
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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jbichayay, now we have 20 MATE "needs-packaging" bugs02:57
achianghello, how does one recover from trying to install bad packages using dpkg -i ?03:19
achianglike, dpkg -i <foo> won't install due to broken or missing deps... is there a way to say, "ok, i take it back" ?03:20
jbichaachiang: if you didn't --force it and it didn't install then I don't think there is anything to take back; otherwise you can apt-get remove03:24
* achiang admits to trying --force-all :-/03:24
achiangon libgtk2.0 :(03:24
jbichafriendly advice: don't do that next time :)03:27
jbichaapt-cache policy libgtk2.0-0 will tell you what versions are available and then you can apt-get install libgtk2.0-0=2.24.13-0ubuntu2 to get the version you actually want03:29
achiangtrying that now03:30
achiangwoof, that was not fun, but i seem to be ok now03:33
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jtaylorxnox: how often are adt tests imported to jenkins?12:24
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jtaylorbug 1085082 can be synced, forgot to check if its main before test building it ._.14:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1085082 in lapack (Ubuntu) "Sync lapack 3.4.2-1~exp3 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108508214:24
jtaylorand the price for most horrendous autopkgtest goes to ... this piece of junk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402210/15:22
jtaylorbut it works :) (if mongodb doesn'T decide to thrash the machine)15:22
tumbleweedjtaylor: done16:28
jtayloryour a coredev now? :O16:29
tumbleweedjtaylor: I got tired of paperwork a few months ago, and applied16:30
jtaylordoes someone have a script to check if any package links against a certain symbol?17:26
jtaylorcame up with this, suggestions welcome http://paste.ubuntu.com/1402543/17:37
ScottKSeems like a general problem that it'd be nice to have a solution to in devscripts/u-d-t.17:46
jtaylorincluding a database of required symbols somewhere17:47
jtayloras you usually can't install all rdeps at once :/17:47
ScottKWould it be easier to download source and search that?17:48
jtaylorif macros or c++ is involved that gets difficult17:48
jtayloris there a tool to download debs?17:49
jtaylorpull-lp-debs <source-name>17:49
ScottKNot AFAIK.17:51
jtaylorsomeone know where the official place to search for fedora rpm specs?18:30
jtaylori just find random rpm searches that give all kind of results18:31
ScottKThere's a fedora git for such things.  I don't recall the location.19:08
alo21hi... can someone help me merging a package?19:26
bobweaveralo21,  I can give some help what are you trying to to do ? what packages ect19:49
bobweaveror are you looking for someone to look at a proposal ?19:50
alo21bobweaver, I'm trying to merge doc-debian..20:50
alo21here is the makefike: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1397706/20:50
alo21rule: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1397802/20:51
alo21and build log: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1397805/20:51
bobweaverI am not the person for that one others will see though alo2120:52
xnoxjtaylor: there is a trigger job, that picks up the adt tests. So the source package must be fully packaged and available on the mirrors and then after ~1h delay it should be picked up by jenkins.21:39
xnoxjtaylor: which package are you after?21:39
xnox(there are some further delays for jenkins to run the job and mirror it to the public instance....)21:39
jtaylorxnox: foolscap21:40
xnoxjtaylor: that will never be picked up, as the package doesn't declare to have any tests.21:42
jtaylorwhats missing?21:43
xnoxjtaylor:  XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest in debian/control21:43
xnoxjtaylor: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep8/ see current specification link from there.21:43
jtaylormust have missed that, thanks21:44
jtayloris network allowed during autopkgtests?22:08
xnoxjtaylor: define network.22:09
jtaylorload stuff from the outside net22:09
xnoxjtaylor: define outside net. There are packages that start a webserver on the localhost and put files there and then exercise "over the network" in the package.22:10
jtaylornetwork that is not localhost22:10
xnoxjtaylor: dep8 is ambigious about this. In practice you do have internet connection to ubuntu archive in jenkins as run in our lab.22:10
xnoxjtaylor: can you please tell me what you actually want to test?22:11
jtaylore.g. a package reads stuff from yahoo to test if that works22:12
xnoxjtaylor: think about it - doing test $ ping www.google.com is not good, in case google.com goes down & is unreachable. And that does not mean that test is flawed.22:12
jtaylorI know22:12
jtaylorbut probably the spec should be ambigous about this22:12
jtaylorthere are plenty upstream tests that phone out22:13
xnoxjtaylor: oh, the primary use case for the package to scrap webpages & you want to know when yahoo changes its website and scrape fails?!22:13
xnoxjtaylor: I am failing to see why foolscap needs to talk to yahoo.22:14
jtaylorfoolscap doesn't22:14
xnoxjtaylor: so which package need yahoo?22:14
jtaylorthis is what is tested http://www.statalgo.com/2011/09/08/pandas-getting-financial-data-from-yahoo-fred-etc/22:14
jtaylorit can easily be disabled, i'm jsut wondering if I need to22:15
xnoxjtaylor: try and see if it works.22:16
xnoxjtaylor: but yahoo exports yahoo financial api, so it could potentially talk to yahoo test instance22:16
xnoxjtaylor: or to cache and serve data locally (mock)22:16
jtayloryes mocking is the proper way to do it22:17
xnoxjtaylor: also if we do run it jenkins, and spam yahoo with it, they may block us.22:17
jtaylorso disable or not`?22:17
xnoxjtaylor: also note that autopkgtests are run: when the package changes, or when one of it's dependencies change.22:17
xnoxjtaylor: we don't run adt daily, so if yahoo breaks you might not notice it as quickly as you'd think.22:18
jtaylorI don't really care if yahoo breaks22:18
jtaylorI'll just disable it22:18
jtaylorthe functionality is not yahoo specific, its just the provider used for the test22:19
bobweaverone day I will either make a poem about this channel or a song .22:58
bobweaverWatch Out22:58
jokerdinochrisccoulson: hey. is it possible to enable the Firefox nightly PPA for raring as well? Thanks.23:14

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