
=== jimerickson is now known as Guest43836
=== Guest43836 is now known as jimerickson
=== jimerickson is now known as Guest86689
=== Guest86689 is now known as jimerickson
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BluesKajHiyas all14:26
MrChrisDruifAloha BluesKaj14:53
BluesKajhey MrChrisDruif14:54
BluesKajmy 13.04 Kubuntu install broke with new 3.7 kernel and the 3.5 kernel doesn't allow nvidia additional driver installation , so I'm waiting til dec 6 for the try again14:59
BluesKajwaiting for the alpha , that is15:00
MrChrisDruifYeah I read. Bummer.15:05
BluesKajwondering if my HW is getting too old15:10
bjsnideri don't see why the 3.5 kernel won't allow nvidia17:10
bjsniderthe nvidia kernel wrapper is compatible with 3.517:10
BluesKajit's failing the additional driver install here17:11
BluesKajhad to regress to 3.5 from 3.7 , and after trying to install nvivis-current which failed , then nouveau was screwed up with low resolution the nxt morning when I booted the pc17:12
BluesKajso i wiped the 13.04 partition and I'll try again when the alpha is released17:14
BluesKajguess I could have saved the jockey /var/log , but I was so fed up I didn't think of it and I had other things to do at the time17:17
penguin42does anyone know when the new X will merge into Raring; in particular I've just got a fix committed upstream in X and am wondering if there is any point of doing a patch against the current Raring worlds17:41
bjsniderpenguin42, ax that in #ubuntu-x18:04
bjsniderthere's usually someone around on saturdays18:04
penguin42I thought I'd try here 1st18:05
bjsniderthis isn't the right place18:05
penguin42shrug; given this is for +1, it's unusual for people to know when the mergings happen18:06
bjsniderall of the discussions in the other channel are about xorg-edgers or +118:08
simplewyofel: seams theres a problem about kde not being able to install debugging symbols, i had a kmix crash and hit the button to install debugging symbols and it then appears a small dialog saying: No debug packages could be found for the files listed below. Do you want to continue anyway?     for  /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.518:17
simplewyofel: and this isnt the first time that happens18:18
yofelhm, you need kdelibs5-dbg, but file a bug against kubuntu-debug-installer. This should work18:19
simplewyofel: what you mean with "file a bug against kubuntu-debug-installer."?18:30
yofelfile a bug against the kubuntu-debug-installer package. That's what provides the debug symbols installation button in drkonqi18:30
simplewyofel: run ubuntu-bug kubuntu-debug-installer ?18:31
DogPI just extracted the rootfs of 13.04... is there a default user/pass?20:14
DogPoh...  nvm, I see there's no users in the core build20:18
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
penguin42does dist-release-upgrade work from quantal yet?21:45
trismpenguin42: yes I believe so21:48
penguin42hmm, might give it a go after my guest finishes upgrading21:49

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