
uvirtbotNew bug: #1080008 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.28-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1 | remove MariaDB and have some problem to install mysql after that" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108000800:31
VeD0Sanyone know why an ethernet interface would show up in iwconfig but not ifconfig?00:43
patdk-lapcause ifconfig only shows active interfaces by default00:44
patdk-laptry ifconfig interfacename00:45
patdk-lapand it will show it00:45
VeD0Sah excellent00:45
VeD0Sthank you00:45
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hikenboothi I am working with Apache I am trying to change my apache document root to /var/www/mydomain.com/ instead of /var/www but changing it using the DocumentRoot directive seems to have no effect anyone know why?03:24
hikenbootI still arrive at the old web root when going browsing the web server03:25
greppyhikenboot: did you restart apache?03:39
hikenbootgreppy yes03:39
greppyhikenboot: did you restart your web browser?03:39
greppymany web browsers will cache the webpage, restarting it or possibly forcing a refresh should help.03:40
fubadahi, why is 12.10 upgrade forcing me to install xorg03:51
fubadaalong with account-plugin-facebook and other spam03:55
fubadaim running ubuntu server 12.04, looking to upgrade to 12.1003:55
hikenbootgreppy restarting the ubuntu apache server/clearing client cache restarting client browser and trying again...dont think it will make a difference. I think there is something else that controls what is setup as root for the web server03:57
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greppyhikenboot: what file did you edit?03:57
fubadawhy is 12.10 isntall gui03:58
fubadaunity, xorg, etc03:59
hikenbootthe files in /etc/apache2 the apache2.conf the sites-available directory and made links in the sites-enagbled directory03:59
greppyYou should only have to edit one of the files in sites-enabled/04:00
hikenbootwell before I had 3 different sites on one install of apache so your right I only need one site in sites-enable right now04:04
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samba35i have apache2/sites-available/default:        DocumentRoot /var/www/wordpress but still it show default page08:35
_KaszpiR_samba35 go reload apache?08:54
_KaszpiR_and go to #apache or #httpd08:54
_KaszpiR_second make sure to enable dir module, make sure there is a php installed  and that in dir.conf there is a index.php added08:57
JanCsites-available is just that: sites that are configured, but not active09:07
JanCsamba35: you should read /usr/share/doc/apache2/README.Debian.gz09:10
greppyfiles in sites-enabled should be a symlink to sites-available/09:10
JanCand you should probably use a2ensite to enable them...09:11
_KaszpiR_afair sites-available/default is welll, enabled by default and probably points to welcome page09:12
_KaszpiR_unless they put it also somwhere else09:12
JanC("zless /usr/share/doc/apache2/README.Debian.gz" in a terminal will let you read)09:13
Frostbyteum, could I get some help with openvpn? :/09:33
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sliddjurI need some help setting up DNS server. When I try to start DNS server I get error message about firewall I think.12:21
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JoseeAntonioRhey guys, when I use apache it consumes memory, and for it to release it I need to restart the serve, any ideas?17:34
ropetinJoseeAntonioR: stupid question, but what are you using to check memory usage?17:36
JoseeAntonioRropetin: top17:37
JoseeAntonioRand vmstat17:37
ropetinAnd do you run out of memory?  The reason I ask is because it isn't neccessarily a problem that Apache keeps hold of hte memory17:42
ropetinthe memory17:42
JoseeAntonioRno, I don17:43
JoseeAntonioRI have 32GB, it uses ~30, and it doesn't release it, I need to restart the server for it to release it17:43
princej88Hi, Has anyone had any luck getting forked-daapd to work correctly in ubuntu server? I am having the issue where the connection will timeout after 5 minutes.17:56
princej88Running 12.04.2 lts17:56
patdk-lapJoseeAntonioR, how did you calculate memory usage of apache?18:14
patdk-lapapache normally only uses about 3megs, if your using mod_php, that is your issue18:14
JoseeAntonioRpatdk-lap: top and vmstat18:14
JoseeAntonioRwe're having LOTS of users18:14
patdk-laptop and vmstat?18:15
patdk-lapthey won't show memory usage of apache18:15
JoseeAntonioRwait a sec please18:15
patdk-lapwhat does the rss column of ps ax say?18:15
JoseeAntonioRI have no access to the server atm, I'm in a meeting18:15
patdk-lapand are you using mod_php, mod_perl, ???18:15
JoseeAntonioRactually, a friend of mine has the issue18:15
JoseeAntonioRpatdk-lap: they say they're using the default install in ubuntu18:20
patdk-lapexplain, default install18:20
JoseeAntonioRthe one in the ubuntu repos18:20
patdk-lapcause default install in ubuntu, doesnt even install apache :)18:20
SpaceBasshey folks20:08
SpaceBasshave a system with corrupted base files. Found the root cause, not a HD issue. Can I simply install over the corrupt install and keep my current configuration?20:09
escottSpaceBass, no20:13
escott!clone | SpaceBass20:13
ubottuSpaceBass: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate20:13
SpaceBassthanks escott20:14
escottSpaceBass, that will NOT backup /etc or any other configs20:17
SpaceBassright, I have those already in tgz and moved off the drive20:18
escott!info etc-keeper | SpaceBass you might like this20:20
ubottuSpaceBass you might like this: Package etc-keeper does not exist in quantal20:20
escottubottu, why are you damned stupid that you can't figure out to take a "-" out of the package name20:21
ubottuescott: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:21
escott!info etckeeper | SpaceBass20:21
ubottuSpaceBass: etckeeper (source: etckeeper): store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs. In component main, is optional. Version 0.61ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 28 kB, installed size 223 kB20:21
SpaceBassthanks, with base-files being corrupt, I cannot apt-get anything. But I'll try though source20:22
escottSpaceBass, more for future reference20:23
escottit doesnt do any good unless its the first thing you install20:24
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning20:26
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streulmahello, should I use Ubuntu Server or Debian for my personal server? I have a network running with 10 ubuntu servers 10.04 but find it a little bit old and not up to date21:03
patdk-lapheh, debian is more up to date?21:04
patdk-lapdebian is every 2 to 3 years, and ubuntu is every 6 months21:05
ScottKstreulma: If you want a newer  release, just upgrade to 12.04.21:06
escottpatdk-lap, ubuntu (usually) takes debian-testing freezes it for a few months and refines it then releases their version. so debian can be more up to date21:07
patdk-lapescott, debian-testing != release21:07
patdk-lapsure you can run sid if you want for a server21:08
patdk-lapI wouldn't trust it for any uptime21:08
ScottKI mostly wouldn't trust it for a server because there is no security update support for it.21:08
ScottKBTW, I've run the regular Ubuntu 6 month releases on servers and they are fine if you want even newer.21:09
escottpatdk-lap, i thought yours was the question. so i was trying to explain where the packages came from. i see streulma was asking21:09
* patdk-lap wonders how someone can call 5 release old software, not up to date21:10
streulmaI love ubuntu for servers, but they came also every 5 minutes like also with a kernel update...21:12
streulmaI have to decise between ubuntu server, debian or centos21:14
patdk-lapoh ya, centos only does releases every 5 to6 years, that is uptodate :)21:15
streulmabut the software that I need like tomcat and postgres are running best on ubuntu21:16
patdk-lapyou do know that centos only updates security patchs, not bug fixs in the kernel21:16
patdk-lapI dunno about debian21:17
ScottKIf the frequent kernel updates bother you, you can read the security notices and only reboot into the new kernel if there's an issue that concerns you.21:17
ScottKPersonally, I like having bugs get fixed.21:17
patdk-lapit's a personal server too, why do you need months of uptime?21:17
Anternat hi i have 10.04 server which i can only use ssh to access. I have lost access although it stays in the network when powered on.(Neither by hostname nor by ip). Happened after i did an install about security camera software. what are my options to gain access again?21:59
patdk-lapwhat does that mean?22:05
Anternati cant ssh to my box anymore22:05
Anternatbut it stays in the network22:06
patdk-laptwo options22:07
patdk-lapwalk over to it and fix it using a keyboard22:07
patdk-laphack into to it using any exposed services it runs22:07
Anternatno kb no monitor22:07
escottpatdk-lap, you left off the third option. hold a séance22:08
ScottKDid you try to ssh to it's IP address directly and not the hostname?22:08
Anternatyep both22:08
Anternatdid even port scan but no port seemed to be open, i dont know :(22:08
patdk-laphope it has ilo, drac, ipmi, ... support?22:09
escottAnternat, you don't know what is going on. it may not even be booting.22:09
Anternatyes escott but does it join the network without being able to boot properly?22:09
patdk-lapwhat does, join the network, mean?22:10
escottAnternat, how do you know it is joining the network. the card could just be signalling power and the router making the offer. no reason to believe the system accepts the offer22:10
Anternatthere s an assigned ip to it via dsl modem router. That ip is visible when i turn the pc on22:10
escottAnternat, and plenty of reason to believe it isn't. does it respond to ping?22:11
Anternatdidnt try, lemme do, sec plz22:11
Anternatyes it answers22:11
escottAnternat, then it accepts the offer, but doesn't run services. could be in the initramfs... you have no idea22:12
Anternatdo i have chance to go more with sorta live cd?22:13
escottAnternat, i dont think the livecd runs ssh server by default, but you could customize one22:13
escottAnternat, that may not do anything useful though. that would only let you check that the disks are not corrupted.22:13
escottAnternat, you should always have a console level access plan22:14
Anternatokay thanks for your time22:15
patdk-lapinitramfs only does networking stuff for network root, as far as I know22:15
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