cjwatsonFourDollars: yes?14:14
mdeslaur(for the stable releases)14:14
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FourDollarscjwatson: ubuntu-meta needs some patch for linux-headers-generic-lts-quantal .14:15
cjwatsonI know, I was holding off on deciding about that14:15
FourDollarscjwatson: ubuntu-meta on precise.14:15
FourDollarscjwatson: I see. Thanks.14:16
cjwatsonYou may note my germinate upload which was aimed at doing something about that14:16
cjwatson(well, supporting it)14:16
FourDollarsOK. There is some thing I did not follow.14:17
OdyXmdeslaur: ah, you mean that you'll avoid the configuration prompt by not changing cupsd.conf, right ?14:17
OdyXaka shipping the same one. Good idea. I had hard time parsing your idea14:17
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mdeslaurOdyX: yes, that's what I meant14:18
OdyXmdeslaur: good. That said, I noticed Wheezy ships a cupsd.conf with a bloody cvs tag, I hope Ubuntu's doesn't.14:18
mdeslaurOdyX: there's one in cupsd.conf.default, but none in cupsd.conf14:19
OdyXmdeslaur: nice.14:19
mdeslaur(at least, on quantal...haven't checked the older releases yet)14:19
FourDollarscjwatson: Have you also patched ubuntu-meta of precise for linux-headers-generic-lts-quantal ?14:19
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OdyXmdeslaur: I'll try to get the 1.5.3 (precise) version done later today (or tomorrow).14:20
FourDollarscjwatson: I didn't see newer ubuntu-desktop in precise-proposed.14:20
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OdyXbut as it will be for our next stable, I'll get this SystemGroup thing dropped.14:20
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cjwatsonFourDollars: I haven't uploaded it yet14:21
cjwatsonFourDollars: It's not urgent compared to all the other SB work14:21
cjwatsonFourDollars: But I know about it and I'll sort it out, don't worry14:21
FourDollarscjwatson: So I will upload it eventually, right?14:21
FourDollarscjwatson: So you will upload it eventually, right?14:22
cjwatsonFourDollars: That's what I said, yes14:22
FourDollarscjwatson: Got it. I just make sure you have noticed that. Thanks.14:22
FourDollarss/make sure/want to make sure/14:24
mdeslaurOdyX: oh, one more thing...the upstream security patch drops UseNetworkDefault from the html documentation, but we still have that option in one of our other patches, so I added it back in14:24
OdyXmdeslaur: do you have commit rights ?14:27
mdeslaurOdyX: no14:27
OdyXmdeslaur: I'd be happy to have you commit these in our experimental repository directly, or handle that in branches there.14:27
OdyXmdeslaur: alioth account ?14:27
OdyXit facilitates merging and diffing.14:28
mdeslaurOdyX: I don't have a alioth account, sorry14:28
OdyXmdeslaur: no problem. It's git afterall.14:31
mdeslaurOdyX: oh, yeah, I'd have to learn git too :P14:31
* mdeslaur cringes14:31
OdyXmdeslaur: eh, yeah. Yaknow we're in 2012 right ? :)14:31
mdeslaurOdyX: yeah, that's why I use bzr! :)14:32
mdeslaurhehe :)14:32
* cjwatson belatedly remembers to put the i386 builders back on auto14:36
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OdyXmdeslaur: regading your "2- you should remove the VCS tag from  cups-files.conf too14:58
OdyX" that's done already. cups-files.conf is in KEEP14:58
cjwatsondoko_: Do you have a current VCS for Ubuntu binutils?  I don't really want to upload it for a single change14:59
mdeslaurOdyX: oh, hrm...it didn't seem to work for me...ok, thanks, I'll take a look on my end15:00
mdeslaurOdyX: sorry for the false alarm15:00
OdyXmdeslaur: np. More eyes don't hurt.15:04
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micahgxnox: with the loss of metacity, does that mean that 3D cards will be needed for installing Ubuntu Desktop?15:20
ogra_compiz alone doesnt need much, llvmpipe should work snappy with it even on slow CPUs15:21
micahgxnox: I guess it's already a requirement of sorts, so nevermind, E_NEEDSOMECAFFEINE15:21
pittimicahg: not quite; that was done with dropping unity-2d last cycle already15:21
ogra_and yeah, you are installing ubuntu-desktop which definitely requires GL15:21
xnoxmicahg: 3D cards are not needed, as we have llvmpipe.15:21
pittixnox: (which doesn't really get you that far, but oh well)15:22
pittiso yes, you do need a 3D card15:22
pittior a really fast CPU15:22
ogra_pitti, its finbe for plain GL stuff, as long as there is no excessive compositing15:22
xnoxpitti: what do you mean? /me ran installer in the dog slow VM.15:22
xnoxpitti ogra_ micahg: note that for the installer I only enable a single compiz plugin (decor) and hope to have fast texture rendering.15:23
ogra_compiz as a WM is really low demanding if you dont have any fancy effects in use15:23
pittixnox: well, sure, but it's not really a joy to use unity with all its effects there15:23
xnox(although there aren't that many textures in the installer)15:23
pittior on an arm machine15:23
pittiogra_: yeah, that doesn't seem to apply to unity as a whole though :)15:24
ogra_right, on arm devices where we dont have GL we dont provide ubuntu-desktop :)15:24
* xnox doesn't even let to resize or move windows =)))) win \0/15:24
didrocksmicahg: no need to CC me btw, I'm already subscribed to ubuntu-devel15:27
micahgdidrocks: sorry15:30
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dokocjwatson, just a personal one. which change do you mean?16:04
cjwatsondoko: s/gettext:any/gettext/ in debian/control16:04
cjwatsonI see pitti uploaded something following your most recent upload, if you didn't already know about it16:04
dokoseen that, and integrated for the next upload16:05
cjwatsondoko: cf. coreutils and most of the other stuff I uploaded today16:05
cjwatsondoko: thanks16:05
seb128micahg, xpathselect is a new source...16:13
seb128micahg, I'm not sure what your "The only thing updated was debian/copyright." means16:13
micahgseb128: yeah, I know, I got trigger happy with E-Mail today, see followup16:13
micahgLaunchpad failed16:14
seb128micahg, ok...16:14
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slangasekdidrocks: bootstrap> ah, alright, thanks for the explanation17:06
didrocksyw :)17:06
didrockssorry for missing that in the review17:06
* apw has an ocaml package which is using ocamlfind, and that is producing paths from another /build presumably from a library -- any idea how to debug such a thing?17:08
barrystgraber: i guess we leave it up to jodh to do the final merge?17:09
stgraberbarry: yep, I don't think I have commit rights to upstart's trunk, so I need jodh for that17:11
Laneywhat's made $world uninstallable in r-proposed?17:20
LaneyI didn't phrase that quite correctly17:21
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seb128gettext fallout I guess17:22
cjwatsoncomponent-mismatches, fixing17:22
seb128cjwatson, " debhelper : Depends: po-debconf but it is not going to be installed" ... that's likely the same issue you just fixed?17:28
hallynseb128: ok, i think the pkg is good now, will push soon (qemu-linaro)17:28
seb128hallyn, great, thanks a lot of the efforts for enable spice on i386 ;-)17:28
Laneyseb128: that's in my build log too - I'm guessing they were all the same root cause17:28
seb128Laney, oh, right, I read the first line about dh-translations before ;-)17:29
cjwatsonseb128: Yes17:34
seb128cjwatson, thanks17:34
cjwatsonI'll do a mass give-back of stuff affected by uninstallability a bit later17:34
cjwatsonmodulo EOD soon17:34
hallynseb128: i don't have upload rights.  do you mind grabbing the ppa6.dsc, removing the ppa6 from changelog, and pushing?17:38
seb128hallyn, doing it17:38
hallynseb128: thanks17:40
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xnoxstgraber: mark as merged https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/precise/libnih/bugs-740390+1062202/+merge/130504 already in precise-proposed17:56
stgraberxnox: done17:57
* Laney is glad we have this task to keep the TB busy17:58
didrocksLaney: I'm sure they value this added karma :p18:00
xnoxLaney: well is it TB or just pitti & stgraber ?! =)18:01
stgraberanyone on the TB is an owner of ~ubuntu-branches and can do it18:01
Laneythe real power brokers18:01
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infinitymdeslaur: Done.19:51
infinityI agree.20:06
infinity@pilot in20:11
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: infinity
stokachucjwatson: is it possible to do both raid + luks encryption during preseed?20:28
hallynzul: i'm going to add to qemu-kvm.conf in raring an optional auto-mount of hugepages fs.  do you think i should do so in the default /var/lib/hugetlbfs/group/kvm, or a shorter /run/hugetlbfs/kvm ?21:16
zulhallyn: i really dont have an opinon21:17
hallynslangasek: ^ i assume there are LSB type considerations, among others....21:18
hallynzul: there are two reasons to pick a custom location:21:21
hallynzul: 1. it's long to type out 'kvm -mempath /var/lib/hugetlbfs/group/kvm/page-xxxxxxx' :)  (but that's not that good a reason)21:21
hallynzul: 2. libvirt is going to need to know the path, so we might want to pick our own so we always know where it is21:22
zuli think the /run/hugetlbfs/kvm might be a good choice but that looks wrong again i have no opinon :)21:23
slangasekhallyn: I don't think it matters either way under the FHS / LSB.  It would be nice if such things were standardized, but wishes and horses21:23
hallynzul: the problem with /var/lib/hugetlbfs/group/kvm/ is that the final pathname is dependent upon the supported hugepage sizes21:24
slangasekhallyn: this is somewhat comparable to the kernel's rpc_pipefs filesystem, which Debian mounts under /var/lib and I've moved to /run - but the only reason I've moved it is because of bootstrapping problems for /var itself21:24
hallynactually that might be a wishlisht bug worth filing against hugadm21:24
slangasekwhich I don't think apply here21:24
hallynit should have a /pagesize-default directory21:24
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hallynslangasek: no, i'd do it here like this because otherwise libvirt will have todo ititself anyway,21:24
hallynso that it can hardcode a path in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf21:24
slangasekhallyn: right, there should be an agreed convention on where it should live; I'm just opining that /var/lib vs. /run doesn't matter much AFAICS21:25
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hallynslangasek: for a new mount i wouldn't care where it goes, my question is more about whether i can make myown mount or whether i shoudl use hugeadm --create-group-mounts=kvm21:27
hallynslangasek: the problem with the latter is that the resulting path, /var/lib/hugetlbfs/group/kvm/pagesize-2097152/,21:27
slangasekI have no informed opinion on that question :)21:27
hallyn1. is long, and 2. is not predictable across arches21:27
hallynslangasek: ok :)21:28
hallynslangasek: thanks21:29
stokachuinfinity: would you mind taking a peek at bug 1068199?21:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068199 in eglibc (Ubuntu Lucid) "please add support for MAP_HUGETLB in eglibc for Lucid" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106819921:44
infinitystokachu: doesn't that one already have a comment from me?21:44
* infinity looks.21:44
infinityOh, no.  It doesn't.  I'm thinking of another lucid bug, perhaps.21:45
stokachucyphermox: if you get a chance could you check up on the status of bug 96709121:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 967091 in libvdpau (Ubuntu Precise) "Wrong tint in flash when it uses video acceleration" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96709121:46
infinitystokachu: Do various things need rebuilding against those new headers to make it all work?21:46
stokachuinfinity: the package to make use of this has been rebuilt and is in -backports i believe21:47
infinitystokachu: Sure, but wouldn't it need to be rebuilt against proper glibc headers? :P21:47
stokachuah.. well..ermm.. im not sure21:48
infinitystokachu: Unless they statically defined the constant in their own source, which would then mean I don't have to.21:48
stokachui would have to do some digging on that21:48
stokachuarges: ^ do you know?21:48
stokachucyphermox: scratch that wrong person21:49
argesstokachu, I think its a static thing... although we could probably test this right?21:50
stokachumdeslaur: bug 967091; could you take a look at this status when you get a chance?21:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 967091 in libvdpau (Ubuntu Precise) "Wrong tint in flash when it uses video acceleration" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96709121:51
infinityarges: See, if it's just a static define, one could re-backport libhugetlbfs with the constant set, and be done with it.  I could build a quick test package for you right now.21:51
infinitystokachu: ^21:51
stokachuarges: what was the other package in question again??21:51
* infinity does this.21:51
argesinfinity, so I remember the person who was affected by this could install a the .deb from a newer release and it worked21:51
stokachuoh yea thats right21:52
argesinfinity, but if they installed the version built in the lucid chroot (the lucid backported version) it did not work21:52
argeseven though they were the same exact versions of libhugetlbfs21:52
argesstokachu, another easy experiment would be just to installer the newer eglibc version (with the proper MAP_HUGE define) in lucid and see if it works. but I feel like I've already done that21:55
infinityarges / stokachu: New package incoming.21:56
infinityarges / stokachu: http://people.canonical.com/~adconrad/hugetlb/22:01
infinityIf that package behaves correctly (It's built on lucid), then I think we should upload that.  I'll keep the eglibc bug queued as well, for it I need to do a lucid upload for other reasons.22:02
stokachuok ill get this sent out for testing22:02
infinityAlso, a review of the debdiff there would be appreciated. :P22:02
stokachuthanks i just quickly looked at the diff and it looks straightforward and should hopefully work22:03
darkxstSarvatt, https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/ppa-purge/lp706774/+merge/13706122:03
stokachuinfinity: lastly, this one isn't an sru but could you check to see if there is a precise upload for this? bug 100477522:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1004775 in network-manager (Ubuntu Precise) "NetworkManager restarts dnsmasq and adds host route on every IPv6 route lookup" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100477522:05
stokachuif it just needs sru written out i can do that but didnt know if it required sponsorship22:05
infinitystokachu: There's nothing uploaded for it in the precise queue, no.22:06
infinitystokachu: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1 for future helping yourself to said information. :)22:07
stokachuah sweet /me bookmarks22:07
infinitycyphermox: Care to poke at 1004775 with stokachu for precise?22:07
cyphermoxinfinity: ok22:07
infinitystokachu / arges: You can ignore the ? fluff there, the URL to remember is just /ubuntu/$dist/+queue22:08
cyphermoxthis one basically needs work in dnsmasq and nm22:08
infinitystokachu / arges: The drop-down lets you get at unapproved, new, etc.22:08
stokachucool yea this is very helpful thanks22:09
stokachucyphermox: that different from what was done in quantal?22:10
infinitystokachu: Anyhow, I'm not actively monitoring that bug, so if you get that hugetlb backport tested for me and it's all good, give me the go-ahead and I'll sign and upload it.22:10
infinityErr, and add a bug reference to the changelog. :P22:11
stokachuinfinity: will do - ive already sent it off to be tested22:11
* infinity adds the bug ref now, so he doesn't forget.22:11
cyphermoxstokachu: not especially different, but one of the patches that really makes a difference is really not simple22:14
stokachucyphermox: ah ok, well if you could keep that bug on your radar for when you get some time to dig more into it22:15
stokachucyphermox: and as always if you need me to do the trivial stuff so you can concentrate on the patch just let me know22:17
stokachuinfinity: could you point me to someone who could answer a question about debian preseed with setting up RAID+Luks? Or if you know if thats even possible. I can do one or the other but not both22:19
infinitystokachu: You want xnox.22:20
infinitystokachu: Maybe.22:20
stokachuxnox :D22:20
slangasekxnox would certainly know the answer22:21
stokachuok cool ill try to catch up with him tomorrow during his local time22:22
cyphermoxstokachu: here's what I'll do22:22
cyphermoxjust putting food in the oven so I can eat at some point and I'll poke at it now and until it's ready to upload, hopefully sometime before tomorrow22:23
stokachucyphermox: awesome, really appreciate this22:24
cyphermoxstokachu, there's already a sru in progress in precise, so if you want to help actually independently verifying https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/995165 would help a huge amount22:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 995165 in network-manager (Ubuntu Precise) "IPv4 connectivity broken after installing from ubuntu-12.04-alternate-amd64.iso" [High,Fix committed]22:32
cyphermoxstokachu: however, it requires ipv6 connectivity while you do the install, and installing with -proposed enabled22:32
stokachucyphermox: ok ill see what i can do in the lab and update the case22:35
cjwatsonstokachu: I'm actually not sure.  I suspect not without hacking - things are not as nestable as they should be. :-(22:44
stokachucjwatson: ok cool we werent sure it was possible so ill relay that to them22:46
stokachucjwatson: you think maybe we should consider a feature request for something like this?22:47
stokachufor future planning22:47
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mdeslaurstokachu: status?22:49
stokachumdeslaur: your last comment #193 indicated it was still waiting on sru -- was curious if youve gotten any feedback on it yet or if I should try to work with SRU team22:50
stokachuits still in unapproved queue https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=libvdpau22:51
mdeslaurstokachu: I have not gotten any feedback from the sru team, no22:51
mdeslaurstokachu: could you try pinging someone from the SRU team? if there's an issue, let me know.22:51
stokachumdeslaur: sure thing just didnt want to step on any toes if you were actively doing that -- i can see about getting it reviewed22:52
stokachuthanks for the response22:52
stokachuinfinity: you up for one more? :)22:52
cjwatsonstokachu: Sure22:52
stokachubug 96709122:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 967091 in libvdpau (Ubuntu Precise) "Wrong tint in flash when it uses video acceleration" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96709122:53
cjwatsonstokachu: Though not quite sure when it'd fit - we really need to redesign the whole recipe format IMO :-/22:53
stokachucjwatson: ok ill talk with mattrae and see if we want to file a request for that22:53
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mdeslaurstokachu: np, thanks for doing a follow-up on it22:54
stokachumdeslaur: my pleasure22:54
infinitystokachu: Maaaaybe.23:02
stokachuinfinity: hopefully this one is just a click of a button :D23:02
stokachuaol style23:02
infinitystokachu: Sure.  Tell me all about it while I'm out smoking.23:03
stokachuinfinity: pretty straight forward, users seeing a blue tint on on flash videos running nvidia-current/-updates23:04
stokachuthe fix affects libvdpau's behaviour for flash23:05
stokachuinfinity: i haven't dug through the source to tell you exactly what the patch is doing but maybe mdeslaur could shed some light on it23:06
mdeslaurinfinity: binary flash inverts two color channels when using vdpau acceleration. Newer vdpau versions detect when flash is using it, and re-inverts the two color channels23:07
stokachubut i can tell you blue faces dont show up anymore :)23:07
mdeslaurinfinity: so flash videos don't have blue faces :)23:07
mdeslaurit's a dirty hacky workaround, but there is no hope of adobe fixing the issue in flash itself23:08
mdeslaurand it's included in quantal+ and in debian's vdpau for a while now23:08
infinitystokachu: So, what's the button that needs pushing?  It this something I need to review in the queue, or release from proposed?23:08
stokachuits in the unapproved queue atm23:09
verieviedhi all it's paddy drunk as hell23:09
infinitystokachu: Check, having a look.23:10
infinitystokachu / mdeslaur: Accepterificated.23:16
mdeslaurinfinity: thanks23:17
stokachuinfinity: awesomeeee23:17
stokachumdeslaur: ill get this tested and verified in the next few days to get it wrapped up23:17
mdeslaurI'm going to miss all the andorian porn23:17
stokachuok thanks all :D im off to a family movie night with fairly odd christmas woooot23:19
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