
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
mspencerHi, I'm trying to report a bug in Nautilus running on raring. I ran ubuntu-bug -w and clicked on the desktop, and got the message "This is not an official Ubuntu package" What is wrong?02:09
mspencerThe version of nautilus shown by apt-cache is 1:3.6.3-0ubuntu202:11
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dlbike76Hi any experienced triagers online?04:03
dlbike76Anyone from bugcontrol online?04:07
dlbike76I think bug 1029212 should have "low" importance due to an easy work around.04:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1029212 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "System Profiler and Benchmark 2 blank gui boxes closing the small one results in the system info to be displayed." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102921204:11
dlbike76Could I get someone from bug control to set the importance for me, if you agree with the "low" setting.04:12
hggdhdlbike76: I will, but one of the developers already has the bug on their radar04:21
hggdhdlbike76: importance set to low for the hardinfo task. For the lubuntu-artwork, only someone from lubuntu can state what would be the importance04:24
dlbike76hggdh:  Thanks.  I saw where some developers had commented, but the bug wasn't assigned to anyone, so I wasn't sure if anyone was looking at it.04:25
hggdhdlbike76: I understand. But I am not involved with Lubuntu, so I cannot say anything about their processes04:26
dlbike76dlbike76: I understand.04:26
dlbike76hggdh: thanks, I understand.04:27
dlbike76hggdh: Are there any plans to start up the mentoring program again?04:29
hggdhdlbike76: I do not think so. It simply did not work, people would come in and expect full attention and holding hands04:30
hggdhdlbike76: but there is always a lot of experienced people in this channel, so asking is (almost) guaranteed to get an answer. Eventually04:31
* hggdh goes to bed04:33
dlbike76hggdh: Goodnight.  And thanks again.04:33
dlbike76cd ..04:55
* dlbike76 is asleep04:56
dlbike76^ Sorry04:56
* dlbike76 thinks he shouldn't run a client that looks like a terminal.04:57
gnomefreakcan someone test a bug for me on 13.04. apport crashes when i try to file a bug on Unity05:10
gnomefreakusing ubuntu-bug05:11
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=== Nisstyre is now known as whitef
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WaltherHello folks! Someone should probably look into this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-experimental-310/+bug/108504412:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1085044 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-experimental-310 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-experimental-310 does not provide nvidia-current" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:20
WaltherI'm willing to help as far as I can12:20
Waltherthat affects at least quantal and raring, probably precise as well12:20
=== mythos is now known as thegreatandpower
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yofelWalther: I see nvidia-current in the list of packages provided by nvidia-experimental-310 for quantal and raring, so the issue is probably something else12:28
yofelWalther: what you could do is try to install both, pass '-o debug::pkgproblemresolver=yes' to apt-get and attach the output to the bug. That should give enough information to find out why it tries to remove one of them12:34
Waltherthe output is too long for scrollback and appending ' > output' only writes the last lines, not entire debug to output file, what to do?12:38
yofelWalther: ' &> output' to also redirect stderr12:41
Waltheroutput added, sorry for delay12:50
WaltherAny ideas how to proceed?12:58
WaltherUhh, apt-cache show nvidia-experimental-310 outputs among other things:13:07
WaltherConflicts: fglrx, fglrx-updates, nvidia-173, nvidia-173-updates, nvidia-180-modaliases, nvidia-185-modaliases, nvidia-96, nvidia-96-updates, nvidia-current, nvidia-current-modaliases, nvidia-current-updates13:07
Waltherwhile it also: Provides: fglrx, fglrx-updates, nvidia-173, nvidia-173-updates, nvidia-96, nvidia-96-updates, nvidia-current, nvidia-current-updates, xorg-driver-video13:07
Waltherdoesn't make much sense13:07
penguin42huh - why would it provide an fglrx ?13:07
Waltherand it Conflicts with nvidia-current, even though it should provide it13:09
Waltherso yeah, what next to get this solved? I want the improved drivers :P13:13
Walthersomeone should probably notify the person who is responsible for packaging it13:26
hggdhnvidia-experimental replaces nvidia-current15:26
hggdh(I know, at least empirically, I am running it)15:26
hggdhhuh, this is valid on Raring, not sure about previous versions15:28
hggdhthe only conflicts I see here is againt nvidia-experimental-310:i386 (which makes absolute sense, since I am running amd64)15:29
jibelWalther, the problem here I guess is that bumblebee depends on nvidia-current [ i386 ] < 304.51.really.304.43-0ubuntu2 but nvidia-experimental-310 provides nvidia-current 310.14-0ubuntu215:50
jibelso you need a version of bumblebee compatible with version 310.14-0ubuntu2 of the driver15:51
amonakovjibel: hello, I gather you were just talking with Walther about bumblebee - nvidia-current dependency issues15:56
amonakovyou said, 17:50:58 < jibel> Walther, the problem here I guess is that  bumblebee depends on nvidia-current [ i386 ] <  304.51.really.304.43-0ubuntu2 but  nvidia-experimental-310 provides nvidia-current  310.14-0ubuntu215:56
amonakovwhere did you get that "<  304.51.really.304.43-0ubuntu2" dependency, nvidia-bumblebee package does not have anything like that15:57
jibelamonakov, line 88 of the log attached by Walther Broken bumblebee-nvidia:i386 Depends on nvidia-current [ i386 ] < 304.51.really.304.43-0ubuntu2 > ( restricted/misc ) (>= 260.19.12~)16:00
amonakovhm, are you sure it's a less-than dependency? looks like just <> brackets16:02
amonakovyeah, looking at other lines of the log I'd say it definitely the opening angle bracket, not a "less-than" indicator16:04
jibelamonakov, heh, you're right, re-reading the logs16:09
jibelok, so, nvidia-experimental-310 provides the virtual package nvidia-current but there is a real package with this name and the depends on nvidia-current in bumblebee-nvidia is versioned16:49
jibelwhich means that only real packages will be considered for dependency resolution in this case nvidia-current 304.51.really.304.43-0ubuntu216:49
jibeland it cannot be installed together with -experimental because of the conflict16:50
jibela way to fix this would be to remove the constraint on the version in bumblebee-nvidia16:51
amonakovjibel: do you have a voice in ubuntu nvidia drivers packaging?16:54
jibelamonakov, no, you'll find nvidia packagers on #ubuntu-x16:55
Walthergot to love the diversity of everything :D different people in different channels, no central way of reporting things... understandable though, big system, plenty of devs16:56
amonakovno, the central way of reporting issues is launchpad16:57
hggdhand there is no many different things that it makes sense to have expert channels17:58
Waltherindeed, like i said, it makes sense18:06
Waltherhowever I doubt it makes it any more efficient :/18:07
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