
JontheEchidnathe new screen locker is... much more 21st century ;-)01:20
ScottKIs it reliable?01:21
JontheEchidnashould be http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2011/10/new-screen-locker/01:24
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BluesKajHiyas all14:26
ScottKyofel: Now that I've accepted everything, I checked Ninjas and it's clear we got them all.14:55
ScottK4.9.4 tarballs available, BTW.14:55
ScottKRiddell: Are GFDL invariant sections allowed under KDE licensing policy?14:59
ScottK4.9.3 from quantal-proposed seems to be running fine here.17:05
BluesKajScottK, my HW is older so the new 3.7 kernel freezes at my wireless KB recognition , and I have hard reboot , and the 3.5 kernel doesn't fails on the nvidia additional driver install here , so I'm going to wait for the alpha before I try 13.04 again17:08
BluesKajhave to hard reboot17:09
ScottKDid you talk to Ubuntu kernel people/file bugs?17:09
ScottKJontheEchidna: Were you ever able to test the rebuilt kphotoalbum?21:33
JontheEchidnaScottK: anything to test in particular?21:33
ScottKJontheEchidna: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=307148#c9 - Not really.21:34
ubottuKDE bug 307148 in general "Build failed against libkipi 2.0.0" [Normal,New]21:34
ScottKI'd just like to give upstream some feedback so maybe they'll release the changes ...21:34
JontheEchidnawell, uh, it seems to run at least; but I've never used the program before21:34
ScottKIt looks like almost anything involving image manipulations would test the libkipi integration.21:36
JontheEchidnaI get a nice crash when kipi-plugins is installed21:38
JontheEchidna(will report on the bug)21:38
yofelabout the screenlocker: here it's about the same as the old one except for the much better UI. It still locks the screen AFTER waking up from suspend so I still see my desktop for a moment21:39
ScottKExcellent.  Thanks.21:39
ScottKyofel: Ready to take a crack at 4.9.4?21:39
yofelI'm fixing neon up for raring, can look at it in an hour or so21:40
ScottK4.9.3 is all in updates and I installed it.21:40
ScottKerr proposed21:40
ScottKSeems good so far.21:40
* yofel goes building 4.9.423:44
yofellot's of packages are skipped, so this should be a relaxing update23:58

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