
AlanBellnice full moon this morning07:01
hoovermorning all07:59
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andylockrangosh it's cold08:20
MooDoohello all08:56
davmor2Morning all09:10
MooDoohello davmor2 me ol' mucka09:10
davmor2MooDoo: why aye man09:11
davmor2MooDoo: How be ya09:11
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MooDoodavmor2: aye not too bad....09:15
davmor2reboot time09:18
MooDoos-fox: hully09:20
MooDooomg my typing is shit :S09:20
s-foxhully to you too MooDoo09:20
JamesTaitGood morning all! :-D09:24
s-foxhow are you MooDoo  ?09:24
s-foxhi jacobw209:24
s-foxand JamesTait09:25
JamesTaits-fox, o/09:25
MooDoos-fox: I'm ok thank you09:26
davmor2JamesTait: Fancy Meeting you here :)09:29
JamesTaitdavmor2, fancy!09:29
JamesTaitSeems like there are a few of us in the Midlands now, maybe we should set up a new office! :-P09:30
MooDooJamesTait: where are you?09:30
JamesTaitMooDoo, Derby.09:31
MooDooJamesTait: not that far then09:31
JamesTaitMooDoo, and you?09:31
MooDooJamesTait: nottingham :D09:31
JamesTaitMooDoo, not far indeed. :)09:31
MooDooJamesTait: ubuntu hour at the trip ;)09:32
JamesTaitI think I knew that somehow.09:32
MooDooI'm sure it's been discussed many a time lol09:32
JamesTaitMooDoo, do I have you on Google+?09:32
MooDooJamesTait: yeah just search for Paul Mellors09:33
JamesTaitRight, that's where I know you from then. :-P09:33
* s-fox looks on map for derby....09:33
MooDooJamesTait: i've just added you to a circle so you should see me09:33
JamesTaitMy ircnick<->realname converter is playing up.09:34
JamesTaitI blame old age.09:34
MooDooJamesTait: you're not that old are you?09:34
JamesTaitMooDoo, depends who you ask. According to my kids I'm ancient. :-P09:34
MooDooJamesTait: snap!09:34
s-foxah, west of nottingham.  my geography is rubbish09:35
JamesTaits-fox, where are you?09:35
MooDooJamesTait: It's when I hit 40 last year they told me this lol09:35
JamesTaitDidn't we have a map of this somewhere?09:35
JamesTaitMooDoo, oh you *are* ancient then! :-P  I'm only 36.09:35
JamesTaitYes, MooDoo, that one. :)09:36
MooDoooh yeah i noticed there is no planet ubuntu-uk any more....09:37
s-foxmy pin has gone missing :/09:37
s-fox*terrible news*09:37
MooDooanyone know why ubuntu-uk has stopped feeding, too much work?09:37
JamesTaitMooDoo, I think it was discussed at a recent LoCo meeting.09:39
MooDoooh right, that's a shame.  enjoyed reading that.09:39
s-foxhmm, failed to download repo info for a couple of ppa stops software updater09:39
s-fox*that sucks*09:39
s-foxJamesTait,  I'm in the middle between Leicester and Coventry09:40
MooDooJamesTait: yeah was proposed on the 14th nov, that's a shame really09:40
JamesTaitMooDoo, I think there was quite a lot of work involved in keeping everything we do running, and not enough volunteers to help do it.09:43
bigcalm_laptopMorning peeps09:44
MooDooJamesTait: hmmm I think we need a volunteer page, i'd be up for maintaining the planet feed....I used to read that lol09:44
s-foxgood morning bigcalm_laptop09:45
s-foxi never really understood why uk has a feed - unless it was for UK events. Ubuntu related news is news regardless of location09:46
MooDooIt was nice to see what the UK community was up to in their daily lifes....I liked reading it.09:46
s-foxMooDoo,  was it any content or ubuntu specific ?09:47
MooDoos-fox: anything if i remember rightly it was an insight into the lifes and minds of the ububuntu uk community.09:48
JamesTaitMooDoo, yeah, it didn't have to be Ubuntu-specific.09:48
s-foxan insight into my mind...scary thought. lol09:48
s-foxMooDoo,  how goes the photography ?09:50
MooDoos-fox: it goes lol09:50
daftykinslaughing photography, curious09:51
s-foxi've only taken one picture all month properly MooDoo09:51
MooDoos-fox: I've taken loads09:51
MooDoodaftykins: I take a photo, look at the screen and laugh ;)09:51
s-foxquality over quantity ;)09:52
MooDoos-fox: keep telling yourself that ;)09:52
s-foxi do09:52
s-foxanyway, you've seen my work and how picky i am hehe09:52
MooDoos-fox: I did a gimp talk at my local camera club a few weeks ago, that went down well09:53
s-foxMooDoo,  i am looking forward to the winter. i am going to try and get some ice / frost shots09:54
MooDoos-fox: that'll look good09:54
s-foxmaybe some spiderwebs09:55
MooDooyeah i got a few of them at the weekend, didn't come out all that well though09:55
MooDoos-fox: problem is i'm to dependant on photoshop and lightroom at the moment lol09:57
s-foxnothing wrong with photoshop09:58
s-foxmy editor of choice is that09:58
MooDoos-fox: a bit expensive at£17 a month, don't think i'll be renewing at the end of the year09:59
s-foxahh, i made the investment of buying cs5 master collection MooDoo10:00
gord<3 lightroom10:00
* JamesTait wonders if he should consider this photo software thing instead of just posting snapshots from hsi phone.10:01
DJones\o/ 2nd screen plugged in and working with no issues10:02
daftykinsDJones: i should hope so given the year we're in :)10:03
MooDoos-fox: it's lovely isn't it....10:03
MooDoos-fox: i use cs6 at the moment, just shame the laptop isn't up to all the cool features lo.l10:05
s-foxlol :)10:05
s-foxMooDoo,  i tend to get every other version10:05
DJonesdaftykins: Yeah, but this is on old hardware, I thought it might have choked10:05
MooDoos-fox: I think I got this one as it's the first one to do a subscription model10:05
daftykinshow old?10:06
gord<3 lightroom even more with multiple monitors10:07
DJonesdaftykins: Not sure on the age, but the graphics card is a Geforce FX520010:08
DJonesLooking at release dates, probably near 10 years old10:08
daftykinsis that down to what drivers you have available that it might not have worked then?10:09
DJonesIn a way, I thought with the age, some of the support may have been dropped, when I looked at upgrading to 12.10 I was warned that the graphics card may not be supported10:10
DJonesJust looking for a gwibber replacement that has twitter, identi.ca and facebook capeabilities10:12
DJonesAh well, that plan seems dead, looks like its a facebook notification search instead10:18
s-foxisn't social media integrated into the unity menu yet?10:18
MooDooi stopped using gwibber years ago, I did move to tweetdeck, don't think that has identi.ca support though10:24
s-foxafaik tweetdeck only supports twitter, linkedin facebook foursquare and myspace10:26
s-foxoh it did do buzz at one point oo10:26
s-foxbut yeah10:26
bigcalm_laptopDown side to working in a cafe: one has to be careful of links visited10:32
MooDoobigcalm_laptop: microsoft.com isnt that bad ;)10:38
s-foxno worse than any other website10:39
brobostigongood morning everyone,,10:45
brobostigonhi bashrc10:46
MooDoomorning brobostigon sorry miles away there10:51
brobostigonmorning MooDoo10:52
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: What are you doing on the apple site?10:58
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: you're hissing at it?10:59
bokjhvBTW My local Tesco has no 70p-a-box frosted shredded wheat left. I bought them all.. :)12:00
daftykinswhy so cheap?12:01
bokjhvDunno .. shredded wheat King decree'd it.12:02
bokjhvCould show you receipt , if you like ?12:02
bokjhvI dont think I will actually, too much cables involved.12:03
bokjhvI was on #freegamer channel for 5 hours last night. Awesome.12:04
daftykinsnever heard of it12:04
bokjhvIn fact I just feel awesome today.. me an awesome are one !12:04
Guest34261Could anyone recommend me an Ubuntu-compatible 'ultrabook'. Ideally one with a nice high res 1080p screen? My main worry is graphics card support, since my present laptop has lots of problems with the Nvidia proprietary drivers. Thanks.12:15
popeywhich ultrabooks have 1080p screens?12:16
popeyI thought most were 1366x768 or thereabouts12:16
Guest34261That's kinda the problem. I don't actually care about the screen dimensions too much, just want something thin, lightweight and without extras like a DVD drive.12:18
Guest34261Perhaps ultra book was the wrong term12:19
gordthe new thinkpad yoga's look great12:19
popey"laptop" :)12:19
gordlike really really great, if i had more in the kitty i'd grab one up12:19
Guest34261Laptop would have been a better start :-)12:19
popeyso I'd use the ebuyer selector thing12:19
Guest34261I'll Google the yoga. Thanks12:20
popeyand filter using the options on the left12:20
Guest34261Ah, thanks, that looks useful.12:20
Guest34261I'm on a GPRS connection at the moment, but will take a look at those suggestions as soon as I get better signal. Cheers12:22
MooDoohello again all12:27
davmor2MooDoo: me owld mucka12:45
bigcalm_laptopThis cafe is getting too busy for my liking12:47
popeyinteresting piece on radio 4 about people putting up QR codes which link to apps which contain malware12:51
popeyeven sticking qr codes over the top of legitimate ones on posters12:51
popeyto capture credit card details12:51
popeyfun :)12:51
bigcalm_laptopOh, so that's what QR codes are useful for12:52
popeyexactly what I thought12:54
popey"Oh, someone found a use for them!"12:55
MooDoodavmor2: @_13:14
czajkowskiah that's annoying I love QR codes :(13:15
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: Pong!13:16
bigcalm_laptopWe lack a bot13:18
MooDoobigcalm_laptop: sounds like a faith no more song, or is that we care a lot ;)13:21
AlanBellwhat do people use for decoding QR codes?13:40
AlanBellI used to have a rather geeky android app for doing them, but I don't think that is something "real people" would use13:41
popeyi use RL on iOS13:46
popey"Red Laser"13:46
popeyit's more for scanning barcodes on products to get online prices13:46
popeyI do this in shops to make sure I'm not getting ripped off13:46
AlanBellwonder how many people know how to use a QR code at all14:10
AlanBellright now, I am not one of them14:10
kvarleyHow can I list the permissions in terminal. I am looking for the 777, 775, 665 format.14:15
jacobw2kvarley: chmod 777 <file>14:16
popeylist, not change14:16
popeyi dont think you can with ls, at least the man page doesn't say so14:16
popeybut it's quite easy :)14:16
kvarleyOr does anybody know the "default" permission code?14:16
popeyalan@deep-thought:~$ touch foo14:17
popeyalan@deep-thought:~$ ls -l foo14:17
popey-rw-rw-r-- 1 alan alan 0 Nov 29 14:16 foo14:17
popeythat :)14:17
kvarleypopey: ok, thanks :)14:17
popeybut thats for files in your home14:17
popeydifferent for files in other places, and root owned files14:17
dwatkinsand gives group writeable access (although nowadays, each user account has its own group)14:17
kvarleypopey: What number does drwxrwxr-x equate to?14:17
dwatkinsit's different for directories14:18
kvarleypopey: Ok, thanks14:18
popeyrwx = 7, rwx = 7, r-x = 514:18
dwatkinswell, different in that there's also the concept of traversing a directory to get to those below it14:18
popey4+x+1, 4+2+1, 4+114:18
jacobw2in the 3 digit form, the first number is owner, the second is group, ane third is others (or 'world')14:18
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jacobw2+4 for read, +2 for write, and +1 for execute, it's from ascending binary numbers for execute, write and read14:20
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jacobw2as popey said14:20
Danawari updated to 12.04 and my group wwwdata or www-data has gone missing should i recreate this or was it removed for some reason O.o14:39
BigRedSI had a thought the other day, for a website you can visit and it grabs your browser, flash, java, whatever version number and lists all the known vulnerabilities14:49
BigRedSsomebody must've made this already, anyone know where it is?14:49
gordits called your next million dollar idea!14:54
BigRedSAw man, that's another domain to buy and never use15:06
popeyBigRedS, nice idea, then get it to charge you money to actually tell you what the vulnerabilities are15:06
popeywhilst you poke their system via those vulnerabilities you found15:06
popeythat looks good15:09
popeyphoronix tests though so *shrug* :)15:10
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bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: splitter!17:11
* davmor2 splits bigcalm_laptop's screen from his keyboard17:12
theopensourcererProject Sputnik ships: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2012/11/dell-releases-powerful-well-supported-linux-ultrabook/17:23
MartijnVdS.. in the us17:24
BigRedShaha, even17:25
theopensourcererI am rather fed up. Had a day of chasing bugs and not getting very far... Going for a beer. ttfn17:25
dauberskitten attack18:05
Laneythat is a sorry attack indeed18:06
Laneydo better next time, kitten18:06
daubersShe's starting to lern that when she stands on the laptop, she get's put on the floor again18:08
mgdmit keeps the feet off the laptop else it gets the hose again18:09
daubersQuite hard to put her on the floor when she's so cute18:10
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ahayzenHi, evolution-calendar-factory is using 100% CPU and has no way of stopping it (killall doesn't work), it also randomly prompts that it has crashed at boot, any ideas what is going on? Thanks18:56
AzelphurAnyone got a chromebook cr-48? Is it any good?18:56
MartijnVdSAzelphur: I have the new ARM CHromebook19:39
MartijnVdSand it's cool :)19:39
MartijnVdShaven't tried to run anything but chromeos on it though19:39
bigcalmGood evening peeps :)21:23
dogmatic69sup bigcalm21:30
* bigcalm quaffs21:30
bigcalmHow do, dogmatic69?21:30
popeypip pip21:31
bigcalmFnar fnar21:31
bigcalmWhat have I been missing out on recently?21:34
bigcalmThat much?21:41
dogmatic69bigcalm: all good. Getting my cart plugin finished up21:42
bigcalmBusy lad21:42
bigcalmI've been tempting suicide with unit testing21:42
dogmatic69Tired of having to mess about with half decent shopping carts.21:42
dogmatic69oh, I got my project 100% passing yesterday. Almost 2k tests.21:43
dogmatic69This is a problem though... 'cat core.phpcs.txt | grep \| | wc -l' -> 817521:44
bigcalmphpunit keeps telling me that it's core dumping after doing --coverage. Not that I've seen any core dumps though. Well done on 100% :)21:44
dogmatic698k 'coding standards' issues :/21:45
bigcalmThat's ps0?21:46
dogmatic69things like if() should be if ()21:46
dogmatic69well its using cakes cs config.21:46
dogmatic69Trying to make it match cake as close as possible.21:47
bigcalmYeah, it's difficult when the framework doesn't want to be standards compliant21:47
dogmatic69cake is pretty good. They are doing ps* without the spaces afaik.21:48
bigcalmI can't remember what Symfony decided upon21:48
bigcalmI'm having a hateful time with phpdoc221:48
dogmatic69ah, roadmap says 3.x finish psr0, implement psr121:48
dogmatic69oh ye?21:49
dogmatic69I used it here api.infinitas-cms.org21:49
dogmatic69might look at something else. The docs are quite sparse for phpdoc... pretty ironic.21:50
bigcalmYeah, I found that as well21:50
bigcalmI think my boss wants us to stick with phpdoc because it's using symfony2 now21:50
dogmatic69building a doc gen in cake has crossed my mind.21:51
bigcalmI wonder if my trackball will come early and let me play with it tomorrow21:52
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bootinfdsdsno-one about !23:51
directhexyeah, it's dead tonight23:59

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