
Jucatoyo zak05:37
=== deng_c is now known as deng
TeTeThello, I tried yesterday night and will ask again: an online friend of mine in Rizal has a laptop breakdown. does any of you know a shop where she can recover the hd and have it placed in a usb enclosure? I'm afraid she's neither technical nor wealthy, though09:03
epalsiguro kunin lang ung hd tas dalhin sa cdr king.. xD09:09
TeTeTepal: thanks, I don't speak tagalog though. Appreciate your help!09:20
TeTeTis there a less expensive alternative around?09:24
epaloops, my bad. translation: remove the hd and take it to cdr king. at least that's what i did when my laptop broke.09:29
epalcdr king is the cheapest store i know that sells enclosures09:29
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato

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