
Unit193knome: Two merge proposals for xubuntu-docs, not both from me.  Is there someone that needs to be poked? :P08:07
Unit193knome: Actually, a few more changes would have to be made in order to use correct relative links.08:14
knomeUnit193, cheers10:50
Unit193Would you like the second?10:58
knomehaven't looked at them10:58
Unit193Well, second thought, relative links rather than file:///usr/bleh/boogle/xubuntu-docs/desktop-guide/10:59
knomewell yeah11:00
knomei don't know11:00
knomewe need to look if that's ok :)11:00
knomemost of the links are created by docbook11:01
knomeso we don't need to worry about those11:01
knomethere's only a few spots where we need to write the links ourself11:01
Unit193Talking about the one in about/xubuntu-index.html11:01
knomei don't think i mind it being either way, but we might restructure the files, so wouldn't worry too much about that now11:02
astraljavaUnit193: Reading the backlog, yeah I seem to remember xz being a topic on -devel at least on two separate occasions, but I lack the recollection of the outcome.11:12
Unit193It's a no go if you want to rsync, and even if you don't, you still may not get it.11:13
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koen_is it appropriate to ask questions in here?18:10
micahgif they're specific to xubuntu development, sure18:11
koen_it isn't, but i have a short one: does polkit prevent opening a serial line (ttyS0), even when the user is part of the groups 'dialout', 'adm' and 'sudo'?18:12
knomeif it isn't, then it's not appropriate even if it's a short one...18:13
koen_apologies, but i have difficulties finding someone to answer that question. never mind...18:13
knomemaybe find a polkit expert18:14
micahgtry #ubuntu maybe?18:17
koen_micahg: i tried other channels. polkit documentation is outdated, devel mailing list stopped in june; google doesn't find anything related... ah wel..18:20
koen_and nothing in any logs. so i'm supposed to use a kernel debugger to find out why a modern linux can't open a serial line?18:21
knomethis is not the right place to whine about it18:22
koen_soit, i'm off...18:22
adnanrude knome tsk tsk tsk :P18:30
micahghe was just finnishing him :)18:30
drcoh snap :)18:30
* micahg hugs knome18:31
knomemicahg, i see what you did there with the pun...18:31
* knome hugs micahg back18:31
adnanoh i see the pun too18:32
drcIt took me 3 looks, I missed the first, couldn't believe the second :)18:32
adnani feel sorry for the guy man18:33
micahgyeah, but no one in here can help18:33
drcBut he was told, right up front.18:33
knomehe was crossposting, then he asked if it's ok to ask, then we told "if it has to do with x devel", it didn't but he asked anyway, etc...18:34
adnanI'm just too sensitive I guess :'(18:34
adnanoff to make myself a dinner18:34
knomebon appetit18:34
micahgftr, I'm sure finnish people are very nice as knome is in person :)18:35
knomemicahg, i18:35
knomei'm not so convinced about finnish people being nice, but thanks ;)18:36
astraljavamicahg: I'm not sure I follow. Finns, knome, nice?! Does not compute.18:38
adnan#xubuntu-offtopic !18:53
pleia2good answer for #3? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2012-November/008540.html18:59
pleia2(is this just a case of people accidentally deleting it?)18:59
pleia2and is this really the easiest? or should we just drop this question? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2012-November/008548.html19:00
drcpleia2: I would add: Use Panel>Panel Prefs>Items to move it to a location of your preferences.  Many people expect to see it in the default location, and adding it will put it on the far left, iirc.19:18
drcer...far RIGHT :(19:19
pleia2drc: for which?19:20
drcNumber 319:20
pleia2oh, I see19:20
drcIf they delete it and don't know how to getit back, they probably don't know who to move it to where they expect it.19:21
pleia2looks like #8 isn't so easy, there are some scripts and tools to do it, but meh19:25
pleia2knome: can you take a peek at the FAQ now? I think they're ready19:27
knomepleia2, start 2A: "Due to constraints unavoidable by the Xubuntu team, ..." or sth similar?19:29
pleia2yeah, no one gave me a reason so I don't know why ;)19:29
pleia2ok, fixed up19:30
knomepleia2, indicator wrapper is gtk3, messaging indicator is not19:30
pleia2that won't do19:31
knomewould you release the edit lock?19:31
knomei'll do some slight fixes for the layout19:31
micahgknome: other way19:31
pleia2yeah, closed the window19:31
knomemicahg, oh, right. whatever O:)19:31
knomehttp://xubuntu.org/?p=1514&preview=true ?19:34
pleia2looks good19:35
knomeshall i publish?19:36
pleia2yes please19:36
knomeoh right, cache19:36
knomeso did somebody else19:37
pleia2not me19:37
knomehmm, weird19:37
knomei removed the tweet19:37
knomeboth disappeared19:37
knometwitter fail i suppose19:38
knomethanks pleia2 for the work19:38
drcone question: should the answers be seperated from the question (right now I see the question ans the start of the answer on the same line.19:38
pleia2which question and what browser?19:39
knomeyou mean should the answers be intended?19:39
drcMaybe I'm looking at the old FAQ?  And yes, indented, seperate line, something to distinguish the question from the answer. 19:40
drchmm...bet I'm looking at an old FAQ :(19:41
knomenone of the faqs have indented answers19:42
adnanlooks okay to me the way it is right now19:42
adnanlarger text makes it easier to distinguish questions from answers imho19:42
drcOK, I'll shut up...Obviously I looking at an old URL.19:43
pleia2drc: http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1210-quantal-quetzal/19:44
drcYup, I was looking at  http://xubuntu.org/news/category/faq/19:45
* drc shuffles back to the dungeion.19:46
knomedrc, that's the FAQ *category*19:47
drcyeah, I know...now19:47
drcLike I said, 1) shut up, 2) dungeon, 3) check the links :(19:48
adnanwasn't it at least a bit strange, why the "questions" didn't have question marks in them?19:49
adnanand why did they have FAQ in them xD19:49
adnanjust kidding <3 you :)19:50
bluesabre_pleia2, knome: for #7, why don't we have them go to Settings Manager > Software Sources?19:53
pleia2bluesabre_: I suspect people are more familiar with the software center, so it's familiar19:54
pleia2(and that's how the Ubuntu instructions do it)19:54
bluesabre_ah, ok19:54
bluesabre_that's cool then :)19:54
astraljava_Are_ people actually familiar with it? All I hear is whining about why Synaptic isn't there, why SC is so slow etc. ad nauseum.20:31
adnani saw software center first time in my life when I installed 12.0420:32
adnanand I always use apt from terminal so I wouldn't know20:32
pleia2astraljava: I don't think you talk to normal people much :)20:32
astraljavaI rest my case.20:33
pleia2we're not exactly the target audience ;)20:33
astraljava'Twas heavy.20:33
adnanastraljava, indeed, all these package names make people confused20:33
pleia2it's the default software thingy in Xubuntu, plenty of people use defaults and are used it it because they know it from Ubuntu, I really don't think the thousands of people doing this are *actually* complaining about synaptic, just a select few20:34
adnanI've had people at my uni mock me because I use terminal to shutdown my laptop lol20:34
adnanless to say they're third year of computer science and still do not know what does word "thread" mean for example20:35
adnanbut yeah20:35
astraljavaTerminal just makes so much more sense. Except on Macs.20:35
adnaney, btw, is hibernate feature getting fixed anytime soon20:35
adnanyeah astraljava 20:36
adnanhappens that you need to run xfce4-power-manager as root to be able to hibernate it20:36
astraljavaI lost touch on that, when I lost access to a "normal" laptop.20:37
adnanwhat kind of laptop do you have20:37
astraljavaMacBook Pro, from work.20:37
adnanah 20:37
adnanguessing you're not allowed to install other os-es on it?20:39
GridCubei very rarely use the usc, but given the influx of gaming and stuff, i think it pressence its mandatory20:39
Unit193Sleep fails on mine, which is really annoying...20:39
astraljavaadnan: I might be, but it might be pushing it, cause we're generally supposed to test new versions of our products on the latest OS X. And I'm still running Lion...20:39
astraljavaBut *psssst* don't tell anyone.20:40
adnanUnit193, does it give some kind of error or?20:40
adnans/error/error message20:40
Unit193adnan: Nope, just the monitor doesn't come back, restarting lightdm doesn't help. :P20:40
adnanhad the similar issue long time ago20:41
adnanand I had to install some 3rd party suspend software20:41
adnanthat actually made it work20:41
astraljavaUnit193: That's because it doesn't wanna sleep in Ohio.20:41
Unit193astraljava: Goes down fine. ;)20:42
astraljavaOh ok, then it doesn't wanna come back out of unconsciousness.20:43
adnanUnit193, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume#Dead.2C_Blank.2C_or_Black_Screen_on_Resume20:43
adnantry that20:43
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adnanmight help ya20:44
Unit193Sure, will try that tonight.  Used to work is the bummer.20:45
adnanhopefully it helps20:45
adnanany chance of having restart later button on software updater20:46
GridCubeknome, evancarroll found a quick workaround to restore default panels without need to relogin and without changing anything else:  killall xfce4-panel; killall xfconfd; rm -rf ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml; xfce4-panel;21:21
GridCubepleia2, ^ that could go to the faq21:22
pleia2we already published the faq!21:24
pleia2I've been begging people for weeks to help me :P21:24
GridCubewe did?21:24
GridCubeoh :D well21:27
ochosiadnan: report a bug in launchpad about it, that's something we don't influence at all, it's from ubuntu22:38
ochosibut i agree that only having that one option sucks quite a bit22:39

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