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* hyperair spots a new kernel in xorg-edgers02:25
Dandelthat reminds me... which ppa is the one that keeps up with the absolute latest kernels for ubuntu?02:54
bryceDandel, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/03:00
Dandelbryce: thanks. also do you know if the raring kernel will easily install on precise? ( not worried about module compat with closed source video card drivers )03:41
bryceDandel, the kernel has no dependencies really, so generally should install fine on any distro.  Whether userspace works properly on top of that kernel is a different matter tho...03:46
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Dandelricotz: looks like piglit w/ opengl ( glx/egl), gles2, and gles1 should be doing well ( latest package build just fine for quantal )07:17
Dandeland add precise/raring ( 386)... my guess is that amd64 for those should also go well07:19
tjaaltonupgrading my laptop to raring07:46
Dandeltjaalton: i see... well i'm leaving mine at the setups they are now... i'm actually going to cross reference mesa 9.0 on egl ( w/ x11), glx and gbm on my test cards when i get some time since the features are all now enabled ( if not this weekend, next weekend )07:51
Dandeli honestly expect the results to be near identical except for the minor differences that are expected.07:52
mtronhello people. Anyone i could talk to about hybrid-graphics support ? It's not a 'usual' Optimus Xorg bug but some netbook models have a Intel GMA 3150 GPU in the atom cpu and a directly wired ION2 Gpu to the LVDS port and HDMI port. It's possible to set the used GPU in software without bumblebee (i have some proof of concept bash scripts that work) so it would be great if it could be added to ubuntu :) Can someone tell me whom to talk to please?08:25
tjaaltonno it can't08:27
tjaaltonpoulsbo doesn't work08:28
mtron@tjaalton you're talking to me?08:28
mtronyes it does.08:28
mtroni have it in front of me :)08:29
tjaaltonok then, but bumblebee will never get in the distro08:29
mtronon some specific models you don'T need it08:29
tjaaltonso unless it supports the kernel dma_buf et al, you're busted08:30
mtronall you need to do is send a acpi call to activate a vga mode for the next boot cycle08:30
mtronthere is a intel only mode, a nvidia mode and a dual gpu mode (optimus)08:30
mtronand a specific call for each mode08:30
mtronwell i thought ubuntu might be more open to hacks than debian ;)08:31
tjaaltonhow so?08:32
mtronit was in the past. maybe your goals shifted since then...08:33
tjaaltongoal is to get better quality instead of hacks, believe it or not08:34
mtronno offend intended. was just a question.08:35
tjaaltonproper hybrid support is "around the corner" anyway, for hw/drivers that support it08:35
mtron@tjaalton i guess you misunderstood me. What i am talking about has nothing to do with dma_buf et all. It sits "below" this layer. The ONLY way to set a different VGA mode (on this specific netbook models i am talking about) is via setting this register in the acpi system. This is not a hack per-se but thats the way to do it (and that's the same way it is done on windows).  I talked to somebody from the dev team during UDS-P on IRC hybrid-graphics-support abo08:53
mtronut this and he seemed interested. unfortunately i forgot who it was... 08:53
tjaaltonif by vga mode you mean selecting which gfx chip to use, it's nothing new08:59
mtronno. again i am talking about something different :)09:00
mtronthere are VGA modes on this laptop that can be set via a acpi call and are valid for the whole boot cycle09:01
tjaaltonwhat's the point for those?09:01
tjaaltonuse case09:01
mtronin Mode 1 only the intel vga chip is active (nvidia gpu is off so low power consumtion)09:02
mtronmode 2 is only nvidia09:02
tjaaltonright, what I was talking about09:02
mtronmode 3 is intel and nvidia09:02
mtronthe traditional optimus mode09:02
tjaaltonso exactly what my thinkpad is able to do from the bios, nothing new09:02
mtronyes but those models dont have a bios setting09:02
tjaaltonsome models can't, and need either userland tricks like this or proper support from the kernel09:03
mtronthe only way to set the mode is via sending a acpi call09:03
mtronwithout this call only nvidia is activated (seems to be a fallback mode)09:03
mtronso you can't event get to the dual gpu mode without a acpi call09:04
mtronanyway thanks for your answer, maybe someone understands what i am talking about09:05
tjaaltoneh, I do understand09:05
tjaaltonwhy would an acpi call _from the userland_ be the only way to switch modes?09:05
mtronthats how it implemented by the hardware manufacture i guess. 09:06
mtronthis calls are also used from windows to set the mode on this laptop09:06
mtronthat's how we found them09:07
tjaaltonmlankhorst: halp09:07
tjaaltonit's not an uncommon use-case, so I'm pretty sure it's thought out already how it's going to work in the perfect world09:07
MCR1Dandel: Hi :) I promised to report about fglrx+3 monitors. I had no success...10:02
DandelMCR1: ok. and was that in full wide screen?10:23
MCR1I first tried to use your xorg.conf - did not boot10:24
Dandelthe one with 4096 by 4096?10:24
Dandelor the one that was set to match mesa.10:25
MCR1Then I removed all the contradicting stuff from my old xorg.conf and set virtual to 6144x614410:25
MCR1Now I am able to turn on/off every combination of 2 monitors10:25
MCR1but once I add the 3rd10:25
MCR1I get this error message (reproducing, one moment)10:26
MCR1The selected configuration for displays could not be applied10:26
MCR1could not set the configuration for CRTC 14710:27
MCR1Failed to apply configuration: %s10:27
MCR1GDBus.Error:org.gtk.GDBus.UnmappedGError.Quark._gnome_2drr_2derror_2dquark.Code2: could not set the configuration for CRTC 14710:27
Dandelpaste xrandr output with all displays connected10:27
MCR1Current xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/BGywi9xL10:29
Dandelso this command fails?:  xrandr --output DFP1 --right-of  CRT210:30
Dandel** DFP210:30
MCR1Dandel: I did it with the "Displays" GUI.10:31
Dandelgive it a try through command line10:31
Dandelif it works, bug report to gnome10:31
MCR1Dandel: Just to be sure to make no mistakes - Could you please once again post both of the commands ?10:36
Dandelthe command to enable the display is: xrandr --output DFP2 --auto10:37
Dandelthen set the location: xrandr --output DFP2 --right-of CRT210:38
MCR1Dandel: Does not seem to work - fails silently10:40
MCR1xrandr --output DFP2 --auto10:40
MCR1xrandr --output DFP2 --right-of CRT210:40
MCR1xrandr --output DFP4 --auto10:40
MCR1DFP2 still does not get any signal10:41
MCR1black screen10:41
Dandeltry this: xrandr --output DFP4 --off && xrandr --output DFP2 --auto10:41
MCR1this will probably work, but I do not want my main monitor to turn off ;)10:42
MCR1but I'll do it10:42
Dandelthen turn off crt210:42
Dandelfrom what i can see, it's artificially limiting the number of screens 10:43
Dandeland thus needs to be reported10:43
MCR1trying to reenable gives me this: xrandr --output DFP4 --auto10:44
MCR1xrandr: Configure crtc 2 failed10:44
MCR1grmpf - the strange thing is that it worx perfectly with gallium10:44
Dandelgallium = mesa/open source10:45
MCR1yes, I know10:45
DandelI will report the problem.10:45
MCR1thanx a lot10:45
Dandelin fact i already did.10:45
MCR1oh cool10:45
Dandelcan you go ahead and regenerate the atisysteminfo.txt file and email it?10:45
MCR1hopefully AMD got some devs left...10:45
Dandelamd has devs left ( that's guaranteed )10:45
Dandelit's just that i don't know how big the team is ><;10:46
MCR1how can I generate that file and where can I find it ?10:46
Dandelsudo /usr/share/fglrx/atigetsysteminfo.sh10:47
Dandeland outputs to home folder10:47
Dandeljust note that you can run the command over ssh without fail as long as you specify the display variable to :010:50
MCR1ok, one moment - I will just reconfigure my screens to something useful - done...10:51
MCR1Dandel: Here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1396648/10:53
MCR1Dandel: && thanx again 4 your help here...10:55
Dandelif i had a third display i'd test it more thoroughly ><;10:55
DandelMCR1: i needed the config when you where loaded and running fglrx driver not radeon :/10:59
MCR1I am running fglrx11:00
Dandelno your not11:00
Dandellook at /var/log/Xorg.1.log11:01
Dandelsearch for: [     8.615] (II) LoadModule: "fglrx"11:01
Dandelwithin 4 lines: it fails saying module of fglrx cannot be found11:01
Dandeland then it reverts back to ati ( radeon driver )11:03
MCR1I can open AMD Catalyst Control Center11:03
Dandeldid you install through packages?11:03
MCR1nope, manually11:03
MCR1but I am sure fglrx is running11:03
MCR1I can configure via amdconfig also11:04
MCR1display: :0  screen: 011:04
MCR1OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.11:04
MCR1OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series 11:04
MCR1OpenGL version string: 4.2.11991 Compatibility Profile Context11:04
MCR1output of fglrxinfo11:05
MCR1I did install latest AMD beta driver from their homepage11:05
Dandel glxinfo | grep direct\ rendering11:05
ricotzMCR1, glxinfo!11:05
ricotzDandel, ;)11:05
MCR1direct rendering: Yes11:05
DandelMCR1: can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:06
ricotzMCR1, are you running kernel 3.7?11:06
MCR1no, 3.5 on Qu11:06
MCR13.7 would not work with fglrx or would it ?11:06
ricotzMCR1, you would need a patch if there werent a new release having it11:07
ricotzi don't use fglrx11:07
Dandelricotz: i use fglrx so i am at least trying to debug it.11:08
ricotzglxinfo | grep vendor ?11:08
MCR1Dandel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1396675/11:08
MCR1server glx vendor string: ATI11:08
MCR1client glx vendor string: ATI11:08
MCR1OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.11:08
Dandelnow that looks as expected :D11:08
Dandelricotz: it was amd auto-script failure.11:09
MCR1I knew I was running fglrx ;)11:09
ricotzMCR1, use a "proper" package to install it ;)11:10
MCR1ricotz: The packages are always outdated...11:10
ricotzi see, i am not really following those11:11
ricotzi guess 2:9.010-0ubuntu1~xedgers~quantal1  is outdated?11:11
MCR1no, sorry - this seems to be actual11:12
MCR1as I have the same version installed11:12
ricotzMCR1, have you tried that edgers package?11:12
MCR1to be honest - no11:13
MCR1but I am sure I've installed fglrx correctly as I am not doing that 4 the first time...11:13
DandelMCR1: did you change builds since the last time?11:13
ricotzMCR1, ah there is a 12.11 beta811:14
MCR1Dandel: no, I do not think so... latest beta was already installed when we talked last time11:14
Dandelso it's the 12.11 beta 8 that was up on their website?11:15
MCR1ricotz: Yes - that is the one I should use11:15
ricotzMCR1, why "should"?#11:15
MCR1I am always installing with --buildandinstallpkg Ubuntu/quantal11:15
MCR1ricotz: IIRC 99.9%11:16
ricotzi don't know the changelog of it, just saw it11:16
ricotzMCR1, the packaging isnt the same as ubuntu's irc11:17
MCR1in Synaptic it shows the version as 2:9.010-0ubuntu1, which is the same version-num like from xorg edgers PPA (which I have enabled also)11:18
MCR1but in AMD version numbers it is 12.11 beta811:19
ricotzMCR1, the edgers version is 12.11 beta111:19
MCR1tell AMD that ;)11:19
ricotzi am just saying it isnt beta8, i guess i should update it11:20
MCR1I mean I do not know why they did not make them easily identifyable...11:20
MCR1in Synaptic they show as same version (except for ~xedgers~quantal1)11:21
MCR1ricotz: Ofc that would be cool, atlthough I do not think that they differ a lot...11:22
ricotzMCR1, they should be identifiable , 12.11 beta8 is 9.01.8, 12.11 beta is 9.0111:26
ricotzbut yeah, the installers creating identically named source packages11:26
MCR1that is what I am saying -> they are not (at least not in synaptic)11:26
ricotzi will upload it as fglrx-installer 9.010.811:33
MCR1sounds good :)11:38
ricotzshould be available soon11:53
ricotzMCR1, package is there now12:44
MCR1ricotz: yeah, just noticed :)12:53
MCR1ricotz: The question is - Is it safe to upgrade ? or will it destroy my xorg.conf ?12:53
ricotzMCR1, i guess you would need to test it, keep a backup of it then12:54
MCR1ok, I'll test it - but later (will report ofc)12:54
MCR1because time is runnin' out... :)12:55
ricotzthat is fine12:56
MCR1thx 4 updating - and great that xorg edgers is taking care of proprietary drivers now as well...12:56
ricotznvidia blob is there for ages13:00
ricotzand fglrx got updated occasionally13:00
ricotzso this isnt new ;)13:00
MCR1I remember times when adding xorg edgers will kill your proprietary driver 100% ;)13:01
MCR1*would kill13:01
ricotzthey are blobs so we cant hold back new xserver versions forever13:01
ricotzespecially fglrx takes forever to support newer video-abis13:02
MCR1sure, I know that it is not the fault of xorg, but the prop. drivers not supporting new versions of xorg and the kernel...13:02
ricotznvidia is way faster to catch up13:02
mlankhorstyeah fortunately13:27
jcristau"way faster than fglrx" isn't really saying much13:30
ricotznot the old stories again13:31
mlankhorstphoronix, putting numbers in graphs :-)13:40
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mlankhorstok quick review of the debian rules and the output looks sane..14:31

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