
=== Vito_away is now known as Vito
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rapidspkde wonna upgrade now?06:26
thelionroarsare you on 12.04 rapidsp?06:26
rapidspwill be some troubles?06:26
rapidspthelionroars: 12.10 + backports06:26
thelionroarsshould be fine06:26
thelionroarsok, not sure what you are upgrading to then06:26
rapidspok, let me type "yes"! )))06:27
TheLordOfTimerapidsp, erm, what're you trying to accomplish?06:29
TheLordOfTimeyou want to be on 13.04 or something?06:29
rapidspno, its just kubuntu backports06:30
rapidspnow kde 4.9.3. lets see after upgrading :)06:31
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rapidspit was just bug fixing imho )06:45
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du_Hello users, I hope you are fit today! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))08:44
thelionroarsI am doing my armchair calisthenetics as we speak08:47
du_Who`re in the net for interesting in the chat?????????????????????????????? :-))))))))))))))08:48
=== thelionroars is now known as thelionsleeps
du_Hey thelionroars, it`s the best way to be fit in the highest age, may be 100! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))08:54
du_Hey thelionsleep, don`t fall down from your armchair!  You can get a heavy accident by the crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :-§09:02
du_thelionsleep = thelionsleeps09:05
du_Hello John_ , are you behind online? I`m waiting for because of your plasmatrouble! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))09:18
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vbgunzthis room usually has 1000+ people. did the last update break ubuntu? I keep getting dropped to an initramfs prompt and I just cann't get into my system. can anyone here help?09:39
vbgunzI thought I was in #ubuntu09:39
m477how can I change cpu clock during kde session? (ofc I have mobile version of cpu)09:44
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:45
du_Hey m477, you should never change your cpu clock, because you`ll overclock your cpu everytime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :-§09:48
du_Hey vbgunz, you` re online and that mean you`re in your system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))09:51
vbgunzdu_: no09:52
m477du_: but I want to downgrade it09:52
m477du_: on gnome I had  widged which had been allowing me to change cpu clock between three modes like 900/1xxx/2200MHz09:54
m477but it was long time ago, now I cant recall name of it09:54
du_vbgunz, I think that you visit someone of your friends, isn`t?      :-|    m477 you should call the service of ubuntu!09:57
du_Hey users, I have to leave the net now and I`ll be back in the eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!have a lot of fun in the meantime!    Bye!09:59
vbgunzthank god for btrfs-restore. I'm not messing with btrfs though I can't blame it for me to initramfs (maybe it did), this is just the second time I couldn't boot up and I am attributing btrfs to contributing to my bad luck10:27
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lordievaderHey vitimiti, how are you?12:02
vitimitifirst day in kubuntu12:03
lordievadervitimiti: Ohh!! And do you like it?12:05
vitimitii do, i do12:05
lordievadervitimiti: Good to hear :)12:06
vitimitithough i find kontact pretty strange, i have to get used to it12:06
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Soul_Sampledoes anyone know how to propely set up Kmail to use imap gmail and not create duplicate messages?12:35
rorkSoul_Sample: what do you mean by duplicate messages?12:46
Soul_Samplewhen I get an email it shows up in multiple folders at the same time. I think it has something to do with my gmail filters, but can't wrap my head around it. for example when I get an email from facebook, it appears in both the Inbox folders and Facebook folders, and I have to mark it as read twice12:47
vitimitidoes it appear in incoming, important...?12:47
vitimitirepeated in several folders of gmail?12:47
Soul_Samplei wouldn't mind if it became read in all of them at once, but i have to read them all one by one12:51
vitimitithat happens in gmail, in thunderbird, in kmail... that's because if they are marked as important, they'll appear in incoming and important12:51
vitimitii would eliminate the folder, though i don't know if that'll work12:52
jazzkutyaeverytime i receive a message on xchat or skype there is a notification in systray and something steals my focus13:36
jazzkutyathis stealing of focus is annoying as hell, what can i do with it?13:36
jazzkutyanow comeon this is really annoying13:52
jazzkutyalinux don't want to be annoying like windows i guess :)13:52
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qwmhello all13:55
jazzkutyaeven setting focus stealing prevention level to Extreme does not help13:56
qwmi am install Linux and upgrade but i would like disable one function13:57
qwmthis function is identify on system13:57
qwmI would like to disable the function of authentication in the system since a mouse is inactive set time13:59
bartsonHow do I install fonts in kubuntu?14:11
sharifkubuntu 12.10 OR ubuntu 12.04 OR mint 1414:15
sharifwhich one?14:16
bartsonkubuntu 12.1014:19
sharifwhich one uses less power? kubuntu 12.10 OR ubuntu 12.04?14:23
sharifMy laptop is old, which one uses less memory? kde or unity?14:24
thelionroarsnot sure there is much difference14:25
thelionroarsif it's 1GB or under you could consider something lightweight like Awesome, fluxbox, etc14:26
BluesKajHiyas all14:26
sharifit's 3 Gb, but I need to run Qt creator, and chrome, and a media player at the same time14:26
thelionroars3 Gb should be fine14:27
thelionroarsIf you are running Qt creator, and because I enjoy Kubuntu 12.10 so much, I would suggest going with Kubuntu14:28
sharifIs it possible to customize kde in a way to make it look like unity??14:28
sharifglobal menu14:29
thelionroarsI don't know :)14:29
sharifit is sufficiently placed in unity,14:29
sharifI mean no space is wasted14:29
sharifcaption bar is not useful14:30
sharifand "height" is more important than "weight" in wide screen lcds..14:30
Tm_Tsharif: I cannot see how you couldn't make KDE to look and act like Unity14:30
BluesKajsharif, most ppl here aren't interested in unity14:30
thelionroarsIf you mean the lower panel, you can change it to a side panel in KDE. But you might be better off with Unity if you are impressed by it.14:31
thelionroars3GB should be fine to run quite a few things14:31
sharifI don't like gnome14:31
thelionroarsdon't use it then :)14:32
sharifunity is buggy and crashy and memory leak is every where14:32
BluesKajkubuntu is kde , if you like brown and ornage colours , I'm sre you can find some themes14:32
BluesKajerr orange14:33
sharifis "global menu" available in kde?14:33
sharifI need a way to remove caption bar14:33
thelionroarsI'm guessing sharif means more the side panel. Not sure what global menu is sorry14:33
Tm_Tsharif: I cannot see how you couldn't make KDE to look and act like Unity14:33
thelionroarsby caption bar do you mean the panel at the bottom in KDE?14:33
Tm_Tso yes, including menus14:34
sharifno, the bar at the top of the window, where the name of window is written14:34
BluesKajsharif, system settings?14:34
sharifthe caption14:34
jazzkutyaTm_T: can i make it not act like a jerk and not steal focus from me? :)14:34
thelionroarsI haven't seen a way of removing the title bar on windows in KDE that wasn't awkward to use14:35
thelionroarstitle bar = 'caption bar'14:35
Tm_Tjazzkutya: in KDE there is configuration on focus stealing prevention, you can even adjust how aggressive it is14:35
jazzkutyaTm_T: tried it, did not fix the problem with xchat and skype notifications but made other stuff worse14:35
BluesKajsharif, you don't seem to understand ,, we're not usin gnome or unity , so what you describe is foreign to us14:35
Tm_TBluesKaj: it's not foreign to me though14:36
thelionroarsBluesKaj I think sharif does have KDE installed, or maybe I'm wrong?14:36
Tm_Tso no need to be hostile (:14:36
sharifI'm a software developer14:36
jazzkutyai guess my problem may be related to taskmanager highlighting the window button that produces the notification bu im not sure14:36
sharifso I know some foriegn14:36
sharif"caption bar" is used under windows programming14:37
sharifI use kde at work.14:37
sharifunity at home14:37
jazzkutyathe strange thing is that stolen focus is not in the window needing attention but somewhere else, maybe task manager widget14:37
jazzkutyareally annoying as hell14:38
sharifOk, so. basically you are saying that you are ok with the way that kde handle the window layout?!14:38
thelionroarsfor me, definitely14:38
sharifdo you know why firefox removed menubar?14:39
thelionroarson a small screen I might have problems14:39
sharifbecause more workspace is needed14:39
thelionroarsmy laptop is 15.6" so no real problem there14:39
jazzkutyapress F12 for ff workspace problems :)14:39
sharifthat's why unity has done that, (left side launcher and global menu)14:39
jazzkutyasorry, F1114:39
sharifI think we can optimize the layout.14:40
Ogdoadehi. what can i install to open mkv or divx files ?14:42
jazzkutyaare there hidden options in kde like there are in gnome (gconf)? i've escaped to kde from gnome backwards development or removing features :)14:42
Ogdoadei've got an asus 1101ha.14:42
shariffor example the Quassel IRC: a status bar that has nothing in it!!! a "title bar" which has only a small text in it!!!  a menu bar that has only four words, and the rest is empty, a tool bar that is half empty,14:44
sharifthat's waste14:44
sharifthat's what i mean14:44
thelionroarssharif you can get rid of the titlebar by right clicking a window and selecting "no border". If you need to do a window operation after that, you can use the Alt+F3 shortcut whiile the window has focus, like the popup will tell you14:44
sharifless space for the real workspace~~14:44
jazzkutyaremoving the task manager widget solves my problem14:47
OerHekssharif, send in your global menu idea >> https://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=8314:47
jazzkutyaso will have to stick with icon-only task manager14:47
sharifthelionroars, that's a good idea, look the way firefox and chrome had changed the UI, and also unity, so, you see that people like to have more space for thier workspace14:47
u19809hi all, anybody here that can help with openoffice ? It only shows the proper style of the presentation if I press F5 and not when I design.14:48
OerHekssharif, i think it is handy on netbooks with less height screen14:48
OerHekselse i find it confusing14:48
thelionroarsYou will miss some information using that, eg. the title on web pages which is normally where an OS will display it.14:49
sharifOerHeks, exactly, we need more height, because screen these days are wide!14:49
thelionroarstrue, they used to be much boxier14:50
sharifthelionroars, no, look how unity had handled that, menus are hidden and you have title bar, you move your mouse over that, and menus appear and title bar disappear...14:50
thelionroarsI will have to have a look at Unity sometime14:51
shariflook at G+, it has a stream which is not that wide! but very long!, so more height will be really helpful when surfing... you know..14:51
thelionroarsno I agree, KDE could be handling the vertical space for windows better14:52
BluesKajsharif, have you considered quick launchers in the panel14:52
sharifUnity has some programming problems and not mature, I like Kde because of maturity and customizability... but unity has some points...14:52
thelionroarsI love KDE more and more the more I use it :)14:53
OerHeksagain, sharif, send in your global menu idea >> https://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=8314:53
jazzkutyashadeslayer: there is a widget that can do osx style global menus if i understand you well14:53
jazzkutyashadeslayer: it's "window menubar"14:53
jazzkutyasharif: these were meant for you14:54
sharifjazzkutya, Thanks, I will check it out. and the quick launcher BluesKaj said14:55
sharifthelionroars, thanks14:56
sharifOerHeks, thanks14:56
thelionroarsoh, no problem14:56
jazzkutyanow i'm wondering why do i had to remove the task manager widget to solve the lost focus problem... it's like removeing the taskbar on windows, zomg14:58
sharifI found something: http://maketecheasier.com/give-kde-desktop-ubuntu-makeover/2011/11/2314:58
du_Hello users, I`m back online! What do you think about using internet with usb tethering over prepaid smartphone and laptop kubuntu 11.04?  :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))!15:06
lordievader!offtopic | du15:07
ubottudu: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!15:07
jazzkutyadu_: why not wifi hotspot by the smartphone?15:10
InspectorCluseauA clean desktop is a happy desktop > http://s1297.beta.photobucket.com/user/InspectorCluseau/media/snapshot1.png.html?sort=3&o=015:11
jazzkutyaor boring :) but that's a matter of tase15:12
du_Thanks for the information, friends! I change now the channel! and answer the last question to jazzkutya! I dislike wireless wlan, because of broadcasting problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:13
jazzkutyadu_: ok, thx15:14
qwmhelp me please15:16
Belial`InspectorCluseau, http://i.imgur.com/6FMLp.png bam15:16
lordievader!ask | qwm15:16
ubottuqwm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:16
InspectorCluseautoo much junk on the bottom ;)15:17
qwmI would like to disable the function of authentication in the system since a mouse is inactive set time15:17
poudlyкто-то спик рус?15:22
BluesKajwell ,it's not junk if it's useful15:22
rork!ru | poudly15:22
ubottupoudly: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:22
poudly/join #ubuntu-ru15:23
poudlyi need help.. i have problem in kubuntu 12.1015:24
rorkpoudly: please just state you're problem, if someone knows the answer he'll respond15:25
poudlyat leaving the system or reboot kubuntu 12.10  I see kwine error window15:28
BluesKajprou the kwin error, can you give us a clue about what the error says15:33
OerHeksis there a twitter client for kubuntu, besides choqok ?15:34
OerHekskopete does not have an instance for twitter, or i am not looking goos15:35
BluesKajOerHeks, twitter client ? ..why not just use the site15:35
OerHekswell, chrome is making my system anoyingly slow when i have messages waiting,15:36
BluesKajguess that just shows my ignorance of twitter15:36
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jazzkutyahmm text rendering of xchat is slow15:38
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douglso quiet in here you can even hear a 'ping' drop...17:54
* sixil listens to the ping drops.17:55
* Peace- ignores the ping drops17:55
vbgunzthe instant messaging application prompts me on every reboot to accept or deny a contact request. Today probably marks the 10th time I've denied the contact. Why could this be happening on every reboot?18:08
Peace-vbgunz: cuz it doesn't save your choice18:10
vbgunzis this by design or is it a bug?18:11
vbgunzam I missing something?18:11
Peace-probably a bug18:12
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=== Karl is now known as Guest34328
=== Guest34328 is now known as cfsalguero
cfsalgueroHello. I'm Carlos from Argentina. I was wondering if can someone help me with something. It's a simple thing19:43
bazhangcfsalguero, ask the channel and see19:44
cfsalgueroI noticed since kde 4.9 I cannot use ALT+4 to swtich windows. While I'm in a konsole with 4 or more open tabs I can use Alt+1, Alt+2 Alt+n to switch to the n-th tab19:45
cfsalguerobut Alt+4 doesn't work. The same in the web browsers...19:45
smjI have screensaver disabled and and power saving disabled but still my screen keeps going black after a while. is there some daemon I need to kill?19:48
cfsalgueroSorry, I meant to say switch tabs instead of windows. Alt+4 is not wirking to switch to the 4th tab in konsole or web browsers19:49
valeriociao a tutti19:50
ubottuvalerio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:50
cfsalguerono one experiencing the same issue?20:02
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kdeputerhello... I'm having trouble with the install... I'm wondering if something is wrong23:08

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