[05:01] hi psydroid nuvolari and others [05:08] lo [05:11] hey Squirm [05:28] morning all [05:30] hi nlsthzn [05:31] peeps in SA up early [05:34] just Squirm and i [05:35] others on their way to work or still in lurking mode [05:53] good morning all [05:54] hi there magespawn [05:56] good night [05:57] you going to bed superfly ? [05:57] hey Kilos [05:57] I wish I was [05:57] superfly? [05:57] aw [05:57] need to sleep or you start missing things [05:58] Kilos what type of solder should i use for electrical circuits resin or acid? [05:59] resin where ever possible [05:59] all copper use resin [05:59] now there is a non ubuntu question lol [05:59] ahh okay [05:59] actually, I was in bed a little earlier last night... just past midnight. [05:59] but use an ubuntu soldering iro [05:59] iron [05:59] and what time do you get up superfly? [06:00] eish superfly [06:00] 6 [06:00] one needs 7 hours a night to stay healthy [06:00] if you fall asleep immediatly that is 6 hours, plenty, assuming it is not interrupted [06:01] but then again maybe that is why i miss quite a bit [06:01] hehe [06:02] and look about 10 years older than i am lol [06:02] see y'all later [06:02] go well magespawn [06:29] hi jrgns [06:29] morning Kilos [06:29] i'm on a vpn again today, so just a quick checkin [06:30] ok [06:43] good morning [06:43] morning inetpro [06:44] magespawn: thanks for the mail... but I'll only look at it laters [07:20] inetpro np [07:22] wb magespawn [07:22] ty Kilos [07:22] quiet since i left [07:23] yeah [07:23] only you and i got things to say looks like [07:23] everyone else is too busy [07:24] its like they have to work or something [07:25] yeah [07:34] Morning everyone [07:34] hi mazal [07:35] Gaanit oom ? [07:35] goed dankie en jy [07:35] Ok dankie [07:37] Het oom reggekom met daai drive ? [07:37] ja hy werk honnerd [07:38] Mooi ! Wat het toe gewerk ? [07:38] het daai mbr gekopie van my unity en moes bietjie sukkel om weer patisies te maak maar nou werk dit mooi [07:39] die mbr het n virus of iets in gehad [07:39] Ek moet daai command bêre , het oom hom nog naby [07:39] wag ek soek [07:40] sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1 ? [07:40] sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1 [07:40] Dink dit was dit [07:40] dis hy [07:40] Ditto hehehe [07:41] testdisk just found the head count was wrong on a 40g drive and fixed it [07:41] Testdisk ? Is that part of ubcd ? [07:41] no data recovery program in ubuntu [07:42] testdisk photorec scalpel and one more i forget [07:42] i think maybe ubcd has it on too [07:43] I see I have testdisk [07:43] Never used it though [07:44] works well but takes long [07:48] magespawn, whats the other one [07:48] finds data after drive has been formatted three times even [07:49] only files lose their original name and get numbers [07:49] I hope I never need it [07:50] With tripple backups I shouldn't :P [07:50] lol [07:51] Kilos can you do something with an external with broken power supply ? [07:51] get another power suppy [07:51] or have that one fixed [07:52] doesnt it take power from the usb [07:52] Tried , very hard. And the one they eventually send doesn't work [07:52] Thinking of "converting" it to internal [07:53] ie , breaking the case open hehehe [07:53] maybe the case isnt good [07:54] sjoe [07:54] what external is it? [07:56] you might be able to get a replacement control board [07:57] It's a samsung and def power supply [07:57] Haven't looked at it myself yet , but the user described the probem [07:57] problem even [07:57] The dog ate up the power cable of the supply [07:58] She then searched all over and couldn't find a replacement [07:58] Eventually called samsung head office , and they send one that doesn't work [07:58] maybe one can make up such a cable if you have the plugs at ends in good nick still [07:58] ai [07:59] I'm gonna look at it when I am mobile again [07:59] See what can be done [07:59] But I am sooooooooo thinking of chuking the case [07:59] no man [08:00] size of drive in it? [08:00] and whats a def power supply [08:01] 2TB [08:02] oooo lekker [08:02] nurse it [08:41] anyone know of a way to update zeitgeist or what ever the indexer for unity is... I have installed two different apps and can't see them now (I know once I reboot they should be there but don't want to reboot now)? [08:44] brb [08:44] :/ [08:59] Kilos ddrescue or gddrescue I think [09:00] mazal that power supply has to match the one for the drive in terms of volts,amps and watts the jack has to have the same polairty [09:02] any good electronics store should be able to help, take along the old power supply for comparison [09:02] magespawn, the user says she already has been everywhere and nobody could supply one [09:02] ah ty magespawn i see its in repos for maverick [09:03] mazal strange [09:04] both of them [09:04] hehe i got more tools to play with [09:05] magespawn, that's why she eventually contacted samsung sa head office and even the one they send didn't work [09:05] * inetpro looking for a command to list number and cumulative size of files in a folder by file extension [09:06] and foremost was the other one magespawn mazal [09:06] just hit me [09:06] That's why I think change it to internal drive [09:06] that might not work, some externals have specific controller cards in the case [09:06] mazal, are the plugs at the ends good still with a bit of the cable left? [09:07] especially the one to the external [09:07] I dunno Kilos , I haven't seen it myself yet. Will go and look once I am healthy and mobile again. All of this info is as she gave it to me [09:07] ah [09:08] get it delivered [09:08] Maybe they missed something I can see [09:08] dont deliver deliver is de best part [09:09] one side must be usb [09:09] What bothers me as that the one samsung themself send her don't work [09:09] so you can cut a usb cable up for the pc end [09:10] maybe controller messed up [09:10] And as I could gather , this thing have been in the post as well [09:10] That bothers me too [09:11] Dunno what hammering it took maybe [09:11] oh my [09:11] no handle with care sticker. as if the postal peeps care [09:12] Will know more when I see it and talk to her again [09:16] one nice summary: find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file | cut -f2 -d: | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr [09:16] sjoe [09:17] all them pipes [09:22] inetpro is there a limit to how many pipes you can use [09:22] ? [09:23] looks like the limit is the number of destinations you find [09:24] magespawn: memory [09:25] obviously the above example doesn't give me a summary of the size [09:25] just the number of files by type of file [09:25] obviously [09:25] which is kind of nice [09:26] the only thing obvious to the rest of use from that example is that it does something and has pipes [09:26] lol [09:26] ha ha ha [09:26] ai [09:26] at times he is too clever for his own good [09:27] but he must keep sharing that is how the rest of us learn [09:27] yeah [09:27] ty goosie [09:30] ill stick to the nuts and bolts [09:33] i see testdisk can also rewrite the mbr [09:42] heh magespawn, that command may not be most efficient [09:43] I'm hoping that the fly or the weed will come with a better solution [09:44] or anyone else for that matter [09:45] then if it's not available yet someone should actually have it scripted or compiled as a standard command on *nix [10:06] lo Vince-0 [10:09] Hi Kilos- [10:21] work work [10:21] Vince-0: go work! [10:22] meh [10:22] lol [10:22] *peon voice: work work [10:22] lol [10:22] *peon voice: we don't have enough gold [10:22] work is more fun than fun [10:23] ya research work , but suppor work is kaak [10:23] you gotta look at work from a different angle [10:23] Kilos-: you have a tail [10:23] without work no food place to stay and no internet [10:23] oh my === Kilos- is now known as Kilos [10:24] ty goosie [10:24] hehe thats as bad as flahhh [10:34] Maaz, coffee on [10:34] * Maaz starts grinding coffee [10:34] Maaz, large [10:34] In a beer mug just for you Kilos [10:38] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [10:38] Maaz, ty [10:38] You are welcome Kilos [10:55] btw, the following can also give a nice relevant summary [10:55] find . -type f -exec basename {} \; | grep '\.' | sed 's/^[^.]*\.//g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr [10:55] sadly basename can not handle multiple files at once [10:57] Ish , that makes my head hurt :P [10:57] mazal: you have a better solution? [10:59] no way , I'm not smart enough hehehe [11:01] Amazing the stuff you huys know [11:01] guys even [11:02] mazal: google is your friend [11:03] eek [11:06] inetpro: that gets confused by filenames with dots. [11:06] mazal check out http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ [11:06] moshi moshi [11:06] lol [11:06] Maaz: coffee on [11:06] * Maaz flips the salt-timer [11:06] good afternoon all [11:07] hey charl_ confluency [11:07] inetpro: just replace [^.] with . [11:09] hi magespawn [11:10] like so confluency find . -type f -exec basename {} \; | grep '\.' | sed 's/^.*\.//g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr [11:10] Yes. [11:10] Coffee's ready for charl_! [11:10] it all looks a bit like heiroglyphics to me [11:11] This is an odd thing to need -- why a breakdown by file type, not by directory? [11:15] confluency: oh thanks, that helps even if the previous one is also relevant [11:17] confluency: I just wanted a summary of files on one of my web servers [11:20] ooh cook that reminds me brb [11:22] right back [11:25] inetpro, indeed , but scripting isn't. I get confused with all the dots and commas and all [11:28] I once worked through that cli manual. And enjoyed it. But I keep forgetting [11:32] This was my attempt at scripting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1396713/ An elementary menu script. Bit of a mess hey [11:51] sjoe [11:52] * inetpro would die a silent death if forced to use that menu for administering *nix boxen [11:52] mazal: no offence [11:52] offense* [11:52] I like the idea [11:53] better to know what you do though and type those commands as needed [11:55] Ja that was just a little project to try and learn scripting [11:55] Have never actually used that [11:55] I wanted to learn and didn't know what to try and build , so I sommer used the menu idea [11:56] nice one to learn [11:56] so many ways to skin a cat [11:56] But then got frustrated cos I couldn't get it more streamline and better [11:57] At least I tried , took a long time [11:57] TMTOWTDI [11:58] hey ? [11:59] mazal: TMTOWTDI [11:59] oops [11:59] Maaz: TMTOWTDI [11:59] There's more than one way to do it (TMTOWTDI or TIMTOWTDI, pronounced “Tim Toady”) is a Perl motto. [12:03] aah , nice :) [12:04] That's actually one of the things I like about linux [12:04] the key maker " Always another way" [12:04] So many options [12:05] And strangely enough , it's actually the cli that hooked back when I tried linux the first time [14:25] later all [14:27] Hi Kilos [14:27] afternoon magtie [14:49] mazal, confluency: (for t in `find . -type f -exec basename {} \; | grep '\.' | sed 's/^.*\.//g' | sort | uniq`;do total=0; find . -name "*.$t" -exec du -k {} \; | awk -v FType=$t '{total += $1} END {print total " " FType}';done) | sort -nr [14:49] not elegant but it works [14:50] jo === Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za [15:20] hi Trixar_za [15:25] * mazal can't decide to do archiving tonight or tomorrow [15:31] old sayiing..never put off till tomorrow what you can do today [15:31] hmm [15:31] mazal: do it now and later and again tomorrow [15:32] modern version.. never do today what you can put off till tomorrow [15:32] do it automagically [15:32] * inetpro loves rsnapshot [15:33] have you gone home yet pro [15:33] havent [15:34] hehehe , inetpro I think I am already paranoid enough with backups :) [15:34] Kilos: why? [15:35] hmm because you live there [15:37] Kilos: but I live here also [15:37] hehe but the food better at home [15:37] you want me to go away? [15:37] not from irc dodo [15:38] :-) [15:38] what's up doc? [15:38] stupid 2 tb wont take ubuntu alongside or nothing [15:39] funny messages when booting from cd [15:39] Ok guys , I go do archiving [15:39] L8tr [15:39] takes long [15:39] Hey Kilos - sorry was working on code [15:39] cheers mazal [15:39] np [15:39] wont take ubuntu alongside or nothing? [15:39] that's a bit cryptic IMHO [15:39] something about sda timeout 10 secs and killal bla bla bla /sda [15:40] battles to boot from cd [15:40] lol [15:40] i dont member everything man [15:40] funny messages is also very cryptic [15:40] i cant copy paste from there [15:40] is like you keeping some secrets from us? [15:41] grr [15:41] :-) [15:41] lol [15:41] twit [15:41] alongside or nothing is no choice to install anywhere [15:41] yikes [15:41] where you went to school [15:42] how long is a piece of string? [15:42] go ask for your money back they taught you nothing [15:42] ai [15:42] dunno if its a 6+1 block thing or what [15:44] Kilos: hope somebody can help [15:44] * inetpro gotta go [15:44] but will sort the swine thing sooner or later [15:44] go safe [15:44] dont fall off bicycle [15:44] ya ya [15:44] rofl [15:46] even tried a stupid centos cd but looks like they arent live [15:49] any drive that wont take ubuntu cant leave here [16:02] wb magtie === Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za [16:30] even unity looks good after days of that other thing [16:55] ##kilos [16:55] mazal, ^^ [16:55] ta [17:00] i go eat [17:21] hmm net split got only magespawn [17:39] wb magtie [17:39] tks Kilos [18:09] hii! :) [18:10] hi smile [18:13] hoerskool centurion on Hackaday today: http://hackaday.com/2012/11/29/science-fair-project-sorts-recyclables [18:18] hi oom kilos and banlam :) [18:18] high school, Banlam ? :D [18:18] naand Banlam [18:18] smile4ever, yeah. it's a high school up in pretoria [18:18] hi everyone [18:19] smile4ever, the e should have an umlaut [18:19] two little dots [18:19] Ek het gesien Noord-Kaap en Suid-Kaap het oorwegend Afrikaanstalige bevolking, is daardie bewering korrek? :o [18:19] noord kaap het min bevolking punt [18:19] :P [18:19] hoërskool! :p [18:19] hehe [18:19] yup [18:19] and the suid-kaap isn't a specific area? [18:19] thats like by prieska hey [18:20] no, banlam? what is it? :P [18:20] isn't it a province? :p [18:20] nope [18:21] northern cape, western cape, eastern cape, free state, north west, limpopo, mpumalanga, kwa-zulu natal, gauteng [18:22] most of gautend and western cape is mainly afrikaans methinks [18:22] or used to be [18:22] kilos, it's really hard to say [18:22] western cape does have large percentage, the coloureds help [18:22] but there aer so many people who haev moved to the cities [18:22] if you look at areas like khayalitcha [18:22] which are high population areas [18:22] yeah here too [18:22] of non-afrikaans speakears [18:23] brb [18:23] durban is english [18:23] that i know [18:25] poor nuvolari is lost there [18:25] lo [18:26] lo Squirm [18:35] Lo Banlam , smile4ever , Squirm [18:35] back [18:37] front [18:37] :) [18:37] lol [18:38] all goos Squirm [18:38] or still tired [18:38] good as well [18:38] West-Kaap & Noord-Kaap, het ek bedoel ;) [18:38] ah k [18:39] Kilos: after a few beers now. I can hardly keep my eyes open [18:39] you gonna get a boepens [18:39] oh well [18:40] I play enough squash [18:40] ah [18:40] Maaz , beer [18:40] mazal: Excuse me? [18:40] lol [18:40] squash \o/ [18:41] smile4ever, according to StatsSA: NC: 54%, WC: 50%, adn the next highest is FS: 13% [18:41] http://www.world-data-atlas.com/statssa/ [18:42] * smile4ever looks [18:42] click on "Provinces" in the top right [18:43] then scroll down for "Languages - Afrikaans" [18:44] I found it :D [18:45] are them stats up to date [18:45] supposed to be [18:45] the results are from the Oct 2011 census [18:46] i [18:46] ah [18:46] i'll admit i'm slightly surprised [18:46] Me too [18:46] WC has really a lot of Afrikaans speakers :p [18:46] :D [18:46] Didn't think the cape is that high [18:46] i though the western cape was like 80% afrikaans [18:46] nor did i [18:46] things change hey [18:47] o.O [18:47] Kilos, the results from 1996 aren't much different [18:47] how far back can you go? [18:47] 1996 [18:47] 1996 WC was 59% [18:48] i stayed at the gordons bay hotel once and there were no english peeps around [18:48] lol [18:48] and stellenbosch too [18:49] we went to ride footups there [18:49] stellenbosch is quite heavily afrikaans yes [18:49] footups? [18:49] I must visit cape town one day [18:49] footup trials [18:49] i still don't know what that is [18:50] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw0bTII35DA [18:50] http://www.trials.co.za/ [18:51] also called observed trials [18:51] ah ok [18:56] very quiet here tonight [18:56] inetpro, you are right [18:56] * inetpro wonders why [18:56] power cut killed maverick [18:57] chat later, i'm off to table tennis [18:57] s/wonders/wanders/ [18:57] Banlam: geniet! [18:57] dankie [18:57] recovery mode goes to 2.868005 and stays there [18:57] wanders is moving around [18:58] toods Banlam [18:58] yikes [18:58] I always get deurmekaar with that [18:58] not as easy as sed and awk [18:59] wonder en wonder same word spelling and meaning [18:59] Kilos: danke [19:00] Bitteschön [19:00] hehe [19:00] btw Kilos, what was I right with? [19:00] stole that from maaz [19:00] power cuts being bad for software [19:00] ai [19:01] and my maverick desktop is full of useful packages and files and commands and a coupla isos [19:03] Kilos: what happened? [19:04] power cut again for 20 secs [19:04] did you not have a ups? [19:04] then i came to this pc with unity and psu [19:04] ups [19:04] told you today ups was on other pc [19:04] * Kilos cries [19:05] my lovely lovely irreplacable maveric [19:05] Kilos: ups = Uninterruptible Power Supply [19:05] ya that [19:05] its here on 12.04 [19:06] maverick on other pc [19:07] but [19:07] haha [19:07] i got maverick on 20g drive i made for sister and its got boot-repair [19:07] so there is hope yet [19:09] * mazal gaan duik [19:09] Lekker slaap almal [19:09] Sleep well everyone [19:12] Kilos: when the power goes down you usually stay on a bit, how do you do that? [19:12] mage[tab] bye [19:12] i was on that pc when poower went off [19:12] on that pc? [19:12] now i got it to the grub prompt [19:13] the one with maverick and no ups [19:13] you have a ups on the one pc but not on the other? [19:13] ya [19:13] ai [19:13] too far apart [19:13] and the one with the ups crashed? [19:13] no the one without the ups [19:13] ahh [19:13] nou verstaan ek beter [19:14] was 'n lang dag [19:14] one with ups is where i been doin g the repair to the 2 tb drive [19:15] ya power failures are no good for a system, even though systems are so much more robust these days [19:15] when in grub prompt and you type help the help file flashes past too wuick to see how do i get it page for page? [19:16] like I said in that other channel of yours in the olden days you even had to park the drive to prevent a crash [19:16] lol [19:16] i gotta fix maverick [19:16] i will fix maverick [19:17] of course you will [19:17] the hardware should be fine [19:18] * inetpro hasn't worked enough in the grub interface [19:18] maybe you can pipe to more as in | more [19:18] that is fairly standard [19:19] even since dos [19:20] maybe its easier to put sisters drive there as sda and boot-repair [19:20] i got a few saved downloaded pages on how to fix when on grub> on maverick [19:20] hehe [19:21] what are the symptoms? [19:22] just the mbr again? [19:22] cant boot into desktop [19:22] no [19:22] what are the symptoms? [19:22] its maverick [19:22] it boots to grub menu [19:22] but recovery is corrupt [19:23] and that command thing there cant install stuff [19:23] so you do see the grub menu? [19:24] yes [19:24] and when you choose an option? [19:24] recovery runs scripts then hangs [19:24] ai [19:24] both of them but at different places [19:25] latest one stops at irq number [19:25] hmm... [19:26] no worry inetpro lemme put sisters drive in there [19:26] im sure boot-repair will fix it [19:27] maybe you should create a small /boot separate partition next time [19:27] it is 2g [19:28] i can install another releasae and not format home as well [19:28] but i love maverick [19:29] if you keep a separate boot partition and something breaks then you have less to fix [19:30] byeeee :p [19:30] toods smile4ever [19:30] smile4ever: lekker slaap [19:30] yip i always install with / /boot /home and /storage [19:31] dankie inetpro [19:31] even unity and kde are done like that [19:31] dag oom kilos :p [19:31] nag smile4ever [19:31] lekker slaap [19:31] :D [19:31] dag is day [19:31] ahh [19:31] or hello [19:32] lol [19:32] Kilos: hy't dit gemis [19:33] ya man [19:33] ai [19:33] onthou my more om hom te se [19:38] magespawn: wb [19:38] sukkel jy? [19:39] * inetpro wonder waar bly superfly vandag [19:39] his quassel core is sick again [19:39] hy jaag om goed klaar te kry [19:39] very busy [19:40] superfly: sorry [19:40] het jy daai ding van hom gesien inetpro [19:40] Kilos: openlp [19:40] ? [19:40] ya [19:40] i installed it here [19:40] ja daai ding is ongelooflik [19:41] lovely hey? [19:41] weet nie hoekom enigiemand iets anders sal gebruik vir kerk doeleindes nie [19:41] ek stem [19:42] jy kan selfs die slideshow met jou selfoon dryf terwyl jy in jou kerbank sit [19:42] wonderlik ne [19:43] en dit word net elke dag beter en beter [19:43] ja but he needs to get lotsa sleep [19:44] missed sleep takes ages to catch up [19:44] nee man, hy weet hoe om te slaap [19:44] ja man maar hy het nie goeg tyd nie [19:44] lol [19:45] een van die dae het hy vakansie dan kan hy lekker slaap inhaal [19:45] ja maar dis moelik met kleintjies by [19:46] en hy het seker nog goed aan die gang ook [19:46] ai [19:47] uh oh [19:47] nou hang sis se maverick [19:47] sjoe [19:47] eerste keer [19:47] in die middel van boot-repair\ [19:47] sjoe [19:48] jy seker dit hang? [19:48] dit wys daai ubuntu login skerm met die 5 rooi dotjies [19:48] sometimes things look like they are hanging when suddenly all goes on again [19:49] * inetpro hates the rooi dotjies [19:49] it was on a desktop with boot-repair running [19:49] I always disable the splash thingy [19:49] * inetpro wants to see what is happenin [19:49] now thats gone and that page with dots showing but no movement [19:50] if it stops boot-repair halfway both drives gone [19:51] no ctrl+alt+f1 or f2 [19:51] sigh [19:53] Kilos: how do you do a boot-repair while you have the bootup splash screen? [19:54] her drive booted all the way in [19:54] and? [19:54] then i ran boot-repair [19:54] from? [19:54] places admin boot-repair [19:55] it ran for about 10 mins scanning drives [19:55] and then you rebooted? [19:55] then splash screen [19:55] weird [19:55] nee man [19:55] nope it didnt finish and say you can now reboot [19:55] I verstaan nie lekker nie [19:56] while boot-repair was running still the splash screen came up [19:56] so you start boot-repair after getting fully into the working system? [19:56] yessir [19:57] what does it do? [19:57] what does it have to do with the splash screen? [19:57] it scans drives then fixes boot areas and then says now you can reboot [19:57] it has never done this before [19:58] is it a gui thing? [19:58] ya [19:58] ai [19:58] it can run on one desktop while you carry on on the others [19:58] * inetpro hates gui [19:59] you can also do sudo boot-repair [19:59] but still get a little window [19:59] nee man [19:59] huh [19:59] * inetpro would never do a low level disk repairing with a gui tool [20:00] it ask for password when it starts from places admin as well so [20:00] works from root [20:00] ai ai ai [20:01] looks like goodbye maverick [20:01] ai ai ai [20:02] Kilos: says who? [20:04] dunno if i will get to grub> again or even initramfs [20:04] will see [20:04] scared to turn it off [20:05] why can you not just do the cli thing? [20:05] sudo grub-install /dev/XXX [20:05] where XXX is the device of your Ubuntu install. (eg: grub-install /dev/sdb) [20:06] shoulda told me that before i tried boot repair [20:07] boot repair should not mess up your partitions [20:07] they should all be safe [20:08] her drive dont boot [20:08] well [20:08] trying recovery [20:08] teh partitions should still be ok [20:08] unless you broke them [20:08] ? [20:09] what options did you choose with boot-repair? [20:09] it didnt get to options [20:09] normally use recommended one though [20:10] was still scanning [20:10] you just clicked the "Recommended repair" button? [20:10] it didnt get that far [20:10] boot up with live cd [20:11] and in fact, don't even go to the gui [20:11] just go to the cli to start [20:12] * inetpro hasn't done this for a long time, can you even boot to the cli with a live cd these days? [20:13] booting to maverick cd [20:13] eeek [20:13] lotsa red text in the background [20:14] why? [20:14] fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed is the last line [20:14] ? [20:14] ai [20:15] everything is different [20:16] showing text from live cd [20:16] ? [20:17] oh my [20:17] everything is different? [20:18] what? [20:18] you fell off your chair? [20:18] never seen text when booting from live cd [20:18] ai [20:19] lol [20:20] maybe i can bring drive here and do sudo fsck -f /sdb [20:20] nee [20:21] well, before you try that just try the very simple sudo grub-install /dev/XXX [20:21] live cd now stopped by kernel_thread_helper+0x6/0x10 [20:21] cant boot from maverick cd [20:22] now what does that tell you? [20:22] try remove you HDD entirely and boot with live cd again [20:22] live cd now stopped by kernel_thread_helper+0x6/0x10 [20:22] lotsa text before that [20:22] Kilos: try remove you HDD entirely and boot with live cd again [20:23] there are sis_init and kernel_init lines [20:23] the cd is read only, so can only be damaged by scratches [20:23] ok [20:23] press and hold the button to shut down [20:23] ya [20:23] don't just pull the plug, as mentioned earlier today [20:24] 4 secs [20:25] now remove all HDD drive cables and boot again with live cd [20:25] obviously with the cd cables connected :-) [20:26] hehe [20:26] s/HDD drives cables/HDD cables/ [20:26] uhoh [20:26] ai [20:26] same script [20:27] lol [20:27] no live cd boot [20:27] battery out time again [20:27] huh? [20:27] same text when booting from live cd [20:27] maybe cd faulty [20:28] sjoe [20:28] maybe hardware faulty [20:28] sjoe sjoe sjoe [20:28] so at least you know it should not be the drive [20:28] and look at the time [20:28] you gotta go sleep [20:28] and me [20:28] yeah hopefully [20:29] try resetting the bios thing as you said... well, tomorrow [20:29] yeah will do when i awake [20:29] ty for your help inetpro [20:29] np [20:30] sjoe [20:30] night all. sleep tight [20:30] goeie nag oom [20:30] sien julle môre [20:30] gaan slaap jy ook [20:30] nou [20:30] nie later nie inetpro [20:31] ai [20:31] te vroeg for me [20:31] nee man [20:31] jy oud [20:31] lol [20:31] hee hee [20:31] * inetpro can't remember the last time I slept before midnight [20:32] sjoe [20:32] actually I'm lying [20:32] and you wake when [20:32] yesterday I think was early [20:32] something like 23:50 [20:32] ai [20:32] and wake at ~7:00 [20:33] go sleep now [20:33] you had a long day [20:33] ja ja [20:33] ah 7 hours is good [20:33] nag boetie [20:33] nag oom [20:33] stuur die vlieg ook bed toe [20:33] haha [20:34] jy kan hom niks vertel nie [20:34] nag oom Ki[tab] [21:46] Looks like te Sputnik has finally been released