
thetejuhey guys05:02
thetejuI install fresh mythubuntu and did upgrades05:03
thetejunow setting up the backend got an error that can not connect to database05:03
qwebirc58144Building a brand new system and using non-windows or apple for the first time. Need help with wireless connection05:04
thetejuWhat are the steps to follow after fresh install? Please direct me05:06
thetejui have mythbuntu 12.0405:07
gryphon68Mythtv-setup is not retrieving my SD lineups, any suggestions?14:47
gryphon68I have tried the Re-Add lineups button on the SD website14:47
qwebirc66781hi all17:10
qwebirc66781i m half-noob, and i have one question: i try start livecd at mythbuntu and i get screen where i need enter login and password17:11
qwebirc66781what i must enter there?17:12
qwebirc66781somebody live there?17:12
TandyUKright help!.. :P17:38
TandyUKanyone here who knows either the ngene drivers (Satix dual dvb-s2 card), or how to manually tune a satelite card in order to verify its drivers are working17:38
TandyUKits pointing at the uk freeview satelites, but trying to tune in mythtv-setup i just get "failed to find any new channels"17:39
TandyUKi have tried various different transponders getting details off lyngsat, both dvb-s and dvb-s2, and off different satelites17:39
TandyUKDec  1 16:16:52 myth-bedroom mythlogserver: mythbackend[7398]: W TVRecEvent dvbchannel.cpp:381 (CheckOptions) DVBChan(7:/dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0): Selected fec_inner parameter unsupported by this driver.17:40
TandyUKkeeps appearing in the mythbackend log, which makes me thin k the problem lies with the driver or its config17:41
qwebirc11836I am trying to install mythbuntu 12.04. The installer doesn't show /dev/sda. I can see the /dev/sda if I run gparted. Any other way to install mythbuntu? I am installing mythbuntu from a USB stick.18:09
qwebirc38323hello guys18:19
qwebirc38323How can I connect frontend on my laptop to the backend on a different machine?18:20
tgm4883qwebirc38323, in the mythbuntu control centre, you need to activate the mythtv service18:28
tgm4883which basically means that the backend listens on more than localhost18:28
qwebirc38323all the services are activated18:39
tgm4883qwebirc38323, was the mythtv service already activated, or did you need to actiavte it?18:43
qwebirc38323i saw four listed, samba, VNC (rest two i dont remember) etc. and I activated them all18:44
tgm4883qwebirc38323, can you paste the output of "cat /etc/mysql/conf.d/mythtv.cnf"18:44
qwebirc38323thing is, backend machine is solely backend , so i changed its IP address18:44
qwebirc38323I am at work right now :P18:44
qwebirc38323i think something to do with mysql password18:45
tgm4883qwebirc38323, well lets check the mythtv service first18:45
tgm4883which is listed in MCC on the mysql section18:46
tgm4883not the services section18:46
tgm4883which is kinda confusing18:46
tgm4883I guess it's also listed as the Mysql service18:46
qwebirc38323oh ok.18:46
qwebirc38323I will get home in an hour18:47
qwebirc38323will reconnect the channel. hope you will be here18:47
tgm4883i'll be around. Need to clean the house today18:48
qwebirc40872I am loading Mythbuntu for the first time what do I need to know21:19

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